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Steal Me (Longshadows Book 1) by Natalia Banks (121)

Chapter 6


“You really don’t give a damn how much of an asshole you are, do you?” She asks, and I’m taken aback.

An asshole? Really? She’s looking at me like I’m some disgusting thing that she tracked in on the bottom of her shoe, yet I’m the asshole. I offered her a place to stay against every damn thought and warning bell in my mind, and yet I’m an asshole.

“Darlin’,” I drawl with more ease than I feel, “I’m letting a total stranger stay in my home. I’m trusting someone who’s just passing through when I don’t know you from Adam. I don’t know if you’re a con artist, a serial killer, a fucking psycho, but here I am offering you a place to stay. If that makes me an asshole…” I shrug, lifting my hands, palm up. Jax takes the opportunity to weakly lick at my fingers.

The myriad of expressions crossing Victoria’s face are just as varied as they had been before. It’s like watching a fucking wheel of emotions that slow and finally stop on confusion. “I meant that you’re a jerk-”

“An asshole.” I’m not letting her back down so quickly. She said it, she can fucking own it.

Her eyes narrow before she continues, “Because you seem to think I can’t pay you back.”

Is she new to this life thing? “Do you think you’re the first person to say that to me?” I ask, wondering just how sheltered she is. Maybe she is a con. Maybe all of this was set up. I doubt it, she feels genuine and her dog seems to mean the world to her. Still, how could anyone get through life being so oblivious and unaware?

Her expression falls and I realize it’s finally dawning on her. But instead of responding in anger, she squares her shoulders and lifts her chin like she’s ready to do battle. “I will pay you back,” she says, her tone firm and serious.

But something in me tells me to humor her rather than knock her back again. I dip my chin in agreement. “Okay,” I say with every bit as much firmness as she did. I’m shocked at the sudden change in her as the word leaves my lips.

It’s as if I’m the first person to ever believe in her, even a tiny bit. What the hell happened to this girl?

She rubs her hands on the hips of her black leggings. There’s a new note to her voice as she talks to me. “And I’m not a con, or a fucking psycho. Serial killer, maybe.” The corners of her lips lift in a small smile.

“That makes two of us,” I say, and her expression drops. She studies me and I stare into her worried brown eyes, again, feeling like something’s not quite right with this girl. “Would I really tell you?” I ask, feeling my eyebrow arch as she thinks it over.

“Maybe. Hiding truths in a joke would be a good way to blend in.” She sounds like she’s considering it as we speak and I have to agree with her.

“I guess. But if I really seem like the kind of person who could do that, it would be stupid to joke about it if it were true, right?” I say as she reaches out to pet Jax, who thumps his tail at her.

“True,” she says, and I feel a sudden shock of warmth at her approval. “I guess I should thank you,” she says, her tone decidedly warmer.

“Don’t mention it,” I say, still struggling with that nagging doubt in my mind. I care about Sentinel. I care about animals. People are assholes. They let you down, they lie, they cheat, they steal. Animals might steal, but it’s for good reason. They’re easy to understand. They don’t set out to deceive, like people.

I want to keep Sentinel safe and get him through the night and these first crucial weeks. His owner? Well, she’s justhere.

“You’re kind of strange,” she muses, her hand gently tugging Jax’s ears. He’s loving the attention. “You save my dog, help me out, and you’re modest about it.”

Because the one I’m actually doing it for wouldn’t offer me words.

At that moment, Sam comes back in and I breathe a sigh of relief. She hangs up the X-rays and I look them over. Instantly I see two broken ribs and a fractured third. Somehow, those are the only broken bones.

I breathe a sigh of relief. “Let’s set those and wrap him,” I tell Sam. She nods and we hurry to set the bones and wrap him up while the pain meds are still freely flowing through him.

“I’m taking him home,” I tell Sam who looks over at a silent Victoria. Her glance back at me is knowing, and I want to shake my head at her. It’s not like that. And she should know better.

“Good,” She says, “Jax will have someone to recuperate with.” She gives me a wink and I shake my head. She’s quick to dig her elbow into my ribs. “Just enjoy yourself,” she says softly.

I’m not going to enjoy myself. I don’t get close to women. Not the ones I take home, not the ones that claim to love me, not the ones who are grateful for everything I do for their pets. And this? The woman who is obviously just as annoyed by me as I am her? Not a snowball’s chance in hell we’re going to enjoy ourselves.

I glance over at Victoria, who’s back to loving on Jax. He’s staring up at her with his best love me look, and I try not to be surprised he’s taking to her so well. He’s as dissociated as I am, generally.

But no, his tail is thudding on the wall and he’s panting while watching her with a look that begs her not to stop loving on his ears.

It’s fucking weird.