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SEAL Dearest (Navy SEAL Brotherhood Romance Love Story) by Ivy Jordan (78)

Chapter Two



The large cardboard box was more awkward than heavy, making it tough to prop it on my knee to open the door to my new office. “Here, let me,” Mitchell, my new boss pushed past me and opened the door.

“Thank you,” I smiled as I walked into the building.

The office was clean, decorated with drab colors, and didn’t provide the warm welcome that I felt necessary for a therapist’s lobby. Mitchell took the box from my hands and walked it to my new office. “I’m really glad you’re here,” he said with a warm smile. He was tall, lanky, and has pointy features that reminded me of Ichabod Crane. I nodded as he set the box on my desk, a large mahogany antique with detailed carvings. It was the only thing of mine in the office, other than the box just deposited by Mitchell. The file cabinet in the corner, the tall, ugly floor lamp, and the ridiculous posters on the walls, those weren’t mine. My eyes scanned the room, stopping on the poster that had been framed of a kitten hanging on a clothesline. “Hang in There” it read, almost making me giggle aloud. “You can decorate however you’d like,” Mitchell said, obviously reading my disapproval of the décor.

“Thanks,” I smiled.

“I’ve heard amazing things about you. I know you’ll fit right in here,” Mitchell offered, lingering at the door.

“I appreciate the opportunity. I know I’ll love it here,” I forced a half-smile.

Mitchell nodded, and then left me alone with my box, my thoughts, and the hideous décor of the room.

I was grateful for the opportunity, that was true, but I wasn’t sure I would learn to love this place. At twenty-eight, it was amazing to be offered a partnership in an already established practice. The clients were mostly retired Navy vets that stayed on the island after their service. I looked forward to talking to them, helping them, especially after losing both my brother and my father. The SEALS brotherhood was what they lived for, even my dad, years after he retired, he was loyal to the men who he served with, and his stories always ended up on the topic of his military days. I missed those stories, so bad it actually hurt my heart.

The contents of my box were unpacked, and there was nothing left for me to do. Tomorrow would start a new day, a new chapter in my life, even though it felt as though I’d already lived this chapter.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said to Mitchell as I stuck my head in his doorway. He lifted his eyes from his laptop and smiled.

It had only been a couple days since I’d returned to the islands, and to my childhood home. The Asian delivery place right next to my house had been dinner each night, but I wanted something different, something that reminded me of the states, of New York, the home I’d left to come back here.

I drove down the road, slowing at a coffee shop sign that promised to have the best cup of coffee in town, and gourmet doughnuts. That was probably as close to New York I was going to get, so I pulled into the parking lot.

My mouth watered as I walked in the door, the aroma of savory and sweet delicacies nearly lifted me from my feet and carried me to the counter. It was just like home—New York home. The bakery across the street from my old office had the same familiar aroma, the same delicious baked goods, and the same unique style décor. “Welcome to Mad Creations,” a familiar voice greeted me. I turned toward the sweet voice, shocked to see my best friend from high school, Madison standing behind the counter. Her hair was still red and curly, and her body still short and pudgy, although I’d say she’d put on a few pounds since high school. “Oh my God, Taylor, is that you?” she squealed, rushing from behind the counter and towards me like a charging bull. I didn’t have time to prepare for her embrace that nearly knocked me back two steps. “I haven’t seen you since graduation,” she squeezed her arms around my torso like a boa constrictor subduing its prey.

“I just got back into town,” I exhaled as she released her grip.

Her eyes narrowed, and her lips rolled to a frown as she stared into my eyes. “I heard about your father, I’m so sorry, Taylor,” she consoled me.

“Thank you,” I choked out while struggling to hold back my tears. “It’s good to see you.”

Her bright green eyes lit up, and her smile warmed my heart. “Sit, I’ll get us a coffee and we can catch up,” she insisted, motioning for me to take a seat. “You hungry?” she asked. I nodded. I was starving.

I watched her go behind the counter, pull out a couple huge doughnuts with a specialty glaze, and then order the young girl at the register to make two French vanilla coffees.

“So, what have you been up to?” Madison asked, taking a seat beside me.

I filled her in on my adventures in New York. She sat with her elbows on the table, propping up her head as her eyes danced and her lips curled. “I wish I would’ve taken off after college,” she sighed.

I knew Madison had taken a course at the community college and never had plans on leaving the island. She always told me I’d leave and never come back, forgetting her forever. It was somewhat true. I hadn’t thought about Madison much, even though we were attached at the hip all through school. Now, here we were, all grown up, chatting like we’ve never missed a day.

“Are you married?” Madison asked, reaching for my left hand. Her eyes narrowed when she noticed I didn’t have a ring. “Divorced?” she groaned.

I laughed. “No, never married.”

I hadn’t had much time to think about dating, let alone marriage. My life was busy, too busy. So busy that I hadn’t even been there for my dad. “What about you?” I asked, expecting to find out she was married with three kids already.

“I’m dating someone, but no proposal, yet,” she said hopefully.

An older couple came into the store, causing a small bell to ring as they entered. “I don’t want to get you in trouble with your boss,” I whispered to Madison.

The young girl behind the counter greeted the customers and then moved to the cash register to take their order.

“My boss is pretty cool,” she smirked.

“This is your shop?” I gushed. She nodded proudly, her cheeks turning a pale shade of pink.

“Mad Creations, Madison,” she explained the name.

I felt bad for not visiting her, or even looking her up when I’d made trips home to visit my dad. They were always only a couple day visits with the long flights sucking up most of my vacation time. Madison was my dearest friend, one of the sweetest people I knew, and sitting her with her now made me feel a little better about moving back to Hawaii.

“This is amazing,” I grumbled as I chewed on the sweet doughnut with a savory bacon frosting. The tiny candied bacon pieces on the top of the doughnut put the fancy place I frequented in New York to shame.

Madison’s cheeks turned a little brighter pink as she thanked me. She’d always been modest, unable to take a compliment without blushing or giggling.

“Well, maybe this will be your new favorite spot,” she grinned.

There was no maybe about it; this was my new favorite spot. “Are you back in your old house?” she asked.

“Yes. It’s so weird to be back home without…” I paused. I felt my throat swell and a lump form in the center as I worked to hold back tears. I couldn’t bring myself to say without my dad, or my brother.

A few more people straggled into the shop, a younger group, loud and laughing at a joke they shared. I noticed Madison become a little anxious, and I knew she needed to help the girl at the counter. “I’m going to take this to go and let you get back to work, if you don’t mind,” I smiled, scooting my chair from the table and grabbing the remains of my doughnut and coffee as I stood.

“Come back and see me, or maybe I’ll come see you,” she suggested, and then gave me a quick hug before rushing to her customers.

She was a silver lining in my dark cloud of life.