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Steal Me (Longshadows Book 1) by Natalia Banks (41)

Chapter 11

The next day Mrs. B. took Ashe shopping so Lorraine and Griffin could see to various details relating to the upcoming rally that Saturday. The days were fast counting down, and the closer the day came, the more details kept popping up.

Griffin said, “A permit? Do we…? What if we call it a public protest, that’s Constitutionally protected freedom of speech. They’re called the First and Eleventh Amendments. Look ’em up.” Griffin swiped the screen while Lorraine collected her purse.

“Okay,” she said, setting a hand on Griffin’s brawny shoulder, “I’m going to run down the library to meet Albert and Carmen, walk ’em through what we’ve got so far. It’s gonna take a miracle to pull this thing off without a hitch, but all of us together, I know we can get it done.”

“That’s the spirit,” Griffin said with a wink. “Just, y’know, be careful.”

Those words settled into the back of Lorraine’s brain with an ominous ring. “How do you mean?”

He broke an awkward smile. “No, it’s…it’s nothing, never mind. You’re a big girl; I know you can take care of yourself.”

“Against what…or who? Griffin, you’re scaring me a little bit.”

“Really, it’s nothing, I’m just…I’m just being silly, that’s all. I’ve grown enormously fond of you, Lorraine Devonshire. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”

“But…what’s going to happen to me?”

“Nothing, I’m sure, it’s just…in general, y’know? Like I said, I’m just being silly. Something about you, maybe, taking me off guard.”

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with that. I think all three of us could stand to let our guard down a bit.” A sad silence passed before Lorraine said, “Does it have to do with your late wife?”

He nodded. “Kayla was…she was something else. You’d have liked her. She would have liked you, I’m sure.” Lorraine nodded, but she didn’t have to say anything. She knew what she was about to hear, but there was no way to prepare for just how terrible it would be.

Griffin stared out into the distance, only able to offer little glances at Lorraine as his memories crept up on him. “She was on her way to the store, the local supermarket. I don’t even remember what she was going to buy. Doesn’t really make a difference; she never made it that far.”

Lorraine leaned against Griffin, a loving show of silent support. He went on, “Some kids had heard about this…this urban myth or whatever—a trend, a popular pastime.” He took a deep breath. “So they stole a manhole cover and took it up to a footbridge over the freeway. Those have a chainlink fence on each side, but this one was damaged—there was a seam between the link of the fence and the concrete of the wall, shouldn’t have been there.”

“They didn’t?”

“Yes, they did.” A lump rose in Lorraine’s throat, stopping up whatever useless, pointless words she might have found if she could have. He went on, “She didn’t have a chance. They’re not even sure if she ever saw it coming. Investigator said she didn’t hit the brakes, didn’t swerve.”

“Oh Griffin, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No it’s…it’s good, I’m glad you did. I want you to know. I don’t tell many people, but you’re special, Lorraine, and you’re very special to me.” Lorraine smiled, gently rubbing his arm and giving him a little pat. “Anyway, we couldn’t give her an open casket funeral, obviously, that…the way it all happened. Then there was the pileup afterward. She lingered, long enough to know what had happened though, long enough to know what was happening. She asked about me, I was told—where I was, why wasn’t I there. But I was at the office, miles away. I wasn’t there for her; there wasn’t anything I could do!”

Lorraine wrapped her arm around Griffin, and he pulled her close, strong arms wrapping around her, cheek pressing against her short, red hair. “You can’t blame yourself, Griffin. It was a horrible thing, but you could never have anticipated that. And even if you had been there, there wouldn’t have been anything you could do.”

He just stared out, eyes dewy. “I would have been driving. It would have been me, not her. It should have been me.”

Lorraine combed her fingers through Griffin’s hair. “And poor Ashe, hasn’t said a word since that day.” He gritted his teeth, visibly biting back on his anger and forcing a smile. “They never caught the kids. That only would have destroyed their lives too.”

“I’m so sorry, Griffin.”

“Yeah,” he said, “so am I.” They stood in their quiet melancholy; Griffin cleared his throat. He wiped his eyes and forced a smile. “Hey, you’ve got a meeting at the library, and I’ve got to get downtown, knock a few heads about these permits.”

“Right.” She smiled. “Okay. Meet up later for lunch?”

“You know my number.” They shared a smile and a kiss, but Lorraine didn’t make it as far as the door before Griffin repeated, “Be careful.”

She turned. “I will, Griffin, I really will.” But she walked out of that hotel suite with the distinct feeling that it wasn’t going to matter how careful she was.

* * *

Lorraine felt more and more confident dealing with Carmen and Albert, both her superiors. All three of them knew Lorraine had scored several major victories for the library; Carmen and Albert’s secret affair gave Lorraine all the leverage she needed. But there was more to it than that. She was smiling easily at their discomfort. But it wasn’t their discomfort but her increasing comfort, her growing strength in dealing with people which inspired that little smile—with Donal, with Albert and Carmen, with everybody.

They walked around the library’s exterior, Lorraine pointing out a broad swath of the parking lot to her right, planning the finishing touches for the event that was only a few short days away. “I think the bandstand would go there, the concession tables over there. And the protestors in front.”


“Well, no, Albert, not really protestors, but…somebody’s gotta hold the signs, right?”

Carmen repeated, “Signs?”

“Sure, save our libraries, that kind of thing. It’s not a birthday party, Car.”

Carmen and Albert shared a nervous glance. “I guess,” was all Carmen could say.

“Look, I know you two are a little nervous. And what I said before, I didn’t mean for you to think that I was lording anything over you.”

Albert said, “But you were, Miss Devonshire, that’s exactly what you were doing.”

“And I’m sorry I had to, Albert, I really am. And I want you both to know that I will not break my promise. Your secret’s safe with me.”

“Well that’s…that’s great, Lorraine,” Carmen said, “but what about the library?” Lorraine tiled her head, slight confusion before Carmen explained, “What if things get out of hand? You gather enough people like that together, carrying signs and getting all worked up. What if they rampage through the library, overturning tables and knocking the shelves down?”

Albert said, “Carmen’s absolutely right. We should at least lock up the library.”

“But Albert, a big part of this is to bring new people into the library—people who forgot we even existed. But all the good stuff’s actually inside the library.” Albert and Carmen sighed. Lorraine couldn’t help but wonder, What are they so edgy about? Do they mistrust me that much? Has my reputation really gotten that bad?

Or do they know something I don’t?

No, no, Lorraine silently assured herself, don’t do that, don’t give into fear. That’s the old Lorraine Devonshire!

Lorraine smiled and turned back toward library. “I think we’ll put the face painter and the bouncy house over there.”

Albert said, “I thought you said it wasn’t a birthday party.”

“Let’s think of it as a rebirthday party.”