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Teach Me Daddy: A Mountain Man’s Secret Baby Romance by Hart, Rye (37)


A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance


Last night must have been one wild ride.

The woman next to me was growing hotter by the second and not because of her looks, but because her body heat was more than I could stand. I pulled back the covers and let in some air, exposing her tight little ass in the process.

Sure, she was hot, but things wouldn’t go any further with her than the sex we’d had the night before. Though she was a nice girl, her personality left a lot to be desired. I needed a woman that had talent aside from giving good head, and passion for something other than how to spend my money. I wasn’t in the market for a girl who acted like the only reason she existed was to please me. Don’t get me wrong, there was a time when that much would have been appealing, but I’d learned well enough that it only goes so far. At the end of the day, I wanted someone I could stand talking to about nothing in particular; someone who might have an opinion other than what they thought I wanted to hear.

Even the absence of the covers wasn’t making things any better with the inferno curled up against me. I slid away from her and sat up hoping she’d wake up soon so I could show her the door. I had a few things I needed to take care of today and playing host to another one-night-stand wasn’t on the list.

The phone rang and as I went to silence it, Katherine rolled over and opened her eyes. I got up and headed to the bathroom with my phone.

“Hello,” I said as I took care of my morning duties.

“Do you have to answer the phone while you’re taking a piss, Duncan?” My sister’s tone was as always grating at that time of morning.

“Yes. It’s not my fault you called and woke me up.” I had told her for years to stop calling when the crickets were still chirping, but she had never gotten the hint. Katherine walked in once I was finished and turned on the shower.

“Want to join me?” she asked with a whisper.

I shook my head, but Shauna was already onto me. “Duncan Kelley, you’ve got company? This time of morning? You’ll never change.”

“What’s so bad about that?” I made my way to the kitchen where I washed my hands at the sink and then started a pot of coffee before grabbing a bagel.

“What’s so bad? Oh, so I suppose I will be meeting the lovely lady? What’s her name, Lexi? Roxie? Vixen? Dancer? Prancer?”

Despite my sister’s accusations, I hadn’t graced a strip club in some time.

“No, there won’t be any meeting, and her name is Katherine.” I hated that my sister felt the need for me to explain my lifestyle. I was a bachelor and ex-SEAL, and I’d earned my right to live any damned way I wanted. Besides, it wasn’t like I was going to fall in love. I’d given up my heart years ago and other than amazing sex, I didn’t have much to offer.

She made a sound of aggravation, and it rattled through the phone. “I just think—”

“I know what you think, Sis, and you swore to me that we wouldn’t talk about that.”

“You mean her .”

I froze, and my coffee turned bitter in my mouth. Not only had my sister promised not to nag me about my social life, but we’d sworn years ago not to talk about my old relationship with her best friend, Rachel Dean.

“Yeah, that and other things, but I suppose since you brought her up there’s no harm in me asking how she is.” I had often wondered what she turned up doing. Had she married, had children? The hollow spot in my chest grew tender.

“You mean you really want to know?” My sister had never forgiven me for leaving things with Rachel the way I had, but I had never taken the time to explain things to her. Rachel was too young to devote her life to me. When I was preparing to leave for the military, she was only a sophomore, and I hadn’t wanted her to put her dreams on hold for mine. She had so much talent and life in her that I knew she’d have a great future ahead. Her father knew it too and had his plans all laid out for her. As much as I regretted to this day what I’d done, the way I’d done it would haunt me to my dying day. She’d deserved so much better.

He’d been the town’s leading attorney, so naturally, he’d wanted his daughter to follow in his footsteps. But I could never see it, not my Rachel. She was too much a free spirit to be cooped up in a courtroom. She needed a paintbrush in one hand and a book in the other. She was going to be so much more, and waiting for me was never an option.

“Yeah, so is she a powerhouse attorney like her old man wanted?” Her adventurous spirit and artistic dreams were more fitting for a gallery or a trip around the world, always had been.

“She’s fine. Just fine. But that’s not what I called to talk to talk to you about.”

And just like that, the conversation about Rachel was over, as usual. I had asked for it though. I’d been the one who wanted to keep my memories preserved, and the tiny pieces of whatever lay hardened and stone-like in that dark cavity where my heart should be left untouched.

“So, spill it, I haven’t got all day, I’ve got to run Katherine out so I can salvage what’s left of my weekend.” With any luck at all, I’d make nine holes and get my car washed and diapered dry.

“You’re impossible. I thought you might like to know that there’s a new job opening up. Harris called me about it last night. It’s perfect for you.” Her fiancé, Harris Connor had helped me land some of my more eccentric clients, but the money had always out-weighed the drama that came with them.

“Yeah, well all my guys are tied up in contracts. So, it will have to be me.” We’d been so busy lately that I’d had to start taking on jobs again instead of only managing the business. I didn’t mind doing a job or two, as long as it was something interesting. Harris’ connections usually were.

She let out a breath. “Yes, I remember you saying that. This one is tailor-made for you. I wouldn’t want you trusting it to just anyone.”

I gave a sound of displeasure. “It better be good and not some spoiled rich kid’s birthday weekend this time. I mean it, Shauna, I’m still picking glitter out of my hair, and that was months ago.”

She giggled, and I could picture the look on her face on the other end of the line. “No, this is much better. You’d be working with one of the studios in Hollywood. Harris will tell you more about it. He said to meet with him Tuesday, and he’ll give you the details. And be nice to him. He said you intimidated him the last time.”

Her fiancé was a good guy, but he needed to toughen up a bit. “I didn’t do anything. If he’s going to act like a snowflake, he’s bound to feel intimidated..”

“Be nice,” Shauna scolded. “You know he’ll be family soon.”

“I suppose you set a date then? Finally?” My sister had been stringing Harris along for years, and that gaudy ring of hers was already starting to look outdated.

“Not quite, but soon, I promise. Who knows, if this job goes right maybe Harris will let you be the best man.” She let out another giggle, and this time it seemed as if she were up to something.

“Fine. But he better be nice to me. I’ll be the one walking you down the aisle.” I was more than ready for that honor to be mine.

“Duncan, please.” Her sweet tone hit my soft spot.

“I’ll try to be good. I can’t help but look like a mean bastard, though.” It was the dark hair, light eyes, and tattoos that gave me that infamous deadly look. All of my SEAL brothers had envied it, but Harris was too soft to appreciate it. It was perfect for my line of work though.

“You could shave off that goatee. Not that you aren’t stunningly handsome with it, but you do seem a bit less intimidating without it.” She had always liked me cleanly shaven and said I looked like our dad that way, which was all the more incentive to grow my goatee.

“I like the intimidating look. It pays the bills.” I put that goatee to work.

“Fine, Tuesday morning,” she said, and then she hung up the phone.

I turned around to see Katherine standing in nothing but her towel, which she had wrapped loosely around her waist, her bare breasts still glistening and her nipples tight and rosy. “What’s for breakfast?” Her chest heaved as she stared into my eyes and as my cock stiffened, I had a pretty good idea what was on the menu.

I could send her away later.


I raked my hands through my hair and rested my head against my palm as I looked over the list before me. I had been adding to the list all morning and now had a clear vision in my head of what the stage needed to look like. I’d get the preliminary sketches to the producer by the end of the day, but first I needed to make sure I had everything I’d need to pull it off.

I glanced up at Jeffery. “What about the funhouse mirrors?” We had contacted a prop company that had the ones we wanted, and I was hoping that they’d be available.

“We got them, and the spinning wheel too, but I’m still not sold on the color. It looks too much like a child’s princess party, and I think we should stay darker.”

“It’s pink?” I began to panic. I hadn’t even noticed. Pink would not work at all. This was supposed to be a circus freak show theme, not my pretty princess.

Jeffery nodded his head. “I told you it was pink with glitter. I even showed you a photograph. Do you want me to cancel the spinner?”

“Oh, the spinner is pink?” I breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought you meant the mirrors. Yes, scratch that spinner, and we’ll look for something else. I’d like a few touches of black and white in the madness of color, and that spinner might have to be a custom in black and white if we can’t find something else.”

“Okay, scratch the pink glitter nightmare. I’ll look for something in black and white. The mirrors, which are candy apple red, are a go. You’ve had three calls today do you still want me to monitor your phone?”

“Only if it’s my father or that creep from last week.” I got the chills just thinking about that freak. He’d make the perfect prop for this new job.

“You’re dating?” Jefferey’s perfect brows lifted.

“No, you’re slipping. Greg, that man from the last job. He’s trying to ask me out, but there’s no way in hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t have duct tape, garbage bags, and a saw in his trunk.”

“That’s only the characters he writes about. I’m sure he’s a real kitten.” He flashed me a wink.

“If that’s true, then he’s more your type than mine.” I gave him a sweet smile. Jeffrey was not only my assistant, but also one of my best friends.

Jefferey let out a howling laugh. “Bitch.” Jeffery was so low under most people’s gaydar, but he definitely preferred men. He’d actually had better luck with them than me.

I quickly changed the subject from men. “Oh, and I was thinking last night that I want the same artist we used on the last set for our detailed panels. She’s amazing, so see if you can get her again. I know she’s busy.” Jefferey nodded and took down the information.

I went back to making notes and pouring over the ones the producer had passed along from Star Summers, whose video I’d be working on. I found a few inconsistencies with the script that we had to make right. About thirty minutes had passed before my phone buzzed and Jeffery held it under my nose.

“You’ll want to take this one. It’s Shauna.” Jefferey had met my best friend a couple of times over lunch and knew how special she was to me. I quickly answered the phone and leaned back in my chair to give my eyes a rest from the paperwork.

“Shauna? How’s life?

“It’s wonderful. How’s yours?”

“Perfect.” I rubbed my temples and breathed a cleansing breath.

“You sound tired. I hope you’re not working too hard.” She was one to talk. Shauna stayed just as busy as I did, if not busier. Before I could reply, she started again. “Oh, I sent your thanks along to Harris, and he said to think nothing of it, anything for a friend of mine. He’s sure he’ll be able to keep you in work for a while. Oh, and you can expect security on the set daily. Harris said it’s quite customary for his company. You never know when there’s some nut roaming around.”

“I have a feeling I’m working for the nut.”

“Now be nice, I’m sure he’s changed since college and besides, the fact that he knew us both was what landed you this gig. Don’t blow it by telling him off.”

“I’ll be good and try to remember that he’s Harris’s friend.”

“God no, he’s not really his friend, just an acquaintance in the business, but you should still be nice. Brock Reed is a spoiled brat, but he’s not that bad.”

I thought about the last man I’d worked for and she was right, there were worse people in the world. Like creepy Greg.

“Anyway, I’m glad it’s all working out, and I appreciate Harris and you helping me out. Things are taking off full speed now.” My business had been growing by leaps and bounds, and I’d gotten to make some nice connections and wonderful clients who’d wanted me to do sets for them, even personal ones.

“No problem. How’s your father doing? Has he changed his mind about your career path now that you’re a big Hollywood set designer?” Shauna asked.

“He’s barely letting me breathe. He’s got a house here now down in Temecula. Speaking of family. How’s your brother doing?”

“I talked to him yesterday. He’s good. Still single.” Her voice lifted a pitch on the end of her sentence as if she meant it as a suggestion.

“Duncan made it perfectly clear how he felt when he left, and that ship sailed away with him a long time ago. Literally.” He’d left me to go into the Navy, and even though I’d vowed to wait on him, he’d left without so much as a goodbye. My heart had been crushed and stomped on by that man.

“Yet, you still ask about him.” A soft laugh sounded through the phone.

I’m just being polite. You ask about my father and yet, you’ve never tried to date him.” I gave Jefferey a wink when he gave me a wary look.

“How come you haven’t moved on then? Unless you’re dating someone that you haven’t told me about?”

I cringed thinking about creepy Greg. He was the only person I’d been to any sort of meal with aside from her or Jefferey and my father and that hadn’t been business-related. In the first years after high school, I’d tried to go out, but all of the dates had gone badly. Most of the men had tried to sleep with me even though they hadn’t taken the time to know me. I had finally decided to focus on my career and follow my dreams in spite of my father. Dating hadn’t been that important to me, and I could never seem to get past that awkwardness of a first date.

“No, I haven’t seen anyone else. I don’t have time for men.” I glanced up to see Jefferey giving me the lifted brow stare again. I wasn’t about to go into things and have him overhear about my virginity, though Shauna knew damned well I’d never slept with anyone. She’d often remarked that was the oldest virgin in the world, but only when she wanted to pressure me into going out with someone.

“Well, anyway, I wanted to say hi and see how you’re doing. I’m sure we’ll talk soon.”

There was something in her voice that made me feel like she was up to something but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it could be. Was there something about this job or perhaps the producer that she wasn’t warning me about? I decided to let it go, especially since Jefferey was still giving me the eye.

“Talk soon, friend. Take care.” I hung up the phone and passed it back to Jefferey who took it and put it in the pocket of his loose pants.

“Why don’t you date? I think you need a man and I don’t think I’m the only one making that suggestion,” he said, tapping my phone in his pocket.

“I had my heart broken once, and I’m not ready to move on yet.” I lifted a shoulder casually and then glanced back down to the paper before me.

“How long ago was that? Because if memory serves me, you haven’t been with anyone in the two years I’ve known you.” He straightened the cuff of his sleeve and then tapped his pen.

“So, what? I haven’t dated anyone in years, and you’ve been more men than I have, it’s not the end of the world.” I let out a long breath and decided not to give him a specific answer. He didn’t need one. “I’ve got to get through this list and have everything ready for Brock.”

“Mm, Brock. Speaking of dating, I’m sure that our sexy-ass producer has a crush on you.” Jefferey smiled but never took his eyes off his own work.

“Mind your own business and get back to work.” I tried to act tough but the corners of my mouth played upward and once he peeked he let loose a soft giggle. I’d had enough of the subject, even though I loved my friends for caring.


I held the door open for a gorgeous blonde as I headed up to see Harris Connor. I wasn’t too thrilled to be seeing the man again, but at least he had the promise of a decent job, or so my sister had said. She’s gotten together with the joker about six months after our mother had passed and since we didn’t have our father in our lives either, it was my job to bust his balls.

How this prissy son of a bitch was banging my sister, , was beyond me. Shauna could have any man she wanted, though none would ever be good enough for her in my book. I shook my head. I watched the blonde as she walked away and tucked her number into my pocket. It had only taken six floors to score that one, and as I landed on the ninth where Harris Connor’s office was and saw his secretary, a smoking hot brunette, I wondered if I should try to score another one. She stood up and walked to the front as I approached her.

“You’re Mr. Kelley? Mr. Connor is expecting you.” She walked to the door after I gave her a nod and then that gleaming diamond on her ring finger gave out it’s warning as she opened the door. I wouldn’t be scoring a second number, but maybe this job would make up for it.

The door swung wide as she stepped aside and I entered finding Harris sitting behind his desk. He stood and came around to shake my hand.

“How’s the brother of the love of my life doing today?” He gave me a cheery smile and a pat on the back. If he was intimidated by me, he sure didn’t show it. At least until I shook his hand and gave him the death grip on his loose little paw.

“I’m good. Shauna tells me that you’ve got an opportunity for me. I must say I hope it doesn’t involve children.” I was worried after the last occasion I’d end up at some petting zoo dodging elephant shit.

He pulled his hand away and wiggled his fingers. “No, no. Your sister warned me about that, something about you hating glitter?” He straightened his tie and let loose a quiet, nervous chuckle and walked around behind his desk offering me a seat with a gesture.

I took one of the chairs in front of his desk and forced a smile at his humor. “Yeah, that last job was a nightmare, though I do appreciate you thinking of me.”

“Well, this one is a bit different. You’ll be working as set security on the production of Star Summers’ latest video. She’s got her own personal security, but it’s nice to have someone on the production side to work as a mediator of sorts. You will mostly be on set, but there might be a time that you have to escort the pop princess back to her hotel or keep an eye out for her when she goes to lunch. Nothing too personal and the hours will be varied. You’ll need to coordinate with the set producer as well since you’ll be starting well before the final production is under way.”

I’d never heard of Star Summers, but by the way his expression had changed, it indicated that she was a big deal. It made no difference to me.

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re saying the set designers need security too?”

He nodded his head and opened up his planner. “They’ll be the first team arriving Thursday in the backlot location, and yes, these pop stars’ crazy fans try to sneak in on early production. As soon as they get wind of a project, they’re all over it. I always set up security early.”

“Sounds good.” I’d wanted something with a nice change of pace, and this was just the thing. I’d make a lot of money and have an easy time dealing with whatever little punks and screaming fan girls came out of the woodwork for this Star Summers person. I’d Google her later to know what I was dealing with.

“I’m glad you’re pleased. I did hope you’d agree to take this one. I want someone good on it. The director and producer is Brock Reed. Have you heard of him?” I shrugged and added another name onto my list of Google searches. The name sounded about as familiar as Star Summers. “Anyway, he’s pretty hot right now, and I was hoping things would go smoothly, and I’d get a full contract with him, so this is pretty important. I’m pulling out all my best connections.”

The guy gave me the crinkled forehead look that almost said, ‘don’t screw this up for me’, but then he fidgeted with his collar and tie again and cleared his throat.

“Sounds like a cut and dry kind of job. I don’t see why there would be any problems.”

He shifted his eyes a bit and I had a feeling his nervousness was a bit more than him being intimidated by me. But then he met me square in the eye and played it off like he agreed.

I promised to meet the set producer on Thursday, and then I left. I hadn’t made it all of the way out of the building when my sister called me.

“Did you take the job?”

“Hello to you, too, sister dearest, and yes, I took the job. I appreciate the hook-up.” I reached into my pocket and slipped the woman from the elevator’s card into my wallet.

“You were nice to Harris, weren’t you?” she asked with a hopeful tone.

“Yes, I’ll let him live. For now.” I chuckled. I loved tormenting her with the hard-ass role, but she knew the depths of my love for her.

The two of us had been orphaned two years earlier when our mother had died, and I’d decided then not to reenlist. It had been a hard decision leaving the Special Forces, but I’d seen enough, done enough, and besides, my sister needed me.

“You like him, don’t you?” Her voice was taking on a serious tone.

“Do you love him, Shauna?” That’s all that mattered in the end.

“I do, Duncan. I really do. But I want you to like him.”

The guy wasn’t as much of a man’s man as I was, but he was okay. I could tell my approval meant a lot to her and probably more especially now.

“Then I like him too. He’s a good guy. I just wish the two of you would get married already. It would make my job as your protector that much easier.”

“You’re the best. Promise you’ll always love me?”

There was that sly tone again. I’d been trained to be observant. Trained as a killer to notice every little detail.

“Did you do something that I’m not going to like?” I asked darkly.

Her hesitation was followed by a nervous giggle.

“No. Of course not. What could I do that you wouldn’t like?” She was protesting too much, but I didn’t let her know I noticed. I was also trained in knowing when to show your hand and when not to. “Call me when you get done on Thursday.”

I didn’t ask her what she and Harris were up to, but for her to know the job started on Thursday, they’d most definitely discussed things. “Will do. Take care, sis.”

I hung up the phone and headed out to my Mustang which I’d buffed to a high shine after Katherine had left on Sunday. Round two with her over breakfast had been even better than the night before that, but I still didn’t see her being anything steady. A repeat, maybe, but with the blonde’s card burning a hole in my pocket, I had a feeling that by Wednesday night, I’d have plans for the weekend.

This was shaping up to be a pretty good week, and if everything went well on Thursday, it would be, blonde or not, though I hadn’t had many turn downs in my life. In the military, I’d been infamous among my brothers for breaking hearts, but there was only one I deeply regretted breaking. And I’d been a worthless fucking coward in how I’d done it.


“Jefferey!” I called out to my assistant to give me his opinion. He came from across the room and folded one hand across him with his other hand to his chin. I let out a long breath. “It’s too big. We’re going to have to cut it down. I don’t think it will be in the shot.” The problem with set designs for film was that all the important parts had to be visible on camera and there were specific props that had to be used.

“I think you should just push it back a bit. It might help, and you’d do better trying before taking a saw to it,” Jeffrey noted.

“That’s not going to give me enough. Get the specs list and let’s see if we missed anything else. I’m not about to present this to Brock until it’s absolutely perfect.”

We took the list and right away I saw the issue. I pointed my finger on the sheet. “That’s supposed to be five feet instead of eight. My messy handwriting strikes again.” I took a deep breath and turned to my carpenters who stood against a counter I’d been using as a makeshift desk. “This has to lose three feet, let’s make it happen, please.”

They gave me some murmurs, and two of them took to the mock up stage and pulled the board down and carried it out while the other four stood around trying to look useful.

I turned my head to Jefferey. “Remind me why we need all of them?”

“Well, it certainly isn’t because they’re nice to look at.” He made a sour face to the crew who looked about as good as they smelled. They were a cranky bunch. Jeffrey pulled me into his arms to console me. It had been a rough day already and it didn’t seem like it was ever going to end.

I broke away from him and turned around glancing over my shoulder . “Okay, that should put us on track, I’m just going to—”

I slammed right into a solid wall of chest. The smell of his cologne hit my nose with a dose of nostalgia, and I lifted my head to his gorgeous hazel eyes which were just how I remembered them, and left me just as breathless.

“Duncan Kelley.” The name rolled from my lips before I could even stop it. Even though he nodded, I didn’t think it was real. “What are you doing here?” My heart twisted like someone gripped it with razor sharp teeth and all the old feelings came rushing back to me; the love and the pain.

“Don’t tell me. You’re the set producer?”

He took a deep breath, and I couldn’t stop taking in the sight of him. His hair was much darker than it had been when he was younger, making those pale, hazel eyes seem like they were glowing in their sockets. There was more of him too, the thick cord of muscle across his chest and down his arms had my fingers twitching to touch him. Then there were the tattoos. I’d never imagined he’d have so many, the black markings enhancing his muscles and made him look like the warrior he was.

He appeared even more fierce than the day he ripped out my heart. Suddenly, anger ripped through me. He had some nerve showing up at my job. What was he even doing here? “Well?”

“I’m security.” He glanced over my shoulder at Jefferey. “Don’t let me interrupt you and your boyfriend. I’m supposed to be checking in.” His voice was also a lot deeper than it had been when he was in school like it had weathered with age and experience. Perhaps it had.

“Jefferey is my assistant and friend.” I folded my arms around my waist and pulled my lips into a tight line. I didn’t owe him an explanation, though my mind went back to the time he’d seen me paying the lawn boy my mother had hired. Duncan had come across the yard so fast that the poor guy had tripped over himself to get away. He’d always been that way until they day he’d decided that he didn’t care anymore.

He’d come to me talking about the Navy, and I’d been so supportive. I’d have not been so inclined if I had known then that he was going to leave me. I’d even promised to wait for him, to be there when he got out, but a week later, all I’d gotten was a lousy text telling me there was no future for us. He’d told me that I had a whole big life in front of me and he wasn’t getting in the way. He hadn’t even given me a choice, just like my father, he’d made the decision then and there what my life, my future would be. At least my father had always had the guts to say it to my face though.

“You can go wait over there. I have to make a call.” I walked across the room and stepped behind one of the larger props I’d designed and pulled out my phone. I had a bone to pick with my best friend.

Her voice was already filled with caution as she said hello. “Please tell me you had nothing to do with this, Shauna.”

“With what exactly?”

I could hear the worry in her tone.

“Don’t play stupid. You’re the smartest woman I know, which leads me to think you were having an off day when you decided to put me and your brother in the same place!” I tried to keep my tone level, to keep it from turning as harsh as Duncan’s natural tone when she began to apologize.

“I’m sorry, Rachel. It’s just that I felt it was time for the two of you to work things out. He’s not seeing anyone, and neither are you. You’re both living in the city now, we could all be together again, one big happy family like the old days.”

Her words were spilling out so fast I could barely wrap my mind around them.

“He broke my heart, Shauna. He left me, making it perfectly clear where we stood.”

“You still love him. Don’t even lie. You ask me about him at least once every other week and then get mad if I try to discuss him for too long.”

I had been trying to use restraint and had even made her promise we wouldn’t let the break-up come between us.

“And how often does he ask about me?” I waited for her response which came after a bit of hesitation.

“He asked me about you the other day.”

“Really? And how often does that happen?”

“Okay, it’s not often, but it’s the way he asks and when he asks. Rachel, he’s never stopped caring, I just know it. Please talk to him.”

“I have no other choice, do I?” She’d made sure of that. I’d see him every single day until this production was over and as I was thinking of what to tell her next, her phone cut out.

“Hey, I have another call. I’ll call you back.” She hurried off the phone, and I peeked around the prop, seeing Duncan who was ducking off to the side on his phone. Shauna. He’d called his sister too. I knew the two hadn’t planned this together because Duncan was just as surprised as I had been.

I stared as he chewed his sister out. God, he was gorgeous. He’d really grown up to a be a beautifully fierce man. I tried to ignore the heat building between my legs and quenched the burning with anger as I crossed the room.

I walked right up to him where he leaned over whispering into the phone and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around and straightened, becoming a good head taller, and I looked directly into his eyes. “Tell Shauna I’m not done with her.” I crossed my arms and shifted on my feet, as Jefferey waved for my attention over Duncan’s shoulder mouthing ‘are you okay’ .

“I’ll call you back, Shauna. Neither one of us is done with you.” He hung up the phone and spun around to see Jefferey giving him the eye. I had no doubt that as fierce as Duncan was, Jefferey wouldn’t back down if need be and he wouldn’t let anyone disrespect me.

Then he turned back to me. “We need to talk.”

Need to talk? I remembered the night that he broke up with me. He’d called me out to the backyard, to the swing set where the two of us used to play as children, under the tree we used to climb, where I got my first skinned knee, and he was the one to comfort me while his sister went to get my father. That night, I had told him that we just needed to talk it out, but instead he had told me that he had nothing more to say; what was done was done.

I dropped my hands to my side, balling them into fists as I glared at those damned hazel eyes. “I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

As his eyes narrowed, I turned and stormed away.


So much for my week. It had started off perfect, but after canceling the date with the blonde which I had only set up hours before seeing Rachel, it had taken its turn. Not that I cared at all about missing out on the date, but now I had to figure out how to get Rachel to give me the time of day. At least I’d have the duration of my new contract to try and make that happen, but I’d seen that look of determination in her eyes. She’d shot at me, and I couldn’t blame her.

I had been home for an hour, contemplating my next move and trying to get my laundry sorted from the cleaners. I still had to have my clothes perfectly pressed and kept my townhouse apartment tidy. It was instilled in me to the bone like many other things, so after my shirts and jeans were all hung up in the closet, I decided to call my sister again.

She answered the phone with a hesitant tone. “Hello.” She’d never answered the phone so formally for me in her life like she knew the scolding she was due, or worse like I was our father. I got a pang of guilt and decided to take it easy on her.

“You should have warned me.” I kept my tone level and soft.

“I know. You’re absolutely right to hate me right now, but I didn’t see it backfiring.” She let loose a long breath as if she’d been holding it since we last spoke.

“I don’t hate you, never that, but I am a little pissed you didn’t tell me sooner that she was in this area and single. You could have asked me if I wanted to meet up and for God’s sake, Shauna, think of how this made Rachel feel. I broke up with her, and if today is any indication of her feelings for me, then I’d say you’re wasting your time.”

“No, I don’t think I am. I’m not sorry I got the two of you in the same room. I’m only sorry that I was a sneaky about it. She still loves you. I know she does.”

“Yeah, well she’s got a hell of a way of showing it. Those lasers of death in her pretty green eyes today told me differently.” She’d always had the brightest green eyes, like a new spring leaf, with tiny flecks of gold, but that gold had turned molten with anger.

“She was just shocked to see you. She asks about you all the time, she’s never dated anyone steady, Duncan, and I mean, like no more than one date. And according to her, well, she’s never even been with a man. I can’t help but think that all this time, she’s longed for you.”

“You don’t know that. I could have just turned her off men completely.” I wondered if she truly was a virgin or if any of those one-nighters had been fruitful. Even after all these years, the thought of another man’s hands on her made my gut clench.

“You have another chance now. Make it count. You can’t tell me that you don’t want her, that you don’t still love her.”

“It’s been years, Shauna. Things change. Look at us. I’m not with her because I didn’t want her wasting her life waiting on me. Not to mention, her father had a lot to do with it. So, unless he’s dead, there’s still that obstacle.”

“He’s alive and kicking, but he’s accepting that he can’t control Rachel’s life. Aren’t you surprised you didn’t find her in a courtroom somewhere? She’s made her life her own. She told me that you wanted her to follow her dreams. She’s done that, and now the only thing missing is you. Make it right, Duncan.”

“Maybe she’s still better off without me.” I ended the call and lay back on the bed with the phone resting on my chest. I’d let her go when I hadn’t really wanted to. I’d let her father convince me that her waiting was the worst thing she could do and though I agreed, that she shouldn’t sit around pining for me, I’d longed for her to wait for me. I remember all the years I’d sat around wondering who she was loving. If it had been one of the local guys, or perhaps some guy she met in college. It was a relief knowing that no one else had touched her like I had. Or was Shauna misinformed?

I hadn’t gone all the way with her. I was content to let her keep her virginity intact, to respect the fact that she was so young and not yet ready for that. My worst fear had been getting her pregnant, and so we’d been left with lots of petting and long make out sessions.

I hardened thinking about those times, those long, hot kisses, her soft tongue darting against mine, tasting like fruit gum. I still remembered her perfume, that soft, flowery scent like honeysuckle, the salt of her skin as I kissed down her neck.

I tugged down my shorts, gripped my cock, and thought of the night she’d let me touch her. Her breasts, those perfect swells, just barely a handful, and their tight little rosy tips, how she’d let me kiss them. I was as gentle with her as I could be, the urgency of wanting to be inside of her nearly drowning my good sense. It was all I could do not to let her put her mouth on my cock, even when she offered to.

Instead, I had rubbed her soft mound, the barely-there tuft of blonde that covered it had been as soft as a kitten and as I remembered the way she purred rubbing against me, her mouth never leaving mine. I’d never wanted anyone more since.

She’d grown up and filled out a bit more, just like I always knew she would, beautifully. I pictured myself kissing her. It’s what I should have done when she ran into me. I should have grabbed her and kissed her. She would have had something to be mad about then. I chuckled and stroked my cock as a tiny tear formed at the tip. I dragged my thumb across it and spread it around as I worked my hand down my shaft.

I used my other hand to tug my sac, to massage my balls, kneading them. It felt good to work them over, sweat beading on my brow. I rose from the bed, still stroking, as I went to the shower.

After setting the temperature of the spray, I stepped in, still holding my cock and lathered it up, imagining my hand against her soft little mound. I wanted to taste her, to lick that nectar from her little slit and let it melt on my tongue. I wondered how tight she’d be and imagined my cock sliding in, and how I’d break her apart. The sound of her little purring moans, how they were almost a whimper, her quiet little voice begging for more, knowing she would only go so far.

She’d shuddered beneath me as her pleasure overtook her, as I’d rubbed her slick juices all around her little clit. I remember her eyes widening as I tasted her, the heat rising to her cheeks and staining them with blush. I’d kissed her after, and she’d moaned then too as if to tell me she tasted herself.

I imagined if I had only gone further. If I’d given her my cock. I would have rubbed it all around that little, wet hole, coating my tip in her nectar and spread it all around before I buried it deep inside her tenderness. I’d have rutted deeper with each thrust, every single grind until I shot my load deep inside that tight little channel. I wanted to come inside her and fill her up only so I could pound it in.

My release shot out against the tile and was quickly rinsed down the drain. As I sank back against the shower wall, I knew I had to have her. The thought that anyone else might take her sent a growl of frustration through me. I did love her, I’d always loved her, and she was mine. I’d been a fool to let her go and now had to make it right.

I hurried out of the shower and didn’t bother drying off as I went to my phone and called Shauna.

She picked up the phone and before she could even finish saying hello I blurted, “What’s her number?”


My bath water was warm, the bubbles were high, and my wine was chilled to perfection. It would have been the perfect relaxing moment had I not been thinking of the day’s blind side. I loved Shauna, but I couldn’t believe she’d done it. We’d made a pact, and I understood that he was her brother, but that shouldn’t give her the pass to interfere. If I’d known he was living so close, that he hadn’t gone back into the military like I’d assumed after their mother’s death, then I would have maybe asked her more about him, maybe even asked for his number. And if I hadn’t, it would have been my choice.

Duncan and I had known each other for years, but he’d always mostly hung around the other older boys in the neighborhood and didn’t have much time for Shauna, his baby sister, and me. We were three years younger so to me he was just another smelly boy until I noticed the other girls noticing him.

We were about eleven and Duncan was fourteen when he had his first girlfriend, and it was only after that when I started noticing him in a different way. I’d wanted to be like those older girls, not only because their bodies were more developed, but because he was interested in them. I remember seeing Duncan around his house wearing nothing but sweats, and how he’d come in one day from seeing his girlfriend down the block. He was sweaty, his face flushed, and he had a raging hard on that was pitching out the front of his joggers. I had noticed immediately, and he caught me staring and gave me a wink. I felt the heat stain my cheeks, but later I noticed something else. I noticed that he started treating me differently.

He didn’t push me away like an extension of his little sister. Instead, he tried to strike up a conversation with me as if what I’d seen that day brought us to a whole different level. Not that he would ever touch me or kiss me, no, I was far too young, but it was like there was a special secret between the two of us; an understanding. And I didn’t stop noticing him from that day on.

It was painful watching him with the line of other, older girls. They were like cattle in a revolving stall, and when he started playing sports, it only got worse. He was one of the most popular boys in school and somehow, at the end of my freshman year, things changed.

It was like one day, Duncan had decided that I was old enough and interesting enough to garner his attention. My father had not been happy. When we’d first started dating, he’d had a fit. He didn’t like the idea of me being with someone older, someone who was surely more experienced in the ways of teenage lust. I’d convinced Daddy it was okay and that Duncan was respectable. I also assured him that with Duncan right next door, he could keep a close eye on him.

After that, my father did keep a much closer eye, and he stopped letting spend the night with Shauna. Fortunately for me, my father hadn’t figured out I was really hanging out with Duncan until the summer was already over.

It wasn’t like anything had happened with his sister around anyway. We’d stay up late watching movies with Shauna and would crash on the living room floor like always, except then he’d gravitate my way by morning.

Shauna was supportive from the start but warned me that her brother was a heartbreaker. I should have listened. By the end of my sophomore year, he ended things abruptly, harshly, and over the goddamned phone, and I wished I’d paid attention to her warnings.

My insides burned at the thought, my gut twisting in agony as if it were the very day it had happened. I took a deep breath realizing tears were streaming down my face. I quickly dried them and wondered if I’d wasted my whole life on him.

I’d only ever dated a few men since and that was in hopes that something would blossom and they’d replace Duncan in my heart, but it had been impossible. There was no replacing him.

Maybe it was because my only sexual experience had been with him and I had a hard time being intimate with the other men. Those few times I’d let someone touch me, hadn’t compared to the way I’d felt when Duncan had. He’d given me my first orgasm and managed it with only his fingers and no penetration. I’d been too afraid to go all the way, and he’d admitted that he was worried he’d get me pregnant, and that once he got going, he’d be unable to stop. It had been heaven with him, knowing- well thinking- that he’d loved me the same way I’d loved him.

And then, in a blink, it was over.

The phone on the side of the tub vibrated and gave me a start. I looked at the screen but didn’t recognize the number. I almost didn’t pick it up but decided I better. It could be someone from work. “Hello?”

“Rachel don’t hang up. I want to talk.” The voice was desperate, and though it was much rougher than I remembered, I’d know it anywhere.

“I’m in the tub.” I don’t know why I said that, it wasn’t as if it made a difference and my cheeks flared as if he could actually see me naked.

“I can call back if you’d like, but I’d like to talk things over.” He sounded out of breath, and I wondered if it took him much courage to call or if he was used to this sort of thing. No doubt he’d had many other women and much more experience than me.

“No, it’s fine.” I kept my tone indifferent and settled back in the tub, heating my water a bit from the tap which I left running at a trickle. “Though I’m not sure what there is to say, we’re strangers who shared a past.”

“That’s not true. I’ve missed you, and I want to take you to lunch tomorrow. I know my sister set us both up and I got on her about it. She should have talked to us both first, but I’m not sorry that she did what I’ve been too afraid to do all these years.”

Hearing those words had my heart soaring, but I knew it wouldn’t all be that easy. He had repairing to do, and I wasn’t sure he was really up for the task.

“You’re the one who broke things off in a text message. Our undoing was your fault, not mine.” I reached up and shut off the trickle of water and laid back so fast that the water swelled up over my breasts. Seeing the water splash out over the side of the tub made me realize my tone had been a bit harsh.

“You don’t think I know that? I was only trying to protect your future, and it wasn’t my idea alone. Your father made it perfectly clear that I was to end things before I left. He didn’t give me much choice and even though that the last thing I wanted to do, I did it for you. I didn’t want you to ruin your life waiting around for me. You had talent and a bright future. Your father convinced me that with me out of the picture you had a real chance to do great things in life.”

“My father was there to console me when you gutted me and left him with the pieces. He said he didn’t understand it any more than I did, so I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but it’s a little low bringing my father into this!” I said, my voice raising angrily.

“If you don’t believe me, call him and ask him. And while we’re on the subject of parents, why didn’t you come to my mother’s funeral? She loved you like a daughter, and you weren’t there for Shauna or me.”

I’d been unable to attend because of work, but I had a feeling he thought it was because of him. Maybe it had been. The thought of seeing him there terrified me and work had been a welcome excuse.

“I was on a job. I hated missing it, but I had no choice. I loved your mother.” My voice broke, but I caught myself. I wasn’t going to let him make me cry again. Never again, dammit.

After a moment, he spoke. “I thought I was doing you a favor, Rachel. That if I left and things didn’t work out I’d only be prolonging your pain. Let’s stop fighting and try to mend things, please. Have lunch with me.”

“Fine. But just lunch.” I hung up before he could say more and saved his phone number in the contacts. Then I decided to give my father a call and ask him about what Duncan said.

His voice was soft as he explained. “I thought it was best for you to get over it and move on. I thought of how your mother had waited for me and wasted all those years. I’m not sorry she did, because we had you, but when she died, it made me wish she’d gotten to do more, you know?”

“So, he wasn’t lying. I’d hoped he was lying,” I mumbled.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” I let that be his final words, and then I ended the call and pulled the plug.

My bath water had turned cold.


I had passed out not long after my call with Rachel and had anticipated my lunch date with her all morning while watching work her magic on the set. She had a real eye for detail, and it was apparent how she’d landed the job. She was very meticulous in the way she wanted things placed, and seeing her work with her team was impressive. She’d turned me on taking charge, and I liked seeing her taking the upper hand with a few of her bitching helpers. She seemed to be close to the man she called her assistant, Jefferey, and the more I watched him, with him watching me right back and not being a bit shy about it, I wondered if he was in love with her too.

“You two have fun,” he’d said as Rachel and I left the set for our lunch date. He’d given her a warm smile but then given me a look that told me I better behave myself.

“What’s with him? Is there something more going on with you two?” I was taken aback by her laughter and also a bit confused. “What?” I said while opening her car door.

“If I had to guess, I’d say he’s more attracted to you.”

I glanced back toward the door as I shut her inside and sure enough Jefferey was stepping out with his phone in his hand.

I hurried around to get in my car, sliding into the seat beside her as I asked, “He’s gay?” I could usually tell the type, but this man was not as easy to read.

“Breaking the stupid stereotypes, isn’t he? I like that about him. He’s himself and one of my best friends next to your sister, so if you’ve got an issue—”

I held up my hands and shook my head. “I’ve got no issues. He’s protective of you. I give him credit. I just had no idea.”

She had lashed out at me like a whip cracking, and I had to admire her for the way she loved her friends. She’d always been the type to do that, even when we were kids.

As I started the car, her next words surprised me. “I owe you an apology.”

“Me? Why’s that?” She settled into her seat as I headed out into traffic.

“Because of my father. I didn’t believe you. I should have known that he’d had something to do with it. He was just so supportive through all that, and well, he was all I had, so I hated thinking he had something to do with it.”

“I’m glad he was there for you, it’s what dads do. I shouldn’t have thrown him under the bus. I should have just let you think it was all me.” I hated that I had done it and didn’t want her to think I was trying to paint her dad in a bad light. Everything else aside, I knew the old bastard loved her, even if he hated me.

“No, he shouldn’t have lied, and he shouldn’t have interfered. Look at all the time we’ve wasted. I’ve been angry with you for all these years.”

“It has been a long time.” Silence stretched out between us as we made our way across town to a nice little restaurant that Shauna had told me about.

“Did your sister tell you about this place?” she asked as we were driving up. I smiled and gave a little shrug.

“You caught me. It’s just I don’t know many good places on this side of the city.” I pulled my car into the small parking lot and took the first place I found.

“Well, I think you’ll like it if your tastes haven’t changed any.”

I had always been easy to please in the food department and would eat anything that anyone sat before me. She’d been the picky one, and there was a time I was trying to break her of that. Perhaps I’d make it my mission again.

We went inside and found a quiet little table in the back where the overhead light was burnt out, and the only light was coming through a tinted window and from the votive on the table. She blew it out and moved it aside.

“You have a problem with flames?”

“Only old ones apparently.” She let loose a little giggle and then shook her head. “I’m only kidding. I hate the way they flicker. So, what have you been up to the past ten, eleven years, is it?”

“Yeah, something like that.” The waiter came and handed us our menus and took our drink orders and then as soon as he left, I finished my thought. “I went into the Navy, just like I told you.”

“ Shauna gave me a picture of you in uniform. Your mother was so proud. I spent the next two years staring at it.” She wrung her hands on the table and then moved them to her lap.

In the silence that followed I decided to continue. “So, after two years, I began my SEAL training. I was a bit advanced, but I wanted it more than anything in a while at that point. I figured you were starting college and getting on with your life, so I didn’t have much else to look forward to.”

“Why didn’t you go back after your mother passed?” The waiter brought our drinks, and she immediately took a sip of hers, pulling the clear glass to her full, pouty lips. They were so soft when we used to kiss, and I couldn’t help but want to kiss them again.

I shook my head. “I didn’t want anything keeping me from being able to be there for Shauna. She was all alone in the beginning of mother’s illness with me having my last year kicking off. After I had served my sixth and final tour, I knew mom didn’t have much longer, so I went home to help Shauna. I hoped I’d see you, but your father had moved away. I didn’t bother asking Shauna where.”

She gave a little shrug and turned her head.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t want to know where you were, Rachel, it was that I didn’t want to hear that you were married, that you’d found someone, anyone else.” She rested her hand in front of her and stroked a finger along her glass, playing with the condensation. “What have you been up to?”

“I got a full scholarship to art school and then I had to convince my father to let me use it. We had a huge fight, and I left.”

My eyes widened. “You left?”

“Yes, I’m not afraid of my father like some people.” She pulled her lips in tight, and I would have been offended if it hadn’t been for the smile that broke across her face. She never could keep a straight face when she needed to, and I realized at that moment how much I missed her sense of humor. Her smile and laughter hadn’t changed.

“I guess I deserved that. So where did you go? After art school, I mean.”

“I moved out here. I’ve been here a while. My father eventually gave up and decided that he’d try Temecula to be closer. He bought a house and has been dating the same woman for a while. She’s nice.” She didn’t seem fazed either way by that, but then her mother had been gone a long time.

“Well, it sounds like you ended up in a good place.” I thought of all that time between us, and though it had been a long spell, it hadn’t killed that familiarity between us.

“That’s funny. You almost seem like it’s better this way when here I sit wishing we’d both done something different.”

“Any path that leads me back to you, couldn’t have been all that bad, but I do wish the road had been a tad shorter.” I reached across the table and took her hand, and she let me hold it long enough for the waiter to return.

After lunch, I took her back to the lot, and we were really starting to warm up to one another again, which was nice. I had wanted to kiss her, but I figured I better give that a bit of time. I’d waited this long, what was a little longer?

“There you are, Rachel.” The male voice got my attention as I opened the door and Rachel walked in ahead of me. I looked up to see Jefferey giving me the once-over, but it wasn’t his voice I’d heard.

The other man, a younger, handsome man with a boyish, devil-may-care grin walked up and put his arm around Rachel and led her in.

“I just came by to check and see if things are running smoothly and—”

He turned when I cleared my throat and Rachel chimed in. “Brock, this is Duncan, the head of our security for the production, and Duncan, this is Brock, our producer.”

Brock gave me a casual glance up and down and then shook my hand. “Good to meet you, we’ll talk soon. I’ll give you the low down on the smoking hot Star Summers, who you will no doubt, be getting very up close and personal with.” He gave me a wink and a nudge, and then he scooped Rachel against him and walked away, sweeping her along with him.

In that first minute, I knew I hated the guy.


It had already been a long morning by the time I heard a knock at my door. I’d been running the vacuum across every carpet and polishing every piece of wood for the past two hours and after cleaning the window blinds my shirt was covered with little fluffs of dust.

There wasn’t any time to do anything with my hair, which was tied up in a messy bun or to run upstairs and change from my tank top and shorts into something more presentable. I went to the door in hopes that it had been anyone else or at least someone I didn’t mind seeing me in my pitiful state. No such luck.

“I’m coming!” I yelled to the door as I approached, tossing the dust rag to the coffee table. I crossed the room and peeked out my tiny window to see Duncan waiting on the other side. Shit.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him, but I hadn’t expected him at all, and I needed a shower still. Cleaning was part of my Saturday morning ritual, which started with exercising until I’d worked up a vicious sweat and then cleaning my house while I cooled down before jumping in the shower to wash all the grit away.

As badly as I wanted to see him, I wished I could send him away or push a pause button to return in a better state, but that wasn’t happening and making him wait any longer was just rude. I opened the door a crack, and when he smiled, my heart melted. I opened the door wider and stepped aside.

“Please come in and excuse my appearance. I’ve been cleaning.” I figured the smell of lemon furniture polish and disinfectant had told that tale, but I wanted to make it clear.

He stopped no more than an arm’s length away and met my eyes. “You look beautiful, as always”

“You’re still a crafty charmer. I appreciate that.” I lowered my chin and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

“I’m serious. One day you’ll learn how to take a compliment.” He grinned ear to ear, and I recalled how he used to tell me the same thing all those years ago.

“Yeah, and I bet you say your lines on all the girls.” I wasn’t stupid enough to think he hadn’t moved on. He’d been sexually active before we got together the first time and even though he hadn’t pressured me, I knew it had been hard to refrain.

“Only one girl ever mattered to me.”

“Please. There you go again.” I rolled my eyes playfully, and he stepped closer. “What did you come here for?”

“What’s up with you and that producer?” His smile had fallen, and he was staring me dead in the eyes, his voice full of grit.

“Nothing, he’s just my boss for the moment.” I shook my head and as I started to smile I held it back, knowing that he was serious. I had spent the rest of the afternoon with Brock after our lunch date, but that was only to work out the kinks before Star Summers decided to pay us a visit.

“It didn’t look like nothing to me. He was all over you.”

“He’s just that way. You can ask anyone.” I shrugged it off like it didn’t matter. Sure, he stood a little close, liked to put his arm around me, and helped himself to lead me around by my hand, but he was just that type of person. “He’s the same to all the females.”

“I didn’t like his hands on you.” He glanced down to my feet and slowly made his way up as if he could claim me with his eyes. “Did you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, I just don’t think it was so inappropriate to make an issue of it, that’s all. If I got offended every time some man in this industry made me feel uncomfortable, I’d never work again. Besides, I’ve known him a long time. He’s almost an old friend too.”

His eyes flared. “How well did you know him?”

“I’ve never been with anyone if that’s what you’re implying.” The blush went to my cheeks, and I started to turn away, but he grasped my hand.


“Because I only ever wanted one man, and he broke my heart and left me.”

“You know it belongs to me, don’t you? That you gave it to me all those years ago, tell me.” His eyes were burning into mine, his brows pinched tight and his mouth set hard behind the goatee.

“I did.” His mouth was on me before I could even finish my thought and his hand rested against the messy bun, releasing it so that my hair fell to my shoulders.

He pulled away breathless leaving me flush. “I’ve wanted to do that again for eleven years, Rachel. I’ve missed every part of you, dreamed of each moment we shared and all the ones I missed. Tell me you did the same.”

“Yes.” His mouth silenced me again, and I felt the tug at my hem as he pushed my tank up and slipped his hand beneath it cupping my breasts.

“Do you know that I used to watch you undress every night before bed?” he asked against my mouth.

I couldn’t help but smile. “Why do you think the curtains were always open just enough?” I answered his question with one of my own.

His eyes flashed and he crushed his mouth against mine again, our tongues tangling in a dangerously seductive dance.

I felt a wave of panic as things started happening so fast. One minute I was dusting my furniture, and the next I was stroking him through his pants. I pulled away and tried to catch my breath. “I’ve never.” I shook my head and gave him a shy glance as he nodded. It was as if we were young again and I felt bad for making him wait, but even after all this time, I was nervous.

“Shh. I’ll take it slow, Rachel, but I have to have you. But first, we’re going to get on the same page.” I had no idea what he meant, and I didn’t even care. I just didn’t want his lips to stop caressing mine. I stood on my toes and weaved my fingers through his hair as I pulled him against my mouth.

I loved the feel of him, that thick cord of muscles beneath his tattooed flesh, the taste of his tongue as it glided against mine, and best of all, the way he ground himself against me. His thick erection bulged so hard it was like iron against my hip, letting me know he had something just for me.

“Do you want this?” His voice was a faint whisper in my ear, and I nodded as he met my eyes. His hand brushed between my legs and I panted, letting loose little moans of pleasure that caused his eyes to flash again. I fell in love with the devilish grin on his handsome face all over again.

“That’s right, that’s the sound I’ve been dreaming of morning and night. I’m going to earn that sound again and again. I want to make it all up to you, Rachel, every last minute, every hour we spent apart. Tell me you’re going to let me.” He applied pressure to my mound again, and I cried out.

“Yes, please.” I didn’t want him to stop. I’d pleasured myself many times, but it had never felt this intense. I’d waited so long to have him again, and even as I stared into his eyes, it didn’t seem real.


I was rock hard hearing that little purring moan again. I hadn’t planned on coming in and seducing her, at least not right away, but the thought of her allowing that asshole producer to grope all over her brought out my possessive nature. I was like a wild dog needing to mark what was mine, and just as horny.

As soon as she’d given me okay, I’d dropped my hand between those creamy little thighs and rubbed her pussy through those little cotton shorts she wore.

“Where’s your bedroom?” I asked between kissing her lips and making my way down her neck. She had her head thrown back in pleasure and was panting like she’d jogged a marathon.

“Through that door.” She motioned to a door across the room, and I let loose a guttural sound as I picked her up and carried her there. She kissed my mouth and jawline and held on tight until I lowered her to her mattress.

The covers were tidy, and I knew she was a girl after my own heart. I stood at the edge of the bed and grabbed her ankles as she looked up at me her own eyes lit with a feral passion as I reached down and slipped my fingers into her waistband and tugged down her little shorts. They weren’t more than a scrap of fabric, and I wasn’t happy that she’d answered the door in them. They were much too skimpy for anyone else’s eyes.

“It’s time we get something straight.” I pulled the shorts free of her bare feet and tossed them aside, getting a nice view of the little lacy panties she had on. For someone who wasn’t letting anyone see her goods, she sure packaged them right. I cupped her through her panties and leaned down to stare into her eyes. “You say you gave it to me, right?”

“Yes, it’s always been yours.” She rubbed her thighs together and crossed her knees clamping down on my hand.

“That’s right. Tell me it’s mine. You’re not going to give it to anyone else.” She nodded as I slipped my fingers under the elastic of her panties and dragged one across her wet folds. “Fuck, you’re wet. I’m going to make you a hell of a lot wetter though, is that what you want from me, Kitten? For me to make you purr again?”


The word had my cock twitching in my pants, but I wasn’t going to give into my own selfish pleasures. This time was for her and to show her how much I wanted her.

I knelt down and parted her slender knees, and she let them fall aside like she had all those years ago. My invitation to whatever I wanted.

“I’m going to take things slow.” She pushed her tank up above her breasts, and I helped her take off the scrap of clothing. Her tits were just as perfect as I remembered them, and I leaned over to capture one of her tight little rosy nipples into my mouth which gave her chills. An outbreak of gooseflesh spread across her skin, and I smile at the reaction I’d given her and took the tip between my teeth and teased it with my tongue.

She ground her hips upward, trying to find purchase, but all she found was my chest. I returned my hand to work her mound, and once her panties had a nice damp spot, I slipped them off. I lowered my face to her sex taking in her scent, dragging my nose across her mound.

I stared up at her and smiled that she was watching, then I lapped my tongue from her little taint all the way up to her clit, and when I reached that apex, she bucked her hips. I pushed them down and held her firm as I flicked my tongue there, and she was squealing a moment later, her legs wrapping around my shoulders.

I wanted to see her and curiosity got the best of me as I pushed her legs apart and then parted her folds, spreading her until I could see the perfect little membrane still perfectly intact. That validation that she was indeed mine and only mine made me hotter than anything ever had. I lapped at it to claim it, and though I wouldn’t be breaking it today. I knew that soon, I’d take her properly.

“I’m going to make you come. Remember the last time?”

She nodded her head and a soft “Yes.” escaped her lips. “I want to touch you too, Duncan.”

I shook my head. “I want this to be about your pleasure. I want to make you feel good to show you how much I’ve missed my girl.”

She gave a little pout of frustration, and I smile wickedly before returning to my chore. I rubbed my fingers against her pussy, slipping them into her folds and stroking as deep as I could without tearing her and lapped at her little slit. Her clit was swollen to a tight bud, and when I closed my mouth on it, she came apart.

Her cries of ecstasy had me lapping relentlessly at her, not letting up until she was begging for mercy and her orgasm has finished. At one point, she screamed so loud I thought the neighbors might hear and was thankful she didn’t live in a townhouse like me, or worse, an apartment or someone would have been calling the cops.

“I’m sorry, it just feels so good.” Her face had flushed, and she was writhing beneath me like a wanton slut, but I knew better. She was perfect, and even if she didn’t know it yet, she was mine.

“You’re fine. Never apologize for showing your pleasure. It makes me so hot.” I leaned up to kiss her, and she locked her arms around my neck, taking my mouth deep, brushing her tongue against mine , but I wasn’t done with her yet. I wanted to give her more.

Suddenly, her phone let out a sound, and she sat straight up, pulling away to reach for her phone beside her bed. “It’s my father. He’s almost here!”

She got to her feet and reached down to gather her clothes. As I stood her eyes darted to my cock and she stopped rushing around and met my eyes. “I’m sorry. I wish we could finish. I wanted to—”

“It’s fine, I understand. I’ll go freshen up a bit, and you should get something decent on. I don’t want to look like we were up to no good when he gets here.” She bit her bottom lip and gave me a look that I knew all too well.

“It’s probably best if you’re not here when he arrives.”

“Are you serious?” All this time and she was still letting her father dictate her life. “He may not have chosen your career, but it’s obvious he still has his thumb on you.” I shook my head and went back to her living room, and she followed me, no more than a step away.

“Duncan, don’t be angry, I just think it’s a bit too soon for—”

“For what? For us? Because I’m not on my fucking knees claiming you for you to slip away from me again and you better get used to this right now because I’m not letting your father get in my way again.” I parked myself on the couch, and she stared helplessly a moment before stepping up and grabbing my hand.

“Please, Duncan, don’t do this now. You have to go.” The look in her eye was a desperate plea, and I realized that while nearly eleven years had passed, she still had a lot of growing up to do.

“Fine, I’ll see you around.” I got up and stalked across the room to the door, but she came after me.

“What do you mean? Surely you understand. It’s not that I want to send you away, it’s just that my father won’t understand what you’re doing here.”

“And you’re not mature enough to tell him. Christ Rachel, you’re twenty-fucking-seven! Look, maybe this was all a huge mistake anyway. Like you said, we’re just strangers the two of us, right?” I searched her eyes, and she was still giving me that pleading glare.

“You proved me wrong. I’m not saying I don’t want you, I just need—Please, Duncan.” She was running out of time, and I shook my head. She was nothing more than a frightened girl, still worried about Daddy’s opinion of her. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t fucked anyone. It wasn’t to wait for me, it was preserve whatever purist idea her father had about her.

I turned and stalked out of the house without another word.


I knew Duncan would be upset, but I had no idea he’d let an entire week go by without even talking to me. I had seen him every day on set, but he hadn’t so much as looked at me across the crowd or walked over to say hi. A growing ache was burning in the pit of my stomach that he may have quit his job altogether, preferring to go back to how things had been before Shauna’s blindside, and it grew every minute he was late for work. I had even had Jefferey check outside while I rallied the team inside to get a move on.

“He’s not out there. You want to tell me what happened. You’ve been way down lately. Do I need to utilize my black belt and kick his ass?”

“You’re a black belt?” I had to stop and wonder if he was pulling my leg. Jefferey was very fit, but the only arts I’d imagined him learning were the kind you used a paintbrush for.

“Don’t look so surprised. I have two of them.”

“Well, Duncan’s a Navy SEAL.” I gave him a shrug, and he shrugged back.

“I’m not afraid of him. Not only could I disarm him , but I could put him to sleep with one quick jab from this perfectly manicured hand.” He gave me a wink, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Jefferey, you never cease to amaze me.” No truer words had ever been spoken.

“You still haven’t answered my question about what happened with you two, but I’ll let it go. Just remember, if he does show up, I’ve got my eye on him.”

“You’re making me wonder if we need security at all.” We shared a chuckle and about that time my phone rang. Jefferey had it again, and he passed it over with wide eyes.

I glanced at the screen to see that it was Star Summers’ manager. I hurried to answer the phone, and by the time she explained to me that she and Star were showing up on set, laughter erupted from the side entrance as well as the shouts from the paparazzi. I turned to see that it was Star Summers, and with her was Duncan.

My blood turned cold at the way she seemed to be chatting him up and practically falling all over him. He stayed upright and professional as usual, looking like the lethal killer he was, but from all my life of knowing him, I could see the flattered gleam in his eye as Star touched his arm and complimented his muscles.

“You really saved me back there. I’m so lucky they hired a nice big hunk of man like yourself to protect me from my two left feet and all of those bullies. What did you say your name was again?”

“It’s Duncan, Ms. Summers, and it’s my pleasure.” There was an underlying tone, a smoothness to that usual rough voice that had me wondering what other kind of pleasure he’d like from the pop princess who was currently wearing stiletto-style thigh-high boots. She had on a skirt so short I thought it was panties, and a plunging neckline so low that I could see clear down to her naval. Her blue-tipped, bleached blond hair was going to look perfect with the whole freak show theme she’d ordered up to represent her upcoming single.

Her manager was behind them, but she was on the phone and walked off to a corner with her head ducked as if she couldn’t hear over Star’s flirtatious chatter.

“Oh, this looks amazing!” Star took her paws off Duncan and hurried to the stage where she spun in a circle to take it all in. “You got the colors spot on!” She glanced down at Jefferey, and her smile spread even wider, showing all her teeth which were so perfect and gleaming they had to be veneers. Then I noticed it, her signature mark, right in the middle of her front left tooth, was a little gold star embedded right in the surface, and somehow it didn’t distract from her perfect body or her sex appeal.

Duncan hung back and seemed to be keeping a watchful eye, but I was more concerned at the eyeful he was getting each time he looked her way. To make matters worse, she hadn’t forgotten about him as I had hoped.

“Where’s my hero?” she crooned, as she stepped out from behind the funhouse mirrors. “Duncan, dear. Come and do me a favor, love, and tell me what you think.” She stared at him with hopeful eyes, and he seemed to hesitate a moment before slapping on a big grin and heading up. On his way past me, he turned his head and cut a glance in my direction.

He had to know I was boiling inside and my eyes narrowed as he joined her.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him close to her hip and gestured to the mirrors. “Do you think these should stay or go? I’d really like your opinion.” She stared at him as if commanding his attention but to his credit, he stepped back.

“I’m just the muscle around here. I don’t know shit from art and design, but I like them. Maybe you should ask your set producer. She gets paid to think about this stuff.” He motioned toward me, and I stood there holding my clipboard in a death grip, white knuckles and all.

With that, she turned her nose up and shrugged. “I’d rather have your unbiased opinion.” She glanced at his distorted reflection and then shook her head. “Damn, even this crazy mirror can’t ruin your sexy.” She ran her hand across his flesh, pushing up the short sleeve of his black t-shirt to reveal his inked, muscular arms and, wouldn’t you know, she managed to find a star in all that ink and made it seem like he’d done it just for her.

He let out a chuckle and stepped away turning his attention to the doors as if to make sure no one was slipping in.

I took the opportunity to step forward. “Ms. Summers I’d like to take you on a tour and go over everything if you don’t—”

“Ugh, no! This is all wrong!” She stood gaping at the art wall that I’d had custom-painted with funhouse style art. “Would you mind explaining why this man looks like he has tits?” She pointed to the depiction of the bearded lady and Jefferey gave me a withering glance.

“I know several men who have tits,” he mumbled.

I tried my best to control my tone. “That is a woman. She’s the bearded lady. You know, like they had in the old freak shows.”

“Really? They had that? Why didn’t someone put her on hormones, for God’s sake? Could you put a plant or one of those crazy mirrors in front of her face? She’s quite unattractive.”

“Yes, you are,” mumbled Jefferey and any other time I would have snickered.

“How about if we hung one of the signs in front of it?” I waited for her to chew on her thumb like the spoiled child she was as she gazed at the painting a little longer.

She nodded and spun around to face me. “Perfect, now you were saying something? Where are you taking me?” I hadn’t realized she’d caught that part.

“I was saying I’d like to show you some of the props for the special shots and maybe we could line them up to you?” I wanted to have something to show my producer, who should have been there, to show him that things were on target, but when I led her over to the frame up, there was a banner hanging too low.

Upon further inspection, I realized her tall boots were throwing everything off. “I’ll have to coordinate with wardrobe on the day of the shoot and make sure they put you in shorter heels.”

“Shorter? I don’t like shorter heels. You’ll have to make all the proper adjustments to accommodate my style.” I wanted to choke her, but instead, I took it all with a smile.

I turned to tell Jefferey that we’d have to make some adjustments, but nothing too horrible and while I had him cornered, the pop diva used the opportunity to turn her attention back to Duncan. I caught her sizing him up with a glance, and then she snapped her fingers and called for her manager. The woman hurried onto the set and were whispering to one another. The older woman seemed annoyed, but shook her head and stepped back.

Star placed a hand to her flat tummy and gave me an apologetic look. “I’m famished. I’m afraid I’ll have to be leaving for lunch now, but maybe if my schedule permits I can come back later when you’ve got things adjusted to my actual height.”

I wanted to tell her we had everything custom-made for her real height, but there was no sense in arguing with her and Brock wouldn’t like it.

Then she turned her attention to Duncan. “Would you be a dear and join me? It’s just me and Magda today, and I’m afraid of all those flashes.” She looked at him with pouty lips and pleading eyes.

He shrugged.

“I suppose I can.” I knew he had one of his men on set as backup, and I quickly thanked Star for coming and stepped away with Jefferey. When I glanced back, Duncan turned to meet my eyes as he stepped up to her side and escorted to the two women out.

The look on my face must have told all and Jefferey, like usual, had something to say. “That woman is known for taking up with her security, and she’s dated three of her guards in the past two years.”

I snapped my head in his direction. “That doesn’t help to know.”

“Please, he’s not into her. The way he kept looking at you, he wanted to see your reaction.”

“Yeah, right. He knew it was pissing me off and he liked it.” I knew something about Duncan that Jefferey didn’t: his reputation for being with lots of girls. Besides, there was no denying that she, with all of her flashy clothes and wild hair, looked even more stunning next to his strong, dark, tatted self.

The burning I’d had earlier was now an inferno in my gut.


I’d had a week to think about things between Rachel and me, and after that display Star had put on, putting me in a situation I was forced to tolerate because of my job, I knew I’d have to make things right with Rachel.

She’d had daggers in her eyes for the pop star, and I can’t say I could blamed her much, especially after what happened with her father. I was still upset that she hadn’t just gone ahead and told her father that I was back in the picture, but then again, I remembered what an intimidating SOB he could be. Maybe she’d been right, and it hadn’t been the time, especially considering what I’d been doing to her.

I’d dreamed of her orgasming beneath my mouth over and over throughout the week, and had given myself pleasure at the thought of it. Now, though, it was time to make things right between us. I needed to apologize.

I went to her place with the intentions of getting everything sorted out and was worried that what happened with Star on the set was going to put up another wall between us.

Rachel came to the door with a wary look. “Where have you been all day? Screwing that blue-haired demon?” She left the door open as she stepped away and I walked in behind her and shut the door.

“That’s not how it is. I was doing my job, and nothing more. I didn’t even eat with them. I run a professional business.” Her upturned nose told me she wasn’t buying that so I stepped close, pinning her against the coffee table. One step backward and she was going down. “I came to work things out.”

She stared up at me with those big green eyes which were so full of disdain that I took a step back. “Why would you want me when you could have the pretty pop princess instead?” She shrugged her shoulders and held her glare.

“Because I’ve only ever loved one woman, and that’s you.” I kept my eyes steady, unwavering, just like my love for her had been all those years. It had been buried deep but had never ceased.

“You’ve been away from me for years—”

I held out my hand and in it was the journal I’d kept about her. All of my thoughts and dreams, the things I’d wanted to say. They were all in there.

Her brows pinched tight, and she took the book from my hand. “What’s this? You keep a journal of all your conquests?”

“You’re the only girl between those pages. I kept it with me through all the lonely times while I was deployed. And anytime I had a big mission, I’d write to you. I wasn’t sure if anyone would find it if I was blown to bits, but I had to get the words out. It was the only way I could. I missed you every single day. Read it, and you’ll know exactly how I feel about you and that no matter what a fool I’ve been in the past, I’ve never, not for a moment, stopped loving you.”

She opened the book and read through the pages, and then she stepped around the table to the couch where she sat and pulled her feet up. I sat next to her as she poured through the pages, holding one hand against her heart. She came to an entry that she read aloud.

Tomorrow I’ll be walking into hell. I fear that this night might be my last and even though I’m lost in nightmares, my hope for you is that you found your dream. Only sweet dreams for you, Rachel. Remember the time we camped out in the backyard?”

She turned her face up to mine and smiled. This was just before her father found out we were a couple and stopped her from sleeping over with my sister. She glanced back down and continued reading.

I dream of that night more than any other. I held you close in that sleeping bag and kissed you goodnight wishing that every night could be spent the same way only so I could wake up next to you every morning . I know I’ve stolen that from myself, and even though I’ll lay down alone tonight, I will remember how warm and peaceful you were pressed up against me, how your scent had been my air, and the rise and fall of your breath the motion that had rocked me to sleep. And if this night is my last, the memory of that moment alone, will have made my entire life worth living. I love you, Rachel, now and always.”

Her voice broke on the final line, and she slowly closed the book and turned to me with tear-soaked eyes. “I thought of that same night many times as well.”

“I didn’t want to make you cry.” I held her cheek and wiped away her tears with my thumb and leaned in to kiss her soft lips.

She slipped her arms around my neck and pulled away. “Who knew you were the journaling type?” She wiped her eyes and took a calming breath.

“I guess I can break the stereotypes too.” I shrugged as she laughed and then I pulled her back close. “I’ve missed you so much, and I’m sorry I was angry about your father. I just held a grudge for so long, and it wasn’t his fault. I should have taken my own actions, and I guess I’ve been mad at myself about it all this time.”

“Then let’s not waste another minute worrying about it.” She melted against me, and I lay back pulling her with me, her long slender body stretching out across me.

I trailed my hand down her side and up into her loose-fitting t-shirt. One hand cupped her breast, and that same thumb that wiped her tears, brushed against her soft nipple, feeling it tighten at my touch. I growled against her mouth and kissed her deeper, bucking my hips up against her soft cotton yoga pants, against her slender hips right to her center and that little mound of hers.

She let out a moan and then pulled back to meet my eyes. Her hips moved against mine, and though her desires remained unspoken, I knew what that sultry, hungry look was telling me.

“Are you sure you want this, Rachel?” I ground my erection against her urging her to reciprocate.

She ground hard against me and nodded. “Yes, I’ve wanted it for so long. Don’t make me wait another minute.” She crushed her lips against mine, and she snaked her hand down and rubbed my cock through my pants. She’d done that many times, but she’d never touched it, not skin to skin.

She sat up and moved down to straddle my thighs, one leg butting up against the back of the couch and sinking down into the cushions as she undid the buttoned fly and slipped her hand in to touch me. Her eyes widened, and she met my stare as she wrapped her fingers around it and stroked my long, veiny shaft.

“There’s things I’ve wanted to do for so long. I want to do it all with you; always wanted it to be you.” She looked down at my cock and stroked her thumb across the tip, taking special care to rub my tiny slit where it was already glistening. She met my eyes again, pulling in her bottom lip. “I want to taste it.”

I knew she’d had limited experience and though I wanted nothing more than for her to suck me off, I didn’t want things to be vulgar for her first time. “You don’t have to do that for me if you’re not sure about—”

She was on my cock before I had time to talk her out of it. As she closed her mouth around the head and then lowered herself until it hit the back of her throat, my toes curled in my boots. “Fuck, baby.” I hissed through my teeth.

She pulled away and looked up at me with an expression of worry. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, not at all, be as rough as you want.” Her eyes flashed, and she smiled wide as she went down on me again, this time trailing her tongue along the veins in my shaft and down to my balls. She kissed them a then pulled one into her mouth, tight-lipping it before letting it pop from her mouth. She worked her way back up my shaft, letting her mouth work the length of me as she gripped my base.

“I’m not sure you’re going to fit,” she whispered against my burning flesh. The friction had me throbbing, my balls aching with desire.

“There’s only one way to find out, but I think we should move to your bed. I want you to be comfortable.” She stood, and I got to my feet, then she led me by the hand to her bedroom, where I slowly undressed her.


His cock had been so big in my mouth I could only imagine what it was going to be like inside me. The slow ache that I’d had many times, and always for him, was about to be quenched. He tugged down my yoga pants, and I held onto his strong shoulders as he slipped them off my feet. Then he lifted my shirt over my head, and I was left in nothing but my panties.

“Slip them off slowly,” he whispered in my ear and I lay back on the bed as he undressed, never taking is eyes off me as I hooked my thumbs into my bikini straps and slowly slid the lace down exposing my trimmed mound. I sat up a bit when they reached my knees, but he took over, slipping them down my calf and across my ankles until I was left naked and on display for him, and he didn’t seem to be missing much of the view.

He stood before me gripping himself; his sac was heavy, like twin weights swaying below that proud cock. He pumped it in his fist, and I noticed that his large hands fit much better around it than mine had and all those fears about the pain of losing my virginity were very real.

It must have registered on my face because he leaned down and smiled. “You’re almost past the point of no return.”

“I want this. I want you, Duncan.” I knew I had to reassure him. He’d always been so protective.

He was so powerful before me, his size dwarfing mine, and I hadn’t really sized us up that way before. I was lost in a million thoughts when he leaned over and kissed me.

“I want to do this right by you, so what do you want to do about protection? I’ve always used it, but I don’t have any on me.” I hadn’t thought about it, all I’d thought about was having him and how much it might hurt.

“I trust you, and I’m on the pill . Unless you want to wait?” I held my breath while he thought a minute.

And then a slow smile spread across his face. “I guess it will be a first for us both.” He kissed me again and lay me back against the pillows, then he slipped down below my waist and parted my knees. “Relax, baby. I’m going to take good care of you.”

The words he spoke were a vow, and I knew I could trust them to be true. I spread my legs wide, letting them fall around him as he nestled down between my thighs. He wasted no time putting his mouth against me and dragged his tongue from my tight little star between my cheeks to my aching, tender bud at my apex.

His mouth felt amazing on me and lay my head back and closed my eyes to take in the sensations. The warm, wet wiggle of his tongue torturing my clit, flicking, pressing, lapping. He had himself a feast as he nibbled at my clit, his teeth grazing and nipping sending waves of pleasure rolling over me that turned more intense every second until I felt myself come undone.

My legs trembled as I grew impossibly wet. He slipped a finger between my folds and teased me relentlessly until I whimpered.

“You’re ready for me aren’t you, baby?” I nodded, and he smiled. “I’m so ready too. I want to feel your sweet little pussy wrapped around me, so slick and tight.”

“Yes,” I whispered as he rose up to his knees and stroked his thick shaft, then he pushed my thighs wider as he centered himself against me, nudging his thick bell-shaped head against me.

“Baby, just relax, it’s going to be bit of pressure, you’re so tight.” He gave me a devilish grin and nudged against my barrier, pushing against the resistance which didn’t stand a chance against his hard cock.

I split apart, like fire ripping through my center, and I tensed, bracing myself against the pillow as I gripped his strong arms and pulled him down against me. He fell and let me hold on as he pushed deeper, slicing through me until he’d found my depths. He stilled all but for his mouth which kissed me.

He broke the kiss and met my eyes. “You’re going to have to relax, baby.” His hips worked slowly, and the pain soon ebbed into pleasure, and as soon as I realized that moving would ease the pain, I ground against him. He pulled out and dipped back in a few times to let me adjust, and once I was moaning, he began to work me in steady thrusts. The pleasure soon outweighed the pain, and his mouth found my breasts which only brought more pleasure to my core.

He rose up and stroked my hair back from my face. “I want you to ride me.”

The delight flashed in my eyes, and before I could ask if it would hurt, he’d rolled us over never leaving my channel.

I looked up into her eyes as she settled across my hips, her soaking core still tight around my cock. She leaned forward, her hair spilling over her shoulders and around my face as she inched off to kiss me.

I bucked upward, fucking her with just the tip so we could keep our lip lock, but then when she sat up, she winced at the pain from taking me deep again.

The bulk of my base was spreading her wider than I’d imagined. It was as if there was a rubber band around my dick she was so tight. Her release had her quaking around it, milking me for my cum.

The feeling of our bodies, flesh to flesh with nothing between us was a sensation I’d never allowed myself to have; a risk I never wanted to take, but as her wet warmth blossomed around me, I knew I’d never want to have her any other way.

I sat up and brought my arm around her waist, and she rocked steadily against me as she found her rhythm. It was even better than all of those moments I’d dreamed about and washed away the pain of all those nights I’d sat in regret from letting her go. As another orgasm ripped through her, clenching my cock with her walls, she made that purring noise I’d loved so much and longed to hear again.

“There’s my little Kitten, that’s right, purr for me.” I closed her in a tight embrace and thrust as her tits pressed tight against my chin. I lowered my head to capture her tight nipple in my lips and suckled as she rode out the aftershocks. I pressed her up against me and rolled us back over so I was on top on the soft bed. Her blond hair splayed out across the covers as she gave me a lazy grin.

“I want you to come inside me Duncan.”

Her words had me thrusting deeper, and I was more than willing to oblige. Her core gripped me. Her slick walls were a warm vise as my balls tightened preparing for my big finish. I lifted her legs and braced her hips at a tilt as I pounded through my release.

My warm jets shot through my shaft, spurting into her depths, filling her tight little hole and she moaned in pleasure and another orgasm piggy-backed my own. I ground deep and didn’t pull out for quite some time, hoping that moment of ecstasy would never end.


Watching Rachel work was fascinating to me, and I had the perfect job that gave me a front row seat to the action, at least for a while. I’d sure enjoy it while it lasted and I made a mental note to thank my sister again. I’d been angry with her at first, but I was happy she’d gotten me and Rachel back in each other’s lives.

The moment Brock showed up on set, though, my mood changed. The little punk was way too familiar with Rachel, and I’d noticed he took no restraint with the way he touched her. I imagined myself holding him down and snapping his arm like a twig, but then Rachel glanced over and gave me a bright smile, and I couldn’t help but lick my lips and give her one right back.

I had been thinking about the next time since the last, but she’d been a bit sore, so I was taking it easy on her, for now. It was easy to get addicted and with us both having something we’d never had before, it made it even more special for me. I wish we hadn’t waited, but it was definitely worth it.

I glanced to the back door where a couple of teenagers had planned to slip inside after we finished for the day, but I’d caught them camped out behind the dumpsters with a backpack full of snacks and Star’s latest CD and a few magazines they’d hoped she’d sign. They were harmless, but it showed me the lengths that some obsessed fans would go through to catch a peek at their shining Star Summers.

When I looked back across the room, I took a step forward seeing that Brock had his arm around Rachel, his hand resting on the small of her back. She seemed to cower a bit like he was some kind of bird of prey and she was his feast.

I was just about to walk over and distract him from his attempts when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

“You’re a lousy guard. I walked right in the place, and I could have been a maniac.” I turned to see my beautiful sister, her face glowing with a wide grin and her eyes widened at the set before us.

“You are a maniac. And I know you didn’t get past Patrick outside without him noticing.” I’d had my best guard come aboard to give him a bit of a break, but he wasn’t a slacker.

“Yeah, he stopped me. He frisked me too, said it was standard procedure.” She lifted her shoulder.

I narrowed my eyes. “Did he? So, I should go break his neck for touching my sister?”

“You really would, wouldn’t you? I mean, if I were telling the truth.” She threw her arms around me, and I glanced over her shoulder across the room to see what Brock was up to. His arm had moved, but he was still hovering close to her. Too close.

“I would, even though he’s my best man.” I turned my eyes back to the cocky producer, and my sister noticed my anger.

“Wow, who’s that icy glare for?” She followed my eyes to see the loser in action. “Oh my, promise me you won’t kill him. Harris would be terribly upset if this deal goes sour and you’re not only representing your company and your reputation but mine and Harris’ as well.”

“Relax, I’ll spare him his life, but she really could be more assertive and tell him to stop pawing at her.” I ground my teeth together and turned my attention to my baby sister. “So, to what do I owe this honor, or did you come to see Rachel?”

“I came to see you both. I hoped I’d find you in a better place than you were a week ago, but it seems that’s not a problem. Did the two of you kiss and make up?” There was a gleam in her eye, and I knew she meant to pry for much more information than that.

I tried to keep my smile in check as I responded. “There were kisses.”

Her eyes flared, and she let out a little squeal of delight. “Okay, I’ll spare you the torment of asking for details, but just so you know, I’m going to ask Rachel all about it and you better have treated her like a lady.”

My smile played around one corner of my mouth, and she giggled and turned her attention back to Rachel across the room who was headed our way, thankfully without the producer as her shadow.

“I’m so happy for you!” Shauna closed the last few steps and pulled Rachel into a hug. “I know congratulations are in order, but I’ll spare you both the embarrassment, but I really want to take you out to lunch.” She glanced back and forth from me to Rachel and back again waiting for our answer.

“I’m game.” I glanced at Rachel.

Her expression turned grim. “I can’t. I’ve to stay here through lunch, but you two go and have a good visit.”

“Fine.” My sister stepped closer but didn’t bother to whisper. “I want to hear all about it later though when he’s not around.” Her voice turned sour at the mention of me, and she curled her nose playfully as if to say yuck .

Rachel gave me an accusing glare, and I shook my head. “Oh no, don’t give me that look, I didn’t tell her a thing.”

“He didn’t have to. The two of you are practically glowing.” She turned to Rachel and took another hug and then stepped back to me locking her arm. “We’ve got to be going, are you sure you can’t come?”

“I’m positive.” She gave me a sad look, and though we’d agreed not to put our relationship on display at work, I stepped closer, and instead of whispering in her ear, I gave her a little kiss. Her cheeks flared, and she glanced around, but only her assistant saw, and he pulled his lips in tight as if to hide his own smile.

Shauna didn’t pry me about anything too personal during lunch, but she did ask me my intentions toward her best friend. I had to remind her that I was her brother and not the enemy, but promised I’d take special care of Rachel’s heart this time around.

“Last time you shattered it. I know we’ve never really discussed this, with the two of you being so hell bent and kept me under your gag orders, but she was devastated. She was merely a shell of herself, and I missed her during that time. She couldn’t bear to spend much time with me. I reminded her too much of you. Don’t take my friend away again, Dunc. She’s all I’ve ever had, and I love her as much as I love you. Hell, I’ve known her nearly as long.” The two had been friends since they were in diapers and were each other’s first friends.

“No worries. I’m in love with her, always have been, and things are different now, Sis. There’s no one and nothing standing in our way.”

She’d been content to let lunch end on a different subject, and as we discussed what to do with the remainder of our mother’s things, the last couple of things we’d been holding onto simply because getting rid of them would have made it all too real. Since we were both in a better place, we could make a clearer decision about it, and agreed that it was time to sell the house.

I’d gone back to the set only to find that Rachel had left for the day and Jefferey, who seemed a bit worried that she’d claimed to have gotten ill at lunch, even though she hadn’t eaten anything, suggested I go check on her. I told Patrick I was heading out for the day and hurried to her house.

I sped over and banged on the door, and it took a moment, but I heard her footsteps and the lock. She opened the door and fell into my arms.

“What’s the matter? Are you sick? Hurt?”

She shook her head, but I picked her up and carried her to the couch where I sat, holding her in my lap. She settled against my chest and rested her face in the crook of my neck.

“Please don’t be angry with me.”

“What happened?” My voice was harsh as she went still in my arms.

“Brock made a pass at me. He had asked me to stay at lunch, but he only wanted to see if I’d sleep with him.”

“Did he touch you?” I pushed her off my shoulder and captured her face in my hands. “What did he do, Rachel?”

She shook her head to play it off, but I could tell by her expression, the hard set of her lips, that she was upset. “He grabbed me and kissed me, and I pushed him off. I stomped his foot and elbowed him, and he got angry and screamed at me. He said he’s going to see to it that I never work in the business again and that I should reconsider.”

My blood was boiling by the time she finished telling me, but I wasn’t angry with her. I pulled her close and told her it was okay, not to worry about a thing.

She pulled away and met my eyes. “Duncan, promise me you won’t do anything. Harris really wanted this deal to work out, and I’m okay. I left right after it happened and was only scared of what you might think—”

“What I might think? Jesus, he’s lucky I don’t hunt him down and snap his scrawny fucking neck.”

She kissed my mouth, and I claimed her with a little more force than usual, reminding her how a man, one that truly loves her, could kiss. But I knew I needed to calm her nerves, to stop her trembling.

“I promise I’ll behave. But, so help me, Rachel, if he steps one toe out of line again, one fucking pinky toe, I’m going to lay waste to his entire fucking world, and Harris can eat shit.” She nodded and lay her head on my shoulder, and I rocked her against me until her trembling stopped.


My nerves had finally settled, and I had almost fallen asleep in his arms. I could lay there in his comfort forever, but my phone rang, and Duncan reached over to the side table where it was and glanced at the caller, then passed me the phone.

“It’s Jefferey. You should tell him you’re okay. He was worried about you. He wasn’t buying your excuse, and he’s the one who told me you’d gone home.”

I declined the call and put the phone on the coffee table. “I can’t explain things to him just yet. I’m not sure what this all means for the production.”

“Brock isn’t going to stop production or piss anyone off by bringing in anyone else at this point. He was just trying to intimidate you into sleeping with him. Guys like that use whatever tools they can, but trust me, he doesn’t want to screw himself.”

“I’m just worried that I’ve ruined things for Harris, and Shauna will be so disappointed if he loses Brock as a future client.”

“I’ll take care of it. Don’t you worry another second about it. I’ll make it right.” He brought his mouth to mine and kissed me hard as he gripped my bottom with just as much force.

It sent my heart racing and flushed as I pulled away and caught the hungry look in his eye.

I shifted in his lap to face him and let my legs fall astride him as I brought my arms over his broad shoulders and around his neck. His cock had gone rigid beneath me, and I ground myself against it bringing a grin to his face. He leaned forward and captured the top button of my shirt with his teeth and then tugged, keeping his eyes locked with mine.

I reached up and opened the button and then the next and his voice softened with a little mhm . Once I worked the last one he smiled. “I love watching you undress.”

My brow lifted. “Do you?” He responded with another lazy mhm , and I dragged myself to my feet and opened my shirt revealing my white, lacy bra. I let the shirt fall to the floor and slowly reached back and unhooked my bra, turning my back to him as I let the straps fall off my shoulders. When I turned around, he was working down his zipper with a hungry look. I unbuttoned my jeans nice and slow and slipped them down, but when I reached for my panties, white lace that matched my bra, he put his hand out to stop me.

“Leave them. I’m going to fuck you around those.” He smiled as my eyes flashed with surprise and then he stood up and walked me around to face the back of the couch and stood behind me.

“You still want to try it all, baby?” His voice was right in my ear, and it sent chills down my spine, and they didn’t stop until they tickled my core. I nodded, and he kissed my shoulder and smoothed the chill bumps that had formed on my arms then he stepped back and leaned me forward, gripping my hips to keep them in place against him, as I placed my palms on the couch.

I swallowed hard, not quite knowing what he was going to do, but then as his hands found my still-tender slit and began to rub, I relaxed. I’d bled the first time, so I knew what type of punishment I was in for, but even still, my core throbbed wanting him inside me.

He inserted a finger and stroked and soon his mouth was there lapping at my ass. The pleasure was erotic, but I didn’t know if I was ready for that. I relaxed as he whispered into my ear, “One day I’ll claim this too, but no time soon.” I tightened knowing that if he ever did, I’d love that too. I wanted to give him everything.

“I’m going to take you from behind, so it might hurt a little, but you’ll tell me to stop if it does?” His strong hand found my hips and the other guided his cock against me, nudging against my wetness. “Fuck, you get so wet, baby. You turn me on so fucking much.” He pushed inside me, and I cried out in pleasure. He waited for me to adjust myself around him, then he rocked me with a little more urgency. Ssuddenly his hands reached up to cup my tits, which bounced with each thrust into me. Soon he’d worked up a quick, steady pace, his balls slapping against my clit and causing me to clench around his cock which drove me over the edge.

By the time I could process a thought, besides the crazy intense pleasure that had overcome me, I realized my release had coated his cock, and there was wetness down my thighs. “You soaked my balls, baby. This position serves you well, doesn’t it?” He gave a breathless chuckle and sped up his pace, slapping against me with such force that the friction that built between us was like a blazing fire, but just when I thought he would fill me up with his own release, he pulled away, taking his cock into his hands to stroke it.

“Are you done?” He smirked at my pouty tone and shook his head.

“Not by far.” He took my hand, and I turned, the wetness turning cool on my inner thighs as we walked to the bedroom.

When we got to the bed, he sat me down beside him and kissed me as he rubbed my mound with his palm. The pressure was building and then when he slipped his finger into my little cleft and pulled back my hood to work my bud. I wiggled uncontrollably wishing I was on his cock.

“That’s right, baby. Come for me. I want that hot little slit sopping wet for my cock.” It was too. He eased me back but pulled my ass to the edge of the bed. He leaned over and licked me, and I wiggled against his face feeling another little release consume me. It was like there were hundreds of them all waiting for the right stimulation to beckon them forward.

“Greedy girl. I love that you’re so worked up for me. You’re my girl, aren’t you?” He stood up and hiked my legs up putting my heels over his shoulders. He guided his cock right back to my depths without any hesitation. He didn’t allow me to settle, but this time, I didn’t need to. He angled his cock upward and hit a spot so sensitive that it had me screaming in pleasure and begging him to have mercy on me.

I knew that finally, after all this time, I was truly his and he was truly mine.

He growled out in pleasure as he slapped my thigh and thrust hard grinding his cock so deep I could feel his base splitting me. Then he stilled and jerked as he emptied himself deep inside me. I milked every last drop by clenching around him. The movement was so intense, and the thought of him filling me up was such a turn on that I started to writhe, another release on the horizon. He pulled his cock out, and I whimpered.

“No, please don’t stop.”

He smile and gave a little chuckle. He held up two fingers and pushed them into my mouth. “Suck them soft, baby.”

I did as he told, all the while the intensity was building as well as my frustration.

His seed was spilling out, coating my thighs even more and then he pulled his fingers free and pushed them both into my aching channel. The splashing sound made me blush, but the pleasure was so intense that I hoped he’d never stop and finally he brought me through my last orgasm. When he was done, he pulled the dripping fingers from my channel and pushed them back between my lips for a taste.

“You’re so beautiful, baby.” He kissed my mouth, stilled beside me as his breathing leveled off. This time I’d worn him out. I smiled at my accomplishment and snuggled closer.


It was the way I’d always dreamed about us waking up together, and it was the second time in so many hours that we had. After our last session, I had been woken up for round two with one of the hottest blowjobs of my life.

She’d roused me with her mouth and sucked me hard from sleep and when I woke up, my cock still growing in her mouth, I had pulled her legs across me and had her straddle my face a nice long sixty-nine where she took her first swallow without blinking an eye.

I opened my eyes this time only to roll over and find her flat on her back, arms up over her head and eyes on the ceiling, though I had a feeling in her mind she was in some faraway place.

“Where’s my daydreamer?” I rolled over and brushed her hair from her face and kissed her cheek.

“Just thinking.” She pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts.

“You are not. You’re worrying. I can tell it in your tone.” I met her eyes daring her to tell me I was wrong. “What’s on your mind, baby?”

“I know you’ve told me not to worry about it, but it’s still bothering me what happened with Brock. It’s like it’s just now all sinking in. It all happened so fast.” Her brows pinched tight as if she was going over everything that had happened.

“So, you’ve been reconsidering me killing him? I could probably get away with it.” God knew I wanted to beat that smarmy prick till my fists bled.

She huffed as if she wanted me to be serious and turned to face me flattening her palm against my chest. “He could make waves for me, make it hard for me to get future jobs, never mind his relationship with Harris.”

I took her hand and kissed it. “You have nothing to worry about, and now that you’re with me you could always walk out. Fuck him. You don’t need him or his lousy connections. Hell, baby, you don’t even have to work, I can take care of you.” I never wanted her to worry about anything, and I could give her anything she needed, more than that, I wanted to. I wanted to be her rock.

Her face fell, and she threw her head back a bit, then met my eyes shaking her head. “You act like my career isn’t important.”

I decided that I better choose my next words carefully. “All I mean is, you don’t really need it unless you want it. But I wouldn’t go back there to put up with that asshat.”

“Of course, I want it! Are you fucking kidding me?” I hadn’t ever heard that language come from her pretty mouth, and I took notice which I’m betting was the point of her using it.

She rolled over and put more than an arm’s length of distance between us as she got up on her side of the bed. “My career is more than a job, and I’ve worked my ass off making it happen. I’m not about to toss out my accomplishments and goals because you make plenty of money and are worried about some guy. Fuck the money part of it. This is about my passion. A passion that was all that I had after you left me! A passion I fought my own father for!”

That horrible wave of guilt crashed down on me again just as it did every time I thought about how I’d left her behind and told her to move on without me. “I get it. I’m just saying you have options, and don’t you get loud with me. I’m only trying to help. Considering that I want to march out that door and kill that bastard where he sleeps, I’m showing great restraint.” I wanted to laugh to lighten the mood, but that’s when she gave me the look. The one like I didn’t get it. I knew better than to bring laughter into it.

“It’s not even a solution,” she snapped. Then she waved her hand dismissively. “Just don’t worry about it. I’ll handle him on my own.”

Her dismissive tone rubbed me the wrong way. We were in this together, at least I’d thought and she’d asked. “Well, if this is how your career is going to be— you having to take shit from every fucking pervert who wants to put his hands on you, then maybe you shouldn’t be in it.”

“I’m not letting your jealousy knock me out of a career any more than I’m letting the likes of Brock Reed, or anyone else for that matter ruin what I’ve got going for me. I’ll keep it professional, and it will pass. It’s better than going in guns blazing and making a bad name for myself.”

“Well, it sounds like you’ve got your mind all made up, then.”

“I do.”

“Well, a word to the wise, guys like Brock Reed don’t usually give up so easily and usually keep at it until they get what they want.”

“I know Brock better than you. He’s not going to try anything again, the only thing he’ll do is badmouth me, but in all honesty, he probably was just embarrassed and couldn’t think of anything else to say. As I said before, I left work upset that you’d be upset about the kiss.”

“Wait, what? Are you kidding me now? You’re sitting here crying about him one minute and defending him the next? Really? And you think you can handle him all by yourself? This is exactly why you can’t. You’re too much of a—”

“Of a what?” she sneered.

“Look, I’m not fighting with you about this. You asked me my opinion, and you got it. You can choose to do whatever, but mark my words, he’s not done. And if I see him try a damned thing, you can bet your sweet little ass I’m stepping in.” I started to dress as she fired off her response.

“You are being as ridiculous as my father and just as controlling trying to dictate my life and my next move. I’ve got myself away from that kind of living and was determined to follow my dreams which is what you left me to do in the first place! Now you talk like I should give it up on your whim.” She folded her arms, and my head was pounding from the rush of adrenaline that pumped through my veins.

How dare she compare me to her father. I wasn’t sure when it had all gotten out of hand, but I knew if I didn’t leave I was only going to make things worse with my temper and I didn’t want to ruin everything a second time.

Maybe I could see her point, but I couldn’t help my feelings, and I only wanted to her know I was on her side before she bit my head off.

“I’m going to go before this gets any uglier.”

“Yeah, Duncan, do what you do best, leave! At least this time, you’re man enough to do it in person!”

I turned and met her eyes and saw the regret, the moment she knew she should take those words back. It shone in her eyes.

And as I crossed the room to leave, she hurried after me, but I pulled the bedroom door between us and kept moving, faster than she could follow. As much as I loved her, I needed to get some air. I drove away five minutes later waiting for her to come after me.


I’d allowed myself the weekend alone to catch up on my housework and to process what had happened between me and Duncan. I had also had time to decide that I needed to talk to Brock and not let what happened slide. I could do plenty to his reputation. After talking to Shauna, who wanted to report Brock’s behavior to Harris immediately, I learned more about where the rich boy got his funding, As it turned out, his rich daddy was not only footing the bill but had begged Harris to help the kid out. Harris had only wanted the deal to work out, because Mr. Reed Sr. was a great connection himself.

I had decided I’d put the younger in his place, and salvage what was left of the working relationship. It was better for everyone, and even though I’d rather slap his smug face myself, Duncan’s war tactics weren’t exactly professional.

When I arrived on set, Jefferey met me with a big hug, patting my back and then pulling away to give me a scolding glare. “You promise me right now, face to face that you’ll never do me that way again.” We’d worked things out on the phone when I’d finally called him back, but I hadn’t given him the full explanation.

“You’re not going to be happy when you find out that there’s more to the story than my sudden illness.” I’d stuck to the story only because it truly had turned my stomach when Brock pulled me against him and kissed me.

His hand went to his hip and as he lifted his perfectly sculpted brow his eyes narrowed. “You lied to me?”

“No, I just didn’t tell you everything, but seeing that Brock’s not here and I need your advice, I better come clean.”

He glanced around and took my hand and led me to the back of the room to the offices. There was a private dressing room that no one had claimed and he shut us inside and stood with his back to the door as I took a seat in the only folding chair. “It’s something major isn’t it!”

I proceeded to tell him all about how Duncan and I had been seeing each other, leaving out my intimate details of course, but filling him in on how we were mending a decade’s worth of wounds. And then when I told him about what Brock had done, how he’d asked me to stay behind and cornered me behind the set I saw the anger flash in his eyes.

“He touched you?”

He sounded just like Duncan, but I wasn’t expecting him to freak out in quite the same way. “He kissed me. When I refused, he threatened my job and my reputation.”

“What an asshole, no wonder you left. You should have told me right away.” He crossed his arms and shook his head. “What is he going to do? You work for yourself, and as far as reputations go, this is Hollywood, no one gives a fuck about reputation or morals, and they’ll hire you just to hear your side of the drama. You’re safe.” He had a point, but I still wasn’t convinced.

“Yeah, I’m not really worried about it, turns out it’s not him Harris is interested in anyway, it’s his father who foots the bill that he’s got his eyes on. I’m more concerned about me and Duncan. We had an awful fight about it.” I wrapped my arms around myself and stared at the floor.

“What does he have to say? I bet he wasn’t thrilled with Brock Reed one bit.”

“No, he wasn’t. I’m sure he’s still plotting the guy’s death, but when I told him I was worried about what would happen, he totally turned into my father. He acts like if it’s going to be a problem then I should just say fuck it and walk away from my job and let him take care of me.”

“On no, he didn’t.” Jefferey let out a long breath and rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, he did. Can you believe that?”

Suddenly Jefferey’s demeanor changed, and he bobbed his head back and forth as if seeing both sides. “I can see why he’d react that way. He loves you and wants to be the one to take care of you.”

“You mean he wants to force me into an apron and have me fix him a sandwich.” I huffed. “It’s kind of insulting to suggest I just up and quit.”

“I don’t think he was saying that at all, I think he was just trying to say he has your back, and that it was something you didn’t have to dwell on or worry about.”

I stopped and let the words process and let loose a sound of frustration.

“Then why not say that instead of acting like my career means nothing.”

“Again, I’m not sure that was his intent. He just wanted to be your champion. Can’t blame a man for that, it should be in his nature. ”

But then I realized that jumping to conclusions wasn’t all I’d done.

“Oh, Jefferey, it was much worse than that.” I covered my mouth and held my palm flat against my chest. Jefferey stepped forward and pulled me into his arms.

“You’ll work it out.”

“I threw our past in his face on his way out. I was angry, and he wasn’t telling me what I wanted to hear. It was like arguing with my father all over again, and I didn’t want him to leave. I haven’t seen him since. I think he’s done with me and I’m not sure I blame him.”

“Then you need to go to him and make it right, and you will. I’m sure he’s missing you as much as you’re missing him.”

I hoped he was right. I couldn’t live without him again. All those years, all that time I’d put my entire life and soul into my work, I was just a shell of myself, empty without him.

Jefferey left me alone with my thoughts a moment, and then I returned to work waiting to see Duncan, but he never showed.

By lunchtime, when he wouldn’t pick up his phone, I was beginning to worry, and I went out to see if Patrick knew where he was. When he shrugged and said he had no idea, I began to sweat. Maybe he was done with me and the job.

Panic coursed through me as I dialed Shauna. His sister surely knew what was up with him.

“I was wondering when you’d call,” she said instead of hello.

“Then why didn’t you call me?”

“Because I had enough of it listening to my brother.” She sounded bored, and I was a little taken aback by how unfazed she was while I was there worried sick.

“So, you know where he is? He didn’t show up for work.”

She stifled a laugh. “Yeah, he said he’d do that. He’s at the office. He said he’d rather not go in today and watch you kiss Brock’s ass.”

“Nice.” I raked my hand through my hair and relaxed, but only a little. “Is he done with me?”

“Done? With you?” She seemed to think that was funny and her laughter belted through the phone, blasting my ear. “He’s never going to be done with you, silly friend. No, he’s giving you space to figure it out and giving himself time to cool down, though he wasn’t impressed your final words to him. You know, Rach, if you’re going to have a relationship with him, you really should forgive him and let the past go. He left you, yes, but he’s here now. Move forward.”

I knew she was right about that part. “I was so angry about the career thing.”

“I know, and don’t think I didn’t chew his ass for that. He left you to build that career, but he insists he never meant to belittle your work. You two need to talk. If you want to find him, you can go down to his office. I’ll text you the address.”

I agreed that I should go talk to him and ended the call. And as I waited for her to send the address, a commotion happened at the door. Patrick was fending off a man with a camera as Star walked in with Brock. The two were looking rather casual and chummy and headed right for me.

“There she is,” said Brock. I wondered what he’d said to Star as she smirked, eyeing me from head to toe.

“Good, let’s go over everything and see if it’s any better than my last visit.” Star turned her nose up and spun around, and as I heard my phone buzz with Duncan’s office address, I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to go to him anytime soon.


I’d managed to refrain from going down to the set all day and instead tidied up my office and organize my client books. I had a few men that were slacking without my watchful eye, and I checked on the as well.

I had noticed about halfway through the day that my phone had been turned off, and there was a missed call from half an hour before from Rachel, but when I tried to call her back, she didn’t answer. I left her a text and told her what happened.

So, when my phone rang about four o’clock, I assumed it was her, tired from a long day’s work and ready to make amends. I was ready for that myself.

But it wasn’t her. “Hello, Sis. How’s your day been?”

“Better than yours, as always. So, did you two lovebirds get everything worked out?”

“I haven’t talked to Rachel all day. She never called me back.”

“Well, that’s curious because she was supposed to come by your office, I texted her the address.”

“Maybe she changed her mind about me. She thinks I’m some chauvinistic asshole, I’m sure.” She’d said as much comparing me to her father.

She gave me a sound of frustration. “Not true. And she feels bad. You need to go to her. Maybe something’s holding her up.”

“Or someone. I’m sure she and Brock are as chummy as ever. I’m sure he’s loving it.” I knew I sounded bitter, but it wasn’t like I was ever going to care for her working for that man ever again.

“Now, now, don’t pout just because she won’t let you do anything to him.”

“Technically, the only thing she said I couldn’t do is to pound his face and kill him, but lucky for me, I can be a bit more creative.” I’d spent the last two hours after sorting out my guys going over every scrap of information I could on Brock Reed.

“What are you saying? You’ve got something else cooking?” She gave a nervous laugh, but then made a sound of disapproval. “Please tell me you won’t make things worse.”

“No, I’m going to even the playing field is all. He said he’ll ruin Rachel, so I am going to dig up some fresh dirt on him, something he wouldn’t want anyone knowing, especially Harris or his father.”

“I didn’t tell you that tidbit so you could use it against him. I told you and Rachel so you’d stop worrying about him.”

“I’m not worried, but I’m also not so sure Rachel wasn’t right. He could pull some influence considering who he’s worked with in the past, but that road goes both ways. If I can dig up something on him, then that will be our insurance.”

“You sure you’re not going to make things worse? Rachel won’t like this. I do, but she won’t.”

“I’ll worry about that later.” I wasn’t going to keep it from her, but I damned sure wasn’t going to let that little shit get away with anything.

“What exactly do you have in mind and how can I help?”

“Well, unless you want to get into a compromising situation yourself, you better stay out of it. But I appreciate the offer, and I’ll keep it in mind. I do know that he and Star have worked together before, on her first and third videos, and they’ve known each other for a while, clear back to when she first hit the scene when she was only seventeen. She’s a pet of his or maybe vice versa. I’d like to find out why, especially since their other relationships line up along the same timelines of their projects.”

“You think they were sleeping with one another?”

“Something like that. But the two of them messing around has never gone public, and I have a feeling here’s a reason for it.” I’d figure it out whatever it was.

We ended our conversation minutes later with me promising to give Rachel another call, which I tried to do on my way home without any answer. I wanted her to know that I would be home in case she was still going to drop by the office.

I’d only been home an hour, still with no word back from Rachel when there was a knock at my door. I glanced out the window to see her standing there with her eyes closed and mouthing something like a prayer.

She met me with a weary smile when she opened the door, and I pulled her into a tight embrace. I’d missed her like crazy and hated that there was tension between us.

She melted against me and then threw her head back and met my eyes. “I needed that. Today was terrible.”

“Want to tell me all about it?” I wasn’t sure she would be so open to explain considering what had happened, but she let out a sigh, sinking further against me and gave me a nod.

“What didn’t happen, would be a hell of a lot easier to explain.” She took my hand, and I led her inside, offering her a seat on the couch.

She took a seat, glancing around at my place. “This isn’t what I expected. Remember how messy your bedroom used to be?”

“The military changed many things.” I sat down beside her, and she stroked my goatee and then ran her hand down my chest and across my arms.

“It certainly did.” She slid her gaze down my body, and her cheeks reddened.

“You’re stalling, what happened that was so terrible?” I wasn’t going to let her get away from the issue in case Brock had tried something again. This time I wasn’t going to be so restrained.

“Our charming producer was in a terrible mood, and he brought his sidekick along for the torture. Star Summers has got to be the biggest brat on the planet. First, I changed everything to fit her massive heels, and now that I have, she’s decided she’d be sexier barefoot for the video. Of course, Brock agreed in a way that made me think he has some erotic foot fetish, and now I have to recalibrate all the major props to line up in the shot again. My team is about ready to walk after she dragged them on a tirade and oh, you might need to tell your man to keep his eyes on the door, and not Star’s ass.”

“Patrick? What happened with him?”

“Well, other than Jefferey claiming he’s been staring him down since he arrived, which could just be the fact that Jefferey thinks all men are staring him down, Patrick was a bit taken by the pop diva. So much that he let one of her crazy fans slip in. Then he—”

“What? He let someone slip in?” My temper flared as confusion set in. It was hard to believe he’d made such an error.

“Yeah, a pair of teens, they had some stuff they wanted Star to sign. She went ahead and took care of them, giving them pictures and so on.”

“I bet she was pissed. How come no one called the office to complain?”

“I’m sure she and Patrick worked it out over lunch.”

“Lunch?” I’d only stepped away with Star and her manager as a courtesy knowing I had a backup, but Patrick doing so was not part of his job nor standard procedure.

“Oh yeah, and she was gushing over him way more than she did you.” She gave me a teasing grin.

“He’s never been one to be so unprofessional, but then again he’s never worked with any of the famous clients before, especially one so—”

“Sexy? Beautiful?” She leveled her stare as if daring me to finish my sentence.

“I was going to say flirty and manipulative, but since you mentioned it, yeah, she’s not hard on the eyes. Maybe that whole tooth thing, but—”

She nudged me playfully, and I cupped her face and pulled her toward me, kissing her deep. I broke away and met her eyes, resting my forehead on hers. “You’re sexy and beautiful. I wanted to say I’m sorry about what happened and that I got angry.”

“I’m sorry too. I flew off the handle.” She raked her hand through my hair and kissed me, inching herself closer.

“Well, was that it?”

“Not by a longshot. Brock sabotaged me at every turn, making it impossible to get any work done around all the things that needed to be changed and of course, Star left for her dressing room, completely pissed. He followed after telling me that there might not be a video now and if I ruined things with my incompetence, he wasn’t going to pay me.”

“He went to her dressing room?”

“Yes, and they were still in there when I left. I sent everyone home. I know they deserved an early day after that circus.”

“You deserve better too.” I pulled her into my lap and stroked her back as our mouths mingled and I was more certain than ever I’d get something on Brock Reed if it was the last thing I’d do.


The nightmare continued on set when I returned the day after Star and Brock’s tantrums and apparently whatever they did to work things out it hadn’t worked.

The music from her video was blaring as she did a walk-through of the scene and since Brock was also directing the two were snapping each other’s heads off. But that wasn’t the worst thing that happened.

Once they got back into filming and things were finally going well, Star threw a ring into the air, and it hit the fake stone façade and set off a chain reaction that ended with chunks of plaster falling into her blue-tipped hair.

Her scream ripped through the music, and the sound man turned it off. “Are you fucking for real? This is my hair, dammit! It takes hours.” She stomped her bare feet around the stage, and I waited for her to fling herself to the floor and beat her fists, she was so pissed off.

I hurried onto the stage and surveyed the damage, but she wasn’t done bitching. She waved her arms and Brock hurried to her side along with the makeup artist who was picking little flecks of plaster from her hair and face.

Brock shot daggers in my direction. “How long is that going to take to fix? If it sends me over-budget, I’m taking the cost out of your sweet little ass.”

My temper flared, but before I could speak, Brock turned and started in on Star. “And you, get your shit together and let’s not worry about our fucking hair.”

I glanced down to see Patrick was standing near as if he didn’t like the tone Brock was taking with her. She walked over to where he was, and the two exchanged a smile. At that moment, something flashed in Star’s eyes and she and Brock exchanged a quick glance. It was as if there was something happening right before my nose, but I wasn’t privy to it. Like some secret that only the two of them knew, but then she turned back to Patrick and gave him a wink as she straightened the corset of her costume.

I called my team together and put them to work on the patch job and went to the back hoping to find that we still had the paint we needed. A few of the team members, including Jefferey, were mumbling under their breaths, but I didn’t have time for it. I made sure I was right in the middle of the repairs, taking full responsibility as needed.

Fifteen minutes later, things were back in place, and Star was on her mark. The music was blaring, and she was dancing around the set. When it came time to toss the damned prop again, I held my breath, but this time it was her catching ability that stopped things. Brock even went so far to call her a clumsy bitch under his breath within my earshot. Finally, after five takes, she caught the damned hoop.

After the first full run-through, Brock headed on stage and pulled her back behind a prop wall, and I saw him lean into her. Patrick was standing at the door where he belonged for the first time all morning, and I wished Duncan would arrive.

Something must have held him up at the office, and I leaned into Jefferey with a lifted brow. “Did they just kiss?”

“Mhm. Those two are so full of hormones today that I’m about to get a hot flash.” He glanced over to Patrick and then lifted his shoulder. “Guess that one’s not as hot as he looks.”

Five minutes later Brock called things into action, and it was then that I got a short message from Duncan who was running late, but wanted me to know he loved me. The sentiment made me smile, and as I enjoyed that moment of perfection, Brock suddenly yelled cut.

The music came to a halt. I knew by the end of it that I’d never want to hear another bubblegum pop song for the rest of my life.

Brock stormed the stage cursing and got in her face, and she stomped away a moment later, grabbing Patrick and pulling him into her dressing room. Brock wasn’t having that, and he called for us to take a break and joined the two.

Duncan entered the side door a moment later, and I hurried to greet him. I knew we’d been careful not to put our affection on public display, but I needed him.

“Where’s Patrick?” His voice was thicker than usual.

“He’s in back with Star and Brock.”

Jefferey approached giving me a warning glare. “This could take a while.” But Duncan wasn’t having it. He pulled his phone from his pocket and headed to the back, leaving Jeffery and me standing there helplessly. I had no idea what to do, but I knew Duncan was not happy with Patrick and I wasn’t getting in the middle of him and his employee.

“Someone’s about to get fired.”

Suddenly, there was a commotion, and I hurried back with Jefferey on my heels. When I arrived in the hall, Duncan was holding his phone like a camera and aiming it into the room.

“You didn’t lock the fucking door!” Star screamed at Patrick and Brock was pulling up his pants.

Patrick held his hands up and wore a crooked grin, the muscle in his jaw feathering as he glared at her. Then he took the time to put his shirt back on and button his own pants.

“Take that camera from him!” No one seemed to listen, and Duncan turned off his phone and put it in his pocket.

“Duncan, what are you doing?” Jefferey’s laughter took my attention away for just a moment and then Duncan clapped his hands at Patrick and told him to get back to work. The man wasted no time rushing out past me and Jefferey. I was a bit confused why the man still had a job to get back to.

“I’d suggest the two of you get back to work too, and everyone will keep nice and quiet about your little habits as long as you stop harassing Rachel and see to it that she’s paid.”

“You set me up!” Star balled her fists and then pushed past Duncan and me and hurried into the bathroom. Her manager, who stayed on her phone most of the time, came out of the office next door as if she’d only just heard the commotion. She rushed into the bathroom with Star.

“Duncan, what’s going on?”

“Hey, I said I wouldn’t kill him, I didn’t say I wouldn’t blackmail him.”

“Genius,” said Jefferey with a wide grin. “I like you better already.” He high-fived Duncan and I felt like I was losing my mind.

“We’ll get back to work in ten. I need a moment.” Brock’s expression was as if someone had died and he kicked his foot against the door to close it as Duncan took me by the hand.

“He’s not going to be harassing you anymore, and you’ll get your money, that’s all that matters. But to answer you, I called Patrick after you left last night and made him spill some information to keep his job. He admitted that Star was trying to arrange a threesome and I made him help me so I could get some dirt on Brock.”

“Wow, so Patrick was sleeping with them both?” I turned to look at Jefferey who was nodding slowly.

“Well, they were trying to make that happen, and though he admitted he’s open-minded, he wasn’t really interested in more than being with Star. He was going to deny the advances.” We continued hand in hand to the front door where Patrick was standing against the building, still stone-faced.

“I need to have another talk with him,” said Duncan. “At least to let him know his job’s safe and I won’t let the video leak.”

“You wouldn’t do that, would you?” I couldn’t believe that he’d do anything that cruel, even for me.

“No, of course not, but they don’t know that.” He met my eyes and rested his forehead to mine. “Are you upset?”

“No, I’m just surprised you did all this, that you thought of it.” But then I didn’t know why I was surprised. Anytime when we were kids and someone messed with me or Shauna, he’d always come to our rescue and defense, whether it was punching the kid in the stomach or setting up a booby trap in their fort.

He gave a little shrug. “You’re my girl. I’m not letting some asshole hold shit over you. I only showed him that two could play his game. I have a feeling these two have been using every opportunity to line this kind of thing up before, and I seriously doubt he’d want his daddy to find out about his preferences.”

“So, you’re not going to tell Shauna or Harris?” I couldn’t imagine either of them would be proud to know they were working with such an asshole and offering him support.

“Oh, hell yeah, Shauna already knows. Harris is going to tolerate the little prick until he can get his father’s contract and then he’s done with him, too. Business is business, but family is family. You’re part of it, you know—my family. You always have been.”

I lay my head against his chest and held him tight.

He’d stood up for me, and even though I hadn’t wanted him to get involved, I was glad now that he had. The past two days had been unbearable, and when I left him there and went back into that room, seeing Brock and Star take their place on the stage I created, when Brock called action, still straight-faced from being put in his place, I knew things would be okay.

There was just one more thing I had to do, and it was far past time I made it right.


A week had gone by before I transferred the video from my phone to a file on my computer, but nothing had happened in the final days of filming. The production of the new Star Summers video was a wrap. It was time for me and Rachel to take our relationship away from work. It would be hard not seeing her every day, but considering what we’d been through, it would be a lot healthier this way.

Her dinner invitation had come short notice, but I had already planned to spend a quiet evening alone with her, home cooking or not. I decided to spiff myself up a bit since she was going through all the trouble of preparing our dinner, and I had even cleaned my goatee up a bit and tried a new aftershave.

My hard work paid off with her greeting smile, and as she led me inside, I took the opportunity to get a good look at her. She had dressed too and had on a sexy pale purple dress that flattered not only her smooth complexion but her soft curves as well. I remembered a time when she was nothing more than knees and elbows and had a smattering of sun-kissed freckles across her nose and cheeks. It was long before I realized she’d one day hold my heart in the palm of her hands.

I sat watching her, settling at the bar as she checked all of her dishes and stirred what needed stirring. She threw a glance over her shoulder and then turned to lean across the counter for another kiss. “You look dapper,” she said running her hands through my trimmed beard.

“Yeah, well, I thought since you were going through the trouble, so would I but I didn’t expect you’d be so dressed up yourself. I’m going to hate peeling you out of that dress.” She pulled her lips in tight and tried not to smile. “Is this some special date from a decade ago that I forgot about?”

“No, but it is something that is long overdue.” She gave me a worried glance as the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” I started to stand, but she came around the counter and waved me back. “No, but please join me in the living room, I had no idea he’d be here this early. I wanted to prepare you.”

Prepare me? Shit. “Your father?” All the wind was let out of me as she gave me a pleading look and hurried to the door.

She stopped and glanced back at me before swinging it open. “Daddy!” She was all smiles for the old man, and I knew the mood was sure to turn sour the moment he realized he wasn’t her only guest. I had a feeling he was being tricked the same as me.

“How’s my little girl? I’ve missed seeing that smile.” I rose as Mr. Dean entered the room and as he stepped around the corner and met my eyes his smile barely faltered, but tightened enough to let me know it was forced.

It was as if all the air had suddenly been sucked out of the room as she made the introductions. “Daddy, you remember Duncan Kelley.” Her voice wilted on the last syllable of my name, and he gave a curt nod in my direction as he extended his hand. I took it giving him a firm grip.

“Of course. How could I forget?” His tone implied he’d surely tried and though she offered him a seat beside me, he took the chair across from me. “I was sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. She was a delightful woman, much like your sister in that regard.”

“Thank you. It’s been an adjustment for Shauna and me both, but we’re leaning on each other and staying strong.” I smiled at Rachel, and she seemed to relax a bit. I wasn’t convinced.

She steepled her fingers as if saying a prayer that we play nice. “Dinner is almost ready, so I want to go and cut a fresh salad. I think you two could catch up a bit.” She hurried out of the room, and the two of us remained silent for a moment as we stared at everything but each other.

“You’ve been seeing my daughter again. That must have been your sister’s doing.” He tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair and then leaned forward, pouring himself a drink from the selection Rachel had placed on the coffee table before our arrival.

I stayed still, my posture so straight my back was screaming, but I dared not dip my chin or slouched. I wasn’t the child he’d sent away. “Yes, she did have something to do with us reconnecting, but as it turns out, I’m still very much in love with Rachel.”

He pulled his lips into a tight line and his jaw twitched slightly. “I’m sure she’s still equally fond of you or else she wouldn’t have bothered putting us all in this awkward situation.”

“With all due respect, sir, I’m not the one who made it awkward.” I had mowed the man’s yard, washed his cars, and done every other odd job around his house for nothing more than a thank you when Rachel’s mother had passed, and when I fell in love with his daughter, suddenly I wasn’t good enough. He’d been the only father figure I’d had after losing my own so young. Instead of welcoming me like I’d expected like he’d done all those years before, he’d treated me like a stranger.

“You’re right. I did. But if you’re hoping for an apology you’ll be waiting a long time. My daughter needed to live her life, you knew it as well as I did. You didn’t even fight me on it. You went right along with it. I know you villainized me and used me as your scapegoat the first moment you could.”

“Because I had respect for you and I knew you’d only get in the way, and things would be a mess. I didn’t want to drive a wedge between you two. You were the only parent she had.” I shifted in my seat and leaned forward. “And yes, I knew she deserved to follow her dreams, but not your dreams for her— her own. I encouraged that before I left, and I’m glad she stuck with it.”

He leaned forward. “Yet, here we are. Who knew respect had an expiration date.” He sipped his drink and swallowed it with a scowl.

“So, you still don’t want me with your daughter? Even though she’s a grown woman and chooses who she loves, you’d rather he be with someone else?”

Rachel came through the door. “I didn’t invite the two of you here to argue. Neither of you have a choice in what I do with my life, so your opinions of each other are moot.”

I stood up and took her hand. “I’d like to still respect you, Sir, but I’m not some kid you can send away, and as long as she wants me in her life I’ll be here.”

“I just wanted a nice evening with the two men I love most in the world. It’s not like you are strangers, dammit, you’ve known each other all my life. I’d think you’d have something else to talk about but my welfare.” She pushed my hand away and stormed to the kitchen.

“There’s that fire I’d hoped to see.” He sipped his drink casually and then turned a glance my way. “Well don’t just stand there, go after her.”

“You’re giving me your blessing?” The man was impossible but then a smile spread his lips, and he nodded.

I made it to the kitchen just in time to find Rachel pulling her lasagna out of the oven. Her lip was curled in anger as she spun around. “Are you two done posturing?”

I closed the distance and pulled her close. “He gave his blessing.”

She relaxed in my arms and tears filled her eyes as she looked up at me. “I was so hoping he would. I wanted everything to be perfect. Now— well, now I suppose it is.” She brought her mouth to mine, and I walked her back against the counter.

“Yes, it’s finally perfect, and after dinner, once he leaves us alone, I still plan on peeling you out of that pretty dress.”

Her eyes flashed, and she gave me a devilish grin. “Then I better serve it while it’s hot.”

I helped her carry everything to the table, and after a moment her father joined us. We sat talking about future plans and old times. We shared so many memories, the three of us, and as I caught her exchanging smile between us both, seeing the happiness it brought knowing we finally had his approval, I was ready to make more.


“Your stuff can’t go on this side!” I called out to him as he went to get the last of the boxes marked bedroom . I raked my hands through my hair and pushed Duncan’s shirts against the opposite wall of the closet.

We’d spent the entire day moving things into our new house, and even Shauna and Harris had stopped by the lend a hand. Shauna had helped me unpack and sort through our kitchen utensils, and since we had two of most things we’d created quite the donation box. Harris helped Duncan and a couple of the guys from his personal security office unload the heavy furniture. Since we had plenty of space and three bedrooms, we’d kept all of it and even bought us a new king size bed with the biggest headboard I’d ever seen for the master.

It had been delivered in the early morning and was being used to sort our clothes.

It was amazing what just six months could do, but then again, after being apart a decade, we were ready to spend every moment together.

Duncan carried another box in and placed it beside the others.

“Why can’t I put my stuff on that side.” I wasn’t sure he’d heard me.

“I want to be on the left side. I’ve already got all my shoes on that side. We can’t have our clothes on one side and our shoes on the other.” I gave him a smile, and he pulled me close giving me a deep kiss. It had been such a long day, and we were finally alone, so I melted against him.

He brought his arms around my waist and lifted me. He moved us around the stack of boxes and placed me on our new bed, away from all the clutter at the foot.

“It’s so comfy. I can’t wait to sleep in it curled against you.” I had so many things I was ready for. Our tub and shower were going to be fun, and we had plenty of rooms to break in. We’d vowed to claim each one and judging by the hardness of his cock that he pressed against me as I lay back on the bare bed, our bedroom as going to be first.

“I can’t wait to make love to you in it,” he whispered.

“I don’t think you’re going to have to.” I ground my hips up against him, and he moaned kissing me down my neck, over my breasts and only stopping to lift up his t-shirt that I’d borrowed for the work day.

“I’ll just take this back now if you don’t mind.” I giggled as he pulled the shirt up over my head and tossed it over his shoulder. Then I arched my back upward as he nudged his hands behind me to unhook my bra. He slowly slipped the cups free and wasted no time tossing it to the floor.

“You’re making a mess,” I teased.

“I have a woman to do all that domestic shit for me now, I’ve decided to be a pig.” He gave me a playful grin, and I knew he was just teasing me. He was much neater that I was, and I only hoped I’d live up to his standards or that he’d have lots of patience with me.

“Oh yeah?” I ground my hips as he slipped his finger into my waistband and tugged down my shorts and panties both leaving me naked.

“Yeah, she’s super sexy, makes me so horny.” He bit his lip to keep from grinning, and his eyes smoldered as he stepped back and pulled off his shirt. Then he hurried to remove his holey jeans, which he’d never looked hotter in.

“No, leave them,” I said as they fell even looser around his hips now that they were open. He wasn’t wearing anything under them, and so he stepped close and rubbed his cock against my folds, dragging his head through my wetness.

“You’re getting to be a dirty girl. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. Tell me what you want.”

I let loose a soft giggle and grabbed hold of his belt loops urging him forward. “I want you to fuck me.” I ground against him and a moment later felt the girth of his thick erection spreading me, splitting me apart with its heat. I moaned and pumped my hips to settle around him, still not quite used to his size, though he’d sworn I should be by now. We’d done it all, a few times now, and every single time, that first intrusion was tender, but as we got going, the pleasure overtook me and made it all worth it.

I tugged the loops tight as he pounded me deeply, his head hitting my depths and grazing my most sensitive spot along the way. I angled my hips and let him work that spot. I whimpered a plea, begging him not to stop. “Please, right there, baby.”

“Feels good huh, baby? You feel so good around my cock. I’m going to fill that tight little snatch.” He hissed the words through his teeth as he pounded his hips, gripping my ass with both hands. I let loose of the loops, and he pulled away before he could get me turned over, I slipped down to tug him closer, my face right at his crotch.

“I want to taste it.”

He gave me a smoldering smile. “You are a dirty girl. I like it.” I made him choke on the last word as my mouth closed around his head. I pulled tight on it and then gripped his base with as much pressure as I began to stroke him. With my other hand, I tugged and kneaded his sac, tonguing his tip in hopes for a taste. It drove him wild too, like always and he threw back his head and started to rock his hips. I relaxed my throat and took and deep breath, taking him past my tonsils and beyond. He pulled back a bit, to rest his head on my tongue, and shook his head.

“You’re going to make me come in that pretty throat. Is that what you want?” I glanced up at him with watery eyes and pulled off, wiping my mouth.

I turned and faced the bed, bending over to offer myself to him. “Good choice,” he whispered in my ear as he leaned over me. “Oh yeah, this is what I wanted to see.”

His words gave me chills as his breath kissed my neck and then he was plunging back into my soaking channel. “Harder, please,” I breathed, and he sped up his pace, my breasts bouncing so fast they slapped together creating a soft sound. He slung his arm beneath me and brushed a finger against my swollen bud, and before I could process a response, my pleasure took over, knocking my knees together and curling my bare toes.

“Fuck yeah, baby. Come for me. Come all over my cock.” He thrust relentlessly, and soon his own moans joined mine, ripping from his throat . His cock twitched deep inside me, and I felt his cum soaking me, and I milked him for all he had. Every last drop.

He continued his thrusts a moment more and then stilled, pulling out and I clenched to keep as much of his seed in place as possible, though some of it trickled down my thighs before I could stop it.

I spun around and lay back on the bed, and he lay beside me drawing lazy circles on my shoulder. “You’re so amazing. I love our new place, and I love you.”

He smiled and kissed my shoulder. “I love you too.”

“Everything is perfect.” Even though we’d talked about marriage, we had both agreed there was no sense in rushing it, but that was the only thing that could have made it any better.

“We better get back to work so we can actually sleep in this bed tonight.” He gave me a nudge, and I got up to go to the bathroom and clean myself up so I could get back to work.

I walked out in my robe. He was already dressed in a pair of boxer briefs. “Here, baby. Do something with this box. I’m not even sure what it is, but I’m sure it’s some of your stuff.” He pushed the box toward me, and it was light.

“It’s empty,” I said, glancing to the side for some kind of label. There in his writing, it said bedroom in bold letters with a little note scribbled beneath it. Open me .

I narrowed my eyes and figured he was giving me a housewarming gift and feeling a little bad that I hadn’t thought to do the same. I had thought our big bed was our welcome gift, but despite my guilt, I couldn’t wait to see what he had bought me.

Inside, the box was filled with white tissue paper. I pulled it out a piece at a time, tossing it to the floor. He gathered it and wadded it into balls as I made my way through it. There at the bottom, wrapped with more tissue paper was a tiny velvet box. He reached and took it. My eyes widened as he dropped to his knees.

“Everything is perfect, but for this one thing, Rachel. Will you marry me?”

Warm tears spilled onto my cheeks as I collapsed to my knees with him and he gathered me up into his arms as I said, “Yes.”

After a moment, his voice had softened, and he whispered sweetly in my ear, “I love you.”

“I love you too. I thought you wanted to wait.”

“We’ve spent too long waiting.” He brushed my loose strands away from my face.

I took his hand and kissed it, then held it to my heart. “It was worth it, Duncan. Every minute.”

The End