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Scorch (Homecoming Hearts Book 1) by HJ Welch (2)

“Oh my God,” he whispered.

He went a few minutes back on the footage, then watched in horror as the scene of him and Blake unfolded in all its grotesque glory.

There was no sense in texting back. He smacked the call button and jammed the phone against his ear. “This is bullshit,” he cried before Blake could even greet him. “I never said I was your boyfriend. I had no idea there was a camera crew there. And I sure as hell didn’t give them permission to fucking film me at the counter!”

There was a pause. “Yeah?” said Blake from down the line. He sounded hopeful.

Elion rubbed his hand through his hair and began to pace his room again. “I swear to you. I didn’t even know you were making a show until Devon mentioned it yesterday. They twisted what I said just like they twisted all the rest of it.”

He heard Blake sigh. “Jesus, man, I’m sorry. I jumped to the wrong conclusions.”

Elion laughed bitterly. “I bet. Can you take it down?”

“There’s a contract with the production company that means we have to keep it up,” Blake mumbled miserably. “We could still take it down and fight them on it. But then that looks suspicious. There’s already a lot of views on it. So, the advertisers will want to keep it up too.”

Elion stopped walking. “How many views?”

Blake didn’t answer for a beat. “Over twenty-five-thousand.”

“Fuck!” Elion yelped. “It only went up an hour ago!”

“I know,” said Blake dejectedly. “Look, we’re having a crisis production meeting here. Do you maybe want to come over? This involves you too now.”

Elion’s horror was momentarily put aside at the realization that Blake had just invited him to his home. But then he remembered why, and he couldn’t hold onto even a glimmer of excitement.

Sure, everyone around here knew he was gay. But this was a small town and people just generally kept to their own business. What if some homophobic asshole saw this and decided to make the drive for a little faggot-bashing? Or what if the people on his doorstep who normally left him alone read the comments under the video and realized that actually, it would be kind of cool to mess with him.

Because the comments were starting to come in.

‘Whos this prick tryna make Blake gay??????’  read the top one. ‘He better WACTH OUT!’

There was no putting the cat back in the bag now. The best he could do was make sure he had a say in what these people were going to do with his life.

“Are you telling me you didn’t have anything to do with putting me on the show?”

“I would never have let them film us,” said Blake. “I’m fucking furious and I’m going to do everything I can to fix this.” Elion believed him. They were both victims here.

“Okay. What’s your address?”


The Jacksons’ house was exactly the kind of mansion Elion would have expected. Its dark colors looked menacing in the dusk and it was so tall in loomed above the telephone poles and power lines running along the street.

He parked his rusty old car in the drive out front and rang the bell in trepidation. This whole situation had gone sideways so fast. There he’d been, just hoping he might get to see Blake one more time before he disappeared into the big wide world again. Now he stood on his doorstep, his heart in his throat.

He hoped he wasn’t mad at him anymore. He said he wasn’t. In fact, he’d apologized a couple of times over the phone. But Elion would feel better once he knew for sure. After all, he was the gay one in this situation. If he hadn’t flirted so damn much, they wouldn’t have had anything to make that ridiculous story up with.

Before Elion could worry himself into any more of a frenzy, the door opened. Blake’s sister, Jodi, was on the other side. A tan, black and white beagle was circling around her feet.

She was no longer in sports gear. But even in denim shorts and a floral t-shirt she still had an athlete’s look about her. It didn’t appear that she was wearing any makeup and her hair was once again high up in a ponytail. It suited her though.

As she fully opened the door, her scowl transformed into a smile, then a look of pity.

“Uh oh,” said Elion.

Jodi glanced behind her. “I can say you were a Jehovah’s Witness if you still want to make a run for it?”

Elion laughed ruefully and rubbed the back of his neck. “Nah. I’m here now. Best to probably try and sort it out as best I can.”

Jodi stood back to let him in. “Look, for what’s it’s worth, I told them this was completely outrageous.”

The dog was head-butting his leg, so he stooped to stroke its back.

“Watson,” Jodi admonished, but Elion shook his head.

“It’s fine. Thanks,” Elion said, stepping over the threshold. “This whole thing. It’s, um, kind of insane. My biggest concern when I left work earlier was what I was going to have for dinner. Lucky my mom is awesome and agreed to save me a plate for later.”

Jodi looked at him with sympathy again. “Come on,” she said. “They’re in the den.” She closed the door and led the way.

The dog almost tripped him up sniffing at his sneakers. “Hello again,” he chuckled, leaning down to scratch between its long, floppy ears.

“She likes you,” commented Jodi with half a smile.

Elion sighed and stood up straight. “I’m glad somebody around here does.”

The den looked like it was up ahead. Elion could hear raised voices and he winced. But Jodi turned to face him before they could walk any further. “This isn’t your fault,” she said, holding up her hand. “Or Blake’s. Our mom brought this on herself by making this stupid show. You do whatever you have to to protect yourself.”

Elion blinked. She may have looked younger than him, but she didn’t sound it. “Um, okay,” he said. She nodded and they carried on into the adjacent room.

Blake may have been the popstar. But it was time for Elion to face the music.




There were several people grouped around the square sofa set inside the den. They all turned to looked at Elion as he came in, falling silent. He gulped.

Blake was easy to spot straight away. He looked gorgeous as ever even though all he had on was an old pair of sweatpants and a plain blue t-shirt. It really brought out the color of his eyes. And clung to all those lovely muscles, of course.

Elion didn’t want to risk getting caught ogling though when that was what had got them into this trouble in the first place. So he turned to inspect the rest of the gathering.

There was a middle-aged white couple who he guessed had to be Blake’s parents. Mrs. Jackson was slim and fit, dressed a little young for her age with her hair in a ponytail, just like her daughter. Mr. Jackson had his hands in his suit pants pockets and his angular jaw was set at a displeased angle. He wasn’t wearing a jacket, but he still sported a shirt and tie.

Elion fidgeted in his beat-up sneakers, ripped jeans and cartoon cat t-shirt. Christ, why hadn’t he thought to change before racing over here? 

Three people were dressed more casually at least. The girl with the ear gauges he didn’t know. But the short guy and the chubby one he did.

“Oh, hey asshole,” he said cheerfully with a wave. “Here to film me illegally again?”

The petite guy didn’t flinch, but Mr. Jackson held his hands up. “Okay,” he said. His voice was like gravel. “Nobody has done anything against the law here. But tempers are running high and we need to discuss how to proceed. So why don’t we all just take a seat and talk this through, rationally.”

Mr. Jackson had a commanding tone about him that made Elion wonder if he was a lawyer or something?

As the group shuffled Elion thought it would probably be best if he just stood. But Blake caught his eye and subtly jerked his head. He was inviting him to come join him.

Well, if he got nothing else out of this shitty situation at least he could rub shoulders with Blake. He jogged down the couple of steps into the well where the couch was nestled and dropped onto the cushion by him.

“Thanks for coming,” Blake muttered into his ear. “I’m so sorry about all this.”

It was hard to be mad looking into his baby blue eyes. “It’s cool,” Elion assured him. Even though it really wasn’t.

Watson, the dog, came and threw herself over Elion’s feet. She shuffled a bit, closed her eyes, and looked like she fell asleep immediately. Looks like he wasn’t going anywhere soon.

“What I don’t get,” said Mrs. Jackson, like she was carrying on a conversation, “is why you made it look like Blake’s gay.”

“Bi,” the shorter guy corrected. He wasn’t half as charming as he’d been in the coffee house. Elion felt so stupid for being duped like that. “He’s had girlfriends in the past, yes?”

“Whatever, Seth,” Mrs. Jackson snapped. “What possible benefit could you have for making him look gay? Are you trying to sabotage the show?”

The guy, Seth, blinked slowly. “You wanted this to stand out from other shows on the market in the same genre. Did you know the main demographic we’re targeting for our audience is between eleven and sixteen-years-old? Do you know how many people in that age group as well as those up to those in their mid-twenties, now identify as being LGBT plus?”

Mrs. Jackson looked like she was going to answer, but Seth obviously didn’t need that.

“Fifty. Fifty percent. That’s half of your potential viewers, Mrs. Jackson. Not to mention Hollywood is the queerest industry there is. They’re finally being given a chance to represent different sexualities in a positive light and self-made content like ours is the best place to explore these new opportunities without studio interference.”

“But you did it without asking us first,” Mr. Jackson snapped.

“Blake isn’t even gay!” shrieked Mrs. Jackson.

“Yeah,” mumbled Elion. “Because that’s such an awful thing.”

He could feel his skin prickling but he refused to look away from Blake’s mom. Surprisingly, he felt Blake himself shift a little closer to his side.

“Yeah, Mom,” he said. “I know I’m not technically gay or bi or whatever. But Joey is. Elion is. It might not be the truth, but Nessa isn’t that much of a bitch. You seem okay with the show lying about her.”

Mrs. Jackson’s mouth pursed in a hard line. “People love a bitch. They don’t love the gays. Sorry, honey,” she added towards Elion without really looking at him. “Not that there’s anything wrong with it. But Blake, you’re not like them.”

“Well, now people think I am,” Blake said. He was doing well at keeping it together. But as they were so close Elion could feel him trembling ever so slightly through the sofa cushion. “What do you want me to do? Come out and say it say it was all a joke? I may not be a part of the LGBT community, but I support it. I support my friends.”

Mrs. Jackson laughed shrilly. Jodi rolled her eyes at her and began fiddling with her phone.

“Then what do you suggest?” Blake’s mom asked. “We let people think you’re gay? The ratings will never get off the ground.”

“Actually,” said Seth. He turned his laptop around and showed he some sort of graph. “Ratings are twice what I’d predict for a debut episode with this limited time and budget for advertising.”

Mrs. Jackson immediately calmed down. “Twice?” she repeated.

“You’re trending on Twitter, too,” said Jodi. She waved her phone at the group. “The hashtag is #BisexualBlake and people have a lot to say.”

“Good or bad?” Blake asked. His voice was strained.

His sister grimaced apologetically. “Both.”

“Both is good,” said Seth. He turned his laptop back around. “Get’s people talking. I bet our ratings will double again if we keep this up.”

“What do you mean, keep it up?” said Mrs. Jackson. “This is a dance show, not some vehicle to promote the gay agenda.”

“Ahh, the gay agenda,” said Elion with a smirk. He leaned back and crossed his arms. “Yes, next week we’ll make all the kids dress up in drag and point out that Jesus doesn’t actually hate fags.”

“Young man,” said Mr. Jackson. He felt Blake flinch beside him. “You are in my house and you will show some respect.”

“Why should I?” Elion shot back. “Your stupid show has used me and all you’ve done since I arrived is insult me. Now people are posting death threats in the YouTube comments and probably on Twitter too.”

“Actually,” said Jodi, leaning forwards. Watson lifted her head, but she still didn’t move from Elion’s feet. Jodi was smiling. “There’s loads of really amazing stuff on here too.”

She stood up and came to sit by Blake. Elion spotted the girl with the ear gauges twitch, as if to pick up one of the cameras. But Seth surprisingly shook his head.

Jodi held up her phone. “Yeah, some people are saying you’re doing it for attention since the band split up, and other horrid things, but look at all theses.”

“You’re an inspiration,” Blake read aloud, scanning the tweets. “Good for you. We love you Blake. Below Zero love forever. #Proud. #ElionIsHot.”

“Let me see that one,” said Elion, leaning forwards.

“Here’s what I propose,” said Seth, seizing their attention. “We incorporate the love story into the series arc. If people respond well, we ham it up. If it dwindles, or starts doing more harm than good, we stage a breakup.”

The big guy and girl with the ear gauges nodded at each other. “Could work really well,” said the girl.

“Only if the view ratings are as good as you say,” said Mrs. Jackson.

“I am not comfortable with this at all,” said Mr. Jackson. He folded his hands on the table in front of him and glowered at Seth. “Making my son out to be a homosexual was not part of the agreement.”

“No,” said Seth. “The agreement was to make the show work. And so far, it is.”

“Dad,” said Blake. His fists were clenched by his sides. “You’re making it sound like they made me look like something bad.”

 Mr. Jackson scoffed. “To a lot of people, it is bad. Highly un-Christian.”

“And to a lot of people, it’s an inspiration,” said Elion. Un-Christian his gay-fucking-ass. Since he was feeling particularly reckless, he reached over and took Blake’s hand. “If there’s just one kid who watches this show and feels slightly less alone, then I’ll do it. I’ll be Blake’s boyfriend for a couple of episodes.”

He could feel everyone in the room looking at him. But he was only looking at Mr. Jackson.

He got a bad feeling from this guy. He didn’t like the way big, tough Blake was flinching from him. It was almost imperceptible, but Elion could see it was there. He wanted to defy him just for Blake’s sake alone.

And he meant it. If the ratings really were that high, and amidst the usual ‘You’re going to burn in hell!’ shit there really were as many positive comments as Jodi said, maybe they could make a difference. He would have given anything to see a happy gay couple on TV when he was a kid.

“Really?” said Blake. Elion turned to regard him. “You’d put yourself out there like that?”

Elion shrugged. “I’m already out there. Like you said, the other options are to admit it was all a lie, or have us break up in episode two. That would seriously upset all those LGBT kids that have written in to support you.”

“And the LGBT allies,” said Jodi firmly.

“I’d predict it would kill the show,” Seth said, his eyes glued to his laptop screen.

Elion felt a small spark of pride from their support. “So, yeah, no problem.”

Elion was tempted to add that it would scarcely be a hardship to pretend to date such a gorgeous guy. But with Blake’s family all around them, not to mention the stone-faced crew, he held his tongue.

“Okay,” said Blake slowly. He’d not let go of Elion’s hand yet. In fact, he was clinging to it. It made Elion happy to think he might be offering him some comfort. “I feel bad pretending to be bi, but that ship has sort of sailed, hasn’t it?”

Jodi snorted. “Just a little.”

Blake nodded, then turned to Elion. “Well, this would be one way to hang out, right?” He laughed.

Elion had to school his reaction. Blake had been intending to hang out more? Play it cool, he commanded himself.

He winked. “You wait baby, I’ll be the best fake boyfriend you ever had.”

Yeah. So cool.





Blake felt like he really could have done with walking to the studio the next day to help clear his head. But, of course, his mom wouldn’t hear of it.

“What would people think?” she asked with a shrill laugh.

That I was out for a walk, Blake thought to himself. He didn’t dare say it out loud though. So instead, he sat up front in his mom’s SUV and listened to her chatter over the too-loud radio about her plans for filming that day. They had their first afternoon of lessons, and she was keen to gloss over yesterday’s drama.

“Did Elion say he was coming?” she asked with an air of nonchalance.

Blake felt a flair of irritation, but he was able to keep it to himself. She was much more amenable to Elion now Seth had shown her the comparable ratings for other shows. The LGBT community had spread the word like wildfire online, and views had steadily been increasing overnight.

Blake was torn. On one hand, he was pleased with the amount of comments Jodi had shown him from people around the world saying how great it was to have someone ‘like them’ being represented in a show. There were already several blogs reviewing their pilot episode, praising the show for its fast pace, drama and diversity.

No matter how well he spun it to himself though, Blake always came back to the fact that it was all a lie. He wasn’t bisexual and he wasn’t with Elion. If anyone ever found out, he’d be so ashamed he wasn’t sure he could live with himself.

The only silver lining was that if he had to pretend to date a guy, Elion seemed like the perfect option. He didn’t know him all that well yet, but they already got along well. That was undeniable. And last night, when they’d made a start by holding hands, that didn’t feel weird to him.

Being best friends with Joey had meant that, over the years, he had wondered from time to time if there was something more there. He and Joey had even tried to kiss once, but it was over before they started, with both of them cracking up and making puking noises.

But with Elion…well, it had been nice to hold hands. He felt comfortable around him, and he made Blake laugh too. He guessed that if they were going to pretend to be boyfriends, they would need to do more PDA. Maybe they would have to even kiss? Blake shifted in his seat and tried to work out how he felt about that. He’d kissed actresses in music videos. It would probably be the same sort of thing. That didn’t explain why his stomach felt like it was flipping at the idea though, so he decided to worry about it if it happened.

“Yeah,” he said with a tight smile. “He’s coming after his shift. So, you know. Be nice to him.”

Unexpectedly, his mom lurched forwards and slammed the radio off, plunging them into silence. Blake huffed and rolled his eyes.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she demanded.

“I just mean,” he said carefully, trying to think how best to placate her. “You were pretty worried about people thinking I was gay. And I get that, I totally do. There have been some really nasty things said online. But, if we could just make sure that worry doesn’t come across as our homophobia, I think Elion would really appreciate that.”

His mom relaxed in the driver’s seat. “Oh, of course. We’re not homophobic, after all.” She nodded and flicked on the indicator to make a turn. “That’s very thoughtful, honey. You’re so caring.”

He breathed a sigh of relief but didn’t say anything more in case it upset the balance again. They drove the rest of the way in silence. He loved his mom, but their relationship was better when they only spoke over the phone a couple of times a week. He was going to have to keep himself in check now he was back home. Otherwise, the fights would be daily.

She only wanted what was best for him, he knew that.

“So, I was thinking,” she said as she parked the car. They hopped out into the heat of the parking lot. “You’ve got your first class with Karyn today. I think her and Nessa should go head to head, then she can cry, then you can defend her. Sound good?”

Blake managed to smile, though it probably didn’t reach his eyes. “Sure.”

As they traversed the lot towards the community center, Blake spotted a couple of people loitering by the entrance way. Unfortunately, so did his mom.

“Oh Christ,” she said with a click of her tongue. “That’s one of the rejects. Just ignore them honey. The crew know who to film and who not.”

Do they? Blake didn’t want to bring up Elion again, so he kept that to himself.

“It’s fine, Mom,” he assured her. “You go ahead and I’ll be in in just a second.”

She didn’t reply, but she turned her nose up and marched by the young girl and a woman Blake guessed to be her mom. It was like she didn’t even see them there.

Luckily, they were more interested in talking to Blake. “Mr. Jackson?” the woman asked.

“Hi,” he said. He stopped in front of them and readjusted his bag on his shoulder. “It’s Mercy, right?”

The girl nodded. She was about ten-years-old, black and quite chubby. Her mom was much the same. This was one of the kids he’d been so desperate to accept. She definitely showed potential, but the production team had thought otherwise.

The woman had her head held high and a hand protectively on her daughter’s back. Their clothes didn’t suggest they came from much money, and neither did her purse. But their hair was meticulously braided, their shoes scuff-free and the mom’s makeup was nicely done.

Blake had pinned Mercy as a hard worker. His observations now only added to that.

“Yes sir, that’s me,” said Mercy.

Mercy’s mom squared her shoulders. “My daughter has a question for you. Go on, sweetie.”

She rolled her hands and looked up at Blake with wide, watery eyes. “I just wondered what I did wrong, Mr. Jackson?”

Blake dropped his bag to the ground and knelt before the girl. He was angry she would even think that. “Oh no hon, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just a lot of kids auditioned, and they had more experience than you. But I tell you what.” He pulled a notebook out of his backpack and a pen. “We’re having auditions again in the fall, as well as some fun summer classes.” He’d not told anybody that, but this was his damn school and he’d get his way on this or he’d quit. “That gives you a couple of months to work on your stretches and technique.”

His hand flew over the paper, listing several websites and YouTube channels to subscribe to. Mercy leaned over and watched what he was writing. “What’s that?” she asked, biting her lip.

“This is homework for you to do,” he told her. “I know if you work really hard, you’ll get better. And I’d love nothing more to have you in my class. Do you think you can do that?”

He ripped the page from the book and handed it to her. She accepted it with reverence. “Yes, Mr. Jackson. I can do that.” She nodded and smiled at him. “I swear I’ll work real hard.”

“Good girl,” he said.

He raised his hand for a high five, which she gave him with all the strength she had. It was barely more than a tap, but Blake shook his hand out.

“Wow, watch it there, missy. You’re super strong.” She giggled and he winked at her. “Now you look after your mom for me. And work on those kicks and turns, alright?”

“Yes, sir,” she said with the kind of genuine sincerity that only children could manage. He waved them off then turned back to the community center.

Elion was leaning against the door frame, watching him with a smile.

Something unidentifiable swooped through Blake’s insides. Guilt, like he’d been caught doing a bad thing. But also happiness at seeing Elion when he wasn’t expecting him. It was strange, he hardly knew the guy. But compared to everyone else around him in his life right now, he was the one Blake felt most relaxed around.

Except maybe Jodi and Watson. But his sister was at softball training and the center didn’t allow animals inside unless they were service dogs. But with Elion there, suddenly Blake didn’t feel like he was quite so alone.

“Hey,” he said.

Elion nodded at Mercy and her mom getting into their car. “That was nice. What you did.”

Blake shrugged, unsure what to say. He just did what he thought was fair.

Instead of answering, he began slowly walking into the community center. Elion fell into step with him, his hands in his pockets.

“So, this is the first lesson, huh?”

Blake nodded. “I’ve never actually taught a whole room of kids before,” he admitted. With all the upset over the stupid show, he’d forgotten how nervous he was about standing up in front of a class.

He’d choreographed a hell of a lot over the years. But it had always been for routines he himself was a part of. What if these guys hated his moves, thought he was dumb? He’d be crushed, for sure. But the show would fail as well. Then his parents would be pissed as anything. What if-


He realized that Elion had his hand on his arm, a concerned look on his face. “Hmm?” It seemed especially warm where Elion’s palm laid on his skin. Almost like it tingled.

“You zoned out,” said Elion. “Are you okay? Do you need a minute?”

Blake’s pulse was running a little fast. But he took a breath and shook his head. “Just first-time jitters,” he said.

Elion waggled his eyebrows at him. “I can help with first-times,” he said, his voice laden with innuendo.

Blake snorted with laughter and immediately felt better. “Shut up,” he said. They continued walking down the hall.

The place still had a vague smell of new paint, but that would soon go with the competing odors of kids’ shoes and sweat and spilled juice from their snack packs. For now though, the pale blue flooring and cream walls were unblemished, filled with potential.

“So,” said Elion. “How, um, do you want to play this?” His hands were back in his jeans pockets and he licked his lips. He was nervous too.

That made Blake feel reassured.

“I only ever had one girlfriend,” he admitted in a rush. “Which is pretty lame for a celebrity,” he added with a chuckle. “But I never dated anyone in L.A. or on the road. Lola and I were together in high school, but then she went off to college on the East Coast, and, well, I didn’t.”

Lola had been sweet and smart with a great sense of humor. They’d tried to make it work for a couple of months. In the end, Blake had felt it wasn’t fair on her. They’d remained friends and he wondered if one day they might reconnect. It still hurt sometimes to think of what they’d lost.

He shook himself out of his melancholy. That wasn’t the point.

“I’m not sure how to be a boyfriend. Especially, um, with a guy.”

Elion didn’t seem fazed. “Just like with a girl. We can hug a bit and hold hands, and I’ll watch you adoringly when you dance.”

Blake rolled his eyes. “Please don’t.”

“Fine,” Elion huffed. “I’ll drool and pretend I can’t contain my boner. Better?”

Blake laughed loudly. They were at the studio doors and he paused, not wanting to face the students or the cameras just yet.

Elion frowned at him and licked his lips. “That doesn’t bother you, does it?”


Elion rubbed his hand through his hair. The fuchsia tips really suited his dark complexion. Blake assumed he was Latinx but he hadn’t asked any more about it. Raiden had taught him it was rude to ask people where their families were from. Blake wanted to show Elion more respect than his parents had thus far.

“The flirting. I don’t mean to do it half the time, but it’s like a default setting.” Elion laughed then bit his lip. “But it does make straight guys uncomfortable sometimes.”

“Oh,” said Blake. He’d not really thought about it. “Well, I mean, we’re friends now, right? Or getting that way. And, well, you know…”

Elion looked at him blankly. Then he clicked his fingers. “Oh, you mean that thing where several thousand people think we’re dating?”

“Yeah, that,” said Blake with a smile. There was never any pressure from Elion. Hopefully he would be fun to hang around with. “I think a small amount of flirting is necessary to keep that up.”

“Well then,” said Elion. He leaned in to whisper in his ear. Blake could see people inside the studio turn their heads to watch. “I better do a good job then.”

He winked and pushed the door open. Try as he might, Blake couldn’t stop the shiver that ran down his spine.

Maybe there was a small part of him that enjoyed Elion’s flirtations?

Would that be so bad?

He’d just have to find out.




The main studio was in a complete frenzy. There were a dozen or so producers, camera operators, sound people and makeup artists. P.A.s were trying to corral parents (mostly moms) into the allocated seating area when all they wanted to do was fuss over their kid’s hair or give last minute advice.

This was the senior class, so there were tweens and teenagers loitering along every wall, self-conscious of where to stand. Some were cocky and preening in the floor to ceiling mirrors that lined three out of the four walls fixing their lip gloss or stretching their legs way further than Elion thought nature could have possibly intended.

He had already sat though one of the baby classes. But that was full of adorable toddlers who mostly spun around while their parents ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed.’ This was the premier lesson, the one everyone old enough had auditioned with the hopes of getting in.

Elion was already wired for sound, but one of the producers, the ear gauge girl Kala, was moving him around to a new position. “So,” she said, pushing him into a new seat. “You’re not going to just sit there and watch this one, are you?”

Elion frowned. “Um, what else am I supposed to do in a dance class?”

She slowly blinked her eyes at him as a makeup artist gave him a touchup on powder. He wasn’t used to wearing makeup, but he had to say he was quite enjoying being fussed over.

“You’re here to do one thing,” said Kala, narrowing her eyes. “Be the boyfriend. That means drama. If you don’t bring it, Seth will cut you to create it. Is that what you want?”

Elion glanced towards Blake in his skin tight t-shirt and dazzling smile. This may have all been fake, but he was still enjoying it. If he and Blake ‘broke up,’ they wouldn’t have an excuse to hang out a fraction of the time they were going to on the show.

“No,” he replied. “That’s not what I want.”

Kala nodded at him. “Then find a way to bring some drama, before someone else does.”

She purposefully nodded towards Nessa. She was sat on the floor in sideways leg splits, her elbows leaning on the floor like it was nothing. This offered a spectacular display of her cleavage.

Unable to help himself, Elion automatically glanced towards Blake. But he was engrossed talking to a very excitable looking mom. It would be stupid for Elion to be jealous if he was looking at her, except…that was what Kala wanted, wasn’t it?

Sure enough, when he looked back at her, she winked. “Good boy.” Then she stepped behind the camera in his face. It was like she disappeared once the thing was on.

That was okay though, it made it easier for him to pretend she wasn’t there. Instead Elion scanned the room and tried to think how he’d make himself more interesting. She was right. His sitting there silently watching was boring.

Blake finished talking to the mom and caught his eye. Without thinking, Elion leaned forward on his seat in the sidelines and crooked his finger. Blake’s eyes went wide. He looked around him, as if to check if Elion was urging someone else to come over. Elion nodded encouragingly. Blake seemed to get the hint.

“Um, hi,” he said as he stopped in front of him. There were three rows of free standing seats, and Elion was in the first.

How could Blake be so shy and unsure of himself? He was glistening with light perspiration and his muscles looked amazing in his tight training gear.

Elion angled his head so Blake would lean in. Then Elion closed the distance and pressed a swift kiss to his cheek. “Just wanted to wish you luck, baby.”

Blake looked adorable when he blushed. “Um, thanks,” he stammered.

He hugged himself and glanced around, obviously self-conscious at being kissed by a guy. They’d have to work on that. They were supposed to be boyfriends.

A few people were watching them, some scowling, some gawping. “Hey,” said Elion. He snagged one of Blake’s hands in his own. “Don’t pay any attention to them. I’ve got you.”

Blake glanced at the camera, then licked his lips. “Right,” he said. He offered a shaky smile, then tentatively rubbed his thumb over Elion’s knuckles.

It may have done nothing for Blake, but it made Elion shiver, head to toe. It wasn’t exactly the red, hot romance the producers wanted for the viewers. But this was brand new for Blake, and it felt like a good step forwards to Elion.

“Knock ‘em dead,” he told him with a wink.

Some of Blake’s confidence seemed to come back to him. His smile became more assured and his back straighter. “Thanks,” he said.

Then he was gone, into the throng, pulling the class to order and starting warm up.

From the corner of his eye, Elion saw Kala give him a thumbs up.

That was fun, but they were supposed to be loved-up boyfriends. Blake was cute as a rabbit in headlights. How long would that convince viewers they were together though?

There was a part of Elion that wanted to make Blake more comfortable around him for him too. Not just for show. But that was ridiculous. Blake wasn’t into guys, otherwise he would have said something already. Imagining a scenario where he was comfortable stepping in close to give Elion a casual kiss was only going to hurt.

So Elion just needed to shelve his feelings. They weren’t even feelings. They were lust.

Elion was used to that. Hook-ups over the weekend in Cincinnati were his usual style of things. That way they didn’t have to see each other again and no hearts got broken. Live for the now. He’d never pined over a straight boy and he wasn’t about to start today.

It had been a long time though since he’d had a real challenge. If he was going to keep himself in the game and on the show he’d need to step it up with the public displays of affection. But how far would Blake be willing to go?

His train of thought was disrupted by a cry from the left.

 “Oh my goodness, you must be Elion?”

Elion turned to the woman who was now sitting next to him. She was the one who had cornered Blake a minute ago.

Unlike most of the other moms loitering in the studio, she wasn’t done up to the nines. Her hair was naturally curly and mousey brown, sitting just at her shoulders. She only wore a little make up and her nail polish was chipped. Her pink blouse was nice but it clashed horribly with the beige pants she had on.

Her smile was wide and genuine though, and she had one hand placed over her chest. Elion switched to customer service mode and smiled back at her. He could never forget the cameras were rolling.

“Yes I am, nice to meet you, ma’am.”

She carried on smiling, looking back and forth between him and Blake who was talking with Seth, presumably about how the lesson should go. The students were crossing the room in pairs doing high kicks. Blake would shout out encouragement or gentle critique whenever it was needed.

“I’ve never met a gay man before,” the mom said. “It’s funny, you boys look so normal.”

Elion worked very hard to keep his smile screwed on straight.

“It is funny, isn’t it?” he said cheerfully. “We look just like everyone else.”

She shook her head. “Well, I guess when you see them on TV they act different, don’t they?” She flopped her hand about with a limp wrist. “But you’re as cute as a button. I love your hair.” She reached out and ran her hair through it.

It took everything Elion had not to bat her away. “Why thank you. I can give you some conditioning tips, if you like?”

She missed the barb and just giggle behind her hand. “Well, I’m glad Blake’s having fun. This bisexual thing’s all the rage now.” She sighed. “When Below Zero were over my heart did break a little. I’m so glad he had a friend like you there for him.”

There was so much to unravel in that sentence, Elion wasn’t sure where to start.

“We’re a bit more than friends,” he said, arching an eyebrow.

The woman went pink and shifted on her seat. “Well, I’m sure Blake’s mom will want to see him married to a nice girl someday. But there’s no harm in you two doing your thing while you’re young!”

She patted his knee with a sincere grin, then turned back towards Blake.

“Better than being old and bitter for chances not taken,” said Elion sweetly, then also looked over at Blake with a sigh. “He really is gorgeous, isn’t he?”

The mom blinked, then apparently chose to ignore his last comment. “Oh yes,” she cooed. “You know, my daughter Poppy and I were Below Zero’s biggest fans. We drove all the way to Chicago to see them. She was just pleased as punch to get into this class. Weren’t you, sweetheart?”

A gangly teenage girl glared in mortification at the woman. Then she turned her back on her mother in order to step-turn-leap diagonally across the room.

“We’re just praying they get back together,” said Poppy’s mom with a sigh. “He’s meant for the big old world, that boy. Not like you and me.”

“I think Blake’s happier dancing,” said Elion stiffly, crossing his arms. He didn’t need reminding that Blake was too good for him. That he was almost certainly going to leave again before long.

It was distressing the real pang that caused for him, though. Blake wasn’t just hot. The sweet way he’d talked to that kid who hadn’t made the class had stirred something in Elion’s heart. He was kind as well as talented and gorgeous.

If there was even the smallest chance that Blake wasn’t totally straight, Elion was going to find it. The show gave him the perfect opportunity to explore any possibility there might be. He just had to take it.

Poppy’s mom prattled on in his ear, but Elion mostly let it wash over him. The class was moving fast, with the cameras zipping around to catch the action.

It was easy to spot the diva child Karyn that had been a part of his and Blake’s set-up. She wasn’t an especially remarkable looking girl. When she was on the sidelines, she didn’t particularly talk, she just watched. But then she took to the floor and a hush would descend as people couldn’t help but watch.

That was nothing though compared to when Blake stood in front of them all and outlined a two-count of eight he wanted them to try.

“Be sure and concentrate on your lines,” he said after he completed the sequence once. “Finish every move with your fingers, toes or eyes. Nice long necks and think about your core. Do it with me?”

The kids complied, most of them picking up the moves easily enough. But Elion was solely captivated by Blake and Blake alone. There may as well have been no one else in the room.

Suddenly, the ‘Feet of Flames’ name didn’t seem so ridiculous after all. He could take the simplest of motions and turn it into art. Every muscle of his perfectly sculpted body worked in harmony to deliver beauty and strength. He sizzled with raw energy. It was like he was leaving scorch marks in his wake.

He was aware he was leaning on his knees, eagerly drinking in everything Blake did. He didn’t even care he’d tuned Poppy’s mom out completely.

“I think we should change the double pirouette to a triple.” Karyn stopped and placed her hands on her hips. A number of the kids around her stumbled in an effort not to crash into her. Blake also stopped dancing, making Elion scowl.

Nessa met Karyn’s glare. “How about we learn the choreography first before criticizing it?”

“But it’s dumb,” argued Karyn, flinging out her hands. The cameras flocked around them.

Blake rolled his eyes in exasperation. Elion managed to catch his attention though and offer him a sympathetic smile. That seemed to help him calm down, which made Elion feel warm with pleasure. He wanted to be able to help and support Blake, in any way he could.

“Could you cut that out?”

Elion frowned and look around at another mom. This one was the more typical skinny, yoga-pants, frap-in-hand type. She sneered at Elion.

“There are children here, they don’t need to see you acting perverted.”

It wasn’t anything Elion hadn’t heard before, but the insult still stung. He could feel Kala and the camera on him though, so he swallowed the hurt and stuck his chin out.

“They don’t need to see that cheap dye job either.” He flicked his fingers towards her highlighted hair. To be fair, it wasn’t bad, but the bitch had gone for him first. “However, it appears you’re insisting on inflicting it on them anyway.”

The chorus of gasps that earned him was extremely satisfying.

She wasn’t done though. “Blake may think you’re a cute publicity stunt, but I don’t want my daughter anywhere near you.”

Elion leaned back and narrowed his eyes. “Afraid she might learn some decent morals?”

The cat fight between Karyn and Nessa was reaching pitch. Several other parents started bickering around Elion. Suddenly it was becoming clear which were the homophobes and which were more accepting. He realized Kala was jerking her head towards the door.

Elion stood up, making those around him draw back and pause in what they were saying. “This is ridiculous. I don’t need to put up with this.”

He made sure the camera was looking at him, then glanced over at Blake before storming off. He felt utterly idiotic, but the camera stayed with him. Sure enough, within twenty seconds Blake was out the door and following him down the hall.

“Hey, what’s going on?” The concern in his voice was real. Bless him, he was even worse at faking this drama than Elion. But that meant he actually cared, which lifted Elion spirits as well as his courage.

“Just some homophobic bullshit,” he said with a shrug. Seth had said it was good to swear as much as they liked. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have disrupted your class like that.”

Blake huffed and folded his arms. “It was already disrupted,” he grumbled.

Elion rested his hand on Blake’s solid bicep. It was his natural instinct, but the cameras edged closer. So he hammed it up, stepping a little nearer, rubbing his arm.

“It’s your first day, there was bound to be hiccups.”

Blake scowled. “From the kids, yeah. I don’t want people giving you crap though.”

Elion couldn’t help it. His heart melted a little. “I’m fine, babe,” he murmured. They were almost brushing shoulders, eyes gazing into one another’s.

This was it. This was his moment. He really hoped Blake wouldn’t punch him. But the cameras were rolling and his heart was thudding in his chest. He couldn’t let this slip through his fingers.

So he leaned in and pressed his lips to Blake’s in a sweet, gentle kiss.





Blake had been wholly unprepared for Elion to kiss him. Of course he knew they were pretending to date, but he figured in reality they’d just stick with holding hands. There was a crazy part of him that had thought perhaps Elion was flirting for real, but he didn’t think he’d act on it. Because Blake was straight.

Then Elion had gone and leaned in, touching their mouths together, and Blake couldn’t deny he lost himself immediately. It was a chaste kiss, just a little tongue, lips tentatively exploring. But it was like fireworks on the Fourth of July in Blake’s chest. Without realizing, he slipped his hands around Elion’s waist and neck, drawing their bodies together.

It was Elion who broke the embrace in the end. He smiled and gave Blake another quick peck on the lips. “You ready to go back in there and face them?”

Blake couldn’t explain it. He’d just kissed a guy. Surely he should he felt a bit wrong or freaked out. At the very least embarrassed that he was the one to deepen it.

Instead he felt like his body was singing. He was filled with the kind of adrenaline you experienced after a great performance. It hadn’t felt wrong at all.

“Uh, yeah,” he said hoarsely.

Elion swatted his ass, making him jump. “Then what are you waiting for?”


Blake was way more tired that he’d have thought he’d be several hours later. Who knew teaching took so much out of you? He slipped gratefully into the shower in his en suite bathroom, letting the hot water pound against his aching muscles.

It was more than just the physical exertion. That hadn’t been that hard at all. It was more the mental strain of concentrating for that long.

It had been a good day though, despite the cameras. Eventually Blake had been able to more or less ignore them. That was, until Seth or one of the producers started asking him to do stupid things like comparing the kids to make one cry. He’d loathed that, but Nessa seemed quite comfortable stepping in to be the bad cop. So he was happy to let her.

The real highlight of the day, aside from the moments when he’d been allowed to just get on and teach, had been Elion. Blake was still thoroughly confused as to what to think of the whole thing. Of course, the kiss had just been for show. But then Elion had stayed to support him the rest of the afternoon.

Seth and Kala had been all over it, getting plenty of shots of Elion. He hadn’t done much more than watch after the catfight and their kiss. But the look on his face suggested he’d love more nothing more than to eat Blake up. The guy exuded sexuality, totally not afraid of who he was.

The fact he was a man wasn’t lost on Blake; quite the opposite. But it had yet to freak him out the way it should have. He realized he liked the way he looked at him. And that kiss…

Blake struggled to remember the last time he’d kissed someone for real. Maybe New Year’s, at a party a while back? The other guys in the band often talked about kissing like it was a gateway to knowing if you liked someone. As if that would help you get to know them better than talking with them. Blake never felt like that.

Except with Elion, it felt like he’d discovered a whole new side of himslef. It was sensual and sweet and – urgh! Not real. He couldn’t forget that.

It had felt real enough though. And hot. What might have happened if the cameras hadn’t been there?

The thought lodged in his brain and wouldn’t go away. What if Elion kissed him when they’d been alone? Would he have stopped there? He’d moved closer when Blake had slipped his hand on his waist. He couldn’t deny how natural that had felt.

The shower cubical was full of steam and his skin tingled with warmth. He could feel his cock was perking up, stimulated by the memory of the kiss. Blake bit his lip. What would it be like to feel Elion’s hand stroke him?

For a famous popstar, Blake had had a shockingly low number of hook ups. They hadn’t interested him all that much. But now, as he reached between his legs and began coaxing his dick to attention, he couldn’t help but wonder what it might be like to make out with Elion.

His devil-may-care attitude and easy smiles made Blake feel lighter. Comfortable. Maybe it wouldn’t be so scary to try something new with him?

The water ran over his cock, making it deliciously slippery. With all the stress of the band break-up and the move and the show he hadn’t jerked off in weeks. But now he was hard as a rock, the memory of Elion’s lips fresh in his mind.

He steadied himself with one hand against the tiles and let his head drop back, moaning. All the tension from his body meant he was coiled like a spring. This wouldn’t take long. His eyes closed, he pictured Elion smiling as he jerked him off, kissing his neck and begging him to come for him.

Blake rubbed one of his nipples between his finger and thumb, tightening the sensitive nub and sending sparks across his skin. He gasped against the water as his orgasm built. ‘I want you,’ he imagined Elion whispering to him.

That was all it took to push him over the edge. He almost choked as he spilled against the tiles, the water washing away the evidence almost immediately. He took several ragged breaths while the dizziness dissipated.

He blinked as he got his breath back and his cock softened in his hand. “Whoa,” he murmured. The water suddenly seemed very loud in his ears. He hadn’t come that fast or that hard in years.

He didn’t particularly remember finishing up his shower or rinsing the suds from his hair. All his thoughts were wrapped up in what he’d just done.

Had he crossed a line?

No, it was just an idle fantasy. He’d thought of far more depraved things like that in the past. But never about someone specific, someone he knew. The stars of his spank bank were always generic and faceless.

There was no denying how thinking of Elion had turned him on though. So what did that mean?

As if reading his mind, when he wrapped himself in a towel and checked his phone, he discovered a message from Joey.

‘Is there something you want to tell me?’

“Fuck,” said Blake out loud. He hit the call button without pause.

“I take that as a yes,” Joey chuckled from down the other end of the line. It was good to hear his voice. Blake sat on the end of his bed and smiled to himself.

“Hey man. Sorry, I should have called earlier.”

“Don’t worry about it.” There was a pause. “So, um. You have a boyfriend?”

Blake chewed his bottom lip. Shit. Was Joey jealous?

“I’m not jealous,” he said unprompted. Blake laughed in relief. “I guess, I just thought you might have mentioned something. Before.”

Blake tapped his foot. His hair was still wet and a few droplets were running down his skin. The ticklish sensation of the water reminded him of what he’d just done in the shower.

“There wasn’t anything to mention,” he said with a sigh. “It’s all fake, dude. It’s just for the show.”

Joey was silent so long Blake almost said hello to check. “Really? Cuz, it doesn’t look fake.”

Blake scrubbed his face. “It’s amazing what they do it editing. In a terrible way.”

“How did you meet him?”

Blake explained how they’d been to high school together then reconnected at the coffee house. He became aware that he’d laid back against his pillows. Confessing to his gay best friend about Elion relaxed him, not stressed him further. Huh.

“I think we’re friends for real though,” he concluded. “At least I hope so.”

More silence from Joey. That was unusual. Normally he would jump all over something as salacious as this.

Blake exhaled heavily and rubbed his eyes. “Do you hate me?”

“What? No!” Joey cried. “Why would you think that?”

Wasn’t it obvious? “Because being queer is a reality for you,” he said. “And this is just exploiting it for ratings.”

“Blake,” Joey said slowly. “Have you considered that you might actually be bi or something?”

Blake opened his mouth, the ‘of course not’ ready to go. But the memory of his breath-taking orgasm just now held the words hostage.

“Would it really be that bad?” Joey asked. His voice was small and that jump-started Blake’s brain again.

“Absolutely not,” he said. “No, I’m not ashamed or whatever you’re thinking. I just…I don’t think that’s me.” He didn’t sound convinced, even to his own ears. He flexed his feet up, stretching his calves out. “I mean, wouldn’t I have realized by now if I was bi? I’m twenty-three.”

He practically heard Joey shrug. “Maybe. Maybe not. If you like this guy, would it really hurt to give it a shot?”

That was Joey talk for ‘do it, you moron.’

“I’m not promising anything,” he said. “But, let’s just say I’ll keep my mind open. Okay?”

Joey hummed gleefully.

They talked a little more about how he was getting on in L.A. Joey put on a brave front, but Blake could tell he was struggling. He dreaded to think what might happen if he had to go home. But that was a problem for another day. If Joey wanted to focus on matchmaking Blake with his already fake-boyfriend, he’d let him.

“Don’t leave it so long to call next time, alright?” Joey insisted as they brought the conversation to a close. Blake promised he wouldn’t.

He sat on his bed for some time after that, until his hair had practically dried by itself. Did he really have feelings for Elion? He certainly liked him a lot.

He decided he would keep his promise to Joey. For the meantime, they could continue hanging out and playing things up for the camera.

And if something more came from that…he’d do his best not to shy away from it.




No matter how many times he told himself it was all a scam, Elion kept finding himself daydreaming about the kiss the day before.

It would be one thing if it had been awkward and sloppy, or stiff and dry. But it had been perfect. Blake’s mouth had been soft and supple under his, responding with just the right pressure. His body had felt warm against Elion’s hands. If the damn cameras hadn’t have been there he would have one hundred percent slipped them under Blake’s t-shirt to run over those deliciously hard abs.

The best part though was that Blake hadn’t jerked away or slugged him. If anything, he had leaned into it, pushing them closer together. If Elion was honest with himself, it was the best kiss he had had in a long time.

He wouldn’t push Blake on the straight or bi issue unless he brought it up. But it was hard to deny that there hadn’t been heat to that kiss.

“Hey homewrecker,” said Devon. “You’re burning the milk.”

Elion shook his head and pulled the jug out of the steamer. “What?”

There was no line at the counter, otherwise she wouldn’t be holding a magazine in front of his face. Once he registered what was on the front page though, ten customers could have walked in and he wouldn’t have cared.

“Mother fucker!” he cried so loudly several people sat at the tables turned and look at him. He was too busy snatching up the tabloid to notice much.

‘Elion ruined my marriage!’ the title blared in big, red letters. And there, looking sorry for himself, was that asshole Todd, his last hookup.

“Of course he went to the press,” Elion said in disgust. He skimmed through the article even though he didn’t need to. It said pretty much what he would expect.

“Is it true?” Devon asked. She had an eyebrow raised and a lollipop in her hand ready to suck on.

Elion threw the magazine at her head, but of course she caught it.

“No. Well, yeah,” he amended. “He was married when I slept with him, but he’d taken his ring off. I had no idea. And it was just that one night, not whatever he’s implying. I’m glad his husband dumped him.”

He messed around with the cookie display, aware of Devon’s gaze on him. “So. You’re like famous now?”

He scoffed. “No,” he said firmly. He meant it. “It’s like a two-minute thing. They’ll all forget they ever heard of me in a week’s time.”

Although he couldn’t deny that his Twitter had blown up at a terrifying rate. He’d turned off the notifications and only checked it every now and again since the first episode of Feet of Flames had aired.

Sure, there were some great messages on there from what he’d glimpsed. But there were also an awful lot of people telling him he was going to burn in hell for being a sodomite. Not to mention the ‘enthusiastic’ Below Zero fans. It didn’t matter if they were screaming about how Elion had corrupted Blake or screaming about how the two of them were cute enough to make them barf. There always seemed to be screaming and Elion could only take so much of it.

“This will be, like, one of those stories I can tell my kids about the time Daddy did something really stupid.”

Devon snorted behind her hand. Elion raised an eyebrow at her. “You said Daddy.”

“Oh grow the fuck up,” Elion shot back. He was laughing though as he slung a cup lid at her like a Frisbee.

She rubbed her nose and folded her arms. “That’s cool, isn’t it?” She shrugged at him, then started wiping the perfectly clean counter down. “That you can talk about having kids. Like, that’s a thing that you can do.”

Elion was stunned by the sincerity. Apparently, so was Devon. He felt a rush of warmth. Yeah, it was amazing. He loved the idea of being a dad someday. In fact, he was pretty set on it.

Rather than say any of that however, he lightly flicked Devon’s ass with a dish cloth. “Everything about me is cool,” he said.

Devon shuffled back to the page of the magazine with his face on it, making him groan. “Well, you’ve certainly made the big time,” she teased. “At least now you’re screwing a popstar.”

“He’s a dancer,” said Elion automatically. “And we’re not screwing. Yet. Believe it or not, I can be a gentleman.”

That wasn’t really the truth. Realistically, he’d probably never get that chance with Blake. But it made him feel better to pretend out loud that that was where they were heading.

“I’m glad to hear it,” said someone from the counter.

For a second, Elion’s blood ran cold. But then he saw it was Blake’s sister Jodi and he grinned in relief.

“Naw girl, when I bone your bro, you’ll definitely be the first to know.”

She stuck her fingers in her ears. “La la la!” she said loudly.

The brown-haired guy next to her sniggered. He was older than her but they were both wearing Panthers t-shirts. He didn’t look the most athletic of men, but not all ball players were buff. He caught Elion looking at him and stuck his hand out with a smile.

“Hey dude, long time no see.”

Elion drew a complete blank. He didn’t want to be rude, but he couldn’t have picked this guy out from a crowd if there was a thousand bucks on the line. If he had to guess from the shirt, Elion would hazard that they’d gone to school together. But if they’d been in the same year he really couldn’t say.

He suddenly felt very honored that in the same situation, Blake had remembered him.

The guy registered his lack of recognition before Elion could save it. “Rob Matherson,” he said. He withdrew his hand with a slight scowl. But then it was gone. “We had Advanced Chem together?”

“Oh sorry man,” Elion said shaking his head but also chuckling, hoping to save face. “That explains it. I’ve purged that whole class from my mind.” That was sort of true. He’d not minded science as a whole, but the teacher had been a real dick.

“Tell me about it,” Rob agreed.

Now he remembered. Robert Matherson Sr. was the softball coach – Jodi’s coach. Rob was only the assistant because his dad gave him the job. He wondered what Jodi was doing hanging around with him.

Now he looked closer though, she was slightly turned away from him. The arm closest to him was crossed protectively over her body. His instinct told him this wasn’t a date and he was glad.

As if proving Elion’s point, Rob nudged Jodi with his elbow, and she rolled her eyes.

“So Jodes here was just telling me all about how Blake’s come back. Isn’t that crazy?”

Elion flicked his eyebrow. “Yeah, Jodes, super crazy.”

She hid her smirk behind her fist.

“I mean, it was obvious he was gonna be famous, right?” Rob laughed to himself. “Homecoming King and all that. And now he’s with you.”  He shook his head. “That’s crazier than running off to be in a boy band.”

“Not really,” said Elion with a small frown. “I am pretty awesome.”

Jodi and Devon laughed. But Rob threw up his hands. “Oh, no, I didn’t mean that – like – I meant like it’s just so cool he’s come home. It’s great for the town.” He cleared his throat. “And, you know, I fully support you people and everything.”

“Aww, thank you so much,” said Elion through his best smile. “So, what can I get you folks?”

“A flat white and a cappuccino,” said Rob.

Jodi shook her head. “Oh, no, I’ll get my own.”

“Don’t be silly,” Rob retorted. He pulled his wallet out and handed over a credit card.

Elion took it and awkwardly placed it by the till. “Okay. I’ll just leave that there…for now. Hang on.”

He hastily started throwing the coffees together. But Rob was obviously star struck and propped himself on the counter.

“So, you and Blake, huh?”

Elion couldn’t help but feel a small bit of camaraderie with him. After all, they had both gotten stuck in this uninspiring town when everyone else had gone on to bigger and better things.

“Me and Blake,” he agreed with incredulity.

Rob chuckled. “You know, I thought he was with that girl Lola Jenkins in Senior year?”

Elion was so proud of himself. He didn’t even flinch. “Oh, no, this was after she left for college,” he said. “It wasn’t really even a thing, just a…test run. This feels like the real beginning.”

God help him, he was getting lost in his own lie. But he absolutely didn’t want to have anyone think Blake was a cheater. Or Lola, even though he barely remembered her. Todd was a fucking cheat and a sell-out. Blake and his ex were good people.

“Was it a secret?”

“Rob,” said Jodi. She’d checked out and was on her phone, but she looked up at him for that. “Stop interrogating Elion. He doesn’t have to answer that.”

She offered him an apologetic look, but Elion didn’t mind replying.

“Yeah, of course it was a secret,” he said resolutely. “Other kids are generally shitheads to queer kids. Blake was just discovering himself, he didn’t need that.”

He still didn’t need that. Fuck, even if he really was bisexual, what on Earth would it be like to try and figure that out in the public eye? Elion could make a good guess judging from the vitriol on social media.

“Well,” said Rob as Elion handed him his coffees to-go. “I guess it’s lucky that he had you. That he’s got you,” he amended with an awkward laugh.

Devon had finished serving her customer and came to stand by Elion with her arms folded. “Thanks so much for stopping by,” she said fluttering her eyelashes.

Without looking up from her phone, Jodi grabbed her cappuccino from Rob’s hand. “Thanks guys,” she said, saluting with her drink as her thumb flew over the keypad. She reminded Elion of his mother in that moment, glued to the screen and her cyber friends. He smiled.

“It was so great seeing you again,” Rob enthused. “Hey, tell Blake I said hi, yeah? It would be cool to see you both around.”

Elion made some non-committal noises and waved them both out the door.

“Well that was quite desperate,” said Devon, popping the last ‘t’.

Elion swatted her with the magazine. “Don’t be mean. Nothing happens around here. You can’t blame him for getting excited over a celebrity.”

“You?” she asked with a wicked smile.

He glowered. “You know I mean Blake. He’s…special.”

“Uh-huh.” She’d picked up her lollipop again from the dish where she’d rested it. Now she sucked on it like the picture of corrupted innocence.

“Will you cut that out,” Elion said irritably.

He wasn’t really irked at her though. He was pissed because Blake was special.

And unless there was some miracle, Elion was never really going to have him.

Maybe it was time to create a miracle then?




“What is this?”

Blake flinched as the iPad slapped down on the kitchen counter in front of him. Such as his life was, it wasn’t overly unusual to see himself as the subject of a magazine article. However, seeing him kissing Elion was anything but run of the mill.

It wasn’t any kind of a secret. The cameras had been rolling and it had aired in that week’s episode. But Blake’s hands still shook as he reached down and picked up the tablet.

“This,” said Jodi brightly in response to their dad’s question. “Is lunch. That meal you normally have between breakfast and dinner?”

Blake’s dad scowled at her. It was a Sunday, so he was in casual wear, but he still had a way of carrying himself that meant nobody forgot he was a lawyer. Jodi didn’t seem fazed though as she picked at the quinoa salad their mom had made her and Blake.

“I’m not kidding around,” said their dad sternly. He jabbed his finger at the iPad.

“Oh it’s fine, Richard,” said their mom from the other end of the island counter.

She was happily opening up fan mail Blake’s agent had forwarded over. In the age of social media, Blake still found it fascinating that people actually bothered to send mail. But they did. He had no interest in looking through it, but his mom loved it, so he let her handle it.

It wasn’t that he was ungrateful for his fans. It was just a bit much sometimes. She would make sure he saw anything important. Also, she wanted to make absolutely sure she didn’t miss any letters addressed to her.

“Seth said it was ratings gold,” she carried on about the kiss. Naturally, that was what she cared about the most.

Blake’s dad shook his head. “So you don’t care that your son is being made to look like a fool?”

“How is being bisexual looking like a fool?” Blake snapped. Only afterwards did he realize what he’d done.

His father slid his eyes back over to him. “But you’re not bisexual.”

“But he could be,” Jodi joined in. She was blatantly feeding Watson the carrot from her salad, but their mom was too engrossed in the fan mail to protest. “And then it’s just a kiss, right?”

“You know very well it’s not just a kiss,” their dad retorted. He was still standing, looking over the rest of them on their stools. “People feel very strongly about this sort of thing.”

“You mean they’re homophobic,” said Blake. He wanted to add that he didn’t give a good God damn what bigoted assholes thought of him, but he didn’t want to push his dad that far.

He shook his head. “They’re entitled to their opinions.”

Jodi snorted. “They aren’t opinions. They’re hate speech.”

Blake’s dad curled his hand into a fist. “None of that matters,” he said coldly. “It’s bad for our reputation.”

“Not for the LGBT community it isn’t,” said Blake.

It wasn’t like him to go head to head with his dad. Whatever Dad said generally went in their house. But he couldn’t help but feel like this was an attack on Elion as much as anything else. He wasn’t having that.

“If you care so much about our reputation,” he carried on. “Why did you agree to this ridiculous reality show? They make up stuff and twist everything. Elion and I can’t ‘date’ ” – he put the word in air quotations – “without acting like a couple.”

“The show isn’t ridiculous,” his mom piped up.

His dad glowered, but Blake didn’t back down. “You need to remember how hard we worked to get you where you are today, young man,” he said. “You should be grateful.”

“I am,” Blake cried in exasperation. He looked between his parents. “Of course I’m grateful. But you can’t have it both ways! The show set up a story where I’m with Elion, so of course people are going to talk about it. And…” he added. He couldn’t seem to stop his mouth in time. “Would it really be so bad if I was bi?”

There was a moment’s silence. “But, you’re not,” she his mom.

He felt hot all over, like he had a sudden fever. “But…if I was…would that be something you couldn’t live with?”

His mom rolled her eyes and went back to her letters. “I’m not sure why hypotheticals matter so much to you right now.”

His dad was considering him very carefully. “It’s important to support the LGBT community,” he said slowly. “So if that was the case, it would be something we could discuss. But you must always remember you’re in the public eye.”

Blake dug his fingernails into his palm. He needed to keep his cool. “So it would be fine to date a guy. So long as you thought they’d get good approval ratings?”

“Your father has a point,” said his mom with a shrug. She sliced her letter opener into the next envelope. “Maybe we should swap Elion for someone a little more marketable?”

“What’s wrong with Elion?” Blake demanded. A wave of nausea passed through him at the idea of having to pretend to date some random guy. It was more than that though. He was furious at the implication that Elion wasn’t good enough.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with Elion?” Jodi echoed. “Not white enough?”

“Don’t be so dramatic honey,” said their mom with an eye roll. She shook out the letter she’d just pulled free. “Although I would be interested to know where his family is from. Is he local?”

“He’s not an illegal immigrant,” Blake ground out. “If that’s what you’re asking.”

“And you too, with the drama,” she replied. “I’m just trying to figure out if I know his mother.”

“He works in a coffee shop,” his dad cut in. He folder his arms across his chest. “He has pink hair.”

“He’s also kind and makes me laugh,” Blake shot back. “I actually think it’s great he doesn’t care what people think of him all the time.” He’s not full of shit, was what he really meant. But if he was going to come out of this even remotely intact, he’d need to watch his language. “In fact-”

“Richard?” Blake’s mom had gone extremely pale. The letter she was staring at in her hand was shaking. Her whole body was trembling.

In a flash his dad was by her side. But then he saw the contents of the letter and sighed. “It’s just a prank, darling.”

Jodi craned her neck to try and see the message. “What?”

Wordlessly, their mom handed over the sheet of paper. Blake almost laughed when he saw it. But then he realized it was genuine.

Someone had constructed an old-fashioned stalker note out of cut-out letters from magazines. It was quite artistic, in its own way. But then Blake read the message.


You thought you were better than everyone but you’re just like the rest of us.

Now you’ll see. We belong together.

That boy is bad for you. No one can love you as much as me.

Blake sighed. Yeah, it was creepy, but the style of the letter was actually more evocative than the message itself.

“I think that can safely go in the trash,” he said.

His mom snatched the letter back. “No. We have to hang on to it. We shouldn’t really have touched it. Hopefully the police can still get fingerprints off of it.”

“Mom, no,” he said firmly. “We’re not going to the cops. Keep it if it makes you feel better, but it’s not like it was delivered to the house.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “They don’t know where I live any more than those trolls on Twitter, and they’ve said way worse stuff.”

Jodi nodded. “As unsettling as that is,” she agreed. “It’s nothing compared to being told that someone wants to kidnap you and inject you with AIDS.”

“Oh that’s awful,” his mom said, hand on her chest.

Blake shrugged. “That’s the internet,” he said. It wasn’t like he was used to it. But he had got better at tuning the nastiness out.

“This is what I’m talking about,” said Blake’s dad, shaking his head. “By carrying on with this boy, you’re attracting the attention of violent people. What if they hurt us, or one of the students?”

“Elion has to live with the risk of suffering a hate crime every day,” Blake countered. “If someone attacks him, or us, that’s up to them. We’re out there now for everyone to see. I’m not going to drop him just because things got a bit hard.” He jabbed his hand towards the letter. “We may not really be dating but he is my friend now. I’m going to support him. You can’t stop people from being obsessed.”

“Besides,” said Jodi. “Crazy is crazy. If it wasn’t about Blake being queer, it would be about him breaking up the band. Or the way he has favorites in his class. Or some other stupid thing that people fixate on with celebrities.” 

“Blake is in the public eye,” said their dad sternly. “And he needs to take responsibility for his actions.”

“Maybe,” Blake said, getting to his feet, “I want to just live my life for five minutes. I managed just fine by myself on the road and in L.A.”

“You’re in my house,” his dad growled. “You’ll abide by my rules.”

“Whatever,” Blake snarled. “I’m not a kid anymore. I don’t have to put up with this.”

He stormed around the island counter and down the hall, heading for the door. His mom and dad called after him, but he ignored them. He needed to stop letting them talk to him like a child. Storming off like one probably wouldn’t help things, but he was too angry to stay. 

Thankfully, there were no cameras present this time to watch him stomping away. He pulled his phone from his pocket as he reached the street and unlocked the screen. He tried calling Joey, but it went to voice mail. His thumb then hovered over Elion’s number.

“Oh what the hell,” he said out loud, connecting the call. “He’ll probably be at work anyway.”

Elion wasn’t at work though. He answered the phone on its third ring.

“Hey man, how’s it going?” he answered cheerfully.

Blake smiled. He felt the tension seep from his shoulders almost immediately. “Yeah, not bad,” he said, not wanting to go into details. “Listen, uh, did you maybe want to hang out, or something?”

God, when did he become so pathetic? He used to have so many friends. Now he sounded like a needy loser.

But Elion didn’t seem put off. “Yeah, sure,” he said brightly. “At the studio?”

“Actually,” Blake said, hoping this wouldn’t dampen his enthusiasm. “I was hoping we could do something, just the two of us. No cameras or performing. Just…be normal.”

For a split second he considered that maybe Elion wouldn’t be interested. That he was enjoying being on the show rather than hanging out with Blake himself. But his response was immediate.

“Oh thank fuck,” said Elion with a laugh. “Let’s go have some real fun. When was the last time you just goofed off?”

“It’s been a while,” Blake agreed. He missed playing video games with Joey, or hitting the dry slopes with TJ. He missed the guys in general, if he was honest. But getting to spend time with Elion felt like it might fill that hole in his chest. “What do you want to do?”

“I’ll come pick you up,” Elion said. There was a hint of devilment to his voice.

Blake liked it.




Elion watched with amusement as Blake agonized over his food order. “Dude,” he said, leaning in to murmur by his ear. “It’s just burgers.”

Blake looked bashful. “Sorry. I’m not used to eating stuff like this.”

To be fair, that was probably why he had a body like a Greek god. But Elion figured he could most likely do with letting loose and being just a bit bad for once. “Take your time,” he said. He didn’t mind waiting.

They were at one of the takeout joints in town. Nothing all that fancy, but the food was so tasty it was Elion’s go-to comfort eat. He always got the double cheese burger with extra onion rings, slaw, fries, strawberry milkshake, the works. When he told Blake this, it seemed to spur him on with his decision. He got a quarter pound burger topped with bacon and barbecue sauce, then all the same sides as Elion.

Elion was going to suggest eating in, but Blake was getting attention from some of the other diners and had already signed someone’s burger box.

“Oh my God,” said a burly guy in a trucker cap as they made to move away from the counter. “You’re that guy, the one from the band, aren’t you?” He laughed as he eyed Blake up and down and pushed the brim of his cap up. “Sing that ‘Oh oh oohh’ song!”

“I’m so sorry,” said Elion with his brightest smile, grabbing Blake’s hand. “But I’m afraid I have to whisk him away. You have a great day now.”

He steered Blake around the guy. He opened his mouth to say something else, but then the man noticed their entwined fingers and his curiosity quickly turned to a scowl. “Faggots,” he grumbled under his breath as Elion hurried them out of the front door. 

Outside in the sunshine, Elion glanced at Blake. “Sorry,” he said. He made to take his hand away, but Blake tugged it back.

“Fuck him,” he said. He squeezed Elion’s fingers. “Thank you for saving me from having to sing that God awful song again.”

His voice was a little shaky, but he obviously wanted to put the insult behind him. Elion wished he could protect him from homophobic assholes like that. But the best he could do was look after him now.

“Yeah,” he said with a laugh, allowing the conversation to move on. “Why do people always want you to sing Hearts Bound?”

Blake narrowed his blue eyes at him as he finally let his hand go and walked around to the passenger side of the car. “You know Hearts Bound?” he asked with a grin.

Elion shrugged, trying to gloss over the fact he’d been looking into the Below Zero back catalogue. “It’s the most popular song you had, right? The one that made you famous?”

Blake nodded and slipped into his seat. “Yeah. That’s why people always sing it. It’s mega catchy, but I never really liked it.” He dropped his head back against the seat. “Fuck, it’s good to say that out loud,” he admitted. “We were never allowed to be honest like that, ever.”

Something warm curled in Elion’s chest. The fact that Blake was being truthful with him felt special. Even if the relationship was a sham, it would be worth it for little moments of authenticity like that.

“I think Cherish is my favorite,” Elion said. As soon as it blurted from his mouth, he regretted it. That was an album track, from their very first album five years ago. Blake was going to think he was a fanboy.

Instead though, he turned and smiled at Elion. “I love that one,” he said softly. “Raiden helped write it, even though they didn’t credit him for it.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s beautiful.”

Elion wasn’t sure what to say, so he started the car instead. He’d asked for the food to be double bagged, so he wasn’t so worried about it getting cold as he pulled out of the lot to start the short drive.

“Where are we going?” Blake asked.

“Surprise,” said Elion. Then he winked over at his passenger. “I’ve got a secret spot.”

He expected Blake to grill him further. Instead, he just gave Elion a curious smile, then looked out of the window. It was a beautiful day, warm but with a pleasant breeze. Perfect for eating al fresco.

After ten minutes driving he pulled his old car off the road in a dirt parking lot next to some woods. “Take a walk?” he asked. Blake raised an eyebrow at him as he unclipped his belt.

“Sure,” he said.

They followed a track through some trees, then found themselves on a grass pathway through long grass as tall as Elion’s waist. Power cables strung between telephone poles crisscrossed overhead, creating the feeling of being under a web. The sky was a beautiful azure blue and Elion breathed the fresh air in deeply.

“This is nice,” said Blake appreciatively.

Elion nodded. “I used to come ride my bike here when I was a kid. It’s peaceful.”

“Peaceful is good,” Blake said with a shaky laugh. “No cameras or fans.” He mimicked Elion and inhaled a long breath. “Just a moment to step back and…I don’t know, just be.”

He seemed a bit embarrassed at admitting that to Elion, but what he said made sense to him. “Your life must have been quite the circus the past few years,” he said. He was leading them down the path he knew all too well, towards a little patch he liked to think of as just his own.

Blake ruffled his blond hair. Christ, did he even know how gorgeous he was?

“Yeah,” he admitted. “I don’t want to complain. I’ve had an incredible experience that so many people would kill for. But some days, it’s like I forget who the hell I even am.”

Elion smiled at him. It wasn’t flirty. It was something warmer than that. “I’d like to get to know the real you a bit better,” he said. “We can coax him out away from civilization, perhaps?”

They rounded a corner and Blake stopped, his eyebrows raised. They were at one of the junctures of the grass paths. But there was also an old oak tree whose branches spread out overhead and a little babbling brook that ran beside it. If they sat down, like Elion intended, the long grass would obscure them from view. It was his favorite getaway from reality.

“Wow,” said Blake. “This is…” He trailed off and looked around. After all the things he’d probably seen around the world, Elion couldn’t really believe his hideaway was all that great. But the look of awe on Blake’s face did make him feel the smallest bit proud. He was smiling so much the dimple made a reappearance. Elion gave himself a mental high five.

“Picnic?” he asked. He held up the brown paper bags scrunched in his hands.

Blake smiled. “Sounds awesome.”

He’d seemed agitated when Elion had picked him up. He’d not been at home, instead giving him a street corner nearby for Elion to find on his maps app. He’d planned on making a Pretty Woman joke about the kind of guys that he normally picked up from corners. But Blake hadn’t looked in the mood to be teased.

Whatever had been bothering him seemed to have lessened as they got comfy and spread out their feast. Blake moaned in a highly sexual manner as he bit into his burger. Elion had to shift his weight slightly as his cock threatened to perk up a bit too much.

“I can’t remember the last time I had a burger and fries,” Blake said with his mouth full. Elion laughed at him as he swallowed and grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, but that is really good.”

Elion popped a fry into his mouth and chewed, licking the salt from his lips. “I know, right?” He unwrapped his own burger and raised an eyebrow. “Go on then. What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? The fanciest restaurant?”

Blake nodded thoughtfully as he took another bite and swallowed. “Not really a restaurant, but there was this place in Tokyo that sold bento boxes in this mirrored, psychedelic, cyborg themed joint. It made you feel wasted before they even brought out the sake.” He smiled to himself. “I had incredible cheese fondue in Budapest. Tea at the Ritz in London. For my twenty-first birthday TJ got me into this faux speakeasy in New York. We drank thirty-dollar cocktails from tea cups and jam jars and did shots with these girls from Puerto Rico.”

He was staring fondly into the grass, lost in the memory. For a second, Elion allowed himself to just watch him. He looked so beautiful and relaxed.

“You must miss it,” he said softly.

Blake stirred himself from his reverie and took another big bite of his burger. He licked barbecue sauce off his fingers. Elion waited patiently, giving him time to order his thoughts. “I do,” he said eventually.

“But,” Elion prompted, sensing it was already coming.

Blake laughed. “But,” he repeated. “It was never my dream. Joey wanted to be famous since the moment he was born,” he said with affection. “Raiden just has this incredible voice. It’s like he sees music everywhere, he’s so talented.” He chuckled and shook his head. “TJ was put on this earth to live every second like he’s going to die tomorrow.”

“Cheers to that,” Elion agreed, saluting with his burger. “TJ’s the ‘bad boy,’ isn’t he? The ripped one with all the tattoos.”

Blake shook his head. “He wasn’t as much trouble as the tabloids made him out to be,” he said. “But yeah, that’s him. He could really sing though, loved his classic rock.” He laughed, scrunching up his pretty nose. “And Taylor Swift.”


“We’d try and tease him over it, but the man did not care.” He sighed. “Then of course, there’s Reyse.”

Elion toyed with his milkshake straw. “Are you jealous?” Reyse Hickson already had a new single out, after all.

“No,” said Blake. He licked his lips and frowned as he thought. “I had a lot of fun in the band, but it was also exhausting. Never ending, sleeping on tour busses, a different city every few days. We worked our fucking asses off to make it. But, well, you know already I had the weakest voice. I loved dancing on stage, putting on amazing shows. But the constant TV appearances and interviews and long hours in the recording studio…” He shook his head. “I don’t miss that.”

Selfishly, that made Elion happy. “So, you don’t mind being home so much.”

Blake’s face clouded. Elion realized too late he must have hit a nerve. “Home is driving me nuts,” he admitted. Then he glanced over at Elion. His expression was warm. “But Perryville isn’t so bad for a change of pace.”

The moment hung and Elion couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away. “Sing something for me,” he blurted out.

Blake blinked, then laughed. “What?”

“Come on,” said Elion. “They put you in a band, you can’t be terrible.”

His cheeks were adorably pink. “You’d be surprised,” he said, swallowing his mouthful of fries. Elion batted his eyelashes at him. “You’re not going to quit until I do, are you?”

“Nope,” said Elion gleefully.

Sighing, Blake brushed salt and grease from his hands and drank a swig of lemonade. “You’re a tyrant.” He cleared his throat.

“You’re the light in my dark,

You give me that spark,

But you don’t even see it.

You have my heart,

You’re a work of art,

But you can’t see, it’s you I cherish.”

For a moment Elion just stared, his skin tingling. Hearing Blake sing his favorite of Below Zero’s songs by himself, a cappella, had a strange effect on him. Like it had been written just for him, no one else.

After a second he gave Blake a round of applause. “You’re so full of shit, you have a great voice.” Blake smiled, but carried on eating rather than respond. “So, how did they make the band in the first place?”

Blake grinned, dipping an onion ring into the splodge of ketchup Elion had made in his burger box. “When the rumors started that a certain other five-piece boyband were on the rocks, Sun City threw us together as fast as possible. The official line is that we met on the circuit in L.A. But the truth is none of us are from there. We were auditioned individually by scouts for the label, then they had a weekend where they made sure we clicked. There was a couple of other guys who didn’t make the cut.”

“Wow, harsh,” said Elion.

Blake shrugged. “The band worked really well with the five they chose, so I can’t complain.” He balled up his empty wrappers and began tidying up the picnic. Elion worried for a moment that was because Blake wanted to leave, but then he flopped on his back on the grass.

Grinning, Elion made sure his trash was back in the biggest bag too, then laid down beside him. They looked up between the branches at the sparse, fluffy clouds drifting overhead in the blue sky.

 “You guys were close, then?” he prompted.

“Like brothers,” said Blake softly. “I’ve not spoken to them much since the split. Aside from Joey. I think it’s too raw right now. It all happened so fast.”

Elion wanted to comfort him, but he wasn’t sure how. “Once you’re all back on your feet, I bet you’ll all talk again.”

Blake turned his head and smiled at him. “Yeah, you’re right.”

Elion pillowed his arm under his head and looked back at him. It felt comfortable between them. “So, I take it the show wasn’t your idea?”

“Fuck no,” said Blake. “I just want to dance, and teach, and my mom turned the whole thing into a freak show. Which you have obviously fallen victim to as well.”

“I don’t know, Elion admitted. “It’s been sort of fun. Certainly the most interesting thing that’s happened to me in a long while.”

Blake chewed his lip and regarded him. “Can I ask you something?”


He mulled over his thoughts another moment or two. “How come you’re working in a coffee shop?”

Ah. He should have seen that coming. He shrugged, a little embarrassed. It was pitiful in the shadow of international stardom, he had to admit.

“It’s a job, it pays the bills. They haven’t fired me. Yet.”

“But it’s not what you want?”

If it had been anyone else probing him, Elion might have gotten irritated. But Blake didn’t sound like he was judging him and he hadn’t exactly followed a conventional path himself. He hadn’t gone to college either.

“Life’s just so short, you know?” he said. He pulled at the blades of grass by his hip. “I don’t know what kind of career I want, if any. So for now, I’m just happy earning a buck so I can enjoy my free time. Why worry about tomorrow when it might never come? Have fun today. Take risks, be brave. All that stuff.”

He looked back over to find Blake looking at him with a slight smile. “My life’s been one long plan,” he said. “Win this dance show, get that agent. Work on this move, learn that song. Eat and work out to schedule so my body is always photograph ready. Tour, record, promote. I thought I’d get some freedom moving home, and then within five minutes I’m back on schedule.” He bit his lip. “Christ, I’m so ungrateful.”

Elion scoffed. “Dude, it’s okay to want some freedom. No offense, but your parents are kind of intense.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” Blake mumbled.

“So, rebel a little,” Elion told him with a laugh. “You’re your own man now, you can tell them to fuck off and do your own thing every now and again. You don’t have to be indebted to them forever because they made you famous.”

Blake tilted his head and regarded Elion. His pale blond hair flopped towards the ground and he shifted to his side, his face resting on the crook of his elbow. “I’m sorry we weren’t friends before,” he said. “At high school.”

It wasn’t what Elion had been expecting him to say. “Oh,” he said. He was taken aback, but pleased nonetheless. “Well, I’m a pretty firm believer of things happening the way they’re supposed to.”

“Yeah?” Blake asked. “So I was supposed to walk into your shop. And Seth was supposed to come along and film us.”

“I guess,” said Elion. “No use stressing over what has been, or what will be. Now’s the thing that matters. Today.”

“Live for the moment,” said Blake, like he was trying the words out on his tongue. “No regrets.”

He had a small frown on his brow. Elion wasn’t sure what was going through his mind, so he just waited, letting him process.

“If I ask you something,” Blake ventured. “Can you not ask why? Just…say yes or no?”

Elion raised his eyebrows. “Uh, yeah, sure.” He had no idea where this was going.

“If you say no, it’s totally fine.”

Elion grinned at him and rolled his eyes. “Dude, just ask. I’m pretty hard to shock.”

Blake lowered his gaze and bit his lip, letting it slowly pull through his teeth. He appeared to be wrestling with himself. Elion reached over and touched his elbow, just briefly. But he hoped it was reassuring.

“Ask,” he encouraged.

Blake closed his eyes, then looked up, locking his gaze with Elion’s.

“Can I kiss you again?”




Elion’s eyes went wide. Blake forced himself not to squirm.

He meant what he said; he didn’t want to analyze why he wanted this. But there was a hot, writhing ball of need in his belly that had become fixated on trying this when the cameras weren’t around. Joey’s advice was ringing in his head, pushing him to explore whatever he was feeling.

“Like, you want to practice being boyfriends?” Elion asked.

Blake looked away. “I guess. You can say no, I don’t want to make things weird for us.”

He looked back up when Elion shifted closer to him. Blake’s breath stuttered as Elion cupped his cheek with his warm palm. “I’m up for anything,” Elion whispered. “You probably don’t know how hot you are. We can experiment however you like, no strings attached.”

Blake’s stomach rolled with nerves and want. He hadn’t felt like this since Lola at school. That desperate need to be as close as possible to somebody else. But the thought of admitting that out loud was terrifying. That would mean he really was bi, or something like that. For now, just experimenting sounded safer. If it was for the sake of their fake relationship on the show, he could keep his emotions out of it. Or at least try.

Elion was looking at him with such naked hope, he couldn’t help but be moved. His thumb moved in little circles against his cheek. He’d just confessed that he wanted Blake. Badly. Irrespective of anything else, that was extremely flattering.

It wasn’t just ego that urged him to move closer, taking their lips millimeters apart. He felt Elion’s breath ghost over his mouth and he knew in his heart he wanted to kiss him for its own pleasure. Not for practice.

He let his actions speak for him though, closing the gap and pressing their mouths together. Elion moaned and deepened the kiss immediately, moving his lips and letting his tongue slip through to seek out Blake’s. He cupped his face with both hands and maneuvered them so their bodies were now pressed together lengthways.

It was obviously different to making out with Lola. Elion was a lot less soft. But he had a lovely dip where his waist met his hip and Blake rested his hand there, feeling the warmth of his skin through the material of his t-shirt. He had a light bit of stubble that rasped against Blake’s jaw, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Just different.

The kiss was sweet, but Blake could feel the heat behind it. “You don’t have to hold back,” he mumbled when they broke apart for air. “I’m living for the now, remember?”

Elion groaned and ran his hands through Blake’s hair. By using his hips and thighs, he nudged Blake onto his back and started kissing him with fervor. He straddled his waist and Blake raised his hands to grip his t-shirt at the shoulders.

“Holy fuck,” Elion rasped. He pulled away, panting. His dark eyes were blown wide with lust. “Look, if you start to freak out or need to stop, just say the word.”

“I don’t want to stop,” Blake said. He wrapped his fingers around the back of Elion’s head, carding his fingers through his hair. “I don’t want to think. I trust you.”

He realized he meant it. He didn’t especially trust himself in that moment. He couldn’t decipher if this was primal lust or real emotion. But he trusted Elion, and believed what he’d said. Life was for living, for taking chances. And it felt so fucking good with Elion’s lithe body lying on top of him.

Elion looked down at him with an unreadable expression. “Okay,” he whispered. He cradled the back of Blake’s neck and the small of his back. “Okay. You’re in charge though. I want you to feel good.”

Hot shivers fluttered over Blake’s entire body. He nodded. He wanted that too.

Elion’s kisses were possessive. He claimed Blake’s mouth with determination, molding his lips and sucking his tongue. Just as Blake was struggling for breath, Elion moved to the side, tracing fiery kisses down his jaw. The hand that had been gripping his back slid around the front, underneath Blake’s shirt.

He gasped and moaned. It was like Elion’s fingertips were scorching his skin, branding his flesh. He ran his own hands over Elion’s chest, feeling the firmness of his torso. It was odd, not to have breasts to fondle. Not in a bad way. Like the kissing, it was just different.

When Elion’s hand snuck between them and massaged his thickening erection through his jeans, Blake gasped. Elion paused.

“Too much?”

Blake shook his head. “Just a long time since anyone but me has done that,” he said with a shaky laugh. God it felt good though. He pushed up into Elion’s hand.

Elion’s eyes went wide and he grinned. “Oh yeah?” he asked, leaning down to kiss him again. “Do we need to check it still works? I think we need to check.”

Blake couldn’t help but laugh. That quickly changed to a moan though as Elion laced open mouth kisses down his throat and against his collarbone. Then he shoved Blake’s shirt upwards, exposing his stomach and pecs.

“Sweet baby Jesus,” Elion groaned. He nuzzled his nose and cheek against Blake’s abs. “You’re like a sculpture.”

“Shut up,” said Blake, feeling himself blush. That just spurred Elion on.

“I’ve been with a lot of guys,” he said between kisses from his belly button to his right nipple. “Not to brag, but I have. And you have got to be the hottest. This is a dream, I’m dreaming.”

Blake wanted to tell him to shut up again. But Elion’s lips wrapped around his nipple and he began to suck and lick and all coherent thought flew from Blake’s mind. Him and Lola had never tried this before. That was a real shame.

“Christ, you’re sensitive, aren’t you?” Elion sounded utterly delighted.

Blake whined. “Don’t tease.”

“Teasing’s the best part,” said Elion.

He flashed Blake a wicked look as he moved over and latched onto his other nipple. He sucked and laved his tongue over it until Blake was shuddering and mumbling nonsense. The only words he seemed to be able to muster were ‘yes’ and ‘Elion’ and not much else.

His dick was rubbing painfully against his jeans. Elion was on top of the situation though, his hand back to groping the bulge between his legs. “Can I?”

Blake wasn’t entirely sure what he was asking for. All he knew was he needed more, so he nodded. Elion carefully unzipped his fly and Blake let his head drop back down onto the grass.

The thought of ‘What the hell am I doing’ flitted briefly across his mind. But then he felt his cock released into the fresh spring air. Then Elion’s lips kissed the tip.

“F-fuck,” Blake stammered as Elion swallowed him deeper. He gripped at the ground, his eyes screwed shut against the bright sunshine. Everything was reduced down to the sensation of Elion’s hot, wet mouth and his fingers as they tightly squeezed the base of his shaft.

He was vaguely aware that Elion had his own cock out, and he was jerking himself off. As much as looking scared him – it would all seem very real then – he couldn’t stop himself. The sight of his cock disappearing into Elion’s mouth over and over as he touched himself was hotter than any porn he’d ever watched. It was like a rush of fire through his veins.

“I’m not-” he stuttered. “Gonna – Elion!”

Elion ignored his attempts at a warning though and just sucked harder. Blake buckled as he came, his orgasm tearing through him and blinding him temporarily. He shot his load down Elion’s throat as he cried out.

Only as he flopped back onto the grass did he remember in his bleary state that they were outside. He was too wrung out to panic though.

Elion sucked gently on his softening cock as he came himself. He angled his dick so he sprayed on the grass, not Blake’s jeans, which was oddly sweet and considerate.

Blake was still gasping for air as Elion crawled back up and dropped beside him. “Yeah, your cock still works,” he said with a sleepy grin.

Blake covered his face and laughed. He was slowly coming down from his high though, and doubts were creeping in.

Elion was one of his only friends in town. Were things going to be weird now? If Elion wanted more, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to give that. If he didn’t want to look at him again he was sure that would hurt like hell. He tried to tuck himself back in his jeans as subtly as possible while thinking of what he should say.