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Sassy Ever After: Sassy Ink 3: The Hunter's Curse (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Christina Benjamin (15)

Chapter 16


Wes was having entirely too much fun playing house with Cali and Izzi. He loved watching Cali with a baby in her arms. She was all light and smiles and it made his heart feel too big for his chest. Wes pulled Cali gently into his lap on the plush sofa in their suite. “I want a few of these,” he whispered into Cali’s ear, gazing down at the sleeping baby in her arms. “But with your eyes.”

“And your hair,” Cali added.

Wes nuzzled her neck, breathing her in. “God, I can’t wait to get you barefoot and pregnant.”

Cali giggled. “Me neither.” She snuggled in closer to Wes. “But I suppose we should take care of a few things first,” she said wiggling her sparkly ring finger at him. “Any dates in mind?”

“Today? Tomorrow? The sooner the better. I can’t wait to start my life with you.” Wes pressed a kiss to Cali’s head. He could practically feel the euphoria flowing through her at the thought of a life full of love and children with him. It made him want to get started that instant.

Wes looked down at Izzi, dozing in Cali’s arms. “You know, you’re a tiny little cock-block, kiddo.”

“Wes!” Cali hissed. “You can’t say that to her.”

“I’m her uncle. Who better to teach her how things are?” he teased. “But for real, we’re gonna have to get a live-in nanny so all these little cubs we’re planning on having don’t get in the way of my plans for you.”

“Which are?” Cali asked.

“Let’s just say I want to see how many different ways I can make you scream my name?”

Cali blushed, but Wes scented her excitement. “Fine,” she said. “As long as this nanny isn’t sexy.”

Wes pulled Cali’s mouth to his and kissed her. “There’s no one on this planet that I find sexier than you, Cali Sinclair.”

A knock at the door made them both tense. Cali wordlessly stood up and locked herself in the bathroom with the baby. Wes didn’t open the door until he was sure they were safe.

Relief flooded him when he saw Etti and Grey through the peephole. “It’s safe, Cali,” he called opening the door for his friends.

Wes immediately knew something was wrong when he saw Etti’s face. “What happened?”

Etti didn’t reply. Instead she went straight to Cali and took Izzi into her arms, clutching the baby as silent tears streamed down her face.


Etti filled her friends in on what happened at the cemetery over room service. Grey insisted she eat something, but Etti was too queasy to keep much down.

“Maybe you’re overreacting,” Wes offered.

“How?” Etti asked, her voice tight. “A voodoo queen spoke to me from a grave saying she would grant my wish but there would be a price and I wouldn’t like it.”

“Yeah, but she didn’t say what the price is,” Wes argued.

“Whatever it is, we’ll pay it,” Grey said. “The most important thing is that we protect Izzi from the hunt.”

Izzi started fussing. Etti hadn’t set her down since she returned from the cemetery and she knew her daughter could sense her distress. Her fussing grew into a wail and Grey finally coaxed Izzi from Etti’s arms to try and settle her.

In her father’s strong arms, Izzi fell silent, making Etti feel even worse for upsetting her child with her fears.

“Etti,” Cali said, taking her hand. “I know this is easier said than done, but Wes is right. Worrying about the unknown won’t solve anything. Let’s save our worry for when we know what we’re dealing with.”

“So did this old witchy voice give you any indication of when you’d know more?” Wes asked.

Etti shook her head.

Wes frowned. “So we’re just supposed to sit around here all day?”

Before Etti could answer, the phone in her room rang. Grey answered it. She heard the conversation on the other end, but let Grey repeat it just to be sure she wasn’t wrong.

“Someone left us a note in the lobby requesting our presence at Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo.”

“Any chance that’s a weird coincidence?” Wes joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Grey shook his head. “And they said to bring Izzi.”

“Do you think anyone else knows we’re here?” Cali asked.

Grey shook his head. “My family told us they’d call if anyone was on to us.”

“Well, you’re not really gonna bring Izzi to some voodoo shop, are you?” Wes argued.

Etti finally spoke. “I don’t think we have much choice.”