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Scorch (Homecoming Hearts Book 1) by HJ Welch (4)

Blake turned as Elion slumped in his chair. He looked utterly miserable. Blake’s insides were churning.

So that was why he’d taken a job at a small town coffee house, why someone so full of life and potential had chosen to stay here rather than go find his place in the world. Why he worked all hours and still lived at home.

Blake felt wholly inadequate as he dropped into his own chair and took Elion’s hand. He didn’t even seem to notice him doing it. How could he think his life had ever been hard? He had been inundated with privilege and opportunity at every turn.

Yet here Elion was. He’d chosen to give back all the money his mom had saved to send him to school so she could get the best treatment possible, and by the looks of it, beat her cancer. And still he faced each day with a laugh and a joke on his pretty lips, always seeing the best in everything.

“You’re incredible,” Blake murmured. His heart was swelling with pride.

Elion shook his head though and gently pulled his hand free so he could hug himself. “It’s what anyone would have done,” he said. Blake didn’t believe that, but he didn’t get a chance to say so. “Look, this stalker shit isn’t funny. I don’t care what your parents say. I want to go to the police, like Kala said.”

Blake nodded. “Of course.”

That’s what he’d wanted to do from the beginning. Especially if Seth was stupid enough to air this. Surely that would just encourage whoever was behind it all. Unfortunately, Blake knew by now the great entertainment outweighed compassion and morals.

“I’m so sorry, I never wanted you involved in this.”

Elion gave him a shrug and a half smile. “Look, I better go look after my mom. Maybe you should just head home?”

Blake swallowed.

Fuck. If Elion didn’t really care for him, if he’d just been doing this for a laugh and a bit of fame, then a cloaked death threat would surely be enough to push him away for good.

Blake desperately wanted to assure him that this was all real. That he’d get this asshole arrested, whoever they were, and look after Elion and his mom to the absolute best of his means. That he loved Elion, no matter what.

But this seemed like the worst time to try and confess how he felt. So instead he just nodded. “Of course,” he said again. “Come on, Watson.”

Mercifully, Elion let him hug him, and he kissed his lips tenderly. There was no heat behind it, purely comfort. Blake was overcome with a roaring urge to protect Elion and his mom with everything he had.

But that would have to wait. For now, he was forced to leave them behind while he and his dog stepped out into the cool night air. The cameras followed them to the sidewalk, but then he insisted he wanted to walk home, alone.

He was grateful when they listened and went back to the house.

He had a lot to think about.





It took a while to calm his mom down. Once she’d drunk some water she managed to see sense. When she started to get embarrassed at her emotional reaction, Elion refused to hear it. “You had every right to get upset,” he assured her.

He didn’t mind the cameras hanging around to get that on film, but after that he insisted they leave. Kala had wound his mom up with the wine and the letter, and they’d got their fucking drama for the show. Now everyone would know what a hellish time she’d been through, and what he’d had to do to get her through it.

There was no scenario where he wouldn’t give up his every last cent to make sure his mom got the treatment she needed. It had been a shit couple of years, but the chemo had paid off and his mom had made it through without even having to get a mastectomy. Of course it hurt that he’d had to give up his dream of going to college, but he’d trade that in a heartbeat for keeping his mom with him.

He’d just rather everyone didn’t know. He didn’t want people looking at them with pity, or treating him like he’d lost something. These were the cards he’d been dealt in life and he’d make the best hand he could with them.

There had been times with Blake where he’d felt the difference keenly in their financial situation. Hanging around with someone who simply didn’t have to worry about money, who never had, set his teeth on edge at times.

Blake had never once made him feel inferior. But now he knew. Now he understood that thanks to a crappy tumor his and his mom’s pennies had been pinched to the point where they’d almost had to turn off the lights and water because they couldn’t afford the bills.

But they were still here god-damn it, and they were doing just fine. He didn’t need some rich popstar feeling sorry for him.

Especially not one who he didn’t even know for sure wanted him to be his genuine boyfriend.

It was so awkward with the cameras around all the time. Elion wanted to believe what Blake said that evening had been from the heart. But how could he tell? He had to play the part of the doting boyfriend, and the response to his speech at the awards had been so amazing there was no way he could ‘dump’ Elion anytime soon without coming across as an opportunistic liar.

Was he hamming up his part now, so in a few months’ time he could swap Elion for someone a little more Caucasian? Was that why the crew had brought all that crap into their house?

Elion was too tired to think about it anymore. He made them go pack it all up while he looked after his mom. She wasn’t used to drinking that much and was feeling pretty sick, so he got her more water and urged her to brush her teeth. He was also a big meanie and made her take off her makeup despite her protests.

“We’ve got to keep you looking gorgeous, now, haven’t we?” She grumbled but he did manage to raise a smile out of her.

By the time he put her to bed and returned to the kitchen, Kala and the crew had all gone. They’d even wrapped up the leftover food and put it in the fridge, which he did appreciate. That was probably going to be his lunch for the next couple of days and he would have been pissed off if it had spoiled.

As he was washing up his phone dinged, so he dried his hands and pulled it from his pocket. His heart clenched when he saw it was a text from Blake.

‘I’m so sorry that happened tonight. I feel like I’ve put you in so many awkward positions since you got dragged into the show. Do you want to meet tomorrow? We can sort this out, I promise.’

Sort this out? Well that sounded like the fake-dumping of the fake-boyfriend was probably happening sooner rather later.

Elion angrily fought back the tears that sprung in his eyes. What did he expect? Blake was getting threatened by a stalker if he didn’t ditch Elion. Poor, brown, uneducated Elion. It was hardly rocket science.

‘Sure, what time?’ he messaged back. As soon as they agreed on four o’clock, he shoved his phone back in his pocket and finished doing the dishes. He ignored his reflection in the darkened window of the tears breaking free and slipping down his face.


He felt numb by the time he pulled into the parking lot the next day. He’d already worked a shift at Cool Beans with Devon calling him a zombie more times than he could count. He couldn’t shake his funk though. No matter how many times he told himself that this was always inevitable, he couldn’t seem to stop his heart from breaking.

He’d gone home and changed so he looked his best when he got his ass handed to him for all the world to see. He fussed with his hair in the rear-view-mirror until he admitted he couldn’t put this off any longer.

“It’s been real fun,” he muttered to himself and swung himself out into the parking lot. He passed a few parents and students milling around on his way in. If Blake had any mercy at all, he’d at least do this away from them. The cameras were probably unavoidable, but he didn’t want the kids to see him cry.

The young protégée Karyn was standing outside on her phone. Presumably, she was waiting for a ride having after a class from the way her fashionably baggy t-shirt was dark with perspiration. When she saw him her face lit up. It was enough to startle him into stopping. Since that episode where she’d filmed the fake witnessing of him and Blake, she’d pretty much ignored him. She only ever seemed to want to dance and fight with Nessa.

But now she ran over to him as he started walking again towards the front doors. “Elion,” she hissed, delight clear on her face. “Elion, guess what?”

He stopped once more and raised his eyebrows. “Um, what?”

“I got cast in Reyse Hickson’s new music video,” she whispered with such excitement she couldn’t seem to stop herself quivering. “This never would have happened without you and Blake!”

He couldn’t really follow what she was saying. “It’s Blake’s show?” he said.

She shook her head. “When you guys got together, that meant I could get a solo part in the very first episode.” She hugged him. “Thank you.”

Pain lanced through Elion’s chest. She must know that they’d never really got together, and now they were going to be over for good. But he was happy for her and her success.

“You got the music video all by yourself,” he said, giving her a smile. “Congratulations, kiddo. You deserve it.”

She grinned at him, then spotted whoever was picking her up. “See you later,” she called over her shoulder.

“I doubt it,” he muttered to himself. He wasn’t going to have a reason to hang around here any longer.

As usual, a P.A. stopped him as soon as he walked in the building to wire him for sound. There was no point in fighting it, so Elion just stood and let it happen. Like a man walking to the gallows, he approached the main dance studio.

He couldn’t remember what class was supposed to be going on. He thought maybe the elite group, which people often stuck around to watch as they were so good. Therefore, Elion was expecting Blake to be dancing when he pushed through the doors.

What he was not expecting was to see him doing some sort of sexy Dirty Dancing with Nessa’s leg wrapped around his waist and her head draped back so her waterfall of hair cascaded behind her while she exposed her neck and breasts in all their glory for Blake to see.

Elion felt like his heart stopped. “Well isn’t this just fucking perfect,” he said too loudly considering there were small children everywhere. But their parents were letting them watch this pornography, so he gave precisely zero fucks what they thought.

He was getting out of here and never coming back.

He spun on his heels and let the door slam behind him. He didn’t care that Kala and her cameras were on him. He was already trying to pull his mic off, but his hands were trembling too badly and he couldn’t get them to work. It didn’t help that his eyes were filling up with tears. 

“Elion!” he heard Blake call from behind him. “Elion wait, where are you going? What the hell’s the matter?”

Elion stopped and turned, hastily wiping his face with both hands. “Nothing,” he spat, forcing a smile that was probably more of a grimace. “Nothing. I don’t have anything to be jealous of, do I?”

Blake looked perplexed. And mouthwateringly good, of course. His damp clothes clung to his perfect body and reminded Elion of what he couldn’t have any more.

“We were just dancing,” said Blake slowly. There were two cameras on them now and several people watching from a distance. “Why would you be jealous?”

Elion shook his head. “No,” he ground out. “I shouldn’t be jealous because this whole thing was never real and you can hook up with whoever the hell you please.”

Blake looked like he’d been smacked in the face. “You don’t think it’s real?”

Elion couldn’t stop the tears now. “I don’t want to play around anymore, I can’t. I know I said no strings attached, but I lied. I can’t pretend, so if you don’t want me, I’ll just-”

He probably would have carried on pouring his heart out if Blake hadn’t grabbed his face and kissed him fiercely. Elion barely registered what was happening before it was over.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but this hasn’t been an act since L.A. Probably before, if I’m honest. Unless you tell me differently, you’re my boyfriend and I fucking love you.”

Elion felt the air rush out of his lungs. “W-what?”

Blake hugged him close and murmured in his ear. The mics would still be able to hear them, but at least the growing crowd wouldn’t.

“I love you,” he said again. “I’m so sorry this stupid show keeps getting in our way. This isn’t fake, I’m not doing it for the fans or the ratings or anything. I want to be with you because when I’m not with you it feels like half of me is missing.” When he pulled away, his eyes were glassy but he wasn’t crying just yet. Unlike Elion, who felt like a total mess. “If that’s not what you want,” he said slowly. “I’ll have to accept it. But if you want to be together, really together, then I’m in. One hundred percent.”

Elion felt faint. He didn’t have the strength to speak. He just pulled Blake back against him and hugged him with all his might, nodding into his neck.

“Oh thank God,” Blake breathed, hugging him just as tightly. “Don’t scare me like that.”

“I’m sorry,” Elion half laughed, half cried.

Blake shook his head. “I’m sorry. We should have cleared things up after L.A.”

“It doesn’t matter now,” Elion said. He was so light with relief he thought he might float away. “Can we get out of here?”

“Hell yes,” Blake growled.

As soon as he stepped away he expertly removed both his and Elion’s mic packs in a flash. He handed them over to Kala, who, if Elion didn’t know any better, he would have sworn she had tears in her eyes too.

“I take it you can edit something from that?” Blake asked as he handed the packs over.

“I’ve got gold from that,” she said, grinning devilishly. “Now get out of here, and don’t come back until tomorrow.”

Elion allowed Blake to seize his hand and drag him out of the center, not caring that a couple dozen people were watching them. Some were mute, trying to work out what was happening. Others called out to them, but Elion honestly didn’t hear a single word they said. Blood was rushing in his ears and his legs felt as wobbly as a newborn foal’s.

As they broke into the afternoon sunshine Elion swung him back around and cradled his face for a passionate kiss. “I love you too,” he whispered. “In case that wasn’t clear.”

Blake sighed and kissed him back. “I hoped, but it’s still really nice to hear.” He laughed, that elusive dimple popping back into his cheek. “Oh Christ, come home with me. Please.”

Heat flared through Elion’s body. All his doubt and fears were banished in the face of pure lust. “Do you have supplies?” he asked. He wasn’t holding back this time. He wanted Blake Jackson inside him and he wasn’t talking no for an answer.

Adorably, Blake flushed pink. “I did some research, got some things. I hoped…”

“You hoped, right, mister,” said Elion. He pulled him towards his car. “Is anyone home; do we need to be discreet?”

They threw themselves inside the small car and Blake shook his head. “We should have the place to ourselves.”

Elion wasn’t sure how he made the drive. The whole thing was essentially a blur. Before he knew it, they were parked in front of the Jackson’s enormous house, scrambling outside. He wasn’t even sure he locked the doors, but he didn’t care. No one was going to steal his banged-up piece of crap in a nice neighborhood like this.

Watson met them with her usual enthusiasm when they entered, greeting them with a loud howl. But she seemed to pick up pretty quickly that they were busy, so thankfully scampered off as they headed up the stairs.

Like Blake said, none of his family appeared to be at home. Elion sent up a quick prayer of thanks. He had a detailed plan on being very noisy for the next half an hour or so.

Like he was going to last that long. His dick was already half hard and his whole body burned with desire. Blake loved him. He was dragging him to his bedroom like a horny teenager. This wasn’t fake any more.

He wondered, giddily, if it ever really had been.

As soon as Blake locked them in he launched himself at Elion, grabbing his face and kissing with tongue and teeth and delicious moans. Elion loved that Blake was big enough that he could jump up and wrap his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck.

“Take me to bed,” he begged.

Blake was happy to oblige, depositing Elion on top of his mattress then crawling on top of him. “What do you want, baby?” he asked.

Elion grinned. “I want you to keep calling me baby,” he said. He slipped his hand around the back of Blake’s head, running his fingers through his soft blond hair as he pulled him down to kiss him again.

Blake nipped his lower lip between his teeth. “Is that so, baby?” he asked. His blue eyes were blown wide with want and it was all for Elion. He couldn’t believe how wretched he’d felt only an hour ago. Now everything was perfect.

“I want you to fuck me,” he rasped. He ran his hands up Blake’s back, under his damp shirt, and rolled his evident arousal up against Blake’s own erection in his pants. “I want it so badly, please. If – if you don’t feel up to it we can do something else, but-”

“I want that,” said Blake, his voice low and heavy with need. “I want you. Show me how you like it. I want…” He faltered and swallowed. “I want to be as good as the other guys you’ve been with.”

Elion stopped rutting against him immediately. He propped himself up on one elbow and cradled his face with the other. “You’re not competing with anyone,” he said earnestly as he looked into his beautiful eyes. “None of those other guys compare to you, alright? You’re the only one I want. The only one I’ve ever loved. Whatever we do will be perfect.”

Blake regarded him for a moment before nodding. “Okay,” he whispered. He leaned down and kissed Elion, but this time it was slow and gentle. “I’m so happy you came into my life.”

Elion snorted, somewhat breaking the mood, but he couldn’t help it. “I wish I could tell eighteen-year-old me I’d have you as my boyfriend one day,” he said. His hands were roaming as the heat turned up again. “He’d never believe it.”

Blake laughed. “Holy shit, did you have a crush on me?”

Elion rolled his eyes. “Of course I did you moron, I had eyes.”

Blake tickled his sides, making him jerk, and used the momentum to roll them onto their sides. “Well, you can tell eighteen-year-old you we got there in the end.”

“It was worth the wait,” Elion whispered.

After that, clothes became entirely optional and the two of them hustled out of them in no time at all. Elion’s face hurt he was grinning so much, but he wasn’t about to stop.

“What do you want me to do?” Blake asked as they wrapped themselves around each other like octopi. It was so tempting to just frot like that and come in a few minutes, but Elion had been craving Blake’s lovely, thick cock inside him for weeks and he could be moderately patient in order to get that.

“You’ve got condoms, right?” he checked before they went any further. “And lube?”

Blake nodded, bashfully. “I looked up the best ones online.”

“Did you now?” Elion teased, feeling like he’d died and gone to heaven. “You’ve been thinking about fucking me a lot then.”

Blake bit his lower lip, his gaze through his eyelashes positively simmering. “I’ve been thinking about making love to you,” he said. “Slowly, until you’re a trembling, gibbering wreck of a man begging to come.”

Elion just stared at him for a full ten seconds. “That,” he eventually managed to utter. “That, let’s do that. Please. Now.”

Blake laughed. 

Elion watched as he reached over to his bedside drawer and removed a small grocery carrier bag. Inside was a fresh packet of condoms and a pump action tube of lubricant, still with the seal intact.

Elion leaned up and took that from Blake, and they each dispensed of the cellophane wrappers. “This first,” Elion said, wiggling the lube.

Blake swallowed visibly and left the condoms on the side. Elion laid back on his pillows as Blake took the tube back and straddled him again. “So, I, um…”

Elion took his hand and kissed his palm. “You won’t break me, it’s not my first rodeo,” he added with a grin. “You just need to stretch me a bit. You’ve got quite a package there.”

They both looked down at their somewhat softened erections. Blake snorted. “It’s pretty big, I guess?”

“Don’t act all coy, it’s gorgeous.” Elion peppered several kissed up his chest and nipped at his clavicle. “But it does mean I need a little help, then you can come right on in.”


He sounded like he was doing his best to relax. Elion had all day though. He was so happy, he could burst. Coaxing his boyfriend through their first time doing anal would be an absolute pleasure.

“I can do it myself,” he said, pointing at the lube. “But that’s a bit boring for you. Just give it a go. Two fingers. Have you ever done it to yourself?”

Blake bit his lip and nodded. “I like it.”

Elion stored that lovely little nugget of information away from later. “It’s better if someone else does it though.”

He laid back, pulling Blake almost into his arms so they could half cuddle while he prepped him. He moaned as he pushed his fingers inside, allowing himself to stretch out.

“Like that?”

Elion wriggled and panted. “Exactly like that.”

“Fuck, you look hot.” Blake captured his lips in a kiss, pulling his hand back and forth, adding a third finger without even needing to be told.

“Oh, no, like that,” Elion groaned.

He reached down and started stroking Blake’s cock, bringing it back to life. He loved the needy little noises Blake made as he touched him, feeling his hot length thickening and beginning to weep.

“Suit up,” Elion gasped. “I hope you bought extra-large.”

Blake was too far gone to respond. He just pulled his fingers free, leaving Elion feeling devoid. But not for long. Blake wiped his hand dry on the bedspread and tore open one of the foil packets. Elion made a keening noise as he watched Blake roll it down his big, hard cock.

If this was going to be a thing, a real thing, Elion was marching them down to a clinic as soon as humanly possible. He’d never been with anyone long enough to fuck without protection, but he wanted that with Blake. He wanted everything.

He grabbed one of the spare pillows and shoved it under his hips for a better position. Blake angled himself, lining up the head of his prick to Elion’s throbbing hole. Elion surprised him by pulling his knees up to his chest and slipping his heels over Blake’s shoulders.

“Flexible,” he marveled.

“Oh, baby,” Elion purred. “You have no idea.”

He pushed his hole against Blake’s cock, impaling himself and relishing the burn. Blake took the hint and began to ease himself inside. It was a tight fit, but it felt incredible.

“Holy shit,” Blake whimpered. “Are you alright? Oh my God, you feel amazing.”

“Don’t stop,” Elion begged. “Give me more.”

With one firm thrust, Blake bottomed out. Elion couldn’t deny it hurt, but he knew that would pass. He gripped onto Blake’s large arms, feeling the firm muscles underneath. He took in several deep breaths, slowly getting used to the intrusion into his body.

“Please,” he rasped once he was comfortable enough. He rolled his hips, and the tip of Blake’s cock rubbed against his prostate, setting off sparklers in front of his eyes. “Oh fuck, give it to me, baby, make me come.”

Blake began to move his god-like body, undulating over Elion. He grabbed Elion’s hip with one hand and his hair with the other. Elion couldn’t tear his eyes away from his face as he fucked him deep and hard. He reached down and began to jerk himself off, feeling entirely wonton.

“Not gonna take long,” he gasped.

Blake shook his head. “Me either. Go for it. Wanna see you come.”

Elion arched his back and put on his best show, moaning and writhing and generally having the time of his life. Blake pound into him. All he could hear was their desperate pants and the slapping of skin. All he could smell was Blake’s musk. His sweat dripped down onto Elion’s chest.

“Come for me, Elion,” he begged.

The sound of his name on those perfect lips launched him over the edge. He gave his cock one last tug before he felt like his body shattered and hot cum shot all over his belly. Blake grunted, slamming into him a few more times before he went rigid, filling the condom deep inside Elion.

Slowly, Elion’s senses came back to him. He dropped his heels and Blake edged out of him, carefully pulling the condom off his softening dick. Elion looked around for something to clean up with and was amused to see that there was a box of tissues in the pharmacy bag too. He’d learned from L.A.

Despite his fatigue, Elion ripped the pack open and fished several sheets out. He took the used condom from Blake and wrapped it up while he flopped down next to him. Then he set about mopping them both up.

“You’re so caring,” Blake said sleepily. “And totally not inhibited,” he added with a laugh.

Elion smiled and shrugged. “It’s just bodies, everyone has them. Besides, sex is amazing and all, but I prefer non-sticky cuddles afterwards.”

Blake growled. “Hmm, come here you.” He pulled Elion so he was snuggled against his chest. He carded his fingers through Elion’s hair. “I didn’t really believe sex was amazing anymore,” he said. “I was starting to think I’d imagined it with Lola.”

Elion looked up at him. “Did Joey ever tell you he thinks you’re demi?”

Blake blinked at the apparent non sequitur. “Um, no. What’s that, and when did he tell you that?”

Elion grinned and ran his fingers lightly up and down Blake’s sternum. “In L.A., at the cocktail reception. Around the time he tried to convince me you were already totally in love with me.”

Blake groaned and covered his eyes with the hand that wasn’t resting on Elion’s hip. “We were such idiots.”

Elion pulled his hand down and kissed his knuckles. “We were,” he agreed. “But he said you’re demi, and I think he might be right. It means you’re not physically attracted to people unless you’re emotionally invested in them first.”

Blake tilted his head to gaze down it him. He slipped his hand away from Elion’s and gently caressed his face. “Unless I love them.”

Elion’s heart sang. He nodded. “Unless you love them.”

They cuddled closer together, wrapped in each other’s arms. Elion listened to Blake’s heart beating in his chest, allowing it to lull him to sleep in perfect contentment.




Blake couldn’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed and at ease. He and Elion dozed for some time on his bed, comfortable in each other’s arms after their passionate tryst. When Blake wasn’t sleeping, he lightly ran his fingers through Elion’s gorgeous black and pink hair, appreciating how beautiful he looked sated and sleepy.

“Stop staring at me, you pervert,” he mumbled with his eyes closed. Blake barked out a laugh.

“I can’t help it,” he retorted. He nuzzled his nose into the hair he’d been admiring. Elion smelled of sex and it was almost enough to get him horny again. “You’re so pretty.”

“I’d argue I’m something far more manly,” Elion said as he turned in Blake’s arms to face him. “But we both know I’m hella pretty.” He batted his long eyelashes and Blake leaned in to kiss him.

He loved how natural it felt to just lie there naked together. There wasn’t any pressure to have sex, or cover up to remove temptation. It was just easy and sweet. He traced his fingertips along Elion’s side, making him shudder. “I love your body,” he said.

Elion cupped his jaw and looked into his eyes. “I love you,” he said. He placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “Your body’s alright,” he added, rolling his eyes.

Blake tickled him as penance, but after a minute’s wriggling and shrieking they settled into trading lazy kisses.

“I’m sorry I lost my cool over nothing,” Elion said. He focused on his finger tracing patterns on Blake’s chest rather than look at him. “It was stupid and insecure. I don’t want you thinking that’s what I’m about.”

Blake captured the wandering hand and kissed a couple of fingertips. “It’s fine. Let’s just talk to each other now when we’re upset, alright?” Elion looked at him and nodded.


Blake got to kiss and cuddle for a little while longer, but all too soon Elion checked the time on his phone and groaned. “I have to go,” he said. He shook his head when Blake protested. “I want to be home when my mom gets there. I think she’s still a bit fragile after last night.”

Blake felt a surge of guilt. “That was awful, I’m so sorry.”

Elion kissed him and shook his head. “We know the show likes to play with us. No harm done, not really. Unless,” he bit his lip and sighed. “I don’t know, I guess you know why I didn’t go to college now.”

“Neither did I,” said Blake quickly. “I don’t care about any of that stuff. I do think it’s incredible that you took care of your mom like that. But, now? I just want you to be happy.” He caressed Elion’s cheek then the back of his neck. “If that’s at the coffee shop, amazing. If there’s something else you’d maybe like to think about, we could talk it through?”

Elion’s eyes flicked back and forth, searching Blake’s face. “Alright,” he said with a shrug. It wasn’t like him to be coy or reserved. But Blake hoped that meant he’d heard what he’d said and would consider it.

Blake thought he might want to do more than just serve coffees. Even if that was simply moving into management, he would support him. As long as he was happy, then Blake would be too.

Unfortunately, Elion really did have to go. They had a quick rinse off in Blake’s en suite and found their clothes again. Blake almost caught himself getting melancholy, which was ridiculous. Elion was his boyfriend now, they could see each other whenever they liked.

“Call me later, okay?”

“Promise,” said Elion with a wink and slipped out the door. Blake wanted to walk him out, but Elion insisted they’d just end up saying goodbye seven times over and make him late. So he gave him a filthy kiss in his bedroom then told him to stay, like a puppy.

Blake grinned to himself then turned to the window to watch for him to get into his car and leave. He was totally smitten and he didn’t care. Which was a good thing. Because no sooner had he looked out into the front yard, a sudden noise behind him made him realize he was no longer alone.

He spun around to see his dad standing inside his room by the door, folding his arms. The noise he’d heard was him slapping a pile of mail onto the obviously disturbed bed. That, along with the wads of tissue on the floor, and lube and condoms on the bedside table, painted a pretty clear image of what had been going on the past couple of hours.

His dad’s jaw was clenched and he shook his head. “This is your idea of a pretend relationship?” he all but sneered.

But something miraculous happened. Blake didn’t feel guilty, or cowed. He just felt irritated.

“Nope,” he said cheerfully. “This is my idea of a very real relationship, where very real sex just happened. It was great,” he added in a mad fit of daring as his dad threw up his hands up in disgust.

“God damn it, Blake,” he snarled. “Why are you doing this to us?”

“Doing-?” said Blake faintly. “This may come as a shock to you,” he said, slipping his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt. “But this isn’t really anything to do with you.”

“The hell it isn’t,” his dad fumed.

Blake shook his head. “You’re pathetic. Were you literally lurking outside, waiting for Elion to leave? You have issues.”

“We’ve discussed this,” his dad said, jabbing a finger at him. “If you decide you want to be bisexual-”

“I didn’t decide anything,” Blake said loudly, but his dad just carried right on yelling.

“-then you can date someone respectable. Not some Mexican coffee barista!”

“Oh, fuck you,” said Blake. He didn’t even feel angry. He just felt tired. “He’s a great guy. He’s kind. There’s something you wouldn’t know much about.”

“You ungrateful, disrespectful,” his dad fumed, curling his fists. “How dare you talk to me like that in my house. You would be nothing without us, nothing!”

Blake felt like he was seeing his dad – both his parents, but his dad in particular – clearly for the first time. “Actually,” he said calmly. “I’m exceptionally good at what I do. And you know I’m thankful for the opportunities you’ve provided me. But that doesn’t mean you get to hold me hostage to your whim for the rest of my life.”

“While you’re under this roof, you’ll do as you’re damn well told,” his dad said. He was pale and shaking.

Blake felt just the smallest bit sorry for him. “I know you’ve tried to make the best of a bad situation, Dad,” he said with no small amount of distain. “You wanted a football player and got a little faggot dancer. But it was okay, so long as I wasn’t actually queer. Well tough luck. Play your sports fantasies out with Jodi, if she’ll let you. I’m done with this crap.”

“We’ll see about that,” his dad retorted, not denying the accusations. He gave him a twisted caricature of a smile. “That boy’s mother came into this country illegally as a child. Did you know that? I’m sure her health insurance company would love to hear all about it.”

Blake’s blood boiled, but he gritted his teeth and kept a lid on his temper. For now. “Did you just threaten a woman who’s survived breast cancer?” He gave him a slow clap. “What a man. If you or your firm’s private investigator – I assume that’s who dug up the dirt? If you come near Elion or his mom again, I will rip you to shreds.” He glowered with all the force he had. “I’m not fucking around.”

A part of him was terrified that his dad had very real power over him and Elion with that threat. But as usual, he was all bluster with no actual weight behind him.

“He’s not to set foot in this house again,” his dad said, like he was winning this argument.

Blake scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’m moving out. As soon as I find my own place, I’m gone. This place is toxic.”

His dad started off on another tirade about how unappreciative Blake was and how he wouldn’t get away with disgracing the family like this. But something had caught Blake’s eye and the alarm that filled him drowned out his words.

“Where did you get this?” he demanded, interrupting his dad mid-rant.

He snatched up the top letter from the mail he had brought in with him and left on the rumpled bed sheets. It was another one from the stalker, he was sure. He recognized the typeface and style of the envelope. However, there was one crucial difference.

His dad looked perplexed. “It’s just what you had by the front door,” he said with a scowl. “It doesn’t matter, you need-”

“Shut up,” Blake cried, panicked. “Look at it – look!” He thrust the letter into his dad’s face. “It doesn’t have a postage mark, not like the others. If it wasn’t mailed, how did it get into the house?”

His dad’s eyes widened as Blake tore into the letter.

You had your chance’ read the familiar magazine cut-outs.

I’m so disappointed in you

Don’t say I didn’t warn you

This is your fault

“Elion,” he whispered. He spun around and threw himself at the window. His car was still in the driveway. “ELION!”

He ignored his dad’s protests as he bolted around him out into the corridor. His room was on the third floor and he took the stairs two at a time, calling his boyfriend’s name. He was probably being stupid. But the note sounded like he was out of time.

How had it got into the house? Had someone delivered it by hand? Had the stalker been there?

He reached the foyer and bolted for the front door. “Elion!” he bellowed again.

Just as he reached the handle, the glass in the windows either side of the door shattered, imploding all over the polished floor. The door shook and Blake threw his arms up over his face as he staggered backwards.

Disbelief froze him in place as the glass finished tinkling to the ground. There was smoke outside.

“ELION!” he screamed.




Elion wished he didn’t have to bid farewell to Blake, but it was more than likely a good thing that he needed to go home. It would probably do them both good to have a bit of space and process what had been quite an emotional few days.

Unlike before when he’d had worry twisting in his gut over where they stood and what was going to happen, he jogged down the stairs with a ridiculous grin on his face. He just wanted a bit of time to bask in the joy of making everything clear and honest between him and Blake. Never in a hundred years would he have foreseen this outcome.

Blake Jackson was his honest-to-God boyfriend.

He heard voices above him as he reached the second floor and stopped to jerk his head up. Now he was paying attention, he could hear other sounds of life on the other floors too.

As much as he wasn’t afraid of these people – certainly not Jodi – he had no wish to make life difficult for Blake by antagonizing his parents. No doubt if they were home they had more than likely registered his car in the driveway, but he didn’t need to have a face to face confrontation as well.

Unfortunately, he didn’t get much of a choice as he crossed the second-floor landing and almost ran straight into Mrs. Jackson coming out of what looked like hers and Mr. Jackson’s room.

“Jenna,” he said brightly. She would be seeing a lot more of him now, so maybe it would be a good idea to ingratiate himself a little. “Hi, I was just on my way out.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. She had a pair of skinny jeans on that hugged her flat stomach, pink, sparkly pumps, a floral camisole and diamond jewelry probably worth enough to pay his mom’s mortgage for a year. Or longer, what did he know?

She looked him up and down. He decided in that moment that she didn’t hate him. She just didn’t know him. She bit her painted nail and seemed to consider what she wanted to say.

“Some of the moms said there was a bit of a scene at the school today,” she said, just when the pause was threatening to get awkward between them. Now it was absolutely awkward.

Of course the yoga-latte brigade had sold him out. They probably had a whole social networking system in place for all the best gossip.

“Oh, yeah,” he said with a laugh, hoping to brush it off. “I can be such a drama queen sometimes,” he said. “Blake calmed me down though. You know what it’s like when you’re still getting to know each other. Hopefully that should be the last fit I throw for a good long while.” He waved his hand in Jenna’s direction. “Blake is such a good influence on me.”

Jenna shifted on her three-hundred-dollar shoes. “But Blake’s not gay though,” she said with a shrill laugh. She fiddled with the sparkling necklace sitting on her prominent collarbones. “This is just a bit you’re doing for the show.”

Elion licked his lips. “You have an incredible son,” he said, stepping closer and resting a hand on her slim shoulder. She allowed him to do it and didn’t flinch away. Just looked up at him with wide blue eyes. The same eyes as Blake had. “I think you should talk with him. But he means the world to me and I respect him so much. All I’d ask is that you keep that in mind.” He smiled and turned to jog down the next flight of stairs. “Oh,” he turned to add before he rounded the bannister. “I think my mom would really love to meet you. Let me know if you’d like that too?”

To her credit, Jenna Jackson didn’t dismiss him out of hand. She did pout in confusion though, looking down at the carpet with a frown as she opened and closed her mouth a couple of times.

Elion left her to mull it over. As much as he thought they’d never really be friends, he loved Blake and he wanted to build as many bridges as he could with his family.

He checked his watch as he trotted down into the foyer. He should still beat his mom home. It wasn’t that long a drive between their two houses. This town wasn’t really big enough to manage that.

“Oh, hey man,” a vaguely familiar voice sounded. Elion paused for the second time, frowning as Rob Matherson stepped out from the den. As usual, he was wearing a Panthers sweatshirt and the same workout shorts as the team wore.

It was easy to feel sorry for him, but it was hard not to find him annoying too. Had he even played on the team when he’d been at school? The guy had graduated five years ago and he was still relying on his dad for a job with the softball team and hanging out with Seniors like Jodi, trying to reclaim some kind of glory days.

Elion was one to talk. But he’d not really had much choice about sticking around this place.

He had a moment’s private pause where suddenly, that didn’t seem like such a burden anymore. In fact, with Blake by his side, the idea of getting settled together around here seemed pretty appealing.

His pleasure and joy was undoubtedly showing on his face. He tried to temper in down. It would be uncouth to announce to the world how thoroughly well fucked Below Zero’s Blake Jackson had left him.

“Oh hey,” he said. “You waiting on Jodi again?”

“Yeah,” Rob said. He was giving Elion a once-over, he was sure. He was almost certain his dick wasn’t hanging out his pants, so he decided whatever he was seeing he could deal with. Elion wasn’t bothered.

“Well I better get going,” he said, moving towards the door.

“You here with Blake?” Rob asked, making him pause.

Elion shrugged. “Yeah, just hanging out,” he downplayed. The first person he was going to talk to about the magnificent fucking he’d just had was not going to be this guy. “Anyway-”

“You know he’s still never spoken to me,” said Rob, shaking his head. “Not at school, not since he’s been home. Even though Jodi and I are friends. Isn’t that crazy?” He laughed, but Elion detected a hint of bitterness there. Man, some people were just so fame hungry and celebrity obsessed. It was like he thought Blake owed him a conversation or a selfie or something. He needed to let it go.

“I’m sure it’ll happen,” said Elion as kindly as he could. After all, this guy didn’t have the most exciting life, of that he was already sure. “Just play it cool, he’ll totally come say hi soon. He’s a good guy.”

Rob chuckled and nodded. “That’s why he’s your boyfriend, right?”

Elion distracted himself by pulling his car keys out. “Yeah,” he said. He didn’t really feel like going into it. Blake was his, he was special and it felt like this guy just saw him as a meal ticket or shiny prize to be idolized. “I have to head out I’m afraid. But catch you later, okay?”

“Sure buddy,” said Rob warmly. “Take care.”

Elion blinked to himself as he headed towards the door. Maybe Jodi would make him a little bit more chilled? Though, to be honest, he wasn’t sure why she was still hanging out with him.

At the turn of the handle, Elion heard a scrabbling of paws from behind on the marble. “Oh, hey girl,” he said, happily bending down to rub Watson’s back. “Did you miss me?”

She barked as he pulled the door open, and before he knew it, she zipped out the yard and up to his car. He laughed and shook his head.

“Come on now, you can’t come with me,” Elion chuckled. A quick glance over his shoulder told him Rob had vanished again and he sighed. At least he wasn’t awkwardly hovering. “Watson,” he called with a whistle.

She ran in a circle a couple of times and howled. He was evidently going to have to go get her.

“Come on sweetie,” he called, stepping outside. Of course the door swung shut behind him. That was okay though, in theory Jodi was close enough to let them back in. That, or he’d have to have another awkward conversation with Rob.

Watson sprinted back to him, but before he could try and pick her up, she darted off again. Lucky she was only a medium sized dog as she launched herself at Elion’s car door and slammed her paws against the already chipping paint work.

“Watson, no,” he snapped. But she didn’t seem to care. She just kept wagging her tail and ran around his legs as he walked up the inspect the door. He opened it to check it still swung out okay. As he suspected before, he’d forgotten to lock it. But in the heat of the moment, he could forgive himself.

It opened just fine; she didn’t weigh that much after all. So there was no harm done. But she was barking and yowling down the house, jumping into the driver’s seat and out again. She head-butted him and ran this way and that, clearly agitated.

Never having had a dog of his own, Elion wasn’t sure what to do other than try and get her back inside the house. “Come on, darling,” he said. He left the car door open and tried to herd her back towards the house. She was really braying though, jumping on his legs then running away again.

He began to feel worried. Maybe she was sick. As he got closer to the house she raced up and began scratching the door. Jenna would probably hate that, so he jogged the last couple of feet towards the steps.

He had no warning as the blast exploded through the air. The sound of his car squealing apart and the roar of the flames hit just before the heat did. The force knocked him off of his feet as debris rained down around him. He only caught a glimpse of the concrete front step before it rushed to meet his face, and his whole world went black.




Blake didn’t think as he launched himself at the door. His brain only seemed capable of processing actions. The foremost of which was getting to Elion.

Because he couldn’t have been in the middle of whatever had just happened. He couldn’t. Because they had only just sorted out all their crap and everything was good and-

He yanked open the door to see Elion slumped over the steps, Watson running up and licking his face as blood pooled over the step.

“NO!” He registered the flaming wreck of a car down the drive, but that wasn’t his immediate concern. Whether or not Elion was breathing was the only thing that mattered.

He fell down on the front steps and carefully pulled him into his lap. He jammed his two fingers against Elion’s throat, pleading to the universe that he’d find a pulse. The little thrum thrum thrum made him sob in relief, as did the pitiful moan Elion uttered. He still didn’t seem conscious, but he was sure as hell alive.

“HELP!” he screamed, cradling Elion to him. They needed all the flashing lights right now, and he wasn’t moving anywhere until they came. “ANYBODY!”

It felt like it had been minutes, but it could only have been seconds before someone rushed to his side. He felt reassuring hands on his shoulders. Even if it was his dad, after their fight, he was grateful.

“Holy shit, Blake, what happened?”

He didn’t recognize that voice. He turned to look behind him to see a guy about his age who he’d never seen before in his life.

“He needs an ambulance,” Blake managed to croak out, despite his confusion.

The guy shook his head and moved to the side of them, then took Blake’s shoulders in his hands again. “Everything’s going to be fine, Blake.”

Blake looked between the flaming wreck and down at his beautiful boyfriend’s face. “Have you called 911?”

The guy shook his head. “For fuck’s sake,” he muttered. “Do you even recognize me?”

Blake blinked and looked up as the guy stood. Watson was pawing pitifully at Elion’s side, trying in her doggy way to rouse him. What was this guy saying?

Blake was so used to all the various crew hanging around, having strangers in his home didn’t seem all that odd to him. But who was this guy? Why did he think Blake should know him?

Fuck, was he one of those psychos who connected with famous people then got pissed when they didn’t know them?

“Look, man, I’m so sorry, but right now Elion really needs to get to a hospital.” He could hear shouting from inside the house. Reinforcements were coming.

The guy shook his head and pulled out a glass jar with a plastic cap from his hoodie pocket. “Why are you making this so hard?”

Blake frowned and wiped Elion’s forehead. He was almost certain it was just a small gash on his temple that was bleeding. He remembered when they were sound-checking on tour once and Raiden had got smacked on the head with a wayward prop. Head wounds gushed like a motherfucker, so he couldn’t freak out too much about the blood.

But Elion was still unconscious. Breathing, but not awake.

Watson was growling at the stranger, her tail tucked between her legs and her ears dropped down either side of her head. Blake heard his mother shouting and the door swung open.

“No!” the guy screamed, yanking the cap off the bottle. “No, no, we’re finally talking! You have to leave us alone!”

Blake looked between him and his folks. They’d stopped at the threshold, talking in the scene on their front yard. “It’s okay,” he rasped. “Everything’s fine, we just need to call 911.”

“Rob?” his dad said.

Blake looked back over. “Rob, is it? I don’t know what’s happening. Can you help us out?”

The guy, Rob, bared his teeth. “You didn’t even remember my name, did you?” He laughed, a hollow, grating sound. “And now you want my help?”

He sloshed the bottle in his hand around, disturbing the clear liquid inside. Blake had a sudden, sickening feeling in his gut.

“Yes, I really need your help,” he said. Elion was so heavy in his arms. Watson had stopped barking and was now whimpering and licking the bare skin on his arm. “Why don’t you tell me what you want?”

His mom made as if to move, but his dad threw his arm out to stop her. He’d spotted the bottle as well.

Rob started laughing so hard it became a sob. “What do I want?” he yelled. “I wanted you to say hi once in a while. I wanted to be in your homecoming court. I wanted to be on your show, just for a second. But you’re always too good for the little people, aren’t you? Mr. Superstar Boy Band!”

He spat on the grass.

Elion’s poor car was still blazing on the drive several feet away and it felt like half the street had all come out to look at what was going on. Kala and Seth were there with Marcus, the whole crew fanned out around the property. Half a dozen cameras recording the most terrifying moment of his life.

No one was trying to get near them though, not even his own parents. Blake was thankful; he didn’t know what Rob would do if anyone approached. Although he also didn’t know how to end this standoff.

Was that sirens wailing in the distance? Or was he merely just so desperate he was imagining things?

This had to be the stalker. He’d brought the letter inside today. But how? Where had he come from? Why had he been able to gain access to Blake’s family home?

“What’s in the bottle, Rob?” he asked, drawing Elion closer to his body.

Rob snarled. He had tears running down his face and he was trembling. “You’re so pretty, so talented. But you’re also just like everyone else, you’ll see. I’ll help you. It’s okay, being ordinary. I’ll make you normal, like everyone else.”

Blake wasn’t ashamed to admit he was scared shitless. A teaspoon’s worth of the liquid from the bottle had sloshed onto the grass a minute ago, and now it was starting to smoke.

It was acid.

All it would take would be a flick of the wrist, and he could hurt him and Elion beyond imagination. Blake grit his teeth and rolled Elion against his body, protecting his face, getting blood all over his sweatshirt.

“Do you think this will make me like you?” he said. He was probably getting this all wrong, but all he could think of was to keep talking while the sirens drew closer. “You hurt the man I love.”

“You don’t love him!” Rob screeched.

Blake saw his parents flinch back. He was extremely comforted that they hadn’t run back inside to safety.

Rob was close to hyperventilating he was breathing so hard. “You don’t know him!” he repeated. “The stupid show put you together, it was an accident! Jodi told me! You didn’t know Rodriguez at school either. You just need a chance, I can show you how good we’d be together!”

“Rob,” Blake tried.

“You ran off in that band, whoring yourself out,” Rob blathered on. He pulled at his hair and swung the bottle wildly again, a couple of droplets landing on the concrete. “You were never a singer, Blake. Why would you do that, why would you leave?”

Blake was aware of all the people around them but they were all so far away. The sirens were so loud now and blue and red lights were flashing against the walls of the house, but they were still no help. All Blake knew was that he had to protect Elion and face off Rob. Even if that meant getting badly hurt.

“I don’t remember you,” he said, his voice cracking. “I’m guessing we went to school together, but I’m sorry, I just don’t know you. That isn’t my fault. And it sure as hell isn’t Elion’s. So if you’re going to act out some petty revenge fantasy, leave him out of it. I’m here, deal with me. Give me all your fucking anger. He had nothing to do with it.”

“He was just in the right place at the right time,” Rob yelled.

He snarled at Elion. Blake tucked him in closer, wrapping both his arms firmly around his body and curling his legs up in front of him. He’d die before he let any more harm come to Elion. He knew that with startling clarity.

“I told you to get rid of him, he could have walked away,” said Rob. He hiccuped and jabbed his finger towards Blake. “Heartbeat. Time’s stopped,” he bawled. “Take heed. My love. Endless looooove, underground! In our truuuuuth, hearts bound!” He let out a keening noise and stepped closer to Blake and Elion. “Oh oh oohh! I know all the words, for fuck’s sake!”

Blake was furious and petrified and utterly helpless. He tucked Elion’s face into his neck. Whatever this deranged lunatic did, he wasn’t going to ruin Elion’s beautiful smile.

He felt a tear run down his cheek. “You know those lyrics mean absolutely jack shit?” he spat out, somewhat hysterically. “Literally nothing. The guys were high when they came up with them.”

Rob blinked and shook his head. “No, no,” he stammered.

From the corner of his eye, Blake saw a shape emerge from around the side of the house. He was too terrified of taking his eyes off Rob to even think about looking properly. Whoever it was, Blake begged to the cosmos they knew what they were doing. If Elion got burned he would never, ever forgive himself.

Watson, damn her, was still there too. She started howling again, scrabbling against Blake and Elion’s side, snarling at their attacker. Blake wanted to scream. If she got hurt he’d be responsible for that too, and she was being so damn brave.

The blur behind Rob was moving fast now. Blake’s mom flinched.

Rob turned, taking his focus off of Blake and Elion, enabling Blake to scramble backwards a few feet, dragging Elion with him. He looked up just in time to see his sister Jodi raise her softball bat and smack Rob square in the face with it.

He spun away from her, letting the bottle of acid tumble to the grass. His body dropped like a sack of potatoes, an arc of blood spraying from his mouth before he hit the dirt.

“You fucking asshole!” Jodi shrieked.

Rob didn’t get back up.

Suddenly everything was a frenzy of activity. Blake’s mom seized Jodi away from Rob’s prone form and hauled her over to collapse by Blake and Elion, steering clear of the acid. His dad started shouting out orders as the emergency services sprinted up the lawn towards them. Firefighters saw to the smoldering wreck of Elion’s car while paramedics ran for Elion and the police cautiously marked out the acid spill and approached the unconscious Rob.

Kala led the film crew and they raced around Blake, Elion and his family. Blake hardly registered as the cold, black lenses flew around his face, soaking up the drama of one of the worst moments of his entire life.

He ignored them entirely. He wasn’t mad, but he wasn’t giving them anything either. His sole focus was on Elion and Elion alone.

Once the authorities were sure Rob was no longer a danger they let a pair of medics tend to him while others swooped in and pried Elion from Blake’s grasp. “Be careful,” he stuttered.

“We will, son,” said the guy as he began his assessment.

Blake’s mom was shaking and hysterical, hugging him and Jodi to her as another paramedic draped a foil blanket over her shoulders.

Blake didn’t take his eyes off of Elion as the medics did their thing, but he blindly groped for Jodi’s hand all the same.

“Thank you,” he uttered.

She squeezed his hand back. “Don’t mention it.”

He laughed. It was totally inappropriate, but he took a moment to regain his composure. “I’m guessing you got that scholarship, with a swing like that?”

He heard her snicker. “Damn right I did.”

They watched as the team rolled over a gurney to Elion. Blake untangled himself from his mom and sister. His dad was still puffing around, trying to make himself look important in front of the neighbors. “I’ll ride with him,” Blake said.

The paramedics nodded, not questioning his request, and he was eternally grateful.

His sister pulled him into a hug before he could leave, not caring that he was covered in Elion’s blood.

“It’s going to be okay,” she said as Watson wound her way between their feet.

Blake nodded into her neck.

It was going to be okay. He knew it.





Elion felt like his skull was twice as big as his head. He groaned as consciousness crept over him and light permeated his closed eyelids. His mouth was dry and he felt nauseous.

A warm, strong hand slipped against his and squeezed.


His heart fluttered. He wanted to reach out for that voice.

“Blake?” he croaked. Or at least he tried. His tongue felt numb and his throat like sandpaper.

“Hang on, wait.” Blake sounded panicky. He slipped his hand under Elion’s head, tipping his head forward. Cool water touched his lips and trickled into his mouth. He swallowed gratefully.

Slowly, he peeled his eyes open. They were gritty with sleep and stung against the artificial light. Blake face swam into his vision. “Hey,” he uttered.

Blake broke into a relieved smile. “Hey yourself. How are you feeling?”

Elion looked around at his surroundings. It was nighttime. The white walls and beeping equipment quickly told him where he was.


He couldn’t afford to be here, what the fuck was happening? He tried to sit up, but Blake quickly put the cup of water down and pinned his shoulder against the bed.

“Hey, not so fast. You’ve got a concussion,” Blake said. His beautiful blue eyes were blazing with concern. “The doctor said you need rest, okay?”

Elion blinked. It was slowly coming back to him now. Something had happened, at the house. “My insurance,” he said. “Can’t afford…” He wasn’t even fully conscious yet, but the burn of his embarrassment tried to pull him almost all the way into waking again.

Blake shook his head and brushed his hair back. “You’re covered by the show,” he said, warmth saturating every word. “Don’t worry about that. You need to rest and recover.”

Recover from what exactly? What had happened? At least he didn’t have to worry about the money if what Blake was saying was true. Elion found the hand resting on his chest and squeezed it. “Thank you.”

Blake sat back down. He was gorgeous as always, but he also looked a wreck. He was covered in blood.

The last of Elion’s fogginess was washed away by panic. “You’re hurt?”

Blake kissed the hand he was holding again, his lips soft against Elion’s fingers. “It’s your blood,” he said, shakily. He blinked a couple of times, his eyes glassy. “Do you remember what happened?”

All he could recall was Blake’s dog going crazy at him. “Is Watson okay?” he asked. “She went nuts, then…” Then he’d hit the door step. No, he’d been pushed. It was loud and hot and…holy fuck. “Was there a bomb?” He couldn’t believe he was really asking that.

But Blake nodded. “The stalker put a device in your car,” he said. Anger simmered in every word. He looked murderous. “The police think it activated when you opened the door. If you’d have sat inside…”

His words trailed off as he furiously clenched his teeth. His grip had become vice-like around Elion’s hand. He used his free one to rub Blake’s fingers, urging him to ease up.

“Hey, hey,” he said. “I didn’t. Watson saved me.” He realized that was true, and he felt the tears pooling in his eyes. “She wouldn’t stop barking and running around. She herded me like a sheepdog back towards the house.” He chuckled and wiped some of the wetness from his eyes. “I think I owe her a steak or a bone or whatever she likes best.”

“Carrots,” said Blake, covering his mouth as he laughed. It was laden with heavy relief. A couple of his own tears escaped and he brushed them off. “Are you serious?” he asked. “She pulled you away? She’s going to be the most spoiled dog in the whole damn country. I’m going to buy her a golden kennel.”

They chuckled wetly for a few moments before lapsing into silence. Blake couldn’t take his eyes off Elion, but that was fine. Elion could stand to be looked at like that forever.

“A bomb?” he said eventually. “From the person writing those letters?”

Blake scowled again. “The guy was seriously deranged,” he said.

“A guy?” Elion repeated in surprise.

Blake nodded. “He had all these crazy fixations on me. I think he thought if you were out of the way that we could be together.” He took a deep, shuddery breath. “When you were passed out, he threatened both of us with a jar of acid.”

If Elion hadn’t felt sick before, he was about ready to throw his guts up at that. “What happened?” he managed to ask.

To his surprise, Blake laughed. “You might want to ask Jodi that.”

Elion had too many questions. “Okay, but is he still out there, or-?”

“No, no,” said Blake. He probably realized Elion was too overwhelmed for him to dance around the subject. “Jodi knocked him out cold and now the cops have him. We’re safe.”

Elion blinked. Jodi had done what? He’d definitely have to ask her about that. But he had other, more pressing concerns.

“Who was he?” he asked.

“Some guy who said he went to school with me. Us, I guess.” Blake told him with a shrug. “My dad called him Rob.”

Elion sat up so fast Blake didn’t have a chance to stop him. “Rob Matherson?” he spluttered.

“Yeah, you remember him?”

“Not from school,” Elion admitted. “But I’ve seen him recently, with Jodi. Is she okay? Is she here?”

Fucking Rob Matherson. He knew there was something he hadn’t liked about that guy. So much for a harmless celebrity fascination.

Blake rolled his eyes, his face darkening. “Everyone’s here. Oh!” he squeezed Elion’s hand. “I promised I’d go get your mom as soon as you were awake. She didn’t want to leave you but I made her go eat with Jodi. A nurse should probably take a look at you too.” He stood up and cradled the back of Elion’s head. “Will you be okay for a minute?”

Elion looked around the hospital room again. He could now see all the colorful flowers on the bedside cabinets of his private room and on the window-sill. He was safe here. Everything was okay.

“I’ll be fine, baby,” he said. “Just, hurry back okay?”

He sounded a bit pathetic, but his nerves were still frayed. Having Blake near him made things better, as usual.

Blake smiled and kissed him gently. “You won’t even know I’m gone.”

Elion doubted that, but he really wanted his mom, as pathetic as that was for someone his age. Plus, the sooner Blake left, the quicker he’d be back. So Elion nodded and waved him out the door.

He downed another couple of mouthfuls of water, then slumped back against his pillows.

Rob had written those letters. Loser Rob. Elion snorted to himself. He guessed that Advanced Chem wasn’t so boring to him after all. Psycho.

They were so similar in so many ways. Both left behind in this small town when the rest of their class had gone off into the world. Elion felt just the smallest bit proud he hadn’t turned out like Rob. Bitter and twisted.

He was in love. And he had his whole life before him.

Movement at the door startled him, but it wasn’t Blake. Jenna Jackson walked in with two cans of Diet Coke balanced in one hand and a bag of skinny popcorn in the other. At seeing Elion, she stopped short.

“Oh you’re awake!” she cried with a smile. Then she leaned back out into the corridor. “He’s awake!”

Elion winced, wondering what time of night it was and hoping not too many patients were asleep already. Very quickly though, his concerns swung right back around to himself.

Kala and Marcus led half a dozen more crew members into the room. Elion’s mouth dropped open as they set up lights, sound and props with their usual clinical efficiency. More flowers and candy and teddy bears were pulled from nowhere and a makeup artist began powdering his nose without even saying so much of a hello.

“Um, Kala?” he said, feeling like he was going to scream. “I was just almost blown up.”

Kala stopped talking with one of the P.A.s to dart over and grab his hand. “I know,” she said dreamily. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Now we’re definitely in with a chance for an Emmy.” She fussed with his hair fondly. “I told you you were good at this.”

Elion wanted to say something to the effect that almost dying was not a talent, but as she moved away Jenna walked back in, accompanied by a very unlikely pair.

For once, the neckline on Nessa’s top was so high it was almost to her collarbones. It was still sprayed on, but that coupled with the full-length jeans looked like her attempt at demure. Next to her walked Karyn.

Elion looked between the two of them. But they were definitely not pulling each other’s hair or even throwing the side-eye. In fact, they looked positively chummy.

“What-” he said faintly as Jenna had a word with Kala.

Nessa and Karyn glanced at each other. “Oh, we’re cousins,” Nessa said flippantly.

“Yeah,” Karyn giggled. “Didn’t you know?”

“Hey, who’s got our flowers?” Nessa asked.

Elion just watched on mutely as P.A.s gave them both massive bunches as well as wiring him for sound.

“No,” said Karyn. “We need to swap. If I have the bigger bunch, you can get jealous.”

“Oh, right,” agreed Nessa with a nod, handing over her bouquet. “So you need to fangirl, while I flirt. Where’s Blake?”

“Getting my mom,” said Elion. Of course their rivalry was fake. For fuck’s sake – nothing was real on this show. “Look, I know you guys want to make a good episode, but I really do feel lousy right now.”

That was putting it mildly. The room was spinning, he was nauseous and the pain on the side of his head was becoming unbearable. He could feel the cold sweat all over his skin, despite the heat from the lights.

“Oh honey, you’ve done so well,” said Jenna. She stepped over and went to touch him, but tactfully withdrew her hand when she saw how damp he was with perspiration. “Oh, can we, um, get some more powder?”

“Or a nurse?” Elion mumbled.

They were already filming though, and Nessa and Karyn were jostling to put their flowers the closest to him. They took turns fussing over him and the cameras circled.

“Can you believe it,” said Karyn sympathetically, taking his hand. Nessa took the other one. Elion looked helplessly between them both.

“Believe what?”

“Rob!” they both said together, then scowled across the bed at each other.

“The P.A.,” said Karyn.

“The one who gave Blake the faulty shoes.”

“You gave him the faulty shoes,” Karyn shot back.

“No, Tyler did!” snapped Nessa. “You weren’t even there!”

“Hang on,” said Elion. Their shouting was making his head worse. “Rob…was a P.A.?”

Nessa and Karyn looked at Kala.

“Uh, yeah, Nessa whispered. “Didn’t you see him with Seth? They were practically inseparable.”

Elion hadn’t seen Seth in weeks. Fuck…were he and Rob in it together?

He was cut off from responding by three more people trying to enter the already overcrowded room. “What the fuck?”

Elion was stunned to realize it was his own mother who had cursed. She never swore in English. As if to prove his point, she let out a string of shocking profanities in Spanish as she stormed into the room, Blake and Jodi following behind her.

“No,” she shouted. “No, no, no! My boy almost died, and you’re here for your silly little TV show still?”

Elion sagged in relief. Blake and Jodi pushed past Nessa and Karyn to sit by his bed, and his mom squared off with Kala.

“Get out, now. Elion needs rest. He is not here for your entertainment!”

Elion liked Kala. He did. But he’d be a fool to think anything came before getting a great show to her. “Mrs. Rodriguez,” she said kindly. “I think you’ll find that Elion’s contract states-”

Music blasted through the room. Despite his terrible headache, Elion snapped around to see Blake holding his phone aloft.

“Cuz I knew you were trouble when you walked in!” bounced off the walls.

Blake smirked. “Sorry, what was that?” he asked with mock concern. “I couldn’t hear you over Taylor Swift and her iron clad copyright laws.”

Kala blinked. “Blake…” she said. There was no way she could film anything useable with this song playing and they all knew it.

“No, Kala,” he snapped.

They had to shout a bit to be heard, but it was worth it. Elion still felt like he was going to pass out, be he was also bursting with pride.

“You’re not filming Elion here,” he said. He slipped his hand against Elion’s and looked down at him. “This show has put him through hell and I won’t take another minute.”

“Blake,” said Jenna, waving her hands in the air. He held the phone away from her though. “Sweetie, we need this. For the show.”

“Screw the show,” said Blake. “That’s it, I quit.” He looked down at Elion. “Unless-”

“I quit,” said Elion loudly. Enough so they definitely heard him over Taylor. “Thanks for the hot, awesome boyfriend, but now it’s time to go.”

“Blake!” shrieked Jenna.

Elion’s own mom came and stood behind where Blake was sitting. She threw her arms around his shoulders though and jutted her chin out. “Cameras out, now!”

Blake held the phone up higher as Taylor went for another chorus and Jodi opened the door.

“Off you go,” she said sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

Jenna looked between her children and seemed like she was going to put up a fight. But at that moment a tall, middle-aged nurse stormed in with a face like thunder.

“What the-” she said faintly. “Out. Now. All of you!”

“No,” whimpered Elion as she pushed her way through to him. “I want some of them here.”

She narrowed her eyes and looked around at everyone as the Taylor song started over again. “You can have two.”

“I need three,” he said.

She sighed.

“Okay everyone except-” she let him point at Blake, Jodi and his mom “-you, you and you. Everyone else, out. If I catch you in here outside of visitor hours again, I’m calling the police.”

They all tried to protest, but the tall nurse – Becky, according to her name tag – was formidable. Elion gratefully slumped further into his bed as she made Kala, Nessa and all the rest march out.

Karyn, bless her, swopped in to give him a kiss on the cheek before she went. “I’ll visit tomorrow,” she said, squeezing his shoulder. Despite her nefarious tactics to get ahead on the show, she was kind of a sweet kid.

The door clicked shut and Blake immediately killed the music and pulled Elion into a hug. “I’m so sorry,” he moaned.

Elion laughed. “That was pretty funny,” he muttered as Becky checked his vitals. She winked at him and patted his leg.

Blake, Jodi and his mom crowded around him, careful not to get in the nurse’s way. “How are you feeling?” Elion’s mom asked.

He shook his head. “Wretched,” he said shakily, trying to smile. He looked at Becky. “Is there anything I can get for that?”

She huffed. “Of course honey,” she said. “You also need to sleep. So you guys get five minutes, okay?”

His visitors nodded as she bustled off to – hopefully – fetch Elion some drugs.

“Did you mean that?” Jodi asked her brother with a smirk. “Did you really just tell Mom to shove it?”

Blake scrubbed his face and his shoulders slumped. “I’m just so tired, you know?” he said.

Elion’s mom fussed with his pillows and swept his wet hair back. “They tried to make fools out of all of us,” she said with a frown. “But what you boys have…” She bit her lip and reached out to take Blake’s hand. “It’s real. Isn’t it?”

“Very real,” said Elion.

“I love him,” said Blake over the top of him. Then he blushed and looked at Elion rather than his mom. “So, um, yeah. We can quit.”

Jodi drummed her fingers against the metal bed frame. “Okay, hear me out,” she said. “But, you guys have a massive fan base.”

“That’s true,” said Elion’s mom. Naturally she knew more about his social media presence than he did.

“You guys are a little bit gay royalty,” Jodi continued. She gave her brother a light punch on the arm and a grin. “So, how about we think of a compromise?”

Elion sighed in relief as the nurse, Becky, came back with painkillers to add to his I.V. “Elion will need to sleep soon,” she warned the room.

He felt the fuzzy, welcome relief almost immediately. “Thank you,” he whispered to her as she left.

“What kind of compromise?” Blake asked. Elion suspected he wanted to finish this talk before he passed out.

Jodi shrugged and looked at Elion’s mom. “How about; you see out this season. Get through the end of year performance. Then you can renegotiate your involvement. Seems to me like Nessa and Karyn would die to be the stars. You could work with that so you could step down from the show.”

That solved one issue, Elion thought. He wanted him and Blake to have some distance from this toxic production and have a chance to flourish as a real couple. But what about their fans? It was beyond amazing to think he was inspiring young queer kids in a way he never saw growing up.

“Could we,” he said. He struggled with his words. Sleep was laying thickly over him. “Do like a thing, like on Twitter or Insta or something. Like…have a presence as a couple. That we did ourselves, and the show had nothing to do with?”

“A vlog,” said his mom, snapping her fingers.

“A vlog,” agreed Jodi.

“A vlog?” asked Blake.

“Video blog, babe,” Elion mumbled. “That could work – just a little thing.”

Blake stroked his hair as he snuggled into his pillow. “The two of us making a video. About what?”

“Us,” said Elion, grinning broadly. “Just, like, being awesome and in love and stuff.” He laughed, the drugs seeping into his system. “Show ‘em all how it’s done.”

Blake smiled indulgently at him. “Wouldn’t that be boring?” he asked.

Elion blew a raspberry. “I’m delightful,” he said as his eyelids drooped. “And…have you met you? You’re, like, uh, the most best and wonderful…”

His tongue was fat and heavy against his teeth. Sleep enveloped him.

The last thing he saw was Blake nodding. “Okay, baby,” he said, his words swimming around Elion’s brain. “Let’s do that.”




The hospital kept Elion in a few more days before letting him home to his mom. Blake visited every day before or after his classes and brought all the presents from his students and their parents to cheer Elion up. The kids were so sweet, hand making get-well cards and buying him candy with their allowance. It warmed Blake’s heart to see how so many of them had accepted him as being Blake’s partner.

A few of the parents had pulled their kids from the classes over the whole Rob debacle. Blake couldn’t say he blamed them, but included amongst them were some of the outwardly homophobic families, so he’d been thrilled to see them go.

Seth was no longer in the picture. According to the cops, Rob had been encouraged a fair bit in his stalker behavior by Seth, who had no doubt been angling for a dramatic finale to the show.

That was enough for Blake’s mom to fire him, but apparently he’d lawyered up and so far hadn’t been officially charged with anything. Blake had heard that he was already out in California, getting ready to make a documentary about eighteen-year-olds who got breast implants as a graduation gift.

Kala had taken Jodi’s suggestion to ease Blake and Elion away from the limelight pretty well. They were in contract negotiations but it looked like after they got through this season, Blake would be allowed to simply teach and Nessa would take the lead on the drama side of things. She and Karyn had already sent him deliriously happy thank you video messages.

His mom had also come around to the idea of their own separate vlog surprisingly easily. She liked the idea of him being on both, even if he’d just be dancing on Feet of Flames.

With Seth no longer calling the shots, he and Kala had been free to make some changes to the show’s cast to fill the spots. Their first stop had been to Mercy’s house, the girl who hadn’t made the cut despite Blake’s loud protests. The look on her face when he told her she was in the class had made him want to cry, especially when she showed him how far she’d come with practicing all her techniques. Kala got to capture it all on film, and everyone was happy.

That morning, Mercy’s mom had come over with homemade casserole for Elion when he got out of the hospital. She’d also presented him with a pair of beaded bracelets. Apparently, she crafted them herself as part of her online business.

The jewelry was made from healing crystals and she had tailored each bracelet for him and Elion. The little stones represented different things, like revitalizing energy and protection for Elion, and clarity and strength for Blake.

Blake wasn’t sure he really believed in any of it, but they were beautiful. Even better, he loved the idea of Elion and him having something matching to wear. It made his heart sing in a way his voice was never quite able to manage.

He arrived on the Rodriguez’s doorstep for the second time in the past couple of weeks with a camera crew in tow. But Blake had made Kala completely aware that she was only there to film him welcoming Elion back home. Then she and the other guys had to go. Because Blake fully intended to spend the whole night reassuring himself that Elion’s body was fine and no lasting damage had been done.

With Lucy’s permission to stay the night, of course. He was going to show her what a model son-in-law he could be.

She was the one who greeted them at the door. The affection in the immediate hug she gave Blake brought a lump to his throat.

His own mom seemed to be under the impression that the last few days had been all about her. She’d been wailing to anyone who would listen about how she was going to be in therapy for PTSD the rest of her life.

That had pissed Elion off no end. Primarily because the hospital nurse Becky had pulled him aside and suggested that Elion was going to suffer with exactly that after his ordeal.

He had mentioned that to his mom largely in a bid to get her to stop overreacting and being selfish. She had stunned him though by seriously considering his words. “You boys will probably need counseling even more than me,” she’d said, without there even being any cameras around to capture her philanthropy. “If you want to see a specialist together, I’ll get your father to pay.”

Blake’s dad still wasn’t speaking to him. After his disgusting outburst on the day of the bomb, he was either too angry, too proud or too embarrassed to apologize. But Blake didn’t really care. He meant what he said about not jumping through hoops for him anymore. And if he paid for therapy so Elion could heal and move on the best way possible, then Blake would take that as recompense for all the times he’d made feel Blake less than a man.

He’d never been close to his dad, so he wouldn’t miss a relationship with him if he wanted to continue being an ass.

Lucy was thrilled at the casserole and took down Mercy’s mom’s number to get in touch to say thanks. She was so effortlessly friendly, it was inspiring.

Kala filmed Blake heading down to Elion’s bedroom to present him with the gifts from school and a big hug. Then they were done. He watched on as Kala shooed the camera crew out the door, and Lucy loudly announced she was spending the evening with her PFLAG friends and for the boys not to wait up.

Within five minutes, Blake and Elion had the house to themselves. Blake’s heart started racing.

Elion looked so much better than he had the first couple of days in the hospital. The color had come back to his cheeks, and once he stopped being so drowsy and the pain wore off, his lovely smile had returned.

“Hello stranger,” he said when Blake had successfully chased everyone else away and returned to his bedroom. Elion was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt and propped up on about a dozen pillows and snuggled under several blankets, despite the fact it was a gorgeous spring day outside.

Blake wasn’t sure he’d seen a cozier, more inviting sight in his life. He kicked off his shoes and crawled under the covers, taking him into his arms and kissing him softly.

“Can I please look after you?” he asked.

It had been torture only being able to hold his hand since the attack. Even the few kisses they’d been able to steal when no one else had been around had done nothing to ease his desperate need to check Elion’s body over for himself. He had to make sure it was still perfect, even though he’d only sustained superficial cuts in the blast.

Elion cradled his face and they looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. “You’re always the one looking after me,” he said.

“Not true,” Blake insisted. He thought of all the many ways Elion had cared for him already in their short time together. “But right now, all I need from you is to make sure you know how loved you are, and how fucking thankful I am that you’re still in one piece.”

Elion bit his lip. “Okay.”

Blake took things very slowly so as not to aggravate the concussion Elion was still getting over. For a while they just kissed gently, their bodies sliding down the pillow pile until they were lying down facing one another.

Only when Elion began to whimper for more did Blake give it to him with a chuckle. “Such a brat,” he teased.

“I’m the patient,” Elion pouted, a playful glint in his eye. “I need treatment. From your cock.”

Blake laughed so loud he was immensely grateful they had the whole place to themselves. But he was also feeling turned on and possessive, wanting to claim every inch of Elion’s skin as his own.

He started by peeling his t-shirt off and sucking his nipples like Elion had done for him in L.A. He moaned and arched into Blake’s mouth while his hands roamed over Elion’s sides and along his arms. It was fairly obvious that under his sweatpants Elion wasn’t wearing any underwear. All it took was to slip his hand under the waistband to find that gorgeous rod of hot, velvety skin.

Blake’s own cock was filling and straining against his jeans. But he ignored it for the time being, enjoying the friction of his arousal against his clothes as he stroked Elion’s dick and kissed his mouth.

He murmured nonsense that would probably embarrass him horribly post orgasm, but he didn’t care. He told Elion how gorgeous and perfect he was, how badly he needed him, how he would always be there and never let anything bad happen to him. All the while Elion allowed himself to be touched and beautifully turned on by Blake’s hands and lips. It was heaven.

Blake disposed of the pants soon enough then hastily divested himself of his own clothes without emerging from under the comforter. He carefully nudged Elion onto his side so they were spooning.

He’d planned to fuck him again, but he got caught up cuddling and kissing the back of his neck. His cock slid naturally between the top of Elion’s thighs, rubbing his erection against his taint and balls in the most amazing way. He reached around to stroke Elion’s dick again, sucking on his earlobe as he did.

“Is this okay?” he asked.

Elion let out some sort of squeak in response. “Don’t stop,” he managed to utter.

They could fuck later, Blake decided. This way they didn’t have to pause to put on a condom, and he was all in favor of carrying on at this juncture. He could feel his climax building.

They rocked together underneath the comfort of the piled-up bedding. They were overheated and gasping for air, but also cocooned and safe. “I love you,” Blake whispered into Elion’s hair. “Love you so much, baby.”

Elion came all of a sudden over Blake’s hand and into the sheets. “Sorry,” he said with a nervous laugh once he caught his breath.

Blake kissed his cheek. “Nothing to be sorry for.”

Elion quickly used his t-shirt to mop up the mess as best he could. Then he turned to face Blake, rolling him onto his back so he could spoon up to his side.

Despite Blake’s insistence that he wanted to look after Elion, Elion was determined to do all the work to ensure he got his orgasm too. He fished some lube out of his bedside drawer to make his fingers nice and slippery while he jerked Blake off, kissing his mouth hungrily and swallowing up his needy groans.

“I love you too, baby,” he said. “Want to watch you come. Show me I’m the only one allowed to do this.”

Blake was teetering on the very edge, but he still cupped Elion’s face with his hand. “The only one, Elion,” he said. “I’m all yours. You’re mine.”

Elion kissed him even harder, speeding up his hand and milking Blake’s orgasm from somewhere so deep inside him he felt like his spleen might shoot out his cock as well. He cried out, his vision going white then black as he caught his breath.

Elion chuckled to himself over the mess they’d made. Blake watched sleepily as he insisted on cleaning him up. It felt like such a tender act, even more intimate than the sex they’d just had.

They rearranged themselves on the dry side of the bed. For a while, they simply lay in each other’s arms, eyes closed, not quite dozing but resting peacefully.

When Blake was around Elion, he felt whole. Complete. He wanted to ask if Elion felt the same, but the way he wound his limbs possessively around Blake’s body told him he probably already knew the answer.

“I’m going to get my own place,” he announced suddenly.

Ever since he’d said it to his dad during their argument he knew it was the only way forward. Now he’d renegotiated the terms of the show he just wanted to focus his energy on dancing and teaching. No more drama.

He couldn’t do that with his dad breathing down his neck about being too queer and tarnishing the family reputation.

Elion looked up from where his head had been resting on his shoulder and smiled. “That’s wonderful, babe.”

Nerves flared through Blake’s insides, but he’d thought about this enough over the last couple of days. “I was wondering if you wanted to move in somewhere together,” he asked.

Elion’s eyes widened comically. Well, it would have been funny if Blake wasn’t so terrified.

“I know it’s fast,” he said hastily. “But I don’t care. Carpe Diem.” He lifted up Elion’s wrist and kissed the tattoo of the phrase there. “I almost watched you die.” A lump rose in his throat. It was very hard to say that out loud. “I don’t want to tiptoe around when we could just be sharing a bed and making breakfast and watching TV and literally have sex whenever we want-”

Elion cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him. “I’d love to,” he said. There were tears in his eyes. “I’d love that so much. If we can work out the finances-”

It was Blake’s turn to cut him off. “We’ll keep the rent proportions fair, okay. I know you won’t want to be kept or anything, but if we don’t get a fancy place we can both pay our way. The most important thing is creating a little space that’s just ours.”

Elion chewed his lip. “Actually,” he said heavily. Blake’s heart fell. “I was thinking…maybe…of going to community college in the fall. Taking some classes. I don’t know how much I’d be able to work.”

Blake’s hopes leaped like a jack-in-the-box. He tried not to get too excited in case he made Elion skittish, but honestly, he couldn’t be happier.

“Babe,” he said seriously. “I’ve got good money from the advertising revenue off of the show, but I also get paid for teaching too, remember? That plus my trust fund from the band means I’m really okay for money. It would mean the absolute world to me if you’d let me support you going back to school. I want you to achieve everything and not be held back.”

“You don’t need to do that,” Elion mumbled, predictably, not meeting Blake’s eye.

Blake lightly touched his chin and encouraged him to look back up. “You’d have to work hard,” he said, his voice low and commanding. “But I know you’d do that. You’re amazing. That’s all I’d want. It would be a privilege to help you after the way you helped your mom. You deserve this.”

Elion licked his lips, worry clear on his face as he thought it over. “I could pay you back?” he suggested.

Blake shook his head. “You can just pay more rent and bills when you’re done studying.”

He realized they were talking about years in the future, but that didn’t scare him. He had no doubt this was what he wanted. That Elion was the counterpoint to his soul, the melody to his rhythm, and he could picture them spending the rest of their lives together.

“Do you know what you want to study?” he asked, stroking back a lock of black and pink hair.

Elion hesitated. Then he took a deep breath and smiled. “Nursing,” he said with conviction. “I first thought about it when Mom was sick, but then I talked about it with the Becky and the other nurses this week. I think that’s what I want.”

Blake felt fit to burst with pride. Elion was caring and hardworking and smart and already showed promise with his first-aid skills. “I think you’d make an amazing nurse,” he said, hugging him close.

They didn’t make a definitive decision on getting a place together that night, although Elion promised he’d seriously think it over. They did however make love several more times, satisfying Blake’s concerns that Elion’s body still worked exactly as it should do still.

When he finally fell asleep in the small hours of the morning he was filled with excitement and hope for the path that lay before them. Building a home was just the start of their adventure together.

He couldn’t wait.


—Two Years Later




“Welcome and hello!”

“I’m Blake.”

“I’m Elion.”

“And you guys are awesome!” they finished together. It was the way they started all their YouTube vlogs.

Elion grinned, glancing at Blake sat beside him.

It was crazy to think that advertisers and sponsors actually paid him to sit by his gorgeous boyfriend once a week and just hang out and chat. It was slightly crazier to think that hundreds of thousands of people tuned in to watch them do it.

But they did, and as their intro suggested, they were an extremely awesome bunch.

Knowing that people from all over the globe cared about them was strange but incredible. That they made a difference to people’s lives was humbling. They were simply sharing their day to day lives, their highs and lows. But they were doing it as a same-sex couple, and for thousands of viewers, that really helped and inspired them.

All they did was film for ten minutes every Thursday in their spare room. They used Elion’s computer he normally did his course assignments on. No matter how his classes were going or what Blake’s schedule was doing, they always carved out a few moments to put something together, the two of them.

No producers or crew, nobody fabricating drama. Occasionally Kala still got in touch with Blake. She couldn’t seem to help herself. If she got an idea for the direction of an episode based on audience reactions, she always let them know. Elion thought it was sweet in a way.

Other than that, they were left to their own devices. Feet of Flames still filmed at Blake’s school, but he was only involved as a teacher, working with his students like he’d always intended. Nessa and Karyn had flourished as the main stars, building up a new cast around them. But the fans that had fallen in love with Blake and Elion as their own love had blossomed on screen were more than happy to follow them to their own show.

Unfortunately, their ship name was still Belion. But their followers had made the word kind of cool with all the effort they put into supporting him and Blake. They drew art and wrote fanfiction and made their own videos and ran Tumblr blogs dedicated to their relationship.

Elion sometimes felt bad for being semifamous for absolutely no reason. But then he remembered how much he would have loved to watch a happy couple of two guys when he was growing up, and it didn’t seem so frivolous.

In years to come they’d have a record of how their relationship grew, too. It still tripped Elion up sometimes, thinking about the future in that way. But it was a long time since he’d allowed himself to trust in Blake, to believe that they’d go the distance. So why not daydream about one day showing their kids how their daddies got together?

He hid a smile and focused back on the video. Gone was the fly-by party boy who thought getting breakfast after a one-night stand was flirting dangerously close to commitment. Now his idea of perfection was take-out, Netflix and cuddles with his man. He never would have predicted that.

“Today’s a special episode for us,” Blake was saying.

“That’s right,” Elion agreed.

They always worked out roughly what to say beforehand as they shot the videos in one take. Generally, they didn’t do them live just in case they massively fucked up. But occasionally, like today, they did.

Live episodes were often so they could get audience participation and read out Tweets and comments as they came through. They had recently done a big fundraiser for charity that had gone on for a whole hour getting people to pledge money until they hit their target. That had been pretty nerve-wracking, but they’d done it, and the sense of achievement had been incredible.

“Today’s our hundredth show,” Elion carried on, waving jazz hands in excitement. “And, as promised, we’ve got a big announcement.”

Blake leaned in, resting his hand on Elion’s knee below where the camera could see. He was always finding little ways to touch him. It made Elion feel loved in a way something like a bunch of flowers could never achieve. Every time they held hands in public, every stolen kiss in the privacy of their own apartment, it all made Elion feel cherished and claimed. He knew he was a lucky guy.

“We’re going to announce the news in just a sec,” Blake said. “Then we want to talk to you guys and find out what you think. Are you ready?”

Elion felt nerves fluttering in his belly like butterflies. Which was kind of dumb, it wasn’t his news after all, not really. Except he felt so proud of Blake for getting on Dancing Dreams he wanted to cry. There was no doubt in his mind that he’d win the contest, but more than that, he was going to get to show the world what an incredible dancer he really was.

The plan was cheesy but simple, and hopefully fun. They’d ask the viewers to close their eyes, then Blake would hold up a sheet of card with the show’s logo on it and play the theme song. Blake asked the camera if they were all ready, then for extra effect, asked Elion to close his eyes too.

He acted it up, covering his eyes with his hands and drumming his feet on the floor.

“Really ready?” Blake asked.

“Ready!” Elion cried.

He was supposed to wait to look until the theme song played a few notes and Blake yelled ‘Surprise!’ Instead, Elion took a second to recognize the track that filled the room.

“You’re the light in my dark,

You give me that spark,

But you don’t even see it.

You have my heart,

You’re a work of art,

But you can’t see, it’s you I cherish.”

It was the Below Zero song that Blake had sung to him in the meadow. He’d confessed several months later that that was the day he’d fallen in love. He just hadn’t realized it at the time.

Confused, Elion lowered his hands and blinked. Blake was holding the card up, except it didn’t have the Dancing Dreams logo on. And he was also no longer sitting in his chair.

He was down on one knee.

Elion’s hands flew back to his face, this time to cover his mouth as tears sprung in his eyes. Even though the sign said it all, Blake still asked the question.

“Elion Rodriguez,” he said, his voice shaky. “Being with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I can’t imagine my life without you. Will-” His voice cracked and he tried to steady himself with a nervous laugh. “Will you marry me?”

Elion launched himself from his chair and tackled Blake to the carpet. He appreciated the viewers would only be able to hear their shrieks, but he didn’t care. Just for this second, he wanted it to be just the two of them.

“Yes,” he whispered, kissing his lips. “Yes, yes, yes.” He grabbed the ‘Will you marry me?’ sign and shot it up in the air for the camera to see. “YES!”

Blake pulled them both to their knees so the viewers could see and hugged him like he never wanted to let him go. He was crying and laughing and rocking him back and forth, all to the sound of the song that had stolen Elion’s heart years ago.

Eventually, they crawled back into their seats to start answering the hundreds of excited, loving messages they were already receiving. But not before Blake retrieved a ring box from his pocket. The edges of the band were black with pink stones running around the middle. Elion absolutely loved it.

They would announce about the next step in Blake’s dance career a week later. The rest of that night was spent sharing their love with fans from all over the world. Celebrating the start of forever.





HJ Welch is a contemporary MM romance author living in London with her husband and two balls of fluff that occasionally pretend to be cats. She began writing at an early age, later honing her craft online in the world of fanfiction on sites like Wattpad. Fifteen years and over a million words later, she sought out original MM novels to read. She never thought she would be any good at romance, but once she turned her hand to it she discovered she in fact adored it. By the end of 2016 she had written her first book of her own, and in 2017 she fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a fulltime author.

Scorch is the first in her Homecoming Hearts series. She also writes contemporary British MM romance as Helen Juliet.


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Dear Reader,


Out of all the many books out there, you chose this one to read. Thank you. It means so much to share my tales of love, drama and happy-ever-afters with you all.

If you enjoyed reading Blake and Elion’s story, I would very much appreciate it if you would like to share your experience with others online. Reviews, recommendations, fan works and general love is the best way for me to reach new readers.

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In the meantime, please look ahead to catch a glimpse of the next book, Spark…


Lots of love,

HJ Welch


Spark (Homecoming Hearts #2)


Joey’s dreams are over. Below Zero is dead and gone. He knows he’s destined for stardom, but showbiz is tough and he has nowhere to go but the last place on Earth he ever wanted to be: Home, with his homophobic family who spent their lives trying to tear him down. Now all they will do is gloat over his fall from grace.

Gabe loves his town. He thought he had it all: a man he loved, purpose as a volunteer firefighter, and a home to call his own. Except now he’s alone, forced to try and rebuild from scratch. But how can he start over when his heart is already broken?

An unexpected road trip brings Joey and Gabe together and the sparks fly between them, but it can’t last. Their worlds are too different. But when Joey hits rock bottom, Gabe is the only one who can save him. Protect him. Keep him warm.

Gabe’s saved lives before. But can he rescue hearts?


Spark is a steamy, standalone gay romance novel with a HEA and no cliffhanger.