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The Alice Network by Kate Quinn (15)

July 1915

The biggest secret in Lille dropped into Eve’s ear like a diamond. Kommandant Hoffman and General von Heinrich had their usual table, and Eve was just gliding up to clear away the remains of the chocolate mousse when she heard it: “—private inspection at the front,” the general said, sounding anxious. “The kaiser will pass through Lille in two weeks’ time.”

Eve continued to clear dessert plates without a flicker.

“A suitable welcome should be prepared, even if the inspection is clandestine. He must not find our attentions wanting. A small deputation to greet his train—what line will he be traveling?”

Please, Eve begged silently. The train and the date!

The general listed both, peering fussily at a notebook to check that he had it all correct. So German, this attention to tiny details, and Eve thanked God for it. She withdrew before it looked like she was dawdling, feet barely touching the ground. She knew when the kaiser—the kaiser!—was coming to the front. Lili would whoop like a banshee. “Parbleu, little daisy, well done! We will bomb that shit-brained bastard into bits, and this war will be finished!”

“What are you smiling at?” the other waitress whispered. A dim-witted corn blonde named Christine who had long since replaced the heavy-footed Amélie. “What have we got to smile about?”

“Nothing.” Eve took her place against the wall, wiping her face of emotion, but her heart was leaping like love at first sight. This war could be over. The trenches filled with dying men and glue-like mud; the starvation and the humiliation of poor abused Lille; the drone of aeroplanes and the muffled explosion of artillery over the horizon—all ended. Eve imagined yanking down the German street sign nailed up over the French one on her block, and stamping it to bits as victory bells pealed.

The clock had never moved so slowly. “Can you take up the books to Monsieur René?” Eve pleaded with Christine as they finished their final sweep-up. “I need to g-get home.”

Christine shivered. “He scares me.”

“Just look at the f-floor and say yes and no until you’re d-dismissed.”

“I can’t. He scares me!”

Eve wanted to roll her eyes. Why on earth did it matter if something scared you, when it simply had to be done anyway? Why were so many women such timid ninnies? She thought of Lili’s lion-hearted swagger, Violette’s dour and ferocious endurance. Now those were women.

She put the ledger off on the headwaiter and was out the door. Past midnight, the moon very high and nearly full—a bad night for sneaking across borders. Lili would be back through Lille soon . . .

Fraulein!” The bark of a German voice, German boots behind her. “It is past curfew.”

“I have an exemption.” Eve scrabbled in her handbag for her identity cards and the various other bits of paper. “I work at Le Lethe; the shift has j-j-just ended.”

The German was young, officious, his face marked with acne. “Let’s see this exemption, Fraulein.”

Eve cursed silently, pawing through her bag. It wasn’t here—she’d had to empty everything out on the bed this morning so she could unpick the bag’s lining and make a better smuggling space for her coded messages. The card with her curfew exemption must be sitting on her counterpane. “I’m sorry, I don’t have it. The restaurant is just there, they can c-confirm that I—”

“Do you know the penalty for breaking curfew?” the German snapped, looking pleased to have someone to write up, but a smooth metallic voice sounded from the darkness behind Eve.

“I assure you, the girl works for me. Her papers are in order.”

René Bordelon came to stand beside Eve, his silver-headed cane gleaming in the moonlight. He tipped his hat at the perfect angle of courtesy and carelessness. He must have foregone tonight’s look at the ledger for a walk under the summer moon.

“Herr Bordelon—”

René smiled in polite contempt, taking Eve’s arm. “You may take the matter to Kommandant Hoffman if you wish. Good night.”

He moved Eve along, and the breath that had stuck in her throat let out. “T-thank you, monsieur.”

“Not at all. I have no objection to serving Germans when they are civilized, but I enjoy putting the rude ones in their place.”

Eve tugged her arm from his hand. “I would not d-dream of delaying you further, s-sir.”

“Not at all.” He took hold of her elbow again. “You are without papers; I will see you to your door.”

He was acting the gentleman. But he wasn’t one, so what did he want? It had been two nights since their last conversation which had so unnerved Eve; her pulse thrummed, but as much as she wished to avoid her employer, she knew she couldn’t refuse. She fell into step beside him, preparing to ratchet up her stammer. If he wanted to probe her further, this was going to be the slowest conversation in history.

“You’ve had stars in your eyes all evening,” he observed. “Can you be in love, Mademoiselle Le François?”

“No, m-m-m-monsieur. I have no t-t-time for such things.” I have a kaiser to kill.

“Still, something has put a light in your eye.”

Incipient regicide. No, don’t think that. “I am g-g-grateful for all I have, monsieur.” They made the turn away from the river. Just a few more blocks—

“You are very silent,” he said. “I have met few quiet women. It makes me wonder what you are thinking. That’s curious to me. I don’t normally care what goes on in a woman’s head, because it’s usually banal. Are you banal, mademoiselle?”

“I’m very ordinary, m-m-m-monsieur.

“I wonder.”

Do not wonder that. She should chatter the way thoughtless, witless Christine did. Bore him with inanities. “W-why do you call it L-L-Le Lethe, monsieur?” Eve asked the first thing that came to mind.

“More Baudelaire,” he answered. “‘Nothing can match the abyss of your bed, potent oblivion lingers on your lips, and Lethe flows in your kisses.’”

That was a great deal more sensuality than Eve felt comfortable introducing into this conversation. “P-p-pretty,” she murmured, speeding up her steps. Just a block more—

“Pretty? No. But potent.” His hand at her elbow held her back from rushing, his fingers so long they entirely circled her arm. “Lethe is the river of forgetfulness that runs through the underworld, so the classics tell us, and there is nothing more potent than forgetfulness. That is what a restaurant like mine offers in a time of war—an oasis of civilization where one may forget the horrors outside for a few hours. There is no horror that cannot be forgotten, mademoiselle, given the right drug for the senses. Food is one. Drink is another. The pull between a woman’s thighs is a third.”

He said it so casually, the vulgarity in his perfect toneless voice, that Eve blushed scarlet. Good, she managed to think. Marguerite would blush. Dear God, get me home!

“Are you blushing?” He tilted his head to look down at her, the silver threads at his temples glinting in the moonlight. “I wondered if you would. Your eyes don’t give much away. Windows to the soul? Not so much with you. ‘My girl has eyes, deep, profound, and immense,’” he quoted to Eve’s growing unease. “‘Their flames are thoughts of love mingled with faith, which glitter in their depths—voluptuous or chaste.’” His own eyes were unblinking as they held hers. “I have been wondering about that last part, Mademoiselle Le François. Voluptuous or chaste?” He touched a fingertip to her hot cheek. “From the blush, I would say the latter.”

“A lady does not d-d-discuss such things,” Eve managed to say.

“Don’t be bourgeois. It doesn’t suit you.”

Thank God, they had reached Eve’s door. She stepped into the deep overhang and fumbled for her key, feeling a trickle of sweat run the length of her spine under her dress. “G-good night, monsieur,” she said brightly, but he stepped into the shadow of the overhang with her, crowding her unhurriedly back against the door. She couldn’t see his face, but she smelled expensive cologne and hair oil as he bent his head. His narrow mouth brushed lightly, not over her lips but over the hollow at the base of her throat. His tongue was cool as he tasted her skin.

She stood pinned against the door by that feather-fine touch, too stunned to move.

“I wondered how you’d taste,” he said at length, stepping back. “Cheap soap, sweetness beneath. Lily-of-the-valley soap would suit better. Something light, sweet, fragrant, young.”

There was nothing in Eve’s training at Folkestone, her reams of advice from Lili, or her previous lives in London or Nancy that suggested any kind of response. So she said nothing, standing still as an animal caught in bright light. He will leave. He will leave, and you can sit on the bed and compile your report for Lili. The kaiser is coming to Lille. But the glory of that golden information had left her for the moment. She didn’t dare even bring it fully into her mind with René Bordelon’s razor-sharp eyes so close to hers.

He hooked his silver-headed cane over his arm, tipping his hat to her. A perfect gentleman’s farewell. “I would like to have you,” he said conversationally. “An odd choice for me; I don’t normally like raw virgins or cheap soap, but you have a certain ungroomed elegance. Consider it.”

Oh, sweet God, Eve thought. And didn’t move until he replaced his hat and began his elegant saunter back down the street.

One of her neighbors must have been awake, because a window creaked open two houses down. Eve had a moment to be glad of the deep overhang—no one could have seen her getting her throat licked by a man who was known to take brandy with the Kommandant. Bile rose in Eve’s throat, and she reached up to scrub at the moistened hollow in her collarbone.

Safely hidden by darkness, Eve’s neighbor called down at René Bordelon’s retreating figure. “Collaborator!” the hiss came, and spittle landed in the street.

He turned and raised his hat to his unseen assailant. “Bon soir,” he said with a small bow, and his soft chuckle sounded through the night.

Parbleu, little daisy, well done!” Lili grinned at Eve’s report. “Two more weeks and a lucky air raid, and this war could be done!”

Eve smiled, but her triumph tonight was muted. “The kaiser’s councilors, his industrialists, anyone profiting from the fight would press to continue.” A machine like a war was a vast thing, not easily stopped once set in motion; Eve knew that.

“If the bastard’s dead, that’s the beginning of the end. I’ll be off in the morning as soon as curfew lifts.” Lili stowed the message in the lining of her sewing bag—she was Marie the seamstress tonight, with Marie’s papers, props, and mannerisms—and began unhooking her buttoned boots. “I’m not passing this one off to a courier. I’ll take it to Folkestone myself. Perhaps buy a morally questionable hat while I’m in a country where I can wear it. Though one has to wonder if you English can do morally questionable anything, even hats . . .”

“You can g-get to England?” That surprised Eve. She already couldn’t believe how fast and how effortlessly Lili passed from German-held France to Belgium and back. The distance might be small but the territory bristled with danger, yet Lili seemed to ghost right through the danger. Could she even ghost across the Channel now?

Bien sûr.” Lili’s voice was muffled as she changed with brisk efficiency beneath the cover of a voluminous old nightdress. “I’ve been three, four times this year.”

Eve fought down a sudden surge of homesickness for Folkestone, its sandy English beaches and boarded English piers and Captain Cameron’s English tweeds and warm eyes. Eyes that actually blinked on occasion, and didn’t make her skin crawl like sharp French eyes . . . Eve gave a shake of her head, dismissing the stab of jealousy that Lili had seen Cameron more recently than she. “If you’re traveling to England tomorrow, you take the bed.” They had an established routine now when Lili needed to rest in Lille: she was Eve’s friend, a sewing maid come to visit, staying overnight rather than violating curfew. They’d run this act past two German inspections, and seeing Lili melt into Marie who was even dimmer than the corn-blond Christine was truly fascinating.

“I won’t argue.” Lili dropped the folded pile of her shirtwaist and skirt and flopped down, telling some story of how she crossed over into Lille this morning. “I had a report from a source in Lens tucked into the pages of a magazine—would you believe I dropped it coming off the train?” A decidedly wicked laugh as she shook her fair hair down. “A German soldier retrieved it for me, bless him.”

Eve smiled, making herself a pallet of blankets next to the narrow bed, but the smile was an effort. She hadn’t been smiling very much since last night, and Lili, in the middle of another story, seemed to notice.

“All right, what’s wrong with you?”

Eve looked at the leader of the Alice Network. In her old nightdress, Lili appeared far younger than her thirty-five years, her blond hair bushy and wild like that of a little girl who had been playing rough all day. But her eyes were old and knowing, and the sharp edges of her cheekbones pressed against her paper-thin skin. Don’t burden her, Eve thought with a pang that hit straight under the breastbone. She suddenly understood Violette’s grim protectiveness, because now Eve felt it too. Lili carried so much, and she made the burden look light—but it was wearing her thin as a blade.

Merde,” Lili said in exasperation. “Out with it!”

“It’s not important—”

“Let me be the judge of that. You’re no good to me if you crack up.”

Eve sank down on her makeshift pallet below the edge of the bed, staring at her folded hands. “René B-Bordelon wishes to seduce me.” The words fell like weights.

Lili tilted her head. “Are you certain? You don’t strike me as an accomplished player in the game of seduction, if you’ll pardon me for saying so.”

“He licked my n-neck. Then he said he wanted to have me. Yes, I’m certain.”

Quelle bête,” Lili said softly. Taking out her little silver case of cigarettes, she lit two. “Normally one discusses bad men over a stiff drink, but a smoke will have to do. Take it! Clears the mind and kills a hungry stomach.”

Eve imitated Lili’s two-fingered hold, then hesitated, quoting her mother. “Tobacco is a g-gentleman’s vice, not a lady’s.”

Tais-toi. We’re soldiers in skirts, not ladies, and we need a damned smoke.”

Eve set the cigarette to her lips, inhaling. She coughed, but she liked the taste at once. Bitter, and she’d tasted bitterness in her mouth since the moment last night when René stepped close.

“So,” Lili continued, matter-of-fact. “Bordelon wants you. The question is what happens when he presses the issue. How much trouble will he make for you, if you refuse? Would he report you to the Germans?”

She was seeking Eve’s professional estimation, clearly. Eve paused, taking another sip of smoke and coughing less. Her stomach rolled sickly, but more from the thought of René than the cigarette. “He wouldn’t b-bother the Germans with a personal grudge; he saves his favors till he n-needs them. But he’d likely fire me. He’s not used to b-being refused anything.”

“We could find you a new post,” Lili said, but Eve shook her head.

“Is there another place like Le Lethe? Where I could g-get good information twice a week? Where I learn the k-k-k”—striking her own knee with her fist until the word came free—“k-kaiser is coming, and on what t-train? No.” Eve dragged a swallow of smoke all the way down into her lungs this time, coughing so hard tears came to her eyes. “You n-n-n-need someone in Le Lethe.”

“Yes,” Lili acknowledged. “Would he fire you for refusing him?”

“I have to assume he would.”

“Then there is one option.” Lili looked up at the ceiling, blowing a smoke ring. “Will you sleep with René Bordelon?”

Eve stared at the glowing end of her cigarette. “If I have to.”

It was almost a relief to get the words out. She’d been circling them since last night, inspecting them from every angle. The idea made her sick and scared, but so what? Why did it matter if something scared you, when it simply had to be done anyway?

“A man of his age who chooses a girl he thinks is seventeen will assume he is getting a virgin.” Lili sounded matter-of-fact. “Are you?”

Eve couldn’t be quite so nonchalant no matter how much she wanted to be, so she just nodded, keeping her eyes on the floor.

Putain de merde,” Lili swore, stubbing out her cigarette. “If you are really going to do this thing, you must please him in bed so you can continue to get more out of him. Otherwise you are buying a temporary reprieve from dismissal for a very high price.”

Eve had no idea what it meant to please a man in bed—frankly, her imagination stopped the moment she imagined René Bordelon unbuttoning his perfectly tailored shirt. She felt herself blanch, and Lili noticed.

“Are you really going to do this?”

Eve nodded again. “I’ll m-m-m—” The word wouldn’t come out at all, even when she pounded the floor. She let it go in a hiss, and then said, “Shit,” loudly. The first time Eve had ever sworn in her life, and it released the tight knots in her throat.

Lili’s turn to nod. “Have another cigarette, and let’s talk practicalities. A man who takes a virgin for a mistress will either wish to train her to his standards, or wish her to remain passive and innocent as he does the work. You will have to pay close attention and follow his lead. But there are things one can do that will please any man . . .” She detailed a few of them, gentle but specific, and Eve took in as much as she could, cheeks burning. Will I have to do that? And that?

To keep her job at Le Lethe, yes. She would do all of it.

Seeing Eve’s queasiness, Lili patted her hand. “Just notice what pleases him, and keep doing it. That’s really what it’s all about. Now, do you have any idea how to prevent yourself from becoming enceinte?”

“Yes.” Eve had a sharp memory, at twelve years old, of coming on her mother in the washroom late at night rinsing herself out between the legs. There had been a tube, a rubber bag. I don’t want any more of that bastard’s babies, she’d snarled, jerking her chin toward the bedroom where Eve’s father snored. Eve remained an only child; her mother’s washing must have worked.

“Nothing works perfectly,” Lili said as though reading Eve’s mind. “So be careful. No one wants a pregnant spy. That will land you home in England, and quickly, given that no one in Lille will treat you well for becoming pregnant by a collaborator.”

So many grim thoughts. Eve pushed them away for a practical question of her own. “Have you ever had to—do this?”

“There’s been a German sentry or two who wanted to see me on my knees before I got a pass through the checkpoint.”

Eve wouldn’t have been sure what that meant ten minutes ago. Now, thanks to Lili’s blunt tutorial, she had a much better idea. She looked at Lili, unable to imagine her kneeling down, reaching for a man’s buttons, and . . . “How—was it?”

“Salty,” Lili said, and smiled at Eve’s blank look. “Never mind, chérie.” Her smile faded, and they regarded each other with grim faces.

Eve tipped her head back toward the ceiling, drawing another deep lungful of smoke. She decided she liked smoking. If she ended up with another tight-mouthed landlady with boardinghouse rules about cigarettes, well, she could go to hell. “Lili, why don’t they tell us it could b-be like this? All that training in Folkestone; there’s n-n-n-not a hint we’d face anything like this.”

“Because they don’t know. And if you’re clever, you won’t tell them.” Lili looked very serious. “Do what you must, but don’t tell Captain Cameron or Major Allenton or any of the others we report to.”

The thought of telling Captain Cameron she went to a collaborator’s bed to get information made Eve cringe. “I wouldn’t tell any of them!”

“Good. Because they won’t trust you if they find out.”

Of all the things discussed tonight, that was the one to leave Eve astonished. “W-why not?”

“Men are strange creatures.” The twist on Lili’s smile wasn’t amusement. “If a woman surrenders her virtue to an enemy, they are confident her patriotism can’t be far behind. They have very little faith in any woman’s ability to resist falling in love with a man who beds her. Besides, a horizontale isn’t respectable, and a spy’s business is already disreputable enough. We can’t bring shame on our country by staining our reputations—if we’re to engage in espionage, we must do it as ladies.”

“Rubbish,” Eve said flatly, and Lili smiled.

“Oh, it is, little daisy. It is. But do you want to be yanked out of Lille because they believe your soft little head has been all muddled by a handsome collaborator?”

Eve tapped ash off her cigarette, stomach rolling all over again. “Would Captain Cameron really think that of me?”

“Maybe not. He’s a decent chap, as you English like to say. But I’ve heard other English officers say such things before about women like us.”

“Shit,” Eve said again. The swearing, like the smoking, was getting easier. She looked up at Lili, who gazed down with a smile Eve couldn’t interpret. Practicality, sorrow, pride?

C’est ainsi,” she said rather sadly. “What a bitch this business is, no?”

Yes, Eve acknowledged. But she also loved this business; it made her feel alive like nothing else, so she cloaked fear in a defiant shrug. “Someone has to do it. We’re good at it. Why s-shouldn’t it be us?”

Lili leaned down and kissed Eve’s forehead. Eve leaned her head against Lili’s knee, and the head of the Alice Network passed a hand over her hair. “Don’t go rushing off to climb into that profiteer’s bed,” she said softly. “I know you—you’re thinking to grit your teeth and get it over with. But put him off for a bit if you can. Because if we can bomb the kaiser into dust in a fortnight’s time, then it’s a whole new world. You might make it home without having to see Bordelon naked, after all.”

Eve prayed for both those things as Lili continued to stroke her hair the way Eve’s mother never had. She prayed harder than she’d ever prayed in her life—because right now she could be brave, but if she closed her eyes and remembered René’s mouth tasting her flesh, all she felt was sick.




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