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Setting the Hook by Andrew Grey (3)

Chapter 3



MIKE WENT to bed a few minutes after William, berating himself for being caught looking. But how could he not? William was gorgeous and sexy and was in his house at the moment, in the room next to his. He didn’t want to think about William lying in the bed, wearing his clothes to sleep in. In his mind William had stripped down and slipped under the covers naked. The house was getting warmer now that the air-conditioning was off, and he imagined William lying on the sheets, bare-chested.

He’d been so close to telling William about himself, and only Carrie had stopped him from going down the rabbit hole. He was pretty sure William would understand, since he was becoming more convinced that William shared his interests. The cagey way William talked about his previous relationship had been a sort of tip-off. But Mike wasn’t totally sure, and it didn’t really matter either way. William was only here for a few days and would leave as soon as he could. His home was in another part of the country, and he came down here on rare occasions for fun and recreation.

Mike got undressed and ready for bed in a light pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Then he opened the door and went across the hall to the bathroom to clean up and brush his teeth.

When he opened the door, William stepped out of his room. The T-shirt he’d loaned William pulled tight over his chest, and the shorts were probably a little small, but oh man, the sight they offered. William’s legs filled out those shorts perfectly.

Mike turned away. “It’s all yours. Use the gallon jugs by the sink. The pump isn’t working,” he stammered quickly as he headed toward his room.

“Mike,” William whispered, and he stopped moving, his feet planted on the floor, head swimming a little. “You don’t have to hurry away.”

Against his better judgment, Mike turned around. William looked at him square on, with no shame. Mike felt William’s gaze rake over him and heat welled up from inside. “William, I….”

“You what?” William asked, stepping closer. “I saw the way you looked at me, and I know what that means.”

Mike groaned inwardly. He knew he should have been more careful. As William came closer, the urge to run to his bedroom became more and more intense. He should get away, shut the door between them, and shove this need, this heat aside. But he couldn’t tear himself away. “I….”

“How long has it been?” William whispered, but in the silence that engulfed the house, it seemed like he was shouting. Or maybe it was just how it seemed to Mike’s heart.

“Long time…,” he admitted. Way too long. “I had a friend in the service, and….” God, he had no idea why he was admitting this now. He’d always kept Benny close to his heart. The memories were all he had left of him now. Sweat broke out on his back, and it wasn’t that warm in the room.

“But no one here?”

Mike shook his head. He could never have a relationship here. It would be the end of his family and his business. He got charters by word of mouth, and the word going around wouldn’t be about how good his charters were, but about the fact that he liked guys, and that would mean no fishermen and no money coming in. “No. Look, I need to….”

William removed the distance between them, holding his upper arm in strong, firm hands. It was nothing Mike couldn’t get away from if he wanted to, but it had been so long since he’d been touched in that exciting way that he craved the intimacy. And by the way William drew him in, he knew it.

William held him close enough that Mike could feel his breath on his lips. He held right there, breathing deeply, gaze locked so tightly on his that Mike didn’t dare look away. The intensity and passion in William’s eyes was like a magnet, drawing him in. As if by magic, Mike drew even closer, pulled unstoppably until his lips met William’s.

God, the first touch was electric, accentuated by wind-driven rain against the siding. The calm center was over, but the roar that had accompanied the earlier part of the storm was most definitely absent. That didn’t mean there wasn’t one in his head as William’s kiss set off bells, fireworks, and everything else Mike could think of. Instantly he was hard, throbbing, and when William released his arms, sliding his hands down his back, he quivered with excitement.

Coughing from his mother’s room stopped Mike in his tracks.

One of William’s hands slid away from his back, while the other gripped his ass, pressing the two of them together. William propelled him backward into his room and shut the door behind them. “No one will come in here.” William sucked at the base of Mike’s neck, and he groaned uncontrollably.

His blood raced, pounding in his ears as what he’d dreamed of seemed about to come true. William held him firmly, cupping his ass, and Mike closed his eyes, instinct taking over, hips thrusting back and forth as he searched for friction and warmth. Waves of passion and years of pent-up need threatened to overwhelm him. Mike’s judgment clouded over by the second as he ached for sweet release from years of denied desire.

“I can’t….” Mike breathed, and William stopped, pulling away. They were both panting like they’d just run a race. Mike blinked, wondering what had happened. He knew what he’d said, the words bubbling up from somewhere inside his rattled brain. What startled him was that William had actually been able to do it. Mike wasn’t so sure he could have. “This is a bad idea.”

“Maybe,” William said. “But it’s what we both want.”

Mike couldn’t argue with that. He wanted it badly. Part of him was already pointing decidedly in William’s direction. He nodded and moved into William’s arms. His legs shook with excitement and nerves. It had been a long time since he’d been with anyone. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a voice, gruff and strong, chastised him for his nerves. Man up, sailor. Somehow, when he thought of that phrase, it had never been in connection with taking another man to his bed.

William kissed him gently, enticingly, as though he were coaxing him along, and damned if it didn’t work. William tasted like warmth and comfort—just what Mike needed. When William broke the kiss, Mike followed him, initiating the next kiss and the one after, his hesitancy flying out the window to be carried away in the wind.

William felt good, strong. Mike had always been a strong, bulky guy, and with Lizzie he’d worried about hurting her because she’d been so slight. That hadn’t been a problem with Benny. He’d been bigger than Mike, and William was solid and….

Before he could get the thought out, the back of Mike’s legs hit the bed and he was falling backward, with the mattress cradling his fall.

“Do you have any idea how many times I imagined this?” William growled, tugging at Mike’s shirt.

Mike raised his arms, and William yanked his shirt over his head, then tossed it over his shoulder. “In a hurry?” he asked as William stroked the center of his chest.

“I don’t want you to get away.” William leaned over him, making small circles on his chest. William closed the gap between them, taking Mike’s lips in a searing kiss that ended with William tugging on his lower lip. “I love that you’re hairy.” He plucked at one of Mike’s nipples, and Mike groaned loudly, grateful for the wind and rain covering the sound.

Mike let go of the last of his reticence. William was leaving in the morning, but for tonight Mike would let himself be happy.

He slid his hands up William’s side, gliding the soft cotton T-shirt along William’s smooth skin, up and over his head, and dropping it to the floor. William was smooth and muscular. He’d seen the muscles under the shirt, but with nothing but skin, William was a sight to behold. Granted, he couldn’t actually see much, but he let his hands do the looking. They found a strong chest with protruding nipples that he paused to pluck lightly. William hissed, and Mike brought his lips closer and sucked on one, eliciting a groan of delight.

William pulled back, standing over him. Mike ran his fingertips down William’s washboard belly, his fingers bumping over the six-pack and down to the waistband of his shorts. Suddenly Mike felt shy. It had been a long time since another man—or anyone, for that matter—had been in his bed, and, well… what if he didn’t remember what he was supposed to do?

William took both his hands in his. “We don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”

“I’m not some blushing virgin,” Mike countered.

“No. But you are someone I want to take time with.” William entwined their fingers together on both hands. “I’ve watched you every fishing charter and daydreamed about you. Hell, I had naughty night dreams that included you in a starring role.”

Mike’s cheeks warmed. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. It was flattering, but what if he didn’t measure up to William’s imaginary Mike?

“Stop.” William held still for a second before slowly coming closer. “Just put all those voices in your head on pause. You can’t do anything wrong, and you will more than make me happy.” He splayed his hands over Mike’s head, crunching down to kiss him.

As soon as William released his hands, Mike wrapped his arms around William’s waist and pulled him down to the bed, holding him closer, then boldly slid his hands under the waistband and over William’s asscheeks.

“Yeah…,” William whispered into his ear before sucking on it.

Mike’s eyes crossed and he held William tighter, kneading the globes of his butt, pushing the shorts lower until they snapped down past William’s hips.

William’s cock slid along Mike’s hip, with only his boxers between them, and William made quick work of the last bit of fabric—the man had a talent—and then they were skin to skin, cock to cock, chest to chest, and oh God, lips to lips. Everything came into focus as they lay together, William shaking above him as he ground their hips together. Mike had forgotten just what he’d been missing, hiding himself away for so long.

“Just go with it, hot stuff.”

“Me?” Mike growled, pressing his hips upward in an effort to get more friction. He needed it so badly. It was like he’d been stuffed in a bottle afloat on the sea, and now that bottle had come to shore and been opened. Mike only hoped that once this was over, he could put his life back inside, because that’s what he was going to have to do in order to go on.

“Stop thinking so much,” William chastised and rolled them on the bed so Mike was on top. “Act on what you’re feeling and let everything else go for a few hours. Everyone is asleep and the storm is passing. It’s just two people making each other happy.” William cupped his cheeks in his hands. “God, I love how you need to shave.” He guided Mike down closer until their lips met, and Mike kissed William with years of pent-up energy.

Sparks flew between them as Mike wound his arms under William, clutching him tightly. He’d had his own fantasies for a long time, and if he only got tonight, he was going to try to make them come true. Mike always wanted to try to know what was coming, but with William, he had no clue.

“Is this okay?”

“Yes,” William answered, scooting them up closer to the pillows, and once they were more comfortable, he rolled them once more. “I’m going to taste you. Are you ready for that?” William slid lower, kissing a trail over Mike’s chest to his nipple, where he sucked and swirled his tongue, sending shivers racing up and down Mike’s spine. William’s hands and mouth continued their journey, exploring Mike’s belly and then down farther before engulfing him in firm, wet heat that damn near short-circuited Mike’s brain.

“Oh my God.”

William hummed and took him to the root, swirling his tongue around the head, driving him out of his mind.

Mike shook with desire unleashed after all this time, and it wasn’t going away. His head spun as William backed off and slid his lips down his cock once more. This was incredible, and Mike thrust his hips forward, with William meeting his movements.

For a second he tried thinking unsexy thoughts, but his attention focused squarely back on William as the temperature in the room rose and sweat broke out all over him. “I’m….”

Mike slid from between William’s lips, and William leaped upward, kissing him hard. Mike encased William in a hug as they rutted together. Desire built quickly, and soon Mike couldn’t hold it any longer. Judging by William’s ragged breathing, he was in the same situation. Both their movements became irregular, and though Mike tried to hold off release as long as possible, as soon as he felt William tumble over the edge, Mike followed, holding William as tightly as he dared.

They shook and quivered together before going still, breathing deeply. Mike closed his eyes, letting the warmth of afterglow settle around them. It felt wonderful having someone in his arms.

But it didn’t take long for the real world to burst his bubble of happiness. A crack outside made Mike jump, and he listened for some sort of fallout. He hoped that whatever had come down hadn’t hit anything. Another crack followed, this time closer. Mike groaned and tapped William on the hip. “I need to see what’s happened, and Carrie will come in once she gets up, and she can’t find me here.”

William nodded, climbed off the bed, and got himself dressed in a hurry. “I understand.” He opened the door and left the room, heading to the bathroom.

Mike grabbed his T-shirt and used it to wipe himself up before grabbing a clean one and some jeans from his room. He wandered out through the house to the front door. He opened it to a wall of green just beyond the edge of the porch. At least one of the trees had come down, and all Mike could hope was that it hadn’t ruined his truck. It was still raining and windy, but the worst of the storm was definitely over. Mike closed the door and went back inside.

The door to William’s room was closed, and Mike wanted nothing more than to go inside and pick up where they left off, but this was best. He needed to be in his room in the morning, alone. The last thing he needed was his mother and daughter to find them together. So Mike went back into his room and climbed into bed. He might as well try to sleep. There was going to be plenty of work to do in the morning. But sleep didn’t come for a long time, and all Mike kept thinking about was William and how much he wanted him in his bed.



MORNING CAME too early, and Mike didn’t want to get up.

“Daddy,” Carrie called as she jumped on his bed. “There’s a tree in front of the porch and there’s one in front of the garage.”

“Okay. Let me get up and dressed, and I’ll get the chainsaw so I can clear them away.” After he had the trees taken care of here, he’d have to get out and see what was left of the boat.

“Okay. Gramma is making breakfast. She says to tell you that there’s gas but no power.”

Not that Mike would expect anything else. “Okay. I’ll go see what’s going on, and once I get the trees cleared, I’ll hook up the generator.” At least then they’d have water.

Carrie hurried away, and Mike got out of bed to get to work. He dressed quickly and left the room, noticing that William’s door was still closed. The house smelled like food, and Mike’s stomach rumbled. When he reached the kitchen, light streamed in through the windows, showing a clear blue sky.

“The radio said that the storm finally turned north after it hit us and is on its way to the east now.”

“Thanks, Mom. They should all listen to you when it comes to these things.”

She harrumphed as she got a plate and filled it with eggs, sausage, and bacon. She handed it to him, and Mike sat down to eat quickly.

As soon as he was done eating, Mike went out the back door to survey the damage. It seemed they were lucky. The downed trees had missed the buildings and his truck, and the power lines to the house seemed in one piece. Mike was able to get into the garage to his chainsaw, started it, and got to work. The trees that came down were straight and tall, so cutting them up would be easy enough. He’d set the wood aside to dry and age so they could burn it when it got cold.

He was just finishing with the limbs when William stepped out of the house, rubbing his eyes.

“That storm was something else.” William stretched, his T-shirt riding up to show a strip of skin above his shorts. “Need some help?”

Mike blinked a few times just to make sure he’d seen what he’d seen. Oh yeah, he definitely had, and he’d done more than look last night. But he had work to do and he needed to keep his head in the game. “Sure. We need to get these trees cut up and hauled away.” He handed William a pair of old leather work gloves.

“Then let’s get to it.” William hurried over to the tree by the front of the house, and as Mike started cutting it into pieces, William pulled them away.

“The brush can go on the pile over there, and I’ll cut the trunk for burning.” Mike got to it, and William hauled brush. In less than an hour, the tree was in pieces and stacked for aging. Then they moved to the next one, making short work of it as well. “We need to check the rest of the drive to make sure it’s clear, and then I can hook up the generator.”

“Okay.” William joined him walking the length of the path. Other trees had come down, but none over the roadway, which was a relief. That at least meant they could get in and out.

When they returned, Mike got out the generator, made sure it was full of gas, and fired it up. Then he attached a lead to the pump and ran a heavy-duty extension cord inside, hooking up the refrigerator and a single light.

“I’ve thought of getting a whole-house unit, but I haven’t been able to afford it yet. At least we won’t lose the contents of the refrigerator.”

“How long do you think the power will be out?”

“Couple of days to a week, most likely. If we were closer to town, it might be less. But I have enough gas to last two days in the garage, and I’ll try to get more tomorrow. The thing is, everyone is going to be out looking for gas. They always are after these storms, and it takes a few days for shipments to start coming in.” Mike threw a couple of empty cans in the back of the truck as his mother joined him.

“You heading out?”

“Yeah. I have to check on the boat and see if it survived.” That was his biggest worry. If it didn’t, then he was in for a long stretch without an income while he fought with the insurance company.

“Is William going with you?”

“Yes, ma’am,” William said. “I’ll try to help where I can.”

She smiled at William. “I packed you some food because you’ll be there awhile.” She went inside, then returned with a cooler. “Call me and let me know what’s going on.”

“Can I go too?” Carrie asked.

“You best stay here and let your daddy do his work,” his mother told Carrie, who wasn’t happy about the answer.

“This isn’t going to be fun, but plenty of work. I promise I’ll bring you to the boat as soon as I can, and we’ll have a day together, just you and me.” He held out his arms, and she hurried into them to hug him tightly.

“I was scared last night.”

“I know, sweetheart, but it’s nice right now and the storm isn’t coming back. You stay here and help Gramma while I go check on the boat.” He did his best to soothe her, kissing her hair. “I’ll be back in time for dinner.”

“Okay.” She stepped back and went to his mother.

Mike hated to leave, but he had to see to things at the wharf. He turned and hurried to the truck, and William got in as well. Mike drove the sandy drive and out to the road, then turned toward town, hoping like hell he didn’t run into a huge tree that blocked the way.

People had already been out, it seemed, to help clear the road, but there were plenty of limbs and trees off to the side. In some places it was a single lane, but he got through.

The town had seen worse, but there was still plenty of damage. Thankfully most of it was downed trees, though they did see a few homes and businesses where trees had fallen onto roofs. As he got closer to the waterfront, sand littered the roadway, which meant the water had risen high enough to at least partially flood the streets.

“It will be all right.”

“I hope so.” Mike didn’t like the looks of things as he approached the marina area. In a few places, the dock had been tossed on top of itself and even onto a few boats, most of which were still afloat and pretty much none the worse for wear. At one end, a sailboat had taken on too much water and rested at the sea bottom, its mast sticking straight out. That was not at all what Mike wanted to see.

William pointed at it. “That’s bad, though I was expecting things to be much worse. Most of the boats seem seaworthy.”

“Yes, they do.” Mike continued down to his slip and parked next to William’s stalled rental car, which was covered with debris blown in from the Gulf. “The car is still here.”

“Yeah. Not that it matters. The damned thing won’t start and isn’t going anywhere until they can get here to tow it. I’ll have to call again and remind them it’s here. Thank goodness I reported the breakdown before all this happened or I’d be on the hook for any of the damage.”

Mike shut off the engine and got out into the warming air. He hurried over to the slip and sighed. His boat seemed in one piece even if it floated low in the water. “Stay here and let me see what’s going on.” He needed to get the pump running and didn’t want extra weight on the boat if it was close to its limit.

Mike stepped on board gingerly, went to the cabin, and unlocked the door. The cabin was dry, and he groaned. That meant only one other place could have flooded, and that was bad. He turned on the power and started the battery pumps in the engine compartment, and sure enough, water shot out the side, and he moaned as he lifted the engine cover. It was then that he saw the crack in the cover system. Water must have sluiced down the deck and gotten inside. The compartment hadn’t filled completely, and only the bottom of the engine area had been standing in water. He wanted to scream, but there was nothing at all he could do except get the water out and hope like hell that no permanent damage had been done.

“Is it safe?” William asked. “The boat is higher in the water.”

“Yes. Come on board,” Mike called, and William joined him.

“What could have done that?” William asked as he stared down at the crack. “It wasn’t like that when we were out yesterday.”

“Not that I noticed.” And he was likely to have spotted it. Mike looked around and saw a large log lying in the back of the boat, knots jutting at all angles. That was the culprit, he was pretty sure. It must have gotten washed inside from the top of the dock and banged around the boat. Mike checked the rest of the interior and thankfully found no other places where it was too banged up. Just his luck. The boat survived the storm, only to be damaged by a piece of flotsam.

“Call your insurance company. This is all storm damage, so you can see what they say.” William peered into the engine compartment. “At least the water is receding and doesn’t seem to be replenished, so the hull is sound. It’s just the water that washed in.”

“But the engine….”

“Marine engines are designed so the important parts are on the top. Have your mechanic take a look at it, but it will probably be okay once it has a chance to dry out.”

God, he hoped so.

William handed him his phone, but Mike shook it away and pulled his out. “Call the mechanic now and see if he can check it out. Is there a marine supply store in town?”

“Yeah, just down the marina.” Mike really wasn’t thinking very clearly.

“I’m going to get a fiberglass repair kit, and we can make the compartment watertight again.” William hurried off the boat and raced up the dock. Mike hoped they were open and hadn’t sustained too much damage.

As soon as William was gone, Mike got in touch with Robin, his mechanic.

“We’re still trying to get out, but I’ll be down as soon as I can,” Robin said.

“I’m getting the compartment pumped dry.”

“That’s the best thing. Was it saltwater?”

“Hard to say. Maybe some of both.”

“Okay. Leave the top open and let the air get to it. The drier, the better, and I’ll be there as soon as I can. Don’t try to start it,” Robin warned, then disconnected.

Mike checked the water level. It was going down quickly now and the boat rode at a normal height in the water. After snapping some pictures for the insurance company with his phone, he got the log that had caused all the trouble and hefted it out onto the dock. He didn’t want to put it in the water so it would be a hazard for anyone else. Everything else seemed to be sound, and Mike was grateful for that. Others hadn’t come through as well, that was obvious.

“I got what we need,” William said as he approached. “They didn’t want to let me in because they don’t have power, but I told them it was for you and paid them in cash. Have you done this before?”


“Then here you are. This should patch the cracks in the base and lid until you can get them fixed properly.” William stepped on board and handed him the two extra-large kits. “What about the repair guy?”

“He’ll be here as soon as he can get out. Robin is going to be in huge demand, I’m sure. But I was one of the first to get to him. Storms like this always create havoc over a large area. I’m sure he’s expecting plenty of calls.” Mike turned off the pump and checked the bottom. No more water came in, so he left the cover tied open.

“What else can we do?” William asked.

“Nothing here. The cabin was dry, so everything in there is fine, and the equipment is at the house.”

“Then should we see if anyone else needs help?” William asked. He was already getting off the boat, and Mike jumped off to catch up with him. “Everything okay?” William called down the way, and Mike saw Roger Griffith standing on the deck of his boat, looking forlorn.

“She got pretty banged up,” he called back.

“What happened?” Mike asked as they approached.

“Wasn’t moored securely enough.”

As Mike got closer, he saw where the wooden sides of the classic hull had been banged up pretty badly. “Is it watertight?”

“I’m pumping now, but I’m afraid not. There are small leaks that I need to patch to keep her afloat, and then I have to get her out of the water for repairs.” Roger shook his head. “This thing wasn’t supposed to come here, and most of us were caught unprepared. I tried to get down here when I heard, but Jean wasn’t about to let me out of the house once the weather really started to turn.”

“Let’s see if we can find the source of the water and stop it. Robin is already on his way down, so maybe he can take a look as well and he might have some ideas.” Mike went below and was able to find one of the sources of the water. He plugged the leak with old-fashioned hemp, and the water level receded more quickly. Roger was lucky the boat hadn’t been swamped completely. They found a second leak and plugged it as well. They were both small, and now that the hull was watertight, the pump finished its job.

“I appreciate the help,” Roger said as Mike climbed out of the forward compartment of the boat.

“No problem.” Mike stepped off the boat and saw William over talking to another of the boat captains. They motioned to each other, and Mike saw Clete sweep his arms expansively.

“Looks like Robin’s here,” Roger said, and Mike followed his gaze to the familiar truck with Robin’s logo emblazoned on the side. Mike nodded and headed off to meet him, letting William continue talking. Robin’s time was going to be worth its weight in gold with all the issues in the marina, and Mike didn’t want to waste it.

He shook Robin’s hand and led him to the boat. Robin got down in the compartment and began looking things over.

“How is it?” William asked as he came over a few minutes later. “I was talking to Clete, and he says that by and large people came through the storm all right. The one boat sunk, but Clete says it was in bad shape already and the storm was just its death knell.”

“We pick ourselves up and go on with business,” Robin commented from inside the compartment. “As near as I can tell, you got really lucky. The seals are intact and don’t seem to have been compromised. I’d say to let it dry out some more. I’m going to blow out the exhaust to get rid of any residual water, and that should do it.” He got to work, and Mike turned around, catching William watching him.

The increasing heat of the day was nothing compared to what he glimpsed in William’s eyes. Mike checked around to make sure no one else had seen. He liked that William seemed interested, but it wasn’t a good idea to attract attention.

Mike wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to make of last night. They had had a good time, but it wasn’t likely to be anything more than that. William was going to be leaving just as soon as he arranged to get his rental car towed and picked up another one. It was probably best if Mike chalked it up to being a one-time thing and let it go at that. He and William had enjoyed each other, but in the light of day, it was best if they went back to their lives. With that settled in his head, Mike turned to William. The heat was still there, and Mike’s body reacted. He turned away and tried to get his mind on boat engines, storms, water damage—anything other than the gaze he knew was centered on his backside.

“That’s all done, and things seem dry enough. I took care of the turbocharger connection while I was at it as well. Try to turn it over and see if she starts.” Robin climbed out of the compartment, and Mike pulled out his keys and turned over the engine. It hesitated for a few seconds and then started, blowing out black smoke for a few seconds before running smoothly. “That’s what I like to hear.” Robin smiled, and Mike let the engine run for a few minutes before shutting it down. “You dodged a bullet there.”

“I think so too.” Mike shook Robin’s hand and thanked him again. “Looks like you have a line of people needing to see you.” Mike nodded to the group of men standing together just down the dock.

“Always do at times like this.” Robin grabbed his tools and climbed onto the dock.

Mike did his best not to watch William and figured he needed to keep busy. He got things out of the cabin and began setting up the boat once again, attaching cushions to seats. “We really should take her out,” he said once he was done. “I can’t do a charter unless I’ve run the engine full out and know it’s going to be all right.”

“Let’s get the fiberglass fixed, and then we can go,” William suggested.

Mike nodded, laying out the patch kits. He’d used these materials before, and it wasn’t long before he had the engine compartment crack filled and patched. The one on the lid took a little longer, and the odor was something else. Once he was done, he and William left the patch to cure and sat in the shade to eat.

Mike watched William out of the corner of his eye, and William seemed to be doing the same. The breeze off the water was nice but did nothing to cool the heat that kept building between them. Mike wasn’t sure what to talk about and ate in silence rather than say something stupid. This whole thing had him a little on edge, and he still wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell William that last night had been wonderful, but they should probably leave it there. Then he made the mistake of turning toward William and catching his gaze. He could get fucking lost in William’s deep blue eyes. Mike’s willpower melted away. The truth was, he wanted William as much as William seemed to want him last night.

Those thoughts and wishes weren’t going to do him any good; he knew that. They’d probably only lead to disappointment. But…, Mike told himself, as long as I know what I’m getting into and it’s clear that William is going to leave again, then it’s going to be okay. This is some fun we’re having and nothing more. If he kept telling himself that over and over, maybe he’d start to believe it.

“We should be good to go,” Mike said once they had finished eating. “I want to try to call Gordon to make sure he’s all right and let him know about the boat.”

He dialed and was relieved when Gordon answered. He was fine, but had a huge tree down that he was getting cut up. He offered to come down as soon as he was able, but Mike assured him that things were under control and said that he should take care of things at home. Mike ended the call and looked to William, who smiled.

“Tell me what to do and let’s go.” William was as excited as a kid on Christmas day. “Too bad we don’t have any poles.”

“Nope. Today’s just an engine run.” Mike began casting off the lines, and William helped. Soon they backed out of the slip, and Mike slowly made his way down the channel. The engine worked fine, purring the way it should.

“We should take it easy to start with.”

“Yup.” When they reached the end of the channel, Mike increased speed, heading toward open water. He turned around, heading back in, and opened up the engine. He figured if something happened, they wouldn’t be too far away and could easily get a tow back in. Mike listened for any strange sounds or signs of trouble, but heard none.

Mike made a wide, sweeping turn, heading back out into the Gulf. The water and wind were calm, the speed exhilarating as Mike released his troubles and just reveled in being on the water.

William came up behind him. Mike didn’t hear him approach but knew he was there, so when he pressed his chest to Mike’s back, he wasn’t surprised and leaned back into the touch. They were alone with plenty of distance between them and the rest of the world. He could let go of his hang-ups and worries.

“I love the speed.”

“Me too,” Mike agreed.

“Fishing is great, but there are times when I think just being away from everything is the best part of the trip.” William wrapped his arms around Mike’s chest, holding him tightly, and Mike relaxed easily into the embrace. “There aren’t any phones or people making demands out here.”

“Nope.” It was peaceful and quiet, which was why he loved his job. Four or so days a week, he spent time out on the water with none of the demands that waited for him on shore. Mike loved his family, and Carrie was the center of his life, but there was something about being out here that touched his soul.

He was about to make a turn to head back in when William nuzzled his neck, licking right where his shoulder began. Mike groaned softly, trying to keep his attention on what was ahead of him, but it was getting harder by the second and so was he. William developed a case of wandering hands. Not that Mike was complaining, but once they slipped under his shirt, rubbing over his belly, he found it almost impossible to concentrate. He slowed the engine to idle and leaned back into William’s embrace.

Mike had to be strong. It was his job to take care of Carrie and his mother, see to it that they were provided for. He also had to somehow keep the memories at bay. He was good at that now, but sometimes they caught up with him, and then there was no stopping the overwhelming feelings of loss and depression.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Stuff,” Mike answered as honestly as he could at that moment.

William plucked his nipples. “What kinds of stuff?” He sucked harder at his neck, and Mike knew he’d have a mark that he was going to have to explain. “Because if you’re thinking about anything other than what I’m doing to you right now, then I’m not doing it right and I’ll have to try harder.” William’s hands slid lower, and Mike groaned, arching his back to give William better access.


“I thought that since we were alone out here, and….” William sucked lightly behind his ear, then licked his earlobe, sending a shiver racing through him. “But if you want me to stop, all you have to do is say so.”

“God, no.” Mike turned slowly and slid off the seat. William took his hand and led him to the engine housing cover, where the lid was once again in place. He pressed him back, and soon Mike was looking up at him, William closing the gap between them.

The boat rocked slowly from side to side as William joined him, kissing him gently at first, but the energy between them was more than Mike could take. He wound his arms around William’s waist, holding him tightly as he pressed forward, needing to get as much of a taste of William as possible. William knew how to get things started, but it was the kiss, the energy between them, that drove Mike’s need. Maybe it was because he’d denied himself for so long, but he didn’t think so. There was something about William; there had always been. That first charter years ago, Mike hadn’t been able to take his eyes off him, and each and every meeting since had been the same way.

“I always look forward to every charter you book.” Mike wanted to smack himself knowing how dumb he sounded,

“I do too.” William tugged at his shirt, yanking it off, and Mike hissed as his bare back met the cool fabric under him. “I always did. I found you the first time by chance, but all the other times, it was because of you.” William ran his hands over Mike’s chest, sending searing heat racing through Mike’s veins.

He placed his hand over William’s, holding it still against his chest. “But you know this can’t last.”

William paused, sighing a little. “Sometimes we take the happiness we find and have to be grateful for it.”

“That’s fucking depressing,” Mike groaned.

“I know. But it’s…. I know you have Carrie and a life here, and I have one in Providence that I can’t just leave behind. God, my family would freak. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of the time we have.” William kissed him once again. “That is, if you want to. I’ll understand if you want me to let you up and you want to steer us back into port.”

Mike hesitated for only a few seconds before tugging William back into another kiss. Being in the service had taught him to make the most of whatever he had, because the one thing that was constant was change, and he needed to get used to it.




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