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Ridin' Hard (Ridin' Dirty, Book Two) by Ella London (4)

Chapter 4

The bed sank and when Ari forced her eyes open, Duke sat on the edge, fully dressed, looking down at her.

He braced his arms on either side of her shoulders and leaned down to nuzzle long her neck. Her body responded immediately, even though he’d exhausted her last night. After she sucked him off and got out of the shower, Duke brought them enough food for an army.

Ari had never been so hungry in her life. After they ate, Duke had dessert, her, and then she’d fallen asleep. Only to be woken a couple hours later with Duke’s fingers roaming her body and his cock pressed up against her ass.

Still half asleep now, Ari gravitated to the warmth coming from him. He’d showered and smelled like soap and the scent that was only his. She nuzzled her nose in the crook of his neck.

Duke was happy, and he seemed to be itching to tell her why. “The word on the street is, they love the city girl whose gone country. The videos we released yesterday worked. Hell, it worked so well that we’re completely booked for the next four months. Overnight. You, Boston, are officially my good luck charm.”

The reminder of what Molly had done with the footage was like a splash of cold water. Ari pushed Duke back and scooted to sit up. The videos may have gone viral but Ari had no doubt they were meant to make her look like an idiot. Every mistake Ari made yesterday had been showcased in the worst light.

Instead of using the shots where Ari had done a good job, Molly cut and pasted every single humiliating moment for yesterday into one non-stop montage of awfulness. Ari had only been able to watch a couple of minutes before she flipped her phone over in disgust last night.

There was no way that Molly hadn't done it on purpose. She’d made Ari look like a bumbling idiot, stumbling around the ranch and falling into piles of horse shit like some slapstick comedy hour. The video was supposed to give Ari and Duke Credibility, not make Ari a viral laughingstock.

Why? If Ari were at the ranch for a fake engagement, then Molly should be doing everything she could to make it look real. Unless...Ari remembered the weird looks Molly shot her that first day when she caught Ari and Duke in bed together. The woman had looked angry.

“Were you and Molly ever involved?”

“Molly? And me?” Duke scoffed and his eyebrows rose higher. “God no, she’s like a sister to me. I’ve known her almost my entire life.”

“Then why did she put together a video that made me look like an imbecile? I actually did a few things right yesterday but all the footage was of me screwing up. Why would she want to make me look bad if she didn’t have feelings for you? It doesn’t make sense any other way you look at it.”

If Molly were jealous, if she was not happy that Duke decided to marry Ari, it all made perfect sense. Molly had to be jealous. That was the only explanation that made sense.

Duke climbed out of bed, shaking his head. “She’s doing her job, Boston. Obviously she knew that showcasing the more real moments would garner support for the city girl and she was right. Hell, we’ve never been booked this far out since we opened. This keeps up and we’ll be back in the black in no time.”

All the warmth inside her cooled. This was about the bottom line.

“So glad humiliating me was the right move.” Ari pushed out of bed and padded to the adjoining bathroom. Every time she thought Duke might have real feelings for her, he went and reminded her that this was just a job, a publicity stunt to bring credibility back to his ranch.

“That’s not what it was.”

But it was. Molly had used Ari’s inexperience to try and sabotage her and Duke, but the crazy thing was that there wasn’t really and Ari and Duke to start with. This was all a ploy. Ari was just an employee.

“I’ll see you downstairs so we can continue pretending to play happily ever after. Do you have a lake nearby? Maybe I could fall into it, or down a well. That’d be good for a few thousand hits right?” she said bitterly.

Her voice broke and tears burned the back of her eyelids. She needed to stop letting him give her mind blowing orgasms because it was seriously clouding her judgment. She had to get into the bathroom and put a closed door between them. This was her problem that she couldn’t separate fantasy from reality.

“Ari.” Her name came out as a low growl. His jaw was hard and he narrowed his eyes at her. He took a step closer, then another.

Her heart rate kicked up, slammed her pulse into her ears.

“I’ll be ready in a sec. We can talk about flowers or guests or whatever it is that’s on the agenda today.” She held up a hand as if that would stop his advance.

“We’re not doing a damned thing until you understand one thing.”

He kept pushing forward, even when his chest was against hers. She backed up until the wall stopped her. Duke kept coming, pressing his hard body into hers and caging her in with his hands on the wall behind her head.

He dipped his head. Hot breath washed over her lips. “Some of this might just be for publicity…” He leaned even closer and there was nothing but a whisper between their lips. He bypassed her mouth and sank his teeth into the flesh between her shoulder and neck, scraping roughly before pulling back to run his tongue over the same spot. He moved up the column of her throat and stopped just under her ear. “But when you came all over my cock last night, when you moaned my name, you wanted me just as much as I want you. That part is real no matter how much you deny it.”

A strangled whimper spilled from her lips. Her nipples hardened against his chest despite the war waging inside her. Yes she wanted him, more than she’d ever wanted a man before, but every time they got close, it clouded the boundaries.

“But it’s all about your ranch in the end. I know that.”

“What’s between us is between us, Arianna. No one else.”

Goose bumps broke out over her skin. He’d never said her full name like that and it made her want all kinds of impossible things.

He slid his hands down the outside of her thighs, gripped just under her butt and lifted. Her legs wrapped around his waist automatically and when her silk covered clit ground against his hard cock, they both moaned. Duke took a few steps and set her down on the edge of the vanity. He lifted her tank top over her head and pulled one of her nipples between his teeth.

She wanted to be mad but the way he touched her made her forget.

Ari tangled her fingers in his hair and urged him closer. She could see their reflection in the mirror over the tub, his head buried between her breasts, her legs bare, locked around his waist. There was something erotic about being next to naked while Duke was entirely clothed, down to his boots.

He switched sides and tiny electric shocks shot from where he nipped and then soothed her hard peak. He pulled back far enough to take her mouth. His tongue swept inside, demanded that she respond and she did, battling for control they both knew was already his.

She rocked her hips, letting the friction build up the tension inside her. Ari dug her nails into Duke’s neck and swallowed the growl that rumbled from his throat. When he fumbled with his belt buckle, not leaving her mouth, she reached down to help him.

It didn’t matter they’d spent the night seeing how many times he could make her come. Didn’t matter that she screamed his name more times than she could remember. All she wanted right that second was for him to be inside her.

“Fuck I can’t get enough of you, Boston,” he ground out against her swollen lips.

He wanted the same thing and managed to get his belt undone, then ripped the button open. As soon as the zipper was down enough he pulled out his cock. He used one finger to push her panties to the side and slid into her slick pussy in one rough thrust.

She groaned at the mix of pleasure and pain. Before she even had time to take a breath he was pulling out, then slammed back in. She locked her ankles together behind his ass and drove her heels into his butt, urging him on.

“This is going to be hard and fast and dirty, darlin,” he grunted between clenched teeth. Every time he thrust into her the tension ratcheted up and she was already on the edge. He gripped her hips and held her still, angled just where he wanted her as he pounded into her harder and harder.

His jaw went tight. Fingers dug into her hips.

“You need to come all over me right the fuck now, Ari.”

The way he growled her name in warning was all it took. Her body tightened and then pleasure, sweeter than anything she’d ever tasted, burst over her. She clenched around him, squeezed his cock as it swelled inside her, prolonging the delicious spasms that came every time he drove into her, until stars danced in her vision.

Duke threw back his head and went still. “Fuck,” he groaned out, long and low. She felt him pulsing inside her and used her feet to keep him buried as deep as he could go.

As Duke’s body relaxed he leaned forward and pressed his lips to the crook of her neck. Ari wrapped her hands around his head and held him against her. The buckle of his belt dug into her inner thigh but she didn’t care.

His lips moved lazily up the column of her throat. She tightened her fingers in the hair at his nape. Her chest swelled with emotion. She wanted this. The closeness. The vulnerability. God, she wanted Duke and everything that meant.

Tears burned the back of her eyes.

She couldn't deny that she was falling for him hard.

When he finally pulled his head back enough so that she could see his eyes, there was a satisfaction that made her body go warm. He kissed her softly.

“Sleep in my room tonight,” he said against her lips. “I want you in my bed every night from now on.”

The ache in her chest grew tighter. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him what that meant. Was it for the guests benefit, or was he starting to feel something real for her? She searched his eyes for the answer but she didn’t really know what she saw.

“Say yes.” His whispered demand had her nodding her head.

He kissed her one final time, a sensual meeting of lips and tongues that melted her from the inside, then he slipped free from her body and tucked himself back into his jeans. He eased her to her feet, then moved to turn on the shower.

When he turned back around his gaze roved down over her. “Fuck you’re beautiful.”

A blush crawled up from her toes to the top of her head.

“Let me help you.” For a second she thought he might strip and join her but he just moved in front of her and slipped his thumb under the edge of her panties, then dragged them down her legs.

She stepped out of them and he took her hand and led her the few steps to the shower. He kissed her shoulder and slid his hand down her back then patted her ass.

“Take your time. I’ll let Molly know you’ll be down when you’re ready.”

The way he looked at her, the possessiveness in his eyes as he cupped her butt and squeezed, made her heart trip. She wanted to believe this was more than it appeared so badly.

“I won’t be long.” Her voice broke and before she could do something stupid, like tell Duke that she was falling for him too fast, she stepped into the shower and under the water, letting it wash away the tears that had started to fall.

* * *

Molly was waiting in the foyer when Ari came down a half hour later.

“Duke had to take care of a few things but we can go ahead and go over your duties for today.” Molly sounded unusually clipped this morning as Ari followed her into the office. “Since yesterday’s video was so successful, I’d like to film a few more around the ranch shots, then you and Duke will head out on horseback to do some fence mending. He’ll video you while you work and remember, the viewers are loving the inept city girl show, so be sure to play that angle up.”

Ari frowned at the top of Molly’s head as she bent over her iPad. Yesterday’s video had been humiliating and as far as Ari was concerned, was not going to happen again.

She opened her mouth to argue but the door opened and Duke strode into the room. He took her breath away. He caught her stare and gave her that sexy smirk that made her panties wet.

“Ready for me, darlin?” She knew he knew exactly what he implied when his smile turned downright devious.

When Ari looked back at Molly, the woman’s lips were pursued and her eyebrows were drawn down. She obviously wasn't happy.

“Make sure you get more video today. We need to strike while the iron’s hot. Maybe she’ll fall off the horse.”

Ari watched the way Molly stomped away from them and once again wondered if Molly had feelings for Duke. He had assured Ari that there was nothing between the two, but Molly’s abrupt change around Ari was strange to say the least.

“Ready?” Duke asked, settling his hand on her lower back.

He did that a lot and it gave her a thrill every time. Like he was claiming her. He guided her outside to where two horses were hitched to a post. She recognized Belle and let out a sigh of relief. If she had to absolutely get on a horse, she was glad it was Belle.

The other horse was a huge black stallion that towered over the little Belle. It pranced and tossed its head and Duke walked over and stroked down its neck. The horse sidestepped and snorted.

“This is Hades. He’s the alpha around here.”

How appropriate, the alpha for the alpha.

Duke murmured a few more seconds as she studied them both. They were a lot alike. Though they were both tamed there was a wildness lurking just under the surface. She’d gotten a taste of Duke’s last night and she had to admit it was addicting.

“Ready?” he asked over his shoulder.

She nodded.

Today she had dressed more appropriately for working on the ranch which already made her feel competent. Doing chores in a sundress was ridiculous, even she knew that. Her jeans were snug but not so tight she couldn’t sit in a saddle, she hoped, and she’d chosen a plain dark t-shirt with a v-neck.

Her boots were outside her door this morning, completely mud free.

All in all, she felt sort of like a real cowboy.

Duke went to his horse and for a second she thought she was supposed to get on all by herself. Instead he turned around and had a hat in his hands. It was smaller than his and had a dusky tan color with a brown tassel.

He set it on top of her head.

Self conscious she peeked up at him from under the brim and lost her ability to breath. He was staring at her, that hungry look in his eyes, and it was all she could do not to jump him right there on the lawn.

“Does it look okay?” she asked breathlessly.

“Too good.” A half growl, half groan fell from his lips. “Promise you’ll wear just that hat and those boots for me tonight, Boston.”

A fiery blush filled her face.

“I love it when you do that.” His voice had gone husky and that look was back in his eyes. He ran a finger over her heated cheek. “Makes you look so fucking innocent that I want to take you up into the loft and do very bad things to you.”

Her face exploded with color and Duke chuckled. Her pulse pounded in her ears. The ache between her thighs only got worse the longer he stared. She wouldn't mind it at all if he took her to the top of the barn.

“Fuck, Boston, you’re killing me.” With a deep breath he took a step back. “Later. So many things to do to you later,” he said almost to himself.

Why did they even have to ride horses and do chores and video all of it anyway? The ranch was booked out for months. Why couldn't they just spend all day in bed, exploring and touching and tasting.

Reality seemed to dim the sun.

Because the videos were for publicity. For the fake engagement. For the fake wedding. The giddiness bubble inside her chest burst. The ups and down were killing her. She stepped forward and dutifully put her hand in Duke’s, letting him help her lift her foot into the stirrup.

In the other hand she saw the blinking red light of the camera.

“Now stand up straight and swing your free leg over and then sit,” Duke said. “Hold onto the pommel for balance.”

She had no idea what a pommel was but her fingers wrapped around a sort of handle at the front of the saddle and she tried to stand up. The first try, she barely got off the ground. The second time she hop-jumped and made it a little further.

By the third time she was determined to get it and right after she hopped, she threw herself across the saddle to keep from falling back. Duke’s hand rested on her ass, helping her on. She got her bearing and slowly pushed up, all her weight on the one foot in the stirrup. Finally she stood up straight. The stirrup swung a little and she quickly threw her leg over the horse’s back. She didn’t sit so much as fall into the saddle.

Belle shifted beneath her and she white knuckled the handle, her heart thundering in her chest. Why did the ground look so far away?

Belle didn’t look ten feet tall a minute ago.

Ari whimpered.

“Don’t worry, Belle’s the gentlest horse we have on the ranch. All you need to do is hold on and relax. She’ll do the rest.” Duke freed the reins and looped them over Belle’s neck. Ari had to let go of her safety handle to take them.

After he showed her how to hold them, he walked to his horse and swung up onto its back as graceful as a dancer. Showoff. He clucked his tongue and the horse moved beside Belle.

“Squeeze your thighs just a little and make a noise to let her know you’re ready.”

“What if I’m not?” God she really wasn’t. Whenever Belle shifted it felt like Ari was going to fall off. Was the saddle safe? How could one strip of leather hold her onto a horse?

“You’re doing fine, Boston. Just let your hips relax and move with the horse’s gait. We’ll start with a walk okay? Nice and easy.”

Squeeze. Cluck. Hold on. Relax.

Which of these things is not like the others?

Ari gently squeezed her thighs around Bell’s middle and tried to imitate Duke’s clicking noise. Belle took a step forward and Ari rocked backward. She squeaked, dropped the reins and grabbed the oh-shit handle. Belle stopped immediately.

Of course Duke was filming it all.

He maneuvered his horse closer without even touching the reins and reached down to give her back hers.

“Hold onto them this time,” he said.

Ari gritted her teeth. This time when Belle moved she was expecting it and she managed to stay upright and not squeal like a little girl. She followed Duke down the driveway, forcing her body to relax with each step. Once she got into the rhythm of the horse’s movement, she was able to exhale and look around.

The land spread out as far as she could see, and at first it all looked the same, but as she looked closer, Ari began to make out the slight difference in the colors. Duke slowed until Belle was walking beside Hades.

As they moved further from the ranch, the tension in Duke eased. He’d put the camera away and was staring out across the open fields.

“It’s beautiful here,” she said, breaking the silence.

“Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” he answered. “This is home. This is where I belong.”

The tone of his voice made her chest ache. She’d never felt attached to something as deeply as Duke was to this land. Yes she’d lived in Boston her whole life and called it home, but it wasn’t rooted in her veins like this.

She let her gaze wander over the endless green. If this was hers, would she ever want to leave?

She glanced at the man riding by her side.

No, it wasn’t the landscape tempting her to stay.

There was something else, something a lot more dangerous to her heart.




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