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Strapped by Nina G. Jones (25)

Chapter Twenty-Six

Harrison lets me go and I run into the car. Taylor is sitting inside, breathing heavily and staring into space. This is a side of him I have never seen before and it frightens me. This is pure rage. I gently inch my hand over to his shoulder the same way someone would try to approach a wild beast. I spot Eric’s white BMW leaving out of the corner of my eye. My hand reaches Taylor’s shoulder and I just lay it there. After a while, I can feel his breathing slow. I don’t know what to say to him so I just sit there in silence. Finally, he acknowledges me by looking over.

“I’ll make sure he is gone. Do you need to get back to work?”

“Taylor, what was that?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve never seen you act like that before.”

“Shy, there are some people in life that know exactly how to push your buttons, they do it so well that they make you look like you’re the crazy one.”

“It just scared me.”

“I am doing this to protect us. If anything ever happened to you...”

“I have never dealt with anything like this before. What could he possibly want? He wanted the company, but that’s already yours. If he was trying to have you killed, don’t you think he would be much more discrete? What could he possibly want?”

“That’s what I am going to find out.”


“From the one man who knows what he’s been up to all these years. Our father.”

“I need to get back to the office.”

“I just want you to come home.”

“Me too, but I don’t want to make up some ridiculous story, which is what I would have to do.”

Taylor insists on driving me back while Harrison tails us.

“I am going to go visit my father this evening. He lives three hours north, so I’ll be gone until tomorrow. I will have Harrison stay with you until I get back.”

“Please take care of yourself. Can’t someone go with you?”

“I’ll be fine. I don’t like bringing security staff to visit my father, it’s not necessary.”

“What if Eric is there?”

“Don’t worry Shy.”

Minutes later, he pulls up in front of Rubix.

“Please take care of yourself Taylor.”

He kisses me longingly, passionately.

“Don’t worry beautiful. By the way, I had a lot of fun last night.”

“Me too.”

“I’ll be back tomorrow morning.”


It’s already 1:30 by the time I arrive upstairs. I rush to Chad’s desk and explain everything is fine. I am already ahead of schedule with the Bella’s project, but I promise him I will submit the first complete draft of the new website for her review by the end of day. I touch base with Tonya who was working on some of the design assets and head back to my desk to dig in. I plug in some headphones to drown out my flurry of thoughts. I see a new text light up my phone.

Mr. SexyPants:

I’m sorry if I freaked you out. I feel very protective towards you. I have no idea what he is up to, but I can only assume the worst until I find out.


I understand. In retrospect, it was kind of hot.

Mr. SexyPants:

Oh really? I hope I can come back in time for a lunch date tomorrow. Euphemism intended.


I’ll miss you tonight.

Mr. SexyPants:


Taylor seems to be in better spirits. I hope his father is able to provide some clues so that we know what it is we are dealing with. I pop my headphones back on and dig into my project for the next few hours. It’s around 5:00 when I pop my head up for some air and decide to see what Chad is up to. I stop over at his desk.

“Heading out soon?” His face erupts in the kind of smile you can’t hold back when you think of that special person. I know it all too well.

“Actually, I have dinner plans to meet Kristin after she closes up at the coffee shop.” Kristin has worked at the same coffee shop since she started law school.

“Yeah, Taylor is visiting his dad, so I am solo.” Oops! I just name dropped.

“Taylor is your boyfriend?”


“What does he do? If he’s into design or programming we are hiring.”

“Nope. He works in a bunch of stuff. Telecommunications, steel, etc.”

Chad laughs. “You’re not dating Taylor Holden are you?” He is being completely facetious, but I am a terrible bluffer. I freeze and my face burns bright red. “Wait. You’re dating Taylor Holden?”

I look around to make sure no one is in the vicinity and put my finger over my lips to silence him. I slowly close his office door. “I’d appreciate it if we kept this between us.”

“Sure, but why?”

“Both he and I are private and people assume certain things about you when you date a powerful person, especially when he once was your boss.”

“That may be true, but it’s not like he is some fat old man where people would assume you’re a gold-digger.”

“No, he’s young and handsome, so people assume I am a superficial gold-digger. Plus, anyone who recognizes his name gets all flustered. Case in point.”

“He’s like James Bond, an international man of mystery.” We both laugh.

“He’s really just a normal guy.” That statement is a complete fallacy. Nothing about this guy is normal, and I think that’s why I love him. “By the way, I just sent you the mockups.”

“Great work! Looks like we both have nothing to do for the next couple of hours -- let’s go grab a drink.”

After last night’s festivities I opt for club soda. I let him in on some clues about Kristin. He is supposed to bring dinner, so I tell him to go to Panda Palace and get her the chicken and broccoli combo, her favorite. He tries to squeeze out of me any girl talk about him.

“Today was kind of nuts so I haven’t had a chance to talk to her, sorry! I promise I’ll fill you in on any girl talk in the future.”

His dimpled smile bursts. We part ways shortly after six so that Chad has time to get dinner and meet Kristin at her place. Harrison waits for me in front of the pub, of course. I sit in the passenger seat for the first time. I spend so much time in Harrison’s presence, but rarely get to speak to him.

“How has your day been so far, Harrison?”

“Well, and yours?”

“I think you know the answer to that.” I see a small grin perk on his face. “So how long have you been working for Taylor?”

“Almost six years.”

“Wow, that was about the time that he started up with H.I.”

“Yes, a few months after.”

“Did he have security before?”

“I don’t believe so.”

“He mentioned to me that people have tried to steal from him. Is that why you were hired?” His hands tighten around the steering wheel, his torso becomes rigid. “Ms. Ball, I don’t think I am at liberty-”

“Oh my god, no! I am so sorry. I was just blabbering, I don’t mean to put you in a weird position. I can always ask him.”

“No need to apologize. Would you like to make a stop for dinner as usual?”

“I think I’ll just order in since I’m alone tonight. How is your mother? Is she feeling better? I heard you had to take her to the doctor not too long ago.”

“Yes, she is doing well. Thank you for asking. She had a bad bout of bronchitis, but it finally seems to be working its way out.”

“How old is she?”

“Seventy-seven and still very active. She has been itching to garden again, but the doctor insisted she rest.”

“I wish I could garden. I have a black thumb. Is that the opposite of a green thumb? Because that’s what I have.”

Harrison smiles warmly. “Well, my mother owned a greenhouse. I was always around flowers and plants growing up. Maybe one day I can show you the basics. Mr. Holden’s garden is spectacular.”

I imagine this tough, often stoic, ex-military man, incredibly fit for his age, in an apron and gloves, planting seeds. It’s funny how people are rarely what they appear to be on the outside.

“I noticed. It was so nice to pick fresh veggies. That would be great!”

I invite Harrison inside my condo, but he insists on waiting in the car. I give him a spare key, just in case he wants to come in and rest on the couch. “I wouldn’t worry, I think Taylor has Eric handled,” I tell Harrison before going upstairs.

The giant loft feels so silent without Taylor. I turn on the television, but can’t find anything to keep my mind off of all the recent turmoil. I turn off the television and pace around the house. The place is spotless, so there is nothing to clean. The only way to get rid of the silence is to call Taylor. I expect to get a voicemail, but he answers.

“Is everything okay?’

“Yes! I didn’t mean to worry you, I just wanted to talk. Can’t a girl just call to talk?”

“Oh, of course.” I hear the tension leave his voice.

“How was your trip?”

“I just got here a few minutes ago. I went home to take care of some stuff before leaving around four. I am about to go have coffee with my father.”

“I should let you go then.”

“We can talk for a few minutes. Did you want to tell me something?”

“No. It’s just so lonely here without you.”

“Is it? I’ll be back tomorrow and then things can go back to normal.” Normal. Have things ever been normal in our relationship?

“Can’t wait. I can’t believe I miss you so much already. I’m pretty lame.”

“Trust me, the last thing I want to do is be away from you right now, but I want to make sure we have nothing serious to worry about.”

“I know. Please promise me, if by some chance you see him, you don’t go on another rampage.” There is no answer on the other line. “Please Taylor.”

“Okay. I promise. Hey, I was thinking...”


“Why don’t you and I go on a vacation or a weekend getaway?”

“I would love that.”

“We can go to my condo in New York or-”

“You have a condo in New York City?”

“Yeah. Have you ever been?”

“No. I would love to go, it would have to be over a weekend with the new job.”

“Then we’re on. We’re going to have a lot of fun. Tons of museums to satisfy your art cravings. I can hear you smiling.”

I do have a huge smile on my face. “How’d you know?”

“I know that smile all too well. I study you all the time.”

“Oh stop it!”

“I know every square inch of you. Do you know you smile in your sleep?”

“I do not!”

“Oh yes you do. Sometimes you say things too.”

“I talk in my sleep? I thought I stopped doing that when I was a kid. What do I say?”

“Most of the time it’s unintelligible, but once I heard you tell a chicken to take it’s socks off. I don’t think I ever laughed so hard.”

“I did not!”

“I swear. And I quote ‘Chickens don’t wear socks, take off those socks’.” We laugh and laugh, until tears are streaming down my cheeks.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“I thought I would save it for myself. It’s like a little secret piece of you I get to keep.”

“Oh lord. I hate to know what else I do in my sleep.”

“Sometimes you twitch your button nose, but most of the time, when you’re not talking to chickens, you’re very still. I take you in from head to toe. That’s how I know you have a little birthmark on your inner thigh and a scar shaped like a heart on your left shoulder.”

“I hate that thing. I got that falling from a tree when I was little.”

“I think it’s cute. You’re smiling again.”

“I’m not telling.”

“You don’t have to. I have to go, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The house is empty again. I heat up a veggie burger from the freezer for dinner. When Taylor isn’t around, I don’t eat nearly as heartily. Most of the enjoyment I take from my meal comes from sharing it with him. I pull a backlog of magazines from my kitchen counter and take them to bed. My life has been too exciting as of late to do my usual reading, so I use this night to catch up and lull myself to sleep.


I get in to work early the next day to make up for the time I was away yesterday handling all of the Holden family drama. Once Chad gets in, most of my morning will be packed with meetings. I am hoping Taylor will get back in time for us to meet for “lunch.”

Eleven o’clock rolls around and I still haven’t heard anything from him. I shoot him a text.


How is everything going? Will you be back for lunch?

Another thirty minutes pass and still there is no response. I start to worry. Could he have had a run-in with Eric? A few minutes later I see a large bouquet of flowers floating over the desk partitions in the distance. They start to hover in my direction. Out emerges a man, holding them, walking towards me. Taylor wouldn’t.

“Are you Shyla Ball?”

“Yes...” I flush with embarrassment.

“These are for you.” Tonya and some of the other ladies flock to my desk to gawk at the beautiful arrangement and tell me how sweet my boyfriend is. Once they clear out, I pluck the card from its holder amongst the flowers.

Let’s play a game. I want you to sneak out of the office. Don’t let Harrison see. Meet me at the same suite as last time. Leave now.

Taylor’s silence now makes sense. He wants to play a game. I like the idea of sneaking away from Harrison for a while. I discreetly grab my purse and slip out of the office. I make a quick run to the bathroom to check on my hair and makeup. I have on a dark purple blouse with a black pencil skirt and a pair of black open toed heels. Admittedly, I dressed up more than what is required by Rubix’s dress code, but I wanted to look extra put together for Taylor. In the morning, I had put on the black lace thong from the night of the gala along with a black lace pushup bra. I freshen up with some berry-colored lipstick and strategize about how I will exit the office building without Harrison spotting me. There is a back exit from the basement for the service lot where the trucks deliver food and supplies. For a fleeting moment, I wonder if going out without security is wise, but I know Taylor wouldn’t have me sneak out unless he knew it was safe. The visit to his father must have paid off. Honestly, the element of the unknown makes this little “mission” that much more fun.

The hotel is several blocks away, but I welcome the walk since I have been shuttled around in a car way too much these days. I make sure to stay clear of Harrison’s line of vision until I am sure I am too far away to be spotted. It takes me about ten minutes to get to the hotel. This time I don’t have a key, but one of the double doors has been left ajar for me. The suite is very large, just as large as Taylor’s suite in St. Petersburg, with several separate rooms. A room of this size seems unnecessary for an afternoon delight, but this is Taylor we’re talking about. I peek into the corner where he was seated last time, but there is no one there.

“Hello?” There is no response. All the lights are off. The sitting room looks completely undisturbed. I slowly walk into the bathroom just off of the sitting room. There is no sign of anyone and it also appears undisturbed. Out of the corner of my eye, I think see a figure. I quickly turn, but the room behind me is empty. Carefully, I walk into the bedroom, which is also empty. I look at the bed to see if anything has been left for me, a trademark of Taylor’s, but there is nothing. A mixture of trepidation and excitement make my temperature rise. I remove my trench coat and throw it along with my purse on a chair at the corner of the bedroom.

“Taylor, I’m here! This is weirding me out a bit.”

I know he is playing a game, he said it right on the card, so I try my best not to let on in my voice how nervous this entire thing is starting to make me. I spot another door, not being sure what is on the other side, I open it tentatively. It’s another bathroom, empty just like the other one. The closet. I slide the large closet door open. A single empty hanger sways ever so slightly from side to side. No sign of Taylor. I like games, but it is tough to play a game when you don’t know the rules or the object. Maybe I should give Taylor a ring and let him know that my lame ass sucks at this game. I turn to retrieve my purse and what I see makes me nearly jump out of my skin.

A tall man, completely covered head to toe in a leather suit, is just a foot away from me. He stands there in silence. I have no idea how long he has been there.