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Show & Sell: A Dark MFMM Romance by Abby Angel (18)

Chapter 18


The dressing room mirror doesn’t lie.

My body is on point, and all those Pilates classes have paid off.

The red, velvet strapless dress clings to my body in all the right places.

I look at myself in the mirror and can’t believe what a different person I am.

The old me wouldn’t look twice at this dress. The new me wants to be sexy.

The old me wouldn’t be craving a man…heck, she wouldn’t have known how to crave a man. But the new me has been introduced to the ways of the world—of sex and of love. My eyes have been opened.

I see what all the fuss is about. And the wetness happening between my legs is evidence of how much I do want Finn.

He’s the only one of the three guys to have contacted me, and that makes me feel good.

I’m surprised at his request to take me to the opera, but I’m not going to complain. That doesn’t mean, however, that my nerves aren’t in overdrive.

I’m surprised that Finn called, and also I’m increasingly nervous to see him. I’m no longer a virgin. He and his brothers took care of that. And yet I think about the night that we shared together all the time.

My heart begins to race, and my pulse quickens every time I think about those lips and what it felt like to have all those hands on my body and, most importantly, the feeling of their 12-inch cocks sliding in and out of me.

I thought I’d never see the guys again—and then Finn surprised me, and now here I am, shopping for an opera dress.

The salesperson says, “That looks gorgeous on you. Absolutely stunning. You’d be mad not to get it.”

“You think?” I say, turning around in the mirror.


I know she’s trying to get me to buy the dress, but I also know that this is the winner, the perfect dress to capture Finn’s interest.

“Okay, I’ll take it. Thanks for your help,” I say to her.

Finn. He told me to get a dress, and I did. Sometimes, I think I’d do whatever he asked. I feel this incessant need to satisfy him, to be his.

Once I change back to my clothes, the salesperson takes my gown and wraps it up. Another purchase, another day. Having money makes everything better, even if I had to sell my body to get here.

I’m just lucky that my guys turned out to be so great. And now it looks like things with Finn might continue into something more.

I dare not hope it goes past the opera, but it’s nice to have something other than Anders in my life to focus on.

The town car picks me, and I’m happy to go back to the apartment. I know everything will be quiet, because Anders hasn’t shown his face for days. That doesn’t mean I’m not worried about him, but then, he’s always on my mind.

Once inside the apartment, I inspect the place and realize quickly he’s not there. It’s too clean for him to be home.

A part of me always hopes that he comes home and that he’s decided to turn away from his horrible lifestyle. Maybe it’s naïve, but I can never stop hoping that my brother gets better.

I put my shopping down on the table and look around the apartment to make sure he’s really gone.

“Anders? Anders, are you here?”

There’s no response. Only silence reverberates throughout the apartment. I’m not surprised.

I knew he’d be gone. He’s always gone. The problem is I can tell his health is becoming worse.

The addiction is starting to take its toll on his mind and body. He’s not the same brother I’ve always known. He’s turning into a different person, a meaner version of himself.

I ache for someone to talk to. I wish I had people in my life who care.

I don’t know what to do about Anders. I don’t know what to do about the business. And in this space, I feel utterly alone.

Checking the time, I realize my date is approaching. I hop into a quick shower and allow the water to wash over my body. I take care to shave all the most intimate parts of my body, and I find myself dreaming that Finn will touch me there.

Instead, I touch myself and, with the warm water flowing, I move my hand in circles, rubbing my clit and thinking of him.

It doesn’t take long once I imagine his muscular body, his cock, and his blue eyes. I come easily, my heart pounding. And I want more, but there’s no time.

I turn the water off and sit for a moment on the shower floor, letting my breath even out once again.

As I think of him and what might commence tonight, I feel on edge and as though my senses are heightened. The prospect of seeing Finn makes me feel nervous. The last time I was with him, we were surrounded by other people, his brothers.

And tonight it’s just going to be us. What will we talk about?

The question that’s on my mind the most is why did he choose me? I didn’t think it was likely to ever see him again, and yet here we are, going to the opera. What am I supposed to make of that?

I get out of the shower, pull on a robe, and go about my ritual of getting ready. I want to look perfect for him.

I apply my makeup with care and make sure that my lipstick matches the new dress I bought. I blow dry my hair and curl it before brushing it to one side. I put black kohl around my eyes and think that I look dramatic…perfect for the opera.

Stepping into my dress, I admire myself in the mirror. I’m not narcissistic, but even I have to admit that tonight, I look pretty damn good. There’s nothing like an opera dress to cheer a girl up.

Henry, the doorman from downstairs, calls to alert me to the fact that Finn has arrived. I go down to meet him and see his handsome face talking to Henry in the lobby.

He turns to see me and, for a second, our eyes lock. Time stands still, and there’s only us.

Henry ceases to exist, and so do the walls and the building. It’s just him and me in our fantasy world, our own moment of seduction.

I break our gaze first and look nervously towards Henry. Maybe he’ll say something to break the ice.

Instead, Finn takes command.

He approaches me and says, “You look ravishing.”

I attempt to hide my blushing cheeks though I know it’s impossible. He’s looking at me with intensity, like he’s fully aware of the sparks that are flying between us.

“Thank you, Finn. That means a lot. I see you’ve met Henry. He’s like family around here,” I say.

“Well, then it’s good to meet you, Henry. I’m Finn,” I watch him shake Henry’s hand and admire how nice he’s being to the old man for my sake.

Henry looks at him watchfully and says, “Take care of her.”

“Don’t worry, I will,” Finn says with a wink and a smile.

As we walk away, I tell him, “Henry’s very protective of me. With my brother gone, he feels the need to scrutinize all of my dates, not that there’s been very many.”

I don’t tell Finn about the death of my parents or about my drug-addicted brother. I don’t say that, sadly, Henry’s the closest thing to a grandfather I have, even though he’s just the doorman.

Finn smiles, and he looks pleased to have me take his arm. He’s wearing a suit, and he looks fucking hot in it.

I have to control the wetness that’s starting to spread between my legs. There’s no use in ruining this opera dress now. I’ve only just barely put it on.

He takes me out to the waiting limo. We get in, and I see that he has champagne and chocolate waiting for us.

“The chocolates are from your family’s business. I thought you might like to try them,” he says, offering me a piece.

He pours me a glass of champagne to complement the chocolate, and I take it.

“Thank you, but if I’m honest, I’ve had enough chocolate in my system to last a lifetime.”

We both laugh, and the limo takes off. There’s nothing like New York City at night, especially from the confines of a limousine.

I people-watch and see all the tourists and New Yorkers going about their evening. It’s like any other day, except this time I’m with a man. He has no idea how inexperienced I am in the realm of dating. And I have no intention of making it obvious.

I have no doubt he’s sampled the dating pool to a large extent. He seems like the kind of guy that would do that—a player.

We get to the opera house, and Finn himself opens the door for me. Once we get out and walk up the steps, people stare at us immediately.

“Why are people staring at us?” I ask him.

“Correction: they’re staring at you. It’s because you’re gorgeous, Aurora. You really have no idea how gorgeous you are, do you?” he asks.

I have no words to answer his question. I like to look my best, yes, but I’ve never considered myself to be gorgeous.

Finn’s changing all that already. I start to see myself through his eyes.

Under his gaze, I feel worthy…and wanted. I feel a strange amount of desire creep into my body. He makes me feel special, safe, and admired.

And most of all, he makes me feel as though I can finally let go—because he’ll take care of the details.

For once, I’m not in control. He is.

We walk into the building, and everywhere we go, people seem to know Finn, and they congratulate him on taking over his father’s business.

“Finn, I’m so glad I ran into you tonight—and with a date, no less! This is my husband, Bobby. We’re so sorry to hear about your father but are equally glad to hear that you and your brothers are taking over the business. It will do extremely well,” a woman says.

She’s wrapped head to toe in fur and diamonds. My dress is nice, but suddenly I feel naked compared to her.

Finn doesn’t seem to think so.

I catch the look of pride on his face as he introduces me. “And this gorgeous woman is my date, Aurora. Aurora, please meet Mr. and Mrs. Langston, friends of my late father.”

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you, dear,” she says, patting my outstretched hand.

Finn kisses her on the cheek, and we make our way through the crowd.

All manner of people engages with Finn, and he always introduces me with a special flourish. I’m getting to know the New York society set, and I guess it’s not too bad.

Finally, we make our way to the private opera box he’s had arranged for us. He orders us a bottle of wine to share, a rare vintage. The opera is about to begin.

I take the golden binoculars that are on my seat and peer down at all the people, but mostly at the stage. The show begins, and I become entranced.

The opera has a way of transporting you to another time, a time held in the feeling of the music. It has a way of making me forget about my problems as I’m transported into the world of the characters.

I’m enthralled by the music, but most of all, I’m enthralled by Finn, the handsome man sitting next to me.

He rubs my back, and we share a moment, both united in the beauty of the music. I feel like I’ve known him my entire life. We have an instant rapport.

I sip my wine and can’t help but think of other things to come.

I let myself get lost in the moment. I let myself get lost in him.

What’s the harm?