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Talia: Sleeping Beauty Retold (Shadow Immortals MC Book 2) by Daniela Jackson (9)


I’m seated in the couch as Ettrian puts his hands on my head. The ghosts’ voices invade my mind like the fury of an ocean during a bad storm. They’re moaning, rumbling, shouting. Begging. Threatening. Then there’s silence in my head like the storm has gone and the ocean is peaceful in the bright sun’s rays.

“What did you do?” I explode.

The elf smirks at me. “It’s a blockade. I’m going to put it in your head each time they flood you with demands. In the meantime, my sister will be teaching you how to control your ability.”

“This feels like I’m with Micah,” I say as my eyes travel to Micah. “Like I’m behind a thick glass wall and like I can hear only echoes.”

A smile crosses Micah’s face. I smile for him too and see relief paint his expression then something dark flickers in his eyes.

“You need to accept their presence in your life,” Ettrian says. “They just want to be heard. Sometimes they’ll want to help you, warn you. They’re your friends not enemies.”

“They warn me in a pretty scary way,” I say.

“They warn you how they can,” Ettrian says and bows his head at me.

I feel light like a spring breeze, like a feather. I feel free like Ettrian has just taken a massive piece of rock off me.

I feel free like wind and sea. I feel myself.

“Dad,” I squeak. “Dad. I’m free.”

My dad’s eyes turn glassy for a split second, but he composes himself.

“Alright,” Dad says. “Everyone to church.”

All the men murmur ‘aye’, or ‘fucking hell’, then walk to the office. S’Ylla jerks her body forward, but Adva grabs her hand.

“Only our men,” Adva says. “I’m sorry.”

S’Ylla’s lips curl into a half-smile and she drops into the couch beside me. “What a barbaric custom. But what can one expect in the compound ruled by a renegade.” She snorts, haughtiness radiating from her.

We’re lower beings to her, no doubt.

“Are you really an elf?” I ask, joy and curiosity bubbling inside of my chest.

Nothing and nobody can stop me from enjoying my new life.

“Can’t you see?” S’Ylla says like I’m an idiot and she ignores me.

My mom smiles at me like it’s the happiest day of her life. “We’re going to celebrate tonight.” She sniffles. “I’m so so happy. My little girl will have her life back at last. Let’s celebrate.”

“With cakes and bubbly drinks,” Murray squeaks. “I want a lot of bubbly drinks.”

S’Ylla winces. “I need a walk.”

Adva loops her arm through S’Ylla’s. “Let’s go then.”

“I didn’t ask for company,” S’Ylla says in a cold voice.

“With all due respect,” Adva insists, “you’ll have company for a while. This is our compound and our rules.”

“I’ve never seen such a bold mermaid,” S’Ylla says. “Your kind has always feared mine.”

“I had to adapt,” Adva says with a pinch of sarcasm and pulls S’Ylla outside the clubhouse.


We spread out to take our seats. Kadmiel puts his feet on the table.

“So,” Kadmiel starts. “A real elf?”

Ettrian bows his head. “A real elf.” There is a pinch of amusement in his voice even though the dick must be aware my president will slit his throat at the slightest suspicion that he could pose threat to us.

“I heard your kind had vanished,” Kadmiel says with sarcasm.

“You heard right,” Ettrian says.

“We need him,” I say. “His magic will help us protect the compound.”

Kadmiel nods at me. My opinion always matters to him.

“You want to stay?” Kadmiel juts his chin out and puts his feet on the concrete floor. “Be useful to us and stay away from my girls.”

Ettrian salutes him.

Kadmiel chuckles. “He learns fast.”

“The elves know a lot,” Theo says. “About us as well.”

“Good.” Kadmiel nods. “I fucking want to know what my origins are at last.”

The boys murmur ‘aye’ with one voice and nod.

 “Let’s vote then,” Kadmiel says and raises his right hand as ‘for’.

I vote yes as do all the boys.

Kadmiel stands and pats Ettrian’s shoulder. “Right, Prospect, go to check all the spells and tidy up the ground around the compound. But first have beer with us.”

All the boys erupt into laughter.


We stand outside the clubhouse, only Ettrian and me, cans of beer in our hands.

“You fucking dick,” I say.

“You saved my people so I had to save yours,” he says. “I’m a man of honour.” He bows his head.

“But what happened?”

“You talked a lot. A lot. I had all the dates and events in my head. When my kind left, my sister and I talked a lot and we decided to stay.”

“To stay?”

“You’re kind of intriguing to us. There was something about your story that made us want to stay. And like I said—I always pay my doubts. So does my sister.” His eyes wander off to somewhere in the distance. “It’s been an interesting journey, very interesting two thousand years. And we’re the last two elves on earth.”

“You’ve altered the timeline, you dick.”

Ettrian grins. “We’re renegades like you now.”

“There’s safety in numbers.”

“Yeah, the compound will keep us safe.” He looks up at the sky and inhales deeply. “We’ve seen one compound like yours, two hundred years ago. The archangels smashed it. We’re going to help protect your family.”

Ice fills my veins then thoughts bombard my head and I can’t speak. The sacrifice Ettrian’s made to help me is unimaginable. It’s madness.


It’s brotherhood.

I jerk my body to hug him but the repulsion on his face stops me.

“I kept Theo occupied,” Ettrian continues then clears his throat. “Well, my sister kept him occupied, so he wouldn’t have time to put a baby into Talia. There will be no fight. You won’t kill your friend. There will be no curse.”


“That’s my best achievement ever.” He slaps me on the back and blinks like he is regretting his gesture. “My sister is intrigued with you all. Theo is happy. Talia and you are going to be very happy.”

“What about Theo’s baby? It will never be born.”

“It’s safe in my sister’s womb. Talia’s baby must be put into her womb.”


“Yes, fuck.”

We drop onto the bench and sip beer in silence.

Ettrian huffs out. “Keep quiet.”

“I know.”

A slim figure emerges from the clubhouse and I recognise Kai. She moves faster, then stops in front of us and folds her hands as if praying.

“A real elf,” she shrieks and, fucking hell, she leans towards Ettrian and pulls his long hair and his pointed ears. “Is it hostile, Micah?”

I can barely manage to stifle my laughter as Ettrian’s fury pricks my skin like tiny needles. The guy doesn’t show any emotions on his face though.

“It can be,” I say, “if you piss it off.”

Kai steps back. “Dad said they were going to live with us. Are they civilised?”

She nods at me, her lips pursed like she’s an expert on elves. She’s only fifteen and her behaviour is sometimes very funny. Not to mention that she hasn’t been exposed to normal life so she has no social skills. She’s adorable though.

“Are you fucking civilised?” Ettrian says as he pulls himself up.

Kai yelps at the sight of his height. The top of her head barely reaches Ettrian’s collarbone.

Silence falls upon us, then Kai turns back and darts towards the clubhouse like a horde of demons is chasing her.

“She’s the youngest kid in the family,” I say.

“I hate kids,” Ettrian says. “That creature pulled my hair. And my ears.”

“She’s never seen an elf.”

“I’ve never seen such a badly behaved mermaid kid. I’m old. She should respect me.”

I laugh as Ettrian empties his beer.

“You should go to your wife and remind her that she is your wife,” Ettrian says.

Sadness strangles my throat. “Talia doesn’t need me any longer. She may choose somebody else.”

It’s true. Talia has a choice in life. I’m not her only option any longer. I love her like mad. Fuck. I’d die for her a thousand times. She’s the love of my life.

I may not be the love of her life though.

Ettrian smirks as though he can read my thoughts. “Go talk to her and you’ll know.”