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Tank (Black and Blue Series Book 1) by Erin Bevan (28)

Tank stared at their new alarm system. The damn thing cost him his whole two weeks’ paycheck, but Annie’s safety was worth every penny.

“What are you doing?” Beauty laced up her shoes.

“Staring at the new monitor. Isn’t this cool? If they ring the doorbell, we can see who’s outside before we open the door.”

She sauntered by his side. “Yep. Welcome to the twenty-first century big guy.” She poked him in the stomach. “You ready?”

“Yep. I’m ready.” He grabbed his keys from his pocket. “Motorcycle or truck?”

A slight curve turned up from her lips as she reached for her bike helmet off the hook. “Motorcycle.”

“I’ve turned you into a regular biker chick, haven’t I, Beauty?”

“It’s Moonlight, remember?” She gave a sultry wink that had him wish they could stay in bed a bit longer.

“Yeah, I remember.” He punched in the code and escorted her outside before he locked the door. “Are you sure you want to work a double today?”

“I’m sure. Sandi’s short-staffed, and besides, you need some alone time with your mom. You did a fabulous job avoiding her yesterday.”

His mom had come over and watched the installation of the alarm system. A sharp pain shot through his stomach at the way he had treated her, barely speaking more than five words to her all day. His mood had been sour enough to make buttermilk. Something he needed to apologize for.

“Yeah.” He blew out a breath. “I guess you’re right. I’m just not ready to forgive yet. I don’t know when I will be.”

“I understand.” Annie grabbed his hand. “But the longer it takes you to move on, the longer it will eat at you. Don’t allow people to make you unhappy, Tyler. It’s not worth it. Besides, your mom loves you. She didn’t expect to end up pregnant with you, and she only tried to make the best of the situation. She wanted her son to have a father.”

“What a damn fine one she picked,” he muttered.

“We all make mistakes.”

Pulling her in for a hug, he said, “How did I get so lucky to land you?”

“Through another’s mistakes. Same way I landed you.” She pecked him on the chin and squeezed his waist. “Let’s go, or we’re both going to be late.”

He drove the ten miles into town, with Annie clinging to his back, his mind heavy with what he was about to do. He pulled up to the back door of the diner, and turned off his bike. “Sandi’s going to be here, right?”

She took off her helmet. “For the thousandth time, yes.”

“I don’t like this. At all. I hate leaving you.”

“I know, but you are literally a block away over at Rakes, and I will be seen through all the glass windows inside the diner. He won’t hurt me. Not here with customers around.”

“Not anywhere.” He pulled her in for a kiss. A kiss so tempting, his body burned to pull her back on his bike and take her back home.

“What did I do to deserve that?” she asked, her breath ragged, and her lips swollen with his mark.

“I wanted to give you something to remember me by. In case…”

“Are you afraid I’ll change my mind about us?”

He shook his head and gripped his bike handles tighter. “I…I hope not. I’ve just never cared for someone like I do you. You have the power to break me to pieces.”

Life without Annie. He didn’t want to imagine it.

“You’re a big, strong man, Tyler. You’d be fine.”

He reached for her waist and pulled her closer. “Not when it comes to you.” The denim of her jeans and short sleeve shirt hugged her nice and snug. Her face bare of makeup. She was free. Free of all extra layers covering her beauty. With each other, they’d both found a type of freedom. One he was just beginning to enjoy. “Be careful, Beauty.”

“I will. Now go, before you’re late. I love you.”

“I love you more.” He kissed her hand. “I’m not leaving until you are safe inside.”

“Fine.” She skipped up the backdoor steps. “You’re stubborn.”

“I’m your stubborn.”

She gave him a wave as she stepped through the door and shut it behind her.

He reached for the handles of his bike, and glanced around the alley. Only a matter of hours now before Duke realized she was here. He reached for his phone and clicked Steele’s number to make sure all Guardians were on high alert.

His mission was to protect her, and he wouldn’t fail.

* * *

Duke sat in his unit and peered through the diner window. Through the glass, he spotted her. Annie.

My Annie.

His heart fluttered at seeing her standing there so close to him. She looked just like the day he’d met her. Little makeup, smiling, happy. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, showing the nape of her neck, and his mind raced with the idea of them in bed, him pulling the back of her ponytail as he screwed her from behind.

His dick hardened at the thought. He’d be doing just that tonight if all went as planned. Annie loved him—she’d come back, like the good fiancée he’d trained her to be.

She sauntered out from behind the bar area and went to a table with two elderly gentleman. Leaning down, she gave one of them a hug. His erection fell as he gripped the flower stems tighter in his hands, and cracked his neck. What the hell was she doing flirting with old men?

Little whore.

As he sat there watching her, a paralyzing fear began to take over. What the hell had she been telling people about her absence? He had to make sure she didn’t say the wrong thing. One wrong word, one slip up, could throw his whole story off kilter, and his campaign down the drain.

How dare she show her face without talking to him first?

Calm down. Play it cool. Breathe.

He needed to regain her trust, not push her further into the arms of other men, especially the giant ogre.

Duke stepped out of his unit, and squinted at the harsh summer sun. He reached for the door of the diner, holding it open for a couple of old ladies.

“Why thank you, son,” the woman wearing bifocals said.

“You’re that boy running for Sherriff aren’t you?” the friend asked.

“Why yes, ma’am. Can I count on you ladies for your vote?” He gave them a toothy smile, and held his hand out for Bifocals to cross the threshold.

“You’ve got my vote, dear.” The lady gripped his hand tighter and blushed slightly at his help.

“Whoever is receiving those flowers is sure lucky to have you.” The friend smiled, her teeth baring her pink lipstick.

“No, I’m the lucky one.” At least he would be after he set Annie straight. But he could and he would. She would behave.

He helped the women inside and waved. “Good day, ladies.” When he turned to face the bar, Annie stood there, refilling someone’s drink glass, the end of her hair just grazing the top of her bra line. His body tensed with crazed lust for his fiancée. This was his chance.

Be Easy. Relaxed.

He sauntered to the bar and laid the flowers down. “Hey there, pretty lady.”

Her back stiffened. He glanced around the restaurant to see if anyone noticed. His instincts screamed to pull her behind the building, let her know how much of a fool she’d made him look the last few weeks. His mind warned him to stay in control.

She turned, and gave him a fake smile. “Duke. How are you?” She spoke as if she barely knew him.

“Better now that you’re back.” He leaned in. She wouldn’t meet his stare. “These are for you.” He held the flowers up.

“They’re lovely, but I don’t want them.”

She pressed her lips together, her chest rising and falling in a faster pace. Her expression was dimmer than before he had walked in the door.

He tightened his grip again on the stems. Control the situation. Get her to listen. “Annie, honey, I think we need to talk.”

The bell above the diner door jingled. Her focus shifted, and her face lit up as her chest heaved a huge sigh.

Of relief?

He swiveled his head toward the door. The same look she gave him months ago when he first started dating her and told her he was whisking her away on a vacation flashed across her face. She hadn’t looked at him like that since, and now, she stared longingly at the giant in the same manner.

The stems threatened to break in his hands.

Ogre took one look at him and stomped over to the bar, his steps hard and heavy. One of his biker goons followed on his heels, while a tall, older woman brought up the rear. By the resemblance, must be the ogre’s mother.

“Why are you here?” Ogre crossed his arms and asked down to him.

“I’m here to talk to my fiancée.” He crossed his own arms and pressed his lips together, waiting. One wrong move and he could have this man arrested.

“Everything’s fine, Tyler.” Annie rounded the bar and placed a gentle hand on Wilde’s arm.

Anger boiled in his chest.

“Why don’t you guys grab a seat over at that table right there, and I’ll be with you in a minute. Hey, Clara.” Annie waved to the woman.

“No, that’s okay. I’ll wait.” The oaf didn’t budge.

“Tyler, please. I’m fine.” Annie stared at the idiot’s friend and mother. “Steele, Clara, you guys go over there. Please.” She glanced around the restaurant, obviously worried about causing a scene.

Good girl. His woman still had some sense.

“Sure, Annie,” the mother said.

The biker friend slapped the ogre on the back. “Come on, man. We can see everything from two feet away.” The shorter one pulled his giant away.

“I think I see steam coming out of his ears,” Duke joked.

Annie finally stared at him. “What do you want?” her tone a searing whisper.

“I want to talk to you, in private.”

She began to shake her head. “No. Whatever you have to say—”

“Please, Annie.” He leaned closer. Duke could practically feel his back burning from the giant’s eyes. “I’ve been on my medicine ever since you left. I’m better now. I promise, and I’ll never get off of it again.”

“It’s too late for that.”

Too late? Never.

“I know, Annie, but please, let me apologize…in private. Please.”

“Duke…” Her shoulders slumped.

Her resolve was breaking. If he could just get through a little more, get her away from the watchful eye of the giant and his goons, he could win his Annie back.

“Everything okay over here?” Sandi rounded the corner behind the bar and began to refill a tea pitcher.

“We’re fine, Sandi, and how about yourself? I see business has been good to you this summer?” He gave the owner a half-smile and glanced around the restaurant.

“Yep…just peachy.”

Annie turned to the owner. “Everything’s fine, Sandi. Do you mind taking care of Tyler’s table for a moment? I’m going to the back with Duke. It appears we have a few things we need to discuss.”

“You sure?” The owner raised a questioning eyebrow.

Jesus Christ how much did these people know?

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

“Mo’s back there.”

Annie nodded in understanding.

What exactly was that fat cook going to be able to do to him?

She turned toward the back. “Come on, Duke.” She motioned for him. The ogre stood. “It’s okay.” Annie held up her hand. “We’re just going to the back.”

The blond’s face sat stone hard as his fingers twitched at his sides. The giant liked control. Good to know.

His mother pulled his hand. “Tyler, let her go.”

Yes, Tyler. Let her go.

Ogre stared at his mother, then to his friend. “Steele, run outside and block the back exit. I’ll call you when it’s safe.”

“On it.” The other biker stood.

“For God’s sakes,” he hissed. “What do you think I’m going to do, run off with her?”

“I don’t put anything past you, Chief.”

“Tyler, this isn’t necessary,” Annie insisted.

“Maybe not.” Wilde leaned in and lowered his voice. “But he hurt you once. He won’t do it again. I’ll be standing right here, watching.”

Hurt her once?

What all had his little bitch lied about? He never hurt her. He only taught her lessons. Lessons she had to learn. Lessons he had every right as her fiancé to teach her.

She studied the brute and gave him a soft, subtle smile, her cheeks reddening.

Duke fought the urge to punch the man as he glanced around the restaurant, seeing if anyone noticed the encounter between his woman and her ogre. The little old ladies he’d helped inside, stopped and stared. He gave them a subtle wink and a smile. His actions seemed to please their curiosity.

Annie glanced back at him, the color leaving her cheeks almost instantly. “Come on, Duke. Follow me.” She marched to the back, and stopped just inside the back room. She turned to him and her words came out in a rush. “Duke, I’m happy that you—”

“Annie, let’s move back here okay?” He cocked his head toward Mo. “There’s a little more privacy.” What part of privacy was she not understanding? He didn’t need another damn audience.

She studied him, her eyes narrowed in concentration before she conceded. “Fine. Mo, I’m stepping into the office with Duke,” she called to the fat chef.

The guy raised a butcher knife and waved like he heard her.

What the fuck was that? Some kind of threat?

He rolled his neck and followed as she walked farther into the back of the restaurant, slipping into the back office. She stood by the doorway, and he stepped past her deeper into the space. Her back was positioned to the doorframe.  Her work schedule pinned to a board on the half wall behind her. Exactly where he wanted her. He could see her entire two-week schedule just above her head. She worked the night of his speech. That wouldn’t do.

“Annie, honey.”

Tossing the flowers aside, he reached for her hand. She pulled it back and crossed her arms. He fought the twitching in his jaw.

“Okay. We won’t touch.” He placed his hands in his pockets. Time to say what he’d practiced. Dig deep, work on the tears. “I’m sorry, baby,” he said, keeping his voice low, controlled. “I know what I did was wrong. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?” Frowning, he dropped his chin and rubbed his forehead. “I’m just so sorry.” He faked a sniffle, a dab of moisture leaked from his eye.

She blew out a breath. “Yes, Duke, I can.”

“Oh, baby.” He raised his head, and reached for her hand again. This time, she let him. “That’s good news.”

Women could never resist tears. Breaking through was going to be easier than he thought. He would win her back. He would.

“But, Duke, we’re over. I don’t love you, and I never will. I’m not marrying you.”

His eye twitched. He rubbed it like he was wiping a tear away, trying to control the tick. Bitch was being difficult. Who the fuck cared about love? He didn’t need a marriage of love, but a trophy wife. And she was one of the best looking women in Black Widow. The town already knew them as a couple. Why the hell wouldn’t she cooperate?

His pulse pounded as his blood swam through his veins like a raging inferno. He released her hand before his anger caused him to break her fingers. “Annie.” Remain calm. “I thought you said you forgave me.”

“I did, and I do, but I won’t spend my life with you.”

“How many people have you told this to?” His heart raced. His campaign was in full swing, she being the crutch to him winning his race. She was the only way his father stayed off his ass.

“The Guardians know, but they won’t say anything. I figured I’d let you do that. I know how important your image is to you. You can tell everyone you dumped me. I’m fine with that. I won’t run your name in the mud as long as you don’t do the same to me.”

“Annie, I would never do that to you.”

“As much as I would like to think that’s because you care about me, I know it’s only because I’m a reflection of you.”

“That’s not true, Annie. I love you.” If the word was so important to her, then he would tell her what she wanted to hear.

He gripped her hand again, fearful. The apprehensive look in her eyes had changed to pity, and that caused his blood to rage all over again. He was losing her.

He couldn’t lose her.

“I think in your own way, you actually might, Duke.” She squeezed his hand. “Unfortunately, our versions of love are completely different, but if you do love me, then you will let me go. You need to seek help.”

Help? He didn’t need help. He needed his fiancée back—willingly.

“If I do, will you reconsider coming back to me?”

Voluntarily, at least.

“Annie? What’s going on back here?” Ogre turned the corner and placed his hands on the top of the doorframe, covering the exit.

“I’m coming, babe.” She dropped his hand and stepped her back into Wilde’s chest. He snaked a possessive arm around her waist.

“I wish you all the best, Duke. I’ll see to it you get your ring back. Good luck with everything.”

His ring back? He watched as she turned into her new lover, and the man moved his hand to the small of her back, whispering in her ear.

Duke wasn’t losing her…he’d already lost her. To a giant, blond, monster. The man cocked a hard stare back at him, and he could see small beads of sweat lining the giant’s hairline.

He had to stay calm. Figure something out.

“Annie, wait,” he called.

Her and her bodyguard stopped.

“I really am sorry, and I’d like for you to have these.” He passed her the roses. “I know flowers aren’t much after everything I’ve put you through, but I do really love you, and I meant what I said. I won’t get off my medicine. I hope in time, maybe you’ll see that I’m sincere.”

“For your sake, I hope you do stay on your prescriptions.” She gripped the roses tighter to her chest. “I remember what you were like when we first started dating. I see that same person now, but it’s too late for us, Duke. Move on with your life. I have to get back to work.” She turned on her heel and walked back toward the dining room with her new beau, and out of his life.

What the hell am I going to do?

His speech was coming up, and his father expected Annie by his side, playing the role of good wife. Half the town would expect it.

The brunette from the courthouse came to mind. Big-bottom Becky or Bethany. Shit. He couldn’t remember. While she may have been fun to screw, she wasn’t what he considered trophy material. Hell, for now, she might have to do. Make Annie jealous.

His phone rang in his pocket. His father. Christ.

“Dad, hey.”

“Son, a speech writer will be here Monday at four to help you with your speech. He also wants to meet with Annie, prep her on what to say in an interview. She’ll be your wife, so she needs to be trained as well. Is she back from visiting her mother?”

“Dad…” He rubbed his forehead. “Annie and I, we’re having some relationship problems. I’ll make sure I’m there by four, but I can’t guarantee she will be.” The phone stood silent. “Dad, did you hear me?”

“What do you mean, you’re having relationship problems?” His father’s voice escalated. “What have I told you all along? You have to have a wife on the campaign trail.”

“I’ve got a replacement in mind.”

“A replacement? A replacement?” His father’s tone grew. “Are you a fucking moron? Have I taught you nothing? You can’t replace Annie so close to the election. People will think you are unreliable, untrustworthy. You get her back. I don’t care what you have to promise her. You have money, use it.”

“Dad—” The line went dead.

Duke shoved his phone in his back pocket and clenched his fist as he stepped out of the office.

Sandi’s voice echoed down the hall, and he took a quick step back inside the small room.

“What do you mean, his father?” the older woman said.

“I mean, I’m Tank’s father. His mother and I, we have a history. I’m just as shocked as you are. I had no idea.”

“Oh my gosh.” The woman gasped. “What about Tank. What does he say about it all?”

“Didn’t you see the cold stare he shot me? He won’t talk to me. Not yet, anyway, and from what Clara said, he’s barely talking to her. She leaves on Wednesday, and for her sake, I hope he comes around a bit more.”

The leader of the Blue Guardians…the ogre’s father? Won’t talk to him? Mad at mom. His mind began to spin.

“Give him time, Jack. He will.”

“I don’t know, Sandi. I’m going to let him make the moves. I hope he can come around, if not for me, at least for Clara.”

“I hope so, too.”

Footsteps echoed down the hall, and grew quieter.

Duke peered around the corner. When everything was clear, he stepped quietly out of the office and poked his head out the back door. The brute’s friend had disappeared. He slipped out, the heat of the sun searing his head. He’d just received the information he needed. If Annie wouldn’t come to him by choice, then he’d make her come by the only other way he knew.





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