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Racing Dirty, L.A. by J. Lynn Lombard (14)

Chapter 15


There's a hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me. My eyes fly open and my hand instinctively moves to my side piece. The demon I fight with everyday awakens and I let out a low growl.

“Whoa. It’s me, Rush. We’re here." Rush states, holding his hands up.

Clearing the fog from my brain I remove my hand from my side piece. Everything from the last handful of hours comes back in my mind at full chaos. I turn to Rush and he’s staring at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Sorry. Instincts. I don’t like to be caught off guard, jet lag must have set in. I never sleep around other people.” I apologize, tamping down the demon. He nods his head in understanding.

Looking around at our surroundings I see tall skyscrapers in front of us. The sidewalks are full of people going about their business without a care in the world. There’s an old sign that reads ‘Hollywood Subway Station’ with graffiti tagged all over it. The street we’re parked in front of is busy with cars all traveling in one direction.

“What are we doing here?” I ask.

He gets out of the car not answering me, and I follow. The hot, dry air hits me when I step out. The California weather is going to take some time to get used to. My shirt sticks to my body as we stand in front of Rush’s car. He’s pacing back and forth on the sidewalk. Irritation is rolling off him in waves.

“Rush,” I say getting his attention. “What are we doing here? I need to get to Ashley.”

“The rest are supposed to be here but they’re not. Come on, let’s go. I’m not waiting for them anymore." He answers in a clipped tone.

Before I can ask who the others are, he’s walking quickly across the street towards the subway station sign. I follow behind him, horns blaring at me, but I don’t give a shit. Rush scans the area before removing a board across a dark stairwell. He ducks inside, and I follow him. He turns back around and puts the board back up without saying a word. Darkness ingulfs me as we make our way down the concrete stairs deeper under the bustling city. When we reach the bottom of the wide steps, fluorescent lights greet me lighting up a huge underground city. There are old signs hanging up on the dirty walls directing people up and out of the subway. The place is old and abandoned. No homeless people lying around, not a soul in sight. It reminds me of the New York City subway stations. Haunting memories try to invade my mind, but I force them back.

Rush turns towards me a slight smile on his face. “We stumbled upon this area one day after Ashley came back on the scene. C’mon we need to go deeper in the tunnels.”

We walk up to a huge platform and Rush jumps down. I follow and notice the tracks are gone. There's garbage and dirt everywhere. We walk deeper into the tunnel. Water is trickling off the concrete walls, and the air is wet with moisture. There are small lights on the top of the walls making it easier to see, but the shadows they create keeps me on high alert. My hand is resting on my side piece as we go further and further, deep down the tunnel.

“Here it is,” Rush says after ten minutes of walking in silence.

He’s standing in front of a non-discrete door and turns the handle. It doesn’t open when he tries. He pulls out his keys from his jeans pocket and unlocks the door. I enter before him and look around the small room. It’s an old maintenance room turned into a safe haven of some sort. My eyes land on Ashley’s sleeping form curled up on a small cot, her back is to me and a blanket is pulled up to her neck. All the feelings I’ve had for her the past few months come rushing back and it takes my breath away.

Looking at her sleeping form seals it for me. She’s the one I’ve been waiting for and I will do what I can to protect her from everything. Ashley looks so small lying there and I quickly cross the room towards her. I kneel on the side of the cot and gently shake her. I want to wrap my arms around her and shield her from the horrors she’s faced, but I don’t want to freak her out either.

“Ashley,” I whisper. “Ashley, wake up. I’m here.”

Her breathing becomes rigid and her body stiffens. She stretches her long legs out on the cot and turns towards me, hiding a part of her face. She opens her big brown eyes and tears are threatening to spill.

“Nolan, you’re here,” Ashley says, gently cupping the side of my face. I close my eyes from her contact and enjoy it for a second.

“Yes, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere,” I whisper, opening my eyes.

She’s still looking at me, keeping the right side of her face away, like I’m a dream and she doesn’t want to wake up. Her small hands caress my stubbled cheek gently and a shiver passes through my body.

Ashley sits up on the cot and the blanket drops revealing a black tank top and yoga pants. My dick grows hard at the sight of her and I plead silently with it to go back down. Now is not the time. I sit on the cot next to her and take her hand in mine.

“Tell us what happened,” I say.

She looks up from the floor and her eyes meet Rush’s. His jaw is tense, and he’s visibly shaking from head to toe. He's clenching and unclenching his fists and rage is vibrating from his body. I raise an eyebrow at Rush, but he doesn’t take his black eyes off Ashley’s face. Ashley ducks her head back down and tears are in her eyes.

“Rush, what the fuck?” I growl at him.

He ignores me keeping his eyes on Ashley. Anger is fueling my veins from the way he’s looking at her. He said they were family, but that’s not the look someone gives family.

“Did he do that to you?” Rush barks out.

Confusion fills my mind with his question. I look Ashley over. She’s keeping her left side to me and picks her head up, looking Rush in the eye.

“Yes." That’s all Ashley says. Rush punches the wall and stalks out of the room. I can hear him pacing back and forth outside the door mumbling to himself. Still not understanding what set him off, Ashley turns her body toward me and I see a deep purple bruise on the right side of her face. It starts at the base of her ear, reaching the corner of her mouth and spreads up her cheek. Her right eye is swollen.

Anger and rage sweep through my veins as I study the bruise. Now I realize why Rush is so pissed. I clench and unclench my jaw trying to rein in the demon that's pounding against my chest, wanting to come out and play. Ashley rests her hand on my jawline, calming me down slightly.

“It probably looks worse than it feels,” she speaks quietly.

All I can do is nod my head, my brain can’t form words yet. I'm also thinking of ways to make this fucker, Shaun, pay. After a few moments of silence, Ashley breaks the tension radiating through me.

“Nolan, I’m glad you’re here with me.” She snuggles into my side and breathes a sigh of relief.

Her head is leaning against my chest and the smell of strawberries wraps around me. My heart is beating rapidly against my rib cage. I put my arm around her pulling her closer. My head clears of the different forms of torture I crave to inflict upon this guy as I feel her body against mine. Ashley moves her head up, so she’s looking at me in the eyes. She slightly parts her lips, licking them, and my eyes drop to the motion. The demon quiets down as the rest of the world is shut out, and it’s just the two of us. I lean in so there is just a breath between our lips. I close the distance between us and kiss her passionately. Ashley parts her lips and allows me entrance. I plunge my tongue into her mouth, her flavor explodes on my taste buds making me crave more and she lets out a whimper in the back of her throat. I gently grasp the back of her head and deepen the kiss. We break apart after a few moments, both of us breathing hard and Ashley rests her forehead against mine.

“Thank you,” she says.

“I’m glad you called me. I’ve been going out of my mind with worry over the last two weeks.” I confess.

“I’m sorry. Things were spiraling out of control for a hot minute. I thought it was best if we didn’t talk. There are things you don’t know, and I needed to keep you safe.” Ashley whispers.

“Ashley, you've got to trust me. I can handle whatever is going on. It’s what I do.”

Rush comes back into the small room. His broad frame takes up the doorway as he leans against it. He crosses his tattoo-covered arms over his chest and kicks one leg over the other. He still looks pissed, but the rage I’m familiar with has settled down some.

“Ashley,” Rush says. “The others should be at the house, c’mon we need to get them up to speed on what’s going on and come up with a plan.”

He pushes off the door frame and leaves the room again. Ashley slips a pair of shoes on and gently rises. Her whole body is stiff as she turns toward me.

“Come on, I want you to meet the rest of my family,” she announces with a grin.

Ashley holds her hand out and I stand up taking it. She offers me another soft smile and leans into me. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and help her walk out of the small room.

“Are you all right?” I ask her.

“Yeah, just a little sore. I used muscles I haven’t used in a while. I’ll be OK once I get moving.”

We walk in silence down the dark tunnel back the way we came. Rush is waiting for us at the stairs when we finally emerge. He looks at Ashley leaning against me and concern crosses his features.

“Ash, are you OK?” Rush asks coming over to us. She nods her head.

“Yeah, just a little sore. Running from bad guys will do that to you. I’ll be fine in a little while.” Ashley answers, brushing him off.

“Not much longer and you’ll be home and can relax a little.” Rush responds.

I notice the concern in his eyes. The way he is helping her tugs at my heart a little. It reminds me of the way an older brother would take care of his little sister when she’s hurt. Our eyes connect, and he offers me a slight nod. I never had a little sister to look after and I can see the bond they have.

“Thanks, Rush. I didn’t want to drag either of you into this mess. I’m going to torture and murder the little fucker once I get my hands on him." Her brown eyes are narrowed with hatred as we make our way up the stairs slowly. Once we reach the top, Rush goes ahead of us and removes the board, blocking us from the street. I can hear horns blaring and people walking and talking. He ducks out of the stairwell and pops his head back in.

“The coast is clear but stay in here until I bring the car around. I want to keep you undercover the best we can.”

Ashley nods her head and we wait by the entrance. We’re standing in a good spot to see Rush pull up, but no one can see us here in the shadows. Ashley turns her body towards me as we wait. She snuggles up close, her body flush against mine, her arms around my waist. Breathing her in, I relax a little into her hold.

“Ashley,” I whisper against her hair.

That’s all I get out before her lips are on mine kissing me with so much passion, I can’t catch my breath. Her flavor explodes in my mouth and I pull her closer. My cock is growing hard again as she deepens our kiss, straining to get out and seek the warmth she is offering. A growl forms in the back of my throat and she swallows it up. There’s so much I want to do to her right now, I can’t stand it any longer. I sweep my hands down her hips and grab her ass. I lift her up, so her legs wrap around my waist, her center is right against my pulsing dick. Pushing her up against the wall, I become lost in her smell, her taste.

I trail my lips down the left side of her face as she whimpers. I nip at her neck and her nails dig into my shoulders. I squeeze one of her breasts and Ashley lets out a moan of approval. I crave nothing more than to bury myself deep inside of her. She’s grinding against me, moans and whimpers escaping her lips as I lick and suck on the side of her neck. I lean back slightly and find the waistband of her yoga pants.

Yoga pants have become my second favorite thing for Ashley to wear. The first is the sundress she wore back home. Reaching inside, underneath her panties, her wetness coats my fingers as I caress her pussy. I strum her clit with my thumb and she whimpers softly into my mouth. Knowing we could be caught at any time turns me on even more as I plunge two fingers into her wet folds.

“Oh, shit,” Ashley groans.

I continue pumping my fingers in and out of her, my thumb rubbing her clit, her wet heat clamps down around my digits. Her intoxicating smell invades my senses as she grinds against my hand searching for her release.

“That’s it, let it go. Come for me.” I whisper harshly into her ear.

Ashley’s breathing picks up and her hips are moving faster against my hand. I kiss her again as she moans into my mouth. Her body tightens and a shudder rip through her as my name leaves her lips in a half moan, half whimper. I slow my fingers down as she comes back, sated, and relaxed. I withdraw my fingers from her heat and set her back on her feet. She leans into me, breathing hard.

“I’ve missed this,” I whisper into her ear. My heart is pounding hard against my chest, my breathing just as erratic as hers.

“Me too, I shouldn’t have pushed you out.” Guilt crosses her face and I soothe her the best I can.

“It’s OK Ash, just don’t do it again. I’m here for you.” I tell her, looking into her brown eyes.

I hear Rush’s car pull up outside the entrance and I help Ashley out of the tunnel and move her as quick as she can go, into the car. Rush drives off as soon as we're in the backseat. I don’t know where we are going or what’s coming at us, but as long as Ashley doesn’t shut me out, we can face anything together.