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Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1 by K. L Roth (15)




Elle waltzed into her room feeling refreshed after her pampering by the girls. A large package tied with ribbon sat on her bed.

She sat down on her blanket and untied the bow. The silk slid off the paper it was holding and landed beside her.

The paper itself was white in colour and looked very expensive. The thin kind she could remember her mother bringing her lace home in.

Elle lifted the first layer back and folded the next one down. Inside she could see sparkling beads and fine jacquard.

A gown!

Oh my, this must be the finest dress I have ever seen if it looks like this already!

Cassie came in just then and squealed with delight. ‘Open it, Elle. And hurry. We all want to see what it is.’

She looked up and noticed all the girls were now lining up waiting for her to open the package.

‘Cassie, help me please. I do not want to ruin it,’ Elle pleaded.

She strolled over and plopped on her bed. She held the third layer of paper and Elle removed the fourth revealing the most exquisite dress.

Cassie grabbed one side and she grabbed the other pulling the dress from its prison.

She handed her side over to Elle and she held it up against her.

The dress was made of black and silver jacquard at the bodice with the same satin ribbon to lace up the back. The front had very intricate, sparkling beads all sewn into the pattern on the jacquard. The long flowing black satin skirt had tiny gems sewn in.

She twirled around still holding it in front of her forgetting she was naked. The girls all laughed at the sight of her white bottom and her face grew red.

‘Sorry girls, got caught up in the moment. Can you please help me get it on, Jayne?’ she begged.

Jayne came over and pulled out the rest of the finery the dress was concealing. There was a pair of lace stockings that tied with ribbon at the thigh and a pair of beaded heels that perfectly matched the dress.

‘Look, Elle!’ said as she held them up. ‘Look how amazing these are!’ She squealed in delight as she ran her fingers over the intricate lace and beads.

The triplets rushed over in glee. Melina poked her head around the smooth rock opening of their chambers.       

‘Do you like? I truly hope it fits. You will look amazing, Elle,’ she said, bringing forth a velvet bag. She handed it to Elle, who took it with a quizzed look.

‘These belonged to your mother. She left them to me for safe keeping, making me promise to give this to you when the time was right. I am sure she would agree today would be the perfect day.’ She smiled and hugged her completely dismissing the fact Elle was naked and holding her dress in front of her.

Tears ran down Elle’s face. She pictured her mother and father dancing in the fire light with her. Melina’s arms felt as if they were her mother’s and it brought her much comfort since Melina told her of her father’s death. Elle was unaware that her mother was the queen of England. She was too young to understand at the time.

She was getting very nervous suddenly at the thought of entering the same castle with the same people who took her mother’s life. Also, it is not every day that one meets royalty, let alone a girl who has lost everything yet promised to gain it all back.

Cassie and the triplets helped her get dressed, mainly Cassie since she was the only one other than Melina to go into town.

Elle held her breath as they laced up the corset and firmly tied it.

‘I dare not breathe now,’ she laughed, ‘I am afraid I might bust out of my dress.’

‘Yeah, just do not bend over or you might show the king more then you expected to,’ Jerilynn giggled.

They were all having such a wonderful time with Elle’s new things and aiding her like royal ladies-in-waiting.

‘Get used to it child, at the castle you will have ladies of your own who will be doing the same things we are right now. Just watch who you trust. Make friends but do not make the wrong ones. I would try and get in Queen Mary’s favour.’ Melina offered, feeling a bit maternal.

Finally, the laughter died and they finished dressing her. Melina brushed her braid aside and unclasp the diamond and ruby necklace then placed it around her neck.

Elle removed the earrings one at a time and clipped them to her earlobes. She was certain she was presentable but felt out of place. The dresses she wore daily were rags compared to a handmade gown like this.

‘Are you ready then Elle?’ Melina questioned. ‘The king is currently sleeping by the pond so you need to hurry. Your carriage, two ladies and guard are already in place, waiting for you to cry for help. These three people have given up their lives to get you your revenge. You must go straight to him, no stopping or we may miss our chance. Our plan is set. Do not let your mother’s death be in vain. Now make haste, child. I will be keeping an eye on you always, never fear. We love you, dear.’ Melina said trying to blink back the water welling in her eyes.

‘Do not forget your flask of wine. I have already dumped the love potion in so make sure he drinks it.’ Jayne handed her the silver flask, almost forgetting to give it to her.

The girls said their goodbyes to Elle and Cassie came out with a long silvery-black overcoat. It was made of fox hide and felt luxurious.

‘Here, a parting gift. I have been trapping many a fox to make this for you. If you should ever feel sad or lonely, pull it close and we will all embrace you.’

‘Oh, my Cassie. It is stunning and very soft. I will treasure it and I promise to never forget any of you. I appreciate all you have done for me and my family. This is not goodbye, just see you later.’ Elle blew them a kiss as she folded the coat over her arm and walked out of the cave.

She hesitated but did not look back. Onward, Elle, to your new life.

Elle stepped through the mossy outer banks of the pond, careful to not get her new finery damp and her shoes muddy. Holding up the skirting, she made her way over branches, through leaves and avoided the water holes littering the forest floor.

The leaves were falling faster now from their homes on the surrounding trees. The light breeze scattered them around her ankles. A few squirrels chased each other around, chattering their quarrel to all who could hear.

The fur coat was making the journey hard for Elle. Sweat formed on her face and rolled down her cleavage. The sun shined still, casting its rays in the small spaces the branches did not reach.

She came upon the hollow trunk they always passed when heading to the old path no longer used by the carriages taking its passengers to the castle. A few minutes more and the pond would be in sight along with her king. 

She stopped to take a breath before scrambling onto the blue-green grass the king was sleeping on. Her eyes picked him out as soon as she came to the small clearing the pond provided.

Muse nickered and stomped the dirt in front of him. He must have heard her crunch the leaves or break a twig.

James stirred at the sound of his horse paw the ground but dismissed it and closed his eyes again.

‘Help me!’ Elle screamed out, trying to sound like a damsel in distress as she ran the best she could in her heels.

James bolted up, grabbing his dagger from his boot ready for a fight. A ravishing young woman who looked terrified out of her whit’s, sprinted towards him. He caught the wild look in her eye as he dashed forward to save her.

They collided and she wrapped her arms around his naked torso. She could feel every inch of his hard, muscular frame. Oh my, he is dangerously good looking. His body feels so good against mine. A girl could get used to this!

‘My lady, are you okay? Are you hurt? Who is chasing you? I promise you are safe with me.’ James had no choice but to bury his face in her neck since she was practically wearing him right now.

‘I am not sure. It was horrific! They are all dead…all of them.’ Elle sobbed out into his chest. She had to make it appear as if she feared for her life so she clung to his even tighter.

James peeled her off, holding her at arm’s length, ‘Here, let me help you. Come sit. Are they still following you?’

‘I…I am not sure,’ she stuttered out, ‘I ran and did not look back. So, horrible. The blood, so much blood.’

‘Calm down and tell me what happened. May I ask your name?’ James fluffed out his shirt and coverlet for her to sit down on. He knew she must be tired by the look on her puffy face. The gown and jewellery she wore told him she was more than just a noble.

‘Elle, my name is Elle,’ she replied.

She knelt on his clothing, laid the fur on the ground beside her and caught her ragged breath before her breasts heaved out of the tight dress.

James froze. He could not look away; his gaze was glued to her cleavage.

She looked up at his bright green eyes, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

He slowly closed his eyes and turned around.

She withdrew her flask from her fur coat and pretended to drink. James was busy watching behind them in case her attackers followed her.

He turned around right when she removed the bottle from her lips.

‘Wine? I have been so parched since my servant packed mine next to my horse’s flank. It was too hot to drink and taste horrible.’

‘Yes, would you care for a drink? It is the best in all of Switzerland.’

Elle leant in and passed him the cool liquid.

Their fingers touched when she released it from her grasp. She felt the charge zap up her hand and through her veins. By the surprised look on his chiselled face, the same thing happened to him.

Elle played it off and licked her plush lips. James threw his head back and gulped the crisp flavoured wine down.

She dropped her head into her hands and whispered, ‘Let the one who drinks this wine, shower me with love divine, love potion number nine, let his love be forever mine.’

He did not hear her low spoken words, he was too busy savouring the rich taste.

‘Wow! Such an amazing taste. Very fruity with an edge to it.’ He said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

‘You do not think anyone is coming for me, do you?’ She asked, toying with the cord knotted in her braid. She untied the end and ran her fingers through her twisted hair, undoing all of Ramona’s skilled work.

‘If they were, they have given up by now I am most certain,’ he reassured her.

Looping the coloured cord around her wrist, she knew how to get him to touch it for this spell to work its magic.

The wind caught her raven hair, whipping it around her face then leaving it in soft waves down her back.

‘Can you please tie this for me? It belongs to my friend, the one now lying dead alongside the road. I do not want to lose it, please.’

He did as she asks. His hands shaking the whole time he touched her skin.

‘Please, it was rude of me to think of my own needs before yours. Tell me what went on before you ran into my arms,’ he said.

James’s eyes dilated, mouth curved into a cocky grin and his leathers stretched below his naked chest. The sight before him was too much to take. This girl was fucking hot as hell. And not just in the ‘Oh yeah, she is hot’ kind of way. She was so much more. He could not wait to show her off.

‘We were on our way to the castle for the king’s festivities. I started to feel ill and could not breathe so they stopped the carriage. One of my ladies came along with my guard and I a few yards into the forest to get out of the heat. The breeze was not blowing in and with the three of us stuffed in there, well you know.’

‘My ladies…my guard, they never stood a chance. I ran and hid behind a large boulder when my guard alerted me of the danger. These men on horseback came from nowhere. Huge and ghastly looking things they were. He tried to fight them off her, he tried so hard. They cut them both down running back to my other lady waiting in the carriage. Both protected me by not giving away my location. I feel responsible for their deaths, if I had not gotten out, maybe they would still be alive.’

Tears welled in her blue eyes, a few slipped down her rosy cheeks and James reached out and brushed them away with his thumb.

‘I am so sorry. I find it difficult to say,’ she sniffled out.

‘Take all the time you need. We will stay right here until you feel well enough to ride.’

‘Ride,’ she asked.

‘Yes, I am taking you to the castle with me. You shall stay and be my most honoured guest.’

Her body flushed with heat at his words. The potion must be working. He wants me, I can see the lust in his eyes.

James tried to pry his gaze from her body. He found it increasingly difficult the more wine he drank. Her breasts called to his mouth to suckle, her lips to kiss.

Elle smiled at him, flashing her pearly whites. The tension in the air was more than she could take. ‘Um, I forgot to…uh, ask your name.’

‘James, the King of England.’

She immediately stood and curtsied. ‘Forgive me, Your Majesty. I did not know.’

He took her hand, sat down and placed her across his lap.

She could feel his erection hit her thighs. Warmth pooled between her legs at the thought of him kissing her.

His eyes glazed over, caught up in the spell the wine brought forth. All he could do was focus on her pouty pink lips. They were so full and delicious looking, begging him to taste. She looked so innocent, nothing like Alice. He had to have her.

Her heart stopped as his mouth found hers. Tongues intertwined, teeth clashed, and moans escaped. Fisting her hair, he pulled her closer. His other hand found its way up her skirting to stroke her inner thighs.

She was so wet and ready for him. He felt the heat from her sex on his forehand; yet he hesitated, not going any further.

She wished this moment would last forever but it was over too soon.

He finally pulled back, out of breath and panting. He sighed, his lips mourned the loss of hers against them.

‘I am sorry. I did not mean to take advantage of your situation,’ he said, looking ashamed.

She bit back the tears trying to escape. ‘No, it is I who should be apologizing. You should not have to save me. For this, I am sorry.’

‘My dear, you have just been traumatized. No apology needed. Come, let me take you back to the castle and get you clean and fed. You must be starving. Once you have had your fill, you can tell me more about you.’ He took her hand and led her over to Muse. ‘I will have my guards come back for your friend’s bodies and anything left from the incident. We will find those responsible for their deaths. This I swear to you.’

‘Can you ride normal or would you prefer side-saddle? I do not want to ruin your gown. It is up to you. I will not judge your choice. Personally, I want you to straddle this leather,’ he cocked his eyebrow at her, ‘so I can ride behind you. I am not fond of walking the entire length back to the castle. My men are probably back already.’

‘To suit you, I shall straddle as you wish.’ Elle flirted back. She was in and she knew it. ‘Would it please you to help me in the saddle, my king?’ She asked, bunching her skirt around her waist so she could get her foot into the stirrup.

‘Whatever do you mean, my lady?’ James could only stare at the nakedness before him. Her perfectly round ass on full view. ‘You know damn well it will please me.’

Grabbing her from the back, he lifted her as she swung her leg over Muse’s back. He had purposely stroked his fingers past her clit when she stood in the stirrups to adjust the fabric.

Her delicate lace stockings were on full display now. James was having a challenging time keeping his beast caged within the confines of his pants; he wanted to come out and play with this new doll.

‘I am good now. How will you get up her though?’ She pondered.

‘Move forward and I can make it up.’

She did, sliding her moist body along the saddle seat. Her body flushed with heat at the contact. The leather was wet now from her reaction to his kiss and flirting.

He put his shirt and doublet back on then tied her coat and his bow to the saddle bags. He noticed the slick spot she left. Without thinking, he brushed his fingers across and put them in his mouth. The heady mix of her sweet taste and the leather set him on fire. Oh God! She tastes exactly as I thought she would. I am a condemned man. Fuck!

He replaced her foot with his and grabbed the back of the saddle, seating himself behind her as close as he could get.

‘Perfect. Now let us be off.’

He knew that she was seated on the curved top of the saddle. Every single movement would cause her bundle of nerves to crash against the leather and his ever-growing erection to push against her back. I will have her coming without even touching her.

James reached around Elle and took the reins, clucking to Muse to walk. ‘Elle, put your arms over mine and use them to hold on so. I cannot have my guest of honour all battered before we get there.’

Elle wrapped her arms over his as instructed, once again causing her body to flush with desire for him. They walked in silence through the trees, around the fallen logs and other obstacles. He could not jump them with two riders. The sun started to die causing the temperature to drop.

She looked back, hoping he would catch her meaning, ‘Brrr…now that the sun is going down, I am getting a slight chill.’

He wrapped his arms closer to her and pulled her to his chest in response. Whispering in her ear, ‘Is this what you were looking for, my lady?’

She nodded, resting her head on his chest. They rode wrapped up in each other and watched the sun go down as Muse picked his way out of the forest.

Once they reached the meadow, James spurred Muse into a canter fully knowing what he was about to do to Elle and possibly himself.

He still held her close but leaned into her more, both rocking back and forth with the motion caused by the horse’s gait.

She felt her clit hit the raised leather in front of her each time the horse’s front feet hit the ground and James’s cock in the back.

‘James.’ His name left her lips. She couldn’t contain the moans escaping her.

James heard and eased on the reigns giving Muse the lead to thunder on. ‘The things you are making me think right now. I am going straight to hell.’ He whispered into ear; his face just inches from hers.

The friction was too much for her to take, ‘James! I want you. Mmm…I am going to come. James!’ She came with him wrapped around her hanging on to her every word.

His cock twitched with need for this woman in front of him. Her little mewls and pants from her release were driving him nuts. He did not know much about her but that would all change tonight. He would make sure of it.

The castle came into view behind the pink and orange of the sunset. James pulled Muse to a walk so Elle could collect herself. He thought she would never stop crying out. Wonder what will leave that luscious mouth of hers when ram her pussy? Fuck it!

Brushing the hair off her neck, he placed soft kisses all over. He cupped her chin pulling her face towards his then lightly kissed her lips. ‘Stay with me tonight, Elle. I will make it worth your while and then some.’

‘Yes.’ That’s all she managed to get out before he claimed her mouth again. His hands went to her mound, touching her in just the right way.

She reached around, her fingers in his hair as he sucked on the skin above her breasts. She leaned back letting him have his way and found the straining bulge in his pants with her other hand. She stroked him in time with his fingers.

Both panted in each other’s mouths. They tried to maintain their seat but pleasuring the other was the only thing on their minds.  

Elle was close, he could feel her legs quiver. He pushed a finger into her and she shoved her tongue in his mouth. That was all it took for her to come all over him. Her grip on his pants and hungry mouth almost made him come. He thrust his finger and flicked her clit until she begged him to stop.

‘Stop James, I cannot take anymore. I am afraid I will fall off.’ She could barely get the words out between breathes. Her lungs felt like they would burst and so did her core.

‘Elle, so sweet.’ He licked his fingers clean and kissed her. ‘Taste how perfect you are.’

Lost in themselves, the sound of voices near brought them back to reality. ‘Your Majesty. We were worried. The hunting party have been back for a few hours now. We sent riders to find you. Have you come across them?’ The guard asked at the gate, taking the reins and walking Muse to the king’s yard.

‘No, but I did find me something else.’

Elle blushed at his meaning.

‘Take my bow and quiver. Untie the fur and leave it.’ He told the guard.

The stable boy came running from the stables, taking the reins from the guard. The guard quickly obeyed and stood waiting for his next command.

James hopped off Muse and held his hand out to Elle. ‘Look away.’ He commanded the guard and stable boy.

Elle swung her leg back over as James helped her down. Her ass on full display again.

The saddle was drenched with her sweet release. He thought about how good she would taste on the end of his tongue tonight, locked away with him in his chambers.

‘Does anyone else know I am here yet?’ He questioned the guard and boy.

‘Not to my knowledge, Your Grace.’ The guard replied.

‘No, Your Majesty. Just us.’ The boy chimed in.

‘Good. Keep it that way. Let Muse out to pasture for the night. Tell no one.’