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Seducing Lauren by Kristen Proby (13)




I wake to loud banging and pounding coming from downstairs.

“Ty!” I reach for him, waking him up. “Someone’s trying to get in!”

“What?” He scowls as he jumps from the bed and pulls his sweats up over his naked hips, then pins me with his intense eyes and orders, “Stay here,” before jogging out the door and down the stairs.

I get out of bed and pull on my own jeans, a bra, and am pulling my shirt over my head when he saunters back in the room.

“The work crew is here.”

“No one is breaking in?”

“No, sweetness.” He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight before patting my ass and letting go. “Looks like your pool house is being fixed.”

“Oh, thank God.” I slide my feet in my shoes and head for the door. “I’m going down to make coffee.”

“I’ll jump in the shower and meet you down there.”

Ten minutes later, the coffee is percolating and I’m leaning against the countertop, scowling as hammers and loud male voices come through my mudroom door.

“How am I supposed to concentrate like this?” Another buzz saw sounds as men walk around my windows, carrying wood and glass, as Ty walks into the kitchen. It’s now Friday, two days past when the windows were supposed to be finished, but because the glass was late coming in, and the window frames needed to be redone, a crew couldn’t come out until today.

Four days before my deadline.

“Go in your office, baby.” Ty kisses my head as he pours himself a mug of coffee. “Put your headphones on and ignore them. They should be done later today.”

“I don’t write with headphones on,” I pout. I know I’m being ridiculous, but I can’t help it. “Why did this have to happen so close to my deadline?”

“I don’t know why you’re worried,” Ty responds calmly. “You’ll finish on time.”

“We hope,” I mutter. The truth is, I’ve been too preoccupied with all things delicious lawyer and his friends to devote the time I should to my book. My deadline schedule is rigorous, but it’s always been manageable because I’ve never had this many distractions to deal with.

Not to mention, I haven’t been able to swim for almost a week, and it’s really put me off my game.

“You’ll be able to swim in the morning,” Ty reminds me, as if he’s reading my mind.

“Thank God.” I sigh and give Ty a kiss on the cheek. “Not swimming has been rough.”

“I know.” His gray eyes are happy as he smiles at me. “If you’d rather not go to the pumpkin patch tonight, we can do it another time.”

“I want to go. If I can get some words written this afternoon, it’ll be fine.” Just then the buzz saws fire up again, making me cringe. “Or maybe I won’t get anything done at all.”

“Go to your office.”

“I need coffee.”

“I’ll get it. Go.” He swats my ass as I scoot out of the kitchen to my office and drop my butt in the chair, resigned to being unproductive again.

Should I e-mail the editor now, begging for an extension, or spring it on her last minute?

I shake my head, determined that that will be a last resort and open my Word document. Just as I’m plugging my headphones into my computer, my phone buzzes with a text from Emily:

How many words so far today?

Me: Zilch.

Emily: Get crackin’!

“Easy for you to say,” I mutter, and set my music. “You don’t have five million construction workers milling about your house, causing all kinds of distractions.”

The music helps to block out some of the noise, and before long I’m swept up into the story, my fingers tapping quickly across the keyboard.

Ty sets a steaming mug of coffee at my elbow and rests his hands on my shoulders, kneading them firmly and rhythmically. I lean back into his touch as I continue to type, his hands soothing rather than distracting me.

After a long moment, he pulls my headphones off my ears and says, “Did he really just spank her ass with a riding crop?”

“You’re reading over my shoulder?” I laugh as I look back at him.

“Of course. I’m standing right here.”

“Yes, he spanked her.” I move to replace my headphones on my head, but he grabs them and leans over me so he can see my face.

“Does that turn you on?”

“It turns her on.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

I lean away and watch his face. He’s not smiling, and his eyes are hot, almost like when he’s aroused.

“I don’t like to be hit,” I finally reply. “It doesn’t turn me on.”

“Okay.” He nods and begins to back away, but I stop him.

“Would it turn you on?” I ask softly.

He squats on his haunches at my side, turning my chair toward him so I have his undivided attention.

“The thought of striking you does nothing for me, Lauren.” He pushes my hair behind my ear and pulls his thumb down my jawline. “I might enjoy swatting your ass playfully while I fuck you from behind, but I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

He’s not Jack. I nod and take my headphones from his hands. “I know.”

“Do you?”

I meet his intense gray gaze with mine and smile reassuringly. “I know, Ty.”

“Good.” He cups my face and kisses me hard, then stands and kisses the top of my head. “I have to go to work. Are you going to be okay here?”

“Yeah, thanks for the coffee. I’m just gonna work too.” Hammering and men yelling can be heard from the back of the house. “Or try, anyway.”

“Good luck.” He kisses me once more and heads for the door. “I’ll pick you up at six for the pumpkin patch.”

I wave him off and dive back into the story, the music playing in my ears, which I’m not used to, but it’s better than the ruckus coming from my pool house.

Just as I begin to get lost in the rhythm of writing, there’s a tap on my shoulder. I jump and spin, pulling the headphones off my head and yelping in surprise.

“Sorry, Lo, didn’t mean to scare you,” Dave, the head of the crew, mutters. “But I’ve been calling your name, and you didn’t hear me.”

“I’m sorry, Dave. What’s up?”

“Can you follow me?” He leads me out of the office toward the pool.

The whole room is a complete mess. Sawdust and tools are everywhere. Thank God Michael covered the pool, or this would ruin my filtration system.

I prop my hands on my hips. “Why does it look like the whole wall has been torn down?”

“Because it has.” Dave grimaces. “It was all rotten, Lo. Could be from the moisture of the pool, but the wood was bad. I don’t know who your dad had install this, but they did a shitty job.” He points to the pile of lumber that has been torn out and tossed on the lawn behind the house.

“So you have to rebuild it?” I ask with wide eyes.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“How long will this take?”

“It’s not big, so just a few days. I’ll have the guys work through the weekend.” He shrugs and grins. “It’s better to find it now, rather than have it collapse under the weight of the snow this winter.”

“True.” I’m still in shock that my pool house doesn’t have a freaking wall.

“We’ll work here until about three today, and then I’ll let the guys go while I go order more supplies and we’ll start early tomorrow morning.”

“Okay, sounds good. Thanks, Dave.”

He waves, and I stomp back to my office, resigned that I’ll have to live with this noise through the weekend.

Glancing at the clock, I see it’s already midmorning, so the early rush at Drips & Sips will be gone, and I should be able to find a quiet corner to hole up in with my computer. I close my laptop and throw it, along with the power cord and some notes, into my old computer bag and set out for the little coffee shop.

Just as I suspected, the café is quiet. I can wear my headphones here as easily as I can at home, and since I’m tucked away, I shouldn’t be bothered much.

Or that’s the plan, anyway.

And it works fine for the first few hours. Half of the coffee sitting at my elbow goes cold because I completely forget it’s there as I get absorbed in the story. I’m finally to the climax of the book, the part where we don’t know if the hero and the heroine will be able to make it through with their relationship intact.

It’s all dramatic.

Suddenly, I feel eyes on me and a shadow falls across my keyboard.

“Hey.” Jill grins and waves, holding two fresh coffees. “Can I join you?”

“Sure.” I shrug, save my file, and close the laptop. “It’s time for a break.”

“Are you”—she glances around and then whispers, “writing?”

I nod and gratefully accept the coffee she hands me. “Thanks for the coffee.”

“You look like you’ve been here awhile.”

I check the time on my phone and am surprised to see it’s already early in the afternoon. “I guess I have. Time flies when the story is hot.”

Jill laughs. “And your stories are hot.”

“Thank you.” I blush as I take a sip of my coffee, still surprised that I confided in Jill and Cara last week. “What are you up to?”

“I have a few hours between house showings, so I thought I’d pop in for some coffee. Just tell me if I’m interrupting.”

“You’re fine. I really needed a break. I got quite a lot done since I’ve been here.”

“Why are you here?” She sips her coffee.

“The construction crew is at my place repairing the pool house, and they’re noisy and distracting. I couldn’t concentrate.”

“But you can concentrate here?” Jill raises a brow and looks about the café at the waitresses clinking cups and working the loud espresso machine.

“I used to come here all the time to write when I was with Jack. I had to hide it from him, so this worked. The espresso machine is much better than hammering and buzz saws.”

Jill laughs and nods. “I can see that.”

“So we’re all going to the pumpkin patch tonight?”

“Yes! I’m excited. But don’t make me go through the haunted house. I’ll pee myself.”

“Oh, don’t be a wimp. It’ll be fun.”

“I’m happy with my wimp status. I don’t think Cara will go for it either.”

“What about the corn maze?” I ask.

“I have a horrible sense of direction, but I’m up for that.” Jill sips her coffee, finishing it, then leans back in her chair and watches me for a long moment. “So, you’re in love with my brother.”

“Huh?” Did she just say that?

“You heard me.”

“I don’t know that I’m in love with him.” I slowly shake my head back and forth.

“Why not? What’s wrong with him?”

“There’s nothing wrong with him.” I laugh, knowing that there is no way to win this conversation. “We’re still learning each other.”

“Ty’s a good guy.” Jill traces the sleeve on her coffee cup. “He’s had some tough breaks, but haven’t we all?”

“We have.”

“Have you seen him in the courtroom?”


“Oh, girl, you should see him when he gets riled up. He’s all stern and hard and quite the force to be reckoned with.”

“Really?” I’m surprised. “He’s only ever been sweet and kind to me.”

“He’s ruthless in the courtroom. People don’t fuck with him there.”

This is a new side to Ty that I don’t yet know. He’s always so gentle, loving even, with me. But at some moments he’s been pretty controlling and take-charge, so it shouldn’t surprise me that he’s a hard-ass in his job.

“I’ll have to check it out sometime.”

“I think you’d enjoy it,” Jill agrees.

“You two look a lot alike.” I blush when I realize I’ve said it aloud. But it’s true: they both have black hair, blue-gray eyes, and olive skin. Their biggest difference is their height. Ty is tall and broad, while Jill is petite.

“We look like our mom,” she responds softly.

“Does she enjoy Florida?”

“I think so. We don’t talk often.”

“Ty told me about your dad. I’m sorry, Jill. I had no idea.”

Jill’s wide eyes meet mine. “He did?”

I nod yes.


“Why are you surprised?” I ask, tilting my head.

“Ty just doesn’t talk about him.” Her tone is soft, but matter-of-fact.


She shakes her head, her eyes narrowed as though she’s deep in thought. “He trusts you.”

I blink rapidly. “I trust him too.”

A slow smile spreads across Jill’s pretty face. A smug, happy smile. “I hope so, because I have a feeling you’re gonna be stuck with him for a long time.” She checks her watch and then jumps up. “I have to go. I’ll see you tonight!”

With that, she’s off, waving at the barista behind the counter on her way out.

He trusts me.

* * *

The drive home is quick. I wrote two chapters today, putting me back on track for my deadline. I’m excited to see Ty and the others in a few hours and spend some time at the pumpkin patch.

The vans and trucks that littered my driveway earlier have gone. I park and insert the key to unlock the door, but it’s already unlocked.

The door opens easily.

The alarm is also not set, but that doesn’t surprise me because I left it off for the workers.

But I know that I locked this door, and Dave nor any of his crew had no need to walk through the house.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Something is just . . . off.

I set my purse and keys on the table by the door and walk inside the quiet house. From what I can see, nothing has been moved or touched, everything is as it was when I left this morning.

Then I walk back toward the office, and the door is ajar.

I always shut that door.


Without taking another step forward, I turn toward the front door, grab my purse and keys, and pull my phone out of my pocket as I lock myself inside my car.

My hands are shaking, my breath is coming in petrified pants as I dial Brad’s number first.

“Hull,” he answers.

“It’s Lo. Are you working?” I hate how unsteady my voice sounds.

“Yes, what’s wrong, Lo?”

“Someone has been in my house.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m sitting in the car in my driveway.”

“Stay there, I’m on my way.” He hangs up, and I immediately call Ty.

“Turner and Sullivan,” the receptionist answers. Ty’s cell phone must be forwarded to the office.

“This is Lauren. Is Ty in court today?”

“Yes, he is, but he should be here in about ten minutes. Do you want me to have him call you?”

“Yes, please.”

“Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know. I just need him. Please tell him as soon as you see him.”

“Of course.”

I hang up and throw my phone in the passenger seat, waiting for Brad to arrive. I swear, time has never moved slower than it is right now.

Where is he?

Finally, Brad’s car pulls into my driveway, but I stay where I am, even when he climbs from his car and walks to mine.

“You can get out now, Lo.”

“How do you know? You haven’t looked inside the house yet.”

Just then, Ty’s Jeep comes screaming into my driveway. He comes to an abrupt stop and throws it out of gear, then jogs to my side, opens the car door, and pulls me out of the car and into his arms.

“What’s wrong?” He’s breathing hard and his heart is beating a staccato against my cheek.

“Someone has been in the house.”

“What?” Ty pulls me away from him and shoots a look at Brad. “Have you checked it out?”

“I just got here. I haven’t gone inside yet. I want to hear the story first.”

“What happened, baby?”

Brad’s eyebrow rises at Ty’s term of endearment, but we both ignore him as I begin the story of going to the café to write, my impromptu coffee date with Jill, and coming home.

“So, nothing has been touched inside?” Brad asks when I’m finished.

“Not that I can see, but I swear I locked that door, and my office door was ajar.”

“You said yourself that you were preoccupied with work before you left, right? And that the crew was distracting you?”

“Yes, but I always, always close the door to my office, Brad. I never forget.”

“Okay, I’ll go inside and take a look around.” Brad leaves us, his hand on his firearm as he enters the house.

“I’m not crazy, Ty.”

“No one is calling you crazy, beautiful.”

“Someone who shouldn’t be has been inside my house.”

After five long minutes, Brad returns, shaking his head. “There’s no one in there now. The crew locked the back mudroom door. Maybe one of them came through the house on his way out?”

I’m shaking my head no before he even gets through the first sentence.

“If Lo says someone has been here, someone was here, Brad. She’s never cried wolf before.”

Brad sighs and pushes his hand through his hair. “I know. I believe that you feel that something is off here, Lo. But there’s no sign of forced entry, and you had a work crew here all day who had access to the house.”

I sigh in frustration and glance back at the house. “Did you go in my office?”

“You didn’t?” Ty asks me, surprised.

“No. When I saw the door ajar, it scared me and I came outside and called you guys.”

“I did go in the office, but only you can know if something in there has been messed with.”

“Come on.” Ty grips my hand firmly in his own and leads me to the porch. “Let’s go check it out.”

The door to the office is closed now, thanks to Brad. When we walk inside, goose bumps break out on my skin.

“Is anything different in here?” Brad asks, and stands back as Ty and I walk in, looking around.

“It looks the same as it did this morning,” Ty murmurs.

“It does,” I confirm, but my voice is hesitant.

“But?” Ty asks.

“But I feel it. Someone has been in here.”

Both men look at me dubiously, and I’m mortified to feel tears form in my eyes. Am I going crazy? Has Jack finally pushed me over the edge?

“Hey, don’t cry.” Ty kisses my forehead before he turns to Brad. “What do we do now?”

“The same that you’ve already been doing, unfortunately.” Brad glances around the room, and his eyes stop on the large book covers hanging on the wall. “Hey, I recognize those.”

I stiffen, but before I can say anything, Ty responds, “Those are Lo’s favorite books, so I had them framed for her.”

“Cool.” Brad seems to accept the explanation and turns for the door. “I’m sorry I can’t be more help, Lo. There’s just no evidence. But if you do find that something is missing, let me know right away.”

I nod and try to offer Brad a smile as he turns and leaves out the front door.

“Someone was in my house,” I whisper, and sink down onto the chaise lounge.

“Why didn’t you lock the front door?”

“I did! I told you, I’m sure I did. I know that I was preoccupied with this deadline, and the commotion out there had me all distracted, but with all the Jack shit happening, I’m sure I locked it. And I know I shut this office door.”

“Okay, I believe you.”

“You do?”

“Of course. You’re not stupid, and you’re not a liar, Lo.”

I nod, relieved to know that he believes me, because I’m not so sure I believe myself anymore. It all seems so silly.

“Maybe it was one of the construction guys who came through the house on his way out for the day.” I shrug, then rub my hands briskly over my face.

“So you had coffee with Jill?”

“Yeah. She came in to Sips and sat with me for a bit.”

“What did you talk about?”

“Stuff.” I shrug like it’s no big deal.

Ty’s eyes narrow. “What kind of stuff?”

“Girl stuff.”

“I don’t believe you.”

I laugh and kiss Ty’s cheek. “That’s okay.”

“You’re not going to tell me?” His eyebrows are raised high on his brow.


He frowns, then smiles down at me. “Okay.”

“I got the work I wanted to finished, so I can frolic through the corn maze tonight with no worries.”

“Oh, great,” he replies sarcastically. “You’ll be frolicking without me.”


“Honey, I’m a guy. I don’t frolic.”

“You have a tattoo of a princess tiara on your arm, big guy.” I slap his shoulder and stalk past him to go change my clothes. “You’ll frolic.”

“I’ll run, not frolic.” His voice is right behind me on the stairs.

“You could romp through the corn,” I suggest with a laugh.

“Do you remember earlier when we were talking about spankings?” Ty asks with a smile in his voice.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I lie.

“You’re about to remember, sweetness.”




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