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Tease Me: A brothers best friend romance (Family Ties Series - Book 1) by Scarlet Ellis (11)



I wake suddenly to a loud bang, was it a door slamming? I don’t know. I was too sleepy when I heard it to process what the sound actually was.

I’m still in Lucas’s bed, and we have slept all night naked and entwined in each other's bodies. I guess we both fell asleep like that last night, exhausted. We roused in the early hours of the morning and made love again. This man intoxicates me, I can’t get enough of him and seemingly nor can he.

I glance sleepily over at the clock on the table next to the bed, it’s blinking 8:30am back at me. I rest my head back onto Lucas’s chest as he sleeps but he wakes a few minutes later. The minute he sees me, a smile comes across his face.

“Well good morning you, I guess it wasn’t just an amazing dream then?” He says as he rubs his free hand slowly and sensually down my body. I let out a little sigh, his touch sends my body into tingles, and I can’t get enough of it.

I smile. “Well if it was, then we both had the same amazing dream,” I reply.

Lucas leans towards me and kisses me softly on the lips, pulling my body closer towards his like we are suddenly magnetized. I haven’t woken up to face a new day this contented in a long time. There’s something about waking up with a hot football player that has the ability to make your day go better somehow.

If last night proved anything, it showed that beyond our bickering we just never really properly admitted to each other just how attracted to the other person we were. The sizzle of attraction was always there, but it was easier to ignore it than to deal with the fall out that will probably come from this.

Lucas starts stroking my body, and I can see in his eyes what he’s thinking. I smile, “Third times a charm?” I kiss him again with a smile. “Well I don’t have to be at work for a while, and you haven’t got anywhere to be I assume?”

“Only here with you,” he replies and kisses me again.

All of a sudden, the bedroom door flies open. “Get up you lazy son of a…”

The horror on my face must be immediately evident, and I grab for a sheet to cover my body. Noah is standing in the doorway with a bottle of whiskey and a team mascot teddy bear. His mouth is wide open in shock. All of us are frozen unable to react fast enough.

Noah has every right to be horrified at seeing his little sister naked in bed writhing around with a man, but his naked little sister with his naked best friend. Well, that puts a whole other twist on this situation.

“Hell no, this isn’t happening,” Noah finally says.

“Noah, it’s not what you think…” My words trail off. I don’t know why I just said that. It’s every bit of what he thinks is happening right now. There is no right or wholesome reason I’d be in bed naked with his best friend.

Lucas is virtually speechless before finally he’s able to manage some words, “Bro, look, let’s talk about this…come on, please.”

Noah isn’t having any of this though. He shakes his head “I can’t fucking believe this, seriously,” Noah slams the bedroom door shut behind him and I hear him thumping furiously down the stairs.

“I have to go after him,” I tell Lucas. “He’s really angry, I need to go and try and smooth this over with him,”

And he really is. I can hear him slamming things around in the kitchen below us.

“But I told you that it’s not your problem to deal with, I have to talk to him about this. It’s me he’s mad at, not you,”

“I wouldn’t count on that Lucas. You know I’m the fuck up in this family, and I’m sure I’ll get blamed for making you do this,”

I grab the sheet around me and move to get off the bed leaving Lucas exposed again. He catches my arm as I slide towards the edge of the bed and my feet hit the floor. “Mandy, you didn’t make me do anything. This wasn’t you, I quite freely made my own decision. And that decision was that you are the sexiest girl I know and I wanted to make love to you…and for that matter, I want to keep making love to you for as long as you want me in your life,”

Lucas releases his hand from my arm, and it slides off of me. I look down at the floor and then back at Lucas. “I can’t imagine a time in my life when you aren’t there. I don’t think I can bear to think of you not being in my life. It’s like last night just completed my dream,”

Lucas smiles back at me. He doesn’t need to say anything, it's a moment that both of us cherish. We know that fate helped us to find each other a long time ago and that last night was always inevitable if we are really honest with ourselves. I lean down to kiss him again. “I need to go and speak to Noah, I can’t leave it like this,”

I grab the sheet and make it into a makeshift dress and run downstairs into the hallway where I find Noah marching towards the front door. He looks angrier than I ever imagined. I grab him to stop him from leaving, and he spins back round to face me.

“Don’t touch me Mandy, just let me go,”

“No, like I’m going to let you leave when you are in this kind of a state. We need to talk about this,”

Noah clenches his jaw. He’s furious, I can tell I’m in for a roasting.

“I just can’t believe you Mandy, seriously. Mom asks you to just keep an eye on Lucas, and somehow you manage to seduce him in his weakest moment,”

“It didn’t happen that way,” I protest. “It just…well, I mean,”

“See, you can’t even explain yourself, can you? You have literally nothing you can say to make this better,” he fumes.

“I know I can’t make this better for you Noah, I’m not going to apologize either. It happened, and I can’t even say it won’t happen again,” I shout back.

Noah shakes his head, and I see him gripping his car keys so tightly in his hand that his knuckles start to turn white.

“You know what Mandy? You are capable of some truly terrible decisions in your life, and this is just another one in the long list of them,”

“I don’t even know what you mean, but it might be better if you didn’t just judge me on everything I do or don’t do all of the damn time,” I protest.

“You don’t know? Umm, well, there’s the fact that you’ve done nothing with your life. Your career decision was to become a bartender in a shitty bar in an even shittier part of town. Basically, you’ve done absolutely nothing with your life,”

“Oh, excuse me if I just haven’t lived up to your big expectations. Sorry, I’m not some amazingly talented athlete that could never live up to your standards anyway,”

I’m so angry at my brother right now. I came down to try and smooth this over, to calm him down and explain. But somehow this has turned into a shouting match. I knew he’d be angry, but I had no idea he’d be this upset. Somehow it’s started to turn into a personal attack against me and my shitty career choices. No one is more aware than me just how much better everyone thinks my siblings are compared to me.

“I just don’t expect to walk into my best friends bedroom and find my naked little sister all over him,” he grits his teeth, no doubt annoyed at the prospect of having to erase his memory of that particular sight.

“Well, I might have been all over him, but he was all over me too,” I admit that this was a low shot on my part, I said it without thinking. But I can’t help thinking that on some level he deserved it.

“You aren’t funny Mandy, this whole situation isn’t funny,”

“I wasn’t trying to be funny, I’m just trying to say that this isn’t only me. Lucas was not doing anything against his will either you know. That’s all I’m saying,” I become aware of Lucas approaching the stairs having heard him thumping around upstairs trying to put some clothes on as hastily as he can given how much longer things taken him these days.

“Yes, well…” Noah stops short of finishing his sentence and rubs his face out of frustration.

Lucas is making his way down the stairs, who will no doubt try to bring Noah around and calm him down. I certainly could do with his help right now because I’m probably only making matters worse.

Suddenly there is a loud thud, and Noah flashes past me as we both rush towards the stairs to find Lucas has fallen halfway down the stairs.