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Teach Me Daddy: A Mountain Man’s Secret Baby Romance by Hart, Rye (39)


A Billionaire and a Virgin Romance


I hated going to the mailbox. Nothing good ever came in the mail addressed to me. Some days the box was just crammed full of junk mail that I could toss in the trash without ever opening. I loved those days. I longed for them.

Then there are days like today; the first few days after the first of the month. The days when most of our bills came and I was reminded how close to the poverty line we really lived.

Today was November 3rd, so I knew even before I opened the mailbox flap what would be waiting for me on the inside. I wished I could have just ignored the mail altogether. I mean, would it be so bad for me to miss a payment or two? Really? Give a girl a break, will you Citibank and Capitol One and Wells Fargo? You can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip and you can’t squeeze money out of Maggie Dean.

Then I remembered that I was already ninety days behind on the things that I could let skate a month or two or three. The credit card people loved it when you let the balance float ninety days past due. I was paying more in late fees and interest that in principal.

Hard to believe that five dollar McDonald’s lunch that I charged to my credit card will cost me a hundred bucks or more before I get it paid off.

That’s how economics work in Maggie’s world.

Oh well. There was no need to prolong the pain any further. “Rip that Band-Aid off”, as my mom would say. I took a deep breath and opened the mailbox.

Stacked neatly inside the box was the gas bill, the phone bill, the electric bill, three credit card statements, and three threatening letters from the same credit card companies letting me know that I was ninety days behind.

No shit, Sherlock.

The hole I kept digging every month just kept getting deeper.

Gee, thanks for the reminders, guys. I mean, I had no idea I hadn’t made a payment in three months. Tell you what, let’s trade places for a week and see how you do in my shoes because I’m doing the best I can, but obviously, it isn’t good enough.

I’m one straw away from breaking the camel’s back.

And when that happens… shit, I don’t know what I’ll do.

The one bright spot of this morning’s trip to the mailbox was the thick pack of coupons at the bottom of the stack.

I tucked the bills under my arm and tore into the coupons as I walked back up the gravel drive to the house I shared with my best friend and cousin, Jackie, and my two younger brothers. Coupons were a necessity of life in Maggie’s world.

When you’re a college dropout, a chef-in-training, and a full-time replacement mom to two brothers, you need to save every penny you can.

If Jackie didn’t live with us to help cover the bills, this ship would have sunk months ago. That’s what my life felt like most days; like I was standing on the deck of the Titanic, watching the last of the lifeboats drift away, knowing there was nothing I could do but hold my breath until I finally went under.

Damn you, Rose, there was room on that door for Jack, too, you selfish bitch.

I made a grocery list in my head as I looked over the buy-one-get-one-free offers from the FoodMart.

We were almost out of milk (we were ALWAYS almost out of milk).

We needed bread, eggs, cereal, apple juice, fruit, frozen pizzas, laundry detergent; the list went on and on. How do four people consume so much? I suppose I shouldn’t be too shocked, given that two of those people are fifteen and seventeen-year-old boys.

We were constantly almost out of everything at the Dean house.

Jackie often said our last name should have been Hubbard because our cupboards were always bare. That would make me Old Mother Hubbard I suppose.

No thanks. That’s a title I do not want or need.

Although my current title wasn’t much better.

Hi America, I’m Maggie Dean, Queen of the tough breaks. I’m 24-years-old and I work as a chef-in-training at a small family restaurant in Mountain View, Colorado.

I love to cook, but had to drop out of culinary school when my mom died of cancer last year to take care of my younger brothers: Jimmy, fifteen, and Robbie, seventeen. They spend most of their time pushing my buttons and screaming things like “I hate you!” and “You’re not my mom!”

Okay, they aren’t total monsters all the time. Jimmy is a smart kid who works hard to keep his grades up and Robbie has a gig delivering pizzas at night and on the weekends. He puts most of his pay into the family kitty to help cover the bills. They’re good boys, they’re just in a lousy situation.

Oh, sorry, back to me…

My likes are quiet moments alone, having enough money in the bank account to cover the rent, and long walks on mountain trails where nobody is screaming my name or telling me how much they hate my guts.

My dislikes are pretty much everything else in my life.

Oh, and I’m a virgin… so, yeah, there’s that.

Thank you, America. Good night.

* * *

The tip of my nose was nearly frozen by the time I walked across the rickety front porch attached to our rickety house and made it inside. Even with the front door closed, I could feel the icy winter wind blowing through the cracks around the doorframe.

I picked up the heavy blanket that I tacked over the door to keep the wind out. I had to stand on my tiptoes to hold the blanket up and secure it to the doorframe with push pins. I built callouses on my thumbs every winter from pressing push pins into the walls trying to keep Old Man Winter out.

Jackie was sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands. There was a cigarette burning in the ashtray in front of her and a cup of coffee sitting under her nose. She was breathing in the strong aroma and letting the steam warm her face.

It was cold as fuck in the house because our heat only worked when it felt like it. I kept saying that we needed to get it fixed, but the money was never there. One more time, welcome to Maggie’s world.

“Long night?” I asked, dropping the mail on the table and refilling my coffee cup. It was a little past eight in the morning. I’d been up since six, prying my brothers out of bed and getting them off to school.

I didn’t really have to ask the question. I could tell by looking at her that she’d had a long night. Jackie worked as a waitress at The Classic Cat, a strip joint on the edge of town that was open 24/7. She worked third shift, so she’d just gotten home about the time the boys were leaving for school.

“Three bachelor parties last night,” she said, staring at me from under her hands. “I’ve never been groped so much in my life.” She nodded at the wad of crumpled one dollar bills she had dropped on the table. “Tips were good though. Maybe now we can get some heat up in this place.”

I gave her a smile and sipped my coffee as I let my eyes wander over her face. Jackie wasn’t much older than me, but life was weighing heavily on her. She had dark curly hair and a pretty, round face. She was full-figured, with big boobs that poured out of the bikini top and a big ass that barely fit into the short-shorts she had to wear to work.

I always made her wear a coat when she got home and the boys were here. I know how teenage boys think and I’m pretty sure cousin Jackie was the star of most of their wet dreams.

Jackie’s ex had beaten the shit out of her one night about six months ago and she showed up on my doorstep. Thank God, she never left. She kicked in money for bills and helped wrangle the boys. If she wasn’t here, I don’t know what I would have done.

“You need to spend some of this on yourself,” I said as I took the dollar bills and smoothed them out on the table with the back of my hand.

“There is nothing I need,” she said with a tired smile. “Other than a good night’s sleep and a good long fuck.”

“You’re terrible,” I said, frowning and smiling at the same time.

“And you need to get your cherry popped,” she shot back. “Come to the club tonight. I’ll get you laid and paid before happy hour is through.”

“Uh, thanks, but I’m going to pass.”

“Okay, but don’t say I never offered to help.”

“If I ever need help getting my cherry popped, Jackie Dean, you’ll be the first person I call.”

“Well that’s depressing,” she said with a tired smile. She picked up the cigarette and took a long drag off it, then waved the smoke away. She nodded at the stack of mail on the table.

“Anything from Publisher’s Clearing House in there? Please tell me we’re millionaires so I don’t have to serve drinks to douchebags anymore.”

“Afraid not this month,” I sighed.

“Too bad.” She took a slurp of coffee and licked her lips. “How are things at the restaurant?”

The restaurant Jackie was referring to was Robert’s Steak House. It was a local, family restaurant in downtown Mountain View owned by Carl and Doris Roberts. They had been my mom and dad’s best friends when they were alive. They took me and the boys under their wing and helped us when they could, but they weren’t rich, and every dime they had was tied up in the restaurant.

When I had to drop out of culinary school in Denver to come home after mom died, they gave me a job as a chef-in-training at the restaurant. It was just a fancy title for kitchen helper. It was hard work and long hours and shit pay, but I was working in an industry I loved and hopefully someday I would have a restaurant of my own. That was my dream anyway. I was pretty sure that would never happen, but I had to have some bright light at the end of the tunnel that hopefully wasn’t a train for once.

“The restaurant is good,” I said with a nod. “Business seems to be down, but Carl and Doris don’t seem too concerned.”

Jackie picked up her coffee cup and eyed me from over the top. “Have they said anything about selling out?”

I blinked at her. “No, why do you ask?”

Her round shoulders went up and down. “The rumor floating around the club is that some big company is trying to buy that entire city block where the restaurant sits so they can tear it down and build a hotel or something. The City Council is going to vote on it next month. Something about imminent domain, where the fucking city can just take the property and sell it to someone else if they think it will increase the tax base.”

“Such big words,” I said with a smile.

“Yeah, well, Ted likes to talk while I’m blowing him in the back of his car,” Jackie said wryly.

I smiled at her. Ted Reed was the married City Council President who frequented the club and screwed Jackie whenever his wife was out of town. Jackie didn’t know the difference between imminent domain and a Dunkin Donuts, but I did. I’d paid attention in high school government class while Jackie was off having sex with the captain of the football team.

“Did Ted say the name of the company that wants the property?” I asked.

She stubbed out the cigarette and shook her head. “Nope. Oh, shit, I almost forgot.” Her purse was on the table and she pulled it into her lap and rummaged a hand around the inside. She handed me a bent business card.

The card read: Charlie Prescott, Executive Vice President, Jenner Investment Group, Denver, Colorado.

I held up the card. “Who’s this and why should I care?”

“This guy came into the club last night with Tyler Jenner.” She paused for my reaction. I didn’t have a clue who she was talking about, so she held up her hands and swirled them in the air. “Tyler Jenner? Billionaire mountain man? Lots of muscles, long beard, shit loads of money? Just built that huge fucking log cabin on the side of the mountain west of town?”

“Okay, so?”

“Jesus girl, you’ve got to get out from under your rock,” she said, huffing at me. “Charlie Prescott is Tyler Jenner’s right hand man. They were both in the club last night and I heard them talking about staffing up the house he just built.”

I bit into my lip to keep from smiling at her. I swirled my hands in the air to match hers. “So, you were eavesdropping on them as you served them drinks?”

She made a funny face. “Do you wanna hear this or not?”

I hid my smile behind my coffee cup and gave her a nod.

“Anyway, I heard this Charlie guy say that they needed to find a local chef to work at the house or they would have to fly somebody in from Denver.”

“A chef?” I said, leaning in as if the word was drawing me across the table.

Jackie gave me a satisfied smile. “I happened to mention that my best friend and cousin Mags was a local chef who had gone to culinary school in Denver and might be interested in the gig.”

I felt my heart sink. “Jacks, I went to school for six months. I barely got past boiling water.” I sat back in the chair and felt the fleeting moment of hope fly away.

Jackie narrowed her dark eyes at me. “You can grill a steak and bake a potato, can’t you?”

“Of course.”

“That’s probably all this mountain man eats,” she said. “Look, you can follow directions in a cookbook, can’t you?”


She gave me a satisfied smile. “Good, because you have an interview this morning at eleven.”

My mouth literally dropped open and my eyes blinked like a slot machine. “What? Are you serious? I can’t interview for a job like that. Oh, shit, Jackie, what have you done?”

“I’ve gotten you the interview that could change your life,” she said seriously. “All you have to do is say ‘yes’ when he asks if you can cook something.” She smirked at me. “Trust me, if he ain’t impressed with your cooking, he’ll be knocked out by your boobs. Wear something tight. I’ll pick it out for you.”

“I’m not going to do that,” I said, giving her a scolding look. “If I can’t get the job on my cooking skills…”

“You’ll do fine, Mags,” she said. “Just be yourself. Everybody loves you. All you have to do is get the job, then you can figure out how to do it.”

“I don’t know, Jacks,” I stared at the business card in my hand.

Jackie reached across the table and put a hand on my arm. “Mags, people like us don’t get too many chances at grabbing the brass ring. This is your chance. You can do this. I know you can.”

I smiled at her. Jackie was always my biggest cheerleader.

“Okay,” I said. “I’ll go.”

“Good,” she said, squeezing my arm. “And Mags?”


“Don’t fuck this up.”


I always meditated for thirty minutes in the morning, no matter where I was or what I was doing. It was my way of reconnecting with a higher sense of my internal self and realigning my psyche with the nature and the cosmos. It was like fucking oxygen for me.

I would find a quiet place where I could strip off all my clothes and be stark-naked and alone, then spend the next thirty minutes just breathing and thinking of absolutely nothing.

It was hard to clear my mind sometimes. Especially now that my outdoor sporting goods company had shot into the stratosphere and made me a billionaire at age thirty-five.

Shit, I just wanted to sell hunting and camping equipment like my dad did out of his little shop in Denver before he died. Now, Jenner Outdoor has become one of the largest conglomerates in the world.

Jenner Investment Group, the parent company, not only had major holdings in retail, but also in tourism, real estate, hotels, travel, communications, and technology.

I didn’t understand half the shit we did anymore.

I just let my right-hand man Charlie Prescott handle the business side of things so the money would keep flowing into my bank account and I could hang out in the woods doing what I loved; hunting, trapping, fishing, traveling, and fucking – and not necessarily in that order.

I stood on the balcony off of the master bedroom of the log cabin that I had built on the side of a mountain overlooking the tiny town of Mountain View, Colorado. I spread my legs and stretched my arms toward the clear blue morning sky. I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly as I brought my arms down in an arc to my sides, then inhaled deeply as my arms swept up again.

It was fucking freezing outside, but that was all part of the process. I meditated outdoors as much as possible to be close to Mother Nature. I longed to become one with nature and the cosmos, and the best way to do that was to meditate outside.

Standing there on my balcony at 5,000 feet above sea level, I didn’t think anyone from below could see me, not that it mattered. I ran around naked most of the time when I was home. I wasn’t a nudist, per se. I just felt that clothing was a way of hiding one’s true self. With me, what you see is what you get. So if you’re afraid of knocking on my door and being greeted by Mr. Cock & Balls, don’t come a’knocking.

So, here I am out on the balcony, as naked as the day I was born, breathing in and out and swaying my arms. My nipples were hard as diamonds and my balls had literally crept up inside my body to stay warm.

My poor cock had drawn up like an accordion and I was counting down the seconds in my head. Thirty minutes is eighteen-hundred seconds. I counted backward as I meditated. I was at three… two… one.

I let my arms fall to my sides and blew out a final deep breath, clouding the air in front of my face, then hurried back inside. I closed the patio doors behind me and paused at the foot of the bed to stare at the naked woman who was sleeping there.

She was a redhead, with big tits and a shaved pussy. I could tell she was a natural redhead by the day-old stubble on her cunt. There was a butterfly tattoo on her right hip. I couldn’t remember her name, but I vividly remembered everything we had done. Tanya maybe. Or Tammy. Did it really matter? I had picked her up at the strip club last night and brought her home to christen the new house. And we had christened from every possible position.

I found my phone on the dresser and carried it with me into the bathroom. I turned on the shower to let the room steam up. I pressed Charlie’s number. I could hear his phone ringing in the bedroom across the hall. He answered on the third ring, as usual. I could tell by his voice that I had woken him up.

“What?” he asked. He still sounded drunk from the night before. “What time is it?”

“It’s eight in the morning and there’s a woman in my bed,” I said as I checked my reflection in the mirror. I turned my back to the mirror and looked over my shoulder. There were scratch marks trailing down my shoulder blades. Ah, Miss Redhead had claws.

“So, what do you want me to do about it?”

“I want you to get out of bed and make sure she gets home alright. You know how much of a dick I am with mornings after.”

“Fuck you, you asshole,” Charlie said. “Why is it I always get charged with sending them packing? Don’t forget, dick head, you’re interviewing that chef this morning.”

“I won’t forget,” I said, reaching in to adjust the water. “I’m going to take a shower. I’d like for the woman in my bed to be gone by the time I get out.”

“Yes, your highness,” Charlie said. “Shall I send a slave in to wash the royal dick for you, sir?”

I grinned as I reached down and tugged my cock back to life. It was still cold, but filled quickly with warm blood as it grew in my hand.

“No, I can handle that on my own. Just take out the trash please.”

“Yes, Mr. Jenner, sir. Have I failed to mention what royal asshole you are?”

I grinned as I tossed the phone on the counter and stepped into the steaming shower to wash the stain of the previous night away.


I could barely believe my eyes as my decrepit Honda Civic finally reached the driveway to Tyler Jenner’s ‘little log cabin’, as Jackie had called it. This little log cabin looked more like a resort lodge that had been built into the side of the mountain.

It was humongous, built from large logs that had been perfectly rounded and milled to a high sheen. The front of the cabin that looked out over the town of Mountain View was shaped like the letter A and made entirely of glass. Wherever you were standing on that side of the house, you had a magnificent view of the valley and town below.

There were several Hummers parked in front of the cabin, all dark green, with the white Jenner Outdoors logo on the side. I parked my shitty little Honda next to them and shut off the engine. I was freezing without the heat blowing, but I took a moment to check my reflection in the rearview mirror.

Because I didn’t have time and money to spare, I kept my blond hair cut short and didn’t wear much makeup. Chap Stick was my only luxury because the cold mountain air wreaked havoc on my lips.

I was wearing a pair of jeans and a heavy sweater that hugged my neck. Over that I wore a parka and a wool cap over my head and a scarf wrapped around my nose and mouth. I tugged the scarf down and checked my teeth in the mirror.

Good thing I’m not being interviewed for my looks , I thought with a sigh. It was no wonder I was still a virgin. I spent most of my life bundled in parkas or wearing an oversized chef’s jacket. A man would have to unwrap me like an artichoke to have sex with me. And I doubted that I’d be worth his while. There were too many other girls in Mountain View that wore far less and would do far more. Like my cousin, Jackie, whose favorite saying was, “You gotta use what the good Lord gave you.”

And use it, she did. I lived vicariously through Jackie. I’d learned more about sex from just listening to her exploits than an entire year in high school health class. And Mrs. Edgar, our 70-year old health teacher, did not offer descriptive advice like “cup his balls” and “swizzle the head” and “practice your gag reflex.” I may have never had my cherry popped but it wasn’t because I was against sex before marriage. I just never found the right guy. I guess I never really had the time to. Most of my adult life was spent worrying over or taking care of my mom, who came in and out of cancer. She was the most important thing in my life and it left little room to fill my mind with extracurricular activities. I didn’t mind it. I at least had Jackie’s wild sex stories to keep me entertained.

I got out of the car and hunched my shoulders against the freezing wind. I felt small as I looked up at the massive log structure before me. This was no log cabin, this was a log mansion.

I rang the front door bell and shoved my hands into my pockets to wait for someone to answer. I stood there with my shoulders hunched against the wind and my nose hidden behind the scarf. I was about to ring the bell again when door finally opened and there stood the most magnificent specimen of the male species I’d ever seen. I recognized him from the Google search I’d done before coming for the interview.

I was taken back all the bare skin on display. Standing before me, wearing nothing but a smile and a small bath towel around his waist, stood Tyler Jenner; bearded mountain man, retail billionaire, scandalous playboy, and hopefully the man who would turn my life around.

I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and forced a timid smile. “Mr. Jenner? I’m Maggie Dean. I’m here to interview for the chef’s job.”

“Awesome,” he said with a big smile. “I’m starving, so you’re right on time.”

* * *

I couldn’t keep my eyes off Tyler Jenner’s ass as he guided me through the massive house toward the kitchen. He was pointing out the game room and the media room and the living room and telling me about this animal head on the wall and that one.

All I could focus on was his broad, muscled back, and the little towel that barely covered his ass cheeks, like the miniskirts Jackie wore to work sometimes that were cut too short on purpose so the customers could see the bottom of her ass.

As much as I enjoyed the view, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was being pranked. I had to hide my school girl grin behind my scarf.

“And this is the kitchen,” Tyler said, holding out his hands to present the most amazing kitchen I’d ever seen. Holy mother! It literally looked like something from a magazine and it was bigger than my entire house. There were two commercial-grade refrigerators, two commercial ovens, and two six-burner gas stove tops. The countertops were expensive granite and the floor was Italian marble. A large island bar with a concrete counter top separated the kitchen from the living room, and on it was a coffee machine that cost more than my car. It was all very rustic, very manly, and very expensive.

“Take off your jacket and have a seat at the bar,” Tyler said with a smile. “I’ll get us a cup of coffee and we can talk.”

“Great, thank you,” I said, trying to keep my eyes from the bulge that was pressing against the front of his towel. I swear, if the towel was half an inch shorter I would have been able to see his balls dangling between his legs.

I took off the parka and unwrapped the scarf from around my head. I slid onto a stool and blew warm air into my hands as I watched him fiddle with the coffee maker.

I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his presence. He seemed larger than life, like a guy you’d see in a magazine ad or on a TV show about surviving in the wilderness.

I’d never seen a man so handsome with so much facial hair. His dark hair was cut short on the sides and left longer on top. His moustache was trimmed neatly above his mouth, but the corners were long and blended in with the whiskers on his cheeks and chin. The beard was dark and luxuriously-thick.

My eyes drifted across his thick chest to his nipples, which were dark and hard like little thimbles. My eyes drifted lower, following the little trail of dark hair down his abs and across his belly button. I could see just a hint of black pubic curls peeping at me from the top of the towel.

“So, tell me about yourself, Maggie Dean,” Tyler said as he measured out coffee beans and scooped them into the top of the coffee maker. “Your cousin said you were a chef at a local restaurant?”

“Yes, I work at Robert’s Steakhouse on West and Main.” I didn’t mention that I was just a chef-in-training because he probably would have laughed me out of the house. I tried to ply him with other details hoping he wouldn’t dig too deeply in to my background. “It’s a family-run restaurant, Carl and Doris Roberts are the owners. It’s been there like thirty years. The best steaks in town. Do you know it?”

“I know of it,” he said. “But I don’t think I’ve ever eaten there.”

“You should. The food is really good.”

“I’m sure it is,” he said. He pressed a button and the coffee maker started grinding the beans. He looked at me and smiled. “This shouldn’t take long. Honestly, I miss the good old days when all you had to do was dump in a spoon of coffee into a cup of hot water.”

He leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. He stretched out his long legs and smiled at me. I tried to focus on his eyes and not the bulge that seemed to be getting bigger behind the towel.

“Your cousin said you had taken culinary classes in Denver,” he said. “That’s my home town, you know.”

“I do, yes,” I said, licking my chapped lips. “I was taking classes at the Culinary Institute on Grand Avenue. Then my mom passed away and I had to move back home to look after my brothers.”

“How many brothers do you have?” he asked.

I was a little taken aback by his ability to carry on a casual conversation while wearing a loincloth that was starting to protrude from his body. Oh my God, was this guy getting a boner?

“Two younger brothers,” I managed to say, trying desperately to keep my eyes from wandering south. “Jimmy and Robbie. Fifteen and seventeen. I’m their legal guardian.”

“Teenage boys can be tough,” he said, shaking his head. He turned toward the coffee maker and pulled two cups down from the cupboard. He filled them both to the rim and brought them to the island.

“Cream or sugar?” he asked as he reached across to set my cup in front of me.

“No, black is fine,” I said, inhaling his scent along with the coffee’s. He smelled like soap and pine. I picked up the cup and warmed my fingers around it. I blew a cooling breath into the steaming liquid, then took a careful sip. It tasted amazing! So this is what real coffee tastes like.

“It must be hard,” he said. “Raising two teenagers all by yourself.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “You can’t be too much older than them.”

“I’m twenty-four,” I said. I felt my cheeks flush. Jesus, I was blushing like a silly schoolgirl. “And yes, it’s hard sometimes, and they hate me most of the time.”

“Ah, don’t take it personally,” he said, shaking his head. “They’re teenage boys. Their hormones are raging. Their little peckers are doing the thinking for them now. They won’t have cognitive brain function for at least another ten years or so.”

I felt my cheeks getting warmer. I glanced at him from over the rim of my cup and smiled. “I guess you’re right.”

“Hey, if there’s one thing I know, it’s teenage boys.” He took a sip of coffee and let the smile fade. “Trust me, I gave my dad lots of grief. I was hell on wheels, but I like to think that I turned okay.”

Yes, you certainly did, I thought. I licked my lips and cleared my throat. “So, can you tell me more about the position?” I asked.

He smiled at the word “position” and I wondered what was going through his mind. Tyler Jenner wasn’t a teenage boy anymore, but I got the feeling that he was still hell on wheels.

“Sure,” he said after taking a sip of coffee and wiping his lips on the back of his hand. “I plan on using this as my private retreat,” he said, nodding around the room. “Whenever I’m in town you’ll be expected to be here to prepare all of the meals. Some days that may be breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Other days it might just be lunch. It depends on how hungry I am.” He paused to gaze into my eyes. “I’m known to be ravenous at all hours of the day and night, so you would be on-call. Would that be okay?”

“Um, sure, I think so,” I said, trying to smile. I was feeling a bit like one of the three little pigs, facing down the big bad wolf.

“Since the position is on-call rather than full-time, you’d be paid a salary of $1,000 a week whenever I was in town, which will probably be six to eight weeks a year for now.” He blinked at me. “I trust that’s a little more than you’re making at the steak house.”

“It is,” I said with a nod. Jesus, a grand a week just for feeding this guy breakfast, lunch and dinner? Jackie was right. This could change our lives, or at least get us back to even with our creditors.

“Will it be okay with the old folks who own the steakhouse if I have to pull you away at times?” he asked. “I mean, will they be okay with you working a flexible schedule whenever I’m in town? I don’t want to mess up whatever you have going there.”

“Oh, yes, I’m sure they’ll be fine it.”


There was an awkward silence for a moment. I get nervous when no one’s talking so I asked, “What kind of food do you like?”

“I’m a basic carnivore,” he said, flashing his teeth at me. He braced his palms on the top of the island and his arms roped with muscle. “For breakfast I like eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, coffee, orange juice. Lunch is usually a sandwich of some kind; turkey, roast beef, ham, lots of cheese. Dinner is meat and potatoes.”

He gave me a playful look and wagged his finger at me. “Do not try to impress me with anything fancy because I do not eat anything I can’t pronounce.”

He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. He drained his cup in one gulp, then narrowed his eyes at me and licked his lips. “So, what do you think?”

“I think it sounds wonderful,” I said, gushing a little. “I can start right now, if you like. You said you were hungry.”

“Ravenous,” he said, his voice a low growl. He smiled at me again and I knew at that moment, it was too good to be true. He narrowed his eyes at me and showed me his teeth, like the wolf that had just gotten the little pig comfortable and was now ready to rip out its throat.

Tyler took a step back and let the towel drop from his waist. My eyes immediately went to the thick patch of black curls below his abs and the long cock that dangled from them. His cock wasn’t erect, but it was impressive nonetheless. It hung seven or eight inches long down his right leg. The shaft was thick and veiny, with a round head the size of a golf ball.

“See anything you like?” he asked, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest again. “We could talk about other duties if you like. I could easily increase your salary accordingly.”

I could barely believe my eyes and ears. Who did this prick think I was? I shook my head back to reality and brought my eyes up to his. He was grinning proudly.

His eyebrows arched. “Well? Shall we talk about a position?”

Without a word, I slid off the stool and grabbed my parka and started pulling it on. The smile left his face.

“Wait, where are you going?”

“Thank you for your generous offer, Mr. Jenner,” I said as I wrapped my scarf around my head. “But I’d rather starve than work for an arrogant asshole like you.”

He covered his cock with his hands and gave me a confused look. His voice took on a nasty tone. “This arrogant asshole could buy and sell you, sweetheart.”

I blinked away the tears and gritted my teeth at him. “No, Mr. Jenner, you couldn’t. Because I’m not for sale. Not to you or anybody else.”

I turned and ran for the front door.

As I was crossing the marble foyer, I saw another man dressed in an expensive suit coming down the stairs with a red head that I was sure worked at the Classic Cat with Jackie.

The man was counting out hundred dollar bills into the girl’s hand.

When he saw me heading for the door, he paused for a moment, shook his head, then went on counting.


As a successful entrepreneur, I knew the importance of making a good first impression. Granted, when you’re a billionaire you’re not as concerned about it as a guy who was struggling, but the point is valid, nonetheless.

Always make a good first impression, they say.

People judge you by the first impression you make, and you only get one shot at it.

Well, I’d say that I had made a pretty strong first impression on Maggie Dean. Whether it was a good one or not, remained to be seen.

My first thought of Maggie was that she wore too many clothes.

She came in bundled up like an Eskimo, and even when she shook off the parka, I couldn’t tell much about her body.

She was wearing jeans that nicely-fit her tall, curvy frame, and a bulky sweater that I think was hiding a nice big set of tits.

Her blond hair was cut short and worn messy. She had a naturally pretty face, perfect lips that curled into an easy smile, and piercing blue eyes that shot into me like lasers when she saw my cock dangling there.

Sadly, I could only imagine what she looked like underneath all those clothes. And that made me even more determined to find out. Who knew my anaconda would scare her off at one glance?

* * *

“Was that your new chef I just saw bolting out of here with the horrified look on her face?” Charlie asked as he came into the kitchen and found me standing at the sink with a fresh cup of coffee in my hands. When he saw my cock hanging out, he scooped up the towel from the floor and flung it at me.

“Oh for Christ’s sake, Tyler, not the old ‘can I stir your coffee with my cock’ routine again? You know that never works.”

“Sometimes it works,” I said with a shrug, slinging the towel over my shoulder. I scratched my balls and sighed at him. “You get the trash taken out?”

“Your overnight guest has left, yes,” he said, picking up Maggie’s cup from the bar and setting it in the sink. He pulled down a fresh cup and filled it with coffee, then took the empty seat at the bar. He tugged his iPhone from inside his jacket and tapped the screen.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

He held out the phone. “I’m Googling a local employment agency,” he said. “To find you a chef that doesn’t run off at the first sight of cock. I wonder if there are deaf, dumb, and blind chefs.” He paused to glance toward the door. “Hey, maybe the redhead who just left can cook.”

“She can cook, but probably not in the kitchen,” I said, flexing my eyebrows at him. “Her particular set of skills are much more suited to the bedroom. Or under the table at the strip club.”

Charlie chuckled as he fiddled with this phone. “So, I’ll call an agency and get some interviews lined up for later today. If you think you can keep the python in your pants long enough to interview them.”

“No need to call anyone.” I nodded toward the door. “I want her.”

He frowned at me. “You think you can convince her to come to work for you?” He nodded at my cock. “After you’ve shown her that? You’ll be lucky if she doesn’t file a complaint with the sheriff’s office.”

“I don’t think she’d do that,” I said. I drained the cup and set it in the sink. “She’s broke, raising two teenage brothers, and doesn’t have a lot of options. She’s a smart girl. She’ll come around, trust me.”

Charlie rolled his eyes at me. “Trust you? Jesus, Tyler, you flashed your cock at her and she ran out of here like she’d seen a ghost.”

“Or a monster,” I said with a smirk.

“Look, I know you’re used to women falling all over you, but that one’s not some lap dancer that’s gonna blow you under the table in a club or fuck you in the back of a Hummer. She’s a nice, local girl. If she goes to the sheriff and files a complaint…” He shook his head. “Look, all I’m saying is, we do not need trouble with the locals, so please, keep the fucking monster in your pants.”

“Don’t worry, Charlie. I’ll straighten things out with her.”

“By that you mean that you want me to straighten things out with her.”

“Duh,” I said with a grin. I slapped him on the shoulder and started to the door. “I’m going to get dressed. The monster is cold.”

He called after me as I went up the stairs. “Hey, don’t forget, we have to be back in Denver this afternoon for the meetings with the architects on the new project.”

“I won’t forget,” I said, trotting up the stairs. “I’ll be ready in an hour.”

I smiled as I went up the stairs two at a time.

I just needed Charlie to get Maggie Dean back to the house, then I’d do the rest.

She resisted my first offer, but everyone has a price.

All I had to do was keep upping the ante and at some point, Maggie Dean would say yes.

She would be naked and in my bed and begging me to fuck her.

I’d spent my life pursuing elusive game.

And I always bagged the prize.


There was no reason why I couldn’t do the same with Maggie Dean.


Jackie was looking at me with eyes as big as saucers. She had come by the restaurant after lunch to see how my interview with Tyler Jenner went. I told her it had gone great until he flashed me his cock and asked if I saw anything I liked. Asshole.

“You’re kidding me? He stood right there in the kitchen and showed you his cock? Who the fuck does that?”

“Billionaire douchebags I suppose,” I said with a sigh. I picked up another carrot from the bunch on the prep table and started slicing it into perfect quarter-inch cubes for the soup of the day. “Anyway, the goose that laid the golden egg had an attitude and a big dick, so I got the hell out of there.”

“Damn, girl, he wasn’t interested in laying golden eggs,” Jackie said with a grin. “He was interested in laying some virgin pussy.”

“Stop it,” I warned her, looking around to make sure no one had heard her.

“I’m serious. Men like him can smell an untapped pussy from a mile away. Like a shark smelling blood in the water. It’s all part of being a mountain man. That long beard is full of pussy receptors.”

I grinned and kept chopping. “You’re awful.”

She looked around the kitchen to make sure we weren’t being overheard. “You know Kat, the redhead that strips at the club?”

“I do,” I said with a smile. “In fact, she was leaving Big Cock Lodge about the time that I was.”

Jackie giggled and held out her phone so I could see the screen. “She texted me this morning. That dude gave her a thousand dollars for spending the night with him.”

“Which dude?”

“Jenner’s handler, Charlie what’s-his-name,” Jackie said, bumping my arm with her elbow. “Kat said that the mountain man nearly fucked and sucked the life out of her, then this other dude paid her a thousand bucks and called her a cab. Can you imagine that, a thousand bucks to be fucked by that guy? I’d have done it for free.” She tapped a finger to her chin. “Maybe I need to start stripping.”

“That’s called whoring, not stripping,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “Please don’t talk that way around the boys.”

“The boys aren’t here,” she said. “Kat said he was like some wild animal. He fucked her front ways, sideways, backwards, and forwards.”

“Sounds exhausting,” I said, pushing the hair off my forehead with the back of my hand. “Now please, I have to work.”

“Doesn’t that make you want to, you know…” She made a circle with her left-hand thumb and forefinger, then plunged her right index finger in and out of it. “Can you imagine, having your cherry popped by a billionaire mountain man? How freakin’ awesome would that be?”

“Enough, Jackie,” I said, shaking the knife at her. “My cherry is just fine, so I wish you would stop worrying about it.”

“Girl, you are missing out,” Jackie said with a grin. “That thing’s gonna shrivel up and die if you don’t use it soon.”

My cellphone was in the front pocket of my chef’s jacket and it buzzed against my hip. I nodded at the pocket. “Get that, will you. It’s probably the boys.”

Jackie stuck her hand in my pocket and brought out the cellphone. She slid the screen to answer the call on speaker.

“What now?” I asked, thinking it was one of my brothers or their school on the line. I typically got called by the school several times a week to answer for something they’d done. I loved my brothers dearly, but I couldn’t wait for them to grow up and take responsibility for themselves. They were making me old before my time.

Instead, a man’s deep voice came through the little speaker.

“Miss Dean? This is Charlie Prescott, calling on behalf of Mr. Jenner.”

Jackie and I gave each other the same dumb look. She bumped me with her elbow again. “Yes?” I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

“Mr. Jenner asked me to inform you that you have the job as his personal chef if you want it. We are heading back to Denver this afternoon, but we will be back in Mountain View on Monday and he’d like you to start then.”

“Um, well, I don’t think…”

“Miss Dean. You have Mr. Jenner’s sincerest apology if there was a miscommunication this morning. And you have my personal guarantee that from here on out, your relationship with our company will be totally respectful and professional,” Charlie tried to assure her.

“I’m not sure I can…”

Jackie was still holding the phone. She brought it to her mouth and took a quick step back from me. “Thank you, Mr. Prescott. That sounds awesome. I’d love to work for you!”

“Excellent,” he said. “Text me your email address and I’ll send a list of Mr. Jenner’s favorite foods. I’ve already set up an account at the local market, so do the shopping for everything you’ll need for the week and just charge it to our account. Mr. Jenner will see you on Monday.”

Then the phone clicked off.

I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. “Jesus, Jackie, what did you do?”

“I just did what you should have done, cousin,” she said with a smile. “Don’t worry, he learned his lesson. I guarantee you that Tyler Jenner won’t bother you again.” She slid my phone back into my pocket and pecked me on the cheek, then added, “Unless you want him to.”

* * *

I didn’t get off work until nearly midnight because a large party had come into the restaurant at the last minute, and the restaurant wasn’t doing so well that Carl could turn paying customers away. They all had salads, appetizers, entrées, and desserts, so it was a wise decision for us to stay late until everyone was well-fed.

I had just finished wiping down the prep table when Carl came in to hand out the paychecks for the week. I was putting on my parka when he held out the envelope containing my check. I didn’t bother opening the envelope. I made ten bucks an hour and I worked forty hours a week, and Uncle Sam kept a big chunk of it. You didn’t have to be a math genius to know that I made exactly squat.

“Thanks, Carl,” I said as I tucked the envelope inside my parka. I tugged the gloves from my pocket and gave him a smile. Carl and Doris were like family to me and the boys. If it wasn’t for them I’d probably be working at the Classic Cat with Jackie.

“Carl, can I ask you something?” I started.

Carl sorted through the remaining envelopes to see who he hadn’t yet paid. He glanced around the kitchen to see who was left, then cocked a grey eyebrow at me and smiled. “Sure, honey, what is it?”

“Have you heard anything about some company wanting to buy this entire block and put up a hotel?” I asked carefully.

Carl wore wire rimmed glasses that were always smudged. He took them off and cleaned them on his tie. “Oh, there have been rumblings about that for years,” he said. “I’m not too worried. We’ve been here thirty years and I own this building and the land it sits on. I doubt the city would let anyone just buy the place out from under us.”

“That’s good,” I said with a smile. God, I hoped he was right, although, there was something in Carl’s voice that told me that he wasn’t telling the whole truth. Carl wasn’t one to put his problems on others; especially on someone like me that relied on his business for my livelihood.

I gave Carl a kiss on the cheek and he opened the back door to let me out. He watched and waited until I was safely in my car. The chilly night air bit at my face as I got into my Civic and fired it up. Carl gave me a wave, then went back inside and closed the door.

Thank God the boys were already asleep and Jackie had gone to work by the time I got home. I’d had enough human interaction for one day. I just wanted to stick in my ear buds and listen to a little John Legend as I soaked in a hot bath.

I locked the bathroom door. I learned to do that living with teenage boys. I turned on the water to fill the tub and I let the water run steaming hot as I stripped off my clothes.

I always came home smelling like whatever food I’d helped prepare, and tonight was no exception. I could smell it in my hair and on my skin. I took off the chef’s jacket and held it to my nose. It wreaked of garlic and onions and I dropped it to the floor. I shimmied out of my jeans and panties, then took off my bra and dropped it onto the pile.

I stood in front of the mirror above the sink for a moment as I waited for the tub to fill. I gave myself the once over, wondering what Tyler Jenner saw that made him want me. Or made him think that I wanted him. Or maybe he didn’t want me at all. Maybe he just wanted to shove his cock into whatever orifice I’d offer him.

Maybe Jackie was right. She always said fucking wasn’t about people; it was about body parts.

I seriously doubted that I’d made that much of an impression on Tyler Jenner. In fact, he probably couldn’t pick me out of a line up. Who was I kidding? Tyler Jenner didn’t flash his junk because he thought I was hot. He did it because he wanted to see what I would do. He’d just spent all night screwing the red head with the big tits. What did he want with the likes of me?

I was thin, like my mom, with decent boobs and nipples that stood out like pencil erasers when they got hard. I kept my blonde bush trimmed neatly. I thought about shaving it once, but Jackie told me the hair would drive me nuts when it started growing back in.

I blew a long sigh at my reflection, then stepped into the tub. The tub was full and the room was steamy, so I slid down into the water, then put in the ear buds and closed my eyes.

* * *

I was back in Tyler’s log cabin.

I was sitting at the island with the cup of steaming coffee between my hands.

Tyler was leaning against the counter and the towel that had been covering his cock was on the floor at his feet.

“See anything you like?” Tyler asked, smiling down at his cock, which was hard and thick and pointing at me like a stiff arm. The bulbous head had swollen to a deep crimson. I could see little droplets of his juice gathered at the slit. He wrapped his fingers around his cock and slowly stroked it back and forth until the head turned purple.

“I like your cock,” I said, the words carried from my lips on a deep sigh.

I looked down and realized that I was naked. My nipples were hard. I spread my legs and saw my juices pooling on the stool beneath me.

Tyler was suddenly in front of me now, close enough to touch. I could feel the tip of his cock pressing into my belly button. The tip was wet and it left a little trail of moisture on my skin.

I cupped his balls with my left hand and took his cock into my right. I rubbed the underside of the head against my belly, making him moan.

He put his hands behind his back and gazed down at me. “I want you to suck my cock. I want you to slide it through your luscious lips and take it all into your beautiful mouth. Now.”

I didn’t hesitate. I dropped to my knees in front of him, all the while keeping my gaze on his eyes. He took his cock in his hand and milked it for a moment. He held the head to my lips and it grew larger before me. He wound his fingers into my hair and pulled me to him.

I dug my fingers into his rock-hard ass and let my tongue swirl around the underside of the head, where the little nerves meet the shaft. I tasted his juices on my tongue: hot and salty, like the ocean in the summer time. I wrapped my lips around the mushrooming head and sucked on it for a moment. Tyler’s fingers tangled in my hair and he softly moaned my name.

I took more of him into my mouth. He was ten inches long, thick and hard. He pulled my head toward him and his cock slid into my mouth an inch at a time. I pulled back and he slid across my lips. He pulled me toward him again, and again I pulled back, closing my lips tightly around the shaft, milking with my mouth.

“I want my cock in your pussy,” he said, smiling down at me. He reached down and put his strong hands on my arms and pulled me up as if I were weightless. He lifted me until my toes dangled in the air and he pressed his lips hard to mine. His hot tongue probed my mouth and I sucked on it sensually. I could feel my hot juices running from my pussy down the insides of my thighs.

“Turn around,” Tyler said, setting me on the floor and directing me with his hands on my shoulders. “And bend over.”

I did as I was told. I turned around and bent over with my hands on my ankles, exposing my pussy and asshole to him. He dipped his fingers into my tight, pink hole and moved them around until I thought that I was going to come. He withdrew his wet fingers and took his cock in hand.

I felt his fingers dig into my hips and the tip of his erection pressing into my throbbing pussy. He slid inside me, causing me to flinch. I could feel myself stretching to accommodate him. Then, he slowly slid in another inch, then an another, then another. Soon, his entire cock was inside me, filling me up so much that I felt like I might burst.

Then he slid fully out of me until the head rested at my opening, then thrust himself in fully again, making me gasp at the feeling.

The pain was intense for a moment, then, slowly, with each stroke, the pleasure built until I was screaming his name and pressing myself against him. I could hear our skin slapping together and I could smell the aroma of our sex in the air.

“I’m going to come,” he said, pressing his hands into my hips as he jackhammered in and out of me. My pussy tightened around his shaft as he came. I could feel the hot cum warming my body as he emptied himself inside me.

“Oh God,” I moaned as every muscle in my body tightened and my juices spewed from within my cunt to mix with his.

I looked over my shoulder at Tyler. He smiled and said, “COME ON, MAGGIE, I GOTTA PEE!”

What the hell?

Why did Tyler sound like my younger brother Tommy?

My eyes fluttered open.

I was sitting in a tub of cold water and daylight was breaking through the bathroom window.

My fingers were buried up to the knuckles inside of me.

“Maggie!” My brother was beating on the bathroom door.

I sighed as I pulled myself out of the tub.

Welcome to Maggie’s world.


I had Charlie on speaker phone as I drove the Hummer from the little airstrip where we landed the corporate jet outside of Mountain View to the cabin on the side of the mountain. Charlie had remained behind in Denver to work out the details of the latest development project we had in the works. There was no rush for me to get back to Mountain View, other than I wanted to see Maggie Dean again.

Silly, I know, but I had not been able to get the look of shock on her pretty face when I flashed my cock at her out of my mind. Hell, I didn’t flash it. I practically flung it out there and yelled, “Come and get it!”

I would never admit it, especially to Charlie, but a part of me felt bad for what I’d done to Maggie. It was pretty fucked up after all. I just met the girl and offered to pay her for opening up those fuck-ably long legs for me.

I’d gotten so used to being the “billionaire mountain man” they wrote about in Playboy and Esquire that sometimes, common decency just flew out the window. I was the swinging dick party boy who ordered up women like fast food from a menu.

I’ll take a blonde, a brunette, and two redheads to go, please. And keep them coming.

It was almost like I didn’t know how to act around a real girl anymore.

Maggie was real. She was different. She was sweet. She had self-respect. I couldn’t get her out of my mind.

The women I usually hung out with dropped their panties at the sight of me, but Maggie brought me back down to earth. As much as she needed the job, she didn’t hesitate to tell me to screw off. I had to make her mine.

I guided the Hummer along the mountain road as I listened to Charlie complain about the bribes he was having to dole out to building inspectors and various government officials to get the deal done. I told him I didn’t need to hear those kinds of details and he quickly changed the subject.

I sometimes had to turn a blind eye for the good of the company. If some lawyer down the road asked me about any of our shady dealings in Mountain View I wanted to be able to pass a lie detector and say, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

That’s why I had Charlie.

Charlie was my dirty deal maker.

He was paid millions of dollars to get the job done, no matter what it took or whose palm had to be greased or who got hurt in the process.

My hands were clean and my conscience was clear. Sort of.

I had no problem sleeping at night.

I counted hundred dollar bills to fall asleep like normal people counted sheep. I just wanted to win, period. End of story.

I’d been accused by competitors of using shady business practices in building my empire, but they’d never been able to prove a fucking thing.

Building an empire is like building a house: it’s all about the layers of insulation. And I was about as insulated as the CEO of a billion-dollar conglomerate could get.

Honestly, there’s no such thing as ‘a little shady’ in my world.

That’s like being ‘a little pregnant’ or ‘a little dead’.

It’s all shady. And it’s all business.

Being a nice guy killed my dad and I’d be damned if it would do the same to me.

Tyler Jenner always came out on top. No exceptions, no mercy.

As I turned onto the narrow road leading up to my cabin I started thinking about my dad, which I often did when I was alone.

I wondered what he would think of his little boy now, all grown up and on top of the world.

He would have been proud of where I was on the ladder of life, but maybe not so proud of the tactics I had used to get there.

Jim Jenner had started Jenner Camping Supply in a little hole-in-the-wall shop in Denver when I was just a kid. He had loved to camp and spend time outdoors, and he’d always wanted his own business. Even though he knew nothing about running a retail shop, that hadn’t stopped him from dumping his life savings into a venture that would eventually kill him.

Jenner’s sold camping equipment, rifles, hunting bows, knives, thermal underwear, and just about anything else you’d need to survive in the woods.

The problem was, dad didn’t have what it took to survive in business.

He was too fucking nice.

He wasn’t cutthroat enough.

He let people and vendors take advantage of him.

He gave people credit and discounts.

He let them take merchandise without paying.

He lent money to customers.

He let people slide.

And they all sucked off him like leeches until he went broke and couldn’t keep the shop open anymore and his loyal friends had abandoned him in droves.

At just forty-three years old, he’d had a massive heart attack a week after he closed the store. He’d died with an empty bank account and a broken heart.

And what did I learn from my dad’s experience?

That people are parasitic assholes who will suck you dry and leave you to die if you let them.

In business, loyalty always comes at a price.

You must do unto others before they do unto you.

That’s the mentality I had when I used my dad’s life insurance money to reopen his shop as Jenner Outdoors. I sold the same basic camping supplies my dad did, but I added a ton of specialized equipment and gadgets like range finders, GPS units, high powered scopes, and other “big boy toys”.

It was the mentality I used to build Jenner Outdoors from a little store on a Denver side street into a massive megastore downtown, into a nationwide chain of stores, into the global conglomerate that it is today.

That’s still my mentality.

I’ll get mine, you get yours.

And if I want yours, then by God I’m going to get it too.

* * *

The cabin finally came into view and Charlie was still rambling on. I cut him off. “Charlie, I’m pulling up to the cabin. I don’t need to know all the details of the project. Just get it done and fax over whatever I need to sign.”

“Fine, okay,” Charlie said. I could hear him sigh through the speakers. “Hey, don’t forget, your new chef should be there today. Try to keep your clothes on at least for a few hours.”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry,” I said. I smiled when I saw Maggie’s battered Honda parked in the drive. I pulled up next to it and shoved the gear into park. I asked, “So, when are you coming back to Mountain View?”

“We have a meeting scheduled with the mayor and town council on Wednesday. I’ll fly in then. Do you want to attend that meeting?”

I shook my head as if he could see me. I said, “Nope. Just do what you have to do and let’s get this thing moving.”

“You got it,” Charlie said. “And Tyler?”


“Don’t fuck this up again.”


I spent most of the morning buying groceries to stock Tyler’s kitchen. Mr. Prescott had set up a charge account at the FoodMart and emailed me the list of Tyler’s favorite foods. It was up to me to figure out the recipes and list the ingredients I’d need, but that wasn’t too difficult because there was nothing fancy on the list.

You don’t need a recipe to grill a steak.

Tyler had called himself a basic carnivore and the list proved it.

I sat in the car outside of the FoodMart and went down the piece of paper in my hand.

Eggs, bacon, biscuits, gravy, hash brown potatoes, porterhouse steak, filet mignon, ribeye, pork, hamburger, meatloaf, baked potatoes, various vegetables, any kind of homemade dessert (nothing frozen). Coffee, iced tea, milk, orange juice, bottled water, Coors in the bottle.

It was not unlike the list I made every week, only this time I didn’t have to bargain shop or clip coupons, or skip buying something that wasn’t on sale. Money was no object to Tyler and I doubted he would have given a crap about getting fifty-cents off of dishwashing liquid.

When I left the store, my old Honda was packed to the gills. She struggled to get up the mountain road to the cabin. There were a few times I leaned into the steering wheel and urged her on, “Come on, old girl, you can do it! Get up that hill!”

Mr. Prescott had said that there would be a key to the back door waiting for me when I arrived. I found it under the mat and let myself inside. I paused in the kitchen for a moment as images of Tyler’s naked body flashed through my mind. I shook my head to drive the images away, then spent the next hour unloading the car and stocking the cupboards and fridge.

* * *

I was sitting at the kitchen island making out the menu for the week when I heard the front door open and someone stomping snow off their feet. Tyler’s deep voice called out as he walked through the house to the kitchen.

“Honey, I’m home!”

My nerves immediately started to hum at the sound of his voice and the hand holding the pen started to shake. My breathing came in short gusts and my mouth was suddenly dry. I resisted the urge to dig the Chap Stick out of my purse. Licking my lips would have to do and I did it quickly, before he came in.

I swallowed the lump that had lodged in my throat and forced myself to smile.

“Good morning, Miss Dean,” he said, coming into the kitchen with a big smile on his face and a bouquet of red roses in his right hand. He bowed and held the roses out to me. “For you, with my sincerest apologies.”

“Really? Oh my, I mean, that’s really not necessary.” I held the roses to my nose and inhaled their aroma. “They’re beautiful. Thank you. Where on earth did you find roses in Mountain View this time of year?”

“I brought them with me from Denver,” he said with a proud smile that made his moustache twitch. He was wearing tight jeans stuffed into a pair of hiking boots and a thick corduroy jacket with a fur collar. He took off the jacket and hung it on the back of a chair. Underneath, he was wearing a long john shirt that fit his muscled frame like a glove.

“Is there coffee?” he asked, rubbing his hands together to warm them.

“There is,” I said. “I’m afraid I couldn’t figure out your fancy coffee machine, so I used the Mr. Coffee maker I found under the sink.

“Fantastic,” he said, pulling down a mug and filling it to the brim. “I hate that damn machine.” He picked up the mug and slid onto a stool across the bar from me. His handsome face turned serious.

“I want to apologize for the other day. It was a silly thing to do.”

“It’s fine,” I said with a smile. I felt my nerves easing a bit, though I was still not ready to drop my guard around him. “I have teenage brothers, I know what idiots boys can be.”

He smiled and I felt a warmth cover over me, like a blanket wrapping around my shoulders.

“Boys never stop being idiots,” he said. “Even when they’re adults.”

“I have often found that to be true,” I said with a sly smile. I set the roses on the bar and picked up the pen. “I’m just making out the menu for the week. Will you be here for every meal?”

“I’m not sure at this point,” he said. “Charlie is coming in on Wednesday, so I thought I would spend a couple of days getting to know the town and maybe do some hiking. Can we be flexible?”

“Sure,” I said. “If you can just give me a little heads up, I can have something prepared for you in no time.”

“I am a big fan of flexibility,” he said. Even with his clothes on, Tyler was the sexiest man I’d ever seen. His eyes twinkled when he smiled and the corners of his lips disappeared behind the moustache. I felt myself getting warm from the inside out.

He sipped the coffee for a moment and watched me work on the menu. I looked up to catch him looking at me.

“So, um, do you want me to fix something for lunch?” I asked.

“Actually, I was hoping you might give me a tour of the town this morning,” he said, licking coffee from his lips. “I haven’t really spent a lot of time here, so maybe you can show me around.”

It was an odd request, and I didn’t know what to make of it.

“There’s not much to see,” I said. “A few shops and restaurants. Tourist season doesn’t start for another month, so it’s kind of quiet.”

“I like quiet,” he said.

I blinked at him. He was smiling at me again. Damn, that smile.

“Um….okay, I mean, did you want to go now?”

“I do,” he said. He picked up the mug and drained it, then set it in the sink. He extended a hand toward the door and smiled. “After you.”


I held Maggie’s hand as she climbed into the Hummer. She settled into the passenger seat and buckled up while I climbed in behind the wheel.

“Oh my gosh, it’s so big!” she gushed, looking around the inside of the Hummer.

I resisted the urge to say something incredibly inappropriate.

She leaned back and ran her hands along the armrests. “This seat is like sitting in a recliner!”

I grinned at her. “Have you never been in a Hummer before?”

“I’d never even seen a Hummer before I met you,” she said. She was like a kid, the way she fiddled with the seat warmer and the climate control. In seconds, it was toasty inside the car. I felt myself getting warm, but it wasn’t from the hot hair blasting from the dash.

“My butt’s getting really hot,” she said, adjusting the temperature dial on the console. She glanced at me, aware of the innuendo. “I mean…”

“You mean your butt’s getting hot,” I said with a smile. “Look, Maggie, I’m not going to take every comment you make and turn it into something dirty. Relax.”

She gave me a timid look, then a smile broke across her lush lips. “Okay, sorry, I’m just still…”

“Nervous? Wary? Unsure that I’m not some kind of billionaire serial rapist?”

“What? No!”

“Maybe you’re just embarrassed that you’ve seen my junk and I haven’t seen yours.” I gave her my most innocent smile. “Just relax and let’s enjoy the day. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a day off work. I don’t want to spend it walking on eggshells.”

“Agreed,” she said with a smile that warmed the air even more. “Let’s enjoy the day.”

And that’s exactly what we did.

We parked the Hummer on Main Street and Maggie gave me a walking tour of the town. She led me through the various shops along Main Street, introduced me to the owners and the customers. Everyone seemed to know and love Maggie.

We browsed antique shops, had coffee at a little place called Best Beans, and had lunch at the steakhouse where she worked. The old couple that owned the place greeted her like family, then looked at me as if I was there to rob the place.

Maggie introduced us and the old man shook my hand. The old woman eyed me for a moment after I greeted her.

“They’re just a little wary of strangers,” Maggie said as she led me to a table and sat down across from me. “They’ll warm up to you, don’t worry.”

I gave her a smile and gave the place a casual look. The building was old, the décor was outdated. There were water stains on the ceiling and worn spots in the carpet. There was a heavy smell of grease in the air. It was the stereotypical touristy mom-and-pop operation, but Maggie seemed proud of the place, and eager for me to share her enthusiasm.

I put on a smile and let her order for us from the lunch menu. We both had the cheeseburger and fries. Maggie bragged on the burger as she ordered it, and swore it was the best burger this side of Denver. I resisted the urge to ask if she’d ever even had a Denver burger.

Smile Tyler. Don’t be a douche.

It was a decent burger, but nothing special.

I choked it down and focused more on the conversation than the food.

I found myself enjoying her company immensely. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a leisurely lunch with a pretty girl who wasn’t trying to get her hooks into my wallet.

Maggie Dean was naturally beautiful, sweet, down-to-earth, unassuming, and had an air that made people gravitate to her. Everywhere we went a hug awaited her and people lit up when she came into the room.

I felt good just being around her. It was a feeling I wasn’t familiar with.

Then, the little voice in my head reminded me that the goal was to get into her pants; to get her naked in my bed, to get her to succumb to my demands and desires.

I’d never been refused by any woman, and I didn’t plan to start now.


Even though I was hesitant to take the job working for Tyler, the day spent giving him the tour of Mountain View turned out to be one of the most enjoyable days since my mom passed away.

Maybe it was because I hadn’t spent a lot of time around men his age. Granted, he was just ten years older than me, but he seemed so worldly, so mature. The “cock flashing” incident aside, he was one of the smartest, most charming men I’d ever met.

He got misty-eyed when he talked about his dad and the little shop on the side street in Denver.

I wish all guys knew this about women. We love it when they cry. We love seeing their vulnerable, sensitive side.

Then his eyes danced as he talked about building the one little shop into a national chain, then branching out into hotels, tourism, and a dozen other things.

We walked and talked and laughed and huddled close to keep warm as we made our way around town.

As the day progressed, I got to know the real Tyler Jenner and he got to know the real me. It was hard to believe that I was getting paid just to hang out with him. It was the easiest money I would ever make.

* * *

The day seemed to fly by. By the time the tour was over, the sun was behind the mountain and the snow was falling again; it made for a beautiful scene. I’ve always thought my hometown looked like it belonged in a snow globe in winter.

Tyler held my hand so I wouldn’t slip as he helped me into the Hummer for the trip back to the cabin. I turned on the seat warmer and sighed happily as my bottom started to get toasty. I glanced over at Tyler. He was smiling at me and I felt my cheeks getting as warm as the ones I was sitting on.

We were halfway up the mountain when the snow really started coming down hard. The wind had picked up and it rocked the Hummer sideways as it climbed the mountain road. I looked over at Tyler, who’d gotten quiet. He was holding onto the wheel with both hands, leaning forward to see the road through the swirling snow.

“Where did this storm come from?” I asked, forcing a smile to lighten the mood. “I’m glad we’re not in my old Honda.”

Tyler gave my knee a comforting pat. “Don’t worry. This thing will get us there through just about anything.” He glanced over at me. “But I’m not sure your car will get you back down.”

I heard the words and all the little voices inside my head started screaming at once. Some were joyous that I might be trapped at the cabin with Tyler. The other voices, the ones not associated with the parts of my body below the neck, were telling me to beware.

* * *

Tyler was gallant. He parked the Hummer as close to the front door as he could, then trudged through the foot of snow to come around to help me out. Rather than simply take my hand and lead me to the door, he scooped me up in his strong arms and carried me up the steps of the porch.

“I can walk!” I said, hooking my arms around his neck.

“I’m not going to have you break a leg your first day at work,” he said. He held me easily in one arm and opened the door with the other. Once we were inside, he kicked the door shut with his heel and gently set me down.

“I’m not sure you can get down the mountain in this storm with that little car of yours,” Tyler said as he dusted the snow from his hair. He took off his coat and hung it on the hook, then waited for me to do the same.

“What am I going to do?” I asked.

I know, it was a stupid question, but it had to be asked.

“There’s plenty of room here,” Tyler said, cupping his hands and blowing into them. “We could have a sleepover.”

His eyes sparkled like a little kid on Christmas eve.

“A sleepover?” I folded my arms over my chest and gave him a wary look. “Exactly what does that mean?”

“It means, you go into the kitchen and get us a snack while I get a fire started in the den. We’ll eat strawberries and drink hot chocolate and toast marshmallows and thaw out our bones. Then you go to your room and I go to mine.”

“Promise?” I looked at him sideway and resisted the smile that was itching at my lips.

He held up three fingers and gave me a serious nod. “Scouts honor, ma’am. Now let’s go. I’m freezing my butt off.”


While Tyler built the fire, I put together a tray of fresh strawberries, a caramel dip, slices of cheese, and an assortment of crackers. I fixed two large mugs of hot chocolate and layered the tops with tiny marshmallows.

It gave me time to pause and reflect over the day. I saw parts of Tyler that were actually genuine. It was as though he stopped trying to be someone he wasn’t. I had a feeling that I was the first person to see that side of him since his father passed away.

I liked that side of him.

Dammit Maggie. Are you falling for your boss? The same one that flashed you with his cock the day of your interview?

Maybe I was falling for the cock flashing mountain man.

Or, maybe a part of me wanted his cock. I guess my wet dreams since our first encounter was proof of that. Case closed.

The memory of seeing his erect manhood in his kitchen left me wondering what it must feel like having a man like Tyler inside of me.


This boyishly sweet charm, or his beautiful sweet cock?

I was tired and I couldn’t make a decision what part of Tyler I wanted more. I decided not to think too much about it and just be myself.

By the time I came into the den holding the tray in my hands, the fire in the stone fireplace was roaring. Tyler was sitting on the bear skin rug in front of the fire, using a poker to position the logs.

“Wow, that’s some fire,” I said, feeling the heat the moment I stepped into the room. I sat down on the rug across from him and set the tray between us. “You really are a boy scout, aren’t you?”

“More of a woodsman,” he said, giving me a smile that was bathed in the glow of the fire. “My dad taught me how to build a fire when I was old enough to strike a match.”

“I always just use the fake logs you get at the store.”

“That’s cheating,” he said, clicking his tongue. “And they don’t put out the heat like real logs.”

He set the poker aside and picked up his mug of hot chocolate. He took a loud sip and grinned at me with melted marshmallow clinging to the tips of his moustache.

I giggled and handed him a napkin.

“This has been a great day,” he said, wiping his mouth. He stretched out to lie on his side on the rug and propped himself up on one elbow. He glanced at me from beneath his dark eyebrows. “Did you enjoy it as much as I did?”

I cupped the mug of hot chocolate between my hands and held it to my lips. I smiled back at him. “It was a lovely day,” I admitted.

“I’m sad to see it end,” he said.

“So am I.” I sighed happily and gave him a tired smile.

“It could be a lovely night too, you know.” He stared into the fire and said the words softly, as if he were afraid saying them too loudly might frighten me off.

I took a deep breath and held it for a moment. A thousand thoughts went through my head. Suddenly I felt empowered and had an energy rush over me. It felt like I was releasing a sensual part of me I left dormant all these years. It was time I did something for myself.

My body warmed with the desire to feel Tyler’s hands on me. I wasn’t doing anything I didn’t want to do. In fact, there wasn’t anything more I wanted at this very moment, and this time I was going to take the lead.

With the taste of hot chocolate still on my tongue, I leaned down and softly kissed his lips.


When Maggie leaned down to kiss me, I knew that she was mine. The master hunter nabs his allusive prey once again. Maggie Dean would be a magnificent trophy to add to my collection.

Yet, as I was patting myself on the back, a thought came to mind that perhaps, in this case, the hunter had become the hunted.

Maggie was a smart girl; too smart to fall for my bullshit.

She had proved that the first day we met.

I had not pulled anything over on her, and if she didn’t want to be here, she wouldn’t be.

Maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are, said the little voice inside my head.

It doesn’t matter, just shut up and fuck her .

Without breaking the kiss, I rolled to my back and pulled Maggie down to lie on top of me. She put her hands on my cheeks and swirled the tip of her tongue around mine. I put my arms around her and my hands clutched her ass. She straddled my crotch with hers and I pulled her into me. I could feel her cunt pushing against my cock, which was so hard I thought it might rip through my jeans.

She sat up and tugged the sweater over her head, then undid her bra and let it slide down her arms. Her tits were large and milky white and her nipples were like pink pebbles that longed for my touch. I cupped them in the palms of my hands and squeezed her nipples between my thumbs and fingers. She moaned at the wonderful pain.

My cock was rigid beneath her. She started sliding her cunt along the length of it as I massaged her breasts. The heat was intense. I felt like I might explode any minute and we weren’t even undressed.

“Let’s get you out of these clothes,” she said, tugging playfully at my shirt. I was pleasantly surprised by her drive. I liked a woman who could take charge.

She got up long enough to shimmy out of her jeans and panties while I wiggled around on the floor to get out of my clothes.

When I lay back, my cock stood straight up like the mast of ship, ready for her to impale her beautiful pussy on it.

She was staring at my cock with a gleam in her eye.

She licked her lips as I wrapped my hand around it and stroked it to its full length.

“Now,” I said with a smile. “Where were we?”


The overdue virgin in my head was trying to get me through my first time without having a panic attack.

Just breath , she told me.

You’ll get through this.

Just breath.

My eyes widened at the sheer size of Tyler’s thick cock, jutting up from his curly pubes like a flagpole.

Tyler was stroking his cock with his right hand as he smiled at me.

There was no way the entire thing would fit inside me, but I would gladly take in as much as I could.

I sat down beside him and my hand took the place of his. It was the first cock I’d ever touched. It was hard and thick and round, and I was awed by the feel of it. The skin moved up and down over the muscular shaft. I stroked the shaft upwards and squeezed. Little drops of clear liquid came out of the slit. Without thought or hesitation, I lowered my lips to the tip and sucked them away. It tasted warm and salty on my tongue.

Tyler closed his eyes and moaned, reaching down so his hand could probe my liquefied heat. I spread my legs to give him easier access. I was flowing like lava as his fingers slid over my folds and around my clit. He dipped two fingers into my pussy and slowly fucked me with them. My entire body was on fire as the first orgasm I’d ever had by someone else’s hand shuddered through me. I took his cock further into my mouth and held my breath as I came, washing his hand with my nectar.

I got to my knees so I could bob my head up and down over his shaft. I held the base firmly and took as much of him into my mouth as I could. I almost gagged when the mushrooming head touched the back of my throat, but a few more strokes and I was taking him in with ease. My lips tightened around the shaft and I felt a shiver go through him.

He was close to coming and I wanted him to come inside of me.

I pulled my lips back from his cock and glanced up at him.

He was breathing heavily through his mouth and his eyes were glassy.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I want you inside of me,” I said. “But, Tyler you have to know something first.”

He got up onto his elbows and frowned. “Maggie, what it is?”

“I’ve never done this before,” I said softly.

He blinked at me for a moment. “You’ve never done what before?”

“This,” I said, wiggling his cock playfully. “I’ve never had a man’s cock inside me before.”

He looked at me as if he thought I was joking around.

“You’re fucking with me, right?”

“No. Honestly, I’ve never done this before.”

He frowned at me, like he was having a hard time believing what I was saying was true. “You’ve never fucked a man before?”

“You’ll be my first,” I said.

He let his eyes wander over my face. “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked, suddenly unsure that he should have pushed so hard.

“Oh yes, Tyler,” I said. I pressed my lips to the tip of his cock and gave it a little lick. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”

* * *

Tyler took my hips and guided my slippery cunt above his cock. I did as he instructed. I straddled him and bent my knees and lowered myself until I felt the head of his cock touch my aching center.

“Now, a little lube,” he said with a smile. He rubbed his cock against my pussy and slathered it around to lubricate the head, then lubed the shaft with his fingers. He held himself steady and said, “When you’re ready, just lower yourself a little at a time. If it hurts, just stop.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I held his free hand and lowered myself onto him slowly. I felt the head slip into me and I stopped to take a breath. There was a little discomfort, but I didn’t care. There was no stopping me now.

I put my hands on his hard abs to brace myself, then slowly let him impale me inch by glorious inch.

The pain was sharp and sudden, but once it subsided, I was able to go until he was almost fully inside of me.

I felt my pussy stretch around him as he drove deep inside me.

It felt amazing.

He grabbed my hips and started to guide me in a rocking rhythm, but within seconds, instinct took over and I was no longer a virgin, but an eager participant.

I let my head hang and slid my hips back and forth.

Tyler’s cock moved in and out and brushed my clit with every stroke.

“Oh… god Tyler… I’m going to cum…”

I heard myself say the words aloud for the first time.

I loved the way they sounded coming in gusts of breath from my lips.


When Maggie told me that she was a virgin and wanted me to pop her sweet cherry, I honestly thought I was in a dream. Virgins are like Bigfoot: you hear about them, but you never see one!

There was no way a beautiful girl like Maggie could be a virgin. I couldn’t even comprehend how her gorgeous ass had never been fucked before.

Be she is a virgin.

And I’m probably the luckiest bastard in Colorado.

She still has her cherry and she wants me to pop it for her.

My brain did a fucking happy dance, though I tried to be cool about it. Women like sensitive men who take things like virginity as something serious and sacred. It probably would have ruined the mood if I had started whooping and hollering and high fiving.

I was one lucky son of a bitch, all right.

I was like the fucking Starship Enterprise.

My cock was about to go where no man had gone before.

Maybe I didn’t deserve her, but by God I was gonna have her. Nothing was gonna stop me now from making some sweet cherry pie.

All that macho shit aside, for a beautiful girl like Maggie to give me something as precious as her cherry was pretty damn amazing. I knew I had to set the bar high. I had to make her first time amazing, because I wanted to have her again and again and again.

She started lowering her pussy onto my cock and I thought I was going to blow my load right then and there.

I have never felt anything so tight and wet and hot.

I watched myself disappear into her inch by inch.

I gritted my teeth and told myself to just hang on a few seconds more.

I felt the tip of my cock brush against the little veil inside her and then I felt myself push through it.

Maggie winced in pain and the breath caught in her throat, but after a moment she looked at me with tears in her eyes and smiled.

She was okay.

We were okay.

She closed her eyes and began to ride my cock like she’d been doing it all her life.

Maggie moaned and told me she was close to coming.

I was right there with her.

I felt every muscle in my body tense as her tight box milked my cock for all it was worth. Every nerve in my body was on fire as I emptied myself inside of her.

Maggie shuddered and moaned my name as I filled her with hot cum and she washed me with her warm juices.

We writhed and moaned for a moment more, then Maggie fell limp against my chest with my cock resting happily inside her.

I brushed the hair back and gave her forehead a kiss.

She looked up at me and smiled sleepily.

“Can I get on that ride again?” she asked.

I grinned at her and said, “As many times as you like.


What’s it like to be snowed in with a man like Tyler Jenner for two whole days? In a word: AWESOME!!

We slept late, then woke up and had sex.

We went downstairs to have breakfast, and had sex.

We took a shower together, and had sex.

We went out to play in the snow, and… well, you get the idea.

Tyler said I was making up for lost time and I said I didn’t care what he called it.

I called it having the time of my life.

I didn’t have any regrets losing my virginity to Tyler.

By Wednesday morning the sun was out and the snowplows were busy clearing the roads. I stood at the kitchen island sipping coffee, watching Tyler scarf down four eggs and a pound of sausage.

I was only wearing one of his large t-shirts and he was only wearing a little egg on his chin.

He grinned at me as he chewed.

I gazed out the frosty window and sighed.

“I guess I’d better go home today to see how much damage the boys have done to the house while I was gone.”

“Have you talked to them?” Tyler asked, picking up his coffee cup.

“I’ve talked to them several times. They’re okay. Jackie was there with them so the chaos was at least controlled.”

“Are you sure they can’t do without you one more day?” he asked, reaching across the counter to take my hand. “I’m not sure I can manage without you here.”

“You’re a big boy, Mr. Jenner,” I said. “I’ll be back later to prepare dinner.”

“Actually, that won’t be necessary,” he said as a thought came to mind. He picked up the cloth napkin on the counter and wiped his mouth with it. “Charlie will be here in an hour. We have meetings in town most of the day, so there’s no need to come back.”

I blinked at him for a moment. There must have been a look of hurt in my eyes because he smiled at me.

He said, “There’s no need to come back to cook. But if you’d like to come back for other reasons, that would be great.”

I rolled my eyes at my schoolgirl silliness.

“Sorry. All of this is kind of new to me.”

“All of this is kind of new to me, too,” he said, pulling me around the island and into his arms.

He lifted me up and my legs went around him. I could feel his cock growing hard beneath me.

He clutched my ass in his hands and started for the stairs.

“Come on,” he said with a wicked smile. “Let’s have one for the road.”


“So, tell me, how was it?” Jackie barely gave me time to get in the door and get my coat off before she started pelting me with questions.

“How was what?” Jimmy asked. My fifteen-year-old brother was sitting on the couch with his feet on the coffee table and a game controller in his hand.

Robbie, seventeen, was slouched next to him with the other controller between his hands, his thumbs furiously working the levers.

“The sex, you moron,” Robbie said without taking his eyes off the game. “Mags has spent the last two days boning a rich mountain man.”

“Oh, that,” Jimmy said. He shrugged and went back to the game.

“Seriously, Jacks?” I growled at her. “How could you tell them?’

“I didn’t tell them you were boning a rich mountain man,” she said. “I just said you were snowed in with your hot new boss, who happened to be a rich mountain man. They’re teenage boys. They figured the rest out on their own.”

“Whatever!” I walked down the hall to my bedroom with Jackie close at my heels. She closed the bedroom door and watched as I got out of the clothes I’d been wearing for two days.

“Well, you don’t look any different,” she said, eyeing my naked body as I searched the drawer for a fresh pair of panties. “How do you feel?”

I pulled on the underwear, picked a t-shirt from the drawer and pulled it over my head. I tried not to sound like a giddy schoolgirl. I failed miserably. My lips spread into a broad grin that I didn’t think would ever go away.

“It was amazing!”

I did a little happy dance as she squealed and clapped for the loss of my virginity. I held out my hands and she grabbed them.

“Honestly, Jacks, I had no idea what I’d been missing. I mean, oh my God, we did it in every room, in every position, in every!”

“Hole?’, Jackie ask. I gave her a smile.

“Oh you little whore! I love it!”

I squealed again.

“I’m glad you had so much fun,” she said, laughing at how animated I was. “I’m truly happy for you, Mags. So, you’re still going to cook for him?”

“Of course,” I said, picking up a pair of jeans from the floor and giving them a sniff to see if they were clean enough to wear one more time. They didn’t totally reek, so I tugged them on and went into the bathroom to wash my face.

Jackie tagged along. She sat on the toilet and watched me cover my face in cold cream. She was quiet for a moment, so I glanced over at her. She was biting her thumbnail. Jackie only bit her thumb nail when something was wrong.

“Jacks? What is it?”

She looked at me and sighed. “I hate to ruin your party, but I have some bad news for you.”

“Hang on a sec.” I wet the wash cloth and scrubbed the cream from my skin, then rinsed off the rest with warm water. I picked up a towel to dry my face and sat on the edge of the tub to face her. “Now, what are you talking about?”

“You know Ted. The City Councilman I date sometimes?”

I huffed at her. “Ted Reed. The blowjob king of Mountain View. Yah what about him?”

“Shut up.” She grinned, but it quickly faded. “Remember the other day when I told you that Ted told me that some big developer was looking to buy property downtown to put up a hotel and resort?”

“I do remember,” I said. “You said the council was going to vote on enforcing imminent domain to force the people to sell and I said it would never happen.”

Her head bobbed. “Well, it’s happening. The developer is in town today to sign some letter with the city. Between you and me, I think they are paying Ted and the mayor under the table to help them seal the deal.”

“The people aren’t going to stand for that,” I said. I felt a little chill creeping up my spine. I put a hand on her arm so she’d look up at me. “Jacks, what property downtown are they after?”

“The whole city block where Roberts’ Steakhouse and six other businesses sit,” she said. “They want to knock everything down and put up the new place before next tourist season.”

“I asked Carl about it the other day, but he said they were just rumors,” I said. “He said they’d never sell. They’ve owned the place for thirty years.”

“They may not have a choice,” Jackie said, her head turning slowly from side to side. “According to Ted, by this afternoon, it’s a done deal.”

“By this afternoon?”

“Ted and the mayor meet with the developer today.” She glanced at her watch. “They’re probably at City Hall right now.”

Holy crap, why didn’t I see it before? This was the business meeting Tyler was alluding to.

Why else would a billionaire like Tyler Jenner build a luxury cabin overlooking a dinky little town like Mountain View?

Why else would he take an interest in the antique shops and restaurants on Main Street?

The out-of-town developer that was going to destroy my little hometown and put up a tourist-trap hotel was the man I thought I was falling for.


“What a fucking asshole that guy is,” I said as Charlie and I left the meeting with the mayor and the head of the city council, Ted Something-or-Other. “Demanding we give him a bigger payoff under the table when we meet to sign the letter of intent with the city. Really? Who the fuck does that?”

“Crooked little politicians in shitty little towns,” Charlie said with a sigh, like it was no big deal that I was having to shell out another twenty grand in payoffs to these cocksuckers. He put his hand on my chest and gave me a sly smile. “Don’t worry about him. It’s money well-spent. Once the hotel is built we’ll push the lot of them out and take over just like we did in Bedford Falls and Overlook Canyon.”

I was still pissed. I gritted my teeth and pointed at the door to the mayor’s office we’d just come out of. “Look, I’ve told you over and over, I don’t care what you have to do to make deals work. I don’t want to know the details because I don’t want to have to lie in court. So long as we make money on the other end, that’s all I care about. But if that guy in there fucks us, Charlie, I’m going to come back here and fucking — “

“Don’t worry,” Charlie said, putting a hand on my shoulder and giving it a shake. “I got this. I’ve always got this. Let me handle this kind of shit and you handle building the business. Now come on, I’m hungry. Let’s see if we can find a place to get a decent steak.

* * *


As we came out of the courthouse, I heard a familiar voice call my name. I turned to see Maggie coming down the sidewalk toward us. She had her shoulders hunched and her hands balled into fists at her side.

I gave her a smile. “Hey, Mags, what are you…”

Before I could finish my sentence, she caught me with a right hook that nearly turned out my lights. Her fist connected with my jaw and sent me stumbling sideways into Charlie.

“What the fuck!” Charlie got between me and Maggie and held up his hands. “Are you fucking nuts?”

“I know what you did,” she said, glaring at me with tears in her eyes. She shook her fist in the air and spat out the words. “You’re going to destroy this town and put people I love out of business.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, hiding behind Charlie. I was a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than her, but I’d rather face down a grizzly bear than a pissed off woman any day of the week.

“I know that you just paid off the mayor and the city council president,” she said. “I know that you’re going to tear down Carl and Doris’ restaurant and the other shops. You’re killing their dreams! They’ve worked their entire lives for those businesses and now you’re shutting them down.”

“They’ll be paid very well for the land and the business,” Charlie said. “Everyone will walk away with more money than they could have hoped to get otherwise. Most of those businesses are old and dying.”

She glared at me. I swallowed hard and put a hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Go on, Charlie, get in the car. I’ll be done here in a minute.”

Charlie hesitated for a moment, then shook his finger at her. “You’re nuts. And you’re fucking fired!”

“Fuck you! I quit!” she screamed at him.

I held up my hands. “Maggie, calm down and let’s talk. This really is the best thing for everyone. Like Charlie said, downtown Mountain View is dying. You know it was well as I do. The other day when we were walking around, we didn’t see but a handful of other people. You told me yourself, the restaurant is struggling. The Roberts are old, Maggie. They want to retire. They have agreed to the deal.”

“You’re a fucking liar,” she said, gritting her teeth at me. “Ted told Jackie everything. You bribed him and the mayor to help you convince people to sell! You’re a fucking criminal!”

“What? No, that’s bullshit.” I put on a hurt face. It wasn’t hard given the fact that my jaw was killing me. “I’d never do that, Maggie. You have to trust me.”

“Trust you? After you’ve lied to me? I’ll never trust you again.”

“Maggie, if you don’t believe me, go ask them yourself. They were made fair offers and they agreed to sell. Period. End of story.”

She blinked at me through the tears for a moment. Tears were streaming down her face. “You’re a goddamn liar,” she said. “A goddamn liar.”

“We made them an offer and they agreed to sell. We’re not stealing the property from anyone. They were all paid what it was worth. We were just meeting with the mayor to sign the letter of intent.”

She was dead right, of course. Charlie had paid the mayor and that cocksucker Ted a boatload of money under the table to help convince the people to sell. Everyone has a price, Charlie says, and they simply helped us find out what that price was. There was nothing criminal about it. At least as far as I was concerned.

She stared at me for a moment, then slowly shook her head.

“You lied to me,” she said quietly. “You’re not the man I thought you were.”

“Maggie, please, listen to me,” I said, holding out my hands. “It’s all just business. This is how things work. This is how things get done.”

“I don’t ever want to see you again,” she said. “I can’t trust you.” She shook her head at me. “Your father would be ashamed of you, Tyler Jenner. I know that I am.”

With that, she left me standing with my mouth hanging open, and an unfamiliar ache in my chest.

As I watched her go, I realized that she was right.

My father would have been ashamed of me.

But I’m not my father.

I’m Tyler fucking Jenner, the billionaire mountain man.

Who the fuck does she think she is, talking to me like that.

She’s right, a little voice inside my head whispered.

You’re not your father.

And you never will be.


Carl and Doris both looked at me like I was nuts. Then they looked at each other and smiled.

“Maggie, we appreciate that you’re so fired up about this, but we really did give it a lot of thought,” Carl said. He rubbed a hand over the white stubble on his chin and sighed. “The truth is, we’re both old and tired. The last few years have been a real struggle, what with my old knees and Doris’ bad hip. And business hasn’t been good. We’re not as young as we used to be and this place doesn’t make the money it used to make.”

“I know Carl, but they can’t force you to sell. You can get an attorney. We can fight it,” I insisted.

“Honey, we don’t want to fight anymore,” Doris said, reaching over to take my hand. “Granted, when the mayor first brought this up a few months ago, we were resistant, but once we sat down with that Mr. Prescott and that nice Mr. Jenner, well, it just became clear that it was the best thing to do.”

I stared at her. “You sat down with Mr. Jenner? Tyler Jenner?”

“Yes, dear, the man with the beard that you came in with the other day.”

“You already knew him.” I let my eyes bounce between them.

“Well, yes,” Carl said. “But he asked us not to say anything about the deal until everything was signed, so when you came in with him, well, we just pretended not to know him.”

“That son of a bitch,” I said, my teeth gnashing. Doris patted my hand.

“Now, don’t be too upset with him, sweetie. He likes you a lot. I can tell.”

“He used me,” I said, shaking my head. “He knew all along that he was going to tear down all the shops I took him in. He said I was his tour guide. Bullshit, I was just like the guy who marks which trees get cut down in the forest.”

“Maggie, you’re overreacting,” Carl said.

“No, Carl, I don’t think I am.” I blew out a long breath and wiped my eyes. I mustered the best smile that I could for them. “So, when will you close?”

“We’re having a big closing party next Friday night,” Doris said. “We’re going to invite the whole town to come out and help us say goodbye.”

“Then what?”

They looked at each other and smiled.

Carl said, “Then, it’s Florida here we come!”

Doris grabbed his arm and tugged him close. “If I never see another snowflake that’ll be just fine with me!”

“I’m happy for you both,” I said.

It seemed that everything was working out fine for everyone -except me.


The news broke the next day.

Jenner Investment Group, with headquarters in Denver, Colorado, and offices around the world, announced that it had signed a deal with the city of Mountain View, Colorado, to build a hotel, resort, and spa in the downtown district. The hotel would have 200 rooms and feature a five-star restaurant, and a luxurious spa. Across the street would be the latest location of Jenner Outdoors, the company’s retail outlet.

City Council President (and fucking douchebag) Ted Reed, commented that the original plan included just the property where the hotel would be located, but willing merchants on the facing block were more than happy to sell their land at top dollar so Jenner could build the store.

“This whole thing stinks,” I said, tossing the paper on the kitchen table.

“You’re the only one who seems upset,” Jackie said. “Why are you so pissed?”

“Because Tyler lied to me!” I snapped. “He had his shady business partner pay off Ted and the mayor to bully those people into selling. Then there is the fact that he didn’t once tell me about the business deal himself. I had no idea he was behind the company buying up downtown. I wouldn’t have known anything if Ted hadn’t told you! If he could do that, what else is he hiding?”

Jackie got up from the table to give me a hug. She said, “I’m sorry, Mags. I know you’re really hurt about his crap, but you know that everyone deserves a second chance. You gave me a second chance at life when you took me in and I will never forget it. Tyler did some shady shit but that doesn’t mean he can’t change. He’s obviously head over heels for you. Maybe he just needs someone like you in his life to see how screwed up he is.”

“Jackie, this is the real world. Screwed up guys like Tyler don’t change. Besides I’m sure he’s over me or whatever it was we had. And I’m better off without him. I’ve got to move on.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Do you think I could get a job waiting tables at the club?”

“Oh, Mags, you don’t want to work there.”

“I have to work somewhere, Jackie,” I said. “All I know is cooking. And like you told me once before, if I can’t cook, I should use my boobs to get by.”

“I’m not sure that’s exactly what I said,” Jackie said. She stared at me for a moment, probably waiting for me to change my mind. When I didn’t, she held up her hands and sighed. “Okay, I’ll talk to Ray tonight.”

“Thank you.”

She picked up the paper and dropped it into the trashcan by the back door. “Are you going to the closing party at the steakhouse tonight?”

“I promised Carl and Doris that I would. You?”

“I’ll stop by for a bit before work.” She gave me a concerned look and stared into my eyes. “You okay, Mags? Really?”

I forced a smile and shuddered a sigh.

“Never better, Jacks. Never fucking better.”

* * *

The entire town turned out for the Roberts Steakhouse closing party. The chef had prepared everything that was left in the kitchen and put it out on steam tables so everyone could eat what they wanted for free.

There were stacks of burgers and steaks and ribs, mounds of baked potatoes and French fries, platters of spaghetti and meatballs and lasagna, overflowing bowls of corn, carrots, and peas.

There were cakes and pies and pastries, and an endless supply of coffee and tea.

My brothers tore into the food like starving savages.

It was quite a smorgasbord and everyone ate until they were about to pop.

A local country band called the Mountain View Boys provided the music. Everybody danced and sang along and had a grand old time.

The mayor spoke and made a toast to Carl and Doris; pillars of the community who would be greatly missed after they left for Florida in a few days.

I couldn’t ever remember seeing them so happy.

“Anyone sitting here?”

I looked up from my cheesecake to see Tyler standing there with a mounded plate of food in one hand and a glass of sweet tea in the other. It was the first time I’d seen him in two weeks. He nodded at the chair across the table from me. “Mind if I sit?”

“You own the place,” I said. I tried not to look at him. I stared at the table between us and took another bite.

“How have you been?” he asked.


“How are the boys?”


“How’s your cousin?”

I glared up at him. “Seriously? What the fuck do you care how anyone other than yourself is?”

He held up his hands and let me stew in silence for a moment.

He asked, “Can you at least tell me why you’re so mad at me?”

I peered up at him from beneath my arched eyebrows. “Really? Are you seriously that fucking clueless?”

He pushed the plate aside and leaned back in the chair with his hands spread. “I guess I am. I’d really like to know what I did that was so wrong.”

“You lied to me,” I said.

“When did I lie to you?”

“When we were walking through town. When I was taking you into all those shops and introducing you to all my friends.”

“How did I lie?”

“You didn’t tell me that you were going to tear it all down and put up a hotel.”

“That’s not lying.”

“Lying by omission is still lying in my book,” I said.

He stood silent.

“Okay, you’re right. It was fucked up. I should have been more transparent,” he said, sounding sincere. “I never meant to do anything but make you happy.”

I glared at him. How dare he make such a claim? I shook the fork at him. “And when we came in here, you pretended not to know Carl and Doris. You said you’d never been here before. That was a lie.”

“Okay, fine, that was a lie. So, are you pissed at Carl and Doris for not telling you they had met me before?” he asked.

I blinked at him. “What? Of course not.”

“Why not? It’s the same damn thing.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Yes, it is.”

“No, it’s not,” I said angrily. I leaned in and lowered my voice. “Because Carl wasn’t trying to get into my pants. He wasn’t trying to impress me. You knew exactly what you were doing and you lied to get me into your bed. I gave you my fucking virginity, you asshole. Do you not understand what that means?”

He shook his head, as if he wasn’t sure his ears were working right.

“Are you listening to yourself, Maggie? That is the most insane load of bullshit I’ve ever heard. What does one thing have to do with another?”

“How is that insane?”

“You think I lied to you about my deal with the city to get into your pants?” He rolled his eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

“You wanted me to think that you were this great guy,” I said, tears spilling from my eyes despite my best efforts to hold them back. “You knew I wouldn’t sleep with you if you acted like that arrogant asshole I first met at the cabin. You had it all figured out. I’ll act like a really nice guy, let her take me on a tour of the town, get her back to my place, and then hammer it to her on the bear skin rug!”

Tyler threw up his hands and raised his voice.

“Are you listening to yourself?”

“No, but everyone else is,” I heard Jackie say. We both turned to find Jackie, and everyone else, watching us as if we were a circus sideshow. Jackie gave me a hard look and nodded at the door. “Maybe you kids should take your little lover’s spat outside.”

“It’s not a lover’s spat,” I said.

“Sounds like a lover’s spat to me,” Carl said, standing next to Jackie.

“Sure does,” said Doris.

“Is that the billionaire you boned?” Jimmy asked.

“He doesn’t look like much,” Robbie added. “Cool beard though.”

I bit my tongue and glanced at Tyler.

He was stroking the corners of his moustache and trying not to smile.

“Do you want to take this outside?” he asked.

Before I could answer, the crowd said, “Yes!”


It was fucking freezing outside. Maggie wanted to argue on the sidewalk, but I finally convinced her to get in the Hummer so we could at least stay warm while she continued telling me what a douchebag I was.

I let her stew in the passenger seat for a minute while I started the engine to get the heat going. It didn’t take long for the warm air to start blowing out of the vents, but it didn’t do much to knock off the chill that was coming from Maggie’s side of the truck. I slowly took in a deep breath to work up the courage to speak.

“Look, I did pay the mayor. Maggie, sometimes that’s what you have to do to get things done in this world. You have to pay people under the table and work dirty deals. And sometimes you have to lie and cheat and make people do things they don’t want to do! But it’s all business. You do whatever it takes to fucking win.”

She stared at me for a moment. “Is that what it’s all about to you, Tyler? Winning?”


“Is that what business is all about for you?” she asked. “Winning at all costs?”

It was a silly question. I shrugged it away. “Of course. What else is there?”

“There’s being fair and treating people the right way.” Her eyes softened as she looked at me. It was almost a look of pity. “Can’t you win without being underhanded and working dirty deals? I mean, how much money do you really need? Would it be so bad for everyone to win once in a while and not just you?”

Opened my mouth to speak, but I didn’t know what to say. She sounded like my dad. Treat people like family. Good neighbors make for good friends. Good customers build a business, not the other way around.

She must have noticed the look in my eyes. She put her hand on my arm and gave it a squeeze. “Your dad would be proud of everything you’ve done,” she said quietly. “But he’d be even prouder if you kept his legacy in mind while you were doing it.”

“You’re right,” I said, brushing a finger under my nose and sniffing back a tear. “You’re fucking right Maggie. I’ve been like this for a very long time and I’ve forgotten what it means to be a fair person. I used the excuse that I was protecting myself from what happened to my dad. His death took a toll on me. After the funeral I just became a different person. I locked myself up from all my family and friends and feed myself lies and bullshit. I made myself believe that his goodness was what finally killed him. So I told myself I would win at all costs. I was wrong. I was being weak and a damn coward. It took real strength for dad to remain an honest man even after everything he went through. I would be lucky to be half the man he was. I know I’m far from it now but that doesn’t mean I can’t change. I see now I just needed someone who cared enough to tell me to straighten up my act. You’re my slap in the face Maggie. Literally.” I said with a laugh. “Thank you for being that person in my life. You may not believe a word out of my mouth but I know there was a reason you walked into my life. My dad would have loved everything about you. Who knows, maybe the old man had something to do with us meeting - as crazy as that sounds. I’m not letting you go. I’ll become the man you deserve. All I want is to make you happy.” I looked at her not knowing what her response would be. My heart was beating a million miles a minute in anticipation.

She smiled back, holding back tears. “You don’t know how happy I am for you to say that. I know you will make both me and your dad proud.” She leaned in to give me a kiss. Her lips felt amazing on mine. I was the luckiest man in the world to have her forgiveness. I wasn’t going to let her down again. No fucking way.

Maggie looked in my eyes, “What about Carl and Doris?”

“You have my word that we paid everyone the market prices for the property and gave them fair market value for the businesses. I was going to make a killing on the deal either way. Most of them got far more than the land and the businesses were really worth. I didn’t want to risk anyone filing a report with the Feds and exposing me. Did you see anyone in there that was angry at me? Besides yourself?”

“No, I didn’t. But do you think it’s still right to proceed with the development? What about Carl and Doris’ restaurant?”

“Do you think Carl and Doris would be that happy if they had to work at this restaurant another ten or fifteen years? I saw their financials, Mags. They haven’t made money in years. In the end we really did do them a favor by buying them out.”

“They seem happy,” she said softly.

“They are.” I put my hand on hers and gazed into her eyes. “Look Maggie, I’m happy to go back in that building and announce the cancellation of the project, but the problem is we’ve already closed and with the deal everyone received I doubt anyone would agree to it anyway. I have a better idea Maggie. I think this project can be the first step to making your dream come true. I know you want to own a restaurant of your own and I know you would be amazing at it. I would be honored if I could be a part of your dream.

“Are you shitting me? No, I can’t ask you to do that. This all feels like a dream. I was convinced you wanted to break up with me because I was carrying too much baggage with my brothers. I was ready to move on.” she said.

“Why wouldn’t you just pick up my calls? You could have told me earlier how much of an asshole I was.” I hated to admit it, but this girl had gotten under my skin like no other woman I’ve ever known. Things would be different now, and it was because of her.

She shrugged. “Maybe because I was afraid that you would tell me that you never really wanted me, and that I was just a means to an end. I thought you were using me.”

My heart ached at her words. “Jesus Maggie, no. I never meant to use you. And I did want you. I do want you. More than I’ve ever wanted anyone before. I want to help you make your dreams come true. Please let me.”

She reached for me and I leaned over the console to take her into my arms and I pressed my lips to hers.

My tongue went across her lips and into her mouth.

Her tongue pushed back and swirled around mine.

“Tyler,” she moaned.


“My butt’s getting really hot.”

I pulled back and smiled. “But the seat warmer isn’t even turned on.”

“I know,” she said. “But I am.”


Maggie and I barely got in the door before we were tearing at each other’s clothes. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. Her tongue darted into my mouth and ran across my lips. She sunk her teeth into my bottom lip and gave it a little tug.

The next thing I knew, she had jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I fell back against the wall and dug my fingers into her ass. I kicked the front door closed and she clung to me as I carried her up the stairs to my bedroom.

I literally threw Maggie on the bed and ordered her to strip. There was no time for gentle foreplay, not tonight. I tore off my shirt and kicked my boots across the room. They hit the wall and landed on the floor with a loud thud.

Maggie was even quicker than me. She was a blur, stripping off her clothes and tossing them aside. She jumped on the bed and held out her arms. She wiggled her fingers at me. “Come on, slowpoke!”

“I’ll give you a slow poke,” I said with a grin. I peeled off my jeans and underwear and dove on top of her still wearing my socks. She bounced and giggled beneath me. My beard was tickling her chin. She brushed it out of her face and pretended to spit hair.

“You need to trim that thing,” she said with a grin.

“Oh no, it will grow until the day I die.”

“We’ll see about that.” She used two fingers to brush my moustache away from my mouth. “As long as I can get to these lips, I’ll be okay.”

“Fair enough,” I said, pressing my lips to hers, my stiff cock rubbing against her mound. She spread her legs and bent her knees and breathed in my ear.

“Don’t you ever leave me again,” I said.

“I won’t ever leave you again,” she said, closing her eyes as my shaft slid back and forth over her wet folds. I could feel her hot juices soaking my cock and balls. Her breasts rose and fell against me. Then she reached around and gave my ass a hard slap.

“But you’d better be a good boy. No more shady deals.”

“No more shady deals,” I sighed, my lips at her ear.

“Good,” she whispered. She closed her eyes and dug her fingernails into my back. She wrapped her long legs around my waist and nudged my ass with her heels, like she was kicking a horse to make it go.

She said, “Now, shut up fuck me.”


I pulled my hips back and my cock slid straight into her. The breath gushed from her lungs and she dug her fingernails deeper into my back. She trailed her nails down my back, leaving scratches that burned with beautiful pain.

She dug her heels into my ass and prodded me into a rhythm.

I braced on my elbows and we kissed as we fucked.

Our tongues dueled, darting in and out, matching the rhythm of my cock and balls slamming into her.

Maggie moaned in my ear and bucked her ass off the bed.

Each time I thrust into her, she pulled herself up, making me go deeper and deeper inside her.


I could practically feel Tyler’s cock all the way up in my throat each time he thrust into me. I dug my nails into his back and opened my mouth so his tongue could come inside to play with mine.

I could feel the orgasm building, like a fire burning deep within my cunt that was spreading throughout my entire body. Every nerve stood on end. Every cell tingled. I could feel my pulse in my temple. I could hear my heart beating in my ear.

“Oh… god… I’m cumming…” Tyler said. He was ramming into me now, fast and hard. His balls slapped against my pussy. My nipples grew harder as his long beard brushed against them. I felt the muscles in his back stiffen. His ass was hard as stone beneath my heels.

The second I felt his body tighten and his seed begin to flow into me, my own orgasm hit like a tsunami battering the shoreline. I tightened my legs around his waist and pulled him into me, as deep as he could go.

My pussy exploded with hot juices as he continued to slide in and out, spreading his milky cum over my pussy, making a wonderfully-sticky mess.

He thrust into me a few more times as the little bolts of lightning shot through my body and made me tingle all over.

He let go the long breath he’d been holding and collapsed on the bed beside me.

He raised his arm and I rolled into him with my head resting on his chest.

I stroked his long beard as if it were a cat.

“Maybe I’ll just name it,” I said quietly.

He smiled down at me. “You’re going to name my beard?”

“What do you think of the name Fluffy?”

“I’m not crazy about it.”


“I think we can talk about it tomorrow,” he said with a yawn. He kissed my forehead. “Goodnight, Mags.”

I nuzzled into his neck. “Goodnight, my big mountain man.”


Tyler poured his second cup of coffee and leaned back against the kitchen counter to sip it. I was sitting at the kitchen island going through the morning mail. I glanced at him and smiled. It seemed like just yesterday that he was standing in that exact spot with his junk hanging out and a salacious grin on his face.

Now, a year later, he was wearing jeans, work boots and a denim shirt with the Jenner logo on the pocket.

He had decided to stay in Mountain View to personally oversee the construction of the new hotel downtown. And to be with me.

The boys and I had moved into the mountain lodge shortly after Tyler and I reunited. They worshipped Tyler and he doted on them. It was like having three teenagers in the house.

Tyler was the big brother and father figure they so desperately needed and deserved. We were all one, big happy dysfunctional family. I’d never been happier in my life.

The entire city block where Carl and Doris’ restaurant was located, along with the other shops, had been razed almost a year ago. It was a bittersweet day, watching the construction equipment make short work of the old buildings. Now, the new hotel was just a few months away from opening and there were a million things to get done. On top of that, we made a two year plan to begin the construction of Maggie’ s Garden , my very own steakhouse at the heart of downtown. I had to pinch myself. A year ago I would have laughed at the idea, but here I was.

It was important to me that I earned my way up the ladder and I asked Tyler to treat me like any other business partner when it came to working together. He respected my wishes.

“What’s that?” he asked, nodding at the postcard in my hand.

“It’s a postcard from Carl and Doris in Florida,” I said, fanning it at him. The front of the card had a picture of a sandy beach at sunset. On the back, Doris had written “Wish you were here!” and drawn a happy face.

I pretended to read the back of the card.

“Tyler, please do everything Maggie says and give her lots and lots of sex. Love, Carl and Doris.”

“Wow, that’s my kind of postcard,” Tyler said with a grin.

There was a thick envelope in the stack of mail from a law firm in Denver that I didn’t recognize. Tyler’s in-house lawyers handled his business affairs. I held it up for him to see.

“You have a letter from Baxter & Chase, Attorneys at Law.” I cut my eyes at him. “You’re not in trouble again, are you?”

He smiled at me and rolled his eyes. “That’s the firm I hired to set up the foundation we talked about.”

I blinked at him. “The foundation?”

“The James J. Jenner Foundation,” he said, taking the envelope and sliding a finger under the flap to tear it open. He handed me a document that was too full of legalese for me to understand. “Those are the articles of incorporation.”

“This is the foundation you set up in memory of your father,” I said, giving him a warm smile. “The one that will donate camping equipment and set up summer outdoor programs for underprivileged kids across the country.”

“That’s it,” he said with a sigh. His eyes went dreamy for a moment. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my dad. I wouldn’t have all this and I would have never met you. I wanted to do something in his memory.” He gave me a smile. “You’ve taught me how important family is, Maggie. How important people are. My dad knew that. I think I did a long time ago, but I lost sight of it. It took you to remind me of it.”

“Yes, well, what can I say? I am quite the motivator!”

“Yes, you are.”

I grinned at him and slipped the papers back into the envelope. “This is wonderful, Tyler. Your dad would be so proud.”

He nodded at the laptop sitting open on the bar next to me. “Have you got everything ordered for the hotel kitchen? I’m meeting with the city inspector today for the final inspection on the electrical and plumbing, so we’ll be ready to install the appliances as soon as they arrive.”

“Yes sir, I have coordinated with your buyers in Denver and everything is on its way,” I said with a salute and a smile. “It should arrive next week.”

“Awesome,” he said, draining the cup and setting it in the sink. He wiped the tips of his moustache with his fingers and glanced toward the door. “I’m going to take the boys to the construction site with me again today. They’ve been a huge help, and I think they’re having fun learning how things work.”

“I appreciate you taking them under your wing,” I said with a smile. “They really like you.”

“They’re good boys,” he said. He let his eyes linger on my face for a moment. “How about you? Are you ready to go to work once the hotel restaurant is open?”

“I am,” I said.

I’d been taking the online classes from the culinary school in Denver for almost a year and was finally on my way to getting my dream degree.

“I think I’ve put on fifteen pounds being your test dummy,” he said, rubbing his flat stomach.

I smiled for a moment, then made a serious face. “Are you sure your head chef isn’t going to have a problem having the boss’ fiancé working in his kitchen? I mean, this is going to be a five-star restaurant and he is one of the top chefs in the country. Are you sure he’s not a little resentful of having me in his kitchen? This is a very big deal for you and him. I don’t want to do anything to screw it up.”

“Jean Claude is a consummate professional, Mags,” Tyler said with a nod. “He and I had a long talk and he is totally cool with having you in his kitchen. Just don’t expect any favors from him. If anything, he’ll be harder on you than the other chefs, but it’s only because he wants you to learn to be the best, from the best. He knows you are being groomed for running Maggie’s Garden in a few years. It will be the perfect.”

“As long as he’s willing to teach me, I’m willing to shut my mouth and learn. It’s important that I’ve worked the trenches and earned the right to run my own restaurant. I couldn’t be more grateful for your help, but as you know, I have to do that part for myself” I said.

Tyler came around the island and I swiveled on the stool to face him. He wedged himself between my knees and I put my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.

“I love you,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

“I love you, too,” I said with a sigh.

I listened to his heart beating in my ear.

It was a most wonderful sound.

Who would have thought that Maggie Dean would be the one to tame the Billionaire Mountain Man?





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