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Piece of Tail: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance by Milly Taiden (24)


How was the trip?” Jaylon asked, walking up to the Range Rover as his father got out from the driver's side.

“Fine, son. Not as bad as I expected.”

Matheus climbed slowly from the passenger side. “Speak for yourself, Wyatt. I don’t think my joints will ever recover.”

Jaylon held the side door open and helped the old elder down from the vehicle’s running board.

“I’m sure a hot bath with some fresh herbs and homemade salts will help. Becca has everything ready for you at her house.”

Matheus looked from the commons to the cabins surrounding the main camp. “House? These look like trapping lodges.”

Jay nodded. “Outside, yes, but inside they’re pretty spacious. Becca’s place has four nice sized bedrooms. She’s got you both set up nicely in two of the guestrooms.”

Wyatt pointed to their bags and Jaylon pulled them from the backseat. “Sounds good, son. I can’t wait to meet this girl of yours. If memory serves, Gerri always had the eye for lookers.”

Matheus’s head jerked toward the former Alpha. “Hookers?”

Jay burst out laughing. “No, Matheus. Lookers. As in easy on the eyes, and Becca is certainly that.”

They followed Jay toward the house, and as they passed the commons, Matheus raised one hand.

“What’s the matter?” Jay asked.

Lifting his face a bit, the elder’s eyes narrowed. “We’re being watched.”

Jaylon exchanged a look with his father before clamping a hand on Matheus’s shoulder. “What did you expect, old man? Not everyone here is happy about Becca and me. Same as with our pack.”

Matheus frowned at the young Alpha. “What are you talking about? No one has a problem with Becca or the fact she’s a cat. They got over that fast enough once they learned she was a Prowl Leader with prime territory.”

Jay shook his head with a smirk. “Opportunists to the core. It’s lucky I want this girl more than my own life.”

The old man turned his gaze to Jaylon, his wrinkly eyes grave. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, boy.”

“It won’t, Matheus. Becca and I are mated. She wears my mark in spades.”

His father grinned, clapping him on the back. “T.M.I., son. T.M.I.”

* * *

The council cabin was packed as the finicky four took their seats. Becca leaned over to Jaylon and pointed toward Jasper. “That’s Jasper Crowe. He’s the oldest member of our Leap. He’s our tiebreaker.”

“Think we’ll need his help today?” he asked.

She shrugged. “I’m your mate. They did nothing to dispute what Nick did twelve years ago, so they’re the ones that set the precedent. I don’t see why this whole meet and greet is even necessary.”

Wyatt leaned forward in his seat behind the whispering couple. “It’s protocol. Nothing more than officially recognizing Jaylon as your mate and vice versa, Becca. It’s why Matheus felt compelled to come. That and to make sure no one tries to ram this ridiculous Levirate down our throats.”

“Where the hell is Matheus? If this is protocol, then he should be here,” Jay grumbled.

Wyatt slipped a hand onto Jay’s shoulder. “He’ll be here, son. He’s getting a file from his room.”

Jaylon turned, concerned. “What file?”

His father grinned. “The one that all the clans signed abolishing the Levirate ruling. It took some digging, but I knew Matheus had it somewhere.”

Grinning, Jay shook his head. “Remind me never to bother the old man about being a pack rat again. In fact, when we get back I want him to found a library or historical society for all South Shore shifters and make community service there mandatory for shifter teens. Half-blooded and full-blooded alike. That should whip things into shape as well as give them a basis in our history.”

Wyatt squeezed his son’s shoulder. “I was right to name you my successor, Jaylon. You’re a good man.”

Listening to Wyatt’s words, Becca slid her fingers into Jaylon’s hand and squeezed. No words were necessary.

Lucilla raised her hand, quieting the room. “If we’re all assembled, I think we should begin.”

The double doors to the council room opened and Matheus walked in, file in hand. “My apologies to the council for being late.” His gaze fell on the members at table and he stopped, slack-jawed.

Lucilla rose from her seat, her face as though she saw a ghost. “Matheus?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

The older man walked the aisle between the gallery seats, shoving the file into Jaylon’s chest as he passed.

“Lucy? Is that you?” he asked, incredulous.

The two stared at each other, the room buzzing with curiosity.

She nodded. “It’s been a long time, Matty.”

His lips parted, but then he closed them, nodding. “Fifty years to be exact.” The old counselor’s eyes were soft and a gentle, quiet smile pushed at his lips. “You’ve hardly changed, Lucy. Still as pretty as ever.”

Becca’s mouth dropped open? No way! Matheus and Lucilla?

Jasper cleared his throat. “Hello, boy.”

The old man turned toward the even older man in the wheelchair, his eyes widening even more. “Jasper Crowe. How well I remember you.”

The older man nodded. “I expect you would.” He looked out into the crowd, his milky gaze falling on Becca and Jaylon. “It seems my past sins have come full circle and are now sitting in the front row awaiting judgment just as you and Lucilla did so many years ago.”

Lucilla’s eyes flicked between the old man and Matheus. “That was decades and decades ago, Jasper. What’s done is done. We have more pressing matters to discuss.”

The man in the wheelchair shook his head. “No, my dear. This is the same circle I set in motion all those years ago. It is this circle that needs our attention now. I was wrong then, Lucilla, and I will not allow you or the council to follow my mistake. I should have allowed you the life you wanted. The happiness you deserved. You and YOUR wolf. The same as Becca deserves happiness with hers.”

Two tears fell onto Lucilla’s cheeks and she sunk into her chair.

“Thank you, Jasper,” Matheus croaked, his own eyes misted.

Lucilla looked at Matheus, her lips parted but she didn’t say a word.

Jasper reached a hand out, gesturing to the two. “What is there to say when a lifetime has passed? I bear the responsibility for that alone, but your twilight is just hitting the horizon. You’re still young.” A wheezy chuckle left his throat. “Well, as compared to me, at least. Maybe there is still something left to be said.”

“What an unexpected walk down memory lane, Jasper. Thank you.” Alastair Reece stood from his seat, clapping.

Lucilla shot him a nasty look. “Sit down, boy. You have been rendered toothless, you little snot. Becca is well mated. Anyone with a nose can sense that. You had a claim, but that is no longer the case. We decided to keep this council meeting out of sheer custom, no more.”

“Custom?! I’ve been robbed!” His hand flung toward Jaylon across the aisle. “This dog has no rights.”

Lucilla shook her head. “Jaylon Ross marked Becca Duran according to the laws and custom of every shifter clan in North America. The act was clearly consensual, so you, my friend, are the one with no rights. Not anymore.”

“We’ll see about that!”

“There’s nothing to see, Reece. Your claim was tenuous at best, especially since your brother claimed Becca without her say-so.”

“You only have her word to go on. She spread herself for my brother. Nick had her and he marked her.” Alastair slid his eyes to Jaylon, a dirty smirk on his face. “He had her in every way, sinking his cock first and then his teeth. I should know. I watched.”

Becca sucked in a breath and Jay tightened his grip on her hand.

“Becca was his and should’ve been mine by right of first refusal. I did NOT refuse. This mutt has no right to her.” Alastair’s whiny voice raised an octave.

Matheus shook himself from his prior shock and stalked toward Jaylon, his hand reaching for the file.

“I beg to differ.” He took the file and opened it, walking toward the council table where he laid the documents out for them to see.

“These are the articles of abolishment signed by every clan across the continent. The document is over one hundred years old, and though a few hold outs managed to slip through the cracks in our time, they were long enough ago that every clan has since come into line with this ruling’s end.”

Lucilla lifted her glasses to her nose and picked up the main sheet from the pile of legal papers. She scanned the wording, a soft smirk on her lips.

“You, Alastair Reece—” She eyed the young man over the top rim of her glasses. “Have no basis for a claim. This,” she gestured with the paper in her hand, “removes any doubt this council may have had. You and yours were nothing then, and you are nothing now. Take your sorry carcass and your sorry claim and leave our lands.”

The woman slid her eyes to Matheus, her gaze bittersweet and a little sad. “Lucky for us you’re still a bit of a hoarder.”

The old man nodded with a quiet chuckle. “Occupational hazard when you devote your life to the past.” His words held double meaning and they were clear to everyone within earshot. “I still have everything you ever gave me, Lucy. All your letters. Everything.” He lifted his left hand to show her its ringless state. “It was always you. Just you.”

The old woman’s breath hitched and her hand went to her heart. Her left hand. “There was never a ring on mine, either. It was you, Matty. Always.”

Jasper gripped either arm on his wheelchair and forced himself to stand. Breathing heavy, one hand clutched the side of the council table as the other reached for the gavel. He lifted the wooden hammer, bringing it down with a force that spoke of inner strength, despite his weakness.

“Alastair Reece, it is by ruling of this council that I banish you from the Pineland and all our territories. You are guilty of grievous crimes against the Pineland Leap and will be held until word can be sent to the Wind River Pride for council representation.” Jasper slid his eyes to Matheus. “I trust with the alliance between our clans, you will lend your vast knowledge of the law to this?”

Matheus nodded. “Of course.”

Jaylon stood, keeping Becca’s hand in his. “Knowledge, yes, but as Alpha of the Deep Water Pack and mate to your Prowl Leader, if muscle is required, muscle will be provided.”

Jasper banged the gavel again, and Alastair’s eyes found Jaylon’s as he was cuffed.

“Watch your back, wolf. You haven’t seen the last of me.”