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Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series by J.H. York, Jessica Hart, Riley Rose (4)












Rebecca felt the rush of color to her cheeks as he casually sauntered closer. He was about six feet tall, and he smiled as he neared. He had a drink in his hand, and she smelt the whiskey as well as the powder freshness of him. She stood wide-eyed as he got to within a couple of feet. He was still smiling as he took a drink. His eyes twinkled as he blatantly let his eyes travel over her body. She quickly brought her drink up to her mouth, and she was terrified to see the slight tremble the glass made.

He laughed quietly and stood looking at her...appraising her. “Maybe I'm wrong...but you look...”

Rebecca cut him off hastily. “You went out with my older sister Wendy when she was a senior in high school back home.”

She hated the speed with which she spoke when she was nervous, and it was exaggerated because he didn't seem to have a nervous bone in his body. He was thinking as he took a sip of his drink. Snapping his fingers he smiled that smile. “Wendy! Wendy Holland! Right?”

Rebecca felt a pang of anger that he didn't remember their last name. “Hollisssss.” She corrected, and felt her cheeks start burning again.

He was nodding though, unfazed by her tone. “Yes...yes...” He reached out gently and turned her so he could totally look at her. “Becca? You're Becca right? Man you were just a kid then.”

Her stomach did a flip-flop, and so did her privates. He remembers ME! She smiled despite herself. “Yes...It's Rebecca...haven't been called Becca since junior high.” She took a sip of her drink and smiled a little crooked smile while tilting her head slightly. “I'm all grown up now though.” WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?!

He smiled and nodded, giving her a long and lasting look of approval. Taking a sip from his drink he quietly said from behind the glass. “You certainly are.”

She blushed but smiled nonetheless.

“Are you still living down in Milton?”

She shook her head and laughed. “No... I live in Massachusetts now. Just outside of Boston. I teach 5th grade.”

She blushed again, thinking how incredibly boring that must be for him to hear.

He was smiling. “I can bet that the boys in your class all have a crush on Ms. Hollis then.”

Despite herself she laughed out loud. She looked into his dark eyes and smiled. “You think so?”

He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly as he grinned. “Mmhmm. I do. Shoot I'm ready to go back to middle school right now if I can be in your class.”

They both laughed, but Rebecca felt herself getting very wet at the flirtation. He's just playing...or trying to get an easy score.

Yes but Mr. Big-time author lives in California now... you'd have to change districts...LOTS of paperwork.” She joked. She thought a minute and her brow furrowed. “How do you know I'm a Miss?”

Nodding he laughed lightly. He held up his left hand and wagged his naked fingers in the air. “No ring tan marks...just...fingers.”

Shaking her head she laughed. “Yeah...caught me.” She looked down and realized her glass was close to empty.

“Would you like a refill?” He asked.

She nodded as she looked into his eyes.

“Me too. Let's go to the beach's quieter.”

More secluded you mean…She thought, but nodded her consent. “I'm just going to text my friends and let them know where I am heading.”

He gently put his hand on her to stop her. “If you don't mind, I'd rather not be named...” He looked into her eyes and smiled. “Nothing personal...just kinda want to keep my private life as close to private as possible.”

Rebecca considered for a second then nodded. “No problem.” She said as she sent Jill a text deliberately not naming the charming Mr. Hughes.


They had a table all to themselves in the patio. Jefferson had tipped the host well in order to keep their privacy. Rebecca sipped her drink as they made small talk. She couldn't help but notice his easy way, and the smile that always seemed present. His eyes twinkled as he talked, and she wondered what was really going on in his mind.

“So that's my next book, at least I think so...what do you think of the premise?” He picked up his drink and smiled from behind it as he sipped.

“I...I like it.” Rebecca answered meekly. “Shit...he caught me...I wasn't even listening. I was just ogling like a little schoolgirl or something.”

He nodded. “Of course it will be hard to include the aliens and anal probes...but I'll just have the setting in West Virginia or something...”

Jefferson grinned and chuckled at Rebecca's confused look.

“Wait...what?” She asked. “I'm confused. You write romance...”

His laughter filled the air, and she smiled even as her cheeks blushed.

“Yeah...I do...and you weren't listening anyway...” He grinned and sat back in his chair.

“No...I was...I mean I wasn't, but not because I wasn't interested I was just....” Crimson rushed to her cheeks again and she quickly took a sip of her drink.

“It's okay Rebecca. You were distracted.” That smile again. “I know I'm handsome...” He winked and waived the waiter over. “Would you like another drink?” Jefferson asked.

Rebecca nodded. “Yes, but that's my last one.”

He nodded and pointed at the drinks. The waiter nodded and spun off to get them.

“So...” He said and sat staring at her.

“So? So what? What does that mean” “Soooo...” She replied and shrugged, smiling.

He sat in silence until the drinks were replaced. “After our drinks I'd like to take you...for a walk in the gardens.” He grinned mischievously.

“Would you now? Well maybe...we'll see if you are a good boy first.” Rebecca joked. “What does he want in the garden I wonder...haha...maybe he wants to see MY flower.” A blush and a smile burst on her face, and she quickly looked down.

He took a sip of his drink as he smiled.

“Why aren't you married?” She whispered while still looking down.

His laughter made her look up, and she felt a blush again. He stopped laughing and stared at her. “Marriage and I do not see eye to's not for me.”

Nodding she continued. “But you write romance so well...I”

Cutting her off he asked, “Why couldn't I write romance and also not believe in the institution of marriage? The two are not linked always, right? I don't need a slip of paper to know I love someone. What I write is from inside...mostly.”

“Oh Rebecca what are you doing? You should leave...just say thank you and go...this is not right for you.”

“Why aren't you?” He asked pointedly. “You haven't found the right aren't comfortable in your own haven't found yourself...You're too young...See? So many reasons. But the only reason that that you aren't ready. Neither am I.” He shrugged and took a drink. “Such a heavy topic for a resort vacation. Don't you think?”

Nodding Rebecca sipped her drink. I would have sex with him...would it be terrible like all the rest? He is sooo...delectable. Smiling Rebecca sat back in her chair. “So we're a couple of misfits like in “Rudolph”... Right?”

As he sat for a minute, he studied her. “Is that how you view yourself...? A misfit? You're a beautiful woman. Clearly intelligent...and somewhat witty.”

Rebecca felt herself blush at the compliments that Jefferson was lauding.

He paused and considered his next thought. Taking a sip of his drink he studied her. His eyes roamed her face, and body. She felt he was taking in her every inch, and in fact he was. He took a lengthy drink from his glass, and set it down. “We should go...”

Nodding despite herself, Rebecca took a drink from her glass. Standing up, Jefferson extended his hand. Numbly Rebecca took it and stood. He tossed some money down on the table and Rebecca noticed it was significantly more than the bill would be.

Taking her hand he led her from the patio, and they walked in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. What are you doing?!?!?!? This is...good. RIGHT? It's good....

So... These are the gardens...” He announced as they entered the secluded area. Benches were on both sides of the gravel walk as they took in the fragrant smells emanating from the flowers all around.