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Ride Hard (The Marauders Motorcycle Club) by Evelyn Graves (43)



“How’s the story going?” Mitch, my agent was on the phone. I’d been sound asleep and tangled up in bed with a snoring Liam when he’d called. I silenced the phone and untangled myself from Liam without waking him up and padded out of the bedroom to talk to him.

“It’s going,” I said, trying to make my voice sound like I hadn’t just woken up.

“How’s Seattle?” he asked.

“Rainy,” I said. We’d left Red Rock late last night, getting on a plane again and flying into Seattle in the early morning hours. The hotel wasn’t too far away from SeaTac, so we had a few hours to crash and sleep in before the show tonight. Liam hadn’t slept much at all the entire time I’d been here, and I was beginning to think he was some sort of fucking machine instead of a real human.

“Any good angles on the story? How are you going to approach this?” Mitch asked, always the professional.

“I’m not sure yet. I’ll figure it out.”

“Have you written anything yet, Catherine? You have a tight deadline on this one.”

“I know. Don’t worry. It’ll happen.”

“I hope you’re right. So what’s Liam Mercury really like? Inquiring minds want to know. Is he really as big of a prick as everyone says?”

“Yes and no,” I replied, exasperation washing over me. Truth was, I had no idea how I was going to approach this. Truth was, I’d been so overwhelmed by my physical attraction to Liam that I’d let myself do the unthinkable - forget why I was there in the first place. In the back of my mind, while Liam’s cock was fucking me every which way, I was aware of this fact, but it hurt too much to admit to myself that I was failing miserably, so I didn’t let the fact fully form in my conscience.

Talking to Mitch didn’t help my head-in-the-sand approach.

“Catherine, are you okay? You don’t sound like yourself at all.”

“I’m fine. I just had a late night, I’m really tired is all.” My body shuddered at the memory of fucking Liam last night, not only outside of Red Rocks but again on the plane and again once we’d made it back here to the hotel.

“Get some sleep. You know I believe in you, Catherine. I’m sure the story will be phenomenal.”

“Thanks, Mitch,” I replied, feeling terrible. I hadn’t written one word yet.

He hung up and I sat alone in the quiet of the early morning, staring out the window, watching droplets of the misty rain cling to the glass before sliding down slowly and disappearing. I sighed deeply, trying to get a grip on my feelings.

Liam was quickly getting under my skin, which was a whole lot worse than getting under my clothes. Not only was he fucking sexy, but he was funny and gentle. If I had to guess, I’d say, by the tone of his kisses this morning, that maybe he was starting to have feelings for me, too.

Everything seemed so out of control now, I had no idea how to stop it. Or if I could. Or, more accurately, if I even wanted to.

Being with Liam felt fucking amazing. I wanted his hands on me and his voice in my head. I wanted the laughter he brought, the passion for life, the way he didn’t give a shit about what anyone thought of him. He was freer than anyone I’d ever met, and there was something about that that made you want to be around it. Made you want to be a part of it.

I shook away the cobwebs, and tried once more to remind myself that I had a job to do. Mitch would lose it, and probably drop me from his roster of writers, if I didn’t get this story right. Rolling Stone would never work with me again, and I’d be blacklisted. I’d already received an advance that I’d used to pay my bills, and they’d surely want me to refund it.

I had no choice. I had to write this story and I had to make it good.

The first thing I had to do was get started, for fuck’s sake.

I fished Callum’s card from my purse and dialed his number. I probably couldn’t talk about Ally in the story, but I could start by showing Liam’s softer side and talk about the charity.

He answered on the first ring.

“Callum, this is Catherine Donovan. Liam Mercury introduced us the other day. I’m doing a story about him for Rolling Stone?”

“Yes, I remember, hello, Catherine.”

“Hi. As Liam mentioned, I’m trying to show a different side of Liam that hasn’t been shown in the media before. I was hoping to talk to you about the charity a little.”

“Sure,” he said. “This isn’t a good time, though. I’m in the middle of something.”

“Okay, when would be good?”

“Can you call me tomorrow morning?”

“Sure, sounds good,” I replied, “talk to you then. If you could get some information ready for me by then, that would be great, too.”

“What do you need?”

“I’d like to know the names and numbers of some of the researchers you’re funding, so I can contact them, as well. Maybe some figures on how much you’ve raised, and how it’s donated.”

“Sure, no problem,” he replied. We hung up, and I sighed, feeling a little better for at least beginning to do my job. Liam stirred in the other room, a low groan escaping from him.

“Catherine!” he yelled out.

“Yes?” I replied, walking into the bedroom. I smiled when I saw the vision greeting me. My rock god lay splayed out, his massive cock standing at attention, his arms and legs spread out completely, like a beautiful, extravagant buffet laid out just for me.

“Fancy a fuck?” he winked teasingly, as his hand reached down, his fingers gripping the base of his cock, waving it around in a delicious, grand offering.

“Don’t mind if I do!” I laughed as I climbed up towards him, slowly making my way to the throbbing beauty between his legs. When my mouth closed around him, he growled - low, guttural, hungry.

“Mmmm….good girl…” he murmured, “good girl…”