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Soulhated: A Mount Edge Shifter Romance by Sara Summers (14)



Quinn didn’t make any sense to me. One night she was kissing me like I was the best thing that ever happened to her, the next day, she was coloring her hair and tattooing over my marking on her neck.

And then she wanted to go to Mount Edge and use my hometown to convince me to let her go? Didn’t she realize that it was full of shifters who knew me and would try to convince her that she should be with me?

She’d made it clear that we were going to Mount Edge whether I liked it or not, so when she locked me out of the bedroom, I stepped out into the hallway and called my brother.

“Hey, man. Has Quinn come around yet?”

I grimaced. I’d texted him a little since I’d found her, but hadn’t told him everything.

“I thought so, but now she’s decided I need to sign some paper saying that she can marry whatever human she wants. I guess she’s determined to make my life a living hell until I agree to let her go.”

“What? That’s insane.” Tanner protested.

“Yeah, well part of her plan to get rid of me includes Mount Edge. She bought a house on the mountain.”

He was silent for a moment.

I understood why. My parents’ wolf pack was on the mountain in Mount Edge, and about two months ago, Tanner had challenged my dad for his place as Alpha. When he won, Tanner took all of the young people out of our dad’s pack. We were living in a college town about twenty minutes from the middle of the mountain called Edge Valley.

While we weren’t technically living in Mount Edge, we were close enough that it didn’t matter.

“Are you sure it’s on the mountain?”

“Positive.” I grimaced. Quinn had practically rubbed that fact in my face, like she was proud of it.

If she’d known that the reason I wasn’t living on the mountain was because of the shifters in my dad’s pack who had tried to kill Tanner’s soulmate for being born a human, she wouldn’t have been so excited.

Because I was not only Tanner’s twin but his second in command, there were plenty of people in my dad’s pack who hated me. I could protect myself, but Quinn? She would be an open target.

“I’ll try to work something out with dad. Call me when you’re getting close. Good luck, man.”

“Thanks. See you soon.”

 I hung up and stepped back inside the apartment. Immediately after, Quinn flung the bedroom door open and sent a suitcase rolling down the hallway. Her hair was wet and blonde again—so she’d only done that to get a rise out of me—and she looked frustrated.

“Put that in your truck, mountain man!”

A smile tugged at my lips, brought on by both the nickname and the command. Even if she was set on convincing me we weren’t meant to be together, the wolf in her knew that I was hers. Whatever her thoughts, she was attracted to me and felt the same connection between us that I did.

I just had to figure out a way to get her to admit that, and to decide it was more important than whatever had her so set on that political marriage.