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Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1 by K. L Roth (16)




James led Elle by the hand hoping to make it to his room before anyone but his door guards spotted him.


Fuck! No way can I hide the fact she’s with me. Might as well get it over with.

‘Yes, Mary? What pray can I do for you?’ James asked, pivoting on his heels. He tried to hide Elle behind him. They were walking through the main hall off the throne room when Mary came out so she had nowhere to go.

‘Nobles are arriving at all hours. Where have you been? They are here to see you. Edmund said you were off hunting.’ Mary tapped her foot and gave him a stern look. ‘I cannot be everywhere for you. You must take on some responsibilities.’

‘Yes, I am quite aware of my duties. After all, I am king. You are just, well, you.’ James sneered back. He hated the fact she reminded him daily now. What did she have to do besides cause problems for him? Absolutely not a thing.

      ‘Oh, now I see why. Come darling. What’s your name?’ Mary purred to the girl hiding behind her stepson.

Elle stepped out in the candlelight. Mary gasped. Her face went white as snow and her jaw dropped to the floor.

‘Elle, my name is Elle, Your Grace.’ She replied and curtsied.

‘Well, Elle my dear. Let us girls have some tea. James is needed in the throne room.’ Mary reached out and took Elle by the hand, leading her the opposite direction. She stared at James and pointed to the throne room.

James had no choice but to go leaving Elle with Mary. He was not sure why Mary looked at Elle in such shock.

‘I shall find out soon enough I am sure.’ He mumbled under his breath, watching Elle stroll arm in arm with his bitch of a stepmom. He needed to get rid of her and soon.


‘Elle, do tell me about you. I want to know it all.’ Mary said, pulling out a chair and sitting. She eyed Elle up and down, blown away by the necklace around her pretty little neck.

She brought Elle back to her chambers and dismissed her ladies. This was a private invitation. No prying ears needed. She even told the guards she was not to be disturbed on their way in.

‘Well, thank you for the interest, Your Grace. I am from around here but I have been in Switzerland since I was a little girl. My father sent me to live with Duchess of Dino, Contzel Arnsberg in Berlingen. She was a friend of my mother’s apparently and took me in after she died. She was very kind and taught me many things.’ Elle told the queen what Melina forced her to say when asked about her heritage.

‘May I see your beautiful necklace? It is very stunning.’ Mary knew she had seen the necklace before but she wanted to be sure in case she was mistaken. False accusations cast would not fare well with the other nobles here at the castle. Word would spread and her reputation called on.

‘Um, I am not sure if I can remove it by myself, Your Grace.’ Elle was worried now. What did the queen want with her necklace?

‘Where are your ladies, Lady Elle? And what did you say your last name was?’ Mary was dying to know her reply. She watched as the girl squirmed in her seat. The cup rattling against the saucer as she tried to sip from it.

‘On the way to the castle, men assaulted my carriage and killed my guard and two ladies. It was horrific. James, um, the king, said he…’

‘Get one thing straight right now. James is not the king until he is coronated. Until then, I reign. He may think he holds the upper-hand.’ Stopping Elle so rudely, she almost spat her tea as she hissed the words out.

Elle waited for the queen to decide if she should go on or not. Finally, Mary motioned for her to continue.

‘As I was saying, James said he would have my things brought to me if any still existed. If not, then I am afraid this is all I have.’ Elle waved her hand down her gown. ‘He also promised he would find the men responsible for murdering my people. I only escaped because I hid and ran through the woods. I came upon James by a pond and he brought me to the castle. As for my last name, it is Augustus.’

Mary shot up, her chair falling to the floor. She grabbed Elle’s necklace and tried to rip it from her neck.       

Elle was choking. She tried to get her hands under the necklace but could not reach the back of her neck in time.

Mary grabbed her by the throat noticing the matching earrings which she tore off, ‘Where did you get these? Tell me girl or I will have you taken to the dungeon.’

Elle tried to get the words out but Mary still had her hand around her throat. She knew enough to not fight her back.

‘Suppose I better let go so you can tell me. You will tell me the truth or suffer the consequences. You hear me, girl?’ Mary screamed at her.

Elle nodded and Mary let go. Elle rubbed her hands around her throat and swallowed hard. She took a drink from her teacup to wet her dry mouth. What the fuck is up with her? Why is the queen acting like she stole these jewels?

‘I was told that these were my mother’s jewels. She left them in the care of a friend for me before she died. They were recently sent to me. I did not steal them nor do I know who sent them to me. I cannot ask the Duchess. She passed before I returned to England. That is why I was sent back.’ She squeaked out, leaving Melina’s name out of the conversation.

‘Really? Give me the necklace child. I will remove it for you.’

Elle held her hair up for the queen to take the necklace from her. Better than my head.

Mary looked over the necklace and earrings. She strolled over to her door and opened it.

Elle could hear her talking to the guards but couldn’t make out what she was saying to them. She sat there not sure what to do. Melina did not tell her what to do in case of any trouble.

Once Mary was finished with the guards, she shut the door behind her.

‘I have the guards fetching a painting for me. They shall return and when they do, I will show you why you are lying to me, girl.’ Mary hissed out. ‘Never have I seen such gall before!’

Poor Elle had no idea what to do now. She closed her eyes and thought about Melina. Why would she put her in this position? What would the queen do if she found out who her mother was? Tell everyone and hang her? The fear was etched into her pretty face now.

Neither one of them said anything. She just watched as Mary paced in front of the fireplace.

‘You do know I was once a lady-in-waiting? I’ve seen this necklace before. The portrait will prove its true owner.’ Mary slung the words from her mouth. They were pointed straight at poor Elle.

The guards knocked on the door, ‘Your Grace, we have the portrait.’

Mary went to the door and opened it, moving out of the way. ‘Take down that one and hang the one you brought with you. Leave both.’ She ordered the guards.

They did not hesitate. One held while the other hung. Once they were finished Mary shooed them away.

‘Elle, come and look for yourself. This is the exact same necklace you wore around your neck. So, tell me once again, where did this necklace come from? Your answer depends on your life, might I add?’ The queen spouted. Her wrath evident in her voice.

Elle came forward to inspect the portrait. She could not believe her eyes. Her mother was staring back at her wearing the necklace the queen now held in her hands. Melina told her the truth. She was the daughter of the former queen. That made her a royal. Her knees gave way and she fell to the floor.

‘Do you see why I wanted the portrait brought her? Why I chose to bring you straight to my quarters and not parade you around? I was Queen Jayne’s lady-in-waiting so I knew all the jewellery she owned. I put these around her neck and on her ears. You are the daughter no one could find. We knew she was having an affair with a Pagan man. She was beheaded for it. A spy of the king found her dancing with a young girl and man around a fire in the Pagan camp looking very much like a happy family. That girl was you, wasn’t it?’ Mary’s voice rose as she spoke to Elle.       

Elle started to cry. Her mother beheaded? No one told her of this. And because of her? The memories of her mother flooded in. She was gone a lot but always came back and brought her father and her delicious foods and nice clothes. She dreamt her mother had left them and just never came back. For years it saddened her heart, then her father all but dumped her on Joselin’s steps, never to come back again. No parents and a life of servitude.

‘Yes, that is my mother. At least how I remember her. She left me long ago and never came back. I thought she didn’t love us anymore. Father was never the same after she left. Is that why he left me? Because my mother died and it’s all my fault?’ Elle sobbed out.

‘King Henry, my husband, killed your mother. He loved her, that is true. Yet I got in the way. For that I am sorry. I was young and thought I loved him. I only loved his power and what that gave me. Let me help you reclaim your mother’s power. I can help you marry James. Is this what you want?’ The queen scooped her up in her arms and held her. Rocking her like her mother did as a child.

The tears flowed as she mourned her family all over again. The woman holding her, the one who just confessed to being a part of her mother’s demise, right now offered her everything that was rightfully hers. She knew her mother only had one child and she was it.

‘How can I trust you? You tore a wedge between my mother and the king. That makes you a murderer. James is not her son, is he? I was told my mother only had one child, me. I always wanted a brother or sister. I asked for one all the time. I wanted someone to play with, share secrets with, to just love me. I had no one for so long all because of you. So, tell me. Why should I trust you then?’ Elle shot back. She allowed the queen to comfort her. She would be lying to herself if she said it did not feel good.

‘If I do this, what is in it for you? What do you get out if it? I know that you are selfish, you have already proved that. I need to know why.’ Elle stared the queen straight in the eye, no longer afraid of the woman who held the power of England in her hands.

‘I get to take down the two people I cannot stand. Lady Alice Greenstone and her troll of an uncle Lord Greenstone who only wish to rob the crown, not protect it. To have her as queen would destroy the country. Lord Greenstone only wishes to have his niece on the throne to kill the king and have her rule. My spies have confirmed this. I have no physical evidence though. If you help me get the evidence, we can have him executed. Once he is deemed a traitor and tried for treason, Alice will not be able to wed James. He will be all yours, my dear.’ Mary laughed, a deep evil laugh that sent shivers down Elle’s spine.

‘If what you say is true, I will help you. I want to talk to the persons who have knowledge of his treachery first. I will not condemn an innocent man, unlike others,’ she spouted.

Mary knew exactly who the ‘others’ where. Her cheeks flamed in embarrassment. At least she had Elle on her side now, the true heir to the throne. Her life was safe if she kept Elle in her good graces.

‘Let my guards show you to your room. I will have dresses and jewels brought to you. However, I will keep the necklace and earrings you came in with. They will be safe with me. Do not tell anyone who you really are until the time is right. We must get rid of Lord Greenstone first. Money is no object here so if there are things you need, let me know and I will have them brought to you. Befriend Alice, it cannot hurt to have her on your list of allies right now. She may give you the information we need to bring her uncle down. Especially if she learns of how he is using her. If you wish to visit James’s chambers, I will arrange it so you are not seen. We cannot risk an inquiry of your virginity. You are a virgin correct?’ Mary informed her.

‘I forgive you for the pain you have caused my family. Now you must forgive yourself and confess your sins to truly save your soul. And yes, I am a virgin and I plan on keeping it that way until I am wed.’ Elle fired back. She knew she must tread lightly due to her father and the other Pagan men who were recently hung for treason. They tried but failed to take out the princess. She was socked that Mary did not bring this up in their conversation.

The glint in Elle’s eye told Mary all she needed to know. This girl was her mother out and out. Sassy and driven but not to the point of greedy.

‘Let us get you to your room. If you are hungry, I will have the servants bring you a tray. I will send one of my trusted servants in the morning with a dress and shoes. Once you have dressed, come here for me and we will get you some jewels. Or maybe you would like to go to town to buy some things of your own? You decide tomorrow. I will find you two ladies of your own from the girls at court who I can trust. For now, eat and get some sleep. Leave the rest up to me.’ Mary let go of her, helping her get up. The poor girl looked exhausted now.

Her face was puffy and red from crying, her gown wrinkled from riding and her hair a tangled mess. She felt dirty, hungry and tired all at once. The queen was right. She needed to eat then get some sleep. Tomorrow was a new day.

Mary called her ladies back in and had one of them escort Elle to her room.

A servant brought a tray of food from the kitchen, ‘I was not sure what you would like so I brought a few things that bring me comfort and some wine. I hope this is okay. If not, please let me know and I will get you what you ask if we have it, My Lady.’ She curtsied

‘Oh, please call me Elle. I prefer it. What you have brought is just fine, thank you. You have been most kind.’

‘I will pour your bath now if you would like while you eat. You can call me Fran if it please, Elle.’ The servant told her. She giggled at the sound of being able to call her Elle instead of My Lady.

It felt nice to be taken care of once again instead of being the one who took care of everyone else.

‘Thank you so much for your help, Fran. I am grateful.’ Elle smiled at her.

The servant girl helped her from her gown then left the room to bring up the hot water for the tub she prepared.

Elle sat down at the small table in her room, dressed only in her houppelande, a long shirt women wore under their gowns, and ate the meat and cheese the girl brought her.

The wine went down nicely, helping her relax more. Oh! James still has my flask.       She remembered, drinking the last of hers. She hoped he didn’t give it to anyone else. Dealing with James being in lust with her will keep her busy enough.

Fran came back in with her hot water a few times until she filled the tub. ‘Is that all you require, Elle?’

Elle nodded and have her the empty plate, ‘Yes. You have been most helpful. Thank you for your kindness. I will not forget it.’

Fran left the room, closing the door behind her.

Elle shrugged out of her houppelande and slinked into the tub. Scented oils were left for her in pretty glass jars. Sniffing them all, she chose the flirty smell of roses.

The bath reminded her of the hot spring under the cave. She wondered what the girls and Melina were doing right now. Did they miss her? Were they worried about her? Or have they forgotten her already?

Feeling a bit sleepy, she closed her eyes and let the wine take its toll.