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Roped by Remy Blake (17)


“So what’s up with you and Blaire?” Magnus draws me aside from the throng of patrons standing near the long wooden bar.

“We’re just having fun while I’m here.”

He tips his head, observing me for a sign I’m not being upfront. “From what I saw, it looks more complicated than that.”

“It wasn’t supposed to be. No strings sex was all we signed on for, but we got a little more than we planned.”

“So what are you gonna do?”

My eyes peruse the hazy interior of The King’s Humidor, the cigar lounge we decide to try out. Harry opened this place a year ago and judging from the crush of bodies, business is booming.

“I’ve got a little less than two weeks left here and then I’ll return to New York as planned and she’ll continue working for her father.”

“You don’t want more than a ‘goodbye, nice knowing you?’”

“It doesn’t matter what I want. Lines got blurred somewhere along the way and we’ll have to deal with the fallout.”

“It sounds deceivingly easy, but you know it won’t be.”

“Nothing about leaving Blaire will be easy, but I have to do what I have to do. I have a business to run.”

“You have a partner who’s been doing a bang up job taking care of things from what you’ve said. Why couldn’t he continue running the New York branch and you could start one out here?”

I shake my head. “I’m not going to reroute my life or my plans for the future after knowing someone for only a few weeks.”

“I could argue that; when it’s right, it’s right. And I was in a similar situation when I met Lucy. She only wanted sex with no strings and it quickly developed into more. I definitely wasn’t prepared for her, but I haven’t regretted taking a chance, not even for one moment.”

“Yeah, but you guys didn’t live thousands of miles apart.”

“No, but we had other obstacles to overcome. She has a son and he comes first. Some guys would have a problem with that, but knowing what a wonderful mother she is only makes me love her more. I can’t imagine my life without her or Jeremiah.”

“Blaire is wonderful, but am I really ready to settle down with one woman forever?” I raise and lower my shoulders in a shrug. “If I was looking to get married, she’d be a great choice, but there’s still so much I want to accomplish while I’m young enough to. No strings works for me.”

“Whatever you decide, you know I’ll support you.” He grips my shoulder in his meaty hand. “Come on let’s order some shots and see if we can get Wes drunk.”

I hold up my hand for a high five. “Let’s do it.”

We order nine shots, three for each of us and we carry them back to the table Wes is waiting at.

“Jesus, it took you guys so long I figured you weren’t coming back.”

“We thought about leaving you here, but we didn’t want to listen to you bitch about it later,” Magnus quips.

Wes flashes a grin and reaches for one of the shots we set down on the table. “What is this?”

“It’s called Wyoming Whiskey and it’s a local company. It’s also Harry’s favorite so that should tell you it’s good stuff,” I explain.

Wes raises a glass, staring at the amber liquid. “I was gonna say cheers, but I think giddyup seems more appropriate if tonight ends like I’m hoping.” He wiggles his brows.

“I’ll drink to Lucy playing cowgirl and riding me like a horse,” Magnus replies.

“Hey, that’s my best friend you’re talking about,” Wes flips him the bird.

“And we’ve been living together. We’re well past the hand holding stage, Wes.”

“I don’t want to hear about it,” he grumbles.

“Drink up gentlemen, the night is still young,” I prod. The two of them argue like an old married couple whenever they’re together. Everything ends up being a competition between them and I don’t want to deal with that tonight. I just want to have some fun and stop thinking about Blaire for a few hours. As if that can happen.

“How many of these do you think you can drink without getting shitfaced?” Wes asks Magnus.

“More than you,” Magnus boasts and they start to bicker about who can drink more. Tipping my shot back, I swallow it down, enjoying the pleasant burn. Tipping the glass over on the table, I watch the two of them and their incessant back and forth. Shaking my head, I reach for another shot. I can already see how this night is shaping up.

I’ve just placed the second glass down when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Is it Blaire? I smile as I think of her. There’s a text from Avery with a video attachment. My brows press together as I wonder what she’s sending me. The frown presses deeper when I see Blaire sitting down with a guy wearing nothing but tighty whities and chaps, rolling his hips up in her face. His dick is mere inches away from her mouth. What the fuck is this shit?

My teeth clench as I shove the phone back in my pocket. It’s time to go get Blaire.

* * *

“Hey.” I catch Blaire’s hand and pull her against me. “Fancy seeing you here, sexy.” My anger curbs when I see her. We’re at Jackson’s Hole where the girls have clearly been up to no good and I have the video to prove it.

Glancing around, I let my eyes scan the space. The tables are packed with screaming women and more crowd the stage. This place is another one of Harry’s investments that’s sure to pay off.

When I saw the text from Avery, I just had to get to Blaire right away.

Her hands creep up my chest as one of my palms settles on her mini skirt clad ass. “Shh, I’m trying to avoid this city boy I met a couple weeks ago.”

“Is he that bad?”

“The worst. You know how that type is.”

“No, I can’t say I do. Why don’t you enlighten me.”

“Well, he’s attractive in a pretty boy way.” She grins, mischievously as my eyes narrow. I’m not a pretty boy. “He’s pushy and arrogant.” She pauses to tap her cherry red lips drawing my attention to them. “He’s decent in bed,” she giggles and I growl, lowering my mouth to her neck. Sucking and biting the delicate skin behind her ear and under her jaw, I relish the sound of her gasps.

“Tell me something good about this city boy.”

“He has a... talented tongue,” she moans the last two words.

“I know for a fact he can’t wait to bury his tongue in your greedy little cunt.”

“Oh God...Chase,” she grips my shoulders. “Yes...please.” Her nails dig into my skin.

“You want my mouth on you right now?”

“Yes...fuck yes.”

My hands move up to smooth along the length of her thick locks. “Is there a place in here we can have some privacy?”

“There’s an extra office I use when my father needs me here.”

“Show me where.” She catches my hand weaving me in and out through the throng of people to the back of the bar. We pass through a door marked employees only and she veers us off to the right to climb a staircase. At the top is a long hall with doors on both sides. She leads me all the way to the end and punches in a code on a keypad beside the door. My hand reaches past her to close on the knob. Pulling the door open, my hand presses between her shoulder blades urging her forward. I shove the door closed with my other hand and direct her over to the large cherry desk on the far wall.

Grasping her fingers I draw her around the desk and I lower onto the large black leather executive chair. Staring up at her standing between my legs, my hands settle on her hips and I lift her onto the desk in front of me. She sits down with a squeal of surprise and a twinkle of excited anticipation in her eyes.

“You know what comes next?” I ask as my eyes hungrily eat up every inch of her from the top of her dark blonde hair to the sexy as fuck cowboy boots on her feet.

She nibbles on her bottom lip, leaning back on her palms. “I know what I want to happen.” My fingertips skim up the inside of her thighs, tracing swirling lines as they go. “God, I love your hands.” She watches me under her thick lashes, a haze of passion clouding her eyes.

“Lay back,” I order, sitting forward on the chair. She complies, raising her arms over her head.

“Fuck, you’re so sexy.” My voice sounds pained reflecting the pressure my rock hard cock actually feels. Blaire’s tits are about to bust free from her black V neck shirt and her eyes, slitted at half mast, watch me. Pressing my palms to her inner thighs I shove their golden length open, raising her short denim skirt high enough for me to see she’s bare underneath.

“Where are your panties?” I growl, barely hanging onto any restraint.

“In my purse. I was feeling hopeful.”

Moving forward, I slip my torso between her legs and drape them, boots and all, over my shoulders. “You’re such a greedy little thing. Were you impatient for my mouth? My tongue? My cock?”


“Which one do you want?”

“I want them all.”

“You’re such a brat. Pick one or you don’t get any.”

“Your cock. Fuck me...please.”

Lowering her legs from my shoulders, I shoot to my feet. My fingers immediately move to shift any clothing in the way and slide a condom on my desperate cock. It feels like ages since I’ve been inside her and it’s been no more than twenty-four hours.

Gripping my length I rub the head from her entrance up to tease her clit. “You’re so wet—so hot.” Sliding back to tease her hole, I press the tip against her softness. “It feels like your pussy is sucking me inside. She’s thirsty for my cock.”

“Fuck me,” she begs in a hoarse voice. Wrapping her boot covered calves around my hips, she uses the heels to buck into my ass, urging me on. I thrust inside in one smooth motion until I’m buried to the hilt.

“Yes, that’s it.” She raises her hips, eager for more.

Repeatedly drawing back and sliding forward, I grind on her clit with each stroke. Her hands grip the lip of the wooden surface behind her head, holding tight as I rock into her so hard the desk slides across the floor with an angry screech of protest.

One of my hands slides down to caress her ass before laying a sharp crack on the smooth skin with my palm. “I need to see you bent over this desk so when I go home, I can pretend you’re on top of mine.” Stepping back, I flip her over roughly, too insane with lust to be gentle. Her palms slap against the wood as she catches and braces herself for what’s coming.

I push up her skirt, exposing both round globes for my gaze. Pressing my palm in the middle of her shoulders, I skate it down the riveting length of her spine over each vertebrae, urging her chest to the desktop. My fingers clutch her hips, digging in, marking her fair skin. I jerk her back toward my pelvis, raising her up on her toes. Her round ass in the air gives me the perfect angle as I drive my cock deep into her pussy.

“Yes,” she yells. One of my hands moves up twisting and wrapping itself in her long, silky tresses.

Yanking her head back, I slam into her harder and harder. Faster and faster. I want to mark her, imprint myself on her in some way that will make her remember this moment long after our time is over. Releasing the hold on her hair, my fingertips trail down between our bodies collecting some of her sweet, slick juices. Moving back, I paint the ring of her ass with my fingers, circling the rosy circle until Blaire sighs with pleasure. I take it as a green light to continue, gently pressing my finger against her hole while my cock continues to slay her pussy.

“Don’t stop,” Blaire demands and I listen, slowly easing past the ring of her ass.

“Fuck. You’re so tight.” I carefully press forward more until it’s buried all the way. “God,” I groan. “I want to fuck this ass so bad.” My finger moves in and out as my dick drives hard and fast into her pussy.

“Oh Chase,” she moans my name in ecstasy.

“You dirty little minx. I knew you’d love having me in all your holes.” The slap of our bodies, harsh breaths, moans and gasps are the perfect orchestra of sexual sounds in the room. “This ass is going to belong to me before I go,” I warn.

“Yes...oh...coming,” she stutters as her orgasm overtakes her, assaulting her petite frame. Her pussy clenches down on my cock and her ass on my finger and the combination is enough to send me following right after her. My hips jerk and my back arches as every thought or worry dissipates. A white blanket of pleasure covers every inch of me as my cock explodes inside her.

We stay joined together as my chest comes down on her back so I can press a kiss to the side of her neck. “That was incredible. You’re incredible.”

“That was just what I needed.”

“Hey, I do what I can,” I jest. “I hope you need that again later.”

“I think that’s a pretty safe bet. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much sex in such a short period of time. You make me insatiable.”

“I know the feeling. I just left your pussy and I’m already thinking about the next time.” I adjust her skirt to cover her ass and step back away from her to dispose of the condom and pull my pants up. “Before we go back I need to confess something.”


“I saw the video of the stripper and you. It pissed me off, seeing someone else so close to you. I was insanely jealous and I had to come show you my dick is the only one you need to think of.”

“Really?” She arches one dark blonde brow. “That’s sexy.” Her hands roam over the muscular plains of my chest and I catch them with mine.

“Hold that thought for now, but don’t lose it because later on…” I trail off leaving the rest unspoken. “We should get back to everybody before they wonder where we disappeared to.”

“I bet they’re smart enough to figure it out, Chase.”

“That might be so, but I don’t want to be completely rude while they’re here. Magnus would definitely pick sex with Lucy over visiting with me so I don’t feel too guilty.”

She runs her fingers through her hair and adjusts her shirt. “How do I look?”

“You look hot. Like my cock was just in you.”

She whacks me across my chest. “Seriously, how do I look? Does it look like you just fucked my brains out?”

Stepping forward, I pull her into my arms. “You look perfect. Every day you grow more beautiful.”

“Chase,” she whispers. “That was the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

“I meant every word of it.” My chest is eerily tight with an alien emotion. Time to find the others. “Come on.” Grasping her hand, I direct us out the door and back down the stairs. Returning to the dim lighting and loud music of the club assails my senses for a moment. I’m tempted to spin around and pull Blaire back up to the office for some more alone time. I want to keep her to myself, but I can’t. I have guests here and don’t want to be rude.

“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” Avery announces. She’s the first to spot us out of all the table occupants as we come up behind them. Eight pairs of eyes study us. Blaire squeezes my hand and I know she’s most likely embarrassed. She’s imagining everyone can tell what we were just doing.

“You guys are just in time. We have shots for everyone,” Magnus mentions as he passes them out. He raises a small glass. “To friends, old and new.”

I wink at Blaire. “I’ll drink to that.”