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Savage by Julia Evans (103)

She was mine. Kelly was under my spell now.


We walked outside and the valet brought around my Dodge Charger. I opened the door for Kelly and helped her into the passenger side. I slipped a twenty dollar bill into the hands of the valet and took the keys.


The beast roared to life and I pulled out of the parking lot. I hit the gas on the open road and Kelly was pushed against her seat.


Kelly leaned over and looked at the dashboard. “Aren't you going a little too fast?”


Her question was easy to ignore. I only returned a smile. I drifted easily through the traffic, weaving in and out of the lanes. The speedometer reached 85 mph. Red lights ahead made me slam on the breaks.


I put my arm up in front of Kelly's chest to protect her. The seatbelt caught her before she could hit my arm. My car made it within inches of touching the Ford truck in front of me. My reflexes were usually better than that.


Kelly was such a distraction.


“You okay?” I asked, putting my arm back in its place.


Kelly nodded. “You trying to kill us?”


“I'm sorry. I'm just not used to such a stunning woman sitting next to me.” While it may have been true, it was a poor excuse for almost getting in a car crash.


She rolled her eyes. “Let's just get to your place in one piece.”


The atmosphere in the car changed. Things were going south quick and I needed to salvage it before it got worse.


I drove at a safe speed through the city streets. The night lights zoomed by. “I need to make a quick stop first.”


Kelly threw daggers at me. “If you have things to do maybe we should drop me off and I can catch a ride home.”


 I knew she wouldn't like it but she would change her mind when she saw where I was taking her.


We stopped in an old business district with every shop already closed. I turned off the ignition and opened the car door.  “We're here. Let's go.”


Kelly didn't budge. “What do you mean?”


“Just trust me,” I replied.


Kelly slowly unbuckled her belt and exited my car. I could tell she was being overly cautious but there really wasn't any need. If hadn't gorged myself on blood the last couple days then she might've had a real reason for worry. But with Kelly around, I couldn't even feel the hunger.


I led her around the buildings and to the back where there was an alleyway with dumpsters and back doors to each business. One of the doors was propped open with light spilling out into the alley.


“What smells so good?” Kelly asked.


I could only smile back as I brought her into the back of the donut shop. Trays of freshly made donuts were stacked to the ceiling.


I took a long chocolate bar off a tray and handed it to Kelly. “Ever had a fresh donut?”


She bit into it and her eyes lit up. “Oh my god. I've had plenty of donuts before...”


“But not like this,” I interrupted.


She nodded before taking another bite. “Not like this.”


An old man came into the back room from the front. He raised a fist in the air. “Hey! What are you doing in here? Get out of here before I call the cops.”


I grabbed Kelly's arm. “Run!”


She dropped the donut and we took off in a sprint back to the my car. Kelly collapsed onto the hood in a fit of laughter.


“I can't believe you made me steal from an old man's donut shop.”


I unlocked the front door and opened it. “It was worth it wasn't it?”


Kelly joined me in the car. “Is he really going to call the cops on us?”


I started the ignition. “We aren't going to stay here long enough to find out.”


Kelly's hand found mine as I drove with one hand. Sparks jolted through me. I traced her delicate hand with my fingers.


“Do you bring every girl you meet at the club to the donut shop?”


I squeezed her hand. “You're the first.”


“So I should be honored then?”


Better than being drained of blood in a dark alley. “You should be.” Kelly squeezed my hand back.


I hadn't thought of my endless hunger once since I found her in the bathroom of the club. My head finally felt clear. I didn't know what this effect she had on me was but it was special. It was something I couldn't turn away from. My entire life could change.


“Anymore errands you need to run?” she asked with a smirk.


I let out a hearty laugh and bit my bottom lip, giving her a knowing look. “Just one left.”


Kelly's legs spread slightly and she blushed. “Are we almost there?”