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SEAL's Plaything: A Secret Baby Military Romance by Cassandra Dee (2)




That girl in the pink bathing suit had been fucking hot.

The front door slammed shut and I tossed my keys on the table. The sun was still up even this late in the evening, and natural light flooded over plain white walls and the few pieces of IKEA furniture in the place. The apartment wasn’t meant to be fancy. Just a place to lay my head when I was in town, a place to sleep, eat and fuck until it was time to go wheels-up again.

I headed for the shower, ready to get rid of the chlorine smell. Most days I didn’t care. It was better than the stuff that would stick to my body when I’m on duty. Blood. Gritty sand. Gun oil. Sometimes much worse. But the smell of the chlorine only reminded me of my part-time job. And the girl in the pink bathing suit. Even hours after I’d seen her, touched her, my whole body was keyed up, shoulders tight.

Fuck. She’d felt good. Soft. Even her scent, something flowery and light had somehow survived her jump in the pool. Maybe she’d put perfume under her tits. God knew I’d been close enough to practically suck those boobies in my mouth.

Fuck man, what’s wrong with you? growled my brain. You’re paid to save lives, and yet you’re thinking of fucking the poor victim? You’re fucked up man, really fucked up in the head.

I grunted, acknowledging the truth. Because yeah, I’m a player and when I’m not fighting, usually I’m fucking. It’s second nature, and I’ve learned to roll with it. Doesn’t bother me, actually, it makes for a real nice life. Pleasurable, to say the least.

So stepping into the bathroom, I stripped and climbed under the cool shower spray, barely paying attention to what I was doing. That damn girl … aww shit. The boobies. The cunt. The way she’d looked at me, eyes wide, taking in my dangling dicktip. Aww, fuck.

But what was so special about her? Girls love this shit, they love my body, they adore the penetrating blue eyes. They eat whatever I give and bend over when I command, everything out for me to take. So what was so different about this one curvy brunette who’d almost died in my arms? It was fucking unreal.

The water pulsed down from my industrial strength shower head, pounding onto my bod, and I braced my palms against the wall, allowing the liquid to sear the muscles of my neck, over my shoulders, and down my back. It felt good enough to make me groan out loud. But not as good as if that girl was in here with me.

Shit. Her again. I just couldn’t get her of my damn mind.

It’s not every day that a chick makes me hard at the pool, but once I’d made sure she was safe after her drowning episode, I couldn’t help but notice those soft hips and how good they felt in my hands. And then it was an easy jump to imagining what it would be like to fuck her doggie style, gripping handfuls of hips and tits, yanking back hard as she screamed my name.

Yeah. I got stiff real fast thinking that. It’d be all soft, luscious flesh, plenty of ass and big, juicy boobies to grab. These days, ass and tits are a luxury, most chicks are scrawny as hell, starving themselves to look like scarecrows. So yeah, the brunette was different in a good way, one that made me salivate hungrily.


My dick was so hard that I didn’t even try to resist the temptation to beat off. Stroking myself, I set up a rough and quick rhythm. The water rushed down on my shoulders and back as I gripped the thick meat of my cock and imagined her curvy body in the shower with me. Oh yeah, my pole is fucking huge, but I was sure the brunette could take me, swallow all ten inches into the slick wet pink of her cunt.

I groaned again, eyes closed, chest heaving with exertion. Aw, shit. It felt so fucking good that I growled nastily as I burst, the roar bouncing around the bathroom like an echo chamber. Blast after blast of white hot spunk splattered the stall wall, leaving tracks of fresh jizz.

Because goddamn, it felt good.

If it felt this amazing just thinking about her, what would it be like if I got my hands on her? Shit. Did I even want to know?

I shook my head to clear it, partly enraged, partly desperate.

Time to leave this shithole apartment of mine and do some real damage … before I fucking jizzed again.




Because this is a college town, there aren’t many grown-up places to go. At least not in my opinion. It was either that place that had an open mic and hipster motherfuckers, or the wine bar on the strip that had couples staring into each other’s eyes in a way that made me feel lonely as hell. The third—and my usual—choice was Killian’s, a bar with a big ass variety of any kind of alcohol you could imagine. That always made things better.

The place was generally pretty thick with college kids, douchy frat bros and sorority chicks intent on getting as drunk as possible before the night was over. But it was good enough.

So I pushed into the crowd, wading through the crush of bodies, heading straight to the bar. Right, alcohol. Straddling the last stool, I ordered two fingers of Jack, neat.

As expected, there were lots of sorority and frat types milling around. Yeah, lots of chicks with beady eyes and make-up caked on, looking like geishas, watching everyone who came through the door, ready to pounce.

But all I wanted to do was drink. I had a feeling new orders would be coming down the pike real soon, so it was time to load up before it was too late, and I took another slug. Ahhhh, fuck yeah. That hit the spot.

A body stumbled against me, drunk as hell, making me turn, annoyed.

“Sorry about that! Oh hey, stranger,” the girl trilled.

The female who'd “accidentally” bumped into me could've been someone I fucked before. Long hair to her waist, boobs just about popping out of her shirt, tight jeans, fuck me heels. Her lipstick was fire engine red with eyes that begged me to drag her onto my lap.

No thanks.

“It's all right, sweet thing,” I rumbled, turning away. The same old was all right sometimes, but not every damn night.

“Let me buy you a drink to make up for it,” she cooed, giving up the pretense that she accidentally ended up next to me.

I know I’m not exactly movie star quality, but I do all right. Mostly it’s the tattoos and muscles that made the girls want to drop their panties. That and the fact that I usually acted like I didn't care whether or not we ended up fucking. Women were strange as hell that way, almost backwards sometimes. But what the hell, as long as the panties dropped, life was good.

I lifted my drink to show her that I was still full-up.

“The next round then,” she practically panted. “I'll let the bartender know to put whatever you're drinking on my tab.” Then she tilted her head toward a table that had a bunch of other college girls, staring at me and her like we were putting on a show. “I’ll be over there with my girls. Come join us if you're feeling lonely.”

I looked at her crew and nodded, and goddamn, but all three of them sat up straight, popping out their chests, throwing long hair backwards like mares in heat.

“Thanks,” I grunted.

“Sure thing!” the blonde trilled. “We’ll be right over here,” she cooed, skipping away. But just as I turned back to my drink, something caught my eye, making me stop in my tracks.

No fucking way. It was the brunette from today. The one with the bouncy curls and big ass, the one I’d saved from drowning.

And she remembered me too. Those big brown eyes danced merrily as she took me in.

“You all right?” she asked softly. “You okay there?”

I was more than all right now.

“Yeah,” I grunted. “Fine.”

When I didn't say anything else, she nodded again and walked off to her table of friends, the huge butt swinging left and right. Aww, fuck, she was so delicious, even more so than before. Her skirt flicked this way and that, begging to be flipped over her ass, and I got hard under the bar. Shit. Fuck. Shit.

I spent all of ten seconds trying to convince myself to chill before signaling to the bartender. I asked him what the girls at the table were drinking and he shook his head, a mixture of impressed and outraged.

But I don’t give a fuck what people think, and the words came out harsh and growling.

“Give me one of what the girl in the dress is drinking.” Pink Bathing Suit was the only one at her table wearing a modest dress, something sweet and flirty that made her stand out from the crowd of college girls. In a good way.

And with her drink in my hand, I made my way across the bar, ignoring how the sorority girls all sat up, craning their heads like lemmings. Look all you want ladies. This is how the master rolls.

Because I didn’t go for Pink Bathing Suit’s table directly. Instead, I borrowed a page from the player’s handbook and walked just close enough to bump into Pink Bathing Suit. Her arm jerked out and knocked over her bottle but before anything spilled, I grabbed the long neck and held it upright.

SEAL reflexes, baby.

“Sorry about that,” I said, keeping my voice low and real intimate. “Here you go.”

Every girl at the table stared, mouths open wide, but I only had eyes for Pink Bathing Suit. The brunette looked good enough to eat with those big breasts, thick thighs, and lush ass. Aww fuck, my cock was hard as fuck already, mouth watering hungrily.

“Hey,” she said softly, big brown eyes wide, boobs heaving up and down. There was no way I mistook the lust in her then. Pupils open. Pink tongue flashing out to lick some of the pale lip gloss away. The color high in her plump cheeks.

The neckline of her dress was modest, but the material thin. Her bra must have been too because nipples poked through that dress like they were trying to jump into my mouth. I licked my lips and imagined again how those tits would taste, suckled deep in my throat.

And bam, there went my dick again. It popped out full mast, a pole of iron impossible to ignore.

So I didn’t even try. Leaning forwards until my arm brushed the side of her breast, I growled.

“You wanna come out back with me for a second? There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

More shocked looks from her friends. One of them hissed something in Pink Bathing Suit’s ear, but my girl wasn’t hearing it. Thank God. After a shy look at me, she shook her head at her friend and slipped away from the protective grip on her arm.

“I’ll be right back,” she told them then turned to me. “Okay. We can talk.”

My dick throbbed in pants. I doubted even my tight boxer briefs and loose jeans could hide my hard on, but fuck if I cared. As long as I got what I wanted.

And at that moment, I wanted her bad enough to beg for it. If I had my way though, she’d be the one begging me before the end of the night.

In plain sight of her friends, I adjusted my dick and tilted my head toward the darkened alley behind the bar. Pink Bathing Suit licked her lips again then shot me a look filled with such innocence and need that she might as well have just grabbed me by the balls.

“Ladies first,” I said, my voice practically a growl. “Just follow the red light. I’m right behind you.”