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Simply Complicated: Ellison Brothers (Ellison Brothers Book 2) by Vera Roberts (2)

I stand in front of Savior and his brown eyes are dancing – dare I say, laughing at me. His presence is commanding and all he’s doing is sitting down at my desk. One leg is lazily crossed over the other and one of his manicured hands are lightly tapping my desk.

He has a look on his face that doesn’t signify he’s annoyed with me, but it’s pretty clear he’s not jumping for joy about what I did. It was an argument I was already exhausted with and we didn’t even start.

I stare at him and pretend I’m not sniffing his cologne like it’s oxygen. “May I help you, Mr. Ellison?” My voice comes out shaky and a bit emotional.

“Mr. Ellison is my father,” Savior corrects. Every word is laced with annoyance in his baritone, “are you hungry?”

I’m starving but he will not tempt me with food. The last time he did that, I almost gave him the Keisha Love You Long Time special. “I have a busy day ahead of me, sir.”

“Sir,” his voice is smoky and heavy, “I do like it when you call me sir.”

My nipples tighten with desire and I feel it down to my panties. It’s nine-fifteen in the morning. Most people haven’t had their coffee and this man already has me aroused. “May I help you?”

“Come with me to my office and we’ll talk.” He gets up and my eyes follow his body. Dressed in the finest open-collared Armani suit, Savior continues to surprise me by how gorgeous he is.

He’s second-in-command so it’s not like I can tell him I’m too busy to have a meeting. I’m sure he’s already spoken with my supervisors I’ll be unavailable for a short while. “Okay.”

Savior holds the small of my back as I walk with him to the office. His touch is demanding, yet respectful. I get the innate feeling he doesn’t do this very often and definitely not so publicly at his place of business.

We pass Easton on the way in. Easton gives me a grin that’s half-joyous and half-pity. Even he knows I fucked up.

I walk into Savior’s office and sit down on the sofa. Two plates of food are underneath trays along with orange juice and coffee.

Savior lifts up the trays and I’m presented with French toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs. My stomach grumbles and I lightly lick my lips. The food smells wonderful.

“Dig in,” he sits beside me. He removed his jacket, and his sleeves are rolled up. He wants to enjoy his food in peace and worry about appearances later.

Just even seeing him as a privilege man who’s not afraid to get his hands dirty makes me wonder how dirty is he willing to get with me. Lord, please help me.

He opened up a napkin and placed it on my lap, smoothing his hands over my thick thighs. He watches my reaction as he does so, wondering how far I’m going to let him go and if he’s not being obscene. “Comfortable?”

I nod as I carefully watched him move closer to me. “Keisha…” He says whispers my before his lips take over mine. Once again, Savior’s tongue makes love with mine, sweetly playing with it as it explored the rest of my mouth.

I could climax on Savior’s kisses alone and had he kept at it, I probably would have. He held back and we both were frustrated he had to. His frame was powerful and strong, even while he sat. His cologne was delicious and combined with his authoritative tone, my arousal hit its peak.

I felt suffocated, yet I didn’t feel I was in danger nor did I panic. Instead, I welcomed his soft lips and gentle tongue. His tongue licked mine as my clit throbbed for release. My heartbeat was deafening and my head spun into a million directions.

“I was thinking about you all damn weekend.” Savior’s voice is heavy and primitive. His hands were all over my body, caressing my neck, trailing down to my breasts, and gently cupping them with a gentleness I never knew. His lips became greedy for mine. The arousal burned through my body. “Every time I went to sleep, I thought about how you would feel on my cock. I still taste how sweet your pussy was on my tongue.”

I try to stifle a moan but it came out regardless. I was fully aroused and the need hummed underneath my skin. He softly growled as he pulled away from me, and began eating. “Your tummy growled at me.” He gave an apology of sorts. He was right; I was famished. I took a bite of my French toast and of course, it’s perfect. The bacon is crisped to perfection and the eggs are fluffy like clouds.

I’m a bit unsettled on how he just happened to have breakfast waiting for me and I wondered if Savior knew I was going to turn down the car.

“I wanted to have breakfast with you,” he seemingly reads my mind, “I wanted to spend this morning with you alone.”

Well, that answers one question but other is the elephant in the room. “About the car…” I wipe my mouth. “…I have to decline it.”

Savior nods as if he expected that to be my answer. “May I ask why?”

“I don’t own it.” My eyes glance over to his. My breath is caught in my throat and I feel like a bumbling fool. His hair is a sexy, weird combination of bed head and small blondish-brown strands fall down in front of his eyes. This man is beyond gorgeous; he is simply breathtakingly beautiful. “You do.”

“I said it was yours. It was a gift.” He meets my eyes. His face hardens with frustration and a bit of anger. “I don’t take back gifts.”

“Your name is on the registration. If it was my car, my name would’ve been on it.” I softly reply. “You own it. You can take it back whenever you feel like it.”

“My name is on the car because if there are any problems, I want to be assured you weren’t going to be screwed by anyone else.”

I appreciate his concern but I’m also pretty sure Savior never had the LAPD follow him because he drove a nice car. “I’ll get harassed the moment they see your name on the registration.”

“You know how to reach me in case there are any problems,” his eyes soften to light brown, “again, the car is yours. I don’t like repeating myself so I’m making an exception for you.”

He’s generous with his time. I wonder if he’ll be generous with this arrangement. “Do you expect me to be exclusive to you?”

“I would prefer and I’ll do the same,” he takes another bite of his omelet, “I don’t like to share.”

Jalen went from being a small problem to a big one. If he had an issue with my new car, he’s really going to have some problems when I stop giving up the punani. “It sounds like you want us to be in a relationship when really you just want me to blow you at any time you want it.” I counter.

Savior glances at the distance and slowly chews his food. He’s not a man who carelessly speaks or uses his Twitter fingers whenever he’s upset. Every word that comes out of his mouth is something methodical and to the point. “I want our relationship to be mutually-beneficial. Whenever you want to end it, we will, and it’ll stop immediately.”

“Condoms?” If we’re going to be exclusive, I can’t imagine he’ll want to use condoms all of the time.

“Maybe our first night but I would prefer not to.” He takes another bite. “I’ll pay for any birth control and doctor’s appointments you need.”

My eyebrows rise upon hearing the first talk of financial settlement. We’re carefully straddling the fence of a…ahem, mutually-beneficial arrangement and flat-out prostitution. “You’re going to get me insurance?”

Savior glances over to me. “Yes.”

This doesn’t sound like a typical arrangement he has done in the past. In fact, this is sounding increasingly like a relationship. To be honest, I’m not even sure I like this guy. Yeah, he gets my motor running but really, any man can do that if they look hot enough. “90 days,” I reply, “after 90 days we’ll reevaluate our status and see. I think 90 days is more than sufficient.”

Savior stiffens and it seems I struck a nerve. He’s not used to being told no or given stipulations. His lips tighten into a flat line and his eyes have no emotion within them. “Why 90 days?”

“Why not?” I reply. “You only get 90 days on the job to make a good enough impression. After 90 days, you can decide if I’m worth your time and you can move onto someone more suitable.” If that advice was good enough for Big Teeth Steve Harvey, it’s good enough for Savior.

Savior takes a sip of his orange juice and blots his mouth. “Pushing me away and we haven’t even started yet.”

I sigh and swallow my delicious meal. I don’t know why I thought negotiating with a lawyer was going to be Cover Girl easy breezy. “Savior, I…”

He turns to me and blots my mouth with a napkin. “Shh…” It’s a small act yet so intimate. He carefully wipes the food and crust from my lips as his eyes dance at mine. “You want 90 days, you got it. My original offer remains the same plus you get the full benefits of being with me. I will let you know, I’m not a man who’s easily deterred. I am a lawyer.”

I notice he didn’t say girlfriend but I’m okay with that. I’m not his girlfriend and he’s not my boyfriend. I haven’t met any of his friends and family and I probably won’t. It’s a strictly sexual relationship and that’s fine.

I’ll get college tuition, a brand-new whip, and my back blown out on a regular basis. Most girls barely get a ten-dollar gift card thanking them for great pussy so I’m happy with what Savior is offering.

So why do I feel iffy about this whole ordeal?

After we finish breakfast, I’m ready for the rest of the day. I guess having a pick-me-up from Savior was what I needed, after all. “Thank you for the delicious breakfast. It was lovely.”

“The breakfast was amazing.” He walks me to his office door. “You’re lovely.”

My cheeks feel a slight tinge of pink across them and I sigh. He always knows what to say without saying too much. “I’ll see you later.”

Before I can leave, Savior pulls me close to him and brushes his lips across mine. He wraps his arms around my waist and his hands travel down to my ass where he takes two firm squeezes.

He moans into my mouth and I return the favor as his lips travel down to my neck. My hands become lost in his hair, clenching it tight as I pull him closer to me. I feel his hardened cock press against the vee of my sex and my body becomes heightened with pleasure. My nipples once again tighten with anticipation and my panties are moistened with want.

“Soon,” he whispers in my ear, “I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’re going to think of me whenever you walk. Have a nice day at work, Keisha.”


All I thought about were Savior’s words. I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll think about me whenever you walk. His eyes burned with desire. He taunted me, promised me, and will provide everything and then some.

My mind travels back to this past weekend when he surprised me. The way his fingers played with my sex, circling my clit until I fisted the sheets. My body moved along with his fingers as he promised me whatever I wanted.

He’d already showed me what that tongue can do, coaxing my body to an orgasm I will never forget.

And he took my three-dollar Wal-Mart panties with them. The emoji ones. What in the hell did I just get myself into?

My day wraps up and I’m so ready to leave. As five o’clock rolls around, I turn off my computer and put everything away. I gather my purse when my office phone rings.

Savior is calling me.

I hesitate answering the phone because I’m not sure if I want to talk to him. I’m not upset or angry; I just already know the affect he has on me. Our relationship is purely sexual and that’s it. I refuse to get caught up with someone who will use me as a fuck toy and vice-versa.

What Savior Ellison doesn’t know that he’s messing with Prince Jones’s baby girl, an independent woman who will get in formation with her six-inch heels. (Okay, so I need to stop listening to so much Beyoncé.)

Savior Ellison is gon’ learn today that I’m not the motherfucking one, two, or three. And with that, I answered the phone. “Keisha Jones speaking.”

“You have the perfect voice for a phone sex operator.” Savior purrs. “Your voice…throaty, breathless, wispy…I think I can come on your voice alone.”

Fuck. There goes my black fist in the air along with my Wonder Woman uniform. It dissipated at the same time my thighs magically opened. Weird. “How can I help you, Savior?”

“I thought about you all day. I’m glad I had to work at my desk for most of it because I don’t think I would be able to explain an erection.” His voice is breathy.

“You should probably get that checked out,” I tease him. “It stays too hard you won’t be able to use it.”

“Do you want to check it out?” It feels like his deep voice is looking into the windows of my soul. “I promise I’ll be a good patient.”

I’m sure Savior would be a great patient. I’m sure my mouth and pussy would be the best doctors for him. I shake the nasty thoughts out of my head. “How can I help you, Savior?”

“I forgot to tell you to clear your schedule out later next weekend. There’s a Christmas gala I want to take you to. We’ll go shopping for your gown and accessories next week.”

A gala is one of those high-society, high-flaunting type of things that guarantees I’ll be on the society pages. I’m not sure how I’m feeling about this. I was strongly under the impression Savior wanted to keep me as his ghetto secret and I was about to go along with said idea. Now he wants to broadcast me to a global audience? “Okay.”

“You’ll be my date and I’ll pick you up around six.” He notes. “As for our arrangement, we’re still on. I’ll be at your house around ten at night.”

Booty call hours. I say that’s pretty convenient for our arrangement. “Okay.”

“You seem unsure.” His deep voice has an obvious question mark. “What’s up?”

“I’m just wondering what the deal is with you,” I answer, “that’s all.”

“I’m smart, rich, attractive, and I give great cunnilingus.” He casually replies as if we were talking about the Lakers game. “I think those are four qualities every woman wants regardless of the partner’s skin color.”

I briefly put the phone on my neck and I hope I’m not blushing too hard. I also hope to hell no one is near me to hear this conversation. Savior is right on all of those points, especially the last one. Lord, I’m still screaming from the memory.

“Have a great rest of the day. See you later, gorgeous.” He hangs up.

I slowly return the phone to the retriever. Savior is a calculating executive and he didn’t just get to where he is because he’s the boss’s kid. He knows how to play the game and what to say to ensure victory.

As I walk down to the garage and get inside the BMW, I think about what’d just transpired. I know our arrangement is purely sexual but I couldn’t help but to blush at the compliment Savior gave me.

No man has ever called me gorgeous before.




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