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The Barbarian Before Christmas: A SciFi Alien Romance Novella (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 17) by Ruby Dixon (3)



I can handle a great deal of pain, or bitter cold, or a long journey away from home…but I cannot handle my fierce mate’s pain at being told that others will be returning home and we will not. She bellowed her frustration to me at not being allowed to return home to our kits just yet. Then, her rage turned to bitter tears and she clung to me as she wept. It is the pregnancy hawr-moans, she tells me. They make her emotional.

I think it is more than that, though. She is sad and misses Aayla and Raashel. I miss them just as deeply as she does. I am just as frustrated as she is that we cannot return to the village. But I understand my chief’s decision, even if I do not like it. I let him know my displeasure, and now there is nothing to do except hunt until my irritation eases. But my hunting partner, my Liz, is not interested in going out this day. She is too angry and wishes to stay in our tent and sulk. It is unlike her, but I know she misses our kits fiercely. And I think of her tears and how she clung to me, and…I wish to fix this.

I do not know how, but I will fix this. If I cannot bring her home to her young, I must do something that will bring her back to the teasing, clever mate that I love so well. It makes me ache to see her so defeated.

I head out to the beach, and as I do, I hear the quiet sound of sobbing. Har-loh, who is just as upset that she cannot see her kit as my Liz is. A moment later, Rukh emerges from their small cave, frustration plain on his face. He rakes his shaggy hair back from his face and then storms toward me, furious. “This is not right,” he declares. “We go home.”

“We cannot go,” I tell him flatly. “Much as I would like to leave, we are needed here. You know this. Liz and your Har-loh know this, too. They are just heavy with kit and sad. They will not risk the lives of these newcomers, no matter how much they might miss their kits.” There is a knot in my throat, because I miss my kits, too. Bah. I think of little Aayla and her round, happy little face and shining eyes. I think of my Raashel, who is far too clever, like her mother. She would greet me with her little sly smile and then search my pockets, looking for the small treats and presents I would bring her.

And I ache deep inside, because I want to hold them close and tell them of how much I have missed them, but I must wait longer still. I know they are safe. I cannot be too upset. Well, I can be a little upset. I would rather be with them than feeding these useless ones. But it must be done, and the newcomers wish to learn. We must be patient for a little longer.

Rukh growls. “I miss my son.”

“I miss my daughters,” I tell my brother. “But I cannot worry over them right now. I know they are safe and looked after in the village. It is my Liz that is my concern right now.”

Rukh crosses his arms and grunts, his jaw set in frustration. “My Har-loh will not stop crying.”

I know the helpless feeling. My mate wanted to make this No-Poison Day special for our daughters because we have another kit on the way very soon. Now we will not even be home to celebrate it. I think of the little gifts that Liz has been making around the fire each night. We can send them with the others on their journey, but it will not be the same as watching their faces when they get their gifts. My heart hurts at the thought, but I know Liz must be aching even more. She enjoys being at my side, but at the same time, she feels torn that she cannot be with the girls.

I hate that she feels regret. That she feels trapped here, away from our kits.

We must do something to bring smiles back to our mates’ faces.

“Let us bring No-Poison here,” Rukh says suddenly.

I clasp a hand on his arm, because he has said exactly what I was thinking. “A fine idea, my brother. We can look for plants close to camp and make bundles of them for our mates.”

“What else?” Rukh asks.

I do not remember. Most of it is foolishness, but my mate enjoys it. I rub my chin, thinking. “Perhaps we should ask some of the humans for suggestions.”

Rukh nods at the distant shore. I turn and look, and two humans stand on the sandy beach. One is Tee-ah, the young female. She talks to the one with the four-armed mate. I rack my mind, trying to recall her name. They all look the same to me—Not-Liz. It takes me a moment to remember—Lo-ren. I gesture for Rukh to follow and jog my way down toward the edge of the water.

The two humans stand and chatter, unaware of our approach. Lo-ren holds the motherless kit on her hip, talking to Tee-ah as she does. They watch the water, and a quick glance out shows that Lo-ren’s four-armed mate, K’thar, is learning to cast nets into the surf with Zolaya. It is a wise task for him to take on, because the strange male is extremely strong. After another cast of the nets deep into the water, he turns to his mate and makes a shivering motion, and then rolls his neck. This cool weather is new to his people. The humans said that the entire island was warm and steamy like the fruit cave. It sounds terrible.

“Ho,” I call out, doing my best to sound friendly.

The females turn to look at me, wariness on their faces as Rukh and I approach. I do not blame them. Normally I only speak to the humans to correct them on something they are doing wrong. Perhaps I am not the most patient of hunters. I hear Zolaya calling K’thar’s attention back to the nets—no doubt the protective male is ready to come and get between me and his mate if I make her upset. “I have a question. It is about human things,” I say, and do my best to be…well, if not pleasant, less fearsome.

“Human things?” Lo-ren echoes, bouncing the kit on her hip as she glances out to the waters and to her mate. “What sorts of human things?”

“We wish to know about No-Poison,” Rukh says.

“What?” Tee-ah blurts out, a confused expression on her face.

“The holiday,” I explain. “The one with the leaves and the kissing and the gifts.”

The two females exchange a glance. “Um, humans have a lot of holidays,” Lo-ren says.

I bite back my impatience. This is for Liz. “It is the holiday with the gifts,” I repeat, talking slowly. “With the tree and the strings of decorations.”

“And kissing,” Rukh adds.

Tee-ah giggles. Lo-ren gives her a quelling look and steps in front of her, a hint of a smile touching her mouth. “I’m going to assume you guys mean Christmas. Like Christmas trees and Santa Claus and giving presents, right?”

“What does that have to do with poison and kissing?” Tee-ah whispers loud enough for me to hear, but Lo-ren swats her with a hand and focuses her gaze on me, waiting.

At least one of these females is sensible. I ignore the silly, giggly one. “Yes. My mate is sad she cannot be home with our kits for the holiday and so I wish to give her the holiday here.”

“Aww, that’s sweet,” Tia says with another giggle. “I love it.”

“I—we,” I correct, pointing at Rukh, “wish to know how we can bring the holiday to our mates and make them smile.”

“Foot-ball games?” Rukh asks, gravely serious. “Eggs?”

Lo-ren looks even more puzzled. “Uh, okay. No, I wouldn’t start with those things. I’d start with gifts for your mates.”

“We will have something for them,” I say and give her an impatient flick of my hand. “Tell me of your traditions. Your customs. I need more of those.”

“Oh, um, all right. I’m guessing a big red suit and white beard is out. You could do a tree, though, and decorate it. Make it look festive.” Lo-ren adjusts the wraps around the kit on her hip as she speaks.

“With a star on top,” Tee-ah adds. “Gotta have a star.”

I do not know what she means by that, but I will figure it out. I look over at Rukh and he nods. We can do a tree. “What else?” I ask.

“Let’s see…presents, gifts,” Lo-ren says, pondering. “A family meal. Christmas carols!”

“Oooh, yes,” Tee-ah adds and claps her hands. “That would be perfect.”

“How is your singing voice?” Lo-ren asks.

It is not good. “Cay-rols are important to the holiday?”

“Very,” Tee-ah insists.

Then they must be done. “Teach me these songs.” I will learn them all and sing them to my mate to show her I care.