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The Baby Package by Sarah J. Brooks (39)

Chapter 17


I blamed myself. I should’ve known something like this would happen. I put my trust in a woman I didn’t know, and let my lust put my family’s lives in danger.

“I don’t mean to be harsh, but I need you to promise me when you walk out this door, you won’t ever mention me or the work I’m doing here to anyone. It’s of dire importance.” I tried not to beg and plead, but I wasn’t beyond begging and pleading as I’d already fucked up so badly.

“I promise,” she said with her head dropped to her chin.

I’d never seen her so low and so lacking that spark of confidence I first noticed when I saw her lying in the crevasse on the mountain.

She was just a sweet person who literally stumbled into my life; she’d made a bad judgment call going into the attic, but truthfully, she didn’t know me and had no real reason to trust me. Just because we fucked certainly didn’t give her the assurance I wouldn’t hurt her.

The day was brightening up outside, so I decided to brighten it up inside as well and offered her a smile. “I know this is a lot to take in and we’ve only known each other for such a short time. I didn’t mean to scare you,” I said as I stood up and sat beside her, taking her chin in my hand to lift her eyes to mine.

The poor thing had been crying so much her eyes were puffy and red. I cared about the consequences, but dammit, Mark had taken my whole life from me, and here he was robbing my future too. I had to fight back, I had to find a way to get back at him somehow.

Since Imogen and I only had now, I needed to make now count.

“Can I trust that you’ll wait here and not go snooping around, I want to show you something, but it’s going to take me some time to get it ready.”

She nodded her head yes. “I promise,” she whispered.

She seemed so small sitting there. I didn’t want to make her sit on the couch with nothing to do as her boredom could lead to more unwanted curiosity, so I got her phone from the bedroom where it was charging and gave it to her.

“You might want to finish that mystery,” I suggested as I suited up for the cold weather.

I’d read last night there was going to be a break in the storm, a few hours of sunlight and a respite from the relentless blizzard. I thought maybe we’d get a little sun while we had it.

When I opened the door, the snow had piled up to my chest. It wasn’t firmly packed but there was a lot of it. I’d designed the house so that there was enough overhang to keep the snow away from the windows and doors, however, it was piled high around the periphery of the building. Behind the house was a shed which I could easily access without getting into the snow. Under the shed was a secret storage layer that had extra water and emergency supplies, as well as provided another, more secure hiding space if I needed one.

In the shed, I had a remote-control snow blower which could easily clear the snow to form a path up to the small mountain behind my place which was also part of my estate. It was a very short distance up the hill to a little oasis at the top. On the top of the mountain, I’d built a tiny house with an incredible view. I wanted a place that didn’t have a large footprint where we could be at the top of the world. The house was for romantic dinners and a fun place to “camp out” with the kids. We never got a chance to use it but a few times.

The sun was so bright it was actually quite warm outside. I almost regretted putting on so many layers. It took me an hour to clear us a path and put the blower back where it belonged.

When I returned to the cabin Imogen was neatly tucked on the couch where I left her. I shook off the snow and she looked up from her reading with a curious expression.

“It’s almost all ready.” I flashed her a smile as I dashed out of the room and into my office. In the office, I had a smart system that could turn the heating on in the summit house. The tiny house had its own solar grid and was powered separately from the cabin. The small mountain just behind my property was actually part of my estate.

I employed smart phone technology to turn on the heaters and start the electricity. After firing up the Summit House, I went into the kitchen and packed us a light lunch.

Imogen was curious as she watched me putter around the kitchen. I knew I needed to get out of the cabin and I was sure she must’ve been feeling the same stir craziness.

“I thought we might take a picnic,” I started awkwardly.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the mountains of snow outside, “Out there?” she asked with a disbelieving tone.

“I have very warm jackets,” I smiled, trying to keep this light.

She took a deep breath.

Then it hit me. She might have been worried about my intentions, this could look very foreboding. Packing up to take her outside, perhaps to bury her in the snow… or something unimaginably worse.

“Um… where are we going to go?” she said as she looked at me like I was completely out of my mind.

“There’s this beautiful spot… well, it’s hard to explain, I just want to show you, I promise you won’t get too cold.” Again, I gave her a reassuring smile.

“You’re the boss,” was her skeptical comeback.

“Just wait and see, it’ll be fun.” With that, I grabbed the backpack and set it down beside her as I got her a warm coat.

“Here,” I said, handing her the coat. “Put this on, please.”

She stood and slipped the coat on. It was much too big for her, which made her look little and adorable, with her auburn locks peeking out of the collar. I wanted to laugh but was glad I didn’t.

“How do I look?” she was goading me.

“Adorable. Now, do you mind wearing this backpack?” I asked, handing her the bag.

She looked down at her ankle but didn’t say anything as she put on the pack.

“You ready?” I asked as I took her hand.

“As I’ll ever be, I guess” She took my hand and I realized her hands were quite cold. I’d forgotten her gloves.

“Inside the right pocket, you’ll find a pair of gloves.” Her face lit up when she found the warm soft leather gloves and she slipped them on. I grabbed her hand again. “Okay, hold on so you don’t fall.”

She walked cautiously, wearing the hiking boots I found her in. She’d taken to wearing them around the house because they were warmer than the slippers I gave her which were too large for her to walk in, and the boots kept her ankle stable.

As soon as we walked outside, we felt the fresh cold air on our faces and our grins widened.

“It does feel good out here,” she commented, her tension easing a little.

“Oh, just you wait, it gets a lot better than this. May I?” I asked extending my other arm to her.

“You’re not going to carry me, are you?” she gave me one of her disbelieving scowls.

“Why yes, I am.” I then turned my back to her, grabbed her legs just under her buttocks and hoisted her up onto my back.

She squealed with surprise.

Living on the mountain, I’d grown incredibly strong. I always worked out and I was a tall man at almost six feet five, but living in the wild, chopping wood, and carrying the delivery boxes up and down the mountain had made me lean and muscular. She was light as a feather, even with the pack on her back.

“You can’t carry me up this mountain!” she protested.

“Yes, I can,” I returned, mocking her indignant tone as I quickly strode up the rocks toward the top carrying her on my back. When I reached the top, I had to admit I was winded, but the trip was well worth my effort. The entire valley was blanketed in snow. With the sunlight glistening off the white powder, it looked like everything was sparkling.

“Oh my god,” she breathed out as I set her down beside me. “This is amazing!”

The view was absolutely surreal. We felt like we were the only two people in the world as all of the trees and houses far below were engulfed in puffy whiteness.

“Incredible isn’t it?” I marveled.

We took a moment to drink in the view, but as we stood in the freezing cold air, the temperature was taking its toll on us.

“I have another surprise,” I felt giddy, doing this like I was a kid again.

I took her hand and walked her to the tiny house. It was hidden in snow, but there was a little rock path to the door. I’d brought a portable shovel, expecting snow and used it to chip away the downy layers until I saw the door. I then unlocked it and ushered us into the warm little dwelling.

“It’s warm,” she said, patting her hands against the sides of her jacket. “Why is it so warm in here?”

She couldn’t help the smile that lit up on her face. She looked thrilled.

“I was able to turn on the heater by remote.” I took the pack off her back and placed it on the small couch.

“I built this house myself. It’s a tiny house, it has everything one would need in a small space. There are two sleeping lofts, a composting toilet, and a catchment for water. The heating is solar like the cabin, but this little house is much warmer because it’s panels get more direct sunlight and there is less to heat.” I could tell I was boring her a little with the geeky builder talk, but this little house was my pride and joy. I’d been working on it off and on for the year I was up here.

“I love it,” she said, unsure of what to do next.

The house did take some getting used to as it was only big enough for a few people at most. The couch was tiny and cozy, not the monstrosity I had at the cabin and only two people could sit on it comfortably. There were stools for other guests if I ever had any.

“Have a seat. I’ll warm us up some hot chocolate with rum.” I flashed her a smarmy grin.

“Oh, that sounds perfect.” I could tell she had the same level of excitement about the place I did.

There was a huge picture window that took up most of the right side of the house. It had a view of the valley and when you were sitting on the couch, you felt like you were on top of the world. It seriously was the most exquisite view imaginable.

I finished making our drinks and gave her hers. I had mixed some Ibarra Mexican chocolate with the rum and a little spice; it was delicious.

“Mmm, this is so amazing… everything is just… indescribable.”

I was happy to see her so full of joy, it made my heart feel good.

I pulled some cheeses, fruits, and bread out of the sack and arranged them on a plate. “Voila, brunch!” I said as I set the plate before her and sat next to her, drinking in the same view which held her transfixed.

“You are amazing!” she proclaimed as she rested her head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry I doubted you and I’m sorry I betrayed your trust. I have a really active imagination.” Her confession was sweet and sincere.

“You were good to be cautious; it’s too be expected under the circumstances.” Now it was my turn for confessions. “I wish I could tell you the whole truth, but there are people in the world worse than any imagination could conjure. I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to see that first hand. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy and certainly don’t want it for someone as beautiful, sweet, and perfect as you, Imogen.” I probably had said too much, but I knew our time was coming to an end and I needed her to know I cared for her.

“I’m sorry for whatever you’ve endured, I wish it could be different too. I really like you, Dash, and in another world, I would have loved to see where this could go. Only, in that other world, the one where we had more than a few days together, you’d have to call me Jeni. I hate the name Imogen,” her face crinkled as she threw down a pout.

“What do you mean? I love Imogen!” She had a beautiful name.

“My mom used to say the same thing,” her face fell some at the mention of her mother.

“Why don’t you like it?” I was very curious.

“It sounds like a character in a romance novel.”

Ah, interesting. “I understand. Dashell sounds like the perfect romantic hero, it’s one of the reasons I dislike my full name as well.”

“See, and I don’t call you Dashell!” She popped her pointer finger into my chest.

“Well, I’m used to getting my way,” I said mirroring her actions and popping her between the breasts.