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Steele (Army Brothers Book 1) by Savannah May (11)



I'm grateful and not to mention tingling when Steele carries me, riding on his dick buried up to the root inside me. I'm so weak from the endless climaxes he pulled from my body, I know my knees would buckle and fold if he put me down. He sinks to his knees on our discarded clothes and I remain straddled on him with his perfect cock still inside me.

And this is the moment. We'll never be closer than this – my first time, our first time. Sharing everything now would bond us even more firmly.

Tentatively I ask him, not wanting to ruin this moment I'll never forget. Not for him either. I don't want our first time to be lodged in his memory along with a panic attack. So I'm relieved, a surge of warmth running up me, as I realize Steele isn't going to shut me out. Like he did to his father at the breakfast bar over coffee. Not intentionally though, I'm sure he isn't purposely building a wall around himself. It's just safer that way for Steele. If he doesn't talk about it, he doesn't have to feel it. Except now that we're older I think we both know it doesn't work that way.

I rest my head on his shoulder after he's told me everything he went through. His arms wrap around me so we're pressed skin to skin from neck to where his cock still disappears inside me.

“God, it must be nearly noon,” I say after we've sat, entwined, me impaled, all wrapped around each other and talked about almost everything.

We've just about caught up on the last five years. Steele incredulous that I never found anyone to take my virginity, me laughingly accusing him of a fishing expedition.

“It's okay, I don't mind admitting that no one measured up to you in my estimation,” I say.

“That one kiss in my bedroom when you were barely sixteen, ruined you for all other men?”

“Yeah, something like that. Come on, Mr Arrogant, we have to get back. My mother's gonna be hopping mad.”

Steele puts my clothes back on me, so carefully like he's dressing a child. Then he pulls his own on and I sit on my heels gazing on his incredible body in a state of awe. He looks at me and grins, knowing what I'm thinking so I don't have to feed his ego any more than I already did. And then I can't help it, the words slip out.

“You're an absolute God.”

He grins wider.

“You're kinda hot yourself. The only word I can think of is absolutely perfect.”

“That's two words.”

He stretches his hands out to catch mine and raise me up, then encircles me into his embrace where I feel a whole new kind of safe and secure. Steele could fend off an entire gang and a couple of wild dogs too.

“This is crazy,” I murmur against his neck, almost delirious at the heated woody smell of his warm skin.

“Crazy good or crazy crazy?” Steele asks, leaning back to scavenge across my features.

“Maybe a little of both.”

My pussy throbs with a renewed hunger I don't think I can contain through a whole afternoon in our parent's house.


How am I gonna stuff all the emotions I've gone through today back inside, to hide the truth from my mom? This week is about to become intolerable. Steele and I walk back through the woods hand in hand and only leave go, by mutual silent accord, when we come within three blocks of the house. You never know what nosy neighbors are twitching the drapes around here.

We wander into the house too casually, almost like strangers and I'm certain my mother picks up a whiff of something. But that could be my paranoia. She'll strip me raw if she finds out I'm sleeping with Steele.

“That was a three hour trip to buy milk,” she snaps. “I've been waiting. And where is the milk exactly?”

“They ran out.”

“We drank it.”

Steele and I answer at the same time and my mother's suspicious radar clicks into overdrive. Her eyes narrow to arrow slits as she looks at me.

“So disrespectful. I assume you're going to change and visit your grandmother wearing something decent.”


I dash up the two flights and throw on a nice flowered sundress with a cardigan and ballet flats. No gran could object to this vintage ensemble.

Steele looks pretty impressed when I come reeling back downstairs.

“I could fit underneath that swirly skirt,” he grabs me by the arm, pulling me in, to husk into my ear. I leap away when my mother appears around the door frame.

“Can we please go now?” she hisses.

“Sure. Have fun doing nothing, Steele,” I joke.

“I've got plenty to keep my mind entertained until you get back,” he says, with that filthy grin that pushes at my edges.

I shoot him a glare that says “shut up' and only makes his smile wider and my temperature soar.

My mother is stony silent in the car and I wish Steele were here for back up. Or maybe that would only make her anger more pronounced. It's a relief to reach the hospice and go inside to see gran. It's been five years and I've missed her. I sent her tons of postcards and little gifts to let her know I was thinking of her and that I remembered how kind she always was to me. Especially when she let me make a mess in her kitchen in my desperate efforts to learn to make a pie.

My mother dominates the room as soon as we enter, fixing things, moving stuff that doesn't need to be moved. Nothing is ever okay for her, unless she's rearranged it. I can see it's stressing my grandmother but there's not much I can say that will make any difference. Once the room is adjusted to my mother's preference and she's told the nurses what her mother needs, she's bored. She decides to go for coffee so at least I can visit for a few minutes.

“Gran, I'm sorry I haven't come before. It's been so long.”

“Never be sorry, my sweet girl. I know all too well how quickly time disappears on us. It's a lesson to me to make better use of it. Too late now of course.”

“Don't say that, Gran. You're going to be fine.”

“Stuff and nonsense. But you didn't come here to listen to me complain. Tell me all about your life, especially the love life.”

“Oh, Gran.”

“Don't tell me a beautiful glowing girl like you isn't in love with some lucky young man?”

“I, I.” I stammer out the same word repeatedly, unsure whether I should tell my gran about the emotion threatening to explode through my skin.

“How do you know when you're in love, Gran?'

I've loved Steele so long, nothing much has changed except he seems completely indispensable to me now. I can't imagine leaving here at the end of the week and waiting even another five minutes to see him again, never mind five years.

“You won't have to ask that question when you are, Sweetheart. Some man will have swept you up and claimed you in the way that only a lover can. And you'll just know. Oh my. Look at those adorable pink cheeks. I think I have my answer.”

“It's just weird to hear you talking about lovers, Gran, and not puppies or cookies.”

“I've always moved with the times. You won't believe me for a second but I was your age once and had my first lover. It's the most amazing feeling – relish it – savor it - remember it the rest of your life, my darling.”

“Gran I love you so much.”

I hug her carefully. She feels like a tiny bird in my arms but I still can't begin to accept that she's slipping away from us.