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Riley (New York City’s Finest Book 5) by Christopher Harlan (23)

Free Excerpt from Away From Here

Free Excerpt from Christopher’s first and forthcoming YA book - “Away From Here: A Young Adult Novel

Early Reviews of Away From Here from Goodreads

Reading this book moved me in a way no other book has done before. I laughed out loud, I teared up, I smiled, and I suffered heartbreak right along with Logan and Annalise. I could see a little of myself in both of them, and I know you will too. Away From Here will stay with me forever, no doubt. This book is not just a Young Adult novel. It's for everyone.”


What a wonderful YA story!!! But I don't want everyone to think it's only a YA story because it’s an everybody story. I knew when I was 3% in and already crying it was going to be good…I had indeed fell into the rabbit hole of this book not to be seen again until I was finished with this book. What a wonderful YA story for this author.”


The way the author laid out the ups and downs of that first love, albeit one skewed by many other issues going on inside the homes of each character, it gave a glimpse of how a teenage mind processes and understands their first love. The story, for me, was about more than the mental illness Logan’s character and Anna’s character were both experiencing at home and carrying into a relationship it was about how one person can inspire and save another from going down the same path they see at home… This book is amazing, from the beginning to the end and I hated finishing it because I wanted to stay in that story longer. All good things come to an end. I recommend this book for everyone, it isn’t just for young adults, I think it is a book for everyone to get something out of. 10/10


This book is so much more than a Young Adult Novel. It’s a reflection of all of us...Our struggles, our happiness, our strength to move on from disappointments to be a stronger person. I can easily identify myself with the characters because I've been there and I still am. One thing I learned from this book is, that mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. It lingers in all of us in one shape or form; some just struggle more than others. In the end we learn to cope with our feelings and learn from the experience.

On a personal note. I will gift this book to my teenage daughter. As a recovering addict who struggles with self-esteem issues I think she can learn a lot from this book and hopefully take some great feedback with her. This book made me look back at my teenage years, laugh and cry. I was barely into the first chapter when tears already took over. What an incredible read for all ages.”

--- Michaela

What can I say about “Away From Here”? It is personal, emotional, refreshing, and made me reflect upon the journey we all take through life. Logan and Anna became friends when they needed each other the most and for a while, all of their problems seemed to fade just a little bit. Christopher Harlan is truly a gifted and passionate writer and I know this book will be in my heart forever.”


“What an emotional Ya novel that stomps on your soul forever. If you love stories about how a character tells you about his first love ..then this is definitely a book you must read. The author nailed this book bringing so many emotions I had to put it down and just breathe. Definitely in my top Ya reads for 2018 5/5 stars.”


“Harlan brings a wit and almost stream of consciousness feel to the prose. His ability to move freely from speaking directly to the reader, to keeping the flow of the story makes this a unique type of read. The characters are genuine and feel like these people could be your classmates from back when. In addition, the discussion of mental health issues, not only being totally relevant is dealt with in such a careful, honest, moving way. This is a deep read that requires time and attention as there is much detail that should not be missed.”


“Mr. Harlan's words brought them all back to me as I read Logan's story. There was also a very real view of mental illness and depression and how teenagers deal with it. Whether they are suffering from it or a loved one is, dealing with it in your teenage years is a confusing and difficult time. Mr. Harlan did an awesome job depicting some difficult situations. The story is told from Logan's point of view which was light most of the times and very to the point. He was very relatable and I fell in love with his story. It was a great read


“I would definitely recommend this book. Thank you Mr. Harlan for the ways you seem to have reached into my memories and write about things that are my secrets but now seem to be the same secrets others have too.”


“I highly recommend this YA novel. It is for everyone really. From those who want a love story, to those who want to remember what being a teen was like, even teens who want to know if they are the only ones out there who feel so "bleh." It is a definite must read.”


“Away from here is such a tender and moving teen love story showing what it’s like in the real world. Anyone with a heart and compassion should read this and love it as much as I did. Christopher Harlan is right on the mark with this one


“This book is a rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish, even though it's a YA it in no way effected the way I felt reading it. The author tapped into a range of feelings that at times left me tearful, but so glad I read it. so high praise to Christopher for trying a new genre and in my eyes smashed it!”


“I haven't read a YA book in almost 10 years and even as an adult this book spoke to me. To the author, what an amazing job you did with this story…”


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