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Tamian (The Stone Society Book 11) by Faith Gibson (24)

Chapter Twenty-Three


At Lucy’s admission, Tamian blew out a deep breath then smiled. A real smile that reached his eyes. “You’re the special one. I thought for sure once you knew my secret you’d run screaming.”

He took the hand stroking his face and kissed her fingertips. Goosebumps rose on her skin, and she was beginning to think talking was overrated. Fighting back the urge to say “the hell with it,” she focused on Tamian’s fear of rejection. “I’m a little tougher than that. Being a shifter and having known I was different my whole life has allowed me to keep an open mind. For the most part. What Ramey had me working on and the stuff I discovered beneath my home, I’ve found the one thing I can’t abide.”

“I saw it. When I went back for your things, I couldn’t believe what you’d had to endure. No matter if you are a scientist or geneticist, that was some crazy shit.”

“You’re telling me. What are we going to do about Ramey?”

“One of my Clan was able to hack into the security feed and download the evidence of not only your conversation with him, but your boss killing six humans in cold blood.”

“He did what?”

“After you jumped out the window and took off, Ramey had all the other employees from the lab as well as some military types looking for you. When they failed to bring you back, he shot the ones who hadn’t taken off.”

“I knew he was a monster, but murder? That shouldn’t surprise me, because I’m pretty sure the torsos belonged to people who didn’t sign up to have their bodies dissected.”

“We’ll make sure to figure out if Ramey was answering to someone higher up, or if this was his idea. Either way, we will find a way to put a stop to it.”

“I wish I could believe you. Look at the Unholy. That’s been going on for decades, and they’re still being made somehow.”

“We’re trying to get a handle on that as well. That’s what the Gargoyles do; they fight the Unholy. Tell me about the Gryphons. What is their end game?”

“Since the Gargoyles tackle the Unholy, the Hounds are trying to get the Ministry under control. They’re the ones responsible for bombing your uncle’s clinic and setting the world on its ear. They’re a religious cult with factions far and wide. The Hounds do their best to infiltrate the cult and take out the leader. The hard part is taking care of those who’ve been brainwashed. That’s what I was doing before Ramey recruited me to the dark side. I used my access to the GIA’s equipment to help find where the Ministry has their base camps.”

“So, not only are you a skilled geneticist, you’re a hacker as well?” Tamian asked with what sounded like pride in his voice.

“I wouldn’t go that far. My skills are novice, at best. When I found out Lucius and Vera weren’t my real parents, I paid a fellow student to teach me some more extensive computer skills to find my birth father. That led me to my grandparents and the Hounds. I knew I was a Gryphon, but I didn’t realize there were those out in the world doing good deeds. Vera was human, so she didn’t have anything to aid in raising me as a shifter. Lucius was more worried about how I could help in the lab. His focus was on the differences in the Gryphons and the Gargoyles. At least, that’s what he always told me. Now, I’m not sure that was the case.”

“I can help with the differences. You don’t need a lab for that.” Tamian turned toward the restaurant. “I think that’s our ride,” he said. “Let’s go see.” Lucy hadn’t heard anything, but she didn’t have enhanced hearing, only eyesight and strength.

Before they’d walked too far, Tamian paused, his head turning toward the woods behind the restaurant. “Stay here,” he instructed and strode toward the trees. “Godsdamnit,” he muttered before taking off at a run. Lucy wasn’t about to stay where she was if there was going to be trouble. He might be a Gargoyle and her protector, but Lucy wasn’t without her own strengths, and if they were going to be together, he’d have to get over that.

When she caught up with Tamian, she couldn’t believe what was happening. Tamian’s wings were spread behind him, and his claws and fangs were bared. That would be sexy if he wasn’t facing down a ten-foot Gryphon. But Tamian wasn’t alone. A car slid to a stop, and a male larger than Tamian exited the passenger door, shifting as he came to a stop next to Tamian. Like Tamian’s, his shirt shredded and fell to the ground at his feet.

A stunning, redheaded woman, dressed like she belonged on the back of a Hound’s bike, ran to his other side. She didn’t have wings, but her claws and fangs were bared. Was that the type of woman Tamian preferred? When Monk moved toward Tamian, Lucy yelled, “No!” and shifted into her Gryphon. She wasn’t as tall as Monk, but she needed him to know where she stood, and that was with her Gargoyle.

“Get back!” Tamian yelled, but she ignored him – assuming he was talking to her – and rushed to put herself between Tamian and Monk. The woman stepped in front of Tamian as if to protect him.

“Stay away from him!” Lucy yelled. Her attention was torn between Monk and the three Gargoyles, but her loyalty was true. When Monk rose on his hind legs, Lucy did the same before charging the Hound while Tamian used his shifter speed to get between them.

Before she could stop him, Tamian dove head-first at Monk, catching his eagle half in the ribs. Monk’s claws came down on Tamian’s back, scratching for purchase around his leathery wings. The two of them rolled on the ground with Tamian landing on his stomach. Monk took advantage of Tamian’s position and dove on top of him, digging his talons into the meat of Tamian’s thighs. Instead of shredding his skin, it just managed to piss the Gargoyle off. His wings retracted, and Tamian rolled away from Monk, before flipping up onto his feet.

When the other male Gargoyle rounded on Lucy, she shifted into her human. “I’m on your side,” she yelled, before he could strike.

The male asked, “Lucy?”

“Yes. I need to get Monk to stop this craziness.” With that, she once again called forth her Gryphon and studied how best to get Monk away from Tamian.

While her back was turned, Tamian had put space between him and the Hound. Lucy took the opportunity to charge Monk. While she was in mid-flight, Tamian yelled, “Monk, shift to your human.”

 Surprisingly, Monk did as Tamian commanded, holding his hands up in front of him. Lucy barely had time to skid to a halt before bowling over the male. She changed into her lion just as she reached Monk and knocked him on his ass. Placing her front paws on his naked chest, she bared her teeth and nipped at his shoulder. She wouldn’t harm him since he’d submitted, but she also wouldn’t give him the opportunity to go after Tamian again. Lucy called on the earth, and dirt swirled in a cyclone around the two of them. Monk’s eyes widened. Gryphons rarely used the elements against one another, but she needed him to see how serious she was.

“Lucy, stop.” Tamian’s voice was calm yet firm. She released her element, and the dust settled. Removing her paws from Monk’s chest, she circled his body, huffing in his face. Monk didn’t move as she padded over to Tamian, sitting back on her haunches and leaning against his leg. Her mate stroked her head, digging his fingers into the fur behind her ear. She didn’t try to keep from purring. In all her years, Lucy never thought about finding a male who would so readily accept her shifter, but here one was, not even blinking when she changed forms.

“I think we need to have a discussion,” Tamian said to Monk. The Hound rose to his feet, not trying to cover his naked body. It never bothered Lucy to see him or any of the other Hounds without their clothes after shifting. It was part of who they were. She knew her mate didn’t understand that aspect of the Gryphons, and she had already met with his possessiveness. Lucy remained as her lion so neither Monk or the other male would see her naked. When Tamian shifted so he was no longer bearing fangs and claws, the man and woman with him did the same, but their bodies remained rigid and alert. Lucy couldn’t smell fear on either of them.

Tamian kept his fingers in Lucy’s fur as he spoke. “I realize you have feelings for Lucy. I can’t fault you for that. As far as I know, you aren’t aware of the ways of the Gargoyles. When we find our mate, that’s it for us. There is no other. Lucy is mine, if she’ll have me.” Lucy grunted and nudged Tamian’s leg, letting Monk know she’d already made her choice.

When she glanced up at the Hound, his eyes were wet. He used his hands to sign one of the few phrases she recognized. “I’m sorry.” With that, Monk shifted into his eagle and flew away.

“Well, I’m jealous,” the female said, stepping toward Tamian. Lucy growled, moving between the female and Tamian. The redhead laughed, holding up her hands. “Nice kitty. Damn, Tam. It seems your mate’s got a jealous streak. I like her already. I’m Tessa, his sister,” she said to Lucy. Thumbing over her shoulder, she added, “This here’s our Uncle Vitto. I’d shake your hand, but…” Tessa’s grin was infectious. Yeah, Lucy liked her too.



Tamian’s beast was confused. It was urging him to take off after the Gryphon and to drag Lucy inside the building and make her theirs, but he had to take care of her in a different way. “Vitto, if you would, turn your back so Lucy can get dressed?” When Vitto complied, Tamian picked up Lucy’s clothes where they’d fallen as she shifted. When she was standing naked before him, he said, “If I wasn’t so impressed with you right now, I’d be pissed at you for putting yourself between Monk and me.” He leaned closer, dragging her against his body and searing their mouths together. “That was so fucking hot,” he mumbled against her lips.

“Can you two wait until the kids are out of the room before you get busy?” Tessa teased over her shoulder.

Lucy took her clothes one article at a time. While she was dressing, she said, “Do you mind telling me how you got Monk to stand down? I mean, your voice commanded obedience, but I’ve never known a Hound to back down from a fight so willingly.”

Tamian wasn’t ready to admit his ability to coerce others. He would tell her his secret when they were alone. After they mated. Instead, he skirted the truth. “He was probably thinking about your safety. And speaking of, we need to get out of here. Monk has no doubt gone to tell the others where we are. I’d like to avoid another confrontation, if at all possible.”

“The others have already gone back to New York. When Rafael offered up his jet, Ryker accepted. Since his texts to Monk have gone unanswered, Ryker decided to leave the male here to deal with his issues on his own,” Tessa explained. “Ryker wasn’t happy about you going off with Tamian, but he did concede it was your choice.”

“Then let’s go. First, I need to get my bag out of the restaurant,” Lucy said.

“I’ll go grab it for you,” Tessa offered. Tamian’s sister jogged into the building before Lucy could argue, leaving her with the two shirtless males. She averted her eyes from Tamian’s uncle’s chest as he approached.

“Lucy, it is my honor to meet you. Welcome to the family,” Vitto said, fisting his heart and bowing his head in allegiance to Tamian’s mate. “I’ve already called Mirabella, and she assures me the chalet is ready for your arrival.” Mirabella was Martina’s sister, and she took care of the chalet in the family’s absence.

“Thank you, Vitto. We need to get a move on. Santiago is waiting. Tessa, will you be traveling with us?” Tamian loved his sister, but he wanted this time alone with Lucy.

“No freaking way. It wasn’t that long-ago Stone and I completed our bond, and I remember wanting to have him to myself for a few months.”

“Months?” Lucy asked, her eyebrows shooting up.

Tamian put his arm around his mate, leading her to the car. “She’s joking.”

“Am not. Just you wait. Once you claim each other, you’re going to be thankful you’re thousands of miles away from family. I didn’t have that luxury.” Tessa climbed into the driver’s seat while Vitto opened the back of the SUV and dug two shirts out of a bag, handing one to Tamian.

“Thank you,” Tamian said. After Vitto was covered, he took shotgun so Tamian and Lucy could share the back seat.

“Anyway, I’m flying back to New York with Uncle Vitto. I’m gonna chill with the ’rents for a few days and go see Manny and Laurence.”

Tamian thought after Tessa spoke to Gregor on the phone earlier she would be ready to head back home. He couldn’t ask her in front of the others, so he tapped into her mind. “Everything okay, Andi?”

“Fine. Stone’s busy with the Unholy, so this gives me an excuse to see Mom without feeling guilty about being gone a few more days.”


“Tam, you need to focus on Lucy, not me. I’m fine.”

Lucy leaned into his side and looked up at him frowning. She glanced toward Tessa before looking at her lap. She took his hand in hers and placed it on her lap, offering… her strength? Understanding? Support? But why? Had she been able to hear their thoughts?

“I need to let my family know I’m safe. I’m not sure what Monk’s going to tell them when he finally shows back up, but I don’t want there to be hard feelings. We can’t start our future together with our families at odds,” Lucy said.

Tessa opened the glovebox and pulled out a phone. “Here,” she said, handing it over. “This is a burner. You can call them on it, and they won’t be able to trace you.”

“Thanks,” Lucy said. She punched in a number and waited. When it went to voicemail, Lucy said, “Hey, Pops. I’m safe, so you can call off the Hounds. Until all this shit blows over, I’m going with Tamian. I’m willfully going with him, no matter what Monk tells you. Hell, the way he was acting, he might not tell you anything, but that’s for Ryker to deal with. Anyway, tell Rory I love her, and I’ll call back soon. Love you both.”

When Lucy held out the phone for Tessa, she shook her head. “Keep it. Unless you want your family to trace your location while you and Tamian are getting to know one another, you’ll need some way to communicate that can’t be traced.”

Tamian tugged Lucy closer and stuck his nose in her hair. When he inhaled, she laughed but didn’t pull away. Instead, she placed her hand on his thigh and rubbed circles with the tip of her finger. If he didn’t know better, he would have sworn she was purring. Then again, she did have a huge cat inside, so anything was possible.

Tessa glanced at Lucy in the rearview mirror. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I was jealous. The male Gargoyles have wings, but you? Holy freaking shit! You are amazing, being able to shift the way you do. Your Gryphon is glorious.”

“Thank you. That’s the first time I’ve called on my Gryphon in over ten years. Most often, I’m my eagle when I shift. It allows me to go undetected by humans.”

“Undetected by Goyles, too. Tamian told me how you gave him the slip in Holmesvik. Is there a reason you and Monk have different coloring?”

“Yes. There are a few different types of Gryphons. Monk is a water Gryphon, thus his blue wings. My feathers are yellow and gold indicating an earth shifter. There are fires with red wings, and the air shifters’ feathers are all white. We have the ability to call on the elements for strength. Since I’m an earth Gryphon, I prefer my eagle, but as you saw, I’m not afraid of my lion.”

“So that was you causing the dust storm?” Tessa asked. When Lucy admitted as much, Tessa shook her head and smiled at Lucy before looking at Tamian. “Tam, you need to contact Uri and Banyan and let them know who Lucy is so their parents can rest easier.”

“I’ll do that. We might make a pitstop on the way home so I can properly introduce them to Lucy.”

“When you get back, you know Mom’s gonna want to meet her too. Especially after I tell her how awesome she is. Lucy, I’m not scared of much, but when you bared your lion’s teeth, I almost peed myself. Sorry about calling you a kitty. I meant no disrespect.”

Lucy grinned. “None taken. I just didn’t know who you were to Tamian, and I guess I was marking my territory, so to speak.”

“I don’t blame you. I know all about being possessive. I’d cut a bitch if she tried to get between me and my mate.” Tessa’s face fell when she mentioned Gregor, and Tamian considered something he vowed he’d never do once she was mated. He was going to butt into his sister’s life. By the time he and Lucy returned from Italy, if Tessa and Gregor hadn’t sorted their shit, he would talk to his brother-in-law. He couldn’t stand for Tessa to hurt, and as far as he was concerned, it was for no good reason.

The rest of the ride to the airport was filled with Tessa and Lucy chatting about the differences between Gryphons and Gargoyles. It allowed Tamian to learn more about his mate while enjoying her presence at his side. The longer they were together, the harder it became to keep the beast at bay. They would have plenty of alone time on the eight-hour flight, but he refused their first time making love to be anywhere other than a bed. On the ground. They could join the mile-high club on the way home.

Keep telling yourself that. She wants us.

And I want her, but I want her to want more than sex.

What’s wrong with sex?

Nothing, but there’s more to being mates than fucking.

Says you.

Yes, says me. Now, behave. We need to get to the plane and on our way before Monk decides to make another appearance.

Let him.

Tamian ignored the beast and helped Lucy from the back seat. Santiago and another male Tamian had never met were waiting for them. Santiago came forward and fisted his heart, bowing. “Lucy, it is my honor to meet you.”

“Lucy, this is Santiago. My pilot and friend.” Lucy held out her hand, and Santiago took it, kissing her knuckles instead of shaking it. Tamian growled low, and Santiago laughed while Lucy rolled her eyes.

“Down, boy. I’m all yours,” she said, comforting his ego. When she turned to tell Vitto and Tessa goodbye, Tessa pulled his mate into her arms.

“Take care of him,” Tessa whispered.

“I promise. And when we get back, I want us to spend more time together.”

“I’d like that,” Tessa admitted. The smile she gave Lucy was one Tamian hadn’t seen in a while, and as much as he wanted alone time with Lucy, he wanted the mess with Ramey to be concluded sooner rather than later so he could get his mate home and begin their lives together.

Tessa stepped into Tamian’s waiting arms and wrapped him up in a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you,” she said, silently. Her happiness was mixed with sadness, but he knew it had nothing to do with him finding his mate.

“Don’t stay away from Gregor too long, Andi. He misses you.”

“How do you know?”

“The same way you do. I feel it.”

Tessa stepped back and brushed a tear off her cheek. “Go on. Take your girl and enjoy the quiet while the rest of us take care of the shitshow known as Ramey.”

Tessa walked off without another word. Vitto clasped Tamian’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of her, I promise.”

Santiago grabbed Lucy’s bag and strode toward Tamian’s jet, leaving just Tamian and Lucy standing there. He held out his hand and asked, “Are you ready to go?”

“I’m ready,” she responded softly. With a wink, Lucy tugged Tamian’s hand, and he let his mate lead him to the plane. He was ready, too.






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