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Prophesy (The King & Alpha Series Book 1) by A.E. Via (4)

The SUV turned onto a dark road that had no markers or indicators. Wick looked behind them but he knew they hadn’t been followed. He could faintly smell shifters, but that was to be expected. They were nestled in the woods. Wick wondered why his captain chose this area for their lodging.

“Didn’t you say the shifters and vampires weren’t getting along so well here?” Wick spoke up, though he immediately wanted to take the words back when the trees cleared and a huge log-cabin style home came into view. It was majestic, to say the least. The SUV maneuvered its way around the immaculate landscape. A grand fountain sat in the center of a cobblestone driveway. Boulder-sized rocks lined the few stairs that led to wide open double doors. The gardens, tall foliage and shrubs, shielded the entire perimeter. No one would know this amazing property was even back here.

“There is a pack here called the Humboldt Pack, under Alpha Mikel. It’s a large pack of about one hundred fifty shifters, but they’re peaceful. I checked them thoroughly. There’ve been no infractions reported on this pack. Besides, the pack’s main land is several miles farther down, in the mountains. They don’t typically set up home so close to a town.”

“We’re at least an hour away from civilization.” Wick got out the truck feeling safer already, not being in the middle of the city. That was an interesting feeling, one he hadn’t felt before. He was more comfortable with shifters close by than his own vampires.

“Shifters usually build their pack lands three to four hours away from a town or city.” Erman came around to Wick’s side of the truck and gestured for him to move towards the front doors. “Besides, I don’t smell anything. There are no shifters on this side.”

That’s what you think.

“Also, the Alpha Zenith is being housed by the Humboldt Pack while he and his pack are here.” His captain continued to inform him while he made his way inside. He loved it already. He kept his smile on the inside, since the attendees of the house were watching. They bowed slightly as he passed. Several were dressed in typical butler or house maid uniforms. Some were human, some were not, and many different races were represented. He acknowledged them all with a slight tilt of his head.

“Greetings, everyone. Thank you for the warm welcome.” Wick let a young human man take his suit jacket and his satchel.

“I’ll put this in your living quarters, sir.” The man bowed again and turned to leave.

Wick put his hands in the air, gathering everyone’s attention. “Is the owner of the house available? I’d like to address him or her as well.”

“No, my Lord. He’s away in Japan on business for the rest of the year. He’s graciously offered his home for his King to use during his stay,” his captain told him. “He’s available to Skype if you’d like to speak with him.”

“No.” Wick could speak with him later. “I want to officially say that it is not necessary to address me so formally.”

“My Lord. I don’t think you—”

Wick flashed his eyes at his captain, making him snap his mouth shut and not dare interrupt him again. “I know you’re used to my father’s ways, but times change. I. Am. Not. My. Father. But I am your King. I’m not unapproachable, however I am no one to trifle with. You can call me Wick if you like.” Wick watched as many of the staff and a few officers looked blankly back and forth among themselves. They were going to have to learn. Wick wasn’t in this position for the title and prestige like many before him. The role as king came with great responsibility, which he took very seriously. He didn’t need ass-kissers surrounding him, he needed competent vampires to get this city’s covens back in order. “If Wick is too informal and you can’t manage it, then you can simply call me King. I don’t want to hear ‘lord’, ‘your highness’, ‘your majesty’, ‘oh royal one.’” Wick smirked. “I’ve heard it all and I’m done hearing it. Don’t let the accent fool you, please. I’m not the ruler of England and this isn’t Buckingham Palace.”

That finally earned him a few chuckles from around the room. He wouldn’t rule from a place of fear. He could smell the acrid scent when he first arrived but it was finally leveling out as those surrounding him started to get more comfortable, knowing that Wick wasn’t going to run around snapping their necks if his pillow wasn’t fluffy enough, or if they didn’t import him rare Arabian noble blood each sunset for breakfast. Meaning, he wasn’t as absurd and over the top as most high-ranking officials or their elite and infamous.

Wick clapped his lean hands together. “With that said. I know the night is young and all of you are bubbling with welcome, but I’ve had a rather long flight and would like to go to my room. Thank you.”

They stood there in shock – probably from him saying thank you – while he turned in the direction of a long, coiling staircase. No one jumped in to agree or disagree with his decision to retire for the evening. They wouldn’t and they couldn’t. And he hadn’t asked for permission anyway. He heard the staff start to clamor behind him on his way up the massive staircase, then the sound of quick footsteps catching up to his long strides. It was his captain. Wick thought about using his flash speed, leaving Erman, but opted not to be a wanker. All he wanted was a long shower, warm blood, then rest, in that exact order.

“Wick. Tomorrow you have back to back meetings with covens in Reno, Indian Hills, and Lovelock.” His captain started to rattle off his itinerary, keeping pace beside him. Wick realized he was following one of the cute, red-headed girls he saw wearing a maid’s uniform. She was human, also. She kept looking back every few seconds either to see if Wick was still following – since he didn’t make a sound when he moved – or to see if he was checking out her rump, so she could add some extra sway.

Wick scoffed an incredulous laugh, he wasn’t close to being interested. This was the only reason he’d not wanted to come back to America. He’d established so much rapport with the covens in the east. They no longer tripped all over themselves when he was around. He had a life. And at one hundred seventy-two years old, that wasn’t easy to maintain. Ignoring the flirting maid, Wick finally commented on something his captain said. “Wait. Isn’t Lovelock only three hours away from here? I thought I was here to punish the vampires that caused a public spectacle and move farther through each state, visiting the most influential covens and letting them spread the word. It’s impossible for me to visit every city within every state, Erman.”

The redhead stopped at a set of cream double doors at the end of a long hallway. It smelled as if the cabin hadn’t been built that long ago. Wick could still smell the pine and sap mingling with the newness of the furnishings. The only reason he hadn’t already dismissed his captain was because he’d done so well choosing for them to stay in a five-thousand square foot timber and brick cabin rather than in a five-star hotel. The vampire already knew how to make his King happy.

“The vampires who got in legal trouble are from the Lovelock coven. Yes, you must go there and speak with the councilor there and rally with his officers to meet with Nevada’s officials. We need to get the vampires out of prison, Wick. Are they even being fed?”

“I doubt it. But that’s why you don’t do idiotic things that get you put in a place where you question and worry how you will eat,” Wick growled.

Erman’s words faltered, but he quickly regrouped. “I understand your frustration, Wick, and I agree one hundred percent. You should enact discipline within the Lovelock coven. Maybe even stripping the Lovelock councilor of his title and appointing a new one. It would be a powerful message to send to covens all over the country. Shows your new zero tolerance policy for behavior unbefitting of a vampire. A new legislation you’re implementing effective immediately.”

Wick walked around his suite’s amazing living area, which was full of light and color – while he listened intently. Erman’s input was supposed to be forthcoming and useful. As Erman stood there silent, letting his king absorb his idea, Wick realized it was a great suggestion. He liked the idea of enacting new legislation. It would be his first one.

He’d approved of new ways of life, ground-breaking inventions created by their own engineers, he’d even changed outdated laws. But, he never created one. “I like it,” Wick said smoothly.

“I’m pleased that you do, King. We can start on the framework of the new law after you’ve eaten and rested. However, I think the very first clause should pertain to shifters and posturing with them. That will do the most damage control. I’m sure many of the covens have plenty to say about this since it’s such a major dilemma here. As we visit other covens across the Pacific we can show our respect to the reputable councilors by including their contributions in the details of the law’s subsections. It will earn you even more favor.” His captain sat down in one of the high wing-back chairs in front of an empty brick fire place. After fifteen hours of traveling, his cropped dark blond hair lay undisturbed, his black suit and crisp white-collared shirt were still flawless. His tie was tight against his throat, pinching his Adam’s apple, and Wick wondered how the man’s fangs functioned with his throat so constricted.

Wick unconsciously pulled at the knot of his own tie. “That all sounds like the great beginning of a masterful plan, Captain.”

The tall man sat up and turned to face him. “Please, no formalities. Just call me Erman.”

Wick was startled when laughter bubbled from him and even more surprised when Erman released a deep, throaty chuckle right along with him.

“Who knew there was a sense of humor under all that tightness?” Wick smiled and started to undo his platinum cufflinks.

Erman gracefully moved back to the door. “I think we’ll work well together. I’ll send up your dinner. Good night… your highness.”

Wick shook his head and watched as Erman gestured to the redhead to precede him, then closed and locked the door to Wick’s suite behind him. First thing he did was go over to the large window and pull the heavy, black-out drapes to the edges. The backyard was huge, with a full in-ground pool, and even a secluded hot tub nook nestled near a stone fire-pit. Wick knew the vampire whose house he was staying in was a business mogul and heavy into real estate, just like Wick’s family. He’d obviously done well for himself.

Wick took his time shampooing his short hair, then washed his body under the large rain shower head. Hot water and a mild soap were usually all that were required to clean vampires, they were hygienic and carried themselves with dignity. That’s why when humans learned of their existence, his father created a law that a human had to be no less than the mature age of thirty before a vampire could turn them. They already had insolent vampires, the world didn’t need juvenile, baby vampires.

The bathroom and quarters were reserved for his use alone, so he was surprised to scent a stranger in his bedroom. Wick could immediately feel the company posed no threat and stepped from the bathroom, his long, pale body wrapped in a soft, black terry-cloth robe. Wick dragged his eyes up and down the well-built human man leaning against the raised four-poster oak bed close to the windows. He was very handsome, his body pinging all of Wick’s senses. He was already feeling a bit anxious, had been since he landed, but he chalked that up to flying at almost forty thousand feet in the air and/or being on foreign soil.

“Good evening, King. My name is Jerry.”

The man smelled delicious. He wasn’t afraid, nor was he there against his will. “Who told you to come here tonight, Jerry?”

The man looked taken aback. Any other vampire would’ve already had his fangs and cock deep inside Jerry. Wick had learned a long time ago to control his impulses.

“Um. No one told me. I volunteered.” Jerry began to unbutton his dress shirt, but Wick stopped him.

“I was told that you—”

“I’m not sure what you were told, but I decide what services I’m in need of. I’m sure any blood-loving vampire would be all over you right now. But I’m not like any other vampire.” Wick stood in front of the sexy human and slowly brought his hand up and pushed a stray lock of hair off his forehead. “I just need to feed and rest tonight. Maybe tomorrow or the next evening, young man, I’ll be up for more fun.”

“Whatever you want.” Jerry looked more than disappointed when he began to re-button his shirt. “You really are different. Your accent and everything. Do you sire?”

Wick smirked. His English accent was always mentioned when he visited the States. “No, beautiful, I don’t change anyone. Is that your desire? To become a vampire.”

“Yes, sir,” Jerry answered with firm conviction. He wasn’t as tall as Wick, but he was at least six feet with a broad chest and striking green eyes. His blond hair, which would fill out and become more radiant once he was changed, stopped just above his shoulders.

“You’ll make a gorgeous immortal, Jerry. I’ll be sure to let my officers know that once you’ve completed all your tutorials and requirements, your petition for a sire be granted.” Wick kept stroking the light-colored tresses. “You’re so warm and handsome. I wouldn’t mind you on my personal escort.”

“Really?!” Jerry bubbled enthusiastically.

“That takes years though, love. I’m sure you’ll still be around. And I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

“Thank you. I already consider you my King.” Jerry nodded proudly. “Because the leaders of my world aren’t worth a hill of beans.”

“Well then, your King is starved. Feed me.” Wick was already leaning closer to the throbbing vein running along Jerry’s long neck. He smelled fresh, his skin golden and healthy like he took good care of himself and ate a balanced diet. It was clear Jerry’d been handpicked by his captain just for him tonight. The rest of his escort was being well tended to by the staff members.

Jerry pulled his collar down until it was at the tip of his sternum and tilted his head back.

Wick slid one hand around Jerry’s neck – not to keep him from moving – adding his touch to his bite would only make it feel that much better. He pushed his nose against Jerry’s throat and inhaled him. “You smell so sweet, with a hint of nuttiness. You have a lot of Polish blood in you.”

“I-I didn’t know that.” Jerry swallowed roughly. His arousal was mixing with his scent, adding a hint of spice to the fragrances already flooding Wick’s nose. All the touching and Jerry’s panting in anticipation of Wick’s bite still didn’t put him in a sexual mood. Instead of dwelling on it, Wick carefully pierced Jerry’s skin, going for the carotid artery instead of his jugular vein.

“Ohhh,” Jerry moaned immediately. Wick hadn’t even begun to suck yet.

Most vampires didn’t attempt drinking from the neck’s arteries, since it was so dangerous, but Wick could do it with ease and make it quite pleasurable for the donor. It’s a potent bite that took incomparable skill to heal and close properly to not cause permanent damage. Blame it on his upbringing, but Wick preferred the better-tasting, nutrient-rich blood that flowed through the arteries instead of used-up blood from the heart.

“I need to come so bad, please,” Jerry cried to him.

Wick kept drinking while Jerry ground his thick erection against Wick’s thigh. “Then come.” Wick pushed into Jerry’s mind.

Jerry bucked hard in Wick’s hold, shooting his robust semen inside his dark jeans, saturating the room with his unique scent. Neither one of them cared, Wick would sleep well tonight. He was ultra-mindful of how much he consumed while he drank down the warm blood, the thick, rich contents coating his empty belly. With precision and expertise, Wick pulled his long fangs from Jerry’s throat and held him steady while the man came down from the most amazing high he’d ever feel. Wick helped him to the sectional along the far wall of his quarters.

“Rest, pretty one.” Wick stroked Jerry’s hair while he lay down on the sofa to recover. While Wick never over-indulged from a human, drinking so much to risk harming them, his bite wasn’t one you could casually walk away from. He’d not only pushed pheromones into Jerry but Wick also projected strength and health into him, as well. If Jerry had anything from a runny nose to cancer… it’d be completely gone when he woke from a deep sleep. There weren’t many human illnesses the elixir in Wick’s fangs couldn’t cure.

Wick washed his hands and readied himself for sleep. He checked on Jerry one more time then proceeded to turn out all the lights in his suite, wanting to surround himself with darkness. His eyes didn’t need adjusting because the illuminant starry Nevada sky provided ample lighting. Enough to disturb his much-wanted sleep.

Wick was about to climb into bed when he felt that summoning feeling down inside him. He went to the crystal clean, windows and peered out at the landscape. It was almost two in the morning. He could still see for miles, even through the thick trees. There was forest as far as the land continued. Wick reached out and unlocked one patio door, slinging the heavy, double-paned glass to the side with ease.

Wick breathed deeply. He’d needed this after leaving the scenic countryside of London. He needed to see something beautiful in the United States. The night winds spoke to him. Wick closed his eyes and stepped out onto the private balcony. His skin prickled and a fierce shiver wracked his body, his chest making a dark, distinct rumbling noise. Wick hurried to shield his nervousness, he didn’t want his captain or other officers picking up on it. Wick clutched his hand over his chest when the rumbling got louder.

He could feel something… it… stirring down deep, deep inside him. He’d never seen it, only knew it lurked there below his many facades. Wick looked back out into the forest, feeling like something was there watching him. He scented the air. Again, nothing but shifters far off in the distance. Then he picked up on one particular scent. So faint but so wonderful. What is that? His chest rumbled again, this time bolder, fiercer. Wick dropped down to one knee, digging into the flesh over his pecs so hard his nails left angry marks on his pale skin that instantly faded away. Wick’s eyes widened. What is here? What had his beast in a frenzy? He knew nothing else to call it. Are you ready to come out now?




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