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Taming the Alien King: Sci-Fi Alien Royalty Romance (Intergalactic Lurve Book 1) by Rie Warren (7)





RESTING BITCH FACE better take it down a notch, because I was just getting the hang of this Zenithian thing, and I didn’t wanna have to take my earrings off, or rather my giant amulet, just to stomp her face in.

Luckily I had Jed’s blade. I was pretty good with the knife-work too.

Turning away from the blonde-haired She-Ra-looking chick, I smiled sweetly at X. “Anything you want to add?”

He shook his head, shrugged his shoulders.

Typical male behavior. It didn’t matter if he was an alien or not.

“He decided he didn’t want to mate with a Zenithian.” Dex angled himself in my direction. “He’s scared of the females.”

I sensed X tensing, but I ignored him. Who knew how many of The Great King’s former bed-buddies were in the Great Hall tonight. Unforeseen jealousy spiked through me, and I had to admit there was more than physical attraction brewing between us. When he’d mentioned his father’s death, loneliness haunted his eyes. And when he’d told me he’d never hurt me—that he’d healed the bruises left by my landlord’s rough handling—his concern touched me.

Undoubtedly, X was arrogant. Who could blame him? He was also sometimes gentle despite his brusque demeanor, concerned and protective. But I wasn’t ready to let him off the hook just yet.

Besides, Dex and his two soldier buddies were serious gangbang fantasy material. In fact, every “man” I’d seen or met had muscles up the wazoo, and I’d be willing to bet every single one of them was hung like an immortal as well.

I gave all my attention to Dex, Jed, and Magnar, each distinct in his own way. Dex stood close to X’s skyscraper-tall height, and he had flashing blue eyes that crinkled at the corners like he laughed a lot. He wore his long blond hair in a braid, a braid echoed by his burly beard tied off with trinkets similar to those X wore in his hair.

Jed’s face was harder, his jawline clean and cut sharp. He joked less, appeared ultra intense and hyper vigilant, and he was as seriously hard-bodied as the rest of them.

Magnar wore a coil of leather rolled on his hip, and I could only imagine what he used the whip on. With his playful grin combined with ovary-sploding looks, sign me up for a little Dungeons and Aliens.

Meanwhile X plied me with more of that trippy liquor and repeatedly cleared his throat when he wasn’t growling under his breath the more I showed him no attention.

The growling thing turned out to be kind of hot, even though I hadn’t been joking with my barbarian overlord comment earlier. No man controlled me, but I wouldn’t mind being fucked through a wall by a man who looked as lickable as X.

Eventually I turned back to the king—still not one hundred percent sure this wasn’t just a hallucinogenic fantasy. But I’d seen the Lex spaceship, viewed the palace, witnessed some of X’s extraterrestrial skills, which extended well beyond his panty-melting kissing ability. The holograms materializing with a flick of his fingers, the clothing he conjured from thin air . . . mmmm, the body-oiling.

He had serious alien swagger and also seemed pretty sweet on me. He was mine until I decided otherwise, so I might as well take the longhaired hunk for a test drive while I could, right?

I bit my lip and squeezed my thighs together. My nipples became even more aroused every time I breathed in. The buds then stroked by the jeweled strands hardly concealing them when I exhaled.

All in all, I decided I wasn’t hallucinating or on some freaky vision quest.

As soon as I gave my attention to my mate, he hungrily unleashed a kiss on me that curled my toes and would’ve popped my cherry if I’d been a virgin. Coiling my arms around his neck, I hummed when he lifted me from my seat to straddle his lap. He dragged my aching wet center against the hard roll of flesh in his pants.

I threw my head back, moaning, heedless of the exhibitionist sensation we were creating until X’s raw voice almost made me soak through the thin pants he’d dressed me in.

“We must stop.”

I rested my forehead against his, breathing shallowly and shakily. He buried his mouth between my tits before setting me back on my chair, his jaw tight, fists balled, eyes slits of combined colors.

I felt about the same way he looked. Like I was ready to combust. And around us, our escapade seemed to have sparked everyone else’s libido. The air of celebration had morphed into an atmosphere of pure hedonism.

Bare flesh everywhere. Breasts and cocks—and Jeeeesus—blowjobs and raw fucking out in the open in every direction I looked. Damn, if I had my iPhone I’d totally make serious bank uploading this orgy onto Pornhub.

“I thought you said y’all weren’t barbarians.” My hand roamed to X’s rock-hard thigh.

“To fuck is natural.” He sent me a searing look.

“Oh yeah? When are we gonna throw down then?” I cupped him in my hand, his hard flesh overflowing my grasp and stretching down the inseam of his leathers.

He grunted and shifted, placing my hand aside.

His voice sounded strained. “You cannot be completely bare in front of the others until we’re mated.”

My nipples were swollen.

My pussy hot for alien sex.

I watched Zane, far across the room, slurping between some Amazon alien’s thighs, and my body clenched.

X growled under his breath. I knew he sensed how turned on I was.

Even Magnar got into the mix, strutting toward a female who threw her skirt up to her waist and presented him with her flushed wet cunt. He quickly went to town on her with sheer brute force.

Only Jedrek and Dex remained seated with us, the two warriors’ shoulders tensing tighter and tighter until they sat in their own strung-out bubble of arousal I didn’t understand.

The scene in the Great Hall was titillating and lusty and explicit . . . until . . . I turned and Resting Bitch Face had one hand down the front of X’s pants. Right beside me!

“Oh hell no.” I jumped up from my throne—that’s right, My Throne.

X dragged RBF’s hand off him, slapping it away like it was last week’s trash. But that didn’t satisfy me quite enough.

I got all up in the bitch’s face—even though RBF stood way way way over me and her tits alone could’ve suffocated me.

Warrior woman? I didn’t care.

I was so gonna spank her ass.

“Just in case you didn’t get the memo, I’m the Earth woman. The female X courted,” I boasted, “and asked to be his queen.”

RBF sneered down at me, and I swore, I could see all the way up the tunnels of her nostrils to an empty brain cavity.

“He is mine.” I shoved her away—or tried to anyway—my shout drawing the attention of the entire crowd of mostly nude Zenithians.

“So you can scuttle back out on the Milano you rode in on and fuck right off!”

“The Milano?” Jedrek asked from beside me.

X had risen behind me, his hands on my hips, not to hold me back but to let me know he had my back.

“The Milano,” Dex added dryly. “The spaceship from the Guardians of the Galaxy.”

“Exactly. Thought you guys were light years ahead of us.” I snarled one last time at RBF before she slinked off like the roadkill she was.

“Buh-bye.” I wagged my fingers at her retreating back.

X spun me around, hauling me against his chest. “Now we retire to the royal chambers.”

I couldn’t agree more as he lifted me into his arms. Because I was gonna kick his perfectly smooth taut ass next or lick all over that divine butt. I couldn’t decide which yet.

Inside the ginormous royal chambers, the lighting dimmed to a soft silvery glow—almost like moonlight—presumably at X’s silent command.

He lowered me to my feet, brushing a tendril of hair from my cheek.

“You were jealous, meehri.” His voice rumbled deliciously from the widest chest I’d ever seen.

“What?” I huffed. “Not.”

Smug sexy alien stud.

A grin tipped up one corner of his mouth.

Without another word, he began to undress, and I was once again treated to the insane sight of his incredibly muscled body. He stopped with the lacings of his pants coming undone, revealing the root of his impressively thick cock.

He ducked his head, licking across my lips before delving inside. I trembled with awareness of him, my hands roaming to the ropey sinews of his shoulders. Before I even knew it, he’d completely disrobed me, leaving me in only the humungo necklace and nipples so tight I thought I’d come if he so much as touched them.

He set my hands on the lacings of his leathers, watching with a hungry smile as my fingers pulled them open one by one.

My heart pounded harder. My pussy got wetter and wetter. The peaks of my breasts rubbed against the heated glossy skin of his chest.

Tugging the pants down, down, down, my breath caught in my throat at the feast of flesh presented in front of me.

Our skin still gleamed from the earlier oil treatment, and I stood quivering in front of him.

“Now we fuck.” His voice came out like sexual thunder, sending a bolt of dirty desire zinging desperately through me.

My belly clenched, but when he picked me up and tossed me onto the bed, I held up my hands.

 “Holy horse cock, alien boy!” I stared at the lewd length kicking up from his groin, veins pulsing all over, the big domed head pushing out one drop of liquid after another. “Seriously though, is that thing really for real? Or is it just another hologram?”

“You touched my cock earlier. Did it feel real?” He wrapped a massive fist around the base jutting from his body and stroked all the long way up to the tip.

Involuntarily, my thighs spread, and I felt myself dripping all over the bedding.

His eyes—gleaming nearly fluorescent green—latched onto the sight of my pussy, and his lips curled off his teeth, nostrils flaring.

I writhed at the primal sight of him as he crawled up between my legs, pushing them wider and wider apart with his sheer size.

As soon as his cockhead touched my labia, sizzling heat rippled through my body, but my hands rose again to push at his chest.

“Uh unh. On second thought you can’t fuck me with that thing. No way will it fit.”

“Then tonight I will stretch you.”