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Real Men Love Cats by Nic Tatano (5)


Skylar held the door as she and Rory entered the commercial production house. “I’m really looking forward to seeing how everything we did translates to television.”

“Well, I talked to the commercial producer and he said the client was following your storyboards and didn’t change a word of my copy. So we won’t need a translator if they do a good job shooting and editing.”

“I must say, this is probably the most clever ad for a hardware store chain that’s ever been produced.”

“Well, it’s not done yet. Let’s wait to see the finished product. Just hope they hired a good actor to play the handyman. That’s really important to the spot. Unfortunately that wasn’t my call.”

They headed down a hallway and into a brightly lit studio where a television production crew was getting set up.

And an actor was being made up.

Skylar’s eyes went wide as she saw him. “I, uh, think they hired a good actor. Not sure your call would have been any better.”

Rory turned to see the actor and fought to keep her jaw from dropping. She hadn’t written the handyman this way, but wasn’t complaining. The actor was a Greek god in tight jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt which showed off ripped arms and shoulders. Maybe mid-thirties with thick black hair and dark brown eyes. “Yowza. I’d start breaking stuff around the house to get him to come over and fix things.”

Skylar licked her lips as the man stood up. “Damn, I could wear heels with him and still be looking up. I saw him first.”

They both moved into the studio toward the director who was standing behind the camera. The portly, bald middle-aged man turned to face them. “Hi guys, glad you could make it.”

Rory shook his hand. “Hi, Jim. You know Skylar, right?”

“Sure. You’re an artiste when it comes to storyboards. Always enjoy seeing your work.”

Skylar smiled but didn’t take her eyes off the actor. “Thanks. So, did you hire the actor?”

“No, my assistant did. She said he had a good portfolio.”

“I’m sure.”

The director took a look at the set. “Well, we’re just about ready to go, so you two can grab those chairs and watch the magic. I hope it will be magic, anyway. And if you think something isn’t working, please let me know.”

“By the way, who’s the guy playing the handyman?” asked Rory.

“Oh, that’s Jeff Nix. My assistant said his references checked out and people loved working with him. She thought he’d be perfect for this.”

He’s perfect, period.

“Anyway, you gals relax and let me get rolling.”

They took their seats as the actor stepped onto the set, which was a mock-up of a garage filled with tools. The director stepped out from behind the camera. “You need the teleprompter, Jeff?”

He tapped his head. “Nah, got it all up here. Real clever copy, by the way. Who wrote it?”

Rory’s hand shot up as she flashed a wide smile and sat up straight. “That would be me.”

The Greek god smiled at her. “Well, you’re a true wordsmith. It’s a pleasure to read copy that’s smart and actually makes sense.”

“Thank you. I was trying to create the perfect handyman.” And apparently I have.

The director moved back behind the camera. “Okay, if everyone’s ready, let’s do this.”

Rory leaned over and whispered in Skylar’s ear. “He noticed the copy.”

“Sure, you get all the glory. I’m just the storyboard girl. Again, I saw him first and he’s my size.”

“I think he’s any girl’s size.”

“You’re not being fair.”

“Life’s not fair.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a slip of paper.

“What’s that, your list?”

Rory shrugged and smiled. “Hey, wouldn’t want to offend the guy.”


TWO HOURS LATER THE commercial shoot wrapped up.

Skylar turned to Rory. “I think we both need to go to the health club.”


“I don’t know about you, but I need a cold shower.”

“Make it a bath.”

“Tell you what; your script that had him taking his shirt off was a stroke of genius. It’s like a sculptor chiseled him. I think you need to ask the director for the raw video.”

Raw is a good term.”

Rory watched the actor put on his shirt, and then shake hands with the crew as they started to pack up their equipment. He grabbed a washcloth and removed the makeup from his face, then turned to her and headed in her direction. She swallowed hard and stood up straight.

He stuck out his hand and flashed a dazzling smile. “Hi. Jeff Nix.”

She shook it, her hand disappearing into his as she craned her neck to look up at a guy who was probably a foot taller. “Uh, hi. Rory Callahan.” She cocked her head at Skylar but kept her eyes locked on the actor. “This is our artist, Skylar.”

He turned and said hello, then looked back at Rory. “I must say, I really enjoyed doing this commercial. Terrific copy. I think this will be a very successful campaign for the client.”

“Thanks. I try to be clever.”

“If you should happen to write any more copy that needs a guy like me, I hope you’ll keep me in mind.”

Right now I’m writing a script for a client I don’t even have. “Absolutely.”

“You got a business card?”

“I do.”

She kept staring into his incredible eyes, and then felt an elbow from Skylar.

“Rory, I think he wants you to give him your card.”

“Oh, right.” She reached into her purse, pulled out a card and handed it to him. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” He studied the card. “Ah, you have your own agency.”

“Yeah, but it’s basically me and Skylar.”

“Doesn’t matter, you obviously do terrific work. Mind if I call you?”

“I’m not sure I need an actor anytime soon—”

Another elbow from Skylar. “I don’t think he’s talking about work.”

The actor started to laugh. “No, I really wasn’t. Thought we might have dinner sometime.”

Rory slowly nodded. “Oh. That would be nice. I’d like that very much.”

“Okay then. Well, I gotta hop in the shower since I’ve got another shoot across town. Nice meeting you both.”

“You too.” Rory watched him walk away, then began fanning her face. “Hot damn.”

Skylar rolled her eyes. “Yeah, for you. He didn’t even notice me. But hey, at least one of us captured his attention.”

“Could I have acted more star struck?”

“Don’t think that’s possible. But, ya know, it’s certainly understandable. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a man that perfect. He sure checks off every box.”

Rory remembered the discussion from Sunday brunch. “Trust me, Skylar, there’s no such thing.”

“Anyway, you need to get cracking on that copy for the exercise equipment spot.”

She furrowed her brow. “We don’t have an exercise client.”

“Who cares? Write the copy and tell him we need to shoot a test spot. Put him in a pair of shorts and have him lift weights.”

Rory blushed at the mental image. “Health club. Now.”


WILL LOOKED INTO HIS current roommate’s ice blue eyes as he heard the knock on the door. “Well, I guess it’s time for you to go home, young lady. I’m going to miss you.”

He headed for the door and opened it, finding a smiling middle-aged woman. “Hi, Mrs. Jenkins. C’mon in. Someone’s waiting for you.”

The woman wore a huge smile. “And I can’t wait to see her. I can’t thank you enough for putting up my little girl while I recovered from surgery. It was such a load off my mind knowing you were taking good care of her. I never would have been able to do it.”

“It was my pleasure. I really enjoyed having her here.” Will led her into the living room. “She’s on the couch.”

The woman picked up her pace as she saw the Siamese cat lounging on a pillow. “Pandora!”

The cat got up and immediately ran to her. Mrs. Jenkins picked her up and hugged her hard as the cat gave her a lick. “My God, I missed you.”

“She’s a great cat, I’d certainly miss her if she were mine.” He reached out and scratched the cat’s head. “She’s a really nice cat.”

“Will, it’s so great there are people like you who offer foster care for cats. Do you have one of your own?”

“Not right now. My cat crossed the Rainbow Bridge and went to heaven earlier this year. I wasn’t ready for another one. Y’know, you need some time after having a cat for more than ten years.”

“I’m sure you spoiled her and gave her a good life.”

“Hey, she made my life a lot better. But after she died I missed having a cat around so I thought foster care might bridge the gap. Turns out I really like taking in different pets. It’s like the cat version of the variety pack. They’re all so different.”

“Y’know, when our last cat died we waited a while too. It’s almost like you need to honor the pet before getting another one. So I certainly understand.” Pandora licked his hand. “I can tell she likes you a lot. She’s pretty much a one-person cat, so that says a lot about you.”

Will looked at the cat. “Well, Pandora, I’m honored you accepted me.” He headed back to the kitchen, grabbed the pet carrier and set it on a table. “You need help with this?”

“Yes, and you’d better get the oven mitts ready. Once she sees the carrier she knows she’s going for a car ride and turns into the Tazmanian devil. Like most cats, she hates cars.”

“Let me try. I’m a cat whisperer.”

She handed him the cat. “Hope you have a good supply of peroxide and Band-Aids.”

He started to pet the cat as he moved her toward the carrier. “You’re going home, kitty. One short ride and you’ll be queen of your castle again.” The cat started to purr. Will gently set her inside the carrier without so much as a protest. The cat curled up and meowed as he zipped up the carrier.

The woman shook her head. “I don’t believe it. Usually that’s a two person job. You really are a cat whisperer. Can I call you next time I have to take her to the vet?”

Will laughed. “Sure, no problem. I make house calls.”

She picked up the carrier and headed for the door. “Again, Will, I can’t thank you enough. You’re a good man to do this. I can only imagine how you treat the woman in your life.”

“Alas, there isn’t anyone right now.”

“Well, with a heart like yours, some girl is going to hit the jackpot.”