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Summer by the Lake by Kay Gordon (12)

Chapter Twelve











Jenny rejoined us for breakfast, causing our cabin’s table to cheer. That had elicited cheers from our counterparts at Cabin Seven until the whole dining hall was cheering. Jenny sat down with red cheeks and a huge smile as we all hugged her tight. After we all scarfed down food, we spent all morning at the lake and almost all of us napped during our rest period after lunch.

We rode bikes and horses for the rest of the afternoon and when we cleaned up for dinner, Hannah remarked that we hadn’t seen Cabin Seven at any of our activities. They usually joined us for at least a couple of hours on Sunday and I knew that my attitude towards Drew had factored into their missing presence for the day.

After dinner was over, we all showered and headed down to the media center to watch the showing of the third Harry Potter movie. The small theater room was full of people and I smiled when Hannah and Jordan sat next to each other behind the row of our kids. Since there was an abundance of counselors and staff everywhere, I told Hannah I’d be back and slipped out the side door.

I walked over to the basketball court and grabbed a ball from the rack. I spent ten minutes by myself, shooting the basketball into the hoop over and over, before someone spoke behind me.

“You’ve improved a lot since the last time I saw you.”

I turned and smiled at Howard before dribbling the ball next to me. “I dated a basketball player a year or so ago and so we were on the court a lot.” When he held his hands up, I passed him the ball and he shot immediately.

“Play to ten?” he asked with a grin and I nodded as I caught the rebound.

We played a game of one-on-one and made small conversation here and there. Howard was taller than me and able to block a lot of my shots, but I was quicker than he was which helped me get down to the basket faster.

“How’s school?” he asked as he caught the ball after I’d made it through the hoop. I followed him to the top of the key with a smile.

“It’s great. I’m excited to be almost done, though.” I tried to block him from heading to the basket but he easily shot over my head and the ball soared through the net.

Howard did a little victory dance and I laughed before tucking the ball to my chest. “You’ve still got it.”

“Despite being ancient?” He chuckled as he dropped his arm across my shoulders. “I have to win every now and then to remind myself that I’m not too old yet.”

I shook my head and put the ball back on the rack. “You’re not old. You’re distinguished.”

Howard laughed again and gave me a tight hug before gesturing to the media center. “Ready to head back in?”

“You go ahead. I’m going got run to my cabin and grab a sweatshirt.”

“Okay,” Howard replied as we split up. “I’ll see you in there.”

I ambled slowly towards my cabin, not in any hurry to get back to the media center, and I didn’t bother flipping on any lights when I walked inside. I was just opening my drawer when someone knocked on the side door to the counselor’s quarters. I moved to the door and pulled it open slowly, sighing when I caught sight of Drew.

“Are you following me now?”

He stepped inside the dark room and closed the door as I went back to my dresser.

“Actually, yeah,” he said quietly from behind me. I pulled my sweatshirt out of the drawer and turned to face him.

“What do you want?”

Drew scratched the back of his neck and shrugged. “You said you didn’t like me. I want to know why.”

“Seriously, Drew?”

“Yeah, seriously.” He stayed where he was, his gaze locked on mine as he waited for an answer.

I inhaled a deep breath and prepared to tell him exactly why I couldn’t stand him but no words would form. I had no idea why I didn’t like him. Obviously, his extreme self-assurance and cocky behavior annoyed me but annoyance was a far cry from not liking someone. Besides, I was starting to find it kind of charming.

As I continued to stare at him, I realized the problem. It wasn’t that I didn’t like Drew, it was that I did. That was why I let him get to me. That was why I hated seeing him with Christy. That was why I had been so open to being with him that night. I liked Drew and I didn’t want to. I released the breath I’d been holding and closed my eyes.


Drew’s low chuckle sounded close and when I opened my eyes, he was just inches away from me. His fingers grazed my chin so he could tilt my head up towards his.

“You do like me.”

I shook my head slightly. “I don’t want to.”

“But you do,” he reasoned as his face moved towards my own. “I like you, too, Shaylee.”

His lips met mine in a soft, gentle kiss that reminded me of the first one we’d shared the week before. I dropped the sweatshirt so my arms could wrap around his neck while his did the same to my waist. We kissed languidly while our hands ran all over the other in exploration. Pieces of clothing dropped to the floor one-by-one and soon, we were both naked and panting.

“There’s a condom in the nightstand. Inside the small zipper pouch.”

Drew took direction well, finding and opening the package quickly as I laid back in my bed. Once he had the condom on, he covered my body with his own and slowly pushed inside of me. I ran my lips along his sweaty collarbone as he thrust his hips over and over. When he attempted to press his face to my chest, I grabbed a handful of his hair and shook my head.

“Your mouth can’t be trusted there,” I breathed as I directed his lips to meet mine.

A low chuckle rumbled in his chest and he leaned back on his knees as he quickened his movements. His eyes raked over my naked body and one of his hands gripped my hip while the other trailed down my stomach. When his fingers ran across where we were joined, I cried out softly, only encouraging him to do it again and again until I was trembling underneath him. The orgasm took over my whole body and my eyes slammed shut.

When my pleasure ebbed, I forced my eyelids open and locked my gaze with Drew’s. He leaned back down so our chests were pressed together and kissed me as the muscles in his back tensed up. My name fell from his lips in a whisper as his body shuddered and he relaxed against me a moment later.

We both breathed heavily and I enjoyed the feeling of his lips feathering up my jaw. The trim hair on his chin tickled, causing me to squirm slightly. Drew pressed his mouth to mine a few more times before shifting so we were next to each other on the bed.

It was silent in the dark room but not in an awkward way. Drew’s fingertips ran along the inside of my arm slowly, and I could have easily fallen asleep. Several long minutes went by before he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“We should get dressed. The movie is long but it won’t last forever.”

I nodded and we both sat up in the bed. Drew reached down and started handing me articles of clothing to put back on. Once I was dressed, he gave me the sweatshirt I’d originally come for and I pulled it over my head before fixing what was left of my ponytail.

“Why did you leave?” I asked quietly as I was tying the laces of my sneakers. I looked up at Drew and he shook his head.

“I didn’t want to wake up and hear you say that you regretted it. So, I left.” He shrugged, like it was so simple, and I kept my gaze on him.

“I don’t, though.”

He didn’t reply but his lips turned up into a small smile and his eyes stayed on me. Once my shoes were tied, I accepted his proffered hand and stood up. He tugged on me until our bodies were flush against each other and placed a quick, chaste kiss on my mouth. We both walked to the side door that he had come in and I stuffed my hands in the pocket of my sweatshirt as we walked slowly towards the media center.

“What does this mean, Drew?” I turned my head to the side so I could look at him.

His hand came up to rest at the small of my back and he smiled. “Whatever you want it to mean. I’ll take what I can get.”

“And what about Christy?”

“I’ll talk to her,” he replied as we came up on the media center. “I’ll make sure she knows where she and I stand. I don’t know what she told you but I’ve never talked to her about a future. I’ve never given her any hint that she and I were together, let alone serious. I promise you.” Before we could walk up the stairs, Drew grasped the back of my sweatshirt and stopped me. “You decide where you and I stand and let me know, okay?”

“Okay,” I whispered, accepting the small kiss he gave me before following him up the stairs.

The movie was almost over when we walked in and Drew sat down next to Jordan. I took the seat beside Hannah that I’d left more than an hour before. She turned and gave me a look that said she hadn’t missed Drew and me coming back at the same time. I just gave her a small smile and turned my attention to the movie.

The lights came on when the credits started to roll and I stood so I could stretch my arms above my head. I led our campers out the side door and we stood in a small group as we waited for Hannah, Maria, and Lizzy to appear. While we waited, the girls talked about the movie and debated the changes from the book. I listened to their debate with a smile as my eyes searched for Hannah but they landed on where Drew was with his campers.

“Where were you?” Christy asked as she wrapped her arms around his middle. “I saw you come in near the end.”

Drew gently pulled himself from her grip and said something I couldn’t hear. Christy just gave him a bright smiled and nodded her head before pressing a kiss to his cheek. As she walked away from him, Drew’s head turned and his eyes met mine. His lips turned up into a smile and he shook his head slightly, as if to tell me not to make assumptions based on what I saw. I just nodded in return and held his gaze until Hannah called my name.

She had Lizzy and Maria on either side of her and I motioned for everyone to follow us as we headed towards our cabin. I fell into step next to Hannah and we walked silently back to our cabin. The girls didn’t need to be told but instead immediately started preparing for bed. Hannah and I went into our room and she grinned at me as soon as the door was closed.

“Your bed was made when we left for the movie,” she said as she gestured to the crumbled bedspread and sheets that now lay on top of my mattress. “Did you two kiss and make up?”

“Something like that,” I mumbled quietly, feeling my cheeks heat.

Hannah shook her head, a small smile on her face, and went into the bathroom. After she was gone, I used the mirror to inspect my chest to make sure Drew hadn’t repeated his performance from the week before. It looked clear, though, and I decided he’d live another day.

While Hannah showered, I went out into the main cabin to check on the girls.

“Shaylee,” Nicole called from where she was sitting on the edge of her bed. “Can you braid my hair?”

I nodded and walked over to sit behind her. “Sure. Hand me that comb.” I moved my fingers quickly through her red hair until it was all up in a French braid. I tied it off at the end and clapped my hands together a few minutes later. “Done.”

I helped Jenny and Lizzy with their hair, too, while the girls asked me questions about collegiate life. Hannah joined us and contributed to the conversation as well.

“Is it true that everyone in college just hooks up?” Thalia asked from where she was painting her toenails and both Hannah and I shook our heads at the same time.

“Most people in college don’t hook up,” Hannah replied honestly. “College is fun but it’s important to take your school work seriously, too.”

Lizzy nodded her head in agreement as I attempted to get her to hold still. “Why would you pay thousands of dollars and not care about your education?”

“Right on,” I said as I squeezed her shoulder gently. “You’re all done, my dear. And I think it’s time for lights out, guys. Morning will be here fast.”

They climbed into bed and we shut off the lights before heading into our room. Hannah sat down with her journal as I pulled my running clothes on and waved to her.

I walked across the grass and broke into a jog once I hit the path near the lake. The sun had already gone down but solar lights lit up the path. Running at night could be eerie but I’d gotten used to running after lights-out and felt comforted by knowing we had plenty of security guards roaming the grounds. They’d become used to my presence after the first few days and had even been kind enough to confirm that the path I took was three miles long.

It didn’t stop me from letting out a small yelp and turning around quickly when I heard footsteps coming up behind me.

“It’s just me,” Drew huffed, slowing his pace down as he approached me. “I called your name. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I stood still for a moment as I tried to slow my heart rate down. Drew was shirtless even though it was kind of chilly and in a pair of running shorts and sneakers. He gave me a lopsided smile and I finally nodded before turning around to resume my jogging.

“I didn’t hear you.”

He chuckled from beside me. “Obviously.”

We rounded the lake in silence and we were about a mile and half in before he spoke.

“Still no regrets?”

His words were coming out in puffs. Despite obviously being in overall good shape, Drew was not an avid runner. I glanced over at his shadowed face and raised my brows. “You’re too out of practice to jog and speak at the same time, Drew.”

“Shay.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a stop. “Then let’s just talk. Are you okay?”

“Why do you always ask me that after we have sex?”

He brought his free hand up and brushed it along my cheek. “Because I care about you.”

“You do?” I leaned my face into his touch and squeezed the hand that was clasped in mine. “This isn’t just about sex?”

“Not even close.” Drew shook his head and tugged on my hand until I was against his bare torso. He gave me a small smile. “It hasn’t been about sex since before you opened your smart mouth while trying to steal my bag at the airport.”

“I don’t understand. You’ve been such…”

He interrupted me before I could finish. “An asshole, I know. I can’t explain why, either, honestly.”

“Is it the playground mentality? You chase me around the school yard trying to push me down because you like me?” I pulled my hand out of his grip so I could run both up his chest. I settled them at the back of his neck and stared at up at him expectantly.

“I guess so.” Drew’s arms wrapped around my middle, his hold tight. “Any chance you have any feelings for me? Besides animosity?”

I looked away and considered what he was asking. Did I have feelings for Drew? I thought about all of the times he’d annoyed the hell out of me and everyone had asked why I let him get me. I remembered how happy I’d been in that hotel room with him and how sad I’d been when he was gone that morning. All of the times Christy bothered me with her stories about the two of them. Drew could make me laugh in a second, even when he was pissing me off, and I looked for opportunities to be around him.

Of course I had feelings for Drew.

When I glanced back at him, he was smiling like he knew where my thought process had gone.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders slightly. “I guess I do.”

“You’re so stubborn.” He pressed his lips to mine and increased his already-tight hold around me. I kissed him back immediately, my whole body wanting to sag in relief and tense in passion at the same time. Kissing Drew was easily becoming one of my favorite things. That thought had me pulling back from him slightly.

“Wait. Wait a second. Did you talk to Christy?

He nodded and dropped a kiss to my chin before gesturing to the path. “It’s getting late. I can attempt to jog and talk.”

We broke into a slow jog and Drew waited until we had a good pace before answering my question.

“Jordan did lights-out for me so I could meet her. I told her that she was a good friend but I didn’t have any feelings for her. I didn’t mention you or anything, of course. She had to have known it was coming but still didn’t take it well.”

“I can imagine,” I replied with a nod, glancing at the Holcomb’s dark house as neared it. “She is pretty possessive of you.”

Drew let out a long sigh. “I don’t know why, especially because I’m pretty sure she’s sleeping with Keaton.”

I raised my eyebrows and looked over at him in surprise. “She is?”

“Probably but it’s not any of my business and I honestly don’t care enough to ask.”

“I heard her when I was jogging during the first week,” I confessed quietly. “She was down by the lake’s edge with someone. I honestly thought it was you with her.” I cleared my throat and chanced another glance at him. “I was jealous and didn’t want to be.”

Drew’s eyes met mine and a grin stretched across his face. “I’m not going to lie- the thought of you jealous makes me happy.”

“Oh, shut up,” I murmured, causing him to laugh. Silence stretched between us for a moment before he spoke again.

“Last summer, it was just easy. Fun. I wasn’t looking for anything serious and she was… there. We weren’t exclusive and we both knew that. I hadn’t spoken with her since last August but we kind of fell back into familiar patterns.”

“But you’re not sleeping with her?” I was glad my voice remained passive despite the jealousy I was feeling.

“Not since last summer. Only you, Shay.”

It was amazing how those few words could bring me so much happiness. I looked over at him as we jogged, a stupid smile on my face, and he turned his head to return my smile with one of his own. We continued our run in silence and slowed to a walk as we made it back to the campus. Drew’s fingers entwined with mine and he didn’t let go to head towards the boy’s cabins like I expected.

“Your bed is that way,” I pointed out quietly and Drew just squeezed my hand.

“I know.”

We didn’t say anything else as we approached Cabin Fifteen and when we reached the side door that led into the counselor’s room, we came to a stop. Drew leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips before taking two steps back.

“Goodnight, Shaylee.”

I smiled at him as I reached for the door. “Night, Drew.”





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