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The Barbarian Before Christmas: A SciFi Alien Romance Novella (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 17) by Ruby Dixon (6)



My mate is not with the cluster of tribesmates who come out to greet us. I am not surprised at this. I knew that she would be in our hut when I arrived. Nor is the healer in the happy, chattering group. I smile and clasp the arms of those who crowd in, wanting to know about loved ones. I will let Vektal answer those questions, because I must be somewhere else. My Li-lah needs me.

I detangle myself from the welcomers, squeezing Vaza’s shoulder in greeting as I head past him, moving toward my home. The privacy screen is up, but I can hear voices inside.

“You’re home,” a familiar voice exclaims before I can enter, and I see Mah-dee rushing up, her round cheeks flushed. “That’s terrific, and you’re just in time. I have Rollan at my house today. You can come and get him when everything’s all done.” At my nod, she continues. “I don’t suppose Hassen came with you guys…?” There’s a pleading question in her gaze.

“Not this trip,” I say gently, knowing my answer will bring disappointment to my mate’s sister. “We could not bring many. But there will be more trips. Your mate is well and healthy, though, and he has sent gifts for you and Masan since he could not be here.”

A little sad smile touches her mouth. “Masan will be happy for that at least. I’m glad you’re home for Lila. If you guys need anything, just shout. You know I’m close by.”

“My thanks,” I tell her, and then duck into my hut. I know the privacy screen is up, but…scratching a greeting seems foolish on my own home.

Inside, the fire is banked but the room is warm. My mate sits naked with her legs sprawled atop an old leather blanket, and Maylak, the healer, is at her side. Li-lah’s long, dark mane is tangled and sweaty against her face, and she breathes hard, puffing her cheeks rapidly. Her kit-swollen belly is so large it seems distended, round and ready for our daughter to be born. She looks up as I enter, her eyes wide with surprise, and then begins to laugh.

“I held out for as long as I could,” she tells me, panting and laughing all at once. Her hand goes to her stomach, which ripples in response. “But your child is determined to be born today.”

I move to her side and drop to my knees, clasping her hand in mine. “I am glad I am here just in time.” I brush the hair from her damp brow and lean in to kiss her.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she tells me, her grip tight on my palm. “I dreamed of you last night. Do you think my khui knew? Or do you think it’s the kit and she has the same ability you do?”

I have no answer for that. I always thought that my “knowing” came from my khui, but if this new kit has the same “knowing” I do and has yet to have her khui…the thought fills me with wonder.

But then Maylak murmurs something to Li-lah and my mate gets on her hands and knees, her face red with strain. I support her as best I can, though I feel helpless as she squats and bears down to birth my kit. I wish I could take the pain for her. I wish I could help with the pushing…something. Anything.

“This will be easy,” the healer murmurs, and then she reaches between my Li-lah’s thighs even as my mate pushes again. A moment later, Maylak is holding the deep blue, tiny body of my little daughter, her horns mere bumps on her brow, her head plastered with a wet black mane. As I watch in wonder, the healer digs a finger into the kit’s mouth and cleans it out, then turns her over and gives her a gentle rub on the back.

At once, the kit begins to squall her outrage, her lungs healthy and strong.

My Li-lah bursts into tears.

“What is it?” I ask as she settles back down on her haunches. I take her hand in mine again. “What is wrong? Do you hurt?”

She shakes her head, weeping as the howling kit is put into her arms. “She sounds wonderful. So strong.” And she cries anew, her face lit up with pure joy. I understand now—when our Rollan was born, my Li-lah was unable to hear. She says she did not mind most days, but she wanted to hear our son’s birth. It was one reason she chose to have her hearing restored when the alien ship landed.

I lean in close and press a kiss to my mate’s brow. “You did perfectly, my Li-lah.”

“Shh,” she whispers, caressing the little one’s face as she moves the kit to her breast, offering her nipple. My mate’s gaze meets mine again and she gives a little shake of her head in wonder. “It’s a girl, like you said.”

“I know.” I smile at her. “I always know.”

“Just like you knew to be here for her birth,” Li-lah says, voice full of wonder.

“It is because we are one, you and I. My khui will always know when you need me,” I tell my mate, and hold her close as she nurses our daughter.