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Roped by Remy Blake (4)



Do I think he’s attractive? Geez, if only he knew how much of an understatement that was. He’s a gorgeous reminder of what the world has to offer when your focus isn’t on school, a dead end relationship, and worrying about what the future holds.

“Say it,” he nudges.

“Say what?”

“You think I’m attractive.”

“I already did.”

“Well, say it, again.”

I laugh at his persistence. “Not going to happen.”

“Come on. You know you want to,” he teases.

“In your dreams.”

“You mean, yours right? Sexy Chase making an appearance in your dreams.”

“I don’t recall saying you were sexy.” It’s a low blow, and an absolute lie, but I need to steer my thoughts in a different direction, before I reveal just how attractive Chase really is.

“You’re right, you never said the words, but that cute blush on your cheeks said enough.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “You’re never going to let it go, are you?”

“Hell no, when a gorgeous woman thinks you’re attractive, you take it and you capitalize on it.”

My insides tingle at his admission, but I make sure my demeanour shuts down this conversation immediately. It’s already ventured into unchartered and inappropriate territory. He works for my dad, and I don’t want him thinking I care what he thinks of how I look, because I don’t. As far as I’m concerned he’s a bit of eye candy to make time go faster while we finalize plans for King Ranch. He’ll be gone soon enough, a distant memory, while I’ll hopefully be making strides on things with a higher priority.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of time to change your mind.”

“It’s going to take a bit longer than a few days,” I scoff.

“Actually, I’ll be here for four weeks.”

“Four weeks?” I shriek.

“Is that a problem?” He asks defensively.

“No,” I backpedal. “I won’t be here that long anyway.”

“Oh. You got somewhere to be?”

“Got to get back to my boyfriend,” I blurt out.

“You have a boyfriend?”

“No. Yes. We’re on a break.”

“Which one is it?” He pries.

“And this here is the main house,” I say ignoring him. “I’ve got stuff to do, but I’ll show you to the kitchen and someone will meet you and direct you to where your room is.”

I walk inside, only to realize six steps in that he isn’t behind me. Heading back to the front door I push the fly screen with force. “What are you--”

Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph why is he taking his clothes off?

I turn and face the wall, physically restraining myself from ogling whatever body parts are currently on display. “What are you doing?”

“Taking my clothes off.”

“Ah. Yes. I can see that, but why?”

“I’m not dragging my wet clothes and feet through your dad’s house. The floor is probably made out of gold.”

The concern in his voice is adorable, and completely unexpected. Most people see what we have, and have no problem treating things with no respect, assuming we have enough money to just replace any item, at any given time.

“So, what? Your great plan was to just walk through the house naked instead?”

“According to you, I’m not too bad to look at, I figured it would be easier to get over than ruining the gold floors.”

With my face still turned away from him, I smile at the ridiculousness of it all. “Chase, the floor is not gold, and a wet floor is nothing that a dry towel or mop can’t fix.”

“Still rather be safe than sorry. Can we go inside now?”

“Sure.” I fight the urge to turn around, and make my way inside instead. I hear the low sound of bare feet walking on tiles behind me.

When we reach the kitchen, I’m relieved to see Sandy, our housekeeper, standing by the sink, preparing dinner. “Hey,” I call out.

A loud gasp followed by cutlery crashing against the stainless steel tub echoes throughout the room. “Will you ever learn not to creep up on me like that?” Used to her scolding, I don’t bother answering.

“Sandy, do you know anything about a new house guest we’re having?”

“Yes. Your father mentioned someone, probably another overweight man in a suit.”

Chase guffaws, and Sandy’s head spins around faster than that chick in The Exorcist.

Her eyes almost fall out of her head at the sight of him, her pale skin becomes covered in an unrecognizable tinge of red. She looks at me, then back at him.

“Sandy, that,” I say pointing behind me, “is Chase. The overweight man in a suit.”

“Oh, I am so sorry, Chase.” She wipes her wet hands down the front of her apron. “That was so inappropriate of me.”

“Nothing to apologize for.” He steps forward, till his shoulder is grazing mine. “Blaire has already, kindly, clarified that I’m not Harry’s usual type.” The contact is enough to have me sneak in a side glance. His skin is warm and smooth against mine, his arms toned, with definition in every angle. I let my eyes roam, until his gray colored eyes are staring right back at me.

“Um, Chase is it?” Sandy interrupts.

“Yes.” He answers her, but continues to look at me.

“Where are your clothes?”

His gaze is challenging and full of mischief. “Blaire wet me with the hose. It seems she wanted to see me naked, but didn’t realize all she had to do was ask.”

My mouth opens and closes in shock, my comeback refusing to come to the surface.

“Right. Okay, well then hand me your wet clothes and I’ll show you to your room.”

“See you later, Blaire.” With a satisfied smile, he turns to follow Sandy. My blood is boiling with irritation. I did not sign up for this.

* * *

A knock, followed by an open door let’s me know my mom has come to see me. She’s the only person who refuses to wait till you give her permission to walk in.

“Mom, I could’ve been naked.”

She sits on the edge of my bed, making herself comfortable. “Blaire, stop being silly. I pushed you out of my vagina, there’s no such thing as privacy.”

Not even surprised by her inappropriate comment, I continue responding to emails, waiting for her to get to the point of her visit.

“I came up to tell you dinner will be in twenty minutes, your father wants you downstairs so you can meet--”

I slam my laptop closed the minute I see where the conversation is headed. “I already met him this afternoon, I really don’t need to meet him again.”

“Your father is insisting, Blaire, you know how unbearable he can be when we don’t listen to him.”

“I have plans,” I lie.

“Please, honey, you and I can finish a bottle of wine. It will make it go faster, I promise.” Unlike me, mom has never liked business talk, and if it wasn’t for my reluctance to be in the same room as Chase, she wouldn’t even need to ask me twice. In the public eye they’re the perfect power couple, but behind closed doors, they’re still the same young teenagers who fell in love and promised one another till death do us part. “And make sure you dress up.”

“He’s already seen me in my cutoff shorts and tank, what does it matter?” I omit the fact that I’ve also seen him practically naked, and no dinner, or fancy clothes will make that visual go away.

“Your father wants you to be his shadow while he’s here,” she explains. “He thinks he’s hit the jackpot with this guy, but you know how he likes to micromanage.”

“Wouldn’t it make more sense if dad was his shadow?”

“You don’t usually mind helping your dad, I thought that’s what you were here for?”

She lays the guilt on thick. “I am.”

“Then what’s the issue with shadowing Chase, did something happen? Did your dad make the wrong decision? We have a lot riding on this, if Chase isn’t suited for the job, you need to tell us.”

Shuffling forward, I sit next to her and place my hand over her knee. “Relax mom, there’s nothing wrong with Chase. I’ll be downstairs in half an hour.”

She pats my hand and rises, the frantic woman from two seconds ago nowhere to be seen. “Excellent. Make sure you wear that royal blue dress.”

“I’ll wear what I want.”

“And the beige heels. They match well.”

“I’ll wear what I want.”

“Of course.” She waves goodbye without even a second glance. “Bye, Blaire.”

God, she lays the guilt on thick.