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Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series by J.H. York, Jessica Hart, Riley Rose (10)






























Rebecca Hollis and Jefferson Hughes' love affair had just been exposed on TMZ. Rebecca was mortified, and for what seemed like an eternal second her girlfriends Deb and Jill sat staring at the TV. Rebecca had known Jefferson when they were younger. He had since gone on to be a world-renowned romance novelist. They had run into each other at the Resort Baxter, and had started a steamy sexual affair. Even while Rebecca had wondered about Jefferson in the few days that they had been intimate, she had fallen for him. Yet, she didn't expect to be exposed on Hollywood gossip television. Jefferson had said that he had wanted to maintain a certain amount of privacy in his love life, and he had also warned that there always seemed to be someone watching. Now as Rebecca watched in horror, the TV was airing footage of Jefferson coming out of the fitting room that they had just had sex in.


“I'd say his hair is a little jostled...” One of the TMZ panelist quipped. Even as Rebecca felt her world swirling and crashing around on her, she knew that this was only the beginning of her angst. Right on cue Jill whirled around looking at Rebecca with fierceness in her eyes. Rebecca thought that she saw hurt there as well, but Jill didn't give her time to think on it.


“WHAT the T-total FUCK!!! Rebecca!! How? I mean....”


Turning around Deb looked at Rebecca with a sad look. “You should have told us Rebecca...”


Standing up Rebecca turned around. Looking for a top. She felt embarrassed that she had just been exposed to her friends, Oh God...the whole country... knows … and she felt completely and absolutely embarrassed that she was in her room with her friends in a bra. Finding a shirt she began to put it on. Her stomach was doing all kinds of jumps and flips, and she wondered if she was going to get throw up every piece of food she was still digesting.


“He wanted to try and keep it private...” She said softly as she threw on the t-shirt.


“Yeah...private from fucking TMZ...not from US!” Jill yelled.


She stood up and stormed over to the mini bar. Rebecca was faintly aware of the TV still blabbing, and she reached down and pushed the “off” button on the controller. It clicked off, and the silence in the room became deafening.


Standing in her room with her friends looking so disappointed made Rebecca feel even worse.


“I would have told you eventually...” She tried weakly.


Deb was sitting looking at Rebecca with a sympathetic look on her face. Jill stormed back over. “You're supposed to tell us FIRST! We're not supposed to find out watching fucking T-fucking-MZ while at the same resort that you two are bumping ugglies...” She huffed.


Sitting down on the bed she took a drink from her glass. She was looking at Deb, and turned her head to Rebecca. Unable to take the gaze, Rebecca went over to the mini-bar to fix a drink.


“Want one Deb?” she asked as she poured Malibu into a glass.


Nodding Deb said, “Yep...”


Rebecca made the drinks and walked over to where her friends were sitting.


She handed a glass to Deb, and started, “I really wanted to tell you guys. On the beach...”


Shrugging she took a sip of her drink and looked at her friends helplessly.


Jill sighed and took a drink. “Well...” She grinned, “Is he any good?”




As Rebecca spent the next few minutes detailing her sexual exploits with Jefferson to Deb and Jill, she couldn't help but grin. She was aware that she had gotten a little damp as she described in cautious detail some of the facts. Jill held up her hand in a “stop” gesture.


“Stop with the PG rated version Rebecca... We want everything. So stop holding out! Was he as big as your sister said?”


Crimson flushed into Rebecca's cheeks, partly due to her embarrassment at the question, partly due to her drink, and partly due to the sexual arousal of her memories.


“Yeah...” She sighed. “He's got a perfect cock...I mean...from the limited ones I've seen...but it seems perfect to me.”


Jill nodded and grinned. She seemed to have gotten over her disappointment over the situation and was reveling in Rebecca's details.


Sitting up against the pillows and headboard, Jill stretched out her long tan legs.


“Now...” She said and took a sip. “Tell us about the fitting room...and don't short us the details.”


Deb grinned and bounced up to the top of the bed next to Jill. Stretching out like Jill, they both looked at Rebecca with expectation on their faces. They both simultaneously took a sip of their drinks, and they all burst into laughter.


“I love you guys...” Rebecca smiled.


“Yeah, yeah...NOW...get on with it!” Jill shouted. “Did you initiate it? Or did he?”


Rebecca sipped her drink and sat down on the edge of the bed.


“In the fitting room? I guess he did...I mean...he came into the room with me. And then we started to kiss.” She shrugged and took another sip.


“What about when the counter girl came over?” Deb asked with wonder. “Did you get nervous that you were going to get caught?”


Nodding Rebecca said, “A little...but it made it even hotter know? He had me up against the mirror and he was inside me from behind when she knocked. We froze, and I looked at him through the mirror. It was like I was someone else at that moment. I started to ...fuck know...slow...even while she was talking to me.”


A thought hit Rebecca in that instant. “Oh fuck...what if she was watching TMZ’s broadcast?!?! AND SAW?!... Oh God...”


Feeling a bit of nausea Rebecca looked down at her drink.

“Fuck her!” Jill exclaimed. “She would have done the same thing...Anybody would. Right Deb? You would fuck Jefferson Hughes in the fitting room, right?”


Nodding Deb said wistfully, “Hearing Rebecca talk about it makes it seem hot. Yeah I probably would. Only...well...” She seemed a little off as she took a sip of her drink and Rebecca and Jill glanced at each other.


“Only what?” They asked in unison.


Clearly embarrassed Deb asked quietly. “What about when he came? Did he come inside you or ...or on the floor?”


Her face crinkled with disgust as she said the last and Rebecca burst out laughing.


“Well...that part I kinda took care of. When he told me he was going to come, I just know...swallowed.”


Predictably Deb's eyes got wide with surprise, and equally predictable Jill yelped.


“You dirty slut!” She cried with as much affection as one can when uttering that phrase.


Smiling Rebecca chuckled. “I thought it was very resourceful.”


Sipping her drink she smiled.


Deb was sitting with a look of confusion on her face. Realization dawned and she exclaimed, “Jefferson Hughes' was the first load you ever swallowed?!?!”


Jill spit out some of her drink, and Rebecca almost did as well.


“Yes...Deb.” Rebecca laughed as she recovered. “His was the first...”


Jill was wiping at her chest, dabbing up the spray.


“Not a bad way to initiate yourself I would say...” She said as she looked down, inspecting herself to make sure she had gotten all of the drink spray.


“How was it? Some guys come tastes like ass...or really bitter...or has a smell. What about his?” She looked up and waited.


Shrugging Rebecca confessed. “It was...good...surprisingly sweet. I thought it would be like gross like an oyster or something...but it was fine.”


Deb nodded and stated matter of factually, “He must eat a lot of fruit or juice.”


Jill looked at Deb with a crooked smile. “Does that help, Professor Deepthroat?”


Deb nodded. “It does, actually...”


They all started laughing again. Maybe I'm freaking out too much...I mean he knows what he's doing, right? The room phone started ringing and the girls looked at each other, questioningly. Who could that be?


Rebecca walked over to the phone and picked up the receiver. “Hell... Hello?” She asked quietly.


“Is Ms. Hollis there please?” A deep voice on the other line asked.


Rebecca felt her palms get sweaty as she replied.


“Speaking...” For some reason she couldn't make herself speak louder than above a whisper.


“Ms. Hollis. My name is Richard Getty...I am a lawyer. Representing Mr. Jefferson Hughes. I believe you two have recently renewed acquaintances.”

















Rebecca hung up the phone and looked at her friends. They were immediately concerned.


“Is everything alright? Who was that? You look pale all of the sudden Rebecca.” Came Jill's rapid-fire response even as she hurriedly got to her feet.


Both she and Deb moved over to were Rebecca was standing.


“That was Jefferson's lawyer...” Rebecca replied quietly. “He says that I need to go directly to Jefferson's suite and to not to talk to anyone about...stuff...that has gone on.”


Jill stopped rubbing her back and looked at her. “Is that all?”


Rebecca looked at her nervously and nodded.


Laughing Jill walked over to her drink. “You're getting all worked up for nothing...”


Rebecca looked at her questioningly. “Really...why do you say that?”


Deb was standing next to Rebecca and chimed in, “Yeah...why would you say that? What if Jefferson doesn't want to see her anymore or something?”


Rebecca grimaced inwardly as Deb spoke what was really on her mind. Yeah...what if he doesn't want to see me anymore?


Jill was shaking her head.


“The fact that the lawyer wants you to meet with him...did he say Jefferson was with him, or was he calling from elsewhere?” Jill asked.


Thinking Rebecca responded, “He said he would like to have a discussion with Jefferson and I...via Skype.”


“Yes!” Jill exclaimed.


Deb and Rebecca looked at each other and then back at Deb.


“So...if the lawyer wants to talk, but doesn't think that it's important enough to be physically present, means me anyway...that Jefferson wants to see you, but because he's famous and all… there are going to be guidelines and such.” She took a sip and nodded triumphantly.


Deb exclaimed, “Oh you mean like in Fifty Shades of Grey!” Thinking for a second Deb asked tentatively, “He's not going to beat you about with a cane or tie you up is he? I don't think I would get down with that.”


Looking at Deb, Rebecca crinkled her face questioningly, “Why would he do that? Beat me and stuff?”


Both Jill and Deb looked at Rebecca with astonishment. “You didn't read Fifty Shades?”


They both exclaimed. Shaking her head Rebecca replied, “No... I mean I heard of it...obviously. But it didn't seem to be a book that I wanted to read...and then I started reading material for the class, and...”


Jill cut her off, “Material for the class? No offense but you teach fifth grade. How hard is the material?”


Feeling a little insulted, Rebecca snipped back, “'s not like playing fucking art class or something. I actually feel responsible in knowing what I'm teaching, and making sure they understand everything. That takes preparation. So excuse me if I take my job ...”


Again Jill cut her off, “Hey...relax. I was joking with you. I know you're an amazing teacher. Just...bring it down. I was only kidding.”


“I know...I know...I'm just tense about this whole thing now...” Rebecca mumbled and then took a sip of her drink.


Nodding Jill sipped her drink and then asked, “You want Deb and I to come with? We can be your muscle.”


She winked and Rebecca couldn't help but smile.


“No...I should be fine, right? I'll meet you guys after.”




The door to Jefferson's penthouse suite opened, and he stood there smiling. The grin on his face relieved Rebecca in an instant. Certainly looks happy enough to see me...and not like someone that is going to kick me to the curb.


“My lady...” He said as he bowed in an overly dramatic fashion. “I welcome you to my humble...temporary...abode.” He stood aside and Rebecca walked in slowly.


The entrance hallway to the main room was about ten feet long. It was adorned with plants and flowers, and opened up to the rest of the suite. As she walked along the cool tile under her sandals, she continued to look ahead waiting to see the rest of the place.


She turned once to look at Jefferson and he was walking behind her to her right, hands behind his back and head held high. He grinned and shook his head as he looked down.


“Guess I kinda got us in trouble with the resort...” He said.

Rebecca stopped and looked at him, the rest of the suite forgotten.


“Wait...what? What do you mean?” Even as she asked she already knew.


“Well you see...the Resort kinda looks down on our fitting rooms. I’m loosely quoting… Didn't you receive the welcome packet and booklet? Page 7, title 3, paragraph 12 clearly states that fitting rooms are for putting on clothes, and not for extra curricular activities. Which includes the aforementioned fornication.”


“Yeah...” He said and started walking.


She did as well and they walked side by side.


He took her hand in his and looked at her grinning mischievously. “Yeah they kinda frown on people making love in the dressing rooms.”


She smirked and slyly asked, “Is that what we did? Made love?”


He shrugged and smiled as they reached the end of the entrance hallway.

“Want a drink? You can sit over there...” He pointed left across the expansive, open main area toward a couch that was across from a coffee table. An open laptop sat on the table, and there were some papers and a pen next to it.


Rebecca's stomach flip flopped a little at the sight of the papers, and she nodded to Jefferson.


“Yes...yes please...a Malibu and Pineapple if you have it. If not a Vodka cranberry would work.”


He grinned and sauntered over toward a huge bar off to the right.


Rebecca looked around, taking in her surroundings. The 15-foot high cathedral ceilings had glass panels and they tapered to a point. The main room was wide open, with a kitchen off to the right and next to the bar where Jefferson stood, making the drinks.


He grinned again and said, “You look a little like a caged rabbit or something.”


Nodding she looked to the left. “Yeah...something like that...” She said quietly.


Open doors led to the master bedroom, and she could see that it was a massive room, as well. Duh...why wouldn't it be? Her eyes surveyed now… the master had a balcony as well, and she could only imagine the size of the master bathroom. The quiet clinking of liquid and ice cubes to her immediately brought her right back to the situation.


Minutes passed before she noticed that Jefferson was now standing next to her, holding the drinks. He handed her the drink, and took a sip of his...eyes twinkling over the rim of the glass. She grinned without feeling and took a sip of her’s.


He motioned for her to take a seat onto the couch but she stood still. Looking at him she took another sip of her drink.


As if reading her mind he smiled, “Relax...Okay? This is just a formal bit of privacy paperwork. Like in Fifty Shades of Grey ...not the S&M stuff, the....”


He stopped short as he noticed her look as she shook her head. Raising his eyebrows inquisitively, he tilted his head.

“I...I didn't read it...or see the movie.”


Rebecca blushed as she said the words. “Really?!”


He exclaimed and seemed genuinely surprised. He then grinned with a devilish smile as he wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her neck.


“Well maybe we can write our own torrid twist novel instead of blathering on about someone else's work?”


Rebecca smiled as he kissed her neck and shoulders, but inwardly still felt unease.




















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