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Simon... Spellbound (Studs & Steel Book 6) by Heather Mar-Gerrison (2)

I sighed, “Well, thankfully, I’ve moved out again now. It wasn’t what you’d call great – but Buzz helped me move my stuff to his and he came with me to talk to Mum and Dad. I told them I was gay and that I wanted them to accept me for what I am.”

“What did they say?” Bailey asked softly, “Did they? Accept you, that is?”

I shrugged, “No. They didn’t. But that’s their decision and they’re gonna have to live with it.” I looked at Bailey’s concerned face and my heart swelled, “I can’t dance to their tune all my life. I’ve found someone that means too much to me for that,” I squeezed his hand, “you mean more to me than anything and I don’t want to jeopardise what we’ve got just to keep them happy in their ignorance.”

He nodded, “They knew all along, really.” He said, “No one comes out and then says they were wrong. Deep down, they were just happy pretending that everything was rosy.”

I nodded, “I know.” I said, “I told them that I got my degree in Art and Design too – and that I want to open my own tattoo parlour. I’m pretty good at it and I could hire others to come and work with me.” It had been an idea that had been taking shape for a couple of years. I’d done a couple of tattoos on my legs and I was really pleased with them and when Buzz had seen how good I was, he’d asked me to do a couple for him. I hadn’t tattooed anyone else yet, though – but I was confident that I could. Buzz’s tattoos were pretty awesome though I said so myself...

Bailey almost choked on his drink as he laughed. “My God.’ He said, “You don’t do things by half when you decide to do something, do you?”

I grinned, “I don’t.” I agreed with a wink.

Bailey grinned, “You’re a bad, bad man.”

I just grinned back at him.



Chapter 18 – Meeting Nathan...




“So you’ll come?”

Simon nodded, smiling at me, “Of course I will.” He said, “I’d really like to meet your friends. You’ve met all of mine.”

I beamed at him. I was so looking forward to introducing him to Nathan and Sophie. They were my favourite people in the world aside from Richard, Chris and, yeah, I guess my sister Laura – she was one of my favourites too when she wasn’t trying to set me up with dates from hell.

And now my all time favourite person ever was going to meet them all and I couldn’t have been happier.

I think Simon was a little nervous – the family barbeque was quite a big occasion and he was able to mill around and not actually have to really talk to anyone – and most people there were Richard and Chris’s friends anyway so they weren’t particularly bothered about the young ones. They were all laughing and chatting amongst themselves and largely ignoring us. That enabled us to sneak away to my room quite easily – not that Simon wasn’t freaking out about it – he clearly wasn’t able to take guys to his room at home and I’d wondered what the hell sort of a life he had at home.

This time there were fewer of us, just my dad’s my sister – if she was home – and then Nathan and Sophie. I really wanted Simon and Nathan to get along because the really were my two favourite men in the world.






I was nervous about meeting the wonderful Nathan – and yeah, I was a little jealous of how much history he and Bailey had.

Bailey fell in love with Nathan long before he met me – and I know it was only the love of a couple of kids but still – that sort of love was set for a lifetime. I was quite sure this Nathan guy was going to be protective of his relationship with Bailey. Men always were – whether they were gay, straight or indifferent...

And I was right to be nervous. Nathan was very handsome, very charming – and very jealous of me. Something I found a little bit disturbing. The guy had his own partner – his wife, actually – so what was his beef with me?

Well, I guess his beef was that he’d also known about Joss and had witnessed him, first-hand, treating his best friend in a disgraceful manner. I guess the fact that I was a pole dancer in a gay nightclub made me seem to be a similar kind of guy. I really wasn’t and I wasn’t about to have him thinking of me in that way.

“So, you’re Simon?”

I nodded, smiling in a friendly way. I had no reason to be otherwise – we’d never met and I wasn’t going to make myself look like an envious twat to anyone. “Yeah, that’s right, Simon Porter – nice to meet you.”

Nathan narrowed his eyes at me slightly. I doubt anyone else would have noticed but we were sizing each other up and I was eyeballing him. “And it’s nice to meet you too – at last.”

I grinned. “Yeah, Bailey missed you when you couldn’t make it for the barbeque.”

He nodded, “we were away on holiday with Sophie’s parents.”

I nodded, “Oh, yeah? Anywhere nice?”

He nodded, “Mauritius.” He said, “It was very nice, thanks.”

I nodded, “I think we’ll have to go somewhere nice and hot next year, what do you say, Bailey?”

Bailey beamed at me, “Sure.” He agreed enthusiastically, “That sounds fabulous – where shall we go?”

Nathan’s lips turned up into a grin, “You should go on a gay cruise or something.” He said. A little bitchily in my opinion. Bailey just laughed and shot off to the kitchen to get the nibbles he’d lovingly prepared for his best friends.

I smiled stiffly at Nathan who was fast becoming my least favourite best friend of my boyfriend... “We can go anywhere Bailey likes.” I said, “We’re not forced to go on holidays that are tailored just for gay people you know – we are allowed to mix with the masses these days.”

He wrinkled his nose, “Yeah, course you are.” He said, “So long as you keep your PDA to a minimum.”

My jaw dropped. How the fuck could Bailey be friends with this museum piece? “Excuse me?” I spluttered. “Do you think we molest each other all fucking day or something? We no more overdo the ‘PDA’ than anyone else.”

Sophie looked embarrassed, “Nathan,” she said quietly, “Stop antagonising the poor guy.”

He went red, “Sorry.” He said, “I’m being rude to you – I just... I love Bailey, okay? He’s my best friend and we’ve been mates since we were kids. He was really badly hurt by that Joss guy and I just don’t want to see it happening again.”

I smiled, “Me either.” I said, “I can promise you that I’m not having an affair with my boss or with anyone else.”

He nodded, “Glad to hear it,” he said gruffly, “Because if you ever hurt him, I’ll have to hunt you down like a dog – and kill you.”

Bailey came back into the room just in time to hear him say that. Nathan looked like a rabbit caught in headlights while Sophie and I grinned at each other. Nathan might be a bit of a twat but his heart was definitely in the right place.

Bailey gave him a suspicious look, “You’re not warning off the best thing that ever happened to me, are you mate?” he asked.

Nathan’s face was on fire, “No, mate.” He lied, “We’re totally good.”

I chuckled and slung my arm around Bailey’s shoulder, “Totally good.” I agreed.

Later when Sophie and Nathan had gone, Bailey turned to me, “So, what do you think of Nathan?”

I couldn’t lie to him. I’d thought he was a bit of an arsehole but I had to be at least diplomatic. “He very clearly thinks a lot of you – and anyone who wants to defend their best friend as fiercely as he defends you is good with me.”

Bailey’s face fell, “You hated him didn’t you?” he asked mournfully.

I chuckled, “I didn’t hate him.” I assured him, “But he wasn’t exactly the most welcoming guy in the world so I’ll uh, reserve judgement right now. I’m sure we’ll get along in time when we’ve met up enough times for him to stop thinking I’m Joss the second.”

Bailey smiled, “You’re nothing like Joss.” He said, “Thank God.”



Chapter 19 – Who’s that guy...?




“Who the fuck’s that young guy?” I asked River as we arrived at the hospital at the same time as the young, good-looking guy I’d seen the other day was just leaving again. Bailey had decided not to come with me, even though I’d explained all about Seth being one of my best friends and that I’d been coming to see him as often as I could while he was recovering. He assured me that he wasn’t jealous and didn’t think anything was going on.

River and I turned and watched as the young man slunk off down the corridor and then we sat down on the chairs in the corridor, since we were meeting Jodie too and he was yet to arrive.

River sighed, “Oh,” he said and then shrugged his shoulders, “Well, you might as well know – it’s Joel Fitzgerald – Harley’s younger brother. Don’t you remember him from their wedding?”

I shook my head. I was pissed for most of his wedding – why the hell would I remember anyone? “Uh, no.” I said, “So what’s his story?”

River smiled, “Well, it was pretty obvious that he was smitten that night – but obviously Seth was with Siobhan...”

We both nodded soberly – she was sorely missed by us all.

“Well, according to Thai, who’s quite close to Alfie and Harley – Joel was with Harley when he got the call – some sort of ‘bring your brother to work day’ or something. He helped to get him to hospital – and he’s been visiting him ever since.”

I frowned, “But Seth’s still in a coma.”

River nodded, “And? It hasn’t stopped us, has it?”

I shrugged. Good point... “Right,” I murmured. I frowned, “But, really what does he expect to happen? Does he expect Seth to fall in love with him as soon as he wakes up or something? That’s ridiculous man – it’s never gonna happen – he’s still gonna be in love with Siobhan... even if she has gone...” I hadn’t said it to anyone else, but I thought that was probably the reason he still hadn’t woken up. He probably didn’t want to wake up and face reality...

River nodded, letting out a massive sigh, “I know that, mate.” He said.

Oh hell. That was going to be awkward once Seth was back in the land of the living... Poor bastard – he didn’t need that to deal with on top of everything else. And poor Joel too; unrequited love was such a fucking ball ache...



Chapter 20 – It’s all good...




I got in a flopped down on the sofa. Chris, my other dad, who’d gotten home from work around an hour before me, looked up, “Rich says you’ve got guy trouble – anything I can help you with?”

Chris was a counsellor and he was really good at what he did but I actually preferred talking to Rich about stuff.

I smiled and shook my head, “I think it’s all cool, now, thanks, Chris.” I said, “He’s explained everything to me about his parents being a pair of homophobes and he’s told them that we’re together – and he’s moved out – it’s all good.”

Chris grinned, “Glad to hear it, son.” He said, “There’s nothing worse than walking on eggshells around someone you love.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Have you ever had that problem?”

He shrugged. “Rich wasn’t out when we met.” He said, “He was uh, actually dating my sister.”

My jaw dropped, “What?” I seriously couldn’t imagine it. Out of the two of my dads, Chris was definitely the one people thought was straight. Richard was adorable – but he was as camp as a row of tents...

Chris chuckled, “Didn’t you know that?”

I shook my head, “No.” I said, “I had no idea.”

Richard appeared in the doorway at that very second, looking the picture of campiness with a towel around his middle and another on his head, like a turban, “What?” he asked, looking at the two of us curiously.

We just both fell about laughing.



Chapter 21 – Meeting Joel...




I seriously couldn’t wait for Seth to be back in the land of the living. My daily treks to the hospital were really beginning to get me down – although it was far easier now that I was living with Buzz – and now that Bailey knew everything. It was a massive weight off my mind.

As I’m sure I’ve already mentioned, hospitals weren’t my favourite places – and particularly since Buzz and Dad were in here together – saving Dad’s life and risking Buzz’s. The risk to Buzz was small but it was still worrying – for Franz and I if no one else.

Being on my own today was slightly depressing. Bailey had decided not to come with me again, which was fine if a little disappointing. I wanted him to be part of my friendship group and it worried me a little that he continued to distance himself. What was the problem? Was he still jealous of my relationship with Seth? I was going to have to talk to him about it again.

I pondered how to bring up the subject as I waited for the lift to clunk into place at Seth’s floor. The doors opened and I stepped out. There, ahead of me, was the kid again, getting a bar of chocolate out of the vending machine. Joel or Jules or something... He was Harley’s kid brother according to River and he’d been hanging around all week. I nodded to him and he smiled back at me nervously.

I decided it was time someone actually spoke to him. The poor kid was clearly crushing on him – but Seth wouldn’t even have the faintest idea who he was, never mind be in any fit state to want to get to know him. He’d still be devastated to have lost Siobhan...  “Jules?”

His head snapped my way and he gave me what could only be described as a hunted look, “Are you talking to me?” he asked.

I nodded, “Yeah, you’re Harley’s brother, aren’t you?”

He nodded, “Uh-huh. It’s Joel.”

Right. Joel... “So, what are you doing here?”

He sighed, “I just came to see if there was any change...”

I frowned. He didn’t even know him... “You know he lost his girlfriend in the crash, don’t you?”

He nodded, his face serious, “Of course I do.” He said, “I saw it all happen...”

Oh, fuck. He wasn’t stalking him after all – he was traumatised. “Have you thought of uh, maybe talking to someone about this? Like a professional...?”

He rolled his eyes, “I’m not traumatised, mate.” He said, “I’m just...” he trailed off, biting his lip.

I sighed. Why were guys always in denial? “You might not think you are – but trauma comes in all shapes and sizes.”

He nodded, “Yeah, maybe. I just... I like coming to see him. It makes me feel as if I might be making a difference, you know?”

I nodded, “Yeah.” I agreed. After all, it was the reason I kept coming to see him too. But I knew him – this kid didn’t... and that was just plain weird.

“What were you planning on saying to him when he wakes up?” I asked.

His face went red, “I dunno.” He said, shuffling his feet and fiddling with the wrapper of his chocolate bar, “I hadn’t really thought that far ahead...”

I smiled, “He’s not gonna stay in that coma forever, mate.” I said, “He was put under just to allow his skin to start healing.” But it had been a couple of weeks since they took him off the meds already. He couldn’t stay asleep forever... “He’ll be coming around on his own any day now.”

He nodded, “I know.” He whispered, “But I won’t be able to come to see him once he’s awake. He doesn’t know me and like you said, he won’t want to.” He sighed miserably, “Anyway, I’d better go. I have a job interview this afternoon.”

I raised my eyebrows, “Oh, where?”

He sighed, “Some club in town. I don’t really want to go if I’m honest...”

I frowned. My cousin was hiring at the moment but that place was a bit rough and Joel looked like a nice kid. “What will you be doing there?”

“Dancing.” He said, “I’d rather dance at Studs but they’ve got enough dancers already according to Alfie...”

I nodded thoughtfully. “Well, there might be a space in a couple of months – we’ve got all the bar staff we need now but I’m pretty sure a couple of the part time dancers are moving on soon – Roger’s got a full time job starting in a couple of weeks and Chase told me the other day that he’s going to take a year out and go travelling. I can put in a word with Rob for you if you’re really serious.”

His jaw dropped, “Seriously?” He asked.

I shrugged. Why not? “Sure.” I said, “I’ll call him later – now, shall we go and see Seth? Have you got a couple of minutes?”

He nodded, “I’d like that.”

We made our way down to his room. As soon as Joel was satisfied that he was still breathing, he left, leaving me to talk to Seth on my own. “That guy has the biggest crush on you mate – and he’s seriously cute too....”

It wouldn’t make any difference of course. Seth thought himself straight – and he’d definitely been in love with Siobhan, no one doubted that for a second. Still. She wasn’t here anymore... and no one else thought he was straight.

I got up after about half an hour. It was all well and good coming to see Seth, but it was as boring as fuck. He was going to be in here for a while yet and I guess once he was conscious it would be a different matter but right now... I had to go. Thinking about him losing Siobhan had made me realise that life was short – too short to waste time. I got up. I’d been hell bent on seeing Seth every day to the point of neglecting Bailey in favour of it. It was time that stopped. I needed to see him...



Chapter 22 – Fitting right in...




I looked up as I heard the door open and then closed again. No one appeared. I frowned, “Hello?” I called.

A young guy with dark hair and what could only be described as a very pretty, very cheeky face appeared. His gaze was kind of intense as he looked at me. “Hi.” He said, “I’m here to see Rob?”

I blinked, “Really?” I asked, “I’m not sure he’s here tonight.” I’d not long arrived and I’d seen no one but River and Thai who were playing pool and having a beer before their shift started.

His face fell, “But I was sure he told me to come here...”

I nodded, “I’m sure he probably did.” Rob often made plans and then promptly forgot all about them. He meant well but he was the most disorganised guy... “And I’m sure he’ll be around here somewhere.” I assured him, “Wanna drink or anything while we find him?”

He shook his head, “I’m a total lightweight when it comes to drink.’ He admitted bashfully, “I’ll have a J2O though – apple and mango, please.”

I grinned. What a cutie-pie, “Sure.” I said, “What are you gonna be doing?”

His eyes lit up and his grin was really kind of blinding, “Dancing.” He gushed, “I fucking love dancing.”

I nodded. I could see that in his lean body. He’d be a total hit with the punters. Hell, Jaime was a total hit and he only ever got up to dance to Beyoncé’s ‘All the single ladies’ when someone wanted a night off. Jaime was our cocktail barman – well, he was until Simon’s mate, Seth came back anyway and then I guess he’d be a little more fluid in his role. He was sound, was Jaime but there weren’t any vacancies for more dancers right now, I was sure of it...

I shouted across to River and Thai, “Hey, guys,”

They both looked over, “What?” River shouted back,

“Is Rob here?”

He nodded, “Is that Joel?” He put his cue down on the snooker table and came over, “Hey, man.” He beamed at Joel, “Nice to see you again.”

Joel grinned. I smiled to myself. He was going to fit right in here...

The door went again. I looked up. I was on tenterhooks, dying for Simon to arrive. Finally he was here. I smiled at him, “Hey, babe.” I said as he walked straight over to me, “How was it at the hospital?”



Chapter 23 – Getting Bailey to myself...




I smiled back at his gorgeous face, “It was okay – as I was leaving the nurse said he’d been awake for short periods earlier in the day – and she reckons he might actually be properly awake tomorrow.”

Joel spun around with his mouth slightly open. I’d spoken to Rob and I knew he’d be here tonight. Best that he heard it now than get to the hospital and have to turn right back around and leave. I nodded to him and he nodded back. He got it. No more visits to the hospital for him, from now on.

Bailey didn’t miss the exchange – being Mr Eagle Eye. I smiled at him, “I’ll tell you later.” I said.




Finally the end of the evening rolled around. At last I’d have Bailey all to myself.

It had been a really successful evening. Joel had seen Rob – albeit very briefly, and Rob had signed him up immediately – even though he wouldn’t be starting for a few weeks – after being inundated with good words being put in from almost all of the rest of the staff.

The punters were in a generous mood tonight and I had a pocketful of tips to spend on my beautiful boyfriend – since I was going to definitely take him out on a date as soon as I could. He needed to know that I was absolutely serious about us being together.

“Ready to go?” I asked.

Bailey smiled sleepily at me, “Yeah,” he said with a yawn, “I’m beat.”

I grinned, “I’ve got a taxi waiting out there – and a double bed waiting for us at my new place.” I was so excited that I’d got my own room at Buzz’s flat.

Bailey raised an eyebrow, “Well, that sounds interesting” He said, “But I’ve nothing to wear tomorrow if I come to yours.”

The idea of him with nothing to wear was kind of giving me a boner but I tried to be an adult about it, “You can borrow a pair of boxers and some sweats.” I said. My heart was beating in my chest ten to the dozen. I really wanted to spend the night with him – properly – sleeping together all night, wrapped around each other like proper lovers.

“Deal.” He said with a grin and then he reached his arms up around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. I melted into him. God he was adorable.

The taxi got us back in no time. The flat was in darkness, which meant that Buzz and Franz had already gone to bed. That was good. I neither needed nor wanted an audience...

We got in, locked up and then I took Bailey’s hand and led him up the stairs to my room.

Pushing him back up against my bedroom door, I dropped to my knees with a gruff, “Don’t move.” I was so fucking nervous. I’d only given him one blowjob before and it had been a bit of a rushed one on the flat roof of Studs out the back of the storeroom. Not exactly what you could ever call romantic...

I flicked the button of his jeans and pulled them down his legs, along with his boxer shorts, freeing his cock. I looked up at him. There was nothing I wanted to do more than to suck that gorgeous, long, thick cock until he came all over me...

He was staring back at me. His eyes were kind of glazed over with lust as I closed my lips around the head of his cock and started sucking. I stroked his balls with my fingertips with one hand as I gripped his hip with the other. I wanted him to know that I was one hundred per cent into guys – into him – and I didn’t want him going anywhere...

I closed my eyes; his glorious scent surrounded my senses and I found myself getting lost in the feel of his hard cock in my mouth. It bumped against the back of my throat as he started to groan. I suppressed a smile. He was definitely getting into it. Whether he was aware that he was thrusting into my mouth or not, it was a total turn-on for me and I knew he was really enjoying it from the noises he was making and from the taste of him. He was oozing pre-come and I was pretty sure he was about to blow his load.

“Oh, my God, Simon,” he half groaned, half whispered, his fingers gripping my hair and pulling a little painfully, “You’ve gotta stop. I’m gonna come!”

Stop? Was he fucking kidding me? I wanted it. Letting out a bit of a growl, I sucked him deeper into my mouth and gave the underside of his cock a little more pressure with my tongue, eliciting another beautiful little moan from him. Sweet Jesus, this was the best sex I’d ever had and we hadn’t even got all of our clothes off yet...

“Fuuuuuckkk!” As Bailey finally let go, I felt his hot streams of come filling my mouth. I swallowed everything down, working his cock through his orgasm until he went soft, “Oh, my God!” he breathed, gazing at me as if I’d just hung the moon.

I pulled off his softening cock with a bit of a slurp and smiled goofily up at him, feeling a little as if I could hang the moon after getting that reaction from him.

“Wow,” he murmured, looking back at me with a slightly shocked look on his face, “Are you okay?”

I nodded, “Never been better.” I said, “Can I kiss you now?”

He nodded. I got off my knees and leaned in to kiss him. I could still taste his come and I wasn’t sure he’d be into kissing me and being able to taste himself but it was hard to be concerned about that right now. I was hard as a rock and desperate for a little more from him. I totally went for it, stroking my tongue against his in almost the same way as I’d just been manipulating his cock.

I didn’t need to be concerned – he totally groaned into the kiss and his hands started to explore my body making my heart thump even harder than it already was and sending happy little tingles all the way to my balls. Seconds later his hands had found what they were looking for and I felt his fingers wrap around my hard as a rock cock.

“What do you want me to do about this?” he murmured, rubbing me in such away that my mind was so deliciously blank I forgot to answer. “Simon?” he whispered before nuzzling into my neck and tugging my cock a little harder, “What do you want?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know – would you like to suck me?” I asked, “Or is there something else you’d prefer to do to me?”

He smiled, “Are you, uh, suggesting that I top you?”

I grinned and nodded, “We can do either – but yeah, I do prefer that.”

“Oh, my God.” He breathed, “You want me to fuck you? You’re fucking awesome.”

I chuckled, “Hell, yeah I do. So what’s it gonna be? Want to fuck? Or would you rather suck me off and we can do that another time?”

His eyelids turned heavy with desire, “I would love to suck your cock dry,” He said, “But the idea of you and I rolling around on your bed, with my cock inside you – well, it’s just too much for me to pass up. Take me to bed, big guy.”





As nerve-wracking as it was to top Simon – it also felt entirely natural for me to take the lead in bed. Simon was a bottom through and through. He loved that I was what he charmingly referred to me as a ‘bossy twink on top’ and I guess that summed me up pretty well.

I did like bossing him around and I did love being on top. Not that I was against bottoming for him too but he really wasn’t all that bothered.

He explained why he loved me topping him so much once we’d both come and were lying in each other’s arms, both of us sated and feeling all warm and fuzzy.

“I love feeling your cock grazing my sweet spot. It’s absolutely mind-blowing and I know I’m gonna come. Even if you didn’t work my cock or kiss me or anything... I just fucking love it. I want to feel you inside me all of the fucking time.”

I smiled, “Wow.” I said, “I had no idea.”

He smiled shyly, “Is it weird for you?”

I shook my head, “It’s pretty much perfection for me. Not many big guys want to be topped by twinks like me, believe me – I’m usually fighting them off – I’m not a fan of being pounded into a mattress – when you’re a lot smaller than your partner, it’s not great – and I have anxiety issues – and IBS...”

He frowned, “IBS?” he asked.

I nodded, “Irritable Bowel Syndrome.” I clarified. “As I’m sure you can imagine. It really wouldn’t be pretty if I had an attack while we were... well, you know...”

His eyes widened comically as he got what I was on about, “Oh...” he said, “Yeah... wow. We’re totally compatible aren’t we?”

I chuckled and grinned, “Totally, dude.” I agreed.





Our first time together was a little nerve-wracking for both of us – what with Bailey and his IBS and me feeling under pressure to be the perfect gay lover when I’d been in the closet for so long, it was a wonder we ever got past kissing each other – but we did – and it was perfect.

Bailey really was everything I’d been looking for in a partner. Who knew I’d stumble across him when he was on a date with another guy?

The sun was up, so it had to be around ten in the morning but when we’d worked into the wee hours, that was still pretty early.

I yawned and stretched. I felt so good. Sure, my arse was tender from our love-making last night – but I’d happily go another round this morning...

I turned over to find a pair of bright eyes and a wide grin right in front of my face, “Hello, gorgeous.” He said, “Grab my cock and tell me if it’s hard enough for you?”

Fuck. He was incredible... I reached my hand down and found his cock – hard for me and feeling absolutely perfect in my hand. I couldn’t help but start to work my hand up and down his shaft. He felt so good, like satin over steel...

He groaned into my neck as I worked him, “Feels amazing,” he murmured.

I leaned away from him slightly, “Can I suck you?” I whispered.

He nodded, “You don’t ever have to ask me that – the answer will always be yes.”

I grinned and shuffled myself down the bed...



Chapter 24 – Talking to Seth...




“You never did tell me about that kid, Joel?” We were lying in bed and Bailey was threading his fingers through mine in that very Bailey way of his.

I nodded, “Oh, yeah – sorry I totally forgot about him.” I chuckled, “I wonder why that was.”

Bailey grinned, blushing a really cute shade of pink. “I couldn’t imagine what would make you forget.” He said with a giggle. God, he was adorable.

“He’s been visiting Seth.” I said.

Bailey looked at me blankly, “So...?”

“So he doesn’t even know him.” I raised my eyebrows, “He’s Alfie’s husband’s brother...” I went on to explain all about the night of Seth’s accident and Joel’s involvement.

“Wow.” Bailey breathed, “What’s he gonna do?”

I grinned, “Well, with any luck he’s going to get the job, get to know Seth and they can live happily ever after.” I said with a chuckle, “God knows, Seth needs some happiness in his life and I can promise you – he might reckon he’s straight but he isn’t. He’s definitely bisexual. He’s gotten it on with guys before.”

Bailey grinned, “You old match-maker, you.”

Later on that afternoon, Bailey went home to get a change of clothes and I made my way to the hospital. Seth was being woken up and I wanted to see him.

I pushed the door open to the burns unit and went up to the reception area.

The young woman behind the counter looked up and smiled, “Ah, hello – it’s Simon, isn’t it?”

I nodded and smiled, “Well remembered.” I teased. She’d been utterly smitten with River the last time we’d come to see Seth. It had been very embarrassing for her to realise that he was extremely loved up already – with Jodie.

Pretending that she hadn’t been beside herself with acute embarrassment the last time we met, I asked, “How is he?”

She smiled again, looking relieved that things weren’t going to be awkward, showing very white teeth. She was a very pretty girl, “He’s doing okay.” She said, beaming at me. She was obviously rather fond of Seth, too. It must have been rather nice for her to be treated to all the eye-candy traipsing in and out every day to see him. “He’s been awake since yesterday afternoon – not long after you left, actually,” She said, “He remembers everything – and obviously he’s very upset about losing Siobhan.” Her face fell at the mention of his dead girlfriend.

I nodded, sadness flooding through me as I was reminded of his terrible loss.

Peyton, Siobhan’s ex and father of her son, hadn’t been to the club since the accident. He was of course, having to look after William who would be traumatised from losing his mother. Hell, we were all traumatised one way or another following the accident – Peyton included, who loved her just as much as the rest of us. They’d been best friends when they were younger and William had been the result of a bit too much to drink. Peyton, like me, was gay. Like I said – too much to drink and an error of judgement on both of their parts.

They had both fiercely loved William though, and Peyton was a very hands-on dad.

I was shown through to Seth’s room. He was sleeping but at least he wasn’t in a coma anymore. He’d been in the coma for a few weeks now, which I guess was good for him but it was still distressing to see. His face still had scabs but we’d been assured they wouldn’t be bad scars and he’d look just the same as he always had.

His arms and chest would be a slightly different matter however – and as for his legs, well, they hadn’t been burnt too badly at all – but one of his legs had been very badly crushed in the accident, smashing his femur and then he’d tried to get Siobhan out of the car and had done further damage. He’d be very lucky to walk without aid – not that any of us were willing to break that news to him. To hear that he was heartbroken was bad enough.

He stirred.


He smiled slightly, still with his eyes closed, “Hey, Si,” he said, “How’s it going.”

I took a deep breath. I really wanted to tell him about Bailey but I was worried that it would make his terrible sadness even worse, “Oh, you know – same old.”

He opened his eyes and frowned at me, “Same old?” he raised an eyebrow, “Since when?” He smiled slightly, “I know you, remember – what’s his name?”

I grinned bashfully. Seth really did know me too well, “It’s Bailey.” I gushed, “And he’s fucking gorgeous!”

 Seth chuckled, which made my heart soar. It was the first time I’d heard his deep chuckle since before the accident, “So, go on then,” he said nodding slightly towards the edge of his bed, “make yourself comfortable and tell me all about him.”

Grinning all over my face, I sat down in the chair next to his bed – there was no way I was going to sit on his bed and make something hurt – and I started talking.

After half an hour, Seth was looking sleepy again – although he definitely looked a little brighter than he had when I got there. He was smiling at me, “He sounds like a keeper, Si.” He said, “Don’t fuck it up.”

I nodded, rolling my eyes, “Well, I’ll do my best not to.” I said, “But you know me. I’ve got form...”

He chuckled, “Just tell the olds to go fuck themselves – and tell him about them.”

I grinned at him, “How do you know I haven’t?”

He shook his head as much as he was able, “Because I know you.” He said, “And if you’ve told them, I’ll eat my right arm.”

I laughed, “You’d better get yourself a knife and fork, dude.” I said as his eyes widened with surprise, “I have told the olds to get lost – and I’ve told him all about them – and army cadets too.”

His eyes about popped out of his head, “What? You’ve told him about Angus and Tim?” his voice went higher with surprise.

I nodded, biting my lip. I really had come on leaps and bounds with Bailey, “Yeah. I’ve told him everything.”

He looked impressed, “Well, that’s good.” He said with a massive yawn, “Because keeping secrets is just stupid.”

I nodded, “I know.” I agreed. I’d almost lost Bailey for being a secretive idiot.

I kissed his cheek and got up, “I’ll be back in a couple of days,” I promised him, “Look after yourself.”

He nodded, his eyes closed, “I’ll do my best,” He murmured, “Can’t really get into any trouble here...”

Halfway down the corridor towards the exit, I bumped into Buzz and Franz. “Hi, guys.” I said, “I’ve just about talked him to sleep – you might have a little wait before he’s awake again.”

Buzz grinned, “Is he okay?”

I nodded, “He’s a bit brighter.” I said, “Make sure you keep things upbeat – don’t let him dwell.”

He nodded and gave me a hug before they carried on towards his room.

Outside, I leaned on my knees with my hands and gulped in a lungful of fresh air. God, I really hated hospitals...



Chapter 25 – Seth’s slow recovery...


Five months later...




I’d never seen Studs looking more romantic than it had for Alfie and Harley’s wedding. What a fantastic night that had been – well, the bits I remember of it... And yet only a few days later and Seth’s life had been changed beyond all recognition. Now he was going through painful skin grafts and numerous operations on his leg to try to repair the damage done to him through the crash and then trying to walk on it.

He was out of hospital now but his recovery was far from over. Still, at least now he was officially an outpatient. We were all taking it in turns to take him in when he needed to have his check ups and it was my turn to go and pick him up.

I got to his flat to fetch him. I let myself in and through to his lounge where he was usually to be found. “Hey, buddy.”

He was sat on his sofa with his eyes closed. He was surrounded by pillows and his leg, that was still in plaster – for today at least – was propped on the table in front of him. He had dark rings under his eyes and still looking completely exhausted with life in general. He opened his eyes and looked at me, the desolate look in them was becoming familiar and I hoped against hope that things would get better for him one day and that he’d eventually find his way back to some sort of peace and happiness. “Hey, Si.” He murmured, “How’s things?”

I shrugged and smiled, “Not bad. How are you feeling? Ready to get this thing off your leg?” He’d had numerous operations on his leg and he was in plaster again – but hopefully for the last time. The consultant was confident that they’d managed to finally get it right. Seth had suffered extensive damage to his femur and had then gotten an infection in the bone. It had been touch and go for a while if he’d actually be able to keep his leg. It had been a long and stressful five months.

At the same time as his leg was giving him grief, the poor guy had also had skin grafts for his arm that had been badly burned. His shoulder and chest had taken months to heal too but finally he seemed to have been put back together again – physically at least. I wasn’t so confident about his mental state.

His eyes filled with tears, “Yeah, I guess I’m okay.” He said, his voice wavering, “Well, you know...”

I nodded. Wondering how to say what I wanted to say without pissing him off. I decided to just go for it and say it, “I think you need to talk to someone professional, mate.” I ventured, “Grief’s really hard to deal with alone.”

He shook his head, “I don’t want to talk to anyone. I don’t want to feel better – if I feel better, then I’ll begin to forget her and I never want to do that...”

I could kind of see where he was coming from but it wasn’t exactly the healthiest of approaches. He’d never really forget her anyway – just the rawness of the pain but I could see that he wasn’t going to take advice from me. I decided to change the subject instead – only I think I made things even worse.

“You’re gonna love what Rob’s done to your bar. It’s been a real success.”

He frowned, “What do you mean? What’s he done to it?”

I faltered. Hadn’t anyone told him? Fuck. It had been months... Well, someone had to tell him before he came back... “Rob’s extended the bar all down the wall – he’s taken out the seating and the bar reaches all the way down to the bathrooms now.”

His jaw dropped, “What for?”

I grinned, “Without you there, we couldn’t cope – he’s hired three or four new members of staff to cover what you alone did.”

“But, but what am I going to do then? When I come back?” his face paled, “Oh, shit.” He ran his hand through his hair, “I am coming back, aren’t I?”

I was quick to reassure him. “Of course you are.” I said, reaching for his hand, “We can’t wait to get you back.”

He nodded, biting his lip, “Right, right.” He muttered.

I frowned, “What’s worrying you?” I asked.

He sighed, “I’m not gonna be able to walk properly even when this fucking thing comes off my leg.” He took in a deep, shuddery breath and went pink, “And I know it’s not about looks, but... well, look at me – I’m fucking hideous to look at. How the hell am I going to be able to do my job properly? All of the guy’s that come to Studs expect the staff to be eye-candy. I’m going to be the freak show behind the bar now.”

I sighed, “You’re anything but hideous.” Even with bags under his eyes and his hair all over the place, Seth was a very attractive man. “And as for not being able to get around so easily – we’ll make any adjustments necessary.”

His eyes filled with tears, “I don’t want everything to have to change just for me,” he said, his voice cracking, “I just want to be fucking normal.”

I didn’t know what to say. He was perfectly normal as far as I was concerned – he’d just been badly injured and it took time for the body to adjust to such an injury. He’d be limping for a while, sure – but that didn’t make him any less of a person, any less of a man. “We’ve all got your back, mate.” I said softly, “Don’t push us away, please. We all love you and we all want you to back behind that cocktail bar where you totally belong – Studs just isn’t the same without you.”

He smiled, “Well, thanks for the vote of confidence.” He muttered, “The doctors are hopeful that I should be able to come back in a few weeks.”

“We’ll have a party to celebrate your return.”




True to our word, we had a party for Seth when he finally got back to work.

He beamed around at us all, propped up on crutches, I had absolutely no idea how he was going to be able to shake cocktails, but he was totally up for giving it a go.

“Wow, this place looks absolutely amazing!” he gushed as he made his way slowly along the new bar that stretched all the way down the wall towards the bathrooms at the back of the club.

River was fussing around him and showing him the different stations.

He met Jaime, Raife and Bailey for the first time and winked at me when I introduced him, “It’s really nice to meet you finally,” he said, “I’ve heard a lot about you over the past few weeks.”

Bailey had blushed and shot me a curious glance but I wasn’t embarrassed to have talked about him. I just grinned at him and slung my arm around his shoulder possessively. Bailey was mine as far as I was concerned. I absolutely adored him...

Surprising everyone, Seth was back behind the bar and had started mixing cocktails within a few minutes of walking through the doors.

“Feeling at home?” I asked as Bailey and I watched him adding the final finesse to our cocktails.

He nodded, smiling at me, “This is all the therapy I need.” He said, “I belong here.”

I nodded, “You do,” I agreed, “It really hasn’t been the same without you.”

He smiled, “So how many other members of staff have started while I’ve been out of action?”

I grinned, “Well, you’ve met three of them – there’s one more –well, actually he still needs his formal interview but you know what Rob’s like – it’s in the bag. His name’s Joel and he’s actually Harley’s younger brother – he’s one of the dancers – he might be along later.” Or he might bottle it since he knows you’ll be here and he’s secretly in love with you...

Seth nodded, “Oh, right.” He said, “Is he good?”

I nodded, “He’s definitely a mover and shaker.” I confirmed.



Chapter 26 – Joss again...




My phone buzzed in my pocket. I sighed. Not again. I’d been receiving texts constantly for the past three days – all of them from Joss and all of them begging for my forgiveness and asking me to take him back.

Well, sorry and all that – but that ship had long sailed. I’d long moved on. I was falling in love... hell, I was in love – we just hadn’t gotten around to saying it to each other yet.

To be fair, we hadn’t even gotten around to discussing exclusivity yet, but I was pretty confident that we were exclusive. We’d been dating for a few months now – but between working and Simon being very involved in getting Seth back on his feet, we really hadn’t seen a whole lot of each other, maybe a couple of times a week outside of work – and no, I wasn’t suffering from any sort of jealousy towards him any more. I was just looking forward to him being completely independent so I could have my boyfriend all to myself.

Simon hadn’t enjoyed being the third one in his relationship in the army cadets. He’d been jealous of his friends and had felt like they were cheating on him – so surely he wouldn’t want to cheat while he was with me?

 We really had to have that discussion. Again, it wasn’t something I was particularly comfortable with. I didn’t like making waves but my anxiety levels were up again, which would start to play havoc with my IBS and then we’d be in trouble – no one wanted to have sex with someone who couldn’t control their bowel movements...

I shuddered at the thought. This was why I preferred to top. There was no risk of shitting all over someone if you were the one on top...

Anyway... I digress. The main problem I had right now was Joss. What the fuck did he think he was doing? Getting in contact with me again months after we’d broken up? I really didn’t need this shit...

I jumped as Simon came up behind me and slid my phone back into my pocket. I’d talk to him about that later.

“Who was that?” he asked, nodding to my pocket.

I felt as if I was acting like a startled rabbit. “No one.” I said pathetically.

He raised an eyebrow, “Didn’t look like no one to me.” He snapped, “It looked like a text from someone – are you seeing other guys as well as me?” He sounded hurt and his eyes definitely looked worried.

I shook my head, “No,” I answered truthfully, “I’m definitely not seeing other guys. I only want you.”

“So, who was that?”

I sighed, “It was Joss.” I said. Before I could explain that he’d only just started to harass me, Simon had taken that as me telling him it was over between us and that I’d gone back to Joss. He had a tendency towards being a little dramatic...

“Well, that’s just fucking great.” He stormed, throwing his hands up in the air, “I finally find the fucking one – and he’s shagging his ex behind my back.”

I stared at him – along with River, Thai, Raife and Jaime – to be fair, Jaime probably hadn’t heard him but his lip reading was so fucking good, I’m sure he was pretty clued in.

With my face on fire, I excused myself to the rest of the staff. I wasn’t taking this shit from anyone – and definitely not from the man who was supposed to be my boyfriend. Fuck, didn’t he trust me at all?

Grabbing Simon’s arm, I marched him into the kitchen area behind the bar and then I turned to face him, “Now listen to me – and you’d better listen good.” I snarled, “I was treated like a piece of shit by Joss. I told you all about him cheating on me with his boss – and I witnessed him sucking off another guy and being fucked by another guy, as the form of entertainment at a party. Do you remember me telling you that?”

He nodded, looking decidedly uncomfortable – probably due to the volume this was all coming out at – I’ll admit that I was actually screaming at him – well, sometimes you’ve gotta get your point across...

“I’d have thought even you would understand that I never want to see that fucking arsehole again as long as I fucking live.” My chest was heaving and I was beginning to feel a little light-headed. Fuck. The last thing I needed was an anxiety attack.

He put his hands up in surrender, “Yeah, yeah – I’m sorry, okay – I overreacted.”

“I’ll fucking say your overreacted.” I yelled in his face, “I don’t want anyone else! I just want you!”

He blinked. Nodded and then swiftly left the room.

Well, that went well...



Chapter 27 – Jealousy...




I had to get out of there before I said something that would ruin everything between us forever. I knew the way I felt about Bailey – hell, the way I’d reacted when I saw he was talking to someone else on text should have told him that but the way I’d reacted just told him – and everyone else at the bar – that I was a jealous prick. I wasn’t just a jealous prick, although that was a big part of the way I was feeling. I was in love with him and I wanted us to be exclusive. I wanted to be able to trust him completely and for him to be able to do the same with me. I knew I didn’t want anyone else. I’d found what I’d been looking for. Hell, I knew that the first time I laid eyes on him, months ago, when he was on the date from hell with that dickhead...

I went for a walk. There wasn’t a whole lot of decent places to walk to around here. The nightclub was on the outskirts of the city; it was more industrial here than anything else, but it wasn’t that far from the city. I headed for the pizza place.

I bought myself a pepperoni pizza and headed back.

It took around forty-five minutes for me to get back and thankfully the guys had all dispersed. Buzz raised his eyebrows at me as I walked in. “Everything okay, bro’?” he asked.

I sighed, “It will be – hopefully.” I said.

He punched my arm, “Just grow a pair and tell him you love him.” he said, “You do love him, right?”

I nodded, “I really do, yeah.” I said, “I’ll tell him – tonight.”

Buzz grinned, “I’ll tell Franz to grab some earplugs.” He teased.

I chuckled and made my way to the bar area. I could see Bailey working at his station further down the room, but I didn’t want to make things awkward while he was busy. I ordered a bottle of water from Seth instead.

He smiled as he put the bottle in front of me, “Trouble?” he asked, nodding towards Bailey.

I sighed and shook my head, “I’m just being a dick, I think.’ I said.

He nodded sagely, “Yeah,” he agreed, “I think you probably are – he loves you, mate. I can see it in the way he looks at you,” he said in his reasonable and calming voice, “He’s totally into you. I couldn’t help overhearing your uh, discussion – and you know – the guy hurt him and now he’s sniffing around again. I get that you feel a little threatened by that, but it sure as hell doesn’t mean he wants to go for a second round of a hiding to nowhere. Trust him, mate – he’s a nice guy.”

I nodded. Everything he’d said made perfect sense, “Yeah,” I croaked, “You’re right... it’s just...”

He smiled understandingly, “I know,” he murmured, “It’s not easy.”

Joel appeared at my side. Dressed to impress and looking absolutely beautiful, “Hi, Seth.” He said a little breathlessly, bless him. He was so obviously in love with Seth but Seth was completely oblivious. “Can I have a lemonade?”

Seth nodded, “Sure.” He set to work immediately and seconds later, there was a lemonade on the bar, complete with ice, a mini umbrella, a piece of lemon and a glacé cherry. Well, he was the king of cocktails...

Joel grinned, winked and grabbed his drink before heading back to his podium.

I grinned, “He’s the cutest kid we’ve ever had working here – and that’s including Alfie.”

Seth nodded, a little smile on his lips, as his eyes followed Joel all the way back to his podium, “Yeah,” he agreed, “he’s adorable.”



Chapter 28 – Simon’s declaration...




It was manically busy. Simon and I were still not really talking to each other after our fight, but it didn’t stop me from watching him every time I had a free minute between customers. He was so tall and so graceful with his dance moves. God, I loved him so much it hurt...

I looked up as some guy approached the bar.

I did a double take, “Joss?” What the fuck was he doing here?

He smiled at me nervously, “Hi, Bailey.” He said, “Any chance of a quiet word?”

Fuck me. What hadn’t he understood from my text that was made up of only two words that I never wanted to see him again?

I raised an eyebrow and looked around the heaving bar, “Does it look like I’ve got time for a word? And why the fuck would I want to talk to you, anyway?” You cheating bastard...

He sighed and nodded, “I just wanted to tell you that I was really sorry for the way I treated you.”

I looked him dead in the eye, “Right, well, thanks – now you have. Do you want a drink or what?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Simon approaching. My heart started to beat a little faster at his nearness. He’d always had this effect on me – and it didn’t escape my notice that Joss had had absolutely no effect on me whatsoever – apart from making my heart sink to my boots that he was near me at all. Thinking back though, I couldn’t remember ever feeling quite so enamoured with Joss as I’d always felt with Simon...

Simon came and stood next to Joss. “Hey, Bailey,” he said a little sheepishly, “Can I have a bottle of water?”

I nodded, “Sure, sure.” I turned away and got him a bottle, hoping against hope that Joss wouldn’t say a word while Simon was within earshot. I just didn’t need the hassle of Simon finding out that he was my ex-boyfriend. He’d no doubt wonder why he was here – and no doubt put two and two together and get around five million...

Joss of course, being the obtuse wanker that he’d always been, took that moment as his cue to try to strike up another conversation between us, “Bailey, please.” He wheedled, “I just want to explain...”

I was just passing Simon his bottle of water. Simon raised an eyebrow at me and turned to look at the shorter man next to him. “Who’s this?” he snarled.

I wanted to laugh. The situation was far from funny – it was a fucking nightmare really – the ex from hell and the current boyfriend that I was hardly speaking to in the same place, both vying for my attention. I really should have been flattered, only I just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me.

I smiled, “Simon, meet Joss – my ex boyfriend.”

Simon’s scowl got even fiercer, “Joss?” he repeated incredulously. Turning to Joss, he looking him up and down, his lip curled and a look of utter disgust on his face, “I’m really going to have to educate my brother on who he should and should not admit.”

Joss looked affronted, “Well, there’s no need for that...”

Simon leaned down and stuck his face in Joss’s. “Seriously?” he asked, almost barring his teeth at the poor bastard, “You think?”

Joss blinked, “What have I done to you?” he asked.

Simon stood back up, looking utterly magnificent in his ripped tee shirt that showed off his abs to perfection, “Well,” he sneered, “It’s more that you exist at all that’s offending me the most.”

Joss’s eyes about popped out his head and he opened his mouth to speak, but Simon wasn’t finished.

“You cheated on Bailey.” He said, “So by my reckoning that already makes you a total fuckwit – but to come crawling back in here after months of being with someone else, just because you’ve been dumped for a sexier model – well, that’s just the lowest of the low. You should leave – now. I doubt Bailey wants you here.”

Joss stuck his chin out defiantly, “Well, I hardly think it’s any of your business.”

Simon smiled, “And that’s where you’d be very wrong. Bailey’s my business because I’m Bailey’s boyfriend now and I love him more than you could even begin to imagine.”

My heart about burst in my chest. It was the first time I’d ever heard Simon admit to being my boyfriend to anyone – and he’d just said he loved me. I didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry or to punch him in the face for not telling me the way he felt before.

“What?” I whispered at the same time that Joss exclaimed it.

Simon nodded, “Yeah, you heard me right.” He said, “He’s my boyfriend and I love him. So you can fuck right off back to where you came from and leave us the fuck alone.”

I didn’t even think about the queue that was forming all around the three of us. I climbed onto the top of the bar, and threw my arms around Simon’s neck, “I love you too,” I said, beaming at him.

He beamed back at me, completely ignoring Joss, who’d slunk away with his tail between his legs.

I was sat on the bar. Simon leaned up against me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms were already around his neck and I kissed him with everything I was feeling for him.

A cheer went up around us from all the guys waiting for a drink.

Giggling I disentangled myself from Simon, who was grinning all over his face, “Better get back to work.” I said.

He nodded, “Yeah, I better get back too,” he agreed, “Now I’ve got a boner to show off I’ll get more tips.” He winked and sauntered back off to his podium.

I jumped back down behind my workstation, “What can I get you?” I asked the next punter...

“A boyfriend like yours.” He said, turning and watching him walking away and making me laugh again.

“Sorry,” I quipped, “He’s one of a kind.”



Chapter 29 – Perfect...




I took a short detour before I headed back to my podium. I just wanted to make sure that Joss had actually left the premises.

Buzz was in the foyer, his boyfriend wrapped around him, as was the norm...

“Hey, Buzz,” I shouted as I walked towards them, “Did that short creep with the spiky blond and purple hair leave?”

He pulled away from Franz, looking slightly dazed. Fuck. They’d been dating long enough for them to be past this phase, surely? “Uh,” he said, “Yeah, yeah – he just collected his coat – it was fucking hideous wasn’t it Franz?” he added with a chuckle.

Franz grinned, “Gross.” He agreed.

I rolled my eyes. They really were utterly perfect for each other, “Great – don’t let him in here again.”

Buzz saluted, “Message received and understood,” he drawled before being drawn straight back into another making out session with his cute little boyfriend.

I headed back to my podium and climbed up the ladder.

I looked across at the bar to find Bailey leaning on the counter watching me. He blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it and then I did the same to him. I could see that he giggled, even though I couldn’t hear him from where I was. My heart did a little flip-flop in my chest.

I’d finally declared my love for him – and he’d almost immediately said it back to me. It felt so natural to love him – and to be loved in return. It felt so right. Perfect. That was what it was, perfect...



Chapter 30 – Best night of my life...




“Urrrragggghhhhh!” Simon half-shouted, half-groaned as I slammed down onto his cock. “Oh, my God!”

I grinned. Oh, yeah. He loved every second of having sex with me – just like I loved every second of having sex with him too.

I spent a good half of my time around at Simon’s place these days and our sex life was all the better for it.

Thankfully, Franz and Buzz were on a health-kick and had gone for a run down the river together. We had the place (almost) to ourselves. They’d left the dogs behind (all three of them since Simon had insisted on rescuing Rocky from his parents house). They were all curled up together in the kitchen and weren’t in the slightest bit interested in the two guys pounding each other into blissful oblivion in the bedroom.

I grinned down at him. “Enjoying yourself?” I panted as I slid right back up his length almost to the tip and then slammed down again, eliciting another slightly inhuman noise from him.

“Fuck, yeah,” he groaned. “You’re awesome.”

I leaned down and kissed him, licking into his mouth and making him groan again. “And you are, as ever, incredible.” I murmured, stroking my hands up his fabulous chest and pinching his nipples.

“I’m not gonna last long,” he panted.

Me either. I loved being on top like this, I could totally direct where his cock went inside me and I’d been getting myself off nicely with his cock grazing my prostate on every stroke. “Me either,” I admitted. “I might just be marking you as mine in a second.”

Simon grinned, “Try getting it into my mouth this time.” He said.

I grinned and nodded. It was a bit of a kinky little game we had going on...

I slammed down on him a couple more times, my own cock getting harder and harder. I reached down and gave myself a few tugs to make sure I came with him and then I let go as I felt him coming inside me, his heat flooding me.

“Oh, my God!” I yelled as my cock erupted, covering his chest, chin and lips with streams of hot come.

“Fuck, yeah.” He shouted along with me, “I fucking love you.”

“Love you too, baby.” I panted as I collapsed on top of him.

His cock slid out of me and the come followed which was a bit gross but neither of us cared.

I helped him get the come off his lips by kissing him and he reached behind me to finger my hole while it was still deliciously lubricated.

“I really want to fuck you again, baby.” He murmured.

I nodded, licking his chin clean and moving down to his chest, “And you can.” I murmured, “Right after you’ve sucked my cock.” Simon had transitioned nicely from only wanting to bottom to being a really good top over the last couple of months – and I hadn’t had any embarrassing IBS attacks recently – because I wasn’t stressed out anymore. I was just happier than I’d ever been and I was in a secure, loving, exclusive relationship with a man who loved me every bit as much as I loved him.

He grinned at me, “What, now?”

I nodded, “Sure.”

He stroked my softening cock, “Won’t it be a little sensitive?”

I nodded, “Yeah, it really is. So be very, very gentle.” I whispered.

“Fuck, you’re sexy.” Simon groaned, “You’re already making me hard again.”

I smiled, “And that’s exactly the way I want you – ever used a cock ring?”

He shook his head, “No,” he admitted. “Have you?”

I nodded, “Joss was into them – it was kind of fun to mess around with them. I think it would be really fun with you.” His cock was so big. To have that stay hard for hours on end was something that really turned me on...

Simon gave me a lazy smile, “What about handcuffs and stuff – ever been into that shit?”

I shook my head, “Nah, I don’t like being tied up – but if you want me to get some silk, I could tie your wrists to the headboard and we could have a little fun?”

He nodded, “Sounds kinky – but fun.”

I smiled and nodded, “I think we need to get a shower, your come is all over us both.”

He eased his fingers out of me and nodded, “Good idea.” He murmured, “Let’s go – I’ll give you one in the shower too.”



Chapter 31 – Mellow...




After making love in the shower, I was feeling pretty damned mellowed out.

We headed back to bed and I lay down, my towel wrapped around my hips, not really concealing my hard-on that seemed to be a permanent presence these days.

Bailey came into the bedroom, completely naked and looking just about the same, his erection bobbing around tantalisingly.

“Oh, God.” I groaned, “Come here and get that cock in my mouth.”

He grinned and walked to the end of the bed. Crawling up the bed and then up me, he straddled my chest and then taking hold of himself, he rubbed the tip of his cock all over my lips before I opened my mouth up and he slid his cock in.

He groaned as I sucked him down, swirling my tongue around the tip of his cock and dipping the tip of my tongue into his slit. I slid my hands around his backside; I was completely addicted to fingering him. In seconds my fingers were inside his tight hole. He groaned with pleasure as I stroked his prostate and sucked him deep into my throat.

“Gonna come,” he sighed above me, his eyes closed as he held onto the headboard, completely gone with lust.

The first jet of come hit the back of my throat. I swallowed and then milked his cock through his orgasm, as I continued to finger him.

Eventually I felt his cock start to soften in my mouth and slipped off him, sliding my fingers out of his arse at the same time. I figured he’d had enough for a while.

“You’re adorable.” He murmured, “And sexy and beautiful...”

I looked up at him innocently, “Not to mention exceedingly good at sucking your cock.” I said with a grin.

He nodded, his smile utterly spellbinding and his eyes twinkling, “That goes without saying, babe.” He said.







“What are we doing today?” I asked. It was a couple of days later and we had a whole weekend off together – something that could never have happened before Joel had been hired but a lot of things had changed in the last couple of months.

Seth was back at work full time now – and he was still a little bit sad some of the time – but since Joel had wormed his way into his life, things were definitely getting better for him.

Bailey shrugged, “I vote that we stay in bed all day, getting up only to eat. I want to have you every way possible.”

I stroked his cock, which was getting hard again already, “That sounds like a plan, beautiful.” I said, “That sounds like a plan.”

He grinned, “I got you something yesterday.” He said, idly pulling on my nipple, and sending delicious little electrical pulses directly to my balls.

I raised an eyebrow, “Oh, yeah?” I asked, “What’s that then?”

He grinned, “Remember when we talked about the handcuffs?”

I grinned back at him. My dick was going hard and my heart was thumping away in my chest, “Uh-huh?”

“I bought us some to play with.”

“Fuck! Bailey,” I exclaimed, “Where are they?”

He chuckled, “Hey, a little patience!” he reprimanded me.

I laughed, “I thought you said you were going to get some silk or something.”

He nodded, “I know I did – but then I went to the sex shop and I got totally carried away...”

I raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah?” I asked, my dick ramrod straight up and totally back in the game, “How carried away? What else did you buy you little minx?”

He squealed and jumped off the bed, “Oh, my God! Simon.” He said excitedly, “I got loads of stuff!”

I sighed happily, leaning back against the pillows and stroking myself as I watched him pulling the top drawer open and bringing out the biggest bag. “And we’re gonna play with everything!”

I laughed at his infectious enthusiasm. Hell, yeah, we were. Bring it on...



The End


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Coming Soon...


Seth... Saved




I woke up. For a second, just like every morning, I turned over, expecting to see her next to me – for a second I forgot that my life was over...

Then, as it did every single day, it all hit me again. My chest ached with the overwhelming feeling of loss. My skin started to tingle, and I was almost able to feel the burning through my clothes.

I was reliving the car accident. Hearing her screaming again, as loud as if we were right there, going through it all again and then finally the gut-twisting, ominous silence. And even though her screams of pain were quite possibly the most awful sound I’d ever heard in my life, the silence was worse – because that meant she’d gone. And she was never coming back...



Chapter 1 – Interview nerves....




I was excited. Well, I was excited in a terrified sort of way. More terrified if I’m gonna be completely honest about it – but excited all the same...

I might have been a disappointment to the rest of my family – not that they’d ever be rude enough to say so – but I didn’t want to follow in any of their footsteps and particularly not Harley’s. The idea of putting my life on the line, day in, day out, like he did was horrifying.

And the funny thing was, that he was as hard as nails, even though he was far more the ‘gay as a rainbow’ type than I was. I really didn’t look gay – no one had any idea unless I came out and told them straight that I was gay – not that I ever did because I was still undecided and well, it wasn’t really anyone else’s business anyway. I was pretty sure I leaned more towards fancying guys, but I could still appreciate a pretty female face – it was the rest of them that I found hard to really appreciate. I really did like cock...

Regardless of the way I looked in comparison to my older brother, I couldn’t possibly do what he did. That night, almost a year ago (Jesus, had it really been that long?) when I went on his ‘Take your child to work day’ had been enough for me...

Now, obviously I wasn’t Harley’s child – I was his younger brother, but Mum had insisted I go along to see what a ‘proper job’ looked like. I will never forgive her. That night traumatised me for life...

The evening had started out quite slowly and I was beginning to think that Harley was a right old fraud and that his job was eating doughnuts and drinking coffee... Then we got the call that changed all of our lives...

“Report of an accident on the B6995. Early indications suggest that it’s a hit and run; there seems to be only one vehicle at the scene. It’s an overturned car with at least one occupant trapped. Possible multiple casualties, anyone in the vicinity, please attend immediately.”

Harley looked at his work partner for the evening, some older guy called Roger, “That’s just around the corner from here, isn’t it?” he asked.

Roger nodded. He picked up the radio, “Roger that.” He said, which struck me as rather amusing since it was his name and I’d always had a childish sense of humour and thought names like Roger were ever so slightly rude.

“Stay in the car, Joel.” Harley barked as he opened his door.

Stay in the car? Fuck that. People needed help – they could be dying... I unclipped my seat belt and got out of the car.

The sound that reached my ears above all of the other noises going on – cracking class and groaning metal of the car heating up with the flames that were licking around the bonnet, was of the sobs of the heartbroken young guy that was trying his damnedest to get back into the car. His heartbreak was going to stay with me forever, I was sure... I’d never heard anything like it before in my life and I never wanted to hear it again. The guy was fucking distraught.

I knew, deep down that what I was going to see wouldn’t be pretty. Of course I did. But I followed Harley towards the burning car regardless and I was shocked to my core by what I saw. Harley was doing his best to reason with the distraught guy. But it wasn’t just that he was distraught. He was covered in blood – some of it his own, but there was too much blood on him for it to all be his. Fuck. Whoever was trapped in the car was in a bad way, then... I took another step towards them and realised that Harley was wrestling him to the ground and rolling him from side to side. Fuck. He was trying to put flames out on his clothes. Fuck. He was burning... I swallowed but it was futile. My mouth just kept filling up with more and more saliva and I knew I was going to be sick. He had burns to his arms and hands, his skin was shiny red and wet looking – and yet he was still screaming that his girlfriend needed saving. Fuck. What the hell was he doing? He was in such a bad way. He needed to go to hospital – now. This was too much for me. I turned and puked my guts up. I knew now why Harley had told me to stay in the car... I was such a lightweight when it came to stuff like this. Hell, I couldn’t even cope with a paper-cut...

I turned back. The burned guy was still crying and sobbing and having absolutely none of it. He was going absolutely crazy that his wife or girlfriend or whoever it was still trapped inside the car had to be got out.

Harley was yelling at him that she was already dead and that he was going to go up with the car if he didn’t move and that he had to leave her there. Finally all the fight went out of the guy and Harley managed to pull him away. We all ran for cover as the car exploded.

I felt sick again as I sat and watched the car burn and tried not to think about the person inside it. I tried my best to just tune it all out. I had no idea Harley had to deal with stuff like this on a pretty much day-to-day basis. I’d kind of thought it was all someone else that did that. And call me naïve, but it had never really occurred to me that they sometimes couldn’t get people out of burning cars. I thought the emergency services were some kind of super-heroes. That they always managed to get the victims out... That poor woman. She’d died for sure...




“So, the uh, the woman in the car died?” I asked quietly. Well, obviously... stupid question Joel.

Harley nodded, “She was already dead, mate.” he replied wearily, “She was hanging there, staring straight ahead. She’d already gone… he just couldn’t... he didn’t want to accept it...”

I swallowed hard. The poor bastard. He must have really loved her... “And what about the distraught guy?”

“Well, he has some pretty bad burns and his left leg was damaged badly – he’s broken his femur – that’s the bone at the top.”

I already knew that. Harley sometimes thought that he had to educate me... I stared at him, “But he was running around like a lunatic…” I said.

Harley nodded, “Adrenalin.” he said, “It makes people super-human at times.”

I nodded, dragging my hands down my face. I was still in shock. “Fuck. That was heavy stuff.” Stuff I never wanted to witness again for as long as I lived.

“Yeah, he’s been put into an induced coma – and that’s probably for the best. Losing the love of his life and all…”

I frowned. The love of his life? That was a little presumptuous of my brother, “We don’t know that.” I said. We had no idea what the set up was with their family. How did we know that she hadn’t deliberately run them off the road? That they hadn’t had a domestic and it was a deliberate act and that he was just distraught by what he’d done to make her want to do that? All kinds of things happened to people...

Harley nodded, “Uh, actually, we do this time.” He looked completely worn down with life in that moment. I frowned at him. What the hell was he talking about? “It was our Seth,” he added, “you know who I mean – my mate from the club that Alfie works at – he’s the barman there – you almost lost your shit over him at the wedding...”

My jaw dropped, “Oh, my God…” I’d hardly ‘lost my shit’, as he so eloquently put it, but it was the guy I’d been admiring at Harley and Alfie’s wedding only a few weeks ago. I hadn’t recognised him as the same beautiful guy when he was covered in blood and screaming and crying… Fuck...

I bit my lip. Was it too weird that I wanted to see how he was doing? I didn’t even know him but I just had to know that he was going to be okay. “Can I go and see him?”

Harley shrugged, “I guess you can – but don’t go getting any stupid romantic ideas about this guy, Joel. I’ve already told you he’s straight – and it’s going to take him a lifetime to get over losing Siobhan – he absolutely worshipped the ground she walked on…”

I nodded, “I know that.” I mumbled, suddenly feeling mortally embarrassed that my brother had just about read my mind. “I just don’t want him being alone.” I added lamely, my face bright red and my palms beginning to sweat. “No one’s come to see him.”

Harley nodded. Sighing, he rubbed his eyes. It had never really occurred to me how hard it must be to tell someone that a loved one had died, but he’d just come off the phone and he was white-faced. “I’ve called Peyton. He’s on his way now.”

I blinked, Peyton... of course. He was the little kid’s dad... He’d be devastated about Siobhan too – they still loved each other even if they weren’t romantically involved... Something awful had just occurred to me, “Oh, my God, Harley,” I murmured, wondering if I should voice my fears, “Do you think this could still be related to that lunatic who shot him?”

Harley nodded, “Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.” He said, “Either way, we’ve got a murder investigation to figure out now. Blaine and Denny are on their way too.”

I nodded. Everyone seemed to love Seth – but where the fuck was his family? Why wasn’t anyone like a parent or a brother or sister here for him? “Where is Seth?” I asked.

He showed me the way to Seth’s room. I stood outside for a long time before I went in.

He was on a ventilator and he was wrapped up in so many bandages that he looked like a mummy.

His face was, thankfully, not badly burnt. He’d only got a small burn on the side of his face that would hopefully not scar. His chest and arms were another matter though. The nurses were pretty concerned that there might be extensive scarring. Not that that mattered – he was still alive. That was all that mattered to me. He’d survived... He was still here... He was still straight... Shit.




Anyway, I’ve digressed enough. Like I said earlier – I was excited and nervous for the interview. Mostly because I knew I’d get to see Seth again.

None of my mates were gay so I couldn’t very well ask them to casually go along to the Studs and Steel nightclub with me and the only time I’d seen him since he came out of his coma was at Studs on his first night back in the saddle. Harley and Alfie had insisted we all go to support him and I’d been beside myself wondering if Simon, who had seen me at the hospital a few times in the early days would rat me out... Seth had no idea that I’d gone in every day to see him during those first ten days when he’d been in a coma, to talk to him – even though he didn’t hear a word of what I said to him. I just went so he wasn’t alone... No family members were ever around while I was there, just a whole bunch of his friends.

I had no idea what sort of a family he came from but it couldn’t have been anything like mine. My mother would have slept in a bed at my side if that had happened to me. I was absolutely sure of that...

It wasn’t just because Seth worked at the club that I wanted the job, although I’m not gonna deny it – that was a pretty big part of it.

Ever since Harley had been stationed at the Studs and Steel nightclub a couple of years back, I’d wanted to be a dancer there. It had sounded so glamorous and so damned sexy. It wasn’t because I was one of the ghoulish types that wanted to be around all the drama of what had happened with the owner and his family – no, I just wanted to be watched by all the guys on a podium. Shallow? Yeah, maybe I was... but I was also good at dancing and stony broke – this new job was going to be good for me.

I had an interview in the morning and I was nervous, sure – but also hopeful. I hadn’t actually done any serious dancing since Harley and Alfie’s wedding but a couple of the regular dancers had left, leaving an opening and Simon, the guy who I’d repeatedly bumped into at the hospital when Seth was in his coma, had suggested my name and finally, an opening had come up and I was in...

Rob, the manager of the club had contacted me to see if I was still interested. Interested? Of course I was interested! And so here I was. I was a little scared that I wouldn’t be able to remember any of my moves...

So, it was all down to my brother getting married to his dancer boyfriend that I had the interview at all. Being his favourite sibling, I was, naturally, his best man... and that was how I’d ended up on the podium at the end of the night with Alfie and River. Totally egged on by the rest of the guys, it hadn’t really taken much encouragement to get me up there to flaunt my moves and my eyes had met with Seth’s when I couldn’t help glancing across the room. Hell, I’d been sneaking looks at him all night – but this time he was actually watching the show with a little smile on his beautiful face.




I arrived at the club early. Certainly no patrons were going to be around at this time of day and I wasn’t sure how many of the staff would be around either.

I parked up and walked purposefully across the car park to the entrance of the club. I pushed the door expecting it to be locked.

It swung open easily and I went inside a little tentatively, expecting to be yelled at any second by a cop dressed head to toe in combat gear... yeah I do have a very over-active imagination...

I peeked around the corner that opened out into the main area and smiled. This place was awesome...

The changes that Rob had made to the club – enabling me to get a job there in the first place, were incredible. Where the bar used to be in the corner by the main entrance, it now stretched all the way down the side of the club where the seating booths used to be. There was still stainless steel and glass mirrors as far as the eye could see. As I looked around, I realised that a lot of it was reflection and that it wasn’t actually as massive as it first appeared. The last time I’d been here was during working hours and it had been lit for the evening. In the dark it just seemed to go on forever. Clever...

This was actually my second interview. Rob had been so short of time when I turned up the first time a couple of months ago, we’d re-scheduled. He’d assured me that there were no other hopeful dancers in the picture and this was just the formal bit since he now had room for me, so I already kind of knew I had the job.

I glanced back at the bar and was surprised to see that I wasn’t actually alone.

There was a guy behind the bar... And oh, my God – it was Seth. He was looking different to the last time I saw him, but still every bit as beautiful as he always did... He was sporting a little facial hair, which he’d never had before. I thought I knew why – the last time I’d seen him, it was still obvious that his face was a little scarred from the accident and the smattering of dark facial hair really did detract from it very well. He looked utterly delectable and I just wanted to gather him up in my arms and kiss him until I couldn’t breathe anymore...

Fighting down the urge – and the boner that had decided to awaken in my boxers, I went over to him, “Excuse me?” I asked.

He looked up, his eyes looked red and tired but he smiled brightly at me, “Oh, good morning.” He said, “Joel, isn’t it?”

I nodded, “Uh, yeah.” I said in some surprise that he’d remembered my name.

I tried my best not to read anything into it. He was just professional and good at remembering names... “I’m here to see Rob.” I said, relieved that my voice had come out normally and not all squeaky, showing my nervousness.

He nodded, “Sure, sure.” He said, “If you’d like to follow me, I’ll take you to his office.”

I followed him. The accident had left him with a slight limp – hardly a surprise to say he was running around on it while it was broken and then all the trouble he’d had with the infection and everything afterwards. Fuck he was lucky to still have his leg... Apart from that slight flaw, he was fucking perfect. He was tall and kind of willowy in appearance – with beautiful hair that framed his face in loose curls, massive dark brown eyes that would, hopefully, someday, glow with happiness again – and a great arse, I couldn’t help noticing. Fuck, I’d seriously like to see him without so many clothes on...



Short Stories by Heather Mar-Gerrison




Zoe’s First Date with Fate

Save The Last Dance (Dance #1)

Can We Dance (Dance #2)



Something Stupid

Maybe Never…

Kiss The Boy (Boy Next Door #1)

Are We Good...? (Boy Next Door #2)

Equal Measures (Boy Next Door #3)

Some Kind of Paradise (Boy Next Door #4)

Without You... (Boy Next Door #5)

Looking for Trouble (Boy Next Door #6)

Best Boyfriend Ever... (Boy Next Door #7)

Racing Hearts... (Boy Next Door #8)

I need a little time... (Boy Next Door #9)


What If... I Belonged to You? (What If? #1)

What If... I want commitment? (What If #2)



Coming Soon


What If... I Remember? (What If? #3)

What if... It was always me? (What If #4)



Contemporary Romance by

Heather Mar-Gerrison


The One That Got Away

If I Can’t Have You

Like No Other

Summer Break (Summer Break series #1)

Operation Boyfriend (Operation Boyfriend #1)

All Kinds of Trouble (Operation Boyfriend #2)

The Trouble with Tyler (Operation Boyfriend #3)

What Happens with Vegas (Operation Boyfriend #4)


True… Love (Riverside #1)

Tomas… Enchanted (Riverside #2)

Tatum… Undercover (Riverside #3)

Toby… Captivated (Riverside #4)

Trey… Unbelievable (Riverside #5)

Sam… Distracted (Riverside #6)


Peyton... Protected (Studs & Steel #1)

River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel #2)

Alfie... Abused (Studs & Steel #3)

Buzz... Bedazzled (Studs & Steel #4)

Stake Out... (Studs & Steel #5)


Looking out for Lorenzo

(A Studs & Steel Novella)

A Shoulder To Cry On

(A Studs & Steel Novella)

Dangerous Love (A Studs & Steel Novella)


Coming Soon



Emilio… Enraptured (Riverside #7)

Riverside… The Weddings (Riverside #8)



Seth... Saved (Studs & Steel #7)

Thai... Troubled (Studs & Steel #8)



When Deanna Met Lincoln (Operation Boyfriend #5)

Misunderstood… Theo’s Fight For Love (Operation Boyfriend #6)



When Danny met Horatio (The Band #1)

When Tobias met Noah (The Band #2)

When Justin Met Max (The Band #3)

When Karl Met Devon (The Band #4)



Heather also writes historical romance eBooks


The Duchess of Chittenden (Duchess #1)

Highway to Society (Duchess #2)

The Real Duke of Circhester (Brunswick #1)

Philip Brunswick is getting married (Brunswick #2)


Coming Soon


Matilda’s Escape (Brunswick #3)

An Unlikely Hero

The Lady and the Blacksmith

Rosy’s leap year

Gabriella’s unexpected proposal

The Other Son… (Duchess #3)



Check out my blog at for news of my upcoming books.

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About the Author


I live in Nottingham, England with my lovely, long suffering and incredibly patient husband and my two beautiful daughters. We also have two cats that we adopted from the RSPCA, Bella and Romeo... and a brand new member of the family – Enzo, our Border Terrier...

When I’m not looking after a wayward dog – I’m generally writing a book, any spare time I get between these two pursuits, you can either find me curled up with a good book that someone else wrote and a cat or a dog on my knee in place of the laptop, or I’ll be pottering about in the greenhouse, whilst plotting my next storyline in my head, muttering to myself like a crazy woman.... It’s not easy living with all the voices of my characters in my head!