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Prophesy (The King & Alpha Series Book 1) by A.E. Via (29)

“Alpha. Welcome back.” Mikel greeted him when he walked up the steps to the large home.

“Thank you.” Justice hugged or touched all his pack members and those in Mikel’s hierarchy that were there for the meeting. “Everyone is ready?”

“Yes. Alek and your brothers are in the great room with them now,” Mikel informed him, leading the way.

“Any resistance so far?” Justice asked Mikel privately.

“Not that I can scent. They are here for answers though, and to probably see for themselves,” Mikel answered.

“Fair enough.”

Wick squeezed Justice’s hand. “Everything good?”

“Yes. Let’s get down to business.” Justice opened the double doors to the spacious room. He stood tall as he entered with his mate close to his side. About twenty men stood around, of various ages and races, all prominent leaders and role models in their communities. They were highly respected and their opinions were valued. Justice knew to get them on his side first and convince them of the real threat, then let them advocate to the other packs.

“The Alpha Zenith… and his true mate, Vampire King Chadwick Bentley,” Mikel announced, his deep voice silencing the room.

Assessing eyes measured up his mate, taking in his expensive shoes and traveling all the way up to his coiffed black locks. Justice held his breath. Please, respect him. Finally, after too many long seconds, all the alphas, everyone in that room, lowered their eyes and slightly tilted their heads, accepting Wick. Justice breathed an inaudible sigh, especially when he felt Wick’s relief and his nerves flee.

“Thank you,” Justice said, sitting on one of the many couches, Wick easing down elegantly next to him.

“He moves in silence. But he has a strong presence. I like that. The fact he’s here without his court or guards speaks volumes to me. That he trusts us.” One of the other alphas nodded towards Wick. “I’m Roz Patel. On behalf of the Sequoia pack, welcome, Alpha mate. I came to tell you personally that you have our full support.”

Wick stood and addressed the pack with the regality, finesse and the strength of any good leader. He made Justice proud and he let his mate know it. When all the pleasantries and congratulations were done, they immediately got to work. They had two species to protect.

Justice was grateful for his pack. They’d been preparing for this meeting. Gathering intel about the research facility and where they were getting their funding. Alek had already sent scouts to the Ruby Dome to gather surveillance on the rogue pack. The consensus was that they needed to band together – shifter and vampire – and not only eliminate the rebel shifters, but also rescue anyone that may be currently undergoing experimentation. They couldn’t have anyone trying to replicate their DNA. If hybrids were somehow created, they would only be another enemy.

They took a break for lunch. A few of the ladies prepared bountiful sandwiches and crudité platters for them to enjoy. No one showed any interest when Justice took his mate upstairs so he could take care of him as well, since the meeting looked like it would extend well into the evening. Wick’s feeding was too intimate to be done in the open.

As the meeting began to wind down, Justice was confident with the plan Taleb came up with. It was nothing short of genius, but he expected nothing less from his intellect. It wasn’t hard to convince the other alphas and get them on board. They all understood and accepted what Wick and Justice had proof of, that a privately funded group of scientists were paying shifters and vampires to be headhunters.

“Wick. Your men were not here for this meeting,” Mikel noted. “We’ve basically laid out a plan for them to follow and gave them no input. Taleb’s plan will put your men in grave danger. You will not be there to protect them. It’s impossible for you not to fight by your true mate.”

That was right on every level. Justice and Wick were meant to fight together.

“I appreciate your concern, alphas. It may take some time to understand all our cultural differences, especially during a time like this. But my court is here to do what I need of them, and if that happens to be leveling a building in Eureka while shifters storm the rebels’ compound, then they’ll do it. My court’s job is to help me protect, police, and regulate our kind. My third will oversee the mission. A fierce leader in his own right. Taking out those scientists will be considered a gift and the highest honor to my newly appointed captain.”

“That’s true. I’ve been around this man during conflict. He’s loyal and dedicated to not only his own species, but ours as well. He’ll protect us all with his life,” Justice agreed with his mate.

“Sounds great,” Alek agreed. “So, when do we get to meet this league of extraordinary gentlemen?”

Wick laughed musically, the room and everyone in it falling victim to his charm. “They’ll be here this evening. Obviously, my men couldn’t join us for this session. I’ve instructed those already here with me to come join us after dusk. My entire court is in mid-flight as we speak and will arrive later this evening.”

They were past the skepticism and questioning of allegiance. With their plan in place, and Justice’s wolf feeling more assured that the pack was going to be okay, they began to turn their attention to the only vampire in the room. His mate was as remarkable as knew he would be. He answered all their questions with ease and grace, and was honest and forthcoming about vampiric practices. Even feeding.

Farica leaped and clapped her hands together. “Oh, we should have a celebration!”

All the men turned and faced her enthusiasm with their own.

“Farica, what kind of wild hair just crawled up your butt?” Mac groaned, dodging his little sister’s fast strike.

“You hush. This will be a party to honor my brother’s new mate. Celebrate our distinguished alphas here, and of course officially welcome Wick’s court. We want to show them we’re thrilled to have them, right?” Farica nodded, trying to get everyone to agree.

“Farica, my lovely.” Wick took one of her animated hands in his and adorably kissed the back of it. “You are too kind. My men won’t know what to do with you, pretty lady. But don’t put yourselves out. My men aren’t used to welcome wagons, nor are they expecting one.”

“Well that can change. Isn’t this supposed to all be about change… good change? Oh! They’ll be so surprised,” Farica gushed, already darting from the room.

“Just let her go, Wick.” Mac laughed. “There’s no stopping her now.”

“I gotta get to the market. Ross!” Farica yelled. Her voice carried back to them as she made her way to the front of the house. “No worries, Wick. I don’t even have to buy food for you guys… so, no trouble at all.”