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Saving Forever - Part 6: A Romantic-Medical Love Story by Lexy Timms (24)


Elijah was awake before Charity. He propped himself up on his elbow and pulled the sheet away from Charity’s still body. She was sleeping silently.

He whispered the words so he didn’t disturb his wife’s peaceful slumber, “Hey Sprout. That’s what your mom has decided to call you until we come up with a proper name. You are blessed little one to have squirmed into the perfect vessel. Mom’s created a safe place for you to hang out until you come into this crazy world. You’ll have a big sister who’ll be happy to show you the ins and outs of being a baby. Your grandparents will be filled with love for you. They’re also a bit zany. Grandpa will pretend that he’s not, but he just may be the most silly of the bunch. Then there’s Mommy and me. We’ll love you and shepherd you towards a full and happy life. Jamie keeps asking for a puppy so maybe together you kids will convince me. That’s all for now Sprout. Talk to you soon and take care of Mommy.”

Elijah kissed Charity’s belly and then went into Jamie’s butterfly world. He could hear her cooing, which meant she was ready for visitors. Charity smiled when Elijah left the room. She had been in a twilight sleep as she listened to Elijah talk to his baby. It made her warm inside.

Jamie was babbling to herself under the butterfly canopy when Elijah entered the room. It occurred to him that his entire parenting plan was about to change. He always doubted it when parents claimed they didn’t have favorites when they had more than one child. Elijah already knew that he would love his second child as much as he loved Jamie. Love for each of them would differ but it would be just as strong for both. “Good morning princess. May I join you under your magic canopy?”

“Yes Daddy. Princess Time soon.” Jamie squealed.

“Oh, it’s time to choose which princess you’ll be today. Can I help pick?”

“No Daddy. You’re a boy but I’ll choose Anna so you can be Elsa. Can you buy me a sister?”

“You can’t buy a sister. Mommy and Daddy have to make one.” Elijah was beginning to sweat.

“Can you and Mommy show me how?” Jamie looked at Elijah with her saucer blue eyes.

“Charity, help!” Elijah called out. He wasn’t expecting the conversation for another fifteen years. If ever.

Charity ran into Jamie’s bedroom. “What’s wrong?”

Elijah tried to keep a straight face. “Jamie wants us to show her how we would make her a sister.”

Charity shot Elijah a dirty look, but he saw the corners of her mouth twitching, so he knew she wasn’t serious. “Jamie honey. Why don’t you press play and watch Frozen before breakfast.”

Jamie jumped out of bed and ran to the television.

“Diversions’ll work until we’re ready to deal with that long time away sex talk. Always change the subject and they’ll forget all about it.” Charity smiled.

“Do you use that trick on me as well?” Elijah made his way out of the canopy bed, fighting pink mesh and butterflies in the process.

“How about blueberry pancakes for breakfast, Elijah?”

“Sounds great.” Elijah quickly stepped out of bed.

“Works every time,” Charity murmured as she lay down on Jamie’s comfy bed. “I’ll just close my eyes for a moment.”




Charity woke and Elijah had already left. He’d brewed coffee and left her a note.

My Dearest Charity,

See you at the park tonight! Thank you for making all my dreams come true. Don’t forget to take your vitamins. Enjoy your coffee, and remember that from now on it’s one cup per day. Give Jamie Lynn kisses. It’s going to be a wild ride, Dr. Bennet, and I’m glad you’re riding shotgun with me!

Charity sailed through her morning routine. She popped her vitamins and sang in the shower. She felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. All of Margaret’s planning was done and Charity’s only responsibility was to get her father to the park for the shindig. He had absolutely no idea and she couldn’t believe it.

She spent the afternoon getting her and Jamie ready. They showered together, dressed and put on make-up. She went the extra step and gave herself a salon-worthy blow out. She tried on a few funky pieces of jewelry and let Jamie decide.

“The blue ones!”

They were pieces she’d picked up on a trip to Mexico. Elijah loved turquoise so she agreed with Jamie’s choice. She wore a white jumpsuit and cinched the waist because soon she would be unable to do so.

“Charity? I let myself in,” Julie called from the kitchen. “I got off early and thought I’d see if you needed me to take Jamie to the park.”

She went to greet her friend and stopped short at the pale, sad face that met her in the kitchen. “What happened?”

Julie burst into tears. “Simon’s been cheating on me.”

Charity realized with everything that had happened, Elijah had never told her what was going on with Simon. “I’m so sorry.” She’d been so caught up on realizing she was pregnant, everything else had been pushed aside. She should have pushed Elijah for news, not let everything slide. It wasn’t like her. She tended to argue and push. Things were changing over time, her along with it.

Julie tried to smile and wiped her face with the back of her hand. “He told me everything. It’s with Pam, who works at the hospital, in HR.”

“Plastic Pam?”

Julie laughed through her tears. “That’s what I said.”

Charity went and wrapped her arms around her friend. Jamie’s Frozen Sing-A-Long movie played in the background. She could hear Jamie singing to the music. “I’m so sorry.”

“I kicked him out.” Julie sighed. “But I don’t want him to leave.”

“What does Simon want?”

“He wants to try and make things work for us. He’ll do marriage counselling, whatever it takes.”

“Is it something you might consider?” Charity poured Julie a cup of coffee. “You guys always did have a crazy kind of love.”

“I think we just got bored with each other and busy with our lives. We kind of forgot how to communicate.” Julie grabbed a Kleenex and blew her nose. “I’ve been trying to figure out what to do. What would you do?”

Charity shrugged. “I don’t know. I can’t imagine my life without Elijah. I also have Jamie to consider.”

“Elijah isn’t the cheating kind.” Tears filled her eyes but Julie blinked them away. “I didn’t think Simon was either.”

“You don’t have to decide now, Juls. Maybe give it some time. Then it’ll be easier to know what your heart wants.”

“I’m pregnant.”

Charity felt her mouth drop open. “Pardon?”

“I know! I’m pregnant.” Julie shook her head. “I’m so lost. Maybe therapy and working through our issues will make things right. I don’t want to lose him.” Her last sentence came out in a whisper.

Charity reached for her friend’s hand. “Then don’t. Fight for him. Tell him how you feel and what you want.” She swallowed and whispered, “I’m pregnant too.”


She nodded and pressed her fingers to her lips and then pointed to the living room where Jamie was.

Julie smiled. “That’s so exciting.”

“Wasn’t exactly planned.”

Julie harrumphed. “Neither was mine.” She waved her hand and hugged her friend. “We’ll do this together! In the meantime, we have a certain party we need to go to. Let’s put the worry in a box for tonight and take it out again tomorrow.”

“You sure?”

“Positive.” She grinned again. “I can’t believe we’re going to have babies that’ll go to school together! What if I have a boy and you have a girl! They could grow up and date!” Her grin grew into a smile. “They could get married!”

“Whoa sister!” Charity laughed. “Let’s take this one day at a time.”

“Good idea.”

“All right, operation get dad to the park is about to begin. I hope he doesn’t know what we have planned. Margaret has worked tirelessly to get things in order.”

Charity transferred the car seat to Julie’s car. It wouldn’t be long before she was using the baby seat again. She was bursting with anticipation for today, and the future.

“Ready Julie?” Charity asked.

“I’m ready. You look awesome in that white pantsuit Charity. You don’t show at all.” Julie smiled.

“What’re you talking about?” Charity tried to conceal her grin. “Neither are you!”

“I’m three months, what about you?”

“Two and a half.”

Julie clapped her hands, reminding Charity of Jamie when she was excited. “Imagine we go into labor at the same time?” She pressed her lips. “I’m going to fix Simon. That boy is not allowed to leave the delivery room alone.”

“He won’t. You guys’ll work it out.”

Julie nodded. “Or I’ll get Elijah to kill him.”

“I’ll help.” Charity winked at their joking. It sounded like Julie and Simon had a long road ahead of them, but things were going to work out.