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The Alice Network by Kate Quinn (27)

October 1915

Lili managed one muttered instruction as she and Eve were frog-marched into the station. The Germans were shouting, alarms blared, and under the furor Lili murmured through motionless lips, Pretend you don’t know me. I’ll get you out of this.

Eve gave a minuscule shake of the head, not daring to look at Lili. They were being rushed along by a pair of hulking soldiers, Lili half-hoisted off her feet, Eve’s arms in such a tight grip her hands were going numb. The terror hadn’t quite caught up yet; Eve’s thoughts darted like mice at a sudden light. But her refusal came reflexively: she could not walk away free, leaving Lili in German hands. Never.

But another burst of shouting came, and Lili’s lips shaped one word.


Eve froze. The massive attack planned against Verdun next year. Captain Cameron in Tournai, waiting for the report. The paper slip with all the attack’s details, wrapped around the inner band of a ring on Lili’s right hand. Dear God, if the Germans found that

But there was no more time to think, to exchange so much as a desperate glance. They were hustled inside the station, past a telephone and a cluster of German soldiers, and the German captain snapped orders. “Separate them, I will put out a warning—” Eve found herself flung into a narrow room overlooking the street. A half dozen German soldiers were there already, partially dressed, yawning through their morning routine. A young blond sergeant in his undershirt gaped at Eve, and another was shaving in a bucket of water. Eve stared back, keeping her eyes from hunting for an escape. There was none. They’d be on her like a pack of wolves if she moved an inch toward the window. To her left was another door with a glass pane, looking into an even smaller room, and Eve’s throat closed as she saw Lili shoved inside. Her hat was gone and her blond hair coming down in a tangle; she looked like a child playing dress-up in her mother’s skirt and blouse. But she caught herself against the room’s long counter, eyes glittering and her mouth curving in a smile, and she stripped off her gloves as though preparing to sit down to tea.

“No one t-t-touch me!” Eve cried out suddenly, eyes flying among the German soldiers around her. None of them had made a move; they were all too surprised, but she gave a shrill scream anyway. She wanted them looking at her, not through the window at Lili who was swiftly prising off the ring on her right hand and going for the slip of paper wrapped around its band. “Don’t touch me,” Eve shrieked, and the youngest soldier stepped forward as if in reassurance. Eve stared past him at Lili, who still smiled that half smile. She watched as her companion popped the paper slip into her mouth and swallowed it.

The German captain flew screaming through the door of Lili’s cell before Eve could feel any pangs of relief. He saw, he saw . . . Gripping Lili by the neck, the captain tried to force his fingers into her mouth. She sealed her teeth, baring them at him like a wolverine, and he flung her away in disgust. Boots stamped through the corridor outside in a rush, and Eve sank to the floor and started to sob. Not just because Lili had been caught disposing of a message, but because Marguerite would sob. Marguerite would be terrified and innocent and have no idea who that woman in the other room was. Eve wanted to fly at these German pigs and tear their throats out, but she had a job to do.


So she huddled against the floor weeping as German boots moved uneasily about her. The soldiers stared and murmured, which Eve ignored because of course Marguerite understood no German past ja and nein. Her every screaming nerve focused on the next room where there was no sound—none at all—from the leader of the Alice Network.

They won’t know she’s its leader, Eve thought harshly. They don’t know what a prize they have in her. But she still saw a nightmare image of Lili shoved up against a wall like Edith Cavell. Blindfolded, her hands bound, an X marked on her bosom for the guns to aim at. Lili crumpling to the ground, probably still smiling.

No, Eve screamed inside, but she knew how to use her own horror, how to let the image bring another flood of tears. Tears and abject helplessness would help more than any show of courage. No one feared a helpless, weeping girl.

It wasn’t long before a policeman came, and with him a grim-looking woman in green serge whom Eve recognized. She frequently assisted at German checkpoints, a merciless bitch Lili had nicknamed the Frog for her green uniform and greedy padlike fingers as she searched people’s belongings. She looked down at Eve now, hard-faced, and barked out one word in French. “Undress.”

“H-h-here?” Eve rose, swollen-eyed and hugging herself, shrinking away from all the curious men. “I c-c-c-c—”

Undress!” the Frog snapped, but the policeman looked vaguely ashamed and ordered the soldiers out. Eve was left alone with the Frog, who started wrenching at her buttons.

“If you’re carrying messages like that other bitch,” she warned, “I’ll find them and it’ll be the firing squad for you.” She stripped Eve’s shirtwaist off, showing the frayed chemise underneath, and Eve loosened her own skirt with clumsy fingers. This cannot be real. She was just putting on this skirt a few hours ago before the dying fire in René’s chamber, as he wrinkled his nose at her underclothes and said, “You look like a charity-school wretch, my pet. I’m getting you a proper chemise, something with Valenciennes lace . . .” Eve was swamped by a wave of dizziness and promptly went with it, pitching over onto the floor as though fainting. She curled up, moaning faintly as the Frog stripped the rest of her clothes away and performed a humiliatingly thorough search. Verdun, Eve thought, eyes squeezed shut, as the woman’s hard fingers probed the undersides of her breasts and between her fingers and roughly through her hair. Verdun, she thought as her hairpins were yanked out one by one. Thank God she wasn’t carrying information around a pin this time . . .

It didn’t take long. Perhaps ten minutes, as the Frog searched first Eve’s body and then her clothes—her skirt hem for lumps, her shoe heels for paper slips. At last a sharp slap stung Eve’s cheek, and she opened her eyes, still leaking tears. “Get dressed,” the Frog said, looking disappointed.

Eve sat up, hugging her own nakedness. “C-c-can I have a glass of w-w-w-w—”

The Frog mocked her stammer. “Glass of what, my g-g-g-girl?”

“Water,” Eve cried, sniveling away, and could have kissed the bitch for her mockery. Let them think me an idiot. Just a stupid girl who let a stranger borrow her pass.

“Want water?” The Frog pointed to the glass of scummy liquid where the dressing soldiers had clearly dunked their toothbrushes. “Help yourself.” She left with a laugh at her own wit.

Eve dressed stiffly. On the outside Marguerite Le François trembled and shivered, barely functioning, while inside Evelyn Gardiner’s mind raced along like a high-speed train. She looked through to the next room, where the Frog was marching in on Lili, and was very much afraid she knew what Lili planned to do.

The Frog barked at Lili to undress.

You’ll resist, Eve thought.

Lili stood still as a pillar, refusing to move. The Frog seized the much smaller woman and yanked at her skirt.

You’ll keep resisting, Eve thought.

Lili struggled, but the Frog was stout and heavy-handed, and she wrenched Lili out of her clothes piece by piece. Lili stopped thrashing, but she didn’t cower in nakedness as Eve had; she held herself straight and stoic as the Frog patted her down. Every rib was visible, and the bones of her sternum jutted out like a ladder. So small. The Frog moved on to the pile of clothing atop the satchel, shoving the smaller woman so hard out of the way that Lili staggered, but her contemptuous smile never faded even as she watched her satchel ransacked.

Don’t find anything, Eve prayed, but the cries went up as the rifled satchel delivered Lili’s identification cards, five or six of them, held in preparation for swift crossings. The Frog waved the cards in Lili’s face, shrieking, but Lili just stared back, impassive.

Eventually they allowed Lili to dress, and as she did up the final buttons at her throat, a man entered with a cup in hand. Eve had angled herself so she could watch through the curtain of her loose hair even as she huddled weeping, and she recognized the newcomer: Herr Rotselaer, chief of police in nearby Tournai. Eve had seen him only at a distance in Lille, but she had compiled a report on him from comments dropped by other officers. A small dark man, dressed with care in a well-cut jacket. His eyes were piercing, and they devoured Lili. “Mademoiselle,” he said in French. “Are you thirsty?”

He proffered the cup in his hand. Even through the glass, Eve saw it had a curdled yellow tint. Something to make Lili vomit up that message she’d swallowed.

“Thank you, monsieur,” Lili said politely. “I am not thirsty, at least not for milk. Have you any brandy? It’s been an absolute pisser of a day.” Just as she had said when she first met Eve in Le Havre. Eve could see the two of them in that stuffy café, the rain pouring down outside, Lili in her outrageous cartwheel of a hat. The memory stabbed like a knife. Welcome to the Alice Network.

“Come, no fuss!” Herr Rotselaer tried to sound jocular, pushing the cup out. “Swallow, or say why!”

The Frog shook Lili by the elbow, but Lili just smiled and shook her head.

Herr Rotselaer sprang at her, trying to force the cup between her lips as the Frog yanked her head back, but Lili knocked the cup flying. Yellowed milk splatted across the floor. The Frog slapped Lili, but Herr Rotselaer held up a hand. “We’ll take her for questioning,” he said, and Eve’s heart gave a great lurch. “Her and the other one.”

“Her?” Lili snorted. “She’s a stupid little shopgirl, not a spy. I chatted her up because she was the only one in line who looked half-witted enough to share her safe-conduct pass!”

Herr Rotselaer glanced through the glass where Eve huddled, crying. “Bring her here.” The Frog burst through the adjoining door, seizing Eve by the elbow and bundling her into Lili’s cell. Eve went to her knees before the chief of police, pushing her hiccuping sobs up to outright wails. She found hysteria surprisingly easy to muster. Inside she was ice bound, watching the blubbering mess on the outside. Through her puffy eyes she could see Lili’s small bare foot not six inches away.

Mademoiselle—” Herr Rotselaer tried to catch Eve’s eyes, but she just cringed. “Mademoiselle Le François, if that is your true name—”

“I recognize her, sir,” another German voice volunteered. The young captain had entered, the one who’d seized them in the first place. Was that why he crossed for a closer look at their papers, because he recognized Eve? My fault, my fault— “She lives on the Rue Saint-Cloux; I remember her from inspections. A respectable girl.”

“Marguerite Le François.” Herr Rotselaer fingered Eve’s identity cards, jerking his chin at Lili. “Do you know this woman?”

“N—n—” It felt like betrayal, the word forming on Eve’s lips. “N—” It felt like a kiss of betrayal to Lili’s cheek, like thirty pieces of silver weighing her tongue down, sour and metallic. “No,” Eve whispered.

“Of course she doesn’t know me.” Lili sounded brusque, bored. “I never saw her before today. You think I’d try to cross a checkpoint with a stuttering idiot?”

Herr Rotselaer looked at Eve: hair sticking to her wet cheeks, hands trembling so hard she looked like she was being run through with electrical current. “Where were you going, girl?”


“For God’s sake, can you not speak straight? Where were you going?

“T—t—t—” It was no act; Eve’s tongue had never hitched so badly in her life. “M—m—my niece’s c—c—c—my niece’s c—communion. Tour—tour—”


“Yes, H—H—H—yes, Herr R—R—”

“You have family there?”

It took Eve whole minutes to answer. Herr Rotselaer shifted from foot to foot. Lili looked impassive, but Eve could sense the tension humming through her taut as a wire. She stood an agonizing arm’s length away, but her thoughts were clear as glass.

Keep blubbering, little daisy. Just keep blubbering.

Herr Rotselaer tried to ask more questions, but Eve collapsed into hysterical sobs, sinking down on the floor. The boards smelled harsh and antiseptic. She whimpered like a kicked puppy. Her pulse was slow and cold.

“Oh, for God’s sake—” Herr Rotselaer made a disgusted gesture to the young captain. “Write the girl a new safe-conduct pass to Tournai and turn her loose.” He turned back to Lili, eyes gleaming. “You, Mademoiselle l’Espionne, are going to answer some questions. We have other friends of yours—”

Violette, Eve thought, even as the German captain helped her up.

“—and things will go hard with them if you refuse to talk.”

Lili regarded the chief of police. “You lie,” she said finally. “Because you are afraid. That’s good, Herr Rotselaer. I will say nothing more.”

Her eyes passed across Eve’s, and there was a salute in them. Then she looked at the wall and sealed her mouth like a stone.

Herr Rotselaer seized her by the arms and began to shake her then, so hard her head snapped back and forth. “You are a spy, a filthy spy, you are going to talk—”

But Lili said nothing. And then Eve was marched out of the room, sobbing so hard she could not speak. This time, the sobs were very real.

The captain gave her a stern lecture on the dangers of sharing official documentation, then seemed to relent in the face of her ceaseless tears. Partly in exasperation, partly in pity. “This is no place for a young girl,” he said, snapping his fingers at the clerks to issue a new safe-conduct pass. “You were very foolish, mademoiselle, but I’m sorry about all this unpleasantness.”

Eve couldn’t stop weeping. Lili, she thought wretchedly, oh, Lili! She wanted to wrench her arm away, turn and sprint back into that room where she could hear Rotselaer still ranting. She wanted to tear his throat out with her teeth, but she stayed where she was, crying into her hands as the German captain fussed and fluttered.

“Go home,” he said again, pressing the new safe-conduct pass into her palm, clearly wanting her out of his hair as fast as possible. “Go to Tournai, back to your parents. Go home.”

And Eve, clutching her new pass and feeling like Judas, turned her back on her friend and walked out of German captivity.

The meeting house in Tournai was small, dingy, indistinguishable from the houses stretching off on either side. Eve wearily climbed the steps and gave the prearranged knock. Her knuckles had barely dropped when the door was wrenched open. Captain Cameron stared at her in a split second’s shock, then yanked her inside the house and into his arms. “Thank God you had the sense to come,” he muttered. “Even after Violette was arrested, I thought you’d be too stubborn to leave.”

Eve inhaled the scents of tweed, pipe smoke, tea—he smelled so English. She was used to a man’s embrace smelling like Paris cologne, Gauloises cigarettes, absinthe.

Cameron pulled away, remembering himself. He was tieless, his collar unbuttoned, and great shadows of exhaustion showed under his eyes. “You had a safe journey, no trouble passing?”

Eve gulped a shaky breath. “Cameron, it’s Lili—”

“Where is she, delayed trying to get news of Violette? She risks too much—”

Eve almost screamed it. “Lili has been arrested.” Agony kicked her in the gut again. “She’s not coming. The Germans have her.”

“Oh, Christ.” Cameron said it very quietly, like a prayer. In a single breath, his face aged years. Eve began to spill explanations, but he silenced her. “Not here. This will need to be official.”

Of course. Everything had to be official, even utter disaster. Eve followed Cameron numbly into a cramped parlor, its fussy little tables shoved against the wall to make room for utilitarian file cabinets bursting with papers. Two men sat going through files, one a weedy clerk in his shirtsleeves, one an aggressively military sort with a waxed mustache who looked Eve up and down as she entered. Major George Allenton, aka Mustache. He was the one who’d made sure she knew all about Cameron’s prison record.

“This can’t be the famous Louise de B,” he said with heavy gallantry, clearly not remembering Eve from Folkestone. “Too young and pretty—”

“Not now, Major,” Cameron snapped, pulling up a chair for Eve, dismissing the clerk. “The Alice Network has been compromised.” Turning back as the door closed behind the clerk, Cameron sat across the table from Eve, moving like an old man. “Tell me.”

Eve told him, speaking in short flat sentences. By the time she finished, Cameron’s face was gray. But his eyes were full of taut anger, and he looked over at Allenton. “I argued,” he said quietly, “that it was too much of a risk to keep the women in place.”

Allenton shrugged. “Risks have to be taken in wartime.”

Eve nearly leaned across the table and slapped him, but restrained herself as she saw Cameron biting back what were clearly hot words. Allenton picked at his thumbnail, oblivious, and Cameron scrubbed his hands over his lined face. “Lili,” he said, and shook his head. “I don’t know why I’m shocked. She always took too many chances. But she got away with so much . . . I suppose I thought she would keep getting away with it forever.”

“She didn’t get away with it this time.” Eve felt so weary she didn’t know how she would ever rise from this chair. “They have her now, her and Violette. I hope the Fritzes will put them together. They can take anything together.”

Major Allenton shook his head. “Those Boches, letting you walk out—!”

“They th-thought I was a half-wit.” All that histrionic crying. Eve was nothing but a long shriek of grief inside, but she didn’t think she could summon a single tear now. She wanted to curl up in a ball like a dying animal, but she had a job to finish, so she recited the full report about Verdun, watching as Cameron’s eyes went from exhausted to alert. He began jotting notes, visibly pushing aside his grief. Major Allenton kept interrupting Eve with questions, to her irritation. Cameron always let her make her report in one long recitation, then combed back over it to expand on the particulars, but Allenton interrupted every other sentence.

Verdun, you say?”

“Verdun.” Eve imagined ripping his waxed mustache off. “Confirmed.”

Allenton gave Cameron a rather down-the-nose glance. “This is why I made the call to leave her in place.”

“Of course.” Cameron exhaled. “I think you’ll agree Miss Gardiner should go to Folkestone now, however. There can be no option but to dissolve the Alice Network.”

“Why?” Allenton looked at Eve. “I say send her back to Lille.”

Eve’s heart sank, but she nodded weary assent. Cameron looked astonished, eyebrows climbing toward his sandy hair. “You cannot be serious.”

No one had addressed Eve, but she answered anyway. “I’ll go where I’m ordered. I have a job to do.”

“Your job is done.” Cameron turned back to her. “You’ve done top-class work, but the Lille area is far too dangerous to keep running informants. Without Lili the entire network will come apart.”

“Someone else could run it.” Allenton shrugged. “This girl’s keen as mustard.”

Cameron’s voice was flat. “Allow me to register my disagreement in the strongest possible terms, Major.”

“Oh, it won’t be for long. A few more weeks.”

“However long I’m needed.” Eve pushed the dread away. She wasn’t going to cry off when there were lives at stake, no matter how much she wanted to. “I’ll catch the train back tonight.”

Cameron rose. His jaw was taut with fury, and his hand as he raised Eve from her chair wasn’t gentle. “Major, I’d like a word with Miss Gardiner in private. We’ll discuss this upstairs, if you don’t mind.”

Eve let him march her out of the parlor to the sound of Allenton chuckling. Up a flight of stairs to a makeshift bedroom, nothing but a narrow iron-framed bed piled with a few blankets. Cameron came into the room with her and banged the door behind him.

“C-coming into a lady’s bedroom uninvited?” Eve said. “You are upset.”

“Upset?” He was nearly whispering, voice vibrating with tension. “Yes, I am upset. You are refusing to beg out of an order that is clearly pure idiocy. I can only conclude you want to get yourself shot.”

“I’m a spy.” Eve set down her bag. “Some might say it’s my job to g-get shot. It’s certainly my job to follow orders.”

“I am telling you that order is absurd. You think there are no idiots in the intelligence business, that your superiors are all brilliant men who understand the game?” A furious hand waved in Major Allenton’s direction. “This business is rife with idiots. They play with lives and they play badly, and when people like you die as a result, they shrug and say, ‘Risks have to be taken in wartime.’ You’d really march yourself into a firing squad for that kind of fool?”

“I want to plead out, believe me.” Eve touched his sleeve, halting his furious outburst. “But I won’t claim to be b-broken when I am not. If I get myself transferred out of Lille due to breakdown or exhaustion, I will never find more war work elsewhere.” She paused. Cameron raked a hand through his hair, but didn’t contradict her. “It’s just for a few more weeks,” Eve continued. “I can survive a few more weeks and then—”

“You know what he said when Edith Cavell was executed?” Cameron’s voice lowered, and he made another angry gesture in Allenton’s direction. “That it was the best thing that could have happened, because it got everyone on the home front angry at the right time. I do not like speaking ill of a fellow officer, but you must understand me: he wouldn’t care if you got caught like Violette and Lili, because dead girls mean more newspapers sold and more support for the boys in the trenches. I, however, am not in the habit of risking my people needlessly.”

“I’m not doing this needlessly—”

“You want revenge for Violette and Lili, because you love them. You want revenge, and if you can’t get it, you just want to die trying. Believe me, I know that feeling very well.”

“If I were a man you’d be calling me patriotic for wishing to continue in my duty to my country.” Eve folded her arms. “A woman wants the same thing and she’s suicidal.”

“An emotionally compromised asset is not an asset to her country. And your emotions are running far more wild than you let on. Anyone’s would be, in a situation like this one. You keep a calm face on, but I know you.”

“Then you know I will put emotion aside in the face of duty, just like any other soldier with orders to carry out. Like any man who takes the oath.”

“Eve, no. I forbid it.”

Calling her Eve—now there was a slip. She gave a wintry inner smile. He should know better than to give himself away like that.

“You will convince Allenton you’re unfit to return to Lille,” Cameron ordered, straightening his cuffs. “And then I’ll send you to Folkestone. I do not like circumventing a superior, but I see no other way. This matter is closed.”

He was turning, heading for the door. He’d go down and tell Allenton she was pleading breakdown, and that could not happen. Eve seized his hand, stopping him. “Stay with me,” she whispered.

He pulled back, his anger dropping away to something shuttered, wary. “Miss Gardiner—”

She reached up and tangled her hands in his undone collar, pressing her lips to the hollow of his neck. He smelled of Lifebuoy. “Eve.”

“I should not be here, Miss Gardiner.” His hands covered hers. Eve went up on her toes, whispering into his ear with a catch in her voice.

“Don’t leave me alone.”

It was a low blow, and she knew it. Cameron stopped, his hands warm on hers. She pressed, knowing just what to say.

“I saw Lili dragged away by Germans this morning. I . . . Please don’t leave me alone right now. I can’t b-bear it.”

Oh, but this was a dirty trick. It would only work because Cameron was a gentleman, a man who couldn’t bear to see a woman in distress. It wouldn’t work on René in a thousand years.

Cameron’s voice thickened. “I’ve lost friends too, Eve. I know what you’re feeling—”

“I want to be warm,” she murmured back, her hands slipping through his hair. How long had she wanted this? “I want to lie down, and be warm, and forget.”

“Eve—” He began to pull away again, his hand at her bare throat. The gold wedding band on his fourth finger warmed against her skin. “I can’t—”

“Please.” The grief stabbed her like a living thing. Even if just for a few minutes, she wanted to forget. She leaned up and kissed him, and the bed was at the back of her knees.

“I won’t take advantage of you,” he said, but he murmured it against her lips.

“Make me forget,” Eve whispered. “Make me forget, Cameron—” And he broke. He broke like a wall collapsing, pulling Eve against him with a stifled groan, and then they were drinking each other down, openmouthed and frantic. Eve pulled him to the bed before he could come to his senses, slipping the shirt from his shoulders. This was underhanded and wrong; she knew that. She didn’t start this out of passion, but because she meant to stop him from blocking her return to Lille. But that didn’t mean passion wasn’t there alongside the calculation, because truth was what made the best lies real. And the truth was that Eve had wanted Cameron for a very long time, since he looked at a stuttering file girl and saw a spy.

“Christ, Eve,” he said with agony in his eyes as he peeled her shirtwaist and chemise away and saw the bruises marking her bare arms from where the German guards had seized her. “Those filthy brutes—” He kissed each bruise, his hands spanning her ribs. “You’re too thin,” he breathed between kisses. “You poor brave girl—”

Eve pressed up to meet him, twining her legs through his, pulling him deep. She could probably fool him into thinking he was her first—she probably should fool him, act shy and awkward. It would be the wise thing, but she could not stand to act out another lie, not here. She didn’t act for René when it was his cool-skinned marble weight moving over her, and she wouldn’t act now when the man in her arms was freckle-shouldered and lanky, with a voice like a mist from Scotland, a man who actually closed his eyes when he kissed her. She wrapped herself around him, closing her own eyes and losing herself, and when it was done she found herself weeping silently in his arms.

“I know,” he said in a quiet voice, fingers stroking through her loose hair. “Believe me, Eve—I know. I’ve seen people I cared for captured too.”

She looked up at him, letting the tears fall. “Who?”

“A boy named Léon Trulin, one of my recruits. Not even nineteen . . . Arrested a few weeks ago. And there have been others.” Cameron passed a hand slowly through his gray-salted hair. “I never get used to it. This is a filthy business.”

It was a filthy business, and Eve was going right back to it, but hopefully she could distract him from that for a few hours yet. She turned in his arms, so close that her damp lashes brushed his cheek. “Is there tea?” she asked earnestly. “All I’ve had for months is boiled walnut leaves.”

He smiled, and it made years fall away from him. Soon he’d be guilt-torn and conscience-struck, Eve knew, lashing himself for taking advantage of his subordinate’s innocence and his wife’s absence, but for the moment he was content. “Yes,” he said with another smile. “Tea, and real sugar to put in it.”

She groaned, almost pushing him out of bed. “Then make some!”

He pulled on his trousers and slipped out, bare feet slapping the floorboards. So different from the way it usually was after bed: René’s cigarettes, his brocade robe, his pillow talk that Eve was busy parsing and filing . . . She didn’t want to think about René here, so she took the tea mug Cameron offered on returning and sipped, letting out a moan. “I could d-d-die right here.”

Part of her wished for that. Die now, sitting up in bed, her back against Cameron’s chest, and she wouldn’t have to think about Lille or the job that still waited, crouching implacable as a troll under a bridge. She turned the thought aside, but Cameron seemed to catch it.

“What are you thinking?” He pressed a lock of hair back behind her ear.

“Nothing.” Eve sipped her tea again.

Cameron hesitated, his hand stilling against her neck. “Eve . . . Who is he?”

Eve didn’t pretend not to understand. She had been a very innocent girl when he sent her to Lille, not the same girl who coiled herself so fiercely around him between these sheets. “He’s no one,” she said matter-of-factly. “Just someone who drops useful information over a p-pillow.”

Cameron said almost inaudibly, “Bordelon?”

A nod. She didn’t quite dare look up at him, but her heart lodged in her throat. He would have read the reports on René, who and what he was. If Cameron recoiled from her . . .

Well, it hardly mattered. She still had a job to do.

“You don’t have to go to him anymore.” Cameron set his tea mug down and folded both arms tight around her. “I’ll be taking you to Folkestone tomorrow morning. You don’t ever have to see him again.”

Clearly he assumed that since she had stopped arguing, she’d agreed to beg out of her orders to return to Lille. For a moment Eve surrendered to that temptation. Go home, back to safety, England. Back to tea.

Then she sighed and let it go, putting aside her own mug and turning to rest her cheek against Cameron’s shoulder. He made some noise about getting up, but she pulled him down into the sheets. They made love one more time, tender and slow, Eve stifling her cries in his shoulder, and afterward Cameron dropped into exhausted sleep. Eve waited until his breathing settled into a deep rhythm, then slipped noiselessly out of bed and into her clothes. She looked at him for a moment, and wondered with a wrench if he would ever forgive her for this. Maybe he shouldn’t, she thought. He can’t afford to love me. Though she certainly loved him. She smoothed his sandy hair off his forehead, which was lined even in sleep as though he worried through his dreams, and then she headed downstairs.

Major Allenton smirked as she entered the makeshift file room. He undoubtedly suspected what had happened upstairs. Eve didn’t care. He was already committed to sending her back, whore or not. “I’ll need a pass,” she said without preamble. “I’m ready to catch the train back to Lille.”

That surprised him. “I thought Cameron might be trying to talk you out of obeying that order. He can be sneaky that way. It happens, you know, when military men mess about too long in a dirty business like spying. They get underhanded.”

Real dislike flickered across his face. After having to parse René’s minuscule facial expressions, watching the major’s thoughts work their way across his features was like watching a dog lumber around a city block on the end of a leash. Eve gave the leash just the tug it needed, dropping her lashes in doe-eyed obedience.

“You outrank Captain Cameron, sir. Of course I obey your orders. You want me to return, and I w-w-will.”

“You really are keen as mustard, aren’t you.” Pleased, the major reached for a pen. The weedy clerk had gone home; it was almost nightfall. The cheap lamps showed up all the places where the wallpaper was fading. “I can see why Cameron’s . . . fond of you.” His eyes roved over her again. “He’s been climbing the walls worrying over the network gels, but it’s really you he obsesses about.”

That gave Eve a lonely pang of pleasure, mixed with guilt because she was about to make him worry all over again. “My p-pass, sir?” she prompted, aware that time was ticking. Cameron might be a light sleeper—if he woke up from his doze and came downstairs now, there would be another round of arguing. Far better if he woke and simply found her gone.

The major started making out a safe-conduct pass. “I’ll wager Cameron’s probably never told you what his code name is.” Eve suppressed the urge to roll her eyes at his air of cozy confidentiality. Thank God Allenton wasn’t in the field, because getting information out of him would be like plucking candy from an infant. You really are an idiot, Eve wanted to say, but she gave the answer he wanted. “No, what is Cameron’s code name?”

Allenton smirked, handing over her safe-conduct pass. “‘Evelyn.’”




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