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Rock Candy Kisses by Addison Moore (5)

Silent Kisses


Saturday morning I wake up with the sun—reeling off the excitement of seeing Blake later on today. Marley and I head to Hallowed Grounds for breakfast before Holt picks me up for a lunch date with my mother. I’ve been heading home almost every Friday night and staying through the weekend, but as soon as I learned that Blake would be at Regency House last night, I knew I wanted to stay.

So how are things with William? I tap the screen on my phone playfully. Marley has her hair up in a messy bun. Her eye makeup is slightly smudged, and she’s still unreasonably gorgeous.

“Great.” Her brows rise, but she doesn’t smile like she usually does when she gushes about him. She types into her phone. I miss him more than I thought I would. I’m beginning to wonder if I made a mistake by coming to Whitney.

Now I feel bad. Don’t say that. Things happen for a reason. I’m sure everything will work out. You just need to get used to everything. How did things work out with the velvet handcuffs? I bet he was thrilled to do a little research with you.

She makes a face. Never did use them. His stomach was upset, and he ended up leaving early. I don’t know why, but I got the feeling it was just an excuse.

I’m not sure what to say now. Is he coming down again soon?

She lets out an exasperated breath. He was supposed to come down today, but he has a big paper due on Monday. He’ll be down next weekend for sure. I think I’m going to surprise him and drive up. It’s only fair if we take turns. She strums her nails, getting lost in thought for a moment. “And what about you? Where do you think Blake is taking you later today?” She mouths the words carefully to me.

I have no idea. Maybe the lookout again? He’s picking me up at 3:30, and I’m worried my brother won’t bring me back by then. I really want to go out with him.

Marley darts her gaze to the ceiling a moment. “How old are you again? I’m sorry, but I’d tell my brother a thing or two if he was trying to stand in the way of me and my boyfriend—not that I have a brother. And the boyfriend feels questionable right about now, too.”

I touch my hand to hers a moment before replying. Well, I have two brothers who both happen to feel very protective of me. And Blake isn’t my boyfriend. We’re just sort of friends. Not that I haven’t imagined him as my boyfriend. I’m sure my brothers would freak out on a daily basis if that were the case. I can see their torches and pitchforks now.

Marley stares down at my phone a moment too long before typing into it. Annie, you do realize that he’s interested in more than a friendship with you. She tilts her head awaiting an answer.

She’s right. I can feel it in my bones. My teeth graze over my bottom lip. Heck, I want more than a friendship with him.

I know. I think I want the same. I’ve never done this before. I’m not quite sure what to expect. But I’m excited for it. I’ll take whatever he’s willing to give me. My cheeks flush with heat as I show her my response.

Marley gives an open mouth laugh. “How does he make you feel?”

How does he make me feel? I blush from head to toe as I glance around afraid she’s shouted the question.

I stare into my phone a good long time trying to formulate the words. Blake makes me feel like I’m falling—like I’m laughing and crying all at once. I can’t really describe it, but it’s an insane, happy feeling. The other day when he wrapped his arms around me, it felt like my body was on fire. My heart raced so fast I thought I’d pass out if he let go.

I carefully slide the phone across the table as if it were my heart.

Marley takes it from me and studies it a good long while before placing it down with tears in her eyes.

“Oh, Annie.” She covers my hand with hers. “I think you’re really falling for this guy.”

Holt drives us over to Mom’s house with the radio turned up a little too loud. I know this because I can feel the bass vibrating through my skull as I lean my head against the window. Holt always drives with the radio turned all the way up, his window down and his fingers strumming against the dash. I can see his mouth moving along with the rhythm as we enter the suburban housing track that leads towards Mom’s sprawling home. Dad left her with a nice piece of land and my childhood home in the backcountry just past Hollow Brook. I love it here with the evergreens lining the road, the open sky above, the pale pastures that stretch from one property to the next.

When we get there we find Mom downstairs with Nitro, my black lab, hopping around like mad happy to see us.

Baby, Mom signs. I’ve missed you like crazy. Tell me everything and start from the beginning. Baya and Bryson are coming, so you might want to skip to the juicy parts before they get here. She gives a little wink. Mom is beautiful with her sensible chic style, her modern rectangular cut glasses. Her shoulder length hair has grown out a bit, and, thankfully, she’s growing out her bangs as well. Last fall she colored it a shade too dark, and she’s finally starting to sprout her chestnut highlights at the roots again.

“There are no juicy parts.” Holt winks at me.

Nice. I glance to Mom with a look that says see what I’m up against? But honestly I don’t expect her to understand.

“What’s going on?” she asks. It’s rare she doesn’t sign around me, although that was clearly meant for Holt.

“There’s some guy that’s got it bad for Annie. Don’t worry. I’ve got my eye on him. He’s not getting anywhere.”

I bend down to scratch Nitro’s belly until his hind legs kick out of control. I want no part of this conversation. If Holt wants to think he has it all under control, I’ll gladly let him believe it. At least Izzy seems to be understanding. Sometimes I think neither of my brothers will ever accept me having someone in my life. I’m sure they’ll want to supervise on my wedding night just to make sure the whole evening ends on a chaste note. I think they’d dance a jig if I announced I was heading into a convent. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if they already signed me up for one. I’ve already got the vow of silence down pat. I make a face at Nitro. I used to envy him for so long. The way my mother spoils him—the way the world expects nothing out of him but a wag of the tail, he really does have it made.

Baya and Bryson show up, and Mom serves us a huge brunch on the back terrace. The apple trees lining the property are dotted with bright red fruit that hang like Christmas ornaments, and their fragrance fans all the way over to where we’re sitting.

“So when do I get my grandchildren?” Mom directs the question to Baya and Bryson, and they both nearly choke on their next bite.

“Not for a while.” Baya smiles sweetly at my brother. “I want to graduate first and settle down. No hurry over here.” She looks to Holt.

Izzy had to work at the dance studio this afternoon, or she would have joined us for my mother’s maternity shakedown.

“We’ve got cats.” Holt is quick to jump out of the baby fire, both signing and speaking. “For now,” he teases.

Mom rides her shoulders to her ears with a content look on her face. “I’m just so glad you’ve all found your special someone.” She glances to me, and her eyes widen. “And don’t you worry, sweetie, your special someone is out there just waiting to find you. And when the time is right, he will.”

I glance down at my phone. The time will be right in approximately two hours, and the place he’ll find me will be right in front of Prescott Hall. I try to hide the blooming grin on my face. I can’t help it. Blake makes me want to laugh out loud with joy. Something I haven’t felt, since, well, ever.

“Annie?” Mom waves to garner my attention. “I got those pamphlets from the Hoover Ear Clinic in Los Angeles. They have an extensive website. There are tons of video testimonials that I’d love to go over with you tonight. We can get Chinese and maybe dabble in some cyber shopping. We’ll paint the Internet red.” She raises her fork to me before taking another bite of her omelet.

Oh—I can’t stay over. Study group tonight. I sign so fast I’m not sure if I actually have a study group or if I’ve just lied to my mother for the very first time. My breathing grows erratic, and I feel light headed like I might pass out. Ironic since that’s exactly how I feel around Blake. I’m not sure what it means that both lying to my mother and my feelings for my new boyfriend are one in the same. Wait—did I just call him my boyfriend? I shake the thought out of my head.

“Annie?” Mom waves, and I freeze with a grimace glued to my face. All eyes are on me, and oh, wow, this has become uncomfortable far too quick. Is it too late to fake a stomach ache? It’s as if the lies are ready to shoot out of me like a geyser.

“Are you okay?” Mom’s eyes enlarge with concern as if I’ve malfunctioned once and for all. “You seem a little distracted.”

Baya’s mouth drops open as if she’s just had an epiphany. I’m sure she’s onto me.

Distracted is a good word, I sign back. School is a bit tougher than I anticipated. God’s honest truth, right there. I have an eight-page essay due on Monday. It’s just a first draft, but the professor likes for the class to critique each other’s work.

Bryson does a quick translation for his new wife.

That’s why I have to get back tonight—actually, this afternoon. I need to be back by three thirty. Some of the other girls—people in the group—want to have their evening free. God, this just keeps getting worse. Forget faking a stomach ache. I have one.

“Are you sure it’s not a boy who has you distracted?” Mom gives a knowing look, and my face heats up like hell fire. “Holt mentioned that someone had their eye on you. I can imagine a whole lot of boys have their eyes on you.” Her face lights up with glee as if she lives to torment me over a boy. I know she means well, and I’m pretty sure she’d be singing a different tune if she knew this boy were the reason I wanted to head back to campus. It’s all fun and games until there’s a real penis involved. If I didn’t feel like crying, I’d laugh at the thought.

What if there was a boy? I force a smile, but it comes out more of a scowl. A part of me wants to probe just to see if she’s all right with the idea.

Bryson whispers to Baya, and her chest hiccups with a gasp.

Mom’s amusement is quick to melt away. “Well, I suppose you’ll have to bring him around.” She nods to Holt and Bryson. “I’m sure your brothers will want to approve. I’ve never envied you on that front. But I’m sure if you find him interesting, that’s enough for me.” She does a quick sweep of all the secretive faces. “Well, who’s going to tell me about this mystery boy?”

Holt leans his head back a moment. “He’s the lead singer in a band that performs at the Black Bear—the 12 Deadly Sins.” He looks to me. “In the event you haven’t noticed, they added about five extra transgressions.”

Good God. I roll my eyes.

“His name is Blake.” Baya nods at my mother. “He’s amazingly sweet, and he has a voice that makes ovaries cry for a ten mile radius.”

My heart thumps at the idea. She nailed it all right.

Bryson shoots her a look before pulling her in close, and she giggles. It’s nice seeing him so happy. He was so depressed, and rightfully so, after his friend Stephanie died. He thought she killed herself over him, but she was pushed off a cliff by that evil witch, Aubree. Baya is lucky she survived Aubree’s clutches. My thoughts drift to Blake, how horrible he must feel to have lost his brother just this past summer, and now I can’t wait to see him in just a few short hours. He hasn’t talked much about his brother, but I want him to. I want him to tell me everything there is to know about him. I want to be that person for Blake—someone he can share his intimate thoughts with.

Bryson lifts a finger. “Don’t worry, Mom. Holt and I already talked to this clown. He and Annie are just friends—less than friends, acquaintances.” He lifts his brows as if demanding that’s all Blake and I will ever be.

Acquaintances, huh?

Mom holds out her hands a moment. “So much is changing, and I have no doubt Annie will have someone special in her life soon enough.” She looks to me heavy with concern. “Don’t rush into things. They say women are complicated, but, believe me, men are complicated, too, if not more so. I wouldn’t get too attached to this Blake person. You’re young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Men are like shoes, you want to try on a few good pairs before committing to just the right one.”

Holt and Bryson slouch in a manner that lets me know they’re less than pleased with her analogy. I’m positive she didn’t mean for it to be sexual in nature, but Baya is practically crying she’s laughing so hard.

Anyway”—Mom is as desperate to change the subject, as I am—“back to your hearing. I booked an initial consult with an associate clinic in Jepson. They can send their findings to the Los Angeles branch, and if you qualify, we can schedule the surgery as early as November.”

Surgery. I can practically feel the scalpel as she signs the word.

I want to say no thanks, but offer a bleak smile instead.

I know two things for sure. I’m about to make Blake Daniels more than an acquaintance in just under an hour—and I won’t be anywhere near Los Angeles come November.

The idea of Blake and his ovary exploding voice comes back to me.

Why does it feel as if I’m running in all sorts of scary directions at once?

It takes many text messages and stare downs with Baya to convince her to drive me back to the dorm. Who knew a football game was on, and my brothers had plans to sit glued to the set for the next four hours? Thank God for Baya, or I would have been stranded. Another reason to get my license ASAP. Last year both Kaya and I took our driver’s education courses. As soon as she could, she went down to the DMV and got her license. Kaya is a great driver—correction, Kaya is one of the safest drivers I’ve ever been in a car with. No offense to Baya, of course. Although it does feel sort of like a roller coaster at times, but I attribute it to the fact she’s probably not used to my brother’s truck. Maybe this winter break I’ll get my brothers to help me log a few hours behind the wheel, and, after the New Year, I can finally get my license. I’ll admit the idea makes me nervous, but Kaya assured me that everyone feels that way at first, hearing or not.

Baya pulls in front of Prescott, and I do a quick sweep for any signs of Blake, but thankfully there aren’t any. I think if I saw his big truck I’d keel over. My heart is still racing from trying to break out of my mother’s house, but now it’s picking up speed at the thought of being alone with Blake for the first time in a week. It’s still ten to three, so I have a few minutes to run up and change.

Baya leans back in her seat and inspects me.

“So what time is he picking you up?”

I open my mouth to refute the idea then wisely close it again. I’ve met my quota on lies for the week.

A wry smile drifts to my lips instead as I pull out my phone. 3:30 Please don’t tell.

“I won’t.” She laughs. “But you’re an adult, Annie. You’re allowed to see whoever, whenever you like. And if you like Blake”—she shrugs—“then that’s the way it goes.”

Do you think he’s a good guy?

“Are you kidding?” She talks extra slow, so I don’t miss a word. “For all that bad boy persona he puts on, he sure is a sweetheart. But don’t tell your brother I said that. I’d hate for him to think I was looking in another direction.” She gives a full-bellied laugh, and her hair and shoulders jump in turn. “Just be careful. Everyone’s a good guy until they’re not. Don’t you even think of letting him touch you. You deserve an epic romance, not some one-night stand by someone who doesn’t care enough to get to know you. Your brothers just want the best for you. They want you to fall in love.”

I wrinkle my nose. No they don’t. They want me to be single with ten cats for the rest of my life.

Baya bounces as she giggles. “Leave the cats to Izzy. You do you.” She holds up a finger and types something into her phone. Go have fun on your date. Do me a favor, though, don’t give your heart away until you’re absolutely sure he’s the one. And please don’t give your body away. You only get one first time, and you deserve both magic and romance—and, according to your brother, a wedding ring, so be careful.

“I will,” I mouth before leaning in giving her a nice, tight hug. Baya is like the big sister I never had. I give her a quick wave before speeding upstairs.

“Where have you been?” Marley has three outfits ready for me on the bed. I choose the one with a blush-colored sweater and tight well-worn blue jeans.

What are you doing here? I thought you were headed up to surprise your man? I spot those navy velvet cuffs she’s been dying to test out sitting unused on her desk.

“I sort of called and asked first.” She shrugs before picking up her phone. He couldn’t get out of a study group he’s leading. I guess we’re out of luck until next weekend. I had a feeling he wouldn’t want me around.

I text back. Sorry to hear it.

Don’t be. She answers. I’m headed to the local sex shop to get some inspiration for my next article. I’m not a pervert. I’m simply taking one for the team.

I give a wry smile. How noble of you.

She lends me her cowboy boots once again and shoves a packet of breath strips into my hand. “Put these in your pocket. You can sneak them into your mouth whenever, and the evidence melts away leaving you with fresh breath.” She shuttles me to the door before spinning me around to see her face again. “Oh, and don’t kiss after coffee.” She wrinkles her nose. “And, whatever you do, don’t eat fish or garlic or anything remotely disgusting.” She jumps with excitement. “I can’t believe you’re going to have your first kiss!”

I’d shake my head or refute the idea, but a part of me wants to believe it’s true. There’s only one goal I have for the rest of the day and that’s to land Blake Daniels’ lips over mine.

I type into my phone. I’m going on a date not a kissing marathon. There is no actual plan to fuse our mouths together. I show her the phone and can’t help but think I’ve espoused yet another lie.

Marley tilts toward me. There’s a practicality about her that overrides her sweetness just enough, and I admire that. She whips out her phone. You do realize he’s into you. And don’t even try to deny the fact you’re into him. She gives my arm a quick rub before finishing her thoughts. If things happen naturally and you’re feeling it—go for it. Just enjoy the ride. What could a little kissing hurt?

My stomach pinches with heat at the thought of his lips touching mine.

I just hope I don’t pass out.

She bites her lip as she jots down a reply You won’t. And, if you do, odds are he’ll be holding you so you won’t hit the ground. Now get out of here!

And I do.

By the time I step outside the building, Blake is already there, front and center, with his window rolled down, his head leaned back, his eyes half closed in that sexy bedroom eye kind of way. He hops out as soon as he sees me and breaks into a giant grin. Tiny comma-like dimples dig in on either side of his cheeks, and my stomach squeezes tight at the sight of them. I have a feeling today is going to be filled with autonomic responses I have no control over. Like Marley said, just enjoy the ride.

Blake steps toward me in his blue-gray flannel, his inky dark jeans, those speckled burning eyes, and I melt. Blake Daniels is perfection. Just the sight of him makes all those butterflies that have been making me insane instantly fly away. Something about his presence calms me. I feel more relaxed and at home with him than I do with my entire family. There’s something special about Blake Daniels, that’s for sure.

“You look”—he points to me before covering his face with his palm and circling his hand over it. That’s the ASL sign for beautiful.

I’m breathless that he learned to do that for me.

“Thank you,” I mouth with a heartfelt sincerity. “You look”—I make the letter H then touch my hand around my face in a circular fashion—“handsome,” I mouth.

He holds his hands out a moment and looks to the sky, and I laugh, touching my hand to my lips to catch myself. I’m pretty good at silent chuckles, but every now and again, one will escape, and my voice box will get its monthly workout.

He gently takes my hand from my mouth his eyes penetrating intensely in mine. “That’s okay. You have a beautiful voice.”

My face burns with a fire all its own as he helps me into the truck, and we head out. We pass the Black Bear, and I feel a sense of relief. I know that what Baya said was true. I am an adult, and I can see and do whatever I want, but a part of me very much wants my brothers’ approval. They’ve always been my heroes, and if I ever hurt them or let them down it’ll kill me.

We drive through Jepson then out into the countryside where crowded city streets and skyscrapers are traded for acres of colorful maples and wide-open sky. It occurs to me I have no idea where he’s taking us, and if I weren’t so caught off guard by the fact he learned to sign the sweetest thing possible, I would have asked.

Blake points up ahead, and a breath gets caught in my throat. An entire row of tiny blips in the sky come into focus—hot air balloons.

Oh, God. I force a smile. I completely forgot. Something tells me today is going to test my fear of heights in a whole new way. Why—why did I ever mention hot air balloons? Crap! I’m going to pass out on this date all right. Let’s just hope I don’t fall to my death in the process. Is it even legal to put human beings in a basket attached to an oversized balloon? Maybe he just wants to watch—safely from the ground with our feet firmly planted on God’s green earth.

He pulls into a parking space that reads departing passengers only. And, there’s that.

Blake helps me out and nods to the sky. “You up for an adventure today?”

Will you be joining me on this adventure? I coyly point my phone at him.

“Yes.” His brows dip, and his smile is lustful and sexy and a thousand things I’m pretty sure my brothers would never ever approve of.

I’m in.

Blake and I head inside the tiny office and purchase tickets before we watch a brief instructional video. Our pilot leads us out and helps me over the basket. No door. No bathroom. Two things that distinguish us from the animals I want to say but don’t. I give a brief smile to the sky because this is one nightmare I’ve dragged myself into.

“Are you okay?” Blake leans into me with that dark hair, those demanding eyes, and all of my fears melt like butter. Well, almost. The very real fear of breaking my neck in an accidental fall is still holding ground.

I give a slight nod, and, without thinking, my arms slip around his waist. The balloon starts to wobble, and, before we know it, we’re levitating off the ground. The rush of wind blows my hair wild, and I turn slightly to get it off my face. Blake slowly wraps his arms around me, and I lean into his warm chest as all of Jepson, the colorful patches of maples and oaks blur beneath us like a watercolor. Blake points to the north where the entire hillside is alive with autumn splendor—a breathless rainbow of fire—a world whose beauty you truly need a bird’s eye view to fully appreciate.

I pull out my phone. I can’t believe how beautiful this is. Thank you. I would never have been brave enough to do this without you.

His face inches back a bit as if he didn’t believe it. “You make me brave.” An incredible sadness pulls down his features as he says it. He glances over at the pilot who kindly mans the ship from the other side of the basket. I suppose he’s used to giving couples their share of privacy although I hardly think Blake and I qualify as an official couple.

His grip around me tightens, and it’s only then I truly grasp the fact that Blake and I are holding one another—granted it might have started out as holding on for dear life, but his hands warm over my back, his legs sit tight against mine. It feels different now, like something more.

Blake leans back, examining me with a serious look of intent as if he’s seeing me for the very first time.

A burst of fire explodes over his shoulder as the balloon rises even higher.

Blake’s forehead creases, and his brows dip into a perfect V formation. My insides quiver at how disarmingly handsome he is. Blake could be in this hot air balloon with any girl of his choosing, and it’s almost impossible to believe I’m the girl he chose.

“Can I kiss you?” He says the words extra slow, determined that I understand.

My heart stops. I swallow hard, mustering just enough strength to nod yes.

Blake presses out a brief smile before leaning in with short staccato moves, and my body pulses with a heartbeat all its own. My stomach threatens to shoot out of my skull. My knees grow weak—my breathing picks up until I’m panting right into him.

Blake comes to me and brushes his lips ever so softly over mine, light as air, and my lids flutter open wondering if it happened at all.

I twist my lips holding back a smile as he tweaks his brows in a devious manner.

“How about another?” Blake leans in, and I close my eyes. His lips glide over mine, harder this time, and he lingers.

My insides burn bright with a blaze all their own, and I can feel a moan creeping up my throat. I want this. I’ve wanted this since the moment I looked into his beautiful eyes that first day.

The wind whips around us. The basket vibrates from the burner blasting in the background.

Blake lightens up as if he might pull away, and I press my hand to the back of his neck, holding him there right where he belongs. A vibrating tingle comes from his lips to mine, and I hope it’s an approving moan. He’s taking it slow, very slow, and as much as I appreciate it, I want him to know that I won’t break. He can kiss me how he really wants, as fast and furious as his body demands. My mouth falls open just enough to throw out the invitation, and Blake dives in slowly. His tongue mingles softly with mine, and it takes all of my self-control not to vocalize a thousand heartfelt groans. Blake moves in me with slow meandering strokes, then in a quick burst of passion that makes it feel as if this kiss alone has the power to float the ship. I make my way into his mouth, and his fingers dig hard into my hips. His chest rises and falls over mine, and it feels like more than I ever thought it could. I’m pretty sure every first kiss doesn’t hold this magic. It can’t. This is different. This is something special just for Blake and me.

We pull apart, and I look up at him from under my lashes. Blake smiles wide and lands a gentle peck over the apple of my check. He holds me tight, and I lay my head over his chest just watching the kaleidoscope of colors below as the world lies silent beneath our feet. This is a golden moment—far more romantic than any romance novel I’ve ever read.

This is real.

Blake and I are real.




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