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Savage by Julia Evans (115)

An hour after sunrise, Sophia was still asleep and Tyrex still hadn't told his parents what he was hiding in the spare bedroom. He couldn't wait much longer because they were awake and would find her eventually.


Tyrex approached the both of them in the living room. “Mother, Father, I have something to confess.”


“What is it, Tyrex?” his mother asked.


“I met someone last night.”


His father leaned forward in his stone chair. “I told you it wouldn't take long to find your Intended.”


Tyrex inhaled a deep breath. “Actually that's not what I meant. While I was walking through the forest last night. I came upon a strange creature.”


“Oh Tyrex, you didn't bring home a stray yuwil again did you?”


When Tyrex was six years old, he'd found a black yuwil wandering the forest. Yuwils were domesticated and were never let out to roam free. Tyrex felt sorry for the animal and carried him all the way home.


But his parents refused to let him keep it. “You're not responsible enough to take care of a pet, Tyrex,” his father had told him. In the end he had to give it to another family.


Tyrex couldn't help but laugh. “No, it's not exactly a yuwil.”


“Well, what is it?” his mother asked.


Sophia stumbled into the living room, rubbing her eyes. “Good morning.” She yawned.


Tyrex's parents were left speechless.


Tyrex walked to Sophia. “Mother. Father. This is Sophia. This is my father, Kitor and my mother, Lija.”


Sophia smiled. “Nice to meet you.”


“Is this a joke, Tyrex?” his father asked.


“No joke, Father. I found her last night in the forest.”


“But where did she come from?” his mother asked.


Sophia stepped forward. “I'm from Earth. A planet very far from here. My ship crashed landed in the forest. I thought I was going to die until Tyrex saved my life.”


Tyrex's mother fell back onto the stone couch. “An alien?”


“I know it's a shock, Mother. I was surprised too.”


“And you decided to bring her here?” his father asked.


“Where else was I supposed to bring her? She needed food and water.”


Tyrex's father closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “What will the Council of Elders think?”


“Kitor, Tyrex was right to bring her here.” Tyrex's mother rose from her seat and took Sophia's hand. “Now Sophia, why don't you come with me into the kitchen and help me with breakfast.”


Sophia looked to Tyrex and he nodded at her.


Tyrex and his father were left alone to discuss the situation. Kitor cited various laws on Jeorn and Tyrex explained that they didn't apply to this situation.


“I don't know why you are so afraid, Father.”


Kitor stood firm. “I am not afraid, Tyrex. This could put our family at serious risk.”


“Why? Because our neighbors will look at you differently. When we looked up at the stars, we knew we couldn't be the only ones out there. Now we know we aren't alone. Sophia is proof.”


“What if more of her kind come here?”


“They will take Sophia back to her home and your problem is gone.”


“I wish I could be as naive as you, Tyrex. And what of your Trials? You only have six days left to find your Intended.”


“This will not interfere with that. I promise.”


“Breakfast is ready,” Lija announced.


Kitor and Tyrex joined Sophia around the dinner table. Burloq, tungle, and jamil were set on each plate. Sophia recognized the bread but had no idea what the rest of it was. There was something that looked like angel hair pasta but bright white. The jamil was a jelly-like blob that bounced around.


Lija sat down at the head of the table. “I would like to welcome our guest, Sophia.”


“Thank you for the hospitality,” she replied.


“Let's eat,” Lija said.


There were no silverware and everyone ate with their hands. But very slowly and dignified. Jeorns never stuffed their faces and always took small bites.


Sophia copied their movements to hopefully not offend anymore than she already had. She tried the tungle which tasted exactly like eggs but in pasta form.


“This tungle stuff tastes amazing but the jamil doesn't really taste like anything. What is it?” Sophia asked.


Lija smiled. “Jamil is an ancient recipe passed down from generation to generation. It has no taste but is rich in nutrients. It will give your body everything it needs. When Tyrex, was little he would only eat Jamil.”


“Mother, she doesn't need to hear about this stuff.”


Sophia laughed. “No tell me more.”


Kitor ate in silence, barely acknowledging anything that was said.


Lija passed Sophia more burloq. “No please tell me about yourself. How did you get here from your planet.”


“I flew here on a ship.”


“Like a boat?” Lija asked.


Sophia tilted her head side to side. “Kind of. But a lot more advanced.”


“And how does your ship work?”


“Mother, I don't think Sophia wants to answer a million questions.”


“No Tyrex, it's quite all right. It's the least I can do for your family taking me in.” Sophia put her food down. “Well I actually don't know much about space travel. I wasn't the pilot and it was my first time in space. It didn't turn out that good for me.”


“Why did you leave? Don't you have any family?”


“Never knew my father and my mother died a few years ago. So there wasn't much left for me on my planet.”


Lija put her hand on Sophia's. “I'm sorry to hear that.”


Kitor finally spoke up, “Are your people coming for you?”


Sophia lowered her head. “I have no idea. But I hope so.”


Tyrex tapped the table with his fist. “Enough of the questions.”


Sophia grabbed the cloudy blue liquid in the glass in front of her. “Tastes just like milk,” she said, wiping her mouth. “That was a very good breakfast. Much better than my mother ever made.”


Lija beamed. “I'm glad to hear it.”


“I'm going to take Sophia on a tour of the village,” Tyrex said.


“Do you think that's wise, Son. People will see her.”


“They're going to find out sooner or later, Kitor,” Lija said.


“And what do we tell them?”


“The truth,” Tyrex said.


Tyrex reached his hand across the table and took Sophia's. “Let me show you our village.”


Sophia blushed. “I would like that very much.”