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Runaway by Eve Vaughn (6)


Chapter Six

Something wasn’t right.

Matthias couldn’t place his finger on it but he felt it in his bones. Business was doing great; already, he and Chris had seen modest returns on their investments and they were on track to having a successful first year. Things with Esther seemed to be going wonderfully as well. She was his first thought in the morning and his last at night. The first time they’d made love was like nothing he’d ever experienced. In his college days, he’d had several one-night stands and even a few girlfriends. And then there was Shin-hye who he at one point had feelings for. Still, none of those women had made him feel what Esther did.

It wasn’t because she was the most experienced lover he’d ever had. That wasn’t the case, in fact, if he didn’t know better Matthias would have believed she was a virgin at times from the way she responded to his every caress and kiss with such wonder like it was her first time. While he was gratified by her response to him, it seemed odd since she claimed that he wasn’t her first lover.

And then there was the fact that she refused to be completely naked when they made love. Esther had promised him that she would have sex without any clothes on after that first time, but each subsequent encounter, she would find an excuse not to. Though he’d joked about it before, he was starting to wonder if she was actually a conjoined twin or some other deformity that embarrassed her. He’d noticed a surgery scar on her hip but he didn’t have a problem with it. Whatever else she was hiding couldn’t be so horrible that it would turn him off from her. Matthias had assured her that it didn’t matter what she looked like beneath her clothing, but he hadn’t convinced her to completely disrobe in front of him.

Matthias was trying to be patient with her but it only added to other things that he felt she was holding back, like details about her past. He didn’t care about past boyfriends or anything of that nature, but she never talked about her parents or if they were even alive. The one time he’d asked if she had siblings she’d told him three and abruptly changed the subject. He didn’t know if she had brothers, sister or a combination of both. These red flags should have been enough to make him run the other way, but each time he was with Esther, all his concerns flew out the window. One look in her big doe eyes, he was utterly and completely lost.

Chris often teased him about the fact that Esther seemed to have him by the balls, but Matthias just took the playful ribbing. He didn’t know about his balls but she certainly had his heart.

He was in love. It didn’t matter that they’d only dated for a short time, he just knew she was the one for him. The problem was breaking through that wall and finding out exactly what she was hiding from him.

Matthias glanced at his watch to check the time. He had a conference call in five minutes and figured that it shouldn’t last more than a half hour. If he got his timing right he had enough time to swing by the tea shop and take Esther out for lunch and get back to the office in time for his afternoon meeting. He was looking forward to seeing her.



Esther’s chest felt tight all morning. She was certain that it wasn’t from anything she’d eaten because her breakfast had been light: a slice of toast, a boiled egg, and an apple. She ignored the symptoms hoping it would go away but as the day progressed, it was getting more difficult to breathe. By the noon, she was close to a full-on panic attack. She was supposed to be taking inventory but her hands were shaking too badly. Unable to stand, she headed to the back of the building and found a chair to sit in.

Esther took several deep breaths to calm herself down. She put her head between her knees when that didn’t work. She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the light and clear her mind, but nothing seemed to work.

A hand fell on her shoulder, startling her. Esther looked up to see a concerned Fiona at her side. “What’s the matter, sweetie? You’ve been on edge all week. What’s going on?”

“Anxiety,” Esther barely managed to get out.

“Let me get a paper bag for you to blow in. That may help.”

Esther grabbed Fiona’s hand to stop her. “No. I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t look fine. What’s got you so upset?”

Esther slowly counted to ten before speaking. “Telephone calls. Here at the shop.”

“What calls? What are you talking about?”

“A few days ago when Chelsea was here the phone rang. She answered it.”

Fiona frowned. “So? We get calls all the time. What was so special about this call?”

“Chelsea said someone asked if I worked here. She said it was a man. The only man I communicate with on a regular basis is Matthias and he has my cell phone number. He wouldn’t call the shop.”

Fiona furrowed her brows as if trying to make the connection. Her mouth fell open when she seemed to understand what Esther was telling her. “It could just be a coincidence. Maybe it was someone at the bank. You do make the deposits for the shop.”

“But wouldn’t the bank contact you? And why would the person hang up after Chelsea confirmed the information.”

“You’re right, dear, it was just wishful thinking on my part. But maybe it’s not who you think it is. Could it possibly be that one of your brothers tracked you down? Perhaps one or all of them would like to see you, maybe reconcile.”

Esther shook her head. “I seriously doubt that. Chelsea said the man didn’t leave a name. But here’s the kicker, the couple of times I answered the phone, I’d hear breathing and then a hang-up. All of these calls are coming from a blocked number. It’s him. I just know it. How did he find me? I was so careful to cover my tracks. I should have changed my identity. I’m such a fool.”

“Don’t beat yourself up over this. Even if you were going under an assumed name, there’s no telling that he wouldn’t find you anyway…that is if it is him. Those two hang-up calls could have very well been some kind of pervert playing games on the phone.”

“No. I’ve been in denial most of the week, pretending that everything is okay when it’s not, but I can’t pretend anymore. He’s coming for me and I have to get out of here.” The thought of leaving the home she’d made was the thing that hurt the most. Just when things were going well in her life, Mike was going to mess things up for her. But how did he find her? Neither of them had ties to this town before she came here, so it was a total shot in the dark that he would be able to locate her.

“Well, we can go to the police and get a restraining order. We’ll make sure he’ll never come near you.”

Esther snorted. “A piece of paper won’t stop Mike. Besides, I can’t prove that he’s ever been violent with me because he’s always careful to hide his second face in public. His family and friends think he’s a saint, a real beacon in the community. Besides, he has an uncle on the police force back home who is highly ranked. The one time I called the police on him, Mike called his uncle who sorted things out for him. He basically got away with it and there was no official police report. I realized then there was nothing I could do. He could hurt me with impunity and he got off by rubbing that fact in my face. If I went to the local police here, who’s to say his uncle doesn’t have far reaching influence? You know how cops stick together. One word from him and I may be painted as a lunatic.”

“What about the last time he put you in the hospital? There are at least hospital records that state your injuries.”

“Yeah, I told the doctor I’d fallen down the steps. Who’s going to believe me if I reverse my story at this point? Fiona, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and I hate to leave you in a lurch but I can’t stay here.”

“So you’re going to up and leave? What about Matthias? Are you just going to leave without telling him goodbye?”

Esther hastily wiped away a tear that had slid down her cheek. Her heart was breaking at the thought of leaving him. He didn’t deserve that but all the opportunities she had to tell him the truth but didn’t, made the situation all the worse. Maybe he would have been understanding had she been upfront, to begin with, but the fact that she had held something of this magnitude from Matthias would most certainly be a deal breaker.

“I’ll write him a letter before I leave.”

“Well, that’s a mighty shitty thing to do. Just last week you were telling me how you feel about him and that you were going to file for divorce, now you’re just going to run again? You do know if you would have filed for divorce your tormentor might have found you sooner. Is that why you never did it?”

Esther lowered her head in shame, feeling like such a punk. Her cowardice had gotten her into this mess and she couldn’t refute that.

Fiona rubbed her back. “Look, you could be overreacting. Let’s say that it is him, but he wants to get in contact with you because he wants a divorce. Have you thought of that?”

Knowing Mike, that didn’t sound likely. It wasn’t that she didn’t think he would never grant her a divorce, the thing was his ego was so huge that he was probably upset that she was the one who left instead of the other way around. “It’s not likely.”

“But still, the possibility is there. I’ll tell you what, I’ll close the shop and we’ll go home and figure out what we should do.”

“No, Fiona, I don’t want to involve you in this.”

“Sweetie, I’m already involved. You’re my friend and friends help each other out.”

“But the afternoon rush. People will wonder why the shop is closed in the middle of the day.”

Fiona waved her hand dismissively. “Let them wonder. This is an emergency. Everything will be all right. We’ll figure this mess out. Now dry those tears and gather your things so we can head out as soon as the remaining customers have left.”

Esther sniffed. “Thank you, Fiona.”

Fiona gave her a hug. “Everything will be all right.”

Esther wished she shared her friend’s confidence. “Thank you.” With a sigh, she stood up. “I should wipe the tables down and pack the remaining cakes to the homeless shelter.”

“Good idea. I’ll be out in a second, hon.”

Esther took a few more deep breaths before going out front. Fiona had a way of putting her at ease. She felt slightly better, but when she walked out to the front, she froze when she saw her nightmare come true standing in the middle of the shop.

Mike’s hands were stuffed in his pockets. He looked as if he’d gained a little weight in the months that she’d left. His hair that he usually kept cropped close to his scalp was now a mini-afro. The neat goatee he once sported was now a full beard. Mike had always taken pride in his appearance. He was after all an attractive man with his light brown skin, hazel eyes, and strong masculine features. She couldn’t remember a time when he ever left the house in his present state. It looked as if he’d gone through a complete transformation and Esther didn’t know what to make of it, but her first instinct was to run.

He actually smiled when she saw her but she wasn’t fooled for a second. In public, he was the perfect gentleman, but in private he was the Devil.

She backed away from him ready to take off at any second.

Mike stepped closer and Esther was thankful that the counter separated them. Her eyes darted to the two customers conversing at a table in the far corner. At least there would be witnesses if he tried anything.

“Esther. Honey. You look well.” His smile widened.

She found it odd that he didn’t ask why she’d left but then again, he already knew the answer. She was certain he was toying with her. Under no circumstances would she fall for this nice guy act.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded.

He laughed as if she’d just told the funniest joke. “To see my wife, of course. How are you? Did you miss me?” He took a step closer and she looked longingly at the door.

“I left you, so you tell me.”

“Well, it’s a good thing that I found you so I can take you home. Everyone has been so worried about you. You’ve been a bad girl, leaving in the middle of rehab.”

“Just leave me alone, okay? I’m not going back to you.”

He raised a brow. “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong. You’re coming home with me, right now in fact because I could make things very uncomfortable for that old lady you live with. 3828 Red Robin Lane, right? It would be a shame if she had an accident with the two of you becoming so close and all.”

Just as the tightening in her chest had subsided with Fiona’s words of assurance, it came back with a vengeance. He seemed to know everything about her, but did he know about Matthias? She’d never forgive herself if something happened to him because of her.

“Leave her out of this Mike. This is my home now. It’s over between us.”

“I beg to differ. In fact, I have a document that says that it isn’t. You have two minutes to get your belongings and come with me. I’m feeling generous right now and because I miss you so much I’m going to cut you some slack, but don’t mistake my kindness for weakness.”

She balled her fists at her sides. “No. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

A creepy smile curved his lips. “Oh? You think you’re in love with that Asian dude?”

Esther gasped in surprised. Did he have her followed? How long had he been tracking her, and if he knew so much about her life then why did he wait until now to find her?

“You don’t know anything about it.”

“Oh, I know that my wife has been cheating on me with some other guy and she’s very lucky that I’m a nice guy who’s willing to take her back. Now don’t make me tell you again. Get your things.’

Just then Fiona stepped from out back, “Esther, how is everything doing out here sweetheart.” The older woman seemed oblivious to what was going on because she didn’t see Mike at first, but when Esther didn’t respond immediately, she noticed the man standing at the counter.

Fiona looked to Esther and must have gleaned the terror that she felt. “Is that him?” she whispered although it was loud enough for anyone to hear.

Esther could only nod.

Fiona narrowed her gaze, glaring at Mike. “Leave my shop. You’re not wanted here.

Mike smiled, turning on that charm Esther knew so well. “I don’t mean to cause any trouble, ma’am. My wife and I were just having a conversation. I’m sure she must have been a fine employee while she was here and you’ll miss her, but she’s decided she’ll be coming home with me.”

Fiona turned to Esther. “That’s not true, is it?”

Esther was on the verge of saying no when the bell over the door chimed. Her heart dropped to see Matthias.

There was a smile on his face as he entered the shop but as he looked around him, he must have noticed the tension. “Esther, are you okay?”

Mike took that opportunity to interject. He approached Matthias and held out his hand to him. “You must be Matthias? I’ve heard so much about you.”

Esther began to shake. The fact that Mike knew Matthias’s name was terrifying.

Matthias looked at the offered hand before slowly taking it. “Um, yes. And how do you know me exactly?”

“From Esther of course. I’m Mike by the way. I’m guessing from the look on your face that Esther hasn’t mentioned me.”

Matthias shot a questioning glance in Esther’s direction before returning his attention back to Mike. “Should she have?”

Mike smirked. “Well, one would think I’d be mentioned, especially since Esther is my wife.”








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