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She's Mine: A Dark Romance Trilogy by JB Duvane (3)



I tried to open my eyes but between a splitting headache and a dry mouth and throat, I felt like I'd been out partying all night. I kept trying to open my eyes, but I was having a hard time lifting my heavy lids for more than a couple seconds. And every time I did I couldn't figure out where I was or orient myself in any way.

What did I do last night? Where am I? I thought as I rubbed my eyes and tried to swallow.

The room spun like crazy when I lifted my head off the pillow so I rolled over onto my side and tried to get a grip on anything that was going on around me. Eventually, I realized that I wasn't in my own apartment because no matter what time day or night it was in there the lights from the sign on the bar across the street came in through my bedroom window, and the room I was in right now was almost pitch black.

I opened my eyes a bit and I could see some light coming from somewhere but it was far away and it didn't illuminate anything in my immediate area. But what I could see confused me even more. In the direction of the dim light, there were a series of bars that extended across the length of the wall in front of me. Kind of like the bars on the windows of my apartment only much bigger.

As I slowly sat up in bed the conversation I had outside the library with my father came rushing back to me.

You have to do this, Brooklyn. If you don't they'll kill our entire family. You have to go with them and do whatever they say.

But where are they taking me? Where am I going?

I don't know.

So, big surprise, the bottle of water in the limo was drugged. I should have guessed, but that was my first foray into the world of kidnappers and thugs and it didn't even occur to me at the time. I looked around at the metal bars that surrounded me and I had a sinking feeling that I wasn't getting out of there anytime soon.

I had no idea how long I had been asleep or how long I'd been there. My eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness and I noticed that only two of the walls were made of bars. I could make out the edges of the twin bed that I was sitting on and, besides the bars, that was pretty much it.

I put my feet over the edge of the bed and brought them up again quickly as they touched the icy cold stone floor. I set them back down gently and could feel the roughness under my feet as if the entire floor was made of slabs of stone. I turned around and touched the wall behind me and it was rough and cold just like the floor. It almost felt like the space had been carved out of the side of a mountain, like the walls of a cave. It smelled like a cave too. Damp and musty.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of moaning coming from the other end of the long corridor where the light was coming from. It sounded like a woman who might be in pain. Her voice wasn't loud, it was just startling and unsettling. The tone was almost sad and resigned instead of panicked and fearful like I imagined anything that came out of my mouth right about now would sound like.

Immediately after that I heard footsteps coming toward me down the corridor and then a bright light flooded the room. I put my hands up and shielded my eyes as I heard the footsteps approaching. I wanted to know who was in the room with me, though, so I squinted through my fingers and saw the large man that had put me in the back of the limousine.

He unlocked the door to the cell, then opened it and immediately shut it and locked it behind him. Then he set the tray that he had brought in with him on the bed. He didn't even acknowledge that I was there before he turned and walked back to the door and unlocked it.

"Wait!" I croaked. My voice was almost unrecognizable to me and my throat was so dry that hardly anything came out.

"Can you tell me where I am? Please?" I said, barely above a whisper.

The man opened the cell door, passed through it, then shut it as if he hadn't heard a word I said.

I got up off the bed but immediately lost my balance and had to lean on it to steady myself.

"Please, I need to use the bathroom."

The man gestured over to the corner of the cell to a concrete hole in the floor.

"Over there."

"That hole? I'm supposed to go in the hole?" I asked in disbelief.

"Ever heard of a Turkish toilet? That's what you got there."

He walked off and left me there with the bright full florescent lights shining down on me for just a few moments longer. But as soon as he got down to the end of the corridor I was drowned in darkness again. I heard that same moan bounce off the hollow walls of the corridor again and I figured she must be trying to say something to the man as he passed by her. I wondered if there were any other girls down here besides me and the sad moaner.

I sat back down on the bed and contemplated the bathroom situation, but I wasn't quite ready to face squatting over a creepy hole in the dark so I decided to hold it for as long as I could. I was incredibly thirsty but I was afraid to touch anything that the man had brought in on the tray. I imagined that whoever had me in this cell didn't really care that much whether I ate or drank anything but I figured I should wait as long as I could.

I didn't understand how I got there and how my father could just throw my life away like that. It basically confirmed all the feelings I had ever had throughout my life that he didn't give a shit about me. I always felt like I had to beg him to notice things I had done, like accomplishments in school or online.

I wasn't even planning on telling him about the internship. I knew he would just nod and say something like good job, sweetie, without even looking up from his newspaper. But now that didn't even matter. I couldn't get out of this prison and I had no idea how long these men were going to keep me. Or what they were going to do to me.

I couldn't even text Sophie and tell her where I was. No one knew where I was. Not even my loving father.




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