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Secret Friends by Marie Cole (22)

Chapter Twenty-Two

We arrived at my parent's house ten minutes later than I'd expected, but with Ainsley by my side, I was fairly sure my mom would forgive me.

As we entered, we were immediately surrounded by women. My sisters to be exact. They hugged me, ruffled my carefully styled bedhead hair, and, all chattering at once, took Ainsley's purse.

Ainsley was smiling and getting a word in when she could. I was slightly taken that she wasn't folding into herself. Most people, even overly confident people, would cower or run from such attention. But apparently not Ainsley.

"Come on, Ainsley, come into the living room and sit with us. We have so many questions."

I clenched my fists as I followed her with my eyes. She was with the sharks now, there was nothing I could do. I stepped away and moved towards the kitchen.

My mother was the only one in there, prepping the salad. As soon as her eyes locked on me she grinned. "You think I don't know what you're up to, James Montgomery?"

I felt sweat pop out along my collar but I remained cool. "What are you talking about?"

"You bringing a girl home? It's awful quick and awful coincidental that right after I kick you out and tell you to grow up that you happen to find someone serious."

I shrugged as I grabbed a slice of tomato and popped it into my mouth. "What can I say, mom? I'm a great listener."

She scoffed. "That's a big load of horse manure."

"Mom, come on. I'm eating here."

She slapped my hand away as I reached for another slice.

"Go set the table, Mr. Follows-Directions."

"Yes, ma'am."

As I finished, I heard giggling in the living room. A quick peek at the women sitting around pointing at pictures of my baby penis had me running out there. "Woah, woah. She doesn't need to see the goods just yet."

"Just yet?" Jessica raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You mean she hasn't seen your--you guys haven't…?"

Ainsley was looking everywhere but at me. "No, of course not. Ainsley isn't some slutty girl who just lets any guy in there."

My sisters all groaned. "James. Ew."

"I don't understand why she'd give you anything at all. I love you but you're so..." Jayla paused while she searched for the right word.

"Crude," Ainsley finished for her.

I stared incredulously at all of them. "I am not crude. I'm a realist."

"No, you're crude, James. But..." Ainsley paused for effect, "I think it's kind of cute. Humorous at times."

Janie shrugged. "Some people are turned on by crude, I guess." Ainsley shook her head and held up her hands in defense. "Woah, don't put words in my mouth. I'm definitely not turned on by crude. But," she sighed, "how do I explain it? It's like when the nerdy boy comes up to you and stutters and stammers and says stupid stuff because he likes you so much." She nodded. "Yeah, it's like that."

My sisters stared at her and after a moment they all nodded in agreement and understanding while I was left standing there confused.

Cute? Like a nerdy boy? Fuck.

I turned away and left the weirdos to their weirdness. I was just clearing the doorway when my father came in, his arms loaded with beer.

I stopped and whipped right around, helping him with it. "Hey, old man. Hoping to get the old lady hammered tonight so you can score?"

"James!" With one of his hands now free he freely slapped me on the back of my head.

I took it because, I'd pretty much asked for it. But smarting off with my dad was totally worth a knock on the head. Fucking with my dad amused me. I grinned as I headed off towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and unloaded the beer in there.

When I was ripping open the package I caught my dad in the corner of my eye, laying a big one on my mom. It surprised me. I hadn't seen any real affection between them since I was probably ten.

I didn't stare, I just put the beers away and minded my business.

At the dinner table I made sure I sat next to Ainsley. My sisters played twenty questions, but it was enjoyable. I learned a lot about Ainsley that I wouldn't have otherwise. For example, I now knew that Ainsley didn't watch TV. Not even one TV show. She hated Fifty Shades, didn't understand the BDSM thing at all. And deep down she was kind of a nerd, hot for Star Wars. When dinner was over, we said our goodbyes and were subjected to an ungodly amount of hugs. Everyone, save for my father, hugged Ainsley twice.

Once we were safely in the car and buckled I turned to her. She was staring right back at me.

"What?" she asked.

"You were such a trooper."

She shrugged, a little smile tugged at her lips. "It was fun."

I shook my head. "No. That wasn't anyone's idea of fun. You were interrogated by my sisters. My mother stared you down the entire meal."

"Your mom turned off the death glare after the mention of my obsession with baking." She picked at the hem of her skirt. "And...I always wanted a sister."

"You're fucking crazy."

She smiled at me and my heart felt like it was gearing up for launch. I turned away and started up the engine.

"Ready for some tequila?"