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SEAL's Plaything: A Secret Baby Military Romance by Cassandra Dee (21)




Holy fuck, things had gotten out of hand. I’d come home early to find my babysitter masturbating in my tub. And instead of being the better man, leaving her to do her thing, pretending nothing had happened, I’d gone the opposite direction. I’d fucking busted in the bathroom, stripped off my clothes and come on that sweet body, forcing the curvy brunette to taste my semen. Fuck, I was a dirty motherfucker, there was no doubt of it, taking advantage of a sweet teen who didn’t know better.

But I argued with myself. Mandy was eighteen now, a college girl, and had every right to do what she wanted sexually. She was in charge of her body, an enlightened being, the beneficiary of all that women’s lib stuff. Right? Wasn’t that right? But while my logical brain argued I’d done nothing wrong, doubt still lingered because fuck, when I’d been eighteen I’d been a fucking lunatic, knowing nothing, getting in trouble, sowing my seed like it was a free handout for anyone with two X chromosomes.

So being eighteen didn’t mean Mandy knew what she was doing. Sure, she’d acted like a slut tonight, the woman of my dreams, but inside, I knew the girl was different. The Amanda I knew was studious and thoughtful. The way the brunette took care of my daughter, patiently playing the same games again and again, reading stories until her voice was hoarse, cutting food into tiny little bits, only underlined how different she was from me at that age. Fuck, this girl was an angel, how the fuck could I take advantage of someone so caring, inside and out?

But it was too late. She was fucking gorgeous and of all the names on my black book, she was absolutely the best, blowing those thin bitches out of the water like a tsunami hitting the coast. And seeing Mandy like that, her curvy form the answer to my dreams, literally the stuff of fantasies was too much temptation. She was mine. She belonged to me, and the sooner she knew it, the better. Like I said, I’m a mean motherfucker, and I come, I see, I conquer … especially when it comes to women.

So when the brunette’s footsteps sounded on the stairwell, I turned, ready to claim what was mine. And oh fuck, but Mandy was gorgeous with her hair still wet, ringlets framing her face, that sweet pink pout lush and tantalizing, cheeks flushing when she met my eye.

“Hey,” she said softly, sitting on a stool across the kitchen island. “How are you Pete?”

And never one to lose my cool, I pushed a mug towards her.

“Good,” I rasped, clearing my throat. “Tea?” Oh fuck, how did the brunette do this to me? I was supposed to be a man in control and yet during the last half hour I’d fought with myself multiple times to stay calm, hand steady on the wheel instead of completely losing it.

And the girl just smiled at me sweetly, as if she could sense the battle raging within.

“Sure thanks,” she murmured, eyes twinkling as she reached for the mug. “How’d you know I like tea?”

I knew because I’d talked about it with my daughter. Mandy is one of Violet’s favorite topics of conversations, and the little girl chattered on and on, wanting to be just like her babysitter. But I didn’t want the brunette to know that we’d been talking about her, so I passed it off.

“Just a guess,” I lied casually. “We always keep a stash of tea in the cabinet, and there were always a couple packets gone after you babysat.”

The girl colored.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she said, a little alarmed. “I drink a lot of tea, I probably went through boxes and boxes over the years.”

That was the least of my concerns. Who the fuck cared about tea? She could dump it in the trash by the gallon if she wanted. But I kept my expression calm and neutral.

“No worries, we buy it from Costco,” I said smoothly. “How was Violet tonight?”

And the girl colored before beginning to speak. Because oh yeah, that’s why she was here allegedly. To watch over my daughter.

“Vi was good,” she said slowly, “We had dinner together, roasted veggies and a little chicken, and then I got her into the bath. She went to sleep afterwards, but yeah, I had to read her a couple stories.”

I grinned wryly.

“You mean Goodnight Moon five times in a row?” I rumbled. I swear, I hate that book, I could recite it line for line, cover to cover, that damned little rabbit and his mittens.

But Mandy shook her head.

“No, not that one, The Hungry Caterpillar,” she said with a smile. “Vi likes sticking her fingers into all the holes.”

And I shook my head. That was another one of my daughter’s favorites, and just like Goodnight Moon, I’d come to hate the book with a passion. But Amanda’s goodness, her patience, was clear.

“How many times?” I asked wryly, “Five? Six?”

And she bit her lip before nodding.

“Seven,” she confessed. “I had to. Vi wouldn’t let me stop, she’d start crying whenever I got to the end.”

That sounded all too familiar.

“Yeah, she’s got some attachment issues what with her mom leaving and all,” I rumbled again. “But she’ll be okay soon enough, kids forget easy.” God, that sounded awful and Mandy was silent for a moment, the kitchen space empty yet loud at once. So I spoke again, more to keep the conversation going than anything. “My ex was a bitch, this is all for the better.”

And the brunette flushed, nodding, but chose not to speak. I admit that I admired her for it, her tact, her decision to hold back. Because this was the perfect opening to ask about my divorce, sate her curiosity on all the dirty details of the separation. But the teen had the good sense to mind her own business, not to go where the footing might be slippery, and it was the right thing to do. God, Mandy was so different from when I was her age, about ten times more mature and with a real, functioning brain, whereas I’d been a giant penis, my dick my only guide.

“So,” I rumbled. “What’s next?”

And Mandy bit her lip then. But the little girl didn’t play games, didn’t pretend not to know what I was talking about.

“Well Mr. Parker,” she began slowly. “I’d like to see you again.”

I nodded. I had to see her again, had to get into that body asap. But there was no reason to lay out all the cards now. So I nodded sagely.

“How about tomorrow?” I ground out. Oh fuck, so much for being smooth, the man in charge. I was more like an adolescent boy, panting, no, begging for attention.

And the girl laughed throatily then.

“Sure Mr. Parker, would love to. Eight okay?” she murmured. I found her shyness adorable after what we’d just done in the bathroom, this girl had so many facets to her personality, so many amazing sides to be discovered. “I’ll come by and put Vi to sleep and then we can, we can …” her voice trailed off.

I grinned internally. So the girl wasn’t exactly the vixen she made herself out to be, she was still an eighteen year-old naïf, unable to say the words. But no worries, I’d teach her to say the dirty words, to say all the dirty words and love them, her mouth spewing filth only for my ears.

“That works,” I rumbled. “Another cup of tea?”

And the girl looked down at the empty mug.

“I drank all that?” she murmured quizzically. “I really do drink a lot of tea, but no thanks,” she said throwing me another dazzling smile. “It’s almost ten and I better get back, otherwise my parents are gonna call the cops.”

I grunted then. Trish and Jim absolutely should be calling the cops with what happened upstairs tonight, and the sexy things I planned on doing to their daughter tomorrow. But for now, there was a pause, a much-needed intermission until our next session. Because Mandy was smart, that much was obvious. The brunette had a good head on her shoulders and I wanted her to be ready for what was coming next, to have some time to think things through. Because once I started … there would be no going back.